Why do cats start peeing everywhere

We’ve all heard horror stories of Fido the dog peeing on the carpet, but for some reason, there isn’t as much public discussion of Fluffy the cat urinating outside the litter box.

Despite this, a cat peeing outside its designated spot could be a sign that something is wrong. Inverse breaks down the reasons why your cat might be displaying this behavior and how to help your feline pee in peace.

“Suddenly peeing outside of the litter box can be a signal that something is wrong,” Chyrle Bonk, a veterinarian at PetKeen, tells Inverse.

Why is my cat peeing outside the litter box?

If your pet is peeing outside the litter box, consider it a warning sign and consult a veterinarian. Getty

“There are so many different reasons for why a cat may eliminate outside of the litter box,” Katherine Pankratz, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, tells Inverse.

One reason could be obvious: A medical ailment is preventing your cat from peeing properly in the litter box or causing them to urinate uncontrollably. Common medical issues affecting urination in cats include:

  • Bladder stones or inflammation
  • Diabetes
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Thyroid disease
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer

If your cat has an undiagnosed medical condition, you may notice them “straining to pee or trying to pee frequently with very little output,” says Bonk. Their pee may also appear cloudy or bloody or smell strange. Either way, you should consult a veterinarian immediately.

“Once a cat is reliably going in the litter, then any change in that behavior indicates an issue,” Molly DeVoss, a certified feline training specialist who runs the nonprofit Cat Behavior Solutions, tells Inverse.

“To rule out a health condition, the first thing to do is visit your veterinarian for a physical exam and urine test,” Lindsay Butzer, a veterinarian affiliated with pet company Zesty Paws, tells Inverse.

If your veterinarian is able to rule out physical ailments, then the cause of your cat’s unusual urination may be rooted in behavioral issues. An untidy litter box (skip ahead to the end of this article for more information), moving to a new house, or introducing other pets into the home can all be triggers for this behavior.

“Cats are most comfortable when there is routine in the home. When things are not as they should be, cats may express their concern by urinating outside the litter box,” DeVoss says.

Bonk says that stressors can “make a cat ‘act out’ and pee elsewhere to try to get the owner’s attention.”

Is my cat trying to mark its territory by peeing?

Co-habiting cats could lead to problems with urinating outside the litter box. Make sure to have enough resources for all the cats. Getty

There’s another reason why your cat might be peeing outside the litter box: territorial insecurity. When cohabitating with other cats, or even seeing other felines out the window, your pet might display territorial behavior such as peeing.

“It’s important to deter community cats from crossing your yard where your cat can see them,” DeVoss says.

If you have more than one cat at home, make sure you have more than one more litter box. For a multi-cat household, DeVoss also suggests keeping uncovered litter boxes spread throughout the home, with no opportunities for other pets to obstruct them.

“In your home, if there is one cat subtly bulling the other, he won’t want to go into a box where he is trapped and vulnerable for an ambush,” DeVoss says.

Why is my cat peeing on the bed?

One common place where cats will pee is on the bed. According to DeVoss, peeing on the bed could be a sign of separation anxiety.

“Cats will urinate on objects that smell like you (bed, clothes, shoes) in an attempt to bond with you,” DeVoss adds. Other issues that could lead to urinating on the bed include an unclean litter box or another bullying cat in the home, leading your frightened pet to pee in the safest and easiest place: your bed.

How can I get my cat to stop peeing everywhere?

Since there’s no single reason why cats might be exhibiting this behavior, you should consult with your veterinarian once you notice it to troubleshoot potential solutions.

Pankratz also recommends picking up the book Decoding Your Cat by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists for additional tips.

“The first step should be to consult with your primary veterinarian to ensure or rule out any potential underlying health reasons for this behavior and to diagnose the underlying cause for why your cat is eliminating outside her litter box,” Pankratz says.

Why is my cat avoiding the litter box?

If your cat is avoiding the litter box, you may also want to try swapping out the litter for another.

Unlike other species, cats don’t typically need potty training.

“Kittens naturally begin to use the litter box once they are weaned; there shouldn’t be much training to it,” DeVoss says.

It’s important that you find a litter box that meets your cat’s highly specific preferences, including box size, litter type, placement, and accessibility. Some cats may want more room to turn around, so consider investing in a bigger litter box with some privacy.

Pankratz suggests placing multiple litter boxes in separate rooms and on each floor of the house, but don’t put them in places where your cat never visits or in busy areas. If you have an older cat, make sure they can get over the sides of the litter box. Make sure that a door isn’t obstructing the entrance to the litter box.

“In general, cats prefer larger, uncovered litter boxes placed in quiet places away from their food and water,” Butzer says.

If your cat is avoiding the litter box, you may also want to try swapping out the litter for another.

According to Bonk, if your cat is peeing in potted plants, they may be signaling you should buy litter with a dirt-like consistency.

“Some cats are very picky about the texture, size, weight, or smell of their litter,” Bonk says.

Bonk adds you can also try sprinkling catnip or various cat attractant products to make the litter box more appealing. Meanwhile, Pankratz suggests that most cats prefer unscented granular litter, but there’s less consensus on whether felines like open or covered litter boxes. In the end, try various options to see what suits your pet best.

“Many cats find litter liners a deterrent to the box as it feels unusual to their paws and may snag their claws so avoid litter liners,” Pankratz

It’s also possible your feline is avoiding the litter box because of your poor housekeeping. Pankratz says you should be refreshing the litter monthly and scooping the box clean daily.

Bonk suggests pet owners try cleaning the litter box more frequently or disinfecting the entire box rather than just scooping out the droppings. DeVoss adds that it may be helpful to keep a very small amount of waste in the box so your cat can smell the litter box and know where to do its business.

“Cats like to keep their spaces tidy, and if their box isn't cleared of waste often enough, they may opt to go elsewhere,” Butzer says.

Does your new feline friend ignore her litter box in favor of peeing on the floor? Or has your fur baby of several years suddenly begun peeing all over the house? Inappropriate urination, also referred to as elimination issues, can be frustrating for pet parents. Don’t worry — you’re not alone. At least 10% of all cats experience elimination issues at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, inappropriate litter box use is one of the most common reasons cats are brought to animal shelters each year. Have you been frantically searching terms like, “Why is my cat peeing everywhere?” You’ve come to the right place. We’ll share some of the most common reasons for inappropriate urination, and we’ll tell you how to put a stop to your kitty’s toilet troubles once and for all.

Why do cats start peeing everywhere

Cats are typically fastidious creatures who can’t stand being dirty, so a trip to the vet is in order if your fur baby is suddenly peeing outside their litter box. While your cat may be turning their nose up at their litter box for numerous reasons, underlying health conditions are the most concerning. Your kitty could be suffering from one of the following health issues:

  • A urinary tract infection
  • Bladder stones
  • Thyroid problems
  • Kidney infection or disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Urinary obstruction (more common in male cats)

The litter box isn’t clean

But health problems aren’t the only reasons a cat may urinate outside the litter box. The problem could be as simple as a dirty litter box. You should scoop your cat’s litter box daily and empty it completely twice a week if you use non-clumping clay litter, and once every 2-3 weeks if you use a clumping formula. Keeping your cat’s litter box clean is not only beneficial for her health, but it will also prevent your cat from seeking other places to urinate and defecate. Because cats are discriminating creatures, it’s also possible that your fur baby dislikes where you’ve placed her litter box. Don’t store litter boxes near your cat’s feeding area, or she may pee on your favorite chair instead of her box.

If your cat’s elimination issues began after you switched to a new brand of litter, you’ll probably want to go back to your old brand. Cats have extremely sensitive noses, so your fur baby may hate the smell of their new litter. It’s also possible your cat hates the new litter’s texture. Either way, the best litter for your finicky feline is the litter they’re willing to use.  

Your cat is stressed

Stress is also a common cause of elimination issues. If your fur baby is still adjusting to their new home, they may be urinating outside their litter box because they’re feeling anxious. Cats are sensitive, and any sudden changes in routine can cause anxiety. Temporary changes, such as having houseguests or remodeling the home, may cause them to pee to mark their territory and express their anxiety.

Some cats may even experience bladder control issues as a stress response, making it impossible for your fur baby to reach the litter box in time. If this is the case with your kitty, you may want to consider getting an additional litter box for your home and storing it where your cat frequently eliminates. Speak to your vet about finding ways to help your cat’s anxiety issues; they may recommend seeing a cat behaviorist or prescribe medication to help. 

Why do cats start peeing everywhere

Do cats pee out of spite?

As frustrating as your cat’s inappropriate urination can be, try to remember that your fur baby isn’t a tiny, furry human. While we’re capable of experiencing complex emotions like spite, your kitty isn’t trying to irritate you when they pee outside the litter box. You should take your cat to the vet for a checkup if they begin to urinate or defecate outside the litter box. Your feline friend may be irritated by changes in their surroundings, but cats don’t pee out of spite. 

Why do cats start peeing everywhere

Fortunately, getting your cat to stop peeing everywhere isn’t impossible. Keep your cat’s litter box clean, store it in an area your cat can easily access, and take your fur baby to the vet at the first sign of inappropriate urination. If your vet gives your cat a clean bill of health, there are a few things you can try to make them stop peeing all over the house. 

  • Make sure you spend plenty of time bonding with your cat. Happy cats are less stressed and therefore less likely to experience elimination issues. 
  • Use treats. Cats refuse to urinate and defecate near their food and water dishes, so try placing treats in areas where your cat likes to pee. If their favorite makeshift bathroom has treats waiting, they’ll be less inclined to pee there. 
  • Clean the spot where your cat has urinated thoroughly. The lingering smell of their urine could be attracting your cat to pee in the same spot repeatedly. Clean up any accidents with an enzymatic cleaner designed to eliminate pet odors. 

Eliminating your cat’s unwanted behavior may sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply making a few changes to your litter box cleaning schedule, reducing household stress, and consulting your vet can go a long way in getting your cat to stop peeing everywhere. Clean up accidents as quickly as you can and try to stay patient. Your feline friend doesn’t mean to be naughty. Your cat is most likely anxious about something and needs your love and support. 

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Why do cats start peeing everywhere

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Why do cats start peeing everywhere

Why do cats start peeing everywhere

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Why do cats start peeing everywhere