50 workers can build 50 walls in 25 days how many days will it take for 25 workers to build 25 walls

24 workers can build a wall in 15 days. How many days will 9 workers take to build a similar wall?

Number of days taken by 24 workers to build a wall = 15 days

Number of days taken by 1 worker to build the wall = 15 × 24 = 360 days (less worker means more days)

Number of days taken by 9 workers to build the wall = `360/9` = 40 days

Concept: Concept of Proportion

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Page 2

40 men can finish a piece of work in 26 days. How many men will be needed to finish it in 16 days?

Number of men required to complete the work in 26 days = 40

Number of men required to complete the work in 1 day = 40 × 26 = 1040 men (less men more days)

Number of men required to complete the work in 16 days = `1040/16` = 65

Concept: Concept of Proportion

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AFCAT 1 2023 Application Link Active. The Indian Air Force (IAF) began the AFCAT 1 2023 Registration on 1st December 2022 and the registration process will continue till 30th December 2022. For NCC Special Entry in the flying branch, NCC Air Wing C Certificate is mandatory. The AFCAT Entry exam will be conducted to recruit candidates in various branches such as Flying, Technical, Weapon Systems, Administration, Logistics, Accounts, Education & Meteorology. Check out AFCAT 1 2023 Eligibility here. The AFCAT Exam will be from 24th to 26th February 2023.