What to do for a dog with dry skin

Just as their human owners often do, dogs struggle with dry skin. Dogs can develop dry skin due to a number of causes. Some of these causes are more serious than others but regardless of why dogs' skin is dry, it's never a comfortable feeling. Knowing why your dog has dry skin and how it is treated can help you get your dog the relief it wants and needs while also ensuring any serious causes are properly addressed.

Dog skin is made up of layers and the outermost layer that we see is called the epidermis. This layer is responsible for holding in moisture, creating new skin cells, providing pigmentation to the skin, and other important functions. When the epidermis is inflamed or is not adequately holding in moisture, the skin becomes dry, cracked, and flaky.

  • Itching or scratching
  • Skin redness or irritation
  • Dandruff or flaky skin
  • Scaling
  • Hair loss
  • Skin odor
  • Pimples
  • Scabs
  • Increased oiliness

Just like when a person has dry skin, itching or scratching, and dandruff or flaky skin are commonly seen symptoms in dogs with dry skin. Scratching and licking dry skin may also lead to redness and hair loss from damage to the follicles. If the skin is irritated enough, scabs can form, an odor may develop, pimples may pop up, and the skin may become extra oily.

There are a variety of causes of dry skin on dogs. Many causes are related to environmental factors, poor parasite control, or ineffective grooming habits, but some are infectious, immune, or endocrine diseases that require veterinary attention.

  • Allergies and sensitivities
  • Drying shampoos
  • Hot baths
  • Low environmental humidity
  • External parasites
  • Poor diet
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Pemphigus
  • Cushing's disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Skin infections

If your dog has dry skin, figuring out the reason for it may involve ruling out several potential causes. Some of the easiest causes to rule out include flea infestations, low-humidity environments, excessive bathing, and shampoos that are not designed for dogs. Make sure your dog's food is a high quality food that is recommended by your veterinarian and your dog is on a veterinarian-recommended flea preventative regularly. If you are still unable to find the cause of your dog's dry skin, a vet visit may be warranted.

A full history of your pet will be obtained and a physical examination will be performed by your vet. Your vet may then perform skin testing to look for bacterial or fungal infections, parasites, and abnormal skin cells. They may also recommend bloodwork to look for immune and endocrine disorders.

Once the cause of the dry skin is determined, you can begin a treatment plan for your dog. If the dry skin is because of an environmental reason, moisturizing shampoos and sprays, an increase in environmental humidity, a higher quality food and flea prevention may be necessary alongside supplements designed to improve skin moisture and health. Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, ceramides, and regular brushing may be recommended if no specific medication is needed. If your veterinarian finds an underlying disease or infection causing dry skin, medications, dietary changes, and other treatments may be recommended. 

There are several easy ways to prevent your dog from developing dry skin. Start by feeding a high-quality dog food and using flea preventatives every month. Avoid bathing your dog too often, especially in hot water or with shampoos that are not formulated for dogs as these can be very drying, but don't let dirt and debris build up. Ensure your home's humidity level stays between 40-60% and use moisturizing or conditioning sprays on your dog’s coat in between baths to keep the skin hydrated. Discuss supplements like omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil with your veterinarian, since some dogs may be sensitive and develop diarrhea at high doses. 

Additionally, regular blood screenings at your dog's annual check-ups can help catch diseases that may cause dry skin before your dog even starts exhibiting the signs of dry skin.

Has the dry winter air been damaging your dog’s skin? Can dogs get dry skin or how to help my dogs dry skin from dandruff and shedding to itchy skin and hot spots, our harsh Canadian winters can do a number on your dog’s skin and coat.

Winter weather can bring drier air, and the effects of these cold spells can cause multiple skins and coat issues in your pets. Protect your dog’s dry skin this winter with some simple skin and coat tips. 

You may be asking yourself what I do for my dog's dry skin in the winter? How do I treat my dog's itchy, flaky dry skin in the winter? We have many tips to help you treat your fur babies.

Let’s look at some of the easiest ways to rejuvenate your dog’s skin and ditch the winter itch.

Do Dogs Get Dry Skin in the Winter?

Dog skin is very similar to human skin. Because of this, it can be difficult to keep moisturized in winter. This is largely due to the fact that winter brings a more arid, cold, and dry wind – which can lead to chapping on the skin underneath your furry friend’s coat.

This can be made worse if they already struggle with diet limitations or allergens, or if they spend an excessive amount of time outside.

Dry skin in the winter can affect dogs of a variety of breeds and sizes. While dry skin isn’t inherently life-threatening, it can make your pup very uncomfortable - and lead to itching, inflammation, and even infection.

Symptoms of Dry Skin in Dogs

Dry skin is not the same for all dogs, but we’re sure if they could speak they would all agree – it can come with some uncomfortable symptoms! There are many things that dog dry skin can cause:

    • Itching
    • Dandruff
    • Flaking
    • Pimples
    • Scaling
    • Hair loss
    • Inflammation
    • Odour
    • Increased Oiliness
    • Scabs
    • Cracking

Other Causes of Dry Skin in Dogs

While the drastic change in the weather and frigid temperatures are usually the culprits of your dog’s dry skin when we reach the winter months, there are other causes that can be making your dog’s skin dry, itchy, or flaky.

If you’re noticing your dog is suffering from pretty severe symptoms, there might be an underlying cause.

There are many conditions or issues other than the weather that can mean your dog has dry, itchy skin in the winter. These include dog food allergies, parasites, and serious medical disorders such as Cushing's disease or hypothyroidism.


Flea saliva can cause allergic reactions in some dogs. Dogs can get allergies just like humans. Dog allergies can include seasonal allergies and food allergies as well as environmental allergies. These allergies can often lead to dry skin and other symptoms. Things like flea salvia, pollen, dust, and animal dander can cause these allergies. These allergies can lead to a skin condition called Atopic Dermatitis. This can cause dry skin, itching, and redness, as well as secondary skin infections.

Flea bite allergies are one of the most common skin conditions in American dogs. Keep your dog and house free from fleas, and talk to your veterinarian to discuss possible treatment options.


Parasites can also cause dry skin in dogs. Dry, flaky skin could be an indication of parasites, which can cause mange. This includes the Demodex mite and canine lice. A trip to the vet is necessary to diagnose parasites that cause dry skin in dogs. If your family veterinarian feels that your pet needs veterinary dermatology, he may refer you.

Learn more about the dangers of bug bites and how to treat them in Recognizing and Treating Bug Bites on Dogs. 


Dogs can also develop skin problems from fungal and bacterial infections. Canine skin infections are usually diagnosed by veterinarians who take skin samples for cytology. Dry skin is a sign that the infection may be secondary to a bigger problem. Some infections like the fungal infection Ringworm, are also transmissible to people.

Systemic Disorders

Sometimes dry skin can be a sign that there is a more serious problem. Two main metabolic conditions that can cause dry skin in dogs are Cushing’s disease and hypothyroidism. Dry skin can be accompanied by hair loss, dry and brittle skin, and other symptoms.

Dry skin in dogs can also be caused by Autoimmune diseases or cancer. These are serious conditions. Dry skin is not something to be taken lightly.

Breed-specific Skin Conditions

Some breeds are more susceptible to skin conditions than others, particularly when it comes to dry skin. The Xoloitzcuintli, Chinese Crested, and other hairless breeds are more vulnerable to skin conditions. Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes can also be affected by zinc-responsive dermatosis. A veterinarian can diagnose your dog’s dry skin.

6 Solutions for Your Dog’s Dry Skin in Winter

While cold, dry air may not be the only contributor to your pet’s skin issues, it is still a factor. Talk to your vet to rule out parasites, allergies, and other health conditions that could be the underlying cause of their skin and coat woes. What to use on dogs dry skin or Best thing for dogs dry skin Here are the 6 simplest solutions for conditioning your dog’s skin and protecting against the effects of seasonal changes:

1. Humidity

Dry, winter air can be one of the causes of your dog’s dry skin. You can’t control the weather outside, but you can affect the environment in your home. Try using a small humidifier in your house to increase the moisture level of your home.

Another factor that can affect the humidity in your house is how high you're blasting the heat. It may feel colder than Mars outside, but remember that your dog wears a fur coat 24/7. Turn the heat down a few degrees and throw on some slippers and a sweater instead.

These few degrees can make a big difference in the moisture level in the air.

2. Hydration

Adding moisture to your dog's environment will help, but keeping your pet hydrated will be the most critical factor in their skin and coat health. Hydration is especially important if you are feeding a strictly dry diet, like kibble. While these diets are complete and balanced, they do not supply enough moisture.

Combat the dehydrating effects of dry food by encouraging more moisture intake. Most dogs do not drink enough naturally, so get creative. Moisture can be added to their food, their treats, and even their toys. Add fresh and wet foods to their meals or offer your dog some delicious bone broth as a treat.

You can even make your own bone broth and customize it to your dog's health needs and taste preferences. Check out our homemade recipe.

3. Healthy Fats and Oils

Adding healthy fats and oils into your pet’s diet can help to soothe dry skin and reduce inflammation that can cause their itchiness.

They help to support the cell cycles in your dog’s skin, keeping the cells alive for longer and allowing them to shed less frequently. This will not only reduce itchiness but also limit general shedding and dandruff.

Animal sources, like wild-caught salmon oil, are the most effective, as they contain a wider variety of omega fatty acids, and a better balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids. Plant-based fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil and coconut oil, are a great option too.

Supplementing with healthy fats and oils is a yummy addition to any meal. They are easy to incorporate and welcomed by any dog. Start by adding a tiny amount to introduce the flavour, and slowly work your way up to a full dose.

4. Evaluate the Diet

The best treatment for dry skin in dogs might be getting to the root of the cause. And sometimes skin issues can be caused or exacerbated by changes or allergens in your dog’s diet.

Before trying this measure, always be sure to consult with a vet to create an elimination-style diet with your dog, and check for any adding in components depending on how the skin manages.

Check out What Should I Feed My Dog for tips on navigating the confusing world of dog food. 

5. Grooming

Regular grooming should always be a part of your pet’s care routine, but it’s especially important during seasonal changes. Daily brushing can help to reduce skin and coat shedding, as well as to remove dander and bacteria that collect on the surface of the skin.

Stick to a simple slicker brush or a comb to avoid over-grooming your pet. Deshedding brushes should be used no more than 1-2 times per week, as they can remove healthy fur and irritate the skin when used too frequently.

Occasional baths can help too, but bathing should be infrequent. Aim for once every 4-6 weeks. If you need to bathe your dog more frequently, then you should consider using just warm water with a small amount of baking soda. This can help deodorize without stripping any of the healthy oils from their skin.

Hop over to our Ultimate Dog Grooming Guide to find out how to safely groom your pooch at home. 

6. Topical Moisturizers

Sometimes soothing your dog is best done by topical treatment for your dog's dry skin. Topical moisturizers like Vet's Best Conditioning Spray, can reduce the itch and prevent your dog from licking or scratching the affected areas raw, causing hot spots.

If you’re looking for instant relief and want to try a DIY dry skin treatment for dogs, there are natural remedies you might have at home. Coconut oil, pure Aloe Vera, and even apple cider vinegar dilutions can help to eliminate the itch caused by dry skin. All are safe to consume in small amounts, so they are safe to apply to areas that your dog can lick.

Don’t overdo it with topical treatments. They can help soothe and condition, but they are rarely a total solution. They are best used to reduce irritation quickly, but alone, they will not get rid of the underlying cause.

Bonus Tip: Winter Protection

What to do for a dog with dry skin

The tips above will help to reduce symptoms of dry skin in your pet, but acting preventatively can ensure that your pet is prepared for any seasonal changes. Make sure you have all the tools to keep your pet protected from cold weather.

Winter gear isn’t just about fashion. Finding the right coats, boots, or paw waxes can protect your pet from frigid outdoor temperatures, as well as ice melters, salts, rain and ice.

Consider seasonal changes and adjust your routines and activities to prevent the effects of cold weather on your pet. Winter means shorter days, so walks may be better scheduled during the warmest, sunniest parts of the day, as opposed to early mornings when the temps are more savage.

Make an Informed Decision for Your Dog’s Dry Skin

When determining what to do for your dog dry skin in winter, the best course of action is always to consult with your vet first. They can properly evaluate and assess the cause of your dog’s irritation, and seek an appropriate resolution.

They will be your best help in deciding the best treatment for your dog's dry skin. The best treatment for your dog's dry skin is staying ahead and trying your best to prepare your dog for the harsh conditions outside. There are many remedies for dogs' dry skin in the winter.

Treating Your Dog’s Dry Skin

You may have noticed that many of the tips we mentioned work the same for you as they do for your dog (except for the bathing one - that should be much more than occasional!!). If you notice signs of dry skin in yourself, then chances are your pet is suffering the same.

Although the signs may not be visible, all our tips can be used preventatively. You may not see your dog’s dry skin, but that doesn’t mean that winter isn’t taking its toll. Anticipate your dog’s dry skin this winter by building a consistent and healthy skincare routine all year round.

How do you care for your dog's dry skin in winter? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below.