What is considered junk food

  • Sarika Rana
  • Updated: November 27, 2017 15:20 IST

  • Calorie dense junk food does look mouthwatering

  • Ideally, junk foods are defined as processed foods

  • We often confuse fast foods with junk foods

Picture this: a plate of hot French fries and a huge burger with hot cheese oozing out of it, and a large serving of any aerated drink; looks like a treat! This calorie dense junk food does look mouthwatering, but is known to be nutritionally poor. Junk food or fast food has become an increasingly popular food choice to grab when on the go. Ideally, junk foods are defined as processed foods with negligible nutrient value and are often high in salt, sugar and fat. But we often confuse fast foods with junk foods. How are they different? Or what is junk food really ? We have got the answers for you!What is junk food?Junk foods are processed foods consisting of high calories, but that is considered only as a broad umbrella. These foods are prepared in a way that they look appealing and are enjoyable so you are chemically programmed to ask for more. According to Dr. Sunali Sharma, Dietician & Nutritionist, Amandeep Hospital, "Commercial products including but not limited to salted snack foods, gum, candy, sugary desserts, fried fast food, and sweetened carbonated beverages that have little or no nutritional value but are high in calories, salt, and fats may be considered junk foods. Though not all fast foods are junk foods, but a great number of them are. For instance, a salad may be fast food, but is definitely not junk food. Some foods like burgers, pizzas, and tacos may alternate between junk and healthy categories depending on the ingredients, calories and process of manufacturing."
 Junk foods are processed foods consisting of high calories​Why are junk foods bad for you?Frequent consumption of junk food increases the intake of excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar which may lead to a higher risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases among other chronic health problems. The resulting obesity may begin clogging up the arteries and lay the basis of an impending heart attack. It has also been suggested that eating junk food affects the brain in the same way as consuming addictive drugs. An addiction to junk food may even result in rejection of healthier food options like fruits, vegetables, salads etc. leading to further lack of nourishment.How should you really avoid junk food?According to Dr. Sharma, the red flags that you should look out for and avoid bringing home include trans-fats, refined grains, salt and high fructose corn syrup. Avoid foods that say corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, partially hydrogenated, fractionated, or hydrogenated on their label.
 Avoid foods that say corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, etc.So next time you want to know if what's on your plate is junk or not, ask yourself these 3 crucial questions: 1. How many calories am I consuming in this one serving? 2. What are the healthy nutrients I am taking in with this meal? 

3. What's the quality of ingredients used; how fresh is this food item? 

Do note that quitting junk food is a gradual process. If you are someone who is accustomed to daily doses of junk, then quitting may not be way. The first few days could be tough as you may experience some of these symptoms: irritability, headaches, dip in energy levels and so on. An occasional treat never hurts, what you have to look out against is consistent consumption of junk foods, especially at the cost of healthy nutrition. 

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What is considered junk food

Treat foods are those that contain little or no nutritional value, but harmful amounts of salt, fat and sugar.

Some foods, such as cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks, sweets and crisps are high in fat, sugar and salt. They foods are usually low in vitamins, minerals and fibre. While these foods are enjoyable to eat, it is best to only have them occasionally and in small amounts.

If you are having some of these foods, stick to smaller, snack-sized versions. Check the label of similar foods and choose the option that is lower in fat, sugar and salt.

The following examples are about 100 calories:

  • about 4 squares of chocolate (half a bar)
  • 1 small or fun-sized chocolate coated bar
  • 1 bag of lower-fat crisps
  • 1 small cup cake (without icing)
  • 1 plain mini muffin
  • 2 plain biscuits or 1 chocolate biscuit
  • half a can or 200ml of sugary drink
  • 1 scoop of vanilla ice-cream
  •  half or 1 cereal bar - check the label for calories
  • 5-6 chips

If you are hungry between meals, try having some healthier snacks such as fresh fruit or a yoghurt instead. This will give you energy and keep you feeling full.

Healthy swaps


Low-fat crisps, rice cakes or popcorn


Fun-sized chocolate bars


Low-fat or plain biscuits

Hot chocolate

Choose low-calorie hot chocolate or cocoa


Oven chips


Low-fat frozen yogurt/ ice-cream/ ice-pops


Low-fat natural yogurt

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Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by kim. kim Wonders, “why is junk food bad?” Thanks for WONDERing with us, kim!

After a long day of school, you ride the bus home and anxiously anticipate having a snack as soon as you burst through the front door. But what kind of snack will you choose? Will it be a healthy apple or celery with peanut butter? Or will you head for the potato chips and soda?

The answer probably depends upon what's available in the kitchen cupboards and the refrigerator…and whether or not your parents are home. After all, if Mom or Dad is around, you probably won't get away with chugging soda and noshing on chips. In fact, they probably have a special name for those foods. What are we talking about? Junk food, of course!

Every kid at one time or another has had some of his or her favorite foods referred to as junk food. But what exactly does that mean? It's obviously not made from garbage, so why do we call it junk food?

The term "junk food" has been around since the early 1970s, when the Center for Science in the Public Interest began using it to raise awareness of foods it considered to be unhealthy. Although not everyone agrees on exactly which foods should be considered junk foods, the term is generally used to describe foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients. Junk foods tend to contain large amounts of fat, sugar, and salt. Junk foods also tend to be processed, which means they usually contain artificial flavorings and additives, and are packaged in boxes, cans or bags.

Some common examples of junk foods include sodas and snack foods, such as potato chips, crackers and candy. Popular fast-food items, like hamburgers and French fries, are also often lumped into the category of junk foods because they often contain lots of calories but not many nutrients.

Other foods are considered junk food by some but not by others, depending upon how they're made. For example, some people consider pizza a junk food because it can be high in fat and calories. Others, however, believe pizza can be a good source of grains, dairy, vegetables, and meat, which contain many nutrients the body needs.

As most kids learn in school, it's important to eat well-balanced meals full of the nutrients the body needs. Such meals would include lean meats, whole grains, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. So why are junk foods so popular?

If you like potato chips, candy, and soda, the reason is usually obvious: they're delicious. Foods with high amounts of fat, sugar, and salt simply taste good. Plus, they're usually cheap and readily available. Manufacturers make junk foods because they're inexpensive to make, have long shelf lives, and tend to be popular sellers.

If you're a fan of junk food, there's no need to despair. These foods are usually fine to eat if you eat them in moderation. If you're eating a well-balanced diet overall and maintaining a healthy weight, you shouldn't have any problem eating junk food occasionally. Just remember: your body needs fuel in the form of nutrients to perform at its best. When you replace nutrient-rich foods with high-calorie/low-nutrient snacks, your body doesn't get the fuel it needs.