What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Ever heard of eating your way into weight loss? Yes, you read that right. There are foods that supposedly take up more calories to get digested than the calories that they give to the body. These foods when made a part of your diet can help accelerate your weight loss process. Along with that, these foods are also rich in nutrients as an added benefit.

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Ergo…we made a list of 10 such negative calorie foods that can help you lose weight real quick!

1. Apples

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

If you’re a fruit person trying to lose weight, including apples in your diet helps you greatly. They aren’t just very low in calories but actually use up more calories to get digested than they give your body, thereby burning calories for you. Also, they are rich in dietary fibre and some other useful minerals and vitamins that the body needs, so they’re really good for you.

2. Tomatoes

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Snacking on tomatoes instead of high calorific foods helps greatly with weight loss. This is because the outermost coat of tomatoes (which is also called the lecithium) takes up a lot of calories to get digested – thereby burning more calories than the ones that it gives you.

3. Watermelons

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

High in water content, watermelons are great fruits to snack on when you’re trying to lose weight. They’re not just going to need more calories to get digested but also help keep you full before your next meal, thereby fighting those in-between-the-meals hunger pangs.

4. Cucumbers

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Cucumbers aren’t just used for all the beauty benefits that they give us when used externally but can also help keep our weight optimum when we eat them on a regular basis. They are rich in water and can help fight hunger pangs as well as giving us some good amount of nutrients. And all this is only when you don’t cook them!

5. Broccoli

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Broccoli, the vegetable that many actresses and models swear by to keep their weight in check helps greatly with weight loss. You can eat them raw or make a soup out of them. Here’s a great secret we’re letting you in on : it is the Broccoli soup that helps Sridevi stay in shape!

6. Coffee

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Coffee can boost metabolism by a great deal and thereby help you stay in shape. But that is only when the coffee is black and does not have any milk or sugar in it. Black coffee acts as a nervous stimulant and hence can keep you active thereby boosting your metabolism. Although it takes time and effort in getting used to drinking black coffee, the efforts will pay off.

7. Cabbage

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

There is a reason why most people include cabbages in their diet salads and that’s that cabbage is one of those foods for which the body takes up a lot of calories to burn that the calories that it gives to the body. It also happens to be a rich source of some essential vitamins and minerals. All this only when the cabbage is not cooked.

8. Lettuce

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Lettuce, which happens to be a cousin of cabbage is also a great vegetable to help us with weight loss. All you have to do is make it a part of diet salad and it can be greatly filling along with being rich in vitamins and minerals.

9. Radish

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Radish is yet another vegetable that is largely included in a lot of weight loss diets. And that is for the precise reason that it is one of those magical foods that you can lose weight with. Make a stew out of Radish or eat raw Radishes. It turns out that Radishes are rich in Calcium and hence they’re great for the bones too – which makes them a great after work-out food.

10. Lemons/Lemon Juice

What are the 10 negative-calorie foods

Lemon juice is yet another one of those drinks which can help burn fat when you drink it instead of giving you calories. It also helps reduce acid-burns (which comes along with improperly planned diets). So next time you want to get yourself a drink, ditch those high calorific soft drinks and make yourself a lemon juice instead.