How to fix cracked phone

WE'VE all felt the sinking feeling of watching our phone plunge to the pavement - and then watched our bank balance plummet after taking it in to be repaired.

But you don't necessarily have to go to a shop to fix your smartphone.

Most of us will have encountered the mistery of a broken smartphone screenCredit: Getty

Simon Rockman, mobile expert and founder of Fuss Free Phones, told The Sun Online that you can easily buy everything you need online.

"The difference between going to a shop and buying parts from eBay is huge: you can save yourself from forking out up to £200 for a repair," he said.

"You might need to buy special tools but a few pounds buys a full set of the things you’ll need and some sellers throw in replacement screens too."

If you want to do a bit of DIY, just head to eBay and do a quick search for "repair kit" followed by the name of your phone.

But if that sounds a bit too straightforward for you, here are a few of the DIY remedies for the nightmare of a cracked screen circulating online - which you should only undertake at your own risk and with extreme scepticism.

Are you brave (or foolish) enough to try them out?


Toothpaste gives you nice breath AND hides the scratches on your phoneCredit: Getty

This method can fix a small scratch, or at least hide it.

Put a tiny bit of toothpaste on a cotton bud and rub it on the scratch, making sure it doesn't find its way into headphone sockets, buttons or other vulnerable parts of your device.

It will make your phone minty fresh, although it won't restore it to mint condition.

Vegetable oil

This oil ain't just for cooking and pouring over saladsCredit: AP

Again, this will hide the problem but won't entirely fix it.

Just rub a dab of oil onto the scratch to hide it.

But beware: the oil will rub off and will need to be reapplied.

A plastic bag

Make sure your plastic bags are a bit clearer than these onesCredit: Bored Panda

If your phone screen shatters, you can stop it getting worse by buying a screen protector.

But what if your finances are as broken as your mobile?

Just wrap a thin, transparent plastic bag around the mobile and it should temporarily stop the problem getting any worse.


Proceed very slowly when sanding down your screen

This is a method that is not for the faint hearted.

If a small mark appears in your phone, you can try to sand it down with paper or even use a grinding machine.

But don't sand too enthusiastically because you might not have a screen left.

Baking soda

A folk remedy circulating online suggests a paste made from two parts baking soda to one part water can fix screens.

Just make a thick paste and then use a cloth to rub it in.

This should cover up the problem for a while.

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You were so excited to have a new iPhone that you decided against protecting it with a cover — the freshness was too sexy to conceal with a case. But now your newish phone is looking very not-new. It’s covered in scratches and dings and it never seems like a good time to get it fixed because if you’re being honest, you know you’ll drop it again. Have no fear, master the art of how to fix cracked a phone screen with toothpaste and save yourself a trip to the Apple Store. Yes, people on the internet swear by this. No, Steve Jobs would never.

While the most effective way to fix a cracked iPhone screen is to take it to the Genius Bar at the Apple store, or find an Apple authorized service provider, if your phone is out of the warranty protection, it’s pricey — a new screen on an iPhone 12 will cost you $279. And even if you have Apple Care, you have to pay a $29 service fee and wait for the repair, which means parting with your beloved appendage for a few hours, depending on how many other phones are being worked on at the location, per Apple. So long as the cracks are fairly superficial, this fake-sounding hack is legitimately helpful.

Here’s how to get some more milage out of your moderately distressed iPhone screen, DIY-style.

Wait, Why Would You Put Toothpaste On Your Screen?

Traditional toothpaste is slightly abrasive, that’s why it’s effective at cleaning gunk off your teeth. The theory of fixing your screen with toothpaste, according to internet and iPhone-user folklore, is that it’s just abrasive enough to buff out the edges of the crack, without creating more damage. But toothpaste does not have super powers: If you shattered your screen after dropping it on the sidewalk last night, you’re going to have to go to the Apple Store, not CVS.

Operation: Mint Condition

With a soft cotton rag, round, or swab, dab a little bit of toothpaste on the cracks and buff out in circular motions. According to people on the internet who have tried this, it’s important to stay close to the crack with the toothpaste, as you don’t want to create other scratches or marks. You have to use classic, white toothpaste — any gels or creams won’t have the same buffing effect. If the scratch is superficial enough, you’ll see it slowly fill in and disappear after you wipe away excess toothpaste with a slightly damp cloth, careful to avoid getting water on other parts of the phone, even if it’s a water-resistant model.

If you see no change, the crack is too deep and you’ll have to replace the screen. Consider this hack more of a preliminary experiment to try before heading to the Apple Store. Read: Don’t bank on Colgating your way to a fresh screen. I tried it on a moderate scratch and the only effect it has was that it made my phone smell vaguely minty for a few days.

Source: FotoBob/Shutterstock

Without a protective phone case, you’re asking for trouble. Scratches, cracks and more — your phone can wind up pretty banged up or even completely broken and defunct if you’re not careful. Plus, life just happens. 

But how can you fix it? In this guide, Case-Mate teaches how to fix a cracked phone. Here are a few tips and tricks on repairing a broken phone or chipped case. 

What Causes a Cracked Phone?

What causes a phone screen to crack? A lot of things. You can drop it on a hard surface, such as concrete, asphalt or even a rock on a hike. Forgetting it’s even there, you can also sit on your phone as it's in your back pocket. It can also get marred, scuffed up and poked simply being thrown into a purse or bag, resulting in microscopic scratches that can eventually turn into a larger crack. 

Even if you are careful with your phone, use common sense and avoid the obvious dangers, you can still have an accident. And that’s why it’s imperative to protect your phone. 

Luckily, Case-Mate has all kinds of cases and screen protectors to choose from for both Apple and Android phones.

Screen Protector

How to fix cracked phone

The Case-Mate screen protector features a supremely durable, tempered glass material. This tempered glass screen protector offers shatter-proof protection for your phone. Accidentally dropped your phone? The tempered glass absorbs and disperses the force upon impact, ensuring your phone doesn’t crack or shatter into a million shards. 

 Keep Your Screen Intact with Case-Mate Screen Protectors

Phone Cases

Case-Mate offers iPhone cases for Apple smartphones, Samsung phone cases and more. We even carry phone cases for Google Pixels, too. Plus, you can choose a phone case that is as stylish, fashionable and on-trend as it is protective. 

Lens Protector

Last, but not least, don’t forget a lens protector. Your phone’s camera lenses are just as fragile as your screen’s glass front, so be sure to keep it in impeccable shape. Crafted with HD tempered glass and a metal frame, Case-Mate’s lens protector will ensure your photos are never distorted or out of focus.

How to Fix a Cracked Phone

How to fix cracked phone

Source: Semir Sakic/Shutterstock

If your phone is indeed cracked, fear not! There are several options for repairing it and returning it as good as new (or pretty close and functional). Here is how to fix a cracked phone, both temporarily and professionally.

Use Packing Tape

Have some clear packing tape lying around? In a pinch, you can use it to cover a crack. This comes in especially handy for shattered screens that are leaving around bits of shards. The last thing you want is loose glass shards being dropped around the house or inside your purse — ouch! At least for now, until you find a repair shop to replace the glass screen, you can secure it with a small piece of packing tape. 

Is your phone damaged on the side? Then wrap it around and trim off any areas or ports with an X-Acto knife. 

Have It Fixed by the Manufacturer

If your phone is still under warranty, you can have the manufacturer fix it or, if needed, replace it entirely with a new phone. If the warranty is expired, the manufacturer may still be able to fix it, but it will cost more money. Keep in mind, too, that many phone manufacturers will not cover accidental damages. However, you can also purchase a secondary phone warranty that does.

Have Your Mobile Carrier Fix It

Always check with the phone manufacturer first. If they are unable to assist, see if your mobile provider offers discount repair service. Call their customer support number or drop into a local store, showing your phone in person to see what can be done. 

Find a Repair Shop

If none of these options work, take your cracked phone to a phone repair shop. A screen replacement can run you roughly $50 to $200, depending on the model. Unfortunately, if the touchscreen itself is damaged, you should expect an extra charge to fix that, too. 

Trade It in and Get a New Phone

Sometimes, when all is said and done, you have to know when to call it quits and throw in the towel. Even if you ruined a perfectly good, brand-new phone, a bad enough accident might mean a replacement. So if you have exhausted all your options and now hold an irreparable phone or find repair costs exceeding the cost of a new phone, it might be worth considering a new phone.

If you choose to upgrade your phone, you can get some money by trading in the cracked phone. There are several websites out there that can help you get back a portion of what you originally paid. Alternatively, you can also donate it to a charity, where they will repair it and put it to good use. 

Cracked Phone?

If you have a cracked phone or know the pain of repairing it, you quickly learn your lesson. Phone cases and screen protectors were made for good reason. So find a durable, aesthetically pleasing case today and prevent cracks in the first place. 
Discover Stylish, Protective iPhone Cases