How long after mating does a female dog show signs of pregnancy?

Do you have babies on the brain? We’re referring to the fluffy, cuddly, puppy kind that squeak when hungry and make your cold heart melt in an instant. 

If you think your dog may be with child, or, er, multiple canines, there are signs to look out for much like there are with human pregnancies, including unpleasantries like vomiting and fatigue. The dog gestation period lasts between 61 and 65 days, and since there are no at-home pregnancy tests for curious canine owners like us, your vet will definitely be your best point of contact during this exciting time. 

“Confirming that a dog is pregnant can be done using several diagnostic tests,” says Dr. Jessica Romine, diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and specialist in small animal internal medicine at Blue Pearl Pet Hospital in Southfield, Michigan. “At about 30 days, there are blood tests to measure relaxin hormone levels that can be done by a veterinarian to confirm pregnancy.”

Also around this time, an ultrasound can be performed to look for those tiny heartbeats that will go on to get all the hearts on Instagram. 

“This can tell you that the female is pregnant but is not accurate to determine how many puppies are present,” she says.

The most accurate way to tell just how many doggie toys you’ll need to buy is through an X-ray. 

“Their skeletons are not mineralized enough to see until at least 45 days, and usually it is recommended to wait until 50 to 55 days of pregnancy to give the most accurate count,” Romine says. “Knowing how many puppies to expect is important, so you know if she has finished with labor or if there may be a puppy stuck in the birth canal.”

Here are some clues that your canine could be expecting and life could be getting a whole lot cuter.

1. Vomiting/sickness

In the early days of pregnancy everything may be business as usual, and there may or may not be any physical signs you can detect until your pup is over the halfway mark. It’s good to know, however, that sickness may occur. 

“About three weeks after she has become pregnant, a female dog may start to show some mild stomach upset, a drop in her appetite and sometimes even vomiting,” she says. “This is similar to human morning sickness and occurs because of hormonal swings.” 

Thankfully, this usually resolves on its own within a week, but beware: “If she will not eat at all, or if the signs persist longer than this, she should be seen by your veterinarian to be sure nothing more serious is happening,” Romine says.

2. Fatigue

An expectant mother dog may not be her usual energetic self. 

“Pregnant dogs can become tired in the first few weeks, around the same time that they sometimes show signs of nausea similar to human morning sickness,” Romine says. 

The good news is that after this fatigue passes, “they usually have a mostly normal energy level until the end of pregnancy, when they have gained a significant amount of weight and need to rest more,” she says. 

Looking ahead, another sign that labor may be starting is that she becomes restless rather than tired. Hey, can you blame her for wanting this thing called pregnancy to be over?

3. Teats enlarging

You may notice some subtle changes to your dog’s body as it prepares for the blessed event. 

“About one month after mating, she may develop a small amount of mucus from her vulva, and about this time, you may also observe her teats enlarging and becoming more pink,” Romine says. “Sometimes there is also a small amount of liquid produced, which is normal.” 

4. Weight gain

Whether human or canine, it’s normal to put on pounds during pregnancy. But it’s important not to go overboard with food should you suspect a pregnancy. (More about that in the next section). 

“Weight gain is not seen until about seven weeks, and from there until birth, her weight may increase up to 50 percent above her normal weight,” Romine says. 

But the size of the mama’s growing belly can depend on a few factors. 

“Typically it takes about 40 days to notice that her abdomen is bigger than normal, and it can be less noticeable in first-time mothers and if the litter size is small,” she says.

5. Increased appetite

Carrying cuties requires certain things, like extra calories. But not too many. “Her appetite will usually increase after about the halfway mark, and so will her caloric needs,” says Romine. “No increase in food is needed until the halfway mark, and encouraging weight gain in the first 30 days or so can actually negatively affect the health of the pregnancy, so it is recommended to continue feeding her normal amounts of a normal adult well-balanced diet.”

When a vet has confirmed pregnancy and you’ve reached the halfway mark, discuss with your vet how to gradually transition to a diet of dog food that is approved for “All Life Stages,” because it provides extra nutrition. 

“The recommendation is usually to slowly increase, by about 25% per week, the amount [of that food], over the last four weeks of the pregnancy,” she says, adding that it’s important not to overdo it. “These diets have the appropriate minerals and vitamins, so it is not recommended to provide extra, especially calcium. Giving extra calcium while on an appropriate growth/lactation diet will suppress her own natural calcium releasing hormones, which can actually lead to low calcium when she starts to nurse.”

6. Nesting behaviors

This happens with humans, too — you know, like the sudden need to clean a house from top to bottom days before a new family member arrives. Well, dogs can show nesting behaviors, too, very late in pregnancy. 

“Just prior to entering labor, many dogs will exhibit ‘nesting’ behaviors, which can include withdrawing and looking for a quiet, safe place that is protected and hidden, wanting to ensure blankets are comfortably arranged,” she says. “During this period, you will want to be sure she has access to such a spot, at room temperature so she doesn’t get hot and the puppies don’t get cold, and being sure she can feel relaxed and hidden from too much activity or exposure.”

None of the signs above are a definitive answer to your puppy pregnancy question and you should know that sometimes Mother Nature plays tricks. 

“There is a syndrome called false pregnancy where a female dog is not pregnant, but her hormones fluctuate as if she is pregnant,” Romine says. 

Some dogs can be sensitive to these hormones and signs like nesting (and even labor-like contractions) can present themselves, even though your pup isn’t pregnant. 

“Usually a false pregnancy, or pseudopregnancy, only lasts about three weeks and is not typically harmful,” Romine says. “But it can be difficult to tell from a true pregnancy, so she should be evaluated by a veterinarian to determine if she is carrying puppies or not.”

Ever wonder how long are dogs pregnant for? Every mother knows that pregnancy can be both a hard time and a beautiful time. Today, even us human pet parents can’t help but get a little excited when our female dogs enter pregnancy! So, in this article, we’ll teach you all you need to know about pregnancy in dogs and how long are dogs pregnant for!

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant? Gestation Period in Dogs

Before we get into the real fun stuff, it is important to clarify some terminology you may come across.

Whelping is a term used to describe the act of giving birth. Your veterinarian may also use the word parturition, which means the same thing! Gestation refers to the time period of when and how long a female dog carries her pups!

Now, that you know the two basic terms, you’re probably dying to know, how long are dogs pregnant for? 1 month, 5 months, or 9 months?

Well, A healthy mother dog will have a gestation period of anywhere from 55 to 68 days. However, some canine pregnancy can last up to 70 days! Wow, now imagine if we humans could carry babies for such a short time!

Dog Gestation Period and Dog Pregnancy Calendar: How Long are Dogs in Heat?

Ever wonder what’s happening in your dog’s body during gestation? On day 1, after breeding with a male. It can take anywhere from 48 to 73 hours for your female dog’s eggs to completely be fertilized.

During the first week (roughly 7 to 10 days) after mating, you’ll notice that your dog’s vulva remains swollen and her mammary glands (aka nipples) will enlarge.

At around 3 to 4 weeks (21 days) after mating, you’ll notice that your bitch will go off food for some time. This is totally normal! It simply means that she is now experiencing morning sickness. This is because it is at 3 to 4 weeks when the embryo now plants itself in the uterus.

After 4 to 5 weeks (30 to 35 days), you’re going to see more signs of pregnancy. During the 5 week mark, female dogs will often have vaginal discharge. It is highly recommended that during the 35 days post mating, dog owners take their pooch to the vet for a blood test to determine if your pooch will be a mummy!

Around 45 to 60 days post-breeding, your veterinarian may choose to perform an ultrasound or take an x-ray. This is because, during this time, the bones of any fetuses will become visible due to calcium formation.

Finally, at around 58 days and onwards you will be able to feel the puppies in your dog’s uterus. It is also during this time when your bitch will begin producing milk. Closer towards her due date you may notice changes in her behavior and a drop in her temperature. Once her this occurs it indicates that she will give birth to her puppies with 12 to 24 hours.

How Long are Cats Pregnant: Cat Gestation Period

From the start of spring, a female cat (also known as a Queen) can go into estrus every 2 to 3 weeks until fall. This means that a Queen is able to have a minimum of 5 litters each year! 

Exactly How Long are Cats in Heat

Now cats only reach sexual maturity between 5 to 9 months of age. Once pregnant, the gestation period of a cat can range anywhere from 63 to 65 days.  Generally, if a cat has not queened past 65 days, then it is important to take her to your veterinarian.

Is My Dog Pregnant? How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant

If you think answering the question—How long are dogs pregnant for?  is hard work. Then you probably have yet to ask, How do I tell if my dog is really pregnant? Well, the fact of the matter is that a female dog will not show many noticeable signs of pregnancy during the first month.

However, during the second month of postmating, you’ll probably notice changes to your dog. For example, she will begin to consume more and more food. And so you’re very likely going to see 20 to 50% weight gain. In addition, she’s very likely going to start urinating a lot more often and occasionally she may have clear vaginal discharge. 

During the end of the second month of pregnancy and towards the final third month. The female dog’s abdomen will greatly increase in size. Upon abdominal palpation, veterinarians will be able to get a rough idea as to how many puppies she’s carrying.

Finally, towards the final month of her pregnancy, the female dog will appear to have a slimmer waist. This is because her puppies are now in the process of moving into her birth canal.

She will also experience several behavioral changes such as pacing, panting, shivering, and general restlessness. But, these behavioral changes most often occur just before labor.

Help My Dog is Going into Labor! When Do I Call My Vet?

The birthing process can be quite a challenging time for both pet parents and female dog. So, it is always a good idea to have your veterinarian on speed dial in case of emergency. Here we have listed a few situations on when you’ll need to call your vet.

  • On her final days, just before she begins to go into labor. Should you notice that your dog is weak, straining for a long period of time then call your vet.
  • During whelping, you’ll notice that fetal fluid comes out with each puppy. If you only notice fetal fluid and no signs of a puppy coming out then its time to call the vet. As a rule of thumb, a puppy should come out within 1 to 2 hours, if not less when fetal fluid is present.
  • The average temperature of a dog is 38.5 degrees Celsius. It is normal for the temperature to fluctuate during labor. However, if her rectal temperature drops to 39.5 degrees Celsius then call your vet.

3 Facts About Dog Pregnancy and The Dog Heat Cycle

  1. Provide a whelping box: Week prior to your female dogs due date, you should get her comfortable around a whelping box. These boxes should be warm and large enough for your dog to comfortably give birth to her pups.
  2. Prevent parasitism: One of the most dangerous worms to puppies is Toxocara canis. This type of roundworm can infect fetuses as they spread transplacentally. In high burdens, Toxocara canis can cause anemia in both the puppies and bitch. In addition, it can be fatal to unborn puppies. So, it is highly recommended that you treat your dog with the appropriate anthelmintic such as Panacur to prevent this problem.
  3. Supplement, Supplement: Just like humans, even dogs pregnant female dogs require supplements during pregnancy. Talk to your veterinarian about the best supplements for your pooch! Vets Preferred Advanced Milk Rx is a great example of what pet owners should be feeding their pregnant or lactating dogs.

False Pregnant Dog: What is it?

False pregnancy in dogs is referred to as a pseudopregnancy. Dogs with canine pseudocyesis often experience physiological symptoms seen in pregnant dogs. However, a pseudopregnancy is not a real pregnancy. In other words, the female dog will not actually be carrying puppies. Nor does it indicate that the female has mated in order for this to occur.

So, how long are dogs pregnant for? How Long is a Dog in Heat?

So, how long are dogs pregnant for? Well, unlike the 9 month gestation period of humans. Dogs are only pregnant for approximately 55 to 68 days. But remember, some female dogs may begin whelping on the 70th-day mark! 

Page 2

Finding the perfect diet for your dog can be challenging. Often you have to search to find a quality, vet-approved dog food formula that will satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs and taste requirements. 

To make things easy for dog owners, we have reviewed premium-quality dog foods that meet high quality and safety standards, and one brand, 4health Dog Food, definitely stood out from the rest.  

4Health is a reputable and trustworthy brand that offers wet and dry, adult and puppy formula diets that are full of beneficial and nutritional ingredients that will keep your canine strong, healthy, and happy.

4Health Dog Food Review at a Glance Rating: 4

4Health Dog Food Company Information

How long after mating does a female dog show signs of pregnancy?

4Health dog food is a family-owned, private label brand manufactured for the Tractor Supply Company by Diamond Pet Foods, Inc. 

The Tractor Supply Company (in business since 1938) is the largest rural lifestyle store in the US, selling various home, pet, and farming products. On the other hand, founded in 1970, Diamond Pet Foods is a privately-held enterprise owned by Schell and Kampeter.  

TSC launched the 4Health premium line of dog food in 2010. With 20% lower prices than most national brands, the company markets this new pet food as budget-friendly and affordable yet supporting optimal health. 

Where is 4Health Dog Food Made?

The Tractor Supply Company has over 1000 locations across the USA, but it is based in Brentwood, Tennessee. However, the 4Health Dog Food is manufactured in the three Diamond Pet Food plants located in Meta, Missouri, Lathrop, California, and Gaston, South Carolina.   

Most importantly, Diamond’s plants are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)-certified, and you can find all of the different 4Health dog food and cat formulas across the country in Tractor Supply Company stores. 

Types of 4Health Dog Food

4Health offered dry and canned dog food as well as tasty dog treats and snacks. Here is a list of the different 4Health Dog Food formulas: 

Where to Buy 4Health Dog Food

4Health Dog Food Formulas

How long after mating does a female dog show signs of pregnancy?

We will thoroughly review the 4Health Salmon & Potato Formula for Adult Dogs and then discuss three other 4Health Lines – the 4Health Original Dog Food, the 4Health Grain Free Dog Food, and the 4Health Special Care Dog Food.

4Health Salmon & Potato Formula for Adult Dogs

Summary: The Salmon & Potato Formula is the most popular 4Health pet food, and with salmon and ocean fish meal as main ingredients (25% crude protein) and 14.0% crude fat, there is a backed-up science behind the diet’s popularity. The salmon and egg products provide protein, and the ocean fish meal and canola oil are rich sources of fats and linoleic omega-6 and linolenic acid omega-3 fatty acids

The formula includes wholesome ingredients like potatoes, peas, and cracked pearled barley. The potatoes, cracked pearled barley, and millet add carbohydrates and the peas are rich in protein. The formula also includes blueberries, cranberries, spinach, dried kelp, apples, carrots which provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.  

For a better profile, the formula is enriched with folic acid, riboflavin, biotin, niacin, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, vitamin D supplement, vitamin E supplement, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), selenium, calcium pantothenate, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, thiamine mononitrate, zinc sulfate, copper proteinate, potassium iodide, manganous oxide, iron proteinate, and zinc proteinate. 

The 4Health Salmon & Potato Formula has added probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium), prebiotics (dried chicory root), and digestive enzymes (Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation extract) for healthy digestion. It also has chondroitin sulfate (100 mg/kg) and glucosamine hydrochloride (300 mg/kg) for joint health and mobility support. 

Finally, this dry dog food features Yucca Schidigera extract for better poop quality and less odor and L-carnitine, which speeds up the metabolism, thus supporting lean body and weight management. 


  • Salmon as the first ingredient (ethoxyquin-free)
  • Warious grains, fruits, and veggies 
  • Natural flavors and added health-boosting ingredients 
  • Supports digestion, the immune system, skin, and joint health  
  • Free from corn, wheat, and soy 


  • Relatively low overall fiber content (3%) 
  • Flaxseed is linked with lower reproductive performances 
  • Some dogs have trouble digesting peas 

Review: We like the diet’s suitability for dogs allergic to traditional protein sources like chicken and beef. We also like the inclusion of antioxidants, probiotics, and joint-friendly compounds. We dislike the use of tomato pomace and flaxseed as poor fiber sources. All in all, we rate the 4Health Salmon & Potato Formula as Best for Adult Dogs.

No Wheat, No Corn, No SoySalmon is the main ingredient Omega Fatty Acids for Skin and CoatHealthy Digestion Support 

Summary: For their Original Dog Food, 4Health has sourced high-quality meat to ensure your pet can enjoy nutritious protein that is not a poultry by-product nor contains harmful ingredients.

This dog food does not contain corn, soy or wheat, but does contain powerful antioxidants and omega fatty acid for a silky and shiny coat and a healthy immune system. Overall, 4Health Original Dog Food offers a wholesome and beneficial meal for your dog.


  • No wheat, no corn, no soy
  • Salmon is the main ingredient 
  • Omega fatty acids for skin and coat
  • Healthy digestion support 


Review: We like the salmon as the first ingredient and added health-boosting compounds. We dislike the use of flaxseed oil. All in all, we rate the 4Health Original Dog Food as the Best for Dogs of All Ages.

No Corn, No Wheat, No SoySpecies Specific Probiotics for Digestive SupportWhitefish is the #1 IngredientOmega Fatty Acids for Skin and Coat

Summary: When your pet has a food allergy, finding the right pet food products can be challenging. But, 4Health Pet Food caters to those with a food allergy by offering a grain-free meal option. 

With the 4Health Grain Free Dog Food, you can have peace of mind knowing that your dog will love its food and is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. It also contains probiotics that aid digestion, avoid an upset stomach, and help to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. 


  • Grain-free formula 
  • High-quality protein source 
  • Species-specific probiotics for digestive support
  • Rich in omega fatty acids


  • Often out of stock due to high demand 

Review: We like the grain-free option, and the use of species-specific probiotics – two factors dogs with allergies can benefit from. We dislike the frequent unavailability. All in all, we rate the 4Health Grain Free Dog Food as the Best for Dogs with Allergies. 

No Corn, Wheat or SoyLimited-Ingredient DietSpecies-Specific Probiotics for Digestive Support  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Summary: The Special Care line of 4Health Pet Food is perfect for dogs with dietary needs and could do with some pet health support. The formulas focus on providing healthy and balanced nutrients while supporting optimal health and well-being. 

The line includes three different formulas: 4Health Special Care Sensitive Stomach Formula for Adult Dogs, 4Health Special Care Weight Management Formula for Adult Dogs, and 4Health Special Care Sensitive Skin Formula for Adult Dogs


  • No corn, wheat, or soy
  • Limited-ingredient diet
  • Probiotics for digestive support 
  • Condition-specific ingredients 


  • Negative comments about the bag size 

Review: We like the limited selection of ingredients and added condition-specific components. We dislike that some customers complain about the bag size and price. All in all, we rate the 4Health Special Care Dog Food as the Best for Health Support. 

Additional 4Health Products

4Health Dog Food Ingredient Analysis

The 4Health Dog Food uses high-quality meat and fat sources (instead of the typical chicken meal and chicken fat), and most importantly, the fish meal is stated to be ethoxyquin-free. Plus, the formulas do not feature GMO ingredients, fillers, and allergens like soy, corn, and wheat. 

All preservatives and flavors are natural, and 4Health Dog Food regularly uses additional health-boosting ingredients like omega fatty acids, vitamins, chelated minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and chondroprotectants. 

Last but not least, 4Health Dog Food is not made of organic ingredients, and the meat sources are not free-range grown or wild-caught from pristine waters. There are also questions regarding the use of ground race without stating whether it is brown rice or white rice. 

However, the brand offers high-quality and well-paired ingredients or, in simple words, proper nutrition with a reasonable price tag. 

4Health Dog Food Recalls: What You Need to Know

Diamond Pet Foods voluntarily recalled 4Health Dog food in May 2012. This was due to the discovery of salmonella contamination on their dog food brands with a best-by date from December 2012 to April 2013. 

After a thorough investigation, 4Health Dog Food was not found to have salmonella, but the action was taken as a precaution to protect pets across the country.

Is 4Health Food Right for Your Dog?

Since it is difficult to find a bad review about 4Health Dog Food it is safe to assume that the formula is suitable for your dog’s nutritional and individual needs. 

In fact, most dog owners are happy with the variety of 4Health Dog Food options and the premium quality they have experienced with the meat and fish meal options. There are customer reviews reporting that their dog is enjoying better skin and a healthier coat after eating 4Health dog food. 

The wholesome food recipes that subtract the artificial additives and leave in all the best bits also make this pet food stand out from the crowd for being premium but affordable.

Our Final Thoughts on 4Health Dog Food 

How long after mating does a female dog show signs of pregnancy?

We believe that 4Health Dog Food offers balanced pet food for puppies and adult dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes, as well as catering to allergies and dietary needs.

The dog food brand’s overarching goal is to provide quality ingredients and fresh meat that brings a balance of macronutrients to your dog’s diet. This is important for everyday life and making sure your pup stays fit and healthy. 

Plus, 4Health Dog Food has a rich range of pet foods and treats, allowing you to choose the option that suits you and your dog best. No matter what formula you decide on, rest assured it is wheat, soy, and corn-free, yet full of healthy and wholesome ingredients.


(PDF) The role of dietary omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the nutrition of dogs and cats: A review ( 

Can Dogs Eat Peas? – American Kennel Club ( 

Ethoxyquin: An Antioxidant Used in Animal Feed ( 

Feeding your dog salmon can boost its brain power, study finds | London Evening Standard | Evening Standard 

Utilisation of supplemented l-carnitine for fuel efficiency, as an antioxidant, and for muscle recovery in Labrador retrievers (