Why does my vagina itch before my period

If you are the owner of a vagina, vulva, labia, and the rest of the parts in that area, then you already know that there’s always something happening in that region. For a good chunk of our lives, a lot of that has to do with menstruation. As you probably (hopefully) remember from health class, menstruating involves more than the roughly four or five days of bleeding each month — it’s a whole cycle that can have a wide variety of effects on our body any time it damn well pleases. This includes having an itchy vagina before your period.

When people use the term “vagina,” they often mean “labia” (the folds of skin around the vaginal opening) or “vulva” (the whole outer part of the genital area, including the opening of the vagina, labia, and the clitoris). In this case, when someone says they have an itchy vagina before their period, they’re likely referring to their vulva rather than the inside of their vagina (although that’s a possibility as well).

So, to make things easier, let’s stick with referring to it as an “itchy vagina.” Still, we wanted to make sure we explained the difference (and that you knew that we knew the difference between the parts). Anyway, here’s what to know about having an itchy vagina, vulva, or labia before your period, including what causes it, how to treat it, and when to see a doctor about it.

Causes of an Itchy Vagina Before Period

First of all, having an itchy vagina, vulva, and/or labia before your period is completely normal. And yes, your period can cause vaginal itching. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), glands in the cervix and the walls of the vagina produce clear mucus — the amount of which varies, depending on the stage of a person’s menstrual cycle. Hormone levels in the body cause this. And, in addition to the discharge (which is also normal), hormone levels can cause vulvar itching.

There are a few other possible explanations for itching before your period, though.

Yeast Infection

Some people experience cyclic vulvovaginitis, a burning and itching sensation that occurs at the same stage of every menstrual cycle. The culprit? A yeast infection, brought on by fluctuating hormones that affect the pH balance (and subsequently, bacteria) in your vagina. Signs of a yeast infection may include:

  • Itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva
  • Burning, especially during sex or while peeing
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva
  • Vaginal pain, soreness, or rash
  • Vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese-like appearance

Also known as BV, bacterial vaginosis mimics many of the same symptoms you might find with yeast infections. A major difference? With yeast infections, the discharge typically has no odor. With BV, a foul, fish-like odor is present. Also, BV often results in greenish, yellow, or gray discharge.

Progestogen Hypersensitivity

A far more infrequent cause of an itchy vagina before a period is a condition called “progestogen hypersensitivity” or “autoimmune progesterone dermatitis.” According to the NIH’s Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD), the precise cause of progestogen hypersensitivity is unknown, but it involves a person having skin reactions with symptoms starting three to 10 days before their period begins and stopping once their period is over. These symptoms can include:

  • A rash
  • Swelling, itching, and hives
  • Red/flaky patches
  • Open sores
  • Wheezing
  • An asthma-like reaction

Irritation could be to blame for the itching you experience “down there” before your period. Anyone who has had a pad migrate a little during use knows the sheer annoyance of pad rash. And tampons can dry out your vagina, also causing itching and irritation.

Another source of irritation that can make you feel the need to scratch? Hair growth. If you’ve shaved or waxed and your hair starts to come back in, that regrowth can make you feel extra squirmy — particularly before your period, when hormone fluctuations make the area even more sensitive.

*Here are a few other things that may lead to an itchy vagina to keep in mind:

  • underwear made from synthetic fibers
  • latex condoms
  • spermicides
  • underwear washed in irritating laundry detergents or fabric softeners
  • lubricants
  • using colored or scented/perfumed toilet paper.
  • bubble baths
  • swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool or hot tub
  • an allergic reaction to sanitary napkins
  • the friction caused by biking or horseback riding for an extended period of time
  • wearing pantyhose that do not have a breathable cotton crotch area
  • wearing a wet bathing suit for a long period of time

How to Treat an Itchy Vagina Before Period

If having an itchy vagina, vulva, and/or labia before your period is a routine part of your menstrual cycle, this isn’t something you’re going to be able to cure at home. But some things can help, according to the NIH. These include:

  • Rinsing only with water (avoiding soap) to clean yourself.
  • Soaking in a warm-but-not-hot bath, then drying yourself thoroughly afterward. This means instead of using a towel to dry, you should air dry or gently use the lowest warm or cold air setting on a hairdryer.
  • Avoiding douching and using hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.
  • Wearing loose fitting and cotton undergarments or pants.
  • Adding plain Greek yogurt to your diet.
  • Taking probiotics to help keep your vagina's PH balanced.
  • Skipping the bath bomb and adding a little bit of baking soda or a cap full of apple cider vinegar to your bath instead.

If your symptoms are limited to some mild itchiness in your vulvar area before your period, you probably have nothing to worry about. But if you have symptoms beyond that — including itchiness that continues throughout your menstrual cycle — it’s a good idea to discuss that with your doctor. The same thing goes for spotting abnormal discharge that is brown or green in color and/or has a foul or fishy odor: symptoms that can indicate you have some type of vaginal infection.

Additionally, contact your healthcare provider right away if you have:

  • Symptoms of a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis
  • Symptoms of progestogen hypersensitivity
  • Fever or pain in your pelvis or belly area
  • Been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection

And as always, if you’re on the fence about whether to talk to your doctor about something, it’s a good idea to go ahead and mention it. It may be nothing at all, but finding that out can give you peace of mind.

This article was originally published on 2.9.2022

This is an automatically translated article.

Vaginal itching before menstruation is quite common in women. It can be caused by hormonal changes, a yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis, or it can also be caused by the use of certain menstrual products that cause itching. However, are these symptoms harmful to women's health? This article will provide more information to help you better understand this issue.

Vaginal itching or vaginal itching can both be caused by a vaginal infection and are often accompanied by vulvovaginitis, which causes itching, redness, blistering, and sometimes gas that makes it difficult to urinate and have sex. . Vaginal itching is also considered a fairly common gynecological problem among women.

Common causes of vaginal itching before menstruation: Yeast infection. Not a few women get yeast infections or get cyclical fungal vaginitis. With vulvovaginitis and cyclical vaginitis, often accompanied by symptoms such as burning, itching in the vulva can occur both internally and externally at the same period of the menstrual cycle. moon. However, some people may experience this before or during their period. These symptoms get worse after having sex. Vaginitis - cyclical vaginitis can be caused by a yeast infection and is usually caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus in the body. Candida is a naturally occurring fungus in the vagina, and normally its activity is controlled by lactobacillus or beneficial bacteria in the vagina. But during the menstrual cycle, hormonal hormone levels can change and upset the pH balance of the vagina, leading to affecting the natural microbiome. When the bacteria are weakened, the Candida fungus grows out of control. In addition to the itchiness of a yeast infection with vaginal itching before menstruation, there are other symptoms such as redness around the vagina, burning when urinating or having sex, pain, and rash. rash or vaginal discharge that is grayish-white and lumpy. Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter and oral antifungal medications. But if you experience this condition, you should see a doctor to determine the characteristics of Bacterial Vaginosis or bacterial vaginosis that will have many of the same symptoms as a yeast infection. However, the most obvious difference can be seen with bacterial vaginosis, which often causes the vagina to have a fishy odor similar to that of fish. Moreover, with bacterial vaginosis can cause vaginal itching near the menstrual period. Along with that are manifestations such as white or gray discharge. And other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis often cause pain, burning when urinating... Vaginal infections can be spread from person to person if they share utensils that come in contact with the private area. such as underwear or sex toys... The cause of this condition can also be due to a woman douching too much. Similar to yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or during menstruation. So if it's almost a month when you have an itchy vagina, you need to see a doctor for timely treatment.

Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau có thể gây ngứa vùng kín trước kỳ kinh nguyệt

Trichomonas vaginitis is usually caused by sexual transmission. When the vulva or vagina is itchy, sexually transmitted infections can be considered a fairly common cause. Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by trichomonas vaginalis, and one of the symptoms of this inflammation is the itching sensation in the vagina of women. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 3.7 million women in the US may be infected with trichomoniasis at some point in their lives. Symptoms of trichomoniasis usually appear between 5 and 28 days after infection. Even so, according to CDC statistics, only about 30% of women with trichomoniasis have symptoms. In addition to symptoms of vaginal itching, this infection also has other manifestations such as burning and pain, especially when urinating or having sex, or vaginal discharge with a greenish white color, fishy smell, even foamy body, or vaginal or vaginal bleeding, redness, and frequent urination... Trichomonas vaginitis can be treated with antibiotics. So if you suspect a vaginal infection in this case, you should see a doctor for prompt treatment. Irritation that often causes itching during the menstrual cycle is caused by the use of tampons or tampons. These products may be made of materials or ingredients that contain irritants that lead to vaginal redness. Tampons can cause vaginal dryness and cause itching for users. To avoid this, women need to change tampons often and avoid tampon products with high absorbency. You can use sanitary pads instead of tampons to limit this situation. In addition to the two products tampons and tampons, women can use menstrual cups to help limit the disadvantages of these two products. In addition, other products that can cause vaginal itching such as scented soaps, lubricating gels, and douches. Because these substances in the composition can affect the pH level of the vagina. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder can be viewed as a group of symptoms that involve both physical and mental health, usually beginning about a week before menstruation and lasting until the end of the period. Symptoms of PMS can be similar to PMS but are not as serious in women. One of the most typical physical symptoms of this condition: itching, dizziness, headache, fatigue, muscle pain...

To diagnose the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation, for each specific case, the doctor will perform methods such as: in the case of a yeast infection, the doctor can easily diagnose through evaluate clinical symptoms. Or your doctor may take a tissue sample from your vagina and send it for testing to determine if a yeast infection is present and what strain the fungus is causing. As for the case of bacterial vaginosis, the method of sampling and analyzing under a microscope can be used to determine the type of bacteria. In case of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to take a sample of vaginal discharge to accurately diagnose the disease. Tests commonly used to diagnose the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation: pH test, adhesion and Potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation. Initially, the doctor will use vaginal fluid to test the pH if the pH is between 4 and 6, then use a cotton swab to sweep vaginal discharge on the tip of the test lens. Next, one end will be fixed with 0.9% saline and the other end will be fixed with 10% KOH. When KOH is instilled in secretions that develop a rotten fish odor, this is due to the diffusion of amines produced by bacteria in the vagina and is often caused by trichomoniasis. It is the KOH solution that will dissolve the cells except for the mycelium, making it easier to recognize the disease. However, performing a saline fixation test should be done as soon as possible because prolonged exposure makes it more difficult to observe trichomonas. In postmenopausal women, the drop in estrogen can increase the chance of infection and vulvovaginitis. Therefore, these cases need to be evaluated early to help reduce the risk of cancer or even possible malignancies affecting a woman's health.

Xét nghiệm pH có thể giúp bác sĩ tìm ra nguyên nhân ngứa vùng kín trước kỳ kinh nguyệt

There is no specific treatment for premenstrual itching. However, you can use some vaginal moisturizers to soothe vaginal dryness during this period. For irritation, you should switch to benign menstrual products, you can choose products without fragrance, have more natural ingredients... In case of infection Yeast can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medications. However, some patients require oral antifungal therapy for chronic or recurrent yeast infections. In the case of drug treatment, you should examine and consult a doctor. Your doctor will probably prescribe both a topical cream and an oral antifungal medication to treat cyclic vaginitis. And in some cases, it needs to be treated continuously for a few months for the itching symptoms to subside. With bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases, your doctor will also prescribe antibiotics. Because different infections should respond to different antibiotics, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of the disease to have an effective treatment plan.

For cases with signs of vaginal itching before the menstrual cycle, you can apply some home remedies to minimize this situation. Use loose, breathable, moisture-wicking underwear, avoid wearing jeans or tight pants or underwear made of synthetic materials. Do not douche the vulva regularly and only clean the outside of the intimate area with water or natural products that do not cause irritation Use sanitary pads or tampons and need to be changed often to avoid leaving for too long to create favorable conditions. conducive to bacterial growth. In addition, you can choose a menstrual cup to help limit the disadvantages of tampons and tampons. In case of vaginal itching can use hydrocortisone cream to apply. But only apply the cream on the skin, not into the vagina. If you have a yeast infection, your symptoms will likely improve significantly with the use of over-the-counter antifungal creams and medications. However, you can use a number of products to help limit this situation, including: taking probiotics to boost beneficial bacteria while helping to balance the natural microflora in the vagina. Either use aloe vera tablets containing cajeput essential oil, or dilute a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bath and soak for about 20 minutes. While the above measures can help reduce vaginal itching before your period, it's best to see your doctor to determine the cause of the itching. . Because, it is possible that you will have a vaginal yeast infection or a bacterial vaginosis. And this condition needs to be treated with a prescription to be effective and to avoid repeated recurrences. Currently, Vinmec has deployed the Basic Gynecological Examination and Screening Package. This examination package can detect inflammatory diseases early, making treatment easy and inexpensive. When registering for the Basic Gynecological Examination and Screening Package, customers will receive: Gynecological examination. Transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. Bilateral breast ultrasound. Tests such as: Treponema pallidum rapid test, Chlamydia rapid test, bacterial staining (female vaginal fluid), HPV genotype PCR automated system, total urinalysis by automatic machine.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and receive 20% off for consultation fee at the first time (applied ONLY from 1st August to 30th September, 2022) MyVinmec app is also available and convenient for your bookings management and Telehealth service with Vinmec doctors all in one.


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