What would be the compound interest on Rs 9000?


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Rate of interest in first year = 10%

Rate of interest in second year = 11.11% = 100/9%

Time period = 2 years

Principal = Rs. 9000

Formula used:

\(A\; = \;P\left( {1 + \frac{{{R_1}}}{{100}}} \right)\left( {1 + \frac{{{R_2}}}{{100}}} \right)\)

CI = A – P 


⇒ CI = P {(1 + R1/100) × (1 + R2/100) – 1}

⇒ CI = 9000 [(1 + 10/100) × {1 + (100/9)/100} – 1]

⇒ CI = 9000 [(11/10) × (10/9) – 1]

⇒ CI = 9000 [(11/9) – 1]

⇒ CI = 9000 × 2/9

⇒ CI = Rs. 2000

∴ The interest earned at the end of two years is Rs.2000


Convert rate percent into ratio

⇒ 10% = 1/10

⇒ 11.11% = 1/9

If P = 90x = 9000

⇒ x = 100

CI = 20 × 100 = 2000

∴ The interest earned at the end of two years is Rs.2000

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Hint: In this formula, we have been given a principal amount, rate of interest and the time and we have been asked to find the amount and interest. Use the compound interest formula and put all the given details. You will get the final amount. Subtract this from the given principal amount and you will get the compound interest.

Formula used: $A = P{\left( {1 + \dfrac{R}{{100}}} \right)^n}$, where $A = $Amount, $P = $Principal amount, $R = $Rate of interest and $N = $number of years invested.

Complete step-by-step solution:

We are given the principal amount, rate of interest and the time and we have to find the amount and interest.Given is,1) $P = 9000$2) $R = 10\% $3) $N = $2 years 4 monthsMathematically, time can be represented as -\[N = 2 + \dfrac{4}{{12}} = 2 + \dfrac{1}{3} = \dfrac{7}{3}\]yearsNow, we can put all the information in the formula.$A = P{\left( {1 + \dfrac{R}{{100}}} \right)^n}$$ \Rightarrow A = 9000{\left( {1 + \dfrac{{10}}{{100}}} \right)^{\dfrac{7}{3}}}$Shortcut for calculation: If we write $\dfrac{7}{3}$ in decimals, we will get $2.\bar 3$. It simply means 2 and $\dfrac{1}{3}$ times. So, we will multiply $\left( {1 + \dfrac{{11}}{{10}}} \right)$ two times and for that $\dfrac{1}{3}$rd part, we will multiply $\left( {1 + \dfrac{{11}}{{10}}} \right)$ by $\dfrac{1}{3}$ in the shown way.Moving back to the question,$ \Rightarrow A = 9000{\left( {1 + \dfrac{{10}}{{100}}} \right)^2}\left( {1 + \dfrac{{\dfrac{1}{3} \times 10}}{{\dfrac{{100}}{1}}}} \right)$Simplifying the equation, $ \Rightarrow A = 9000 \times \dfrac{{11}}{{10}} \times \dfrac{{11}}{{10}} \times \left( {1 + \dfrac{1}{{30}}} \right)$$ \Rightarrow A = 9000 \times \dfrac{{11}}{{10}} \times \dfrac{{11}}{{10}} \times \dfrac{{31}}{{30}}$On multiplying and dividing, we will get –$ \Rightarrow A = 11253$Therefore, the final amount is $Rs.11,253$. In order to find the compound interest, we will have to subtract the principal amount from the final amount.$ \Rightarrow C.I = A - P$$ \Rightarrow C.I = 11253 - 9000 = 2253$

Hence, compound interest is $Rs.2253$.

Note: 1) Students often get confused between simple interest and compound interest. It should be kept in mind that compound interest formula gives us the final amount whereas the simple interest formula gives us the interest.

2) You can also use the formula to get the interest directly and not the amount- $ \Rightarrow C.I = P{\left( {1 + \dfrac{R}{{100}}} \right)^n} - P$This formula will give you interest.

By using the formula, find the amount and compound interest on: Rs 9000 for 2 years 4 months at 10% per annum compounded annually.

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