Who is the protagonist in the great gatsby

The Great Gatsby is indeed a great novel written in 1925 by the legendary Scott Fitzgerald. In order to liver his main theme of moral decadence, the author uses a combination of main and minor characters. These also play a very significant role in developing the plot of the novel. This paper presents an in-depth and critical analysis of Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of the novel. It focuses on the protagonist’s background, behaviors and interactions with the rest of the society in which the setting of the play was contextualized.

To begin with, Gatsby is a very mysterious character whose actions are shrouded in secrecy. Initially, it is quite evidenced that he was an ordinary boy who was brought up as an impoverished person right in the rural of North Dakota. Despite his humble beginning, Gatsby has never glorified poverty. All along, he hated it with passion because in his opinion, it would not be something to be proud of. Instead, he highly valued wealth and aspired to be rich regardless of the means of doing so. This compels him to engage in criminal activities so as to get more money. At one time, the audience become aware of his crave desire for wealth when Tom tells Daisy that Gatsby is not a moral person because he merely acquired his wealth through the engagement in fraudulent activities such as the selling of stolen security bonds and illegal distribution of alcohol across the country.

Besides, I would like to report that Gatsby was leading a double life because his he was so pretentious. As a character, he had a great desire for achieving his ill motives no matter what he went through. For example, after falling in love with Daisy to whom he was juxtaposed while serving as a military officer in Louisville, he can not let her go even after finding out that she is now married to Tom. Instead of leaving her to settle in her marriage, he plots a plan to win her back. In fact, it is for this beautiful socialite that Gatsby goes ahead to change his lifestyle and starts living in a magnificent mansion. This demonstrates that he was a very lustful man who could do anything to get love even if that love does not rightfully belong to him.

Last, but not least, Gatsby is portrayed as a very extravagant character. Having used all the possible illegal means to amass millions of dollars, he lavishly spends it. At first, he buys a very big bungalow at the heart of West Egg. Here, he establishes a comfort zone in which he adopts a very pleasant lifestyle. In fact, he organizes for frequent banquets for people to enjoy. Surprisingly, despite heavily spending on such parties, he does not personally attend them. May be, he is doing it so as to please his friends and win the heart of Daisy for whom he’s been dying.

In conclusion, Gatsby, as a protagonist for this novel, plays his role so well. As the main character, his actions really help in building thematic concerns and the plot of the novel. As a unique character, it is quite amazing how he rises from grass to grace, spends his entire time fulfilling his defiant dreams before eventually dying without fulfilling them.

Jay Gatsby's story follows a classic tragedy plot. When we first meet Jay Gatsby, we know only that he is a fabulously wealthy man who throws enormous parties. But who is he? What does he do for a living? Has he killed a man just to watch him die? Despite these unknowns, Gatsby ends up filling the protagonist role for us. He's the one who has a goal and a dream, and we end up sympathizing with him--thanks to Tom's swell performance as antagonist. He may be a man of mystery, but he's our man of mystery.

Nick Carraway is the narrator in the novel “The Great Gatsby “by F. Scott Fitzgerald. He is also the protagonist in the story. Nick is responsible for letting readers know what was happening in the story and his and other characters reaction toward it. He has explained how Gatsby love for Daisy and his disliking Tom. In the “The Great Gatsby” there are many thoughts nick has hidden from Gatsby such as Tom’s affair. He has failed to tell the truth in many scenes. He has trouble in organizing his financial responsibility, organizing his life to reach his goals, and he is more focused on others than himself and have hesitation in saying no to people. His first problem is organizing his financial responsibility. He is committed towards his financial responsibility, but he also have grown up with personal values. “I believe in being honest and truthful with others. At the same time, my father taught me how to be a good listener–I don't pass judgment on others. Lots of people have shared their stories with me because of this trait” (Nick…show more content…
He is new in New York City and has been invited by her cousin Daisy whom he has barely met. He said “At the dinner table it became clear from a phone call that Daisy's husband, Tom, is having an affair with another woman. It was very embarrassing and painful for Daisy and me, but she would not talk openly about her feelings. Daisy and Tom are very wealthy and have a young child. I feel inferior to them because I am just getting established financially, and I don't know New York society as they do” (Nick Carraway’s Dilemmas). I would say he should not get involved in this their matter because it is personal and he barely know them. He should first get to know and understand them. If Daisy feels that she should share her feeling to him then he should get involve and help her out. Other than that he should focus on his goals and personal

Although Nick Carraway is the narrator of The Great Gatsby, and we only see things he witnesses or is told about, Jay Gatsby is the protagonist of the novel. In addition to lending his name to the book’s title, Gatsby also serves as the novel’s focal point. Gatsby’s quest to win back Daisy incites all the action of the book, as well as the tragic conclusion. Unlike Nick, who seems to not know what he wants, or else to not want more than to be an observer, Gatsby is clear and determined about his goal. From the moment he first kissed Daisy, Gatsby has aspired to attain her. This aspiration drives all his subsequent choices, and those choices in turn affect the other characters in the novel. Mildred’s death, George’s suicide, and Gatsby’s murder are all the result of Gatsby’s quest to have Daisy for himself. Tom, Daisy, and Nick’s decisions to leave the east are also caused by Gatsby’s actions. Despite his power to change his life and the lives of others, Gatsby fails to attain his goal. He dies without having won Daisy back from Tom. In fact, we can infer that Gatsby’s presence in their lives served to draw the couple closer together – the exact opposite of what Gatsby wanted.

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