Why does my cuticle itch

Have you ever tried to do something the faster and the cheaper way, and got terrible results? Bad choice consequences? These situations are often related to beauty treatments. If you have irritated cuticles, then it's usually because of a bad manicure or perhaps related to the products.

Let's imagine this situation! You want to get a nail manicure (gel manicure or acrylic nail extension) but you think you can save some money by doing this on your own, at home. You buy some products, watch some videos and tips online and get started. After you get this done you see that something is wrong. You see that your skin had some reaction to the product or your treatment had damaged the nail and the skin. You have irritated cuticles.

This may be because of fake products, or just low quality nail polishes. Familiarize yourself with the best gel nail polish brands that most nail salons use.​

If you are doing a manicure you need to take care of your cuticles too. Cuticles are usually dead skin. This happens when your nail grows faster than the skin around the nail. If they got irritated then you have a situation.

Why does my cuticle itch

If you notice swelling and itchy bumps around your cuticles you can be sure that something went wrong. Your nail beds can also get red and bleed. This can be very painful sometimes. Your body is reacting because a product has certain ingredients which your skin can't tolerate.

If this happened to you, what should you do?

You need to remove the nail extension if you have it and remove the nail polish carefully, trying not to damage your skin more during this process.

If this reaction becomes worse you have to go to the doctor, because allergic reactions can sometimes be really dangerous. I can only provide with general advice, I'm no doctor.

How should you treat your nails to help them heal?

There are a several options how to get better. You should do something to calm your skin and nails. You can soak them in warm salt water. There is also homemade cuticle soak you can do every day for 10 days. This will treat your irritated cuticles properly. This soak is made of;

  • Olive Oil
  • Half of a Lemon, Squeezed
  • Salt
  • Warm Water

​Soak your hands for 30 minutes, massaging your cuticles.

This will encourage new growth and make skin around your nails stronger. The most important thing is that you have to be persistent. You can't do something once and expect good results. You need to make some effort because it's not easy for your body to heal. This is something homemade, this is a great thing for you if you prefer natural help over medications.

Some medical products can be used to treat this problem.

You shouldn't use anything except hypoallergenic cream or ointment. You can use Benadryl. This is antipruritic medicament, used to reduce infection and irritation caused by allergic reaction to some product. There are also pills with this ingredient which can be used in combination with cream.

This can calm your skin, reduce the swelling and make your blisters smaller. This will help you with itching. You should discuss about side effects of these products with your pharmacist. These medicament don’t suit everyone.

Good thing about these products is that you don't need any prescription for them in many countries. After using cream and pills you should see some results. Your skin will be recovered and symptoms like itching and swelling should disappear. But what about the nail beds?

I use Keratin Nail Treatment occasionally, even without having irritated cuticles.

It will take months for your nails to recover. Every manicure treatment with or without allergic reaction will damage your nail beds. You nails will be soft and thin, so don't expect to grow a strong and long nails. That is impossible!

I recommend you not to use any product for nail strength before you get rid of cuticles problem caused by allergic reaction. After the skin around your nails recover than you can use a different products which can make your nails stronger. This won't happen overnight! You need take care of them more than ever if you won't to get them to natural condition.

If you are someone who is used to having a nail manicure all the time, I think that the hardest thing for you will be the fact that you can't get your nails done for a long time. You need to put your health over aesthetic. That's the most important thing! You can think about fashionable nails when they get better. It is also possible that you will get some white spots on your nails after this reaction. If you do, you should find some anti-fungi product for your nails.

This is like a circle. You treat you natural nails to make them look better. But this is something you can’t do for the rest of your life. When you stop doing this, then you have damaged nails and then you wait for them to get in the natural condition. Again and again.

Before making any decision you need to get informed and choose what is more important for you and meet the risks. But I am sure about one thing. No matter what you decide, I am sure you are not planning to have allergic reactions, so do everything it takes to avoid them. That's a bad thing, but every problem can be solved. Be careful and good luck!

Paronychia is a skin infection around the fingernails or toenails. It usually affects the skin at the base (cuticle) or up the sides of the nail. There are two types of paronychia:

  • Acute paronychia – comes on suddenly and may not last long; it usually occurs on fingers.
  • Chronic paronychia – lasts longer and may occur on your fingers or toes. It either doesn’t get better or keeps coming back.

Paronychia can happen to adults and children. Usually it isn’t serious and can be treated at home.

Typically, paronychia begins with pain, swelling and redness around the base or the sides of the nail. Acute paronychia can cause pus-filled pockets (abscesses) to form.

Chronic paronychia may cause the cuticle to break down. This type of paronychia may eventually cause the nail to separate from the skin. The nail may become thick, hard, and deformed.

Paronychia caused by bacteria can get worse quickly. Fungus-caused paronychia typically gets worse slowly over time.

Paronychia happens when the skin around the nail gets irritated or injured. Germs get into the skin and cause an infection. These germs can be bacteria or a fungus.

Often, the skin is injured because of biting, chewing, or picking at the nails. It can also be caused by pulling hangnails or sucking on fingers. An ingrown toenail can also cause paronychia.

Moisture allows certain germs, such as candida (a type of fungus) and bacteria to grow. People whose hands may be wet for long periods of time are at higher risk for chronic paronychia. These may include bartenders, dishwashers, food handlers, or housecleaners. Chronic paronychia may also be caused by irritant dermatitis, a condition that makes skin red and itchy. Once the skin is irritated, germs can take hold and cause an infection.

Paronychia is more common in adult women and in people who have diabetes. People who have weak immune systems are also at higher risk of getting paronychia. This includes people who must take medicine after having an organ transplant or people who are infected with HIV.

Your doctor can diagnose paronychia with a simple physical exam. Special tests aren’t usually necessary. Your doctor may want to send a sample of fluid or pus to a laboratory. There they can identify the bacteria or fungus that is causing the infection.

Can paronychia be prevented or avoided?

The best away to avoid acute paronychia is to take good care of your nails.

  • Avoid injuring your nails and fingertips.
  • Don’t bite or pick your nails.
  • Keep your nails trimmed and smooth.
  • Avoid cutting nails too short.
  • Don’t scrape or trim your cuticles, as this can injure the skin.
  • Use clean nail clippers or scissors.

You can avoid chronic paronychia by keeping your hands dry and free from chemicals. Wear gloves when working with water or harsh chemicals. Change socks at least every day, and do not wear the same shoes for two days in a row. This allows them to dry out completely.

Treatment for paronychia depends on how severe the infection is. If you have acute paronychia, soaking the infected nail in warm water 3 to 4 times a day can help reduce pain and swelling. It should heal up in a few days. If the infection is very painful, doesn’t get better with home care, or has a pus-filled abscess, you may need to see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if your paronychia is caused by bacteria. He or she may prescribe antifungal medicines if your infection is caused by a fungus.

If you have an abscess, your doctor may need to drain it. Your doctor will numb the area, separate the skin from the base or sides of the nail, and drain the pus.

If you have chronic paronychia, it is important to keep your nails dry and protect them from harsh chemicals. You may need to wear gloves or use a skin-drying cream to protect skin from moisture. You may need an antifungal medicine or antibiotic, depending on what is causing the infection.

Paronychia caused by a fungus can be hard to get rid of. Be patient and follow your doctor’s recommendations. If the infection does not clear up, be sure to tell your doctor.

Most of the time, paronychia responds well to treatment. But sometimes complications can happen.

Rarely, paronychia can cause permanent damage to your nail. If you have diabetes, there’s a risk that paronychia could spread to deeper tissues and bones, or into the bloodstream and other parts of the body. In extreme cases of deep infection, paronychia can result in the loss of fingers, toes, or limbs.

Be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Treatment doesn’t help your symptoms
  • You have a fever or chills
  • Red streaks appear on your skin, running from the infected area toward your body (for example, up your foot from your toes or up your hand or wrist from your fingers)
  • You have joint or muscle pain

  • What kind of paronychia do I have?
  • Is my paronychia caused by bacteria?
  • What treatment is best for me?
  • Do I need to take an antibiotic?
  • Will my nail ever go back to normal?
  • I have diabetes. How can I clear up my paronychia?
  • My symptoms aren’t getting better. What should I do?
  • I get ingrown toenailsa lot. What can I do to prevent paronychia?

Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians

This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.