Why does my cat follow me to bed

Cats can be moody. So, when your cat chooses to snuggle up with you in bed at night, you probably don’t fight it. But why is it that your cat ignores you all day and then wants to sleep next to (or right on you) while they sleep at night? Well, there are actually a few reasons why cats love sleeping with you. They might not want to snuggle up with you if you’re doing any of these things that cats actually hate.

Cats are always ready to attack or defend themselves, so even when your cat appears to be out cold, they’re actually still on high alert for any noises or smells that mean they need to spring into action and attack. However, sleeping is their most vulnerable state.

“Since cats are always poised for action, it makes sense that they’d seek extra protection by curling up next to their owner,” says Mikel Delgado, cat behavior expert with Rover. “You may give your cat an extra level of security during sleep, a time when they’re most vulnerable.”

If your cat sleeps near you it means that they trust you and they feel secure with you by their side. Here are some other signs that your cat trusts you.

“A cat’s normal body temperature is up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, which is why you can typically find your feline friend snoozing in a sunny window or crammed in a box—to soak up as much warmth as they can get, which includes using you for your body temperature,” says Delgado.

They’re marking their territory

Cats like to claim their territory by marking it with their scent. When they sleep on top of you, they may be marking you as theirs.

They want to bond

If you’re wondering “Why does my cat sleep on me?” it may be because they’re trying to tell you that they love you. “It’s not unusual for cats to engage in ‘pillowing’ at bedtime, which is when they use another cat as a pillow, so if they’re the only cat in the house, they love to use you as an alternative,” says Delgado. “And even if they’re not the only cat in the house, you may be their preferred ‘pillow-mate!’”

If your cat sleeps on you almost every night, there is typically no cause for concern. If you notice that they’re sleeping much more than usual and have low energy, you should take them to the vet to get checked.

“If your cat has never slept on you before and suddenly has started to, watch carefully for any other signs of illness. A change in behavior can sometimes be the first clue that something is wrong,” says Delgado.

There is, actually. If your cat likes to sleep near your head it’s probably because your body releases a lot of heat from there while you sleep, making it extra cozy for your cat. You also don’t move your head much in your sleep, so your cat knows that they’re less likely to get whacked by an arm or leg up there. Another reason your cat might like to sleep near your head is that they like the smell of your shampoo and your natural hair oils, Delgado mentions.

If your cat likes to sleep on or near your chest it could be because the sound of your heartbeat and steady breathing draws them in and comforts them.

And if your cat is a lap sleeper, it’s probably because they know they get extra scratches and love while they’re on your lap. It’s also a warm place to snuggle up.

Why do most cats sleep with their back to you?

Since your cat is always ready to attack if needed, he or she most likely sleep with their back to you so they can watch the environment for both of you. Isn’t that adorable? Here are some other ways your cat shows affection.

Is it bad to let your cat sleep with you?

There are definitely pros to letting your cat sleep in bed with you. It can help with stress relief, allows the two of you to bond, and keeps you both cozy and warm. But, there are also some cons.

“Although not strictly nocturnal, many cats are active in the evening so it could be hard to get in some Z’s if he’s being rambunctious,” says Delgado. “Plus, if your cat prefers to sleep on your chest or head, this could become bothersome, particularly if he’s overweight.”

Also, indoor cats could track litter into your bed and outdoor cats might be carriers of disease.

Delgado also warns that cats should never sleep with children under the age of five. There could be a risk of suffocation and if the cat gets startled in the middle of the night they could panic and scratch a child. Avoid these other mistakes that cat owners should never make.

Are there ways to teach your cat to not sleep in your bed with you without locking them out of your room?

Delgado recommends a few different options for helping your cat sleep in a separate room from you.

  • You can try a heated pet bed so they can get a little extra heat while sleeping.
  • Help them settle down for the night by playing with them followed by a large dinner. Having a full belly can make them sleepy and they’ll be happier to plop down on the couch instead of your bed.
  • You can set up an automatic feeder for particularly restless cats to dispense a small amount of food every 1-2 hours throughout the night. This will keep your cat watching the machine instead of barging into your room and running up and down your bed.
  • Setting up some early morning distractions can help too. Try setting up a bird feeder outside a window your cat likes to sit by so they can watch “Bird TV” in the morning so they don’t wake you up at 4 in the morning to be fed.

Now that you know the answer to, “Why does my cat sleep on me?” learn how to decode your cat’s other behaviors.

Impact Photography/Shutterstock

Ahuli Labutin/Shutterstock


Originally Published: February 06, 2020

Cats can be very loving and affectionate toward their owners. Some cats are physically affectionate: They like to rub on us or get on our laps when we are sitting, or lie on top of us while we are sleeping. Other cats, on the other hand, do not appear to appreciate physical attention but may just want to be near us (being close to us can be taken as a sign of preferential treatment by our kitties).

Some cats may follow us around, because they like our companionship, while others may be following us for specific reasons — or even a combination of the two. Most owners notice that their cats tend to be close in proximity when it is near feeding time. If I get up and walk around the house when it is mealtime, I generally have several cats following closely behind me. They do not want me out of their sight in case I make a break for the kitchen in order to feed them! Keep in mind that sometimes there may be an underlying medical condition for this behavior, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. These conditions may make a cat suddenly hungrier, so be sure to have your cat examined by a veterinarian if you notice a sharp change in your cat’s behavior.

Many times, our cats simply may be curious about what we are doing or may want access to different rooms in the house that they generally may be banned or restricted from. For example, I tend to have a messy office with lots of papers lying in piles on my desk. I close my office door, because I do not want my cats to jump on my desk and knock the papers off, but as soon as I open the door, they are at my heels, ready to inspect the “new” room. Years ago, when I lived on a 40-acre cattle farm, we used to take walks through the fields with our dogs, and my cats would follow along for our adventure (at that time, I had cats who were allowed outdoor access when I was home). Even though they could go off on their own, they always wanted to tag along with the rest of the family.

Sometimes cats also follow us around as a means of getting our attention. This is the more likely behavior when a cat follows the owner around and also starts to meow. Domestic cats are more likely to meow at humans as a means of getting attention than they are toward each other. If you do not want to reinforce this behavior, make sure you are not inadvertently rewarding your cat by giving him attention. Instead, you can distract your cat by giving him a different type of activity to engage in, such as working for food or treats via a puzzle toy or by chasing after a toy. Separation anxiety may also be a reason why a cat may suddenly follow an owner around more, especially after a return home from a trip. However, a more likely sign of true separation anxiety is inappropriate elimination during an owner’s absence or after the owner has returned home and to a normal schedule.

Personally, I like it when my cat follows me around the house and curls up close by me when I am working in the office or watching television. I see it as a sign of affection — and that my cats hold me in high regard!

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