Why does krillin have dots on his head

He does not possess a visible nose, and has six spots of moxibustion burns on his forehead, a reference to the practice of Shaolin monks. Toriyama once stated, seemingly humorously, that Krillin's lack of a nose is because he has a "physical idiosyncrasy" that allows him to breathe through the pores of his skin.

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What do the 6 dots on Krillin's head mean?

After settling down with his new family, his hair grows out, although his original smooth crowned look is the most familiar to fans. The six dots on his forehead are scars from moxibustion burns, similar to the pattern that appear on the forehead of a Shaolin monk.

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What type of monk is Krillin?

So it's clear that Krillin is basically a Shaolin monk. Among other things, Shaolin monks are celibate and don't drink alcohol. We also know that Krillin doesn't drink alcohol in Dragon Ball, because he's bummed out when he does so by accident on the way to Korin Tower.

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Is Krillin an alien?

Of all the main cast of characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, Krillin is probably the guy who is most misunderstood. In a series where the main cast are spiky-haired aliens with the powers of gods, he is just a mere human--and a short bald human at that.

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Does Krillin have a nose?

He does not possess a visible nose, and has six spots of moxibustion burns on his forehead, a reference to the practice of Shaolin monks. Toriyama once stated, seemingly humorously, that Krillin's lack of a nose is because he has a "physical idiosyncrasy" that allows him to breathe through the pores of his skin.

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Why Does Krillin Have Dots on His Head? (Explained) | Dragon Ball Code

Can Krillin go Super Saiyan blue?

Krillin may not be strong on his own since he's a human. The other Z-Fighters include aliens and robots. He can't transform into Super Saiyan mode, and his Spirit Ball and Destructo Disc may miss their mark. Krillin assists his friends in other ways.

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Why is Krillin so weak?

Krillin has always had a hard time in Dragon Ball Z. He was outclassed from a young age by Goku and never managed to make up the difference in terms of combat ability. He spent most of his life getting his butt kicked by minor Dragon Ball villains, which included a few untimely deaths.

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How old is Krillin in GT?

In GT, Krillin is 53 years old, + he's married. he's married.

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Can Krillin destroy a planet?

So... we know that Krillin knows at least one technique that can destroy planets, and we know he's more powerful than the weakest known "planet buster," at least several times more powerful, probably far beyond that.

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How can Android 18 have a baby?

Android 18 isn't exactly an android, she's specifically a cyborg. She was human once but Dr.Gero remodeled her and added cybernetics. Gero left her human enough to conceive a child. And so she did with Krillin. This is actually referenced in DBZ Abridged.

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Why does Tien have a third eye?

As for the purpose of the third eye, Toriyama has explained that it gives the Three-Eyed People the power of "true seeing". According to Toriyama, Tien lost access to this power when he was trained by the villain, Master Shen, as the eye is apparently meant to be used for good only.

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Has Krillin ever won a fight?

Throughout the Dragon Ball series, Krillin has always been the underdog, best friend to the strongest of the series, Goku, as well as issue some comedic relief. Sometimes referred to as 'the strongest human' by Yamcha, Krillin has shown his strength and cunning a number of times with his triumphant victories.

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Is Krillin a dwarf?

Re: Is Krillin really a dwarf? He is a dwarf that should join Bilbo on his adventures.

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Is yamcha a Saiyan?

Yamcha Jr. or Ssj Yamcha is a Saiyan/Human Hybrid. Yamcha Jr in the armor given to him by his mother.

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How strong is top Krillin?

Krillin is considered one of the strongest characters in the Dragon Ball universe, but there are some characters he still couldn't defeat. Krillin is one of the most beloved Dragon Ball Z characters of all time, and many consider him to be the strongest human the series has ever seen.

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How old is Zeno?

7 Zeno (Over 8.5 Million Years)

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How old is Roshi?

It's stated in Dragon Ball that Master Roshi is around 300 years old, which means that by the end of Dragon Ball Super, Roshi should be between 340 and 350. A Dragon Ball character who has lived that long isn't unusual -- if they're a divine being like Beerus -- but Roshi is only human.

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How old is Piccolo in super?

10 He's 25 Years Old

Going off of the details provided from the manga and anime, Piccolo is recently 25 at the start of Dragon Ball Super, which begins in Age 778. To get even more technical, Piccolo would be 31 during the epilogue that's shown at the end of Dragon Ball Z.

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Can Krillin beat a Super Saiyan?

In the anime, Krillin proves capable of holding his own against base form Goku, but it quickly becomes apparent that he would lose in a no holds barred match with Super Saiyan Goku.

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How is Master Roshi immortal?

Characters who are Immortal. Master Roshi: Master Roshi possesses eternal life, though he can still die of unnatural circumstances. In the anime, he lives via constantly eating the Paradise Herb. It does not eliminate death via unnatural causes, however, and he must eat it every 1000 years to maintain his eternal life.

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How old is Krillin?

9 Krillin (44 Years Old)

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Is Roshi a Saiyan?

He also reveals to Goku that he is a Saiyan warrior and was sent to Earth when he was a baby in order to wipe out all life.

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Can Krillin use Kaioken?

Krillin also learns the technique from Goku in his what-if saga in Supersonic Warriors. It should be noted that Krillin being able to use the technique is likely attributed to his skill when it comes to ki control. However, neither Tien, Chiaotzu, or Piccolo have ever been shown using the technique in any media.

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Is Videl a Saiyan?

Videl is clearly a human, not a Saiyan. She doesn't have Saiyan blood inside of her, she has human blood genes. Pan is inside Videl's womb, giving her power to her grandfather, Goku to become a Super Saiyan God. But we might going to see Pan going to transform into a Super Saiyan later in the Dragon Ball Super series.

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As we all know, Krillin appears in the Buu saga with a full head of hair, revealing that he was only ever bald because he kept his head shaved.

As we also know, Krillin was raised as a monk in the Orin temple, which seems to be based on the IRL Shaolin temple. The dots on his head are the moxibustion scars associated with Shaolin monks. Similarly, Shaolin monks shave their heads to show their commitment and as a sign of detachment from physical attractiveness and sexuality. We see that the baldness is clearly a thing among the monks of the Orin temple and not simply Krillin's personal choice, because the other monks we meet at the Budokai are also bald. So even though it seems like none of the monks we meet are actually particularly pious people (including Krillin at first), the head-shaving seems to be a monastic practice for all Orin monks.

So it's clear that Krillin is basically a Shaolin monk. Among other things, Shaolin monks are celibate and don't drink alcohol.

We also know that Krillin doesn't drink alcohol in Dragon Ball, because he's bummed out when he does so by accident on the way to Korin Tower.

So it stands to reason that Krillin continues to observe his monastic vows even after leaving the temple, which include shaving his head and refraining from drinking alcohol. But it also stands to reason that he has taken a vow of celibacy.

So even though he pitches it as having "retired from martial arts," I believe that the real reason Krillin grows his hair out is that after marrying 18, Krillin is no longer celibate. ;)

tl;dr sex

The six dots on his forehead are scars from moxibustion burns, similar to the pattern that appear on the forehead of a Shaolin monk.

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The fat majin buu has a minimum power level of 1.2 billion seeing that the fat majin buu can fight ssj3 goku in equal ground. In a special mission in the game, it. 150,000,000 in super saiyan form. By this logic, they are probably equal in power.

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