Why do my glasses get so dirty

45 years I've been wearing glasses, and I've come to conclusion that it can't be done. You just have to get used to cleaning them regularly.
posted by Steven C. Den Beste at 3:02 PM on November 23, 2007 [1 favorite]

If they fog up at all, try using baby shampoo--that's a trick I picked up from playing Airsoft (paintball masks fog up really bad in the cold) and it works really good on my glasses as well.
posted by DMan at 3:16 PM on November 23, 2007

What kind of dirt? Dust or smudges? Sometimes my eyelashes will grow long enough to brush against the lens, and this can leave a smudge. The solution is to trim the eyelash. Or perhaps you have a lot of oily dust in the air?
posted by DarkForest at 3:31 PM on November 23, 2007

Are your frames plastic? I notice that I get a lot more stuff stuck to my lenses when I wear plastic frames that sit right on the nose, rather than metal frames, that have separate nose pads. The dead skin, etc. seems to migrate very well onto the lenses with plastic frames.
posted by ssg at 3:48 PM on November 23, 2007

I got sick of my stupid smudgy glasses, and switched to contacts. I give them two thumbs up, and highly recommend it as a solution if your prescription allows it. Even with mild (uncorrected by contacts) astigmatism in one eye, the lack of smudging makes my vision so much better.
posted by anaelith at 3:52 PM on November 23, 2007

Most likely it's being caused by your anti-glare coating (even though you say you've had the coating before). There are about 5 or 6 different types of anti-glare coating, and each optometrist's office and/or optical lab has their preferences for which one they use. Some are more prone to smudging than others, and it gets worse as they age (glasses with anti-glare coating should be replaced after 2 years). Check with your optometrist or your optical lab and see if you can try a different "brand" of anti-glare coating next time.
posted by amyms at 4:02 PM on November 23, 2007

anaelith - how come you don't wear contacts that fix your astigmatism? A toric lens should do the trick, and you can now get them in every form of regular soft lenses including daily disposable. I wore regular ones for years because the self centering never seemed right but the new toric lens designs are much better.
posted by jeffmik at 6:21 PM on November 23, 2007

I have the same problem as DarkForest with long eyelashes. I wash my face several times a day and clean my glasses again before putting them on. Mostly works. You can also go to the optometrist and have the fitter adjust them if your smudges are a similar inside job. I had that done last week, and it's extended my wearing time between cleanings by probably 150%.
posted by phrits at 8:12 AM on November 24, 2007

My glasses get smudgy a lot as well. One thing that I recently figured out that has made washing them a little less annoying -- don't wipe them dry. The coating on mine beads water pretty well, so I just shake excess water off and then blow hard on them from both sides (each lens). That moves the water off the edges, and then I wipe around the sides of the lens to catch the droplets (the sides of the lens -- i.e. not on the lens surface at all). Easier/quicker than trying to wipe them off and get them streak-free.
posted by madmethods at 11:06 AM on November 24, 2007

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Our faces are essentially small, leaking oil tankers. But how do you fix the problem?

It’s a curse all glasses wearers bear: The smudged lens. Even without the fogging caused by wearing a mask, without warning, without provocation, without mercy, glasses wearers discover the eyewear they use to see has suddenly gotten grubby or smudged, sometimes while they’re being worn. It seems utterly impossible, but it happens all the time to the four-eyed, who can feel like they’re spending nearly as much time cleaning them as using them to see. Although there is an answer to this age-old mystery, you’re not going to like it: The problem is that people put glasses on their faces.

Now, you might be asking, but don’t glasses have to go there? The answer is yes. As it turns out, glasses lose virtually all their efficacy when they’re not placed in front of the eyes. Unfortunately, like so much of the human body, faces are disgusting.

If you’re a glasses wearer who’s had the misfortune of accidentally picking up your specs by the lens, you’re intimately familiar with the greasy, opaque fingerprint you leave when doing so. It’s courtesy of the oil-producing sebaceous glands that are located throughout your skin. The oil is called sebum, and it’s technically a good thing: It helps moisturize skin, and it also forms a protective layer over your body that helps keep out viruses, bacteria and other dangerous microbes. 

But on the not-so-great side of things, when these glands get blocked, the sebum builds up and causes acne. You know how people usually get acne from the neck up? It’s because your face has the highest concentration of sebaceous glands on your body, up to 6,000 per square inch. Wherever your glasses are touching your skin — the bridge of the nose, the back of the ear — they’re getting greased up. Microscopic particles of this oil are also getting flung from your face onto your glasses over the course of the day because our heads are essentially leaking oil tankers. 

Similarly, your body produces sebum to lubricate hair follicles to keep them hydrated, so your eyelashes can smudge your lenses, and if you’re the type to occasionally store your glasses on the top of your head, you might as well be dunking them in vegetable oil. Meanwhile, if you happen to have other substances on your face beyond your natural body grease, it’s all going to contribute to the filth. Whether you’re putting on moisturizer, sunscreen, makeup or are even just sweating, trace amounts are going to accrue on your lenses. 

Remember in the early days of the pandemic when doctors told us to avoid touching our faces with our hands, and you suddenly realized you touch your face all the time? Your fingers also have microparticles — or sometimes very obvious particles — of dirt or food or dust or other gunk on them, which can also get transferred to your eyewear. And hey, ever hear that dust is mostly mode of the dead skin cells people shed? That’s a myth, but it’s still a fact that we all slough off more than 30,000 dead skin cells every minute, and those are going to build up on your lenses, too.

But normal dust is also a problem! Just because you and your glasses are moving around all day doesn’t mean they’re getting some magic protection from it (the same way ceiling fan blades get dirty over time, even if they’re being used full-time). Like every other object in existence, your glasses collect dust… but also microparticles of pet dander, pollen, smog, food, dirt and everything else that causes grit and grime. The reason your glasses are dirty all the goddamned time is because everything is getting them dirty, including you — especially you — every minute of every day. 

So the best way of keeping those glasses clean is by hermetically sealing them in an airtight container and never, ever wearing them. Otherwise, make peace with the fact that the price of seeing clearly is cleaning them frequently. Your quickest fix will always be to give them a rubdown with a microfiber cloth. For a more thorough cleansing, start by washing your hands so you don’t inadvertently rub more gunk on them in the process. Rinse the glasses in lukewarm water (hot water can damage some lenses), then put a single drop of dishwashing liquid on both sides of both lenses, and rub it in with your fingers. Rinse them off, shake off whatever moisture you can and finish up by drying them with the aforementioned microfiber cloth.

Just don’t forget to clean your frames occasionally, too, since they also collect your various face greases. You can give them a rubdown at the same time as your lenses, but it’s even more effective to give them a once-over with some sort of disinfecting wipe, especially the parts that directly touch your skin. Then you can truly enjoy perfectly clean glasses… until they inevitably get smudged again, most likely later that day. 

Have you ever thought about contact lenses?

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