Why do I spot when I poop while pregnant?

Pregnancy and pooping — not the best combination ever. While you’re probably battling pregnancy constipation and those god awful massive pregnancy poops, you may also notice that sometimes there’s a bit of blood in your toilet offerings. Even when you’re not pregnant, blood in your poop can indicate some serious stuff, everything from ulcers, colitis and polyps, to even colon cancer. But how serious is bleeding when you poop during pregnancy? Here’s what it means, according to OB-GYNs, and thankfully, it’s potentially not as serious as you may think.

Dr. G. Thomas Ruiz, an OB-GYN at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, tells Romper that most commonly, especially during pregnancy, blood in your poop is from hemorrhoids — AKA one of the most annoying and irritating things about pregnancy, in my opinion. Ouch. Why are pregnant women more susceptible to getting hemorrhoids? Ruiz explains, “Pregnant women are susceptible because of the increased circulating blood volume. The colon motility is also slowed down due to the hormones of pregnancy. This creates firmer stool, which leads to more straining, causing hemorrhoids. The stool will have streaks of bright red blood.”

What exactly is a hemorrhoid? I know we certainly feel them — and they feel like awful, painful little bubbles from hell that simultaneously burn and ache while being itchy somehow — but what is it that’s hanging out down there, torturing us with every wipe of the toilet paper and even when we’re sitting down? The Mayo Clinic explained that they’re “swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum” and they can become engorged from straining when you poop. And as we all know, pooping during pregnancy can be no small feat, especially when there’s a baby and your uterus weighing down on your intestine and those pregnancy hormones are making you constipated.

So while streaky blood from your hemorrhoids is normal, other reasons for blood may not. Ruiz warns, “Lower intestinal bleeds are more serious and will not be blood streaks [like when bleeding from hemorrhoids], but frank bleeding. Upper gastrointestinal bleeds are dark in color and also serious.” But more likely than not, if you’re pregnant, you’re probably experiencing bloody poop from hemorrhoids. Now what can you do about them? Personally, I’ve had really good luck with those Preparation-H wipes with aloe and witch hazel during my pregnancy so far. Dr. Yvonne Bohn, an OB-GYN at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, suggests taking a "sitz bath," and soaking your bum in water for 20 minutes. “Hemorrhoidal creams that contain a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory agent help,” she tells Romper.

So how can we prevent these awful hemorrhoids — and in turn, hopefully prevent bloody poop? Bohn says you can prevent constipation during pregnancy by “increasing water intake, eating fiber-rich foods, taking a fiber supplement, using a stool softener, and exercising.” A Romper article reported that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) said stool softeners, like Colace, are safe for pregnancy, just make sure you talk to your doctor beforehand.

Thankfully, if you’re having some bloody streaks in your poop during pregnancy, it’s typically not too serious, but you can thank pregnancy hormones, the weight of your uterus and the baby, and the slowing down of your intestinal tract. Try to drink more water, use a stool softener, get some walking in, eat fiber-rich foods and even take a fiber supplement to prevent pregnancy constipation. Then hopefully, you won’t have to worry about those terrible hemorrhoids and the bloody poop that sometimes comes with them.

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Are you pregnant? Have you experienced some spotting or bleeding and are wondering what it means?

While it can be alarming and distressing to notice blood in the bathroom when you least expect it, there are some rational explanations — and not all of them are as dire as you may think. In fact, while not experienced by every mom, some level of bloody discharge during pregnancy is actually pretty common.

Read on to learn what bleeding or spotting during pregnancy can mean, what other symptoms to watch for, and when to worry.

The Differences Between Bleeding and Spotting

Any bleeding that occurs outside your menstrual period is commonly referred to as breakthrough bleeding (1).

However, there are different levels of breakthrough bleeding, often differentiated by the terms “bleeding” and “spotting.”


  • Blood that is visible on your underwear or the toilet paper when you wipe after urinating.
  • Appears as light brown or pink spots — as you see at the beginning or end of your menstrual period.
  • Does not require a pad or panty liner.


  • Is bright red.
  • Is heavier than spotting, more similar to a menstrual period.
  • Requires a sanitary pad to manage.

What Does Bleeding During Pregnancy Mean?

When you experience any amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, your mind always jumps to the worst. We’ve been there, too, so we understand the fear.

It’s alarming, it’s unexpected, and it’s scary — especially when you feel so helpless and want to know what’s going on inside your body.

So before you freak out, remember that many changes are going on in your body. Hormones are shifting, tissues are stretching, and blood flow to your uterus is increasing. So bleeding during pregnancy may also be due to a physiological process.

How Common is Bleeding During Pregnancy?

Bleeding is relatively common during pregnancy. How often it occurs and the reasons behind it differ throughout the trimesters. Up to 30% of women experience bleeding during their first trimester (2), and as many as 20 percent of women — that’s one in five — have bleeding at some point during their pregnancy (3).

You’re most likely to experience bleeding at certain points in your pregnancy — like toward the beginning to middle of the first trimester or toward the end of the third. Report to your doctor any bleeding you might notice at any point during pregnancy.

9 Causes Of Bleeding or Spotting During Pregnancy

There are many reasons you may experience bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. Some of these are:

1. Implantation Bleeding

When fertilization occurs, it happens in the fallopian tubes — well before the egg reaches the uterus. Meanwhile, the uterine walls have become thick-lined with blood and tissue, preparing for a potential pregnancy, should it happen.

If pregnancy does not occur, this uterine lining is shed and is what comprises the menstrual period. If a pregnancy does occur, the fertilized egg needs to burrow its way into the lining, which can cause light bleeding. This is known as implantation bleeding.

About one-third of women experience implantation bleeding. While the timing for women varies based upon their fertility cycles, it typically occurs about 3 to 7 days before an expected period.

For this reason, it can often be mistaken as the start of a woman’s period, although it is usually of a much shorter duration and differs in color and amount.

The bleeding is not heavy and resembles spotting. It is usually pink or dark brown and does not include clots like menstrual blood.

2. Miscarriage

When you notice bleeding or spotting during pregnancy, miscarriage is typically the first thing you think of — after all, it’s a much-feared worst-case scenario. And while it is a very real possibility, try to remember it’s not the only possible explanation.

A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within the first 20 weeks of gestation. However, most miscarriages occur within the first three months (4).

As many as one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, primarily due to genetic abnormalities. Other miscarriages occur for no known reason.

If you do experience a miscarriage, bleeding is one of the primary symptoms. The blood may appear brown or bright red and may be accompanied by clots or tissue (5). There may also be a gush of clear or pink fluid or discharge, which is actually amniotic fluid.

If you suspect you are experiencing a miscarriage, your doctor will likely order an ultrasound and a blood test.

The ultrasound will examine the inside of your uterus to try to determine whether there is a fetus and detectable heartbeat. A blood test can measure HCG levels, also known as the “pregnancy hormone.”

The levels of HCG in your bloodstream rise rapidly during early pregnancy, and if a downward trend is detected in your blood, it could indicate a miscarriage. Remember, though, HCG levels alone are not an indicator that everything is 100% OK, as they can rise and double as expected even in some cases of ectopic pregnancy. That’s why your doctor will always do an ultrasound too.

It usually takes two HCG levels to diagnose a problem with the pregnancy (6). While the absolute value varies greatly from one woman to the next, two tests 48-72 hours apart should show a doubling of the HCG level in the early first trimester.

Sometimes, women experience a miscarriage, and after the initial symptoms of pain and bleeding, and after they notice tissue passing, they can start feeling their symptoms disappear and might not want to see their doctor. This can potentially be very dangerous for the woman since there are different types of miscarriages, and they can happen due to an ectopic pregnancy. So if you feel you are having a miscarriage, you should always see your doctor.

Editor's Note:

Dr. Irena Ilic, MD

3. Placenta Previa

The placenta is the major organ that delivers blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your baby, and it grows throughout your pregnancy. It is typically attached high in your uterine wall, where it gets the best blood flow and will stay well out of the baby’s way when it comes time to deliver.

Sometimes, the placenta develops close to or directly over the cervix. This is called placenta previa (7). There are different types, depending on its position, including partial, low-lying, marginal, and major or complete placenta previa.

This is typically detected in an ultrasound during the second trimester and is closely monitored for the duration of pregnancy.

Placenta previa can cause a good amount of vaginal bleeding and must be monitored, but with lifestyle modifications and modern medical procedures, you will more than likely deliver a healthy baby. Also, not all cases of placenta previa will be accompanied by heavy bleeding; it can be minimal to none. As the uterus continues to grow, it’s common for the placenta to shift out of the way of the cervix, leading to a normal delivery.

What Placenta Previa Means For Your Pregnancy

If you have placenta previa, you will probably have to go on pelvic rest for the remainder of your pregnancy, which means you can’t have sex or vaginal exams, and you may have to avoid vigorous exercise. If it doesn’t resolve by the end of your pregnancy, you will have to deliver your baby by C-section since the placenta is blocking your baby’s exit from the womb. Also, after the delivery, you might experience more bleeding than usual or bleeding that is harder to control, so your doctor will monitor you closely.

Placenta previa is relatively common, occurring in 1 of 200 pregnancies. Most of these, up to 90%, resolve by the time of delivery. It’s more likely to occur if this is not your first pregnancy, if you’re pregnant with multiples, or if you’ve had any previous procedures on your uterus.

4. Placental Abruption

Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates from your uterine wall before your baby is born (8). It is a serious condition as it affects your baby’s oxygen and blood supply, and there is no medical treatment to reattach the placenta. It happens most commonly in the third trimester.

Placental abruption usually develops suddenly and is accompanied by abdominal and back pain and heavy bleeding. However, occasionally it occurs slowly over time, which can result in light, occasional bleeding. This can be the case with chronic placental abruption, and in these cases, the baby’s growth progress might be slowed.

If you have occasional bleeding, your doctor will also monitor your amniotic fluid levels and your baby’s growth rate to determine how the condition is affecting your pregnancy.

It’s important to note the severity of your bleeding does not always directly correlate with the severity of your placental abruption. This means that even if sometimes there is little blood seen on the outside, there could be more blood trapped inside the uterus. Your doctor will examine your uterus and order an ultrasound to diagnose your placental abruption and its severity.

If you have a placental abruption, you may have to deliver your baby immediately if you are near the end of your pregnancy. If you are earlier in your pregnancy and your bleeding stops, you will be closely monitored for the duration of your pregnancy as there is a risk of premature labor.

5. Hematoma

The chorion membrane is contained between your placenta and the uterine wall. Sometimes, blood collects in the folds of the chorion and results in a condition called subchorionic bleeding, or subchorionic hematoma (9). Subchorionic hematomas can be of different sizes, with larger ones causing heavier bleeding, but with smaller ones being the most common.

If you experience bleeding during pregnancy, your doctor will likely order an ultrasound to screen for the presence of a hematoma. However, some hematomas are accidentally detected through routine ultrasounds with no accompanying bleeding.

There is no specific treatment for subchorionic hematoma except possible pelvic rest, depending on the severity of your condition. The good news is that it frequently resolves on its own. Your doctor might also start you on medication to prevent miscarriage.

However, in more severe cases, if it does not resolve, it may result in a placental abruption, which can be a serious threat to your pregnancy.

If you are diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma, you will likely be monitored more closely by your doctor and have more frequent ultrasounds. You should avoid standing for long periods of time, having sex, and exercising. And make sure to follow any bed rest instructions your doctor prescribes.

6. Vaginal Infection

The cervix is considered a blood-rich organ, which means it can easily bleed if inflamed or irritated. An infection such as a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis can cause cervical irritation and bleeding.

These conditions are completely unrelated to pregnancy, but with the increased blood flow to your reproductive organs and cervix during this time, bleeding may be a symptom you don’t experience as frequently when you’re not pregnant.

Vaginal bleeding may be due to an infection if it’s accompanied by foul-smelling or abnormal discharge, if you have redness, itching, or vaginal wall irritation, or if you are experiencing a burning sensation when you pee (11).

Vaginal infections are easily treated with antibiotics, and your doctor will prescribe those safe to use in pregnancy.

7. Sex

Sex is safe during pregnancy, so unless you’ve been given explicit instructions from your doctor to avoid it, enjoy getting your groove on while you’re expecting.

However, the act of sex has the potential to irritate the cervix — especially if the penis bumps up against it. This can cause you to notice some very light bleeding the next day, most likely so light that you’ll only notice it on toilet paper after going to the bathroom.

This does not indicate there is a problem and is completely normal.

Don’t be shy about discussing sex during pregnancy with your partner and with your health care provider. There are some cases when your doctor might suggest you avoid sex, such as having an incompetent cervix, placenta previa, or unexplained bleeding. Even then, nine months will pass soon, and in the meantime, there are other ways to maintain intimacy with your partner, so don’t feel discouraged.

Editor's Note:

Dr. Irena Ilic, MD

8. Losing Your Mucus Plug

During pregnancy, your body develops a mucus plug at the opening of your cervix. Sounds lovely, I know, but it has a very important purpose. It helps protect your baby and uterus from bacteria (12).

Toward the end of your pregnancy, as your cervix begins to open, the mucus plug will release, and you may experience spotting in your underwear. However, it looks different from typical spotting in that it’s mixed with stringy or thick mucus.

Some women experience the loss of their mucus plug throughout several days and may notice it as pink-tinged bloody spots or streaks on the toilet paper when they wipe after going to the bathroom. Other women experience the loss of their mucus plug all at once. In this case, the volume of blood will be greater and the loss of the mucus plug will be more noticeable. It can also happen without you noticing it. But, if you see discharge which might or might not be your mucus plug, and it is bright red in color and not just a few drops you should contact your doctor right away, especially if you are feeling any pain.

The loss of the mucus plug usually signals that labor is imminent, though it can be up to two weeks before labor begins. Some women don’t lose their mucus plug until they’re in active labor. It is also known as bloody show.

If you are near the end of your pregnancy and start seeing blood in your underwear or on toilet paper, don’t panic — especially if it is mixed with discharge. It is a normal part of your body preparing for labor.

On the other hand, if you’re not nearing your due date and notice some blood-tinged mucus, contact your doctor. They will check your cervix to see if it is opening too early. If it is, you may be going into premature labor or have an incompetent cervix (13).

If either of these are diagnosed, they can be treated with labor-stopping medications or a cerclage.

9. Unknown Reasons

On rare occasions, some women will experience heavy breakthrough bleeding — almost like a regular period — intermittently throughout the course of their pregnancy with no known medical cause.

While this is not considered normal, if you are experiencing regular, heavy bleeding, your doctor will work with you to rule out all severe causes that may threaten your baby’s life and the viability of your pregnancy.

If this happens to you regularly, track the occurrences of breakthrough bleeding to see if you can notice a pattern and help your doctor identify the cause.

When Should I Seek Medical Help?

You should always mention any type of bleeding or spotting to your doctor at your next pregnancy appointment. If you want to get their opinion on whether they’d like to see you sooner, you can call them between appointments.

If you experience any of the following symptoms along with your bleeding or spotting, ask your doctor for an immediate appointment or head to the local emergency room if they can’t fit you in:

  • Severe, painful cramping.
  • Bright red, heavy bleeding that soaks a pad.
  • A rush of fluid in addition to blood.
  • Severe nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
  • Chills and high fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher).

If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, use a sanitary pad to manage it until you can be seen by the doctor. If you do not have a pad on hand, you can stuff a baby diaper or washcloth in your underwear. Never use a tampon while pregnant.

The Bottom Line

While experiencing bleeding during pregnancy is alarming, rest assured that it often occurs due to a treatable condition, and most women can go on to deliver healthy babies.

However, because it may also signal a more severe condition, it’s always important to mention any level of vaginal bleeding or spotting to your doctor so they can evaluate you.

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