Why do girls like cute things?

We might go for people based on first impressions and looks, but as time passes, some folks tend to become a lot more attractive. For guys, the things they like most about their girlfriends usually end up being really tiny eccentricities and habits that they rarely even know about. Universally, there’s more than a few things women do that guys find super cute.

Check them out!

1. When they play video games with you

Nothing beats shooting each other in the face while chilling on the couch. It just feels like she’s your buddy.

2. When they wear your shirts

This one’s a classic. Oversized shirts look super sexy.

3. When they find the same stupid things funny as you

Whether it’s a shitty movie or someone slipping on a banana peel, it’s nice to be on the same humour level.

4. When they surprise you with a cold beer after a long day

Few things are as endearing as an unexpected beer after a hard day.

It’s just plain cute and innocent.

6. When they get super excited about their passions

People just become so much more beautiful when they believe in something whether it’s books or music or anything else.

7. When they still behave like children at times

It’s totally loveable to see someone let out the child in them, whether it’s climbing a tree or throwing a mock tantrum.

It’s just nicer to be with someone who’s capable and can depend on herself.

9. When they eat with total abandon

Let the mustard and mayo drip, there’s no other way to eat!

10. And when they dance like no one’s watching

Because it’s always fun to bust a move, especially if they don’t give a damn about their surroundings.

You’re angry one second and trying to contain your laughter the next. Very charming.

12. When they tuck their hair behind their ears while talking

Another classic that needs no explanation.

13. When they get drunk and tell you how they feel

Most of it might be gibberish, but it’s loveable gibberish.

This just makes them so much more interesting. It can be the lights, or posters or anything really.

15. When they do something crazy spontaneously

Whether it’s planning a sudden trip or deciding to make cocktails for lunch, someone spontaneous keeps things fresh!

It’s all about the little things!

You may not be ready to admit to the serious crush you have on LOLcats (adorbs!), but even the most rough-and-tumble lose their cool when confronted with the seriously cute. From fuzzy bunnies and cuddly puppies to cooing babies and hugging hedgehogs, humans of both sexes love cute things. And we don't discriminate; we love all kinds of cute things. Some cars sell well simply because they're cuter than others (case in point: the Mini Cooper). The ability to zero in on cute people, animals and products is universal. Why do we love cute things?

It all has to do with the survival of our species: We're drawn to cuteness because we're hardwired to notice human babies. Born so vulnerable that they must be lifted to breast or bottle, human babies trigger a strong protective response. Our fondness for cuteness makes us more liable to interact with, care for and defend babies. It's a built-in life insurance policy that ensures they will survive and continue the human species.

The urge to love cute babies is so fervent that we fall for nearly anything with a measure of adorability. In fact, researchers have discovered that humans react equally well to babies of any species, whether a kitten or a fuzzy caterpillar [source: Angier]. That's because we're innately predisposed to recognize "cute" cues, such as a disproportionately large, round head. Other cues include big eyes situated just below the midline of the face, chubby cheeks, large forehead, round body and soft exterior. Collectively, these traits are known as baby schema. Seeing them will activate the mesocorticolimbic system, which gives a feeling of euphoria similar to that of opioid use. By activating glutamate receptors in the brain that trigger an anticipatory sense of reward and enjoyment, we are compelled to seek more of the cute things we encounter, whether that means holding, cuddling or cooing over them [sources: Borrell, Guo et al.].

We're even attracted to inanimate objects that evoke a sense of "baby." Objects ranging from balloons and rocks stacked snowman-style to punctuation marks such as colons, hyphens or parentheses prompted subjects to react as if the objects were real babies. In fact, the more cuteness an object, animal or person possessed, the greater the human response [source: Angier].

Guys of Reddit, what do girls do that is very cute but they don't know it? from AskReddit


Aug 23, 2018 | Updated: Mar 4, 2021, 2:00 PM EST

Dog shown actual size. / Anita Flores

The feeling that something is cute can be hard to explain, especially from a scientific standpoint. While more than 1000 research studies have been conducted on emotions such as fear, fewer than 10 have focused on what we think is “cute”—despite the prevalence of cuteness in marketing, fashion, and design. One thing we do know: Cuteness is connected to size, and small things are far more likely to be considered cute (and squeezable) than large ones are. Here's what science has to say about why we're drawn to all things smol—whether they're puppies, kittens, babies, dollhouses, tiny foods, or figurines—and the effect they have on us.

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