Why do dogs like the smell of blood

Why do dogs like the smell of blood
The nose is a prominent canine facial feature…long, short, black, pink. Noses vary, but they all have one thing in common. Noses are key to canine survival.

Why are noses important to dogs?

The canine nose does more than smell the roses. While humans primarily depend on their vision, dogs use both sight and smell to assess their surroundings and communicate. People spend more time interpreting visual data than olfactory information. Dogs are just the opposite.

Dogs devote lots of brain power to interpreting smells. They have more than 100 million sensory receptor sites in the nasal cavity compared to 6 million in people, and the area of the canine brain devoted to analyzing odors is about 40 times larger than the comparable part of the human brain. In fact, it has been estimated that dogs can smell anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 times better than people.

Do noses “talk”?

While noses do not actually speak, they do communicate. With a single sniff, noses interpret an entire story without words by using amines and acids emitted by dogs as the basis for chemical communication. The chemical aromas communicate what a dog likes to eat, and identify gender and mood. By simply smelling, a dog can determine if a new friend is male or female, happy or aggressive, healthy or ill. Dogs get a general idea about each other with a quick sniff, but get more detailed information by getting up close and personal. That is why some dogs sniff private parts of the anatomy!

Dogs also have a good scent memory that can identify other dogs they have not seen for years, and even remember which of them was the dominant member of the pair. When dogs belonging to the same family are separated for a while, they use sense of smell to catch up on things. Changes in odors may convey where the dog went, what he ate, and what he did.

When in a new territory, a dog can sniff a tree and determine what other dogs live in the neighborhood. They can smell a visitor’s pant-leg and get a good impression of where the person lives and whether he has pets at home.

Dogs also have a great homing instinct that depends on their ability to smell. Since dogs move their nostrils independently, they can determine the direction of an odor and use their sense of smell like a compass.

"The dog’s sense of smell is so adept that a blind dog has much less difficulty adjusting to the loss of vision than a human does."

Humans each have a unique innate scent that enables dogs to tell one person from another. Our dogs do not need to see us to identify us. The dog’s sense of smell is so adept that a blind dog has much less difficulty adjusting to the loss of vision than a human does.

Dogs also sense fear and anxiety via their noses. When we are stressed or scared, we secrete the fight-or-flight hormone, adrenaline, which dogs detect even though we can not smell it. When we are anxious, we also have increased heart rate and blood flow which carries body chemicals to the skin surface where dogs can pick them up more easily. So, there is no use trying to mask your true feelings from your canine companion. His sense of smell will not be fooled.

Why do dogs “smell better” than humans?

Unlike humans, dogs have an additional olfactory tool that increases their ability to smell. Jacobsen’s organ (or the vomeronasal organ) is a special part of the dog’s olfactory apparatus located inside the nasal cavity and opens into the roof of the mouth behind the upper incisors. This amazing organ serves as a secondary olfactory system designed specifically for chemical communication. The nerves from Jacobsen’s organ lead directly to the brain and are different from the other nerves in the nose in that they do not respond to ordinary smells. In fact, these nerve cells respond to a range of substances that often have no odor at all. In other words, they work to detect “undetectable” odors.

"With a quick sniff, a pup placed between two females will migrate to the mother that gave birth to him."

Jacobsen’s organ communicates with the part of the brain that deals with mating. By identifying pheromones, it provides male and female dogs with the information they need to determine if a member of the opposite sex is available for breeding. It also enhances a newborn pup’s sense of smell so he can find his mother’s milk source, and allows a pup to distinguish his mother from other nursing dogs. With a quick sniff, a pup placed between two females will migrate to the mother that gave birth to him. Pups also have heat sensors in their noses that help them locate their mothers if they wander away.

The two separate parts of the dog’s odor detection system, the nose and Jacobsen’s organ, work together to provide delicate sensibilities that neither system could achieve alone. When the dog curls his lips and flares his nostrils, he opens up Jacobsen’s organ, increases the exposure of the nasal cavity to aromatic molecules and essentially becomes a remarkably efficient smelling machine.

Why do dogs have wet noses?

The canine nose works best when it is damp. The wet outer nose and mucus-covered nasal canal efficiently capture scent particles. Moisture is so important to the canine sense of smell, that dogs will lick their noses when they become dry. Smart canines do not want to miss out on important information due to a dry nose!

If you’ve ever noticed your dog smelling like metal or iron, then you’re not alone. It can happen for a range of reasons, and not just because your dog has been digging outside in places they shouldn’t be. If your dog has a metallic smell, it could even be a sign of a health issue.

Your automatic assumption could be that your dog is injured. After all, a metallic smell is often associated with blood. It’s pays to feel your dog for any injury or to check their mouth for bleeding.

However, blood is probably not the answer, as I discuss below in my guide to why your dog has a metallic smell.

Why does my dog smell like metal or iron? Your dog most likely smells like iron of metal due to impacted anal glands. They can become full and get a metallic smell, which other people describe as fishy too. However, this isn’t the only reason, with more listed below.

While this is the most common in both male and females, your dog’s metallic smell is not always the fault of the anal glands. Read on to find out why else your dog could be smelling like iron or metal.

I’m going to share with you all you need to know about anal glands, why else you dog could be smelling like iron and when you should be worried about the smell of metal.

Before you go too far though; here’s an excellent dog-friendly shampoo that will get rid of the iron smells if they are hard to shift (read the Amazon reviews).

Why your dog smells like metal: various reasons

Firstly though, let’s explain any other metallic smells you might be getting from your dog, whether it’s their mouth and teeth, urine, vomit, skin, or after they have been outside.

Why does my dog’s breath smell like metal?

Female and male dogs can have metallic smelling breath for reasons as diverse as something they chewed on causing bleeding, dental issues, kidney issue, or an ulcer. The iron smell could also result from your dog licking their backside and the anal glands having leaked.

Many dog owners talk about their dog or puppy having a metallic smelling breathe. It can be alarming at times especially if you think your dog could be bleeding internally.

Here is more detail on those reasons why your dog’s breath has a metal smell to it.

  1. What have they been chewing on?If your dog has been chewing on rawhide or bone or even some toys, they could have some lacerations in their mouth. These could be bleeding. The most common places to look is on the roof of their mouth and along the gum lines.
  2. Rotting teeth or gum infection: This can happen to your older dog where their teeth are rotting, falling out or they have a gum infection. Again, check along their gum line and if you’re unsure then take them to the vet for a checkup.
  3. Teething: Sometimes, when puppies are teething their mouths smell metallic. This is fairly normal and not something to get too worried about. But keep an eye on it and if you’re at all concerned, visit the vet.
  4. Kidney problems: If your dog has kidney failure, a metallic smell is sometimes an indication of this.
  5. Ulcers: Your dog could have ulcers in their stomach, and this could be the reason for a metallic smelling breath.
  6. Anal glands: Yes, back to this one. Your dog could be licking his butt and the metallic smell is transferring to his mouth.

Always make sure you take your dog to the vet if you’re at all concerned about the metallic smell on their breath, particularly if it gets worse or doesn’t go away.

Why do dogs like the smell of blood
Your dog could even smell metallic after rolling in something.

Why does my dog’s vomit smell like metal?

Nasty smelling vomit, and even metallic smells in the puke, can be a sign that your dog has a health problem that needs swift veterinarian advice. Sick dogs can puke up vomit that smells like feces. 

Alternatively, it could be that your dog has been licking themselves where the anal glands have secreted, and that’s what you can now smell in their vomit. 

Handy Hint: If you ever smell something like maple syrup in your dog’s urine, please read this post then call a vet.

Why does my dog’s pee smell like metal?

Male and female dog urine can often smell like metal or iron if they have a kidney problem. The metallic smell in the pee could be blood that’s getting passed through them, which in turn could be the result of an internal injury, possibly kidneys.  

Most of us are familiar with the smell of our dog’s urine especially if they do it in the house. So, when you start to notice a metallic smell coming from your dog’s urine you may need to investigate further.

An iron smell is often associated with blood. If your dog has kidney disease, they’re likely to be urinating blood. Which could be why you’re picking up a metallic smell in their pee.

The kidney’s role is to manage and balance the waste in the body (both human and animal). When your dog’s kidneys are not functioning properly toxins build up in the body, including the blood. Your dog will become ill.

Incidentally, another sign of kidney disease is an ammonia-smelling breath.

And, just in case. Make sure it’s the urine smelling and not the rear end. You know, it could be the anal glands to blame – again!

Handy Hint: If your dog is peeing in the house, here are some tips on how to get the urine smell out of your wooden floors.

Why does my dog’s skin smell like metal?

Your dog’s skin smells like metal for two reasons; either their anal glands which they use to mark territory have leaked and got into the skin and fur (they might have even rolled in another dog’s anal gland secretion), or they have blood on them which smells like iron.

Once you’ve checked your dog over for an injury, it’s most likely impacted anal glands. Book a vet’s appointment to get them possibly expressed and treated.

It’s also worth investing in one of those specially medicated dog shampoos I’ve linked to on this page. My favorite one even manages to get rid of the smell of fox poo on a dog– it’s that powerful but doesn’t harm your dog – buy on Amazon.

Anal glands: why they make your dog smell

Your dog has a pair of small sacs that sit on either side of their anus. These glands are lined by cells and, here’s the unfortunate part; they secrete an oily substance that smells like a fish that’s been lying in the sun all day.

Other people compare the smell of a dog’s anal glands to a metallic or iron type odor. Kind of similar to how blood smells actually – which is why I recommend you always check the dog for an injury.

If all is fine and well with your dog, this metal smell is not a problem. In fact, it’s his own personal stamp by which all the other dogs in town know him by.

What do anal glands do?

The main role of the anal gland is to secrete a scent that’s distinctly your dog’s own signature. This is how they mark their territory and how dogs identify each other.

The anal glands produce a brown, sticky fluid which is released when the dog defecates. Next time you see your dog smelling his own poop it’s because he’s checking out the distinct smell from his anal sacs.

Have you noticed how dogs are always smelling each other’s bottoms when you take your dog out for a walk in the park? I know I certainly have often thought about it! What they’re doing is picking up on each other’s scent and identifying who’s who in the park.

When to worry about the metallic smell coming from the rear end

Most of the time, your dog will naturally empty the anal sacs through pooping. But sometimes this doesn’t happen and then the smell can become a foul, metallic smell.

If you notice the following happening as well as the metallic smell you may need to express your dog’s anal sacs:

Impacted anal glands can also be cause by obesity, food and environmental allergies or an abnormal anatomical structure of the gland. Impacted anal glands can become infected and painful.

I’ve never done this to my own dog, and in truth, I would never want to. My vet has done it to our dog though, and the whole procedure lasted about 10 minutes.

Understanding anal sac disease

You may get worried when your vet tells you your little fur-baby has anal sac disease. But he’s simply referring to impacted anal glands.

This is a very common problem among many dogs especially small breed dogs. When the ducts are inflamed because of any of the reasons mentioned above the sacs become impacted (full and plugged).

What happens when the ducts become full?

The oily fishy smelling secretion thickens, and the sacs become swollen. Every time a dog passes feces, pressure against the plugged sacs causes a lot of pain.

When the secretion is not released, it continues to build up in the sacs. It’s more prone to bacterial infection. When this happens, an abscess can form in the sacs. If it’s not treated or it doesn’t burst, it can spread the infection through the dog’s body.

Your vet will assess the case and treat with antibiotics if necessary. They’ll also express the glands to release the build-up of the fluids. You can also learn how to express your dog’s anal glands.

Ask the vet to show you how it’s done properly.

While anal glands are most often the cause for your dog smelling like iron or metal, there are some other reasons. You may notice the smell coming from other parts of their body.


Next time you smell metal or iron odors on your dog, do a quick check over their body and mouth for signs of a visible injury. If the smell doesn’t disappear after a bath, or comes back very quickly, it’s worth checking in with your vet.

On a lighter note, if you can smell it, imagine what it’s like for dogs? Their smell is so good, that trained police dogs can detect guns on criminals!

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