Why are my lips turning black and i dont smoke

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Follow these best tips to get normal and natural pink lips :- 1. Moisturize your lips you must keep your lips moisturized if you want them to stay healthy and therefore pink. If you are going outside, try applying a bit of petroleum jelly or lip balm and if you are inside, use some Milk fat (ghee). 2. Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk. Another simple way to lighten dark, dull lips and create a beautiful pink color is using pomegranate seeds. Crush up the seeds and mix it with some milk cream. If you apply this home remedy to your lips regularly, you will start to see them becoming redder and fuller. 3. Apply Cucumber Juice Another great way to reduce any darkness on your lips is to apply a bit of cucumber juice. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten dark lips to a beautiful pink color. 4. Mix Rose Petals in Milk. Rose petals are another one of the great home remedies for pink lips. Simply soak some rose petals in milk for a little bit of time. Then use the petals to make a paste, adding a few drops of both glycerin and honey. Apply the paste on your lips and wait fifteen minutes before gently rubbing it off using milk. This remedy can produce amazing results. 5. Massage with Lemon Juice Another remedy only requires lemon and some sugar. Cut a thin slice from the lemon, sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your lips with this combination each day. This works well because lemon works to naturally bleach your lips, returning them to their light, pink color while sugar works to exfoliate dead skin cells. 6. Mix Turmeric Powder with Milk mix raw turmeric powder and milk cream to achieve great results. You can also try mixing turmeric powder and gram’s flour to light your lips. Just keep in mind that gram’s flour dries out lips making it a poor option for those whose lips are already dry. 7. Mix Honey, Almond Oil and Sugar Another great remedy is to mix sugar, honey and a little bit of olive or almond oil. Apply this to your lips, massaging it in for ten minutes.

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Just like our skin, our lips too need regular pampering. Because just like your under eyes, the skin on your lips is too thin and it even has no sweat glands! This makes it more prone to dryness and getting chapped. Although, chapping is not the only concern that we face with our lips. Dark or pigmented lips are also one of the problems you may be dealing with.

Well your lips may get pigmented and lose their natural pink flush due to many reasons. The colour of your lips may also vary depending on your lifestyle habits and also medical factors. Jaishree Sharad, a certified Dermatologist, recently took to Instagram to share a reel about the causes of dark lips.

In her informative video, Sharad lists following reasons that may cause your lips to darken:

Well, smoking doesn’t just harm your lungs. If you smoke, you may have darker lips than your non-smoking friends!

Why are my lips turning black and i dont smoke

Stay away from smoking as much as possible. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Allergy to lipsticks

Using lip cosmetics like lipsticks, gloss and balms may do more bad than good. Lipsticks may contain some chemicals that you may be allergic to. These chemicals may be responsible for causing hyperpigmentation on your lips.

3. Allergy to toothpastes containing menthol or cloves

Well everything that comes in contact with your lips may have an adverse effect on the skin tone of your lips. If you’re not addicted to cigarettes or don’t apply lipstick often, You might be allergic to some ingredient in your toothpaste.

4. Pursing, biting or licking the lips

So ladies! Your lips are fragile and go through major wear and tear on their own. Licking your lips, biting them or pressing them may worsen the situation and cause hyper-pigmented lips. In addition to this, lip licking is also a major reason for dry and chapped lips.

5. Fragrance based lip balms

While your cherry bomb lippie might taste amazing, opting for fragrance-free lip balm is a good idea. Especially, if you have pigmented lips.

Why are my lips turning black and i dont smoke

Keep an eye on reasons that may be causing dark lips! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

8. Poor quality lip products, dark coloured lipsticks or matte lipsticks

Matte lipsticks can further dry out your lips because they can absorb the natural oil around your mouth. Using poorly made products on our lips may also worsen the situation.

9. Drug allergy

Dark lips may also be caused by an allergic reaction from a medicine. Stop using the medication and consult your doctor if your lips look pigmented than before.

10. Conditions like lichen planus

It is a skin condition that can cause swelling, inflammation and irritation in the skin. If your lips appear purple or have tiny bumps, it is better to consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Your lips need a separate care routine and that extra attention because let’s face it, who doesn’t want that perfect pout?

Here are a few simple tips to lighten your dark lips

1. Keep yourself hydrated

Conditions like environmental pollution and dehydration can result in dry, chapped, pigmented and dark lips. That’s why it’s important to drink as much water as you can. Especially in winter, make a conscious effort to have at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2. Quit smoking

Smoking is gross for your health! You need to drop that cigarette for the sake of your lips if not for your respiratory health.

3. Eat a lot of fresh fruits

Eat both fresh fruits and veggies with high water content like watermelon, tomato, and cucumber, in order to moisten your lips and to improve the tone.

Why are my lips turning black and i dont smoke

Eat the right food! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Do not pluck or chew the lips

When our lips are dry, we tend to lick, pluck or chew them. It may cause harm, so don’t do that.

5. Apply moisturisers

The expert suggests applying moisturisers like ghee or almond oil may help improve the skin tone of your lips.

6. Saffron or beetroot extracts

Saffron or beetroot extract can be used as natural lip colours. This will keep lips healthy and fuller and will improve the lip colour.

Table of Contents

What Causes Dark Lips?

Lips Lightening Treatment 

Home Remedies to Prevent Dark Lips

One of the softest parts of our body is the lips. Everyone wishes to have pink, soft, and luscious lips but all don’t get.

What Causes Dark Lips?

Let’s talk about the causes of dark lips:

One of the most important causes of dark lips is vitamin B12 deficiency. In this condition, you will get dark spots or patchy dark lips. When diagnosed then the doctor might tell you to have vitamin-rich foods and supplements as well. In some cases, injections might be required. Vitamin B 12 foods are mostly food in animal meat like eggs, chicken, fish, mushrooms, and fortified cereals.

Due to lack of hydration, decoloration of lips is also possible. It’s important to moisturize your lips all the time to avoid dryness, itching, and chapped lips. Water plays a vital role in keeping your lips and body hydrated.

Pigmentation can occur in any part of our body, in lips as well. It can be heredity or due to sun rays also melasma or hyperpigmentation can occur. Hormones also can be the cause of dark lips but can affect mostly pregnant ladies.

Taking wrong and over-the-counter medications without dermatologist concern can get dark lips. Using wrong creams, without proper information can also lead to hyperpigmentation.

Due to smoking and drinking regularly can also lead to pigmented lips. Tobacco leads to an increase in the dark spots on the lips if taken very frequently.

Due to makeup, lipsticks, hair dye, toothpaste, etc can cause allergies and which lead to having dark skin or spots.

Lips Lightening Treatment 

Many people ask why are my lips dark? You’ve already seen some causes of dark lips. They include over-exposure to the sun, smoking, excessive caffeine, allergic reactions, and family history. Additionally, you’ve also seen some home-based lips-lightening treatments. But in some cases, where home remedies for dark lips don’t work, treatment options like Q switch laser and chemical peel could be available. 

Laser treatment, which is FDA-approved, is a non-invasive treatment that helps reduce lip darkness. Regular use of chemical peels may also work effectively after dermatologist consultation, prescription, and guidance. Click here to connect with us for our lips-lightening treatment options.

Home Remedies to Prevent Dark Lips

There are so many home remedies that will help you to remove dark spots and can prevent them as well. But these are just tips that might work in some cases but may not work as well. It’s always important to meet a dermatologist and get your lips checked and then accordingly follow the medications.

Let’s talk about a few remedies,

  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Tea
  • Turmeric
  • Apple cider vinegar

Regular using of these items directly on lips but in a very small quantity will definitely help in lightening the lip color. It’s important to use sunblock for lips when going out in the sun, it really helps a lot. The application of lip balm is also important to keep your lips hydrated and soft.

I hope these tips will help you to get a luscious lip.