Why are mmorpgs so boring

This may seem an odd question, since I have played many mmorpgs and thought I enjoyed them.But did I?Or did I just jump on a progression treadmill and keep going because it was vaguely satisfying? What I most wanted was the sense of awe and wonder I found in EQ. Every game had some of that, but increasingly less over time.Mostly I ended up doing a bunch of tasks, expecting the fun would come later when I was higher level. And it mostly never did.

I am having some self doubt. I need a new and better fix.

EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring
Why are mmorpgs so boring

My first MMO experience were Meridian59, you could try it for free via PC Gamer for an hour or so back in the 90s, I tried didn't understand much but It was my first experience with MMOs Diidn't like it much.

My second experience were Ultima Online, also a freetrial, didn't klick, then It was Everquest, that game I liked but I only played it for like 6-7 months then got tired of it and never returned.

Then I had i MMO drought until I found ww2online in 2003 play that one to about 2008 bu that was a pure FPS game and not a classic fantasy MMO, I also got into EVE when it launched in 2003 played and yes that game is a game I have played on and off since launch but never tried if after 2015, but as I sead on and off, never constantly playing it.

Over the years been playing, well crapload games, but one thing that really struck me when reading this forums and other that people are writing that they have been playing the same game for years and years.

I get bored, doing the same game for years.

So what motivates you for playing the same game for years and years? Yes most people will say It's because the guild you are in that makes it worth it, but does the game itself motivates you?

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I want to give these type of games an honest shot but most of them seem very boring to me. Are there any MMOs where the quest content consists of more than "Kill 10 bearsX1000, fetch this item 2,000 times" etc? I'm also not very fond of grinding for loot either. Getting new gear is cool and all, but I don't find grinding the same raids or dungeons for hours for a piece of armor with slightly higher stats "fun" by any means.

Is WoW like this?

Revocation68 posted...

I want to give these type of games an honest shot but most of them seem very boring to me. Are there any MMOs where the quest content consists of more than "Kill 10 bearsX1000, fetch this item 2,000 times" etc? I'm also not very fond of grinding for loot either. Getting new gear is cool and all, but I don't find grinding the same raids or dungeons for hours for a piece of armor with slightly higher stats "fun" by any means.

Is WoW like this?

WoW created this.

Granted, it was really fun back when it came out. It was a refreshing change of pace from the endless pack pulls I was doing to level characters in DAoC

Yes, all MMOs are grinds. It is not possible to create a game that is meant to be played for thousands of hours without a lot of repetition. No one can create content faster than people can consume it.


Revocation68 posted...

I'm also not very fond of grinding for loot either. Getting new gear is cool and all, but I don't find grinding the same raids or dungeons for hours for a piece of armor with slightly higher stats "fun" by any means.

I used to say that, but I ended up enjoying raiding in WoW. It's not as "grindy" as it sounds because you're usually struggling to succeed in the first place, or you have plenty of room to play better. You just need to enjoy the class or specialization you're playing. I can tell you if I tried raiding with my hunter or warlock first, I would have quit the game within a week. Any of the 3 monk specs though? I'll play all 3 for a year each.

JohnMafia posted...

Yes, all MMOs are grinds. It is not possible to create a game that is meant to be played for thousands of hours without a lot of repetition. No one can create content faster than people can consume it.
Everquest was notorious for being a couple expansions ahead of where top raid guilds were at in progression.Pre-exp content wasn't finished until after Kunark came out. Planes of Power wasn't cleared on time and it took almost half a year to kill just one of the bosses. Gates of Discord was impossible to finish until the following expansion. And the following expansion Omens of War wasn't finished on time either.

Every 40 man raid in WoW could be cleared in less than 60 minutes. MC and BWL in less than 30 with nothing but gear from that tier. So "grindy".

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Yes, because what money could they make otherwise

I have to give TSW credit for it's main quest and side missions. While a lot of the side missions are basic "find three items" or "kill 5 monsters" they usually at least pay lip service to story. They have some context for why you're doing this thing. Then you have main missions that always have voiced cut scenes and a story thread that might run through multiple areas. On top of all of that, you have the story missions that are some what self contained to the geographical location (i.e. New England has three big locations, Egypt has two, etc.), but have an under current connecting them all. Then of course you have dungeons, raids, and PVP.All of that together is enough to pull you through the game with plenty of XP, gear, and weapons, with no grinding, to the end of the story as it stands in Tokyo. You also pick up a few good pieces of "end game" gear by the time it's over with. For me, that was like 300-400 hours of play time and I didn't grind a damn thing.

Of course, once that's over, it does turn into somewhat of a grind as you replay mission to level up your gear to the pinnacle of awesome. So yes, they all turn into a grind at some point, but the good ones manage to push the grind out as far as they can.

You have no idea. It's gotten to the point where I can't even get an erection unless I put a saddle on my back and a dwarf rides me around like a horse- MrClick

The fetch quests are -preferable- to what was in place before the fetch quests (read "there are no goals but level cap is thirty million exp away. Here's a third party spreadsheet of the best places for exp"


Yes, they're all like that.

Hmmmm, this made me think of Realm of the Mad God.. ^^

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