Who fathered the most babies

WASHINGTON, DC— A new Child Trends study estimates that 15 percent of men, or more than one in seven, will father children with more than one woman by the age of 40. According to the study, Men Who Father Children with More Than One Woman: A Contemporary Portrait of Multiple-Partner Fertility, five percent of men will father children with more than one woman by age 25. This increases to eight percent at age 30, to 12 percent at age 35, and to 15 percent at age 40. Moreover, these men have more children than men who have multiple children with the same woman: More than one-third of men (36 percent) who had children with multiple women had four or more children.

Cassandra Logan, Ph.D., lead author of the study stated, “Men who father children with more than one woman find it difficult to balance financial and social responsibilities across families. Consequently, fathers may spend less time with and reduce child support payments to their children living in other households.”

The study found that most men who had children with multiple partners – just over 70 percent -were married at the time that one or more of their children were born. This figure includes 24 percent of men who fathered children in multiple marital relationships and 46 percent of men who fathered children in a combination of marital and nonmarital relationships. The remaining 29 percent only fathered children outside of marriage. According to Jennifer Manlove, Ph.D. co-author of the study, “We were surprised that the majority of men who had births with multiple partners did so within at least one marital relationship. This defies the stereotype of men fathering multiple children all outside of marriage.”

The study found that 61 percent of men who fathered children with multiple women had served some time in jail, compared with 28 percent of men who fathered children with only one woman. Dr. Logan stated, “This association poses problems for children because of unstable family environments among incarcerated fathers who have limited, if any, contact with their children.” Having children with multiple partners was also found to be more prevalent among African-American men (compared with white men and Hispanic men) and men who grew up in households that were not headed by two biological parents.

The study also found that men were more likely to have children with more than one mother if they had their first sexual experience at a young age, if they fathered their first child at a young age, or if their first birth occurred outside of marriage or cohabitation. Thus, according to Manlove, “Pregnancy prevention programs that are effective at delaying early sexual activity and postponing an early first birth may also help to reduce the prevalence of multiple-partner fertility.”

The research brief analyzed men aged 15 to 44 from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth.

About Child Trends – Child Trends is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research center serving those dedicated to creating better lives for children and youth. For more information on Child Trends, click on www.childtrends.org.

Kyle Gordy said that though his dating life has been average

New Delhi:

Kyle Gordy, 30, from California, US, is a sperm donor and the biological father to more than 50 children across the world, but he is now facing a problem in having a regular relationship as women approach him for having a baby and not for settling down with him, according to various media reports.

He said that he is expecting 10 more children and has no plans to stop being a sperm donor.

Kyle said that though his dating life has been average, he did not have any long-term relationships but, to settle down it would take someone special to understand him and accept him for what he is.

"I think discussing my sperm donating early on in our relationship is best, as she would be more likely to understand the situation," media reports quoted Kyle as saying.

The 30-year-old said that he feels happy to have helped so many women start families despite the impact it has had on his own life.

"I am currently on a sperm donation world tour and openly meet my children. The joy I receive from doing this is the best feeling in the world. I regularly receive pictures of the children, so knowing they are doing well is great," he said.

Kyle started donating his sperm eight years ago and since then he has helped over 1,000 women, he estimated, media reports said.

He said that he started advertising his free service through the Instagram handle and was surprised with the messages he received on his Instagram from women after a few successful pregnancies.

"I didn't think so many women would be interested, as most of them had money and could easily go to any sperm bank. However, after hearing their reasons, most stated that they wanted the option for the child to see their biological father. I think women in the United Kingdom are most interested in me, but I think this is only due to sperm banks being off-putting," media reports quoted him as saying.

As of now, Kyle is happily and eagerly waiting for his 10 more children on their way and encourages women who require his service to get in touch with him through his Instagram account.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

5) King Sobhuza II – 210 Children
This former King of Swaziland, who lived between 1899 and 1982, is thought to have had 70 wives and 210 children, most of whom born somewhere between 1920 and 1970, according to face2faceafrica.com. When he died, he had more than 1,000 grandchildren.

Not only does his claim to fame include a record number of offspring, he also holds the title of the longest verifiable reign of any monarch in recorded history – having held the title of King of Swaziland for 82 years and 254 days. It helps that he was crowned King at only four months old.

Since he had so many children, one might think that he could get the award for most children born to one man, if there were such a thing. However, there are some other men out there who actually had more kids than him.

4) Augustus II The Strong – Possibly 365-382 Children
Augustus II The Strong was born in 1670, and his physical strength was supposedly extraordinary, which is why he got the nickname that he is known by today. But something else about him that is very extraordinary is the number of children that some people believe is fathered.

According to history.info, he only had one legitimate son. While that might not sound like a lot, he also had a number of affairs, which resulted in some children of his being born out of wedlock. This is even something that he admitted to doing, but he did not tell anyone exactly how many children he had. Perhaps even he was unaware of how many kids he fathered.

While he’s not the man with the most children, he is certainly not far from it; some people believe that it is possible that he fathered between 365 and 382 children. While he might have been a great historical figure for other reasons, it doesn’t look like this man was a very good father. Fathers should at least be able to name how many children they have.

3) Bertold P. Wiesner – 600 Children
There have been many cases of people fathering lots of children after donating their sperm, and this is one of them. According to huffpost.com, Bertold P. Weisner was a man who operated a fertility clinic.

However, the problem is that many of the sperm donations that were made there, which ended up helping countless people have babies, came from him. It is believed that he is the father of 600 children, which is an outstanding number. But, that still does not make this man the one who has the most kids in the world. While he could have had other reasons for doing this, it is possible that he just might have been a father who enjoyed having a big family.

2) Ismail Ibn Sharif – 888 Children
Ismail Ibn Sharif is still not the man with the most children in the world, but he is very close to it. According to thenotsoinnocentsabroad.com, he was the father of 888 children, which has helped him secure the second spot on the list of men with the most children.

For those who do not know, he was a Morrocan sultan, and his reign began in 1672, and it ended in 1727. Another thing that people should know about him was that he was very cruel.

While most fathers try to treat their children kindly, he did things a bit differently. He treated some of his kids terribly. If fathers want to see how they should not treat their offspring, perhaps they should do some research on this man.

1) Genghis Khan – Possibly Thousands
Genghis Khan is known as one of the greatest warriors in the history of the world, but that is not the only thing he is known for. He is also known for being the man who had the most kids in the world.

It seems that he holds the record for the most children born to one man. According to dailymail.co.uk, it is actually possible that he could have been the father of thousands of people.

This means that a lot of men and women might even be able to trace their family history back to him. Perhaps this kind of research is something fathers might enjoy doing with their kids when they are old enough to understand it.

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