Which of the following loops is used when a group of statements is to be executed a specific number of times?

Any task which is repeated more than one time is called a loop. Basically, loops can be divided into three types as while, do-while and for loop. There are so many programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, PYTHON, and many more where looping statements can be used for repetitive execution.

In the C programming language, three types of loops have been used for the execution of the programs.

  • While loop: While loop is a pretest loop. It first tests a specified conditional expression and as long as the condition, expression is true, action taken. While loop also known as an entry control loop.

    While (condition)




  • Do-while loop: Do-while loop more like a while loop & except that it tests the condition at the end of the loop body. Do-while loop also known as exit control loop.





        While (condition);

  • For loop: A for loop enables us to program n number of steps together in one line. In for loop, a loop variable is used to control the loop.

     For (initialization ; condition ; increment / decrement)




There are no additional loops in C++ for programming execution. It is totally like C language.

  • While loops: These are also known as indefinite pre conditional loops. There is no guarantee ahead of time regarding how many times the loop will iterate.

       While expression:


  • For Loops: For loop is a python loop which repeats a group of statements a specified number of times. Boolean condition, initial values of the counting variable and incrementation of counting variable specifies the component of loop.

  For < variable > in < range >:

            Statement 1

            Statement 2



            Statement n

  • Nested loops: Python programming allows use of a loop inside another loop. This is called nested loop.

For iterating _ var in sequence:

    For iterating _ var in sequence:



All other loops are the same as other languages & in this language a loop named as for-each loop have been specified.

  • For each-loop: For Each loop is another approach to navigate through the array or collection                      

for (data type variable: array | collection)








  • While loop: While loop iterates through a block of code if a specified condition is true

While (condition)








  • Do-while loop: Do-while loop will execute the code block once, before checking if the condition is true, then it will repeat the loop if the condition is true.









          While (condition);

  • For loop: for loop is a control flow statement that iterates a part of the programs multiple times.

  for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement)








  • For loop: This loop iterates over a collection of values.

For any _ Variable in Collection _ of _ Values


         // code to be executed


  • Repeat loop: A repeat loop executes a set of statements till a terminate statement is found.



        # commands

        If  (condition)





  • While loop: Executes a set of statements till a condition is true,

   While (condition)


         // code to be executed


  • For loop: for loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to execute a specific number of times.

for index = values






for a = 10:20

fprintf('value of a: %dn', a);


  • While loop: The while loop repeatedly executes statements while a specified condition is true.

while expression



Example: n = 10;

               f = n;

               while n > 1

               n = n – 1;

               n = f * n;


              disp ([‘n! = ‘num2str (f)])

Output: 3628800

  • Nested loops: Uses one loop inside another loop.

                  for m = 1:j

                  for n = 1:k



  • Nested while loop: While statement inside another while statement.

     While < expression1>

             While < expression2 >

              < Statements >



  •  For the next loop: Allow us to go through a block of code for the specified number of times. Counter or any variable can be used to run the loop.

For Counter = Start To End [Step Value]

[Code Block to Execute]

Next [counter]

  • Do while loop: Allow us to check for a condition and run the loop while the condition is met.

                 Do [while condition]

                 [Code block to execute]


Or we can write it as:


                [Code block to execute]

                 Loop [while condition]

  • For each loop: Helps to go through each of the objects in a collection and perform some action on it. Also referred to as a for-each-next loop.

For each element in collection

[Code block to execute]

Next [element]

  • Do until loop: It loops until the specified condition is met.

Do [ until condition]

[Code block to execute]


Or we can write it as:


           [ Code block to execute]

            Loop [until condition]

The various loops in most common programming languages are

for  It iterates a portion of the program multiple times.
while  It iterates a portion of the program repetitively until the condition is true.
do while It iterates a portion of the programs once and then iterates according to the boolean condition.
NestedIt is a loop that iterates within another loop. 
Nested while While statement inside another while statement.
For each Helps to go through each of the objects in a collection and perform some action on it.
Repeat  It iterates a block of code repetitively until break statement is found.
For Next  It iterates a portion of code for a specified number of times.
Do Until  It loops until specific condition has happened.

  • Syntax should be used as mentioned.
  • Do not misplace a semicolon.
  • Usage of comparison operators should be correct for example ‘<’ operator returns numbers lesser than the given number and ‘<=’ operator returns both the given number and the number lesser than that. This error is known as an off-by-one error.
  • Usage of wrong conditional expression as the loop iterates as the condition is true and the loop will not iterate if the condition is false.
  • While using the loop for iterating arrays use the correct initializing value because the array element starts from 0.
  • Always initialize conditional value.
  • Do not use the wrong condition as it will stop the loop to execute.

This topic is significant in the professional exams for both undergraduate and graduate courses, especially for

  • B.Tech. / B.E. in Computer Science
  • M.Tech. / M.E. in Computer Science

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