When should you introduce dog to baby?

When your family has consisted of you and your partner, plus your dog or cat, it can be hard for your pet to make an adjustment when a new family member arrives. Bringing a new baby into your home, especially your first, is an exciting yet emotional experience and your pet can sometimes feel on the outer. Here’s expert advice from Dr Helen Harvey of Greencross Vets to ensure the transition is smooth for everyone.

Before the baby arrives

Let your pet investigate the nursery. Any pet will be curious about changes to their environment and the same is true when a nursery is set up. Once your pet has taken in the new sights and smells, make the room out of bounds to your pet unless you specifically invite them in. For those pets that are determined to sleep on your child’s cosy new furniture, install a screen door or baby gate so that you can see and hear your baby without your pet being able to get in.

Be prepared

While you are still pregnant, it’s important to visit your vet to ensure your pet is up to date with vaccinations, heartworm prevention and flea and worm control. Take advantage of SMS reminder systems and longer-acting treatments for worming that are on offer. This will help you stay on top of your whole family’s health once your new baby arrives.

You also need to set boundaries at this stage. A well-trained, obedient pet is much easier to handle when your hands are full. Training takes time so start when you are pregnant. Pets that sleep on the bed should be moved onto the floor, ideally in another room. And reinforce basic commands such as sit, stay and come, so you and your pet are on the same page.

This phase is a good time to introduce your pet to walking beside a pram. Let them work out the basics beside an empty pram so they aren’t startled when the baby rides inside.

Once your baby arrives home

Scent has a huge impact on your dog. Familiarise your dog with the scent of your baby by bringing home a onesie that the baby has worn and allowing your pet to smell it. When you arrive home, your pet will have missed you and may be overexcited at first. Greet your pet when they are calm without holding the baby and then carry on as normal with the baby.

To introduce the baby to your dog, have one person hold the baby and another have the dog under control either with a ‘sit’ command or on a lead. Praise your pet for calm, obedient and relaxed behaviour when they are sniffing the baby.

If your pet appears scared, withdrawn or fearful of the baby don’t force a meeting, just reassure them and allow them to get used to your baby in their own time.

"My dog was my baby and got all my attention before I gave birth. Since I've brought my daughter home, Scooter's been acting out — eating her pacifiers, chewing up bottles and diapers, and basically behaving like a jealous sib. What can I do?"

It’s not unusual for a calm, cuddly canine to act a bit beastly when a two-legged sibling takes over his turf. And who can blame him? Your dog used to be the big cheese! But trying to find time to shower your pup with love can be tough when you’ve barely got time to shower yourself.

Try not to be mad at your mutt. His misbehavior is his misguided way of getting your attention — in his eyes even a scolding is better than a cold shoulder. Rather than banishing him to the doghouse, now’s the time to send him some clear signals about how you expect him to act — before the rivalry turns serious. Here are some tactics to try:

  • Help your pup accept your baby. Your pet may not only be feeling displaced but also overwhelmed by all the new noises and smells in the house. To help your dog and baby coexist, give him a treat when the baby cries, squeals or coos so he’ll associate those baby sounds with something positive. And instead of making all things baby off-limits, let your furry companion take a whiff of your little one’s feet, clothes and diapers as you hold each one to his nose. Dogs learn a lot about their world through smell, so getting your pooch familiar with your baby’s scent (the sweet and the stinky) — and even giving him a treat as he sniffs calmly — may make him less likely to rummage through (and rip up) your baby’s gear.
  • Work off that energy. No doubt, taking care of your baby’s needs has risen to the top of your to-do list while the needs of your previously pampered pet have practically fallen off altogether. But you can tend to both at the same time through exercise, which is a great way to burn off steam for both two-legged and four-legged family members. Plus, a walk will likely channel your woofer’s pent-up energy into something more constructive. So bring your dog along when you head out with the baby. If that’s not possible, enlist your partner, a friend or a dog walker to take him out for a stroll or some backyard playtime. Remember, a tired-out dog is a usually a better-behaved one.
  • Catch your dog being good. Positive reinforcement goes a long way toward getting the behavior you want (a good thing to remember when your sweet baby turns into a sassy tot), so reward your dog for being obedient and calm when he’s around your daughter. For instance, if he's relaxing on the floor, toss him a treat so he learns which behaviors get him the attention and praise he craves.
  • Simultaneously bond with your dog and baby. You want your pup to realize that good things can happen when the baby is around. Put those new-mama multitasking skills to the test by petting your dog while you feed your little one or tossing a ball while you cuddle with your two-legged cutie. If your baby needs your full-on attention, give the dog a new chew toy to play with while you’re busy. Or put the dog bed near your baby’s changing table or bouncer with a treat or toy. If baby time equals fun-time (or you-time) for your dog, chances are he’ll be less hyper.
  • Practice pet-safety rules. No matter how well these strategies might work or how famously your little one and family pet seem to be getting on, never leave your baby (and, later, your toddler) alone in a room with your dog (or any animal). And if your dog continues to act out, sign him up for an obedience class or get help from a trainer. The more you help your dog and baby interact, the safer and calmer your home will be.
Here’s to a paw-sitively happy hound and baby!

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As soon as you know there is a new baby on the way, you and your family will begin to prepare yourselves for the changes ahead. Your family pet will also need to be prepared for the new arrival, as there will be alterations to the home environment and routine once your baby comes into the house.

Start your preparations early

With a little forward planning, you can get your pet used to the changes well in advance, so that they should hardly notice any difference when your baby actually arrives. 

You should start to make preparations four months before the birth – don’t leave it until your baby has arrived. The whole family can enjoy the benefits that having a pet can bring by following the advice in this leaflet.

Before your baby is born


Ideally, your dog will already be relaxed and happy about being touched all over their body. However, if your dog gets overly excited when stroked, then you may need to slowly work on this with some gentle handling exercises when they are calm and quiet. 

If your dog is sensitive about certain areas being touched, then you will have to be mindful of this when your baby becomes more mobile, as a baby’s enthusiasm for stroking can easily overwhelm a shy dog.


To help prepare your dog for the sounds that babies make, play recordings of a baby crying, gurgling and screaming for short periods during the day. Initially the sound should be barely audible, increasing the volume gradually as your dog grows accustomed to the noises. 

It’s important that your dog feels calm and relaxed with the sounds before you increase the volume, so remember to take this slowly.

New smells and objects

Get the dog used to baby powder, soaps, shampoos and baby milk by using them at home in the weeks leading up to your baby’s arrival. 

Playpens, cots, pushchairs, highchairs and changing mats should be in place before the baby arrives too.


When you walk your dog, think about how much exercise they get, if they pull on the lead, come back when called or whether they’re problematic around other dogs. Once your baby arrives you will have to manage any problems while wheeling a pram or pushchair. 

Also, new mothers may be in some physical discomfort after having a baby, so you will need to make sure that the dog can be physically controlled. If your dog pulls on the lead, you could buy a harness or headcollar (eg a “Gentle Leader”) which helps to stop dogs pulling. 

It is a good idea to practice walking your dog next to a pushchair before your baby arrives as this will benefit you both – your dog may be a little nervous of it at first, so make sure you use lots of treats to help build their confidence.

Don't tie the lead to the pushchair because this could be really dangerous if your dog lunges unexpectedly. 

See how often your friends or relatives might be willing to walk your dog while you’re still pregnant. This will give you an indication of the amount of exercise they will get if you can’t take them out yourself.

If you can, walking with your dog and baby is a fantastic way to get you both into a good exercise routine again, and it will provide lots of mental stimulation for everyone. 

If you think they’ll receive shorter or fewer walks once the baby arrives then you need to change the routine a few weeks in advance. If they get fewer walks they will need to use up their energy some other way, otherwise they’ll get bored. Bored dogs are not happy, and they may become stressed and destructive. 

Don’t try to make up for fewer walks by giving your dog more food treats. You will only make them overweight and unhealthy. Try to compensate for fewer walks by playing more games with them and consider paying a responsible dog walker to take them out for you.


A well trained dog is a pleasure to live with and when your baby arrives you will really appreciate it if your dog already knows the basics, such as coming back when called and how to walk on a loose lead. 

If you feel your dog would benefit from refreshing these important skills, then now is the time to put the effort in as when your baby arrives you are likely to be very busy. Blue Cross only recommends kind reward-based methods of training.


Many accidents occur when babies or toddlers approach a dog’s food bowl, or when the baby tries to take a dog’s bone or chew. Ensure that your dog is able to eat their dinner and other food items in peace, without fear of being disturbed or pestered. 

If your dog has a tendency to snatch treats, then now is the time to teach them how to take them gently from your hand.


Your new baby will take up a lot of your time. You will have visitors to see the baby, including family, friends and health visitors and it’s unlikely you will be able to give  your dog the same amount of attention once the baby arrives. 

Some dogs may find this change particularly difficult, especially if they spend a great deal of time with their owners, so it’s a good idea to help prepare them for a new routine as early as possible.

If you intend to keep your dog in a separate area when certain people visit, help your dog get used to this before your baby arrives, by placing them behind a stair gate occupied with a tasty chew a few times a day for several minutes at a time. Gradually and slowly increase the time they spend there, so it becomes an activity that they regularly expect. 

By the time your baby arrives, you’ll find that they are already used to this routine and won’t be distressed or confused when they have to be separated from you for short periods of time. 

Remember that some dogs may enjoy the extra attention they get from visitors, whereas others may become overwhelmed if it is something they are not used to. 

If your dog is on the nervous side, make sure that they are given a quiet place to retreat to if necessary.


Dog toys and baby toys are often made of similar materials and some toys even make the same kind of noise, like a squeak. 

So it’s not surprising that some dogs become confused about which toys they can play with!

If you play with your dog inside the house, you may want to start putting their toys away after play, or even reserving play time for the garden or on walks. This will make it easier for your dog to understand that play occurs when you produce their toys, rather than when they pick up a toy in the house. 

It also prevents the baby from picking up the dog’s toys and putting them in their mouth. When the baby arrives, it will then be easier for you to teach your dog to ignore the baby’s toys as they have already learnt that play only happens when you produce their toys. 

If your dog does pick up the baby’s toys, avoid becoming angry, as this will only frighten them. It is far better to have taught your dog to “leave” toys prior to the baby’s arrival using positive reward methods, to avoid any confusion.

A quiet place to go

Pets should always have a quiet, safe place to go to whenever they need to rest. This will be especially important to them once the baby arrives and eventually begins to toddle about. Dogs will need to be given their own space.

Teach your dog to go to a place that makes the dog feel safe and happy (eg a bed in the corner of a room). An indoor kennel (also known as a cage or dog crate) could also be considered for those times when they need peace. 

When your dog retreats to their safe place, try to ensure that your baby doesn’t toddle up to them unexpectedly.

Resting and sleeping places

You should decide if you intend to change where your dog currently rests and sleeps once the baby has arrived.

For example, if they lie on your sofa every evening and sleep next to you in bed, are you happy for this to continue? If not, make all changes well in advance so they don’t associate the change with the arrival of the baby. 

If you do decide to change resting areas, make sure that you provide your dog with a really comfortable alternative. It would be too much to expect your dog to sleep in

the kitchen overnight if they are used to sleeping in your bed without any preparation, so try to do it in gradual steps to help them adapt to the change.

Health matters

Make sure that your dog is in good physical health. They should also be free from fleas and worms. Any suspicions about illness or developing ailments should be checked out by a qualified veterinary surgeon. 

Any pain or irritation that the dog experiences will lower their threshold for aggression (ie if they are in pain, they will be less tolerant about being handled and more likely to growl, snap or bite).

How will your pet react?

If your pet has already experienced the arrival of a new baby, and has coped well, you should not have too many problems. However, if this is the first time they will be living with a new baby, then ask yourself the following questions:

  • What sort of relationship will you have with your pet when the baby arrives?
  • Once the baby comes, will you want to exclude your pet from certain areas of the house?
  • Does your pet have any behavioural problems? If so, they may get worse once a baby has arrived. You should contact your vet for a referral to a pet behaviour counsellor if you need help.
  • If you are happy with your pet’s behaviour, then you can proceed with the general advice given in this leaflet.

After your baby is born

First introductions

When you first come home from hospital with your new baby, your dog will probably be very excited. The best way to carry out this first introduction is when the dog is tired after a long walk and play session. 

At first, say hello to your dog without the baby in case they get excited and jump up at you. Later, the baby should be introduced in a quiet room where the dog has few associations – not in a place where they usually sleep or eat.

Praise your dog

Associate your baby’s presence with positive, enjoyable experiences for your pet. When they are behaving well around the baby, give lots of gentle praise and tasty titbits. 

The first interaction should be under control with the baby being held in a parent’s arms and the dog allowed to sniff the child. The dog will appear interested for a few seconds and will then lose interest. When they back away you should praise them and give them a treat.

Carry on with the normal daily duties and routine and the dog should accept the new arrival readily. Pets will be very patient while you adapt to life with a new baby, so don’t forget to include them.


People who do not have pets of their own may try and encourage you to rehome your pet due to hygiene. It’s essential that your dog is treated for worms and fleas regularly, using products from your vet.

Don’t leave dirty nappies on the floor, as they can cause the dog to wet or mess on that spot. Nappies can also be appetising for certain dogs, so it is essential that any nappy bin has a sealed lid and is emptied regularly. 

Use antibacterial soap to clean your hands after feeding, grooming, cleaning or playing with your dog.


Do not put your baby on the floor with the dog and never leave your dog unsupervised with a baby, not even for a second. This includes all dogs, even those with an excellent temperament.

The use of a screen door or stair gate for your baby’s nursery allows you to keep the door shut but still see and hear them.


Your baby will soon start crawling and toddling and it’s important for you to remain vigilant once they start to move about on their own. 

It’s especially important to provide the dog with a safe place to rest and relax that’s inaccessible to the toddler. This will avoid the situation where the dog is continually followed, cornered and pestered.

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