What your favorite Street Fighter character says about you

Nothing says ‘fun’ like sweating over a battle with your best mate in Street Fighter. We all have our own favourite characters, and it’s no surprise that we see a little bit of ourselves in them. While you’re mashing a combo, your true personality comes through – and the results may surprise you.

Find your true calling with our Street Fighter personality quiz!

Test your true fighting spirit with this handy Street Fighter quiz. You know you’re a warrior in our eyes whatever the result – but maybe you’re really a Ryu, or you were born to be Blanka. Make your elders proud and embrace who you truly are!

Don’t forget to share this Street Fighter personality quiz with your friends – see if you match, or you’re perfect opposites.

  1. Download Stakester.
  2. Select Street Fighter V, your platform and set your entry fee.
  3. Match with an opponent or a friend.
  4. On Street Fighter V, select your 1v1 mode and your character of choice.
  5. Game on, and be the first to win.
  6. To verify your win, upload an image of the final score and receive your rewards

The Stakester app allows you to win money and prizes by playing your favourite games like Street Fighter V, Call of Duty, FIFA or Rocket League. We get it: it’s a fresh concept, so we’ve put together a crash course that explains who we are and how we work, as well as this list to help set your mind at ease.

When you aren’t winning money and prizes on the app, you can meet like-minded warriors in our community of champions. Follow us on all of our social media pages; Twitter, Instagram and Discord!

Check out our other articles!

Street Fighter is known as an instant classic, so much so that we wrote about its history. From arcade cabinets to sweating against a mate at home, we cover it all. Not only that; Chun-Li and Cammy made it onto our list of our top five kick-ass ladies in gaming history.

"Street Fighter" is one of the most recognized arcade games in the history of arcades. The arcade was released in 1987 and was an instant favorite with quirky sayings, self-deprecative jokes and, of course, some impressive fighting skills! From the arcade to computer and video consoles, players become immersed in their favorite character. 

Are you dedicated and focused on becoming the best you can be like Ryu? Or do you seek vengeance with an uncanny knack for justice like Chun-Li? Whether you are a talented, athletic and hard-working martial artist or merely a quiet, yet impulsive and angry jungle beast like Blanka, you know you had a favorite. From fighting skills to manipulating electricity and from humble to aggressive, "Street Fighter" is where you can demonstrate your skills and fight to go down in infamy as one of the greatest warriors to have ever hit the screen. 

Whether you are a leader or simply a brute fighter, you will find your personality among "Street Fighter's" greats. As Ryu would say, "The answer lies in the heart of battle." Now, it is time to gather your strength and face your opponents by answering these questions. Only then will you know which "Street Fighter" character you are!

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Ryu: You are a true fighting game OG, despite being very boring IRL. Chun-Li: The definition of "character loyalist". Devoted entirely to Chun-Li in every possible way. If they could, they would marry her (see: MOV).Nash: Edgelord supreme. They'd be better off playing top tier but they're too prideful and stubborn to switch. The name "Guile" triggers them. M. Bison: Enjoys making scrubs feel bad and question their life decisions, maybe a little too much. Very critical and judgmental. Cammy: Will ALWAYS downplay Cammy, regardless of skill level.Birdie: Very suspect people who feel no shame in winning through gimmicks and playing like an idiot. Likely to thrive on bad connections. Ken: Douchebag and proud of it. Plays with the internet connection all the time and the most likely to teabag all the time when they dizzy you. Most likely to ragequit if they don't get their way.Necalli: No one actually mains this character. They only sub him when they need a "do everything" function.Vega: Condescending, elitist a****** who feels the utmost ecstasy whenever they get to feed on the tears of people who can't see through their gimmicks.R. Mika: Combination of the Birdie and the Ken player. Avoid like the plague. No good will come from them.Rashid: Party animal. Listens to Rashid's theme song on repeat and likely blares it from their car stereo as loudly as possible. Karin: Good players that try too hard to impress others, even if their talents are better suited to another character.Zangief: Enjoys being the life of the party/center of attention. Even more of a showman than the Karin player.Laura: These people have very low standards, both in how they get their wins and their preferences in regards to women. Just like the Mika player, do not trust them. Dhalsim: Blurs the line between human and robot. They have immensely high IQ and have already predicted the outcome of the match before fighting you. F.A.N.G: These people do not exist. Alex: Low tier heroes who would be better off playing Birdie or Mika, but actually have standards which make them admirable to a degree. Guile: Hardline traditionalist who understands the game and its flaws but needed a character who still played actual Street Fighter. True OG like the Ryu player.Ibuki: Unashamed pervert and all-around creeper. Avoid.Balrog: Picked one of the most low-effort characters in the game since they're too lazy to actually learn how to play Street Fighter. No matter how good they get, they will always hit a wall. Juri: Weirdo. Probably into feet. Do not trust.Urien: You have never actually played 3rd Strike, but you think Aegis Reflector is some of the dirtiest s*** you've ever seen in fighting games. Akuma: Shameless tier whore. 95% of them are either black or Latino. Kolin: Special snowflakes who wanted to be different from everybody else picking top tier or low tier. Ed: These people do not exist after Season 2.Abigail: UNGA BUNGA ST.LP CR.LP VROOM VROOMMenat: Really, really loves Menat. Likely to an even less healthier degree than the Chun-Li player.Zeku: Currently in the "depression" stage of grief. Desperately waiting for Zeku to get buffed, or for Guy to come out. Sakura: Every Sakura main from SF4 switched to either Ken or Akuma.Blanka: Huge troll. Only plays him because he's low tier so they can mock you for losing to them. Worst possible connections.Falke: People only pick this character as a joke, or to handicap themselves. Waiting for the next season.Cody: Thinks they're too cool for Akuma. Will immediately switch to Akuma when they lose.G: You're at Master rank, so you pick this character to sandbag.

Sagat: These people do not exist.

SF5: M. Bison, Urien | KOFXV: King/Orochi Yashiro/Iori | P4AU: MINAZUKI | SamSho 2019: Genjuro, Shiki, Amakusa, Hibiki | MBTL: Vlov

It's still like a literal breathing twitch chat in the form of a gamefaqs user. It's actually amazing

Wait what about Akuma players?

Also Chun players usage dropped from like one of the highest played females in s1 to the least played female for a long time. So not really loyal.

Sagat also is like the 6th most played character online


Now Playing: Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Ha, a fun read. I'm a Birdie main & Guile/Sakura sub, so that was interesting.

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace." The Bible:1 Corinthians 14:33 YouTube: jettmanas PSN: cpnsleepy CFN: indie_animator

Vulcan422 posted...

Menat: Really, really loves Menat. Likely to an even less healthier degree than the Chun-Li player.

I can't disagree.

Anyways, thanks for reading this everybody!
Have a spectacular day!

Vulcan422 posted...

F.A.N.G: These people do not exist.

* @ApocalypticPsn and @Marozi are typing...*

Anyways, thanks for reading this everybody!
Have a spectacular day!

Vulcan422 posted...

Ryu: You are a true fighting game OG, despite being very boring IRL.

Karin: Good players that try too hard to impress others, even if their talents are better suited to another character.


I am not boring. I just want to win using fundamentals. And, I am not impressing nobody in trying to master a technically demanding character.

Florida Gators: 1996,2006&2008 National Football Champions!

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