What stage of adaptation did Merton refer to when individuals have rejected both the goals of the culture and the institutional means of attaining them?

... the functional analyst ... considers socially deviant behaviour just as much a product of social structure as conformist behaviour...

... functional analysis conceives of the social structure as active, as producing fresh motivations which cannot be predicted on the basis of knowledge about man's native drives. If the social structure restrains some dispositions to act, it create others...

The functional approach ... attempts ... to determine how the social and cultural structure generates [page 122] [1968: p.176] pressure for socially deviant behaviour upon people variously located in that structure.

... this general orientation gives rise to some specific hypotheses on the structural sources of deviant behaviour. High rates of departure from institutional requirements are seen as the result of culturally induced, deep motivations which cannot be satisfied among those social strata with limited access to opportunity. The culture and the social structure operate at cross-purposes.

The key concept bridging the gap between statics and dynamics in functional theory is that of strain, tension, contradiction, or discrepancy between the elements of social and cultural structure. Such strains may be dysfunctional for the social system in its then existing form, they may also be instrumental in leading to changes in that system.

Social Structure and Anomie

page 132 [1968: p.186]

Our primary aim is to discover how some social structures exert a definite pressure upon certain persons in the society to engage in non- conforming rather than conforming conduct

Patterns of Cultural Goals and Institutional Norms

Among the several elements of social and cultural structures, two are of immediate importance...

The first consists of culturally defined goals, purposes and interests, held out as legitimate objectives for all or for diversely located members of society... They are the things 'worth striving for'... An though some, not all, of these cultural goals are directly related to the biological drives of man, they are not determined by them.

A second element of the cultural structure defines, regulates and controls the acceptable modes of reaching out for these goals. Every social group invariably couples its cultural objectives with regulations, rooted in the mores or institutions, of allowable procedures for moving toward these objectives.

These regulatory norms are not necessarily identical with technical or efficiency norms. Many procedures which from the standpoint of the individuals would be most efficient in securing desired values - the exercise of force, fraud, power - are ruled out of the institutional area of permitted conduct.

page 134 [1968: p.188]

No society lacks norms governing conduct. But societies do differ in the degree to which the folkways, mores and institutional controls are effectively integrated with the goals which stand high in the hierarchy of cultural values.

The culture may be such as to [page 135] [1968: p.189] lead individuals to centre their emotional convictions upon the complex of culturally acclaimed ends, with less emotional support for prescribed methods of reaching out for these ends.

With such differential emphases upon goals and institutional procedures, the later may be so vitiated by the stress on goals as to have the behaviour of many individuals limited only by considerations of technical expediency. In this context, the sole significant question becomes: Which of the available procedures is most efficient in netting the culturally approved value? The technically most effective procedure, whether culturally legitimate or not, becomes typically preferred to institutionally prescribed conduct. As this process of attenuation continues, the society becomes unstable and there develops what Durkheim calls "anomie" (or normlessness).

[attenuation: weakening, thinning. Merton's reference here may be to a weakening of what Durkheim calls (social) solidarity

page 136 [1968: p.190]

The process whereby exaltation of the end generates a literal demoralisation i.e., a de-institutionalisation, of the means occurs in many groups where the two components of the social structure are not highly integrated.

[The passages on American culture, below, appear to have been written in 1949.
See above for some corresponding material from 1938

Contemporary American culture appears to approximate the polar type in which great emphasis upon certain success-goals occurs without equivalent emphasis upon institutional means.

... in the American Dream there is no final stopping point. The measure of 'monetary success' is conveniently indefinite and relative. At each income level... Americans want just about twenty-five per cent more (but of course this 'just a bit more' continues to operate once it is obtained)

page 139 [1968: p.193] ... contemporary American culture continues to be characterised by a heavy emphasis on wealth as a basic symbol of success, without a corresponding emphasis upon the legitimate avenues on which to march toward this goal.

[The individual adaptations, below, appear in Merton's 1938 article

page 140 [1968: p.193]

Types of individual adaptation

we now examine types of adaptation of individuals within the culture- bearing society...

We here consider five types of adaptation

A typology of modes of individual adaptation Conformity Innovation Ritualism Retreatism Rebellion
Modes of adaptation Cultural Goals Institutionalised means
accepted accepted
accepted rejected
rejected accepted
rejected rejected
rejected and replaced rejected and replaced

page 141 [1968: p.195]


To the extent that a society is stable,... conformity to both cultural goals and institutionalised means is the most common and widely diffused [adaptation]. Were this not so, the stability and continuity of the society could not be maintained...

It is, in fact, only because behaviour is typically orientated toward the basic values of the society that we may speak of a human aggregate as comprising a society. It is thus that [in the 1950s] one may refer to a Society of Nations primarily as a figure of speech or as an imagined objective, but not as a sociological reality.

Since our primary interest centres on the sources of deviant behaviour, and since we have briefly examined the mechanisms making for conformity as the modal response to American society, little more need be said regarding this type of adaptation, at this point.


Great cultural emphasis upon the success-goal invites this mode of adaptation through the use of institutionally proscribed but often effective means of attaining at least the simulacrum [material image] of success - wealth and power. This response occurs when the individual has assimilated the cultural emphasis upon the goal without equally internalising the institutional norms governing ways and means for its attainment...

On the top economic levels, the pressure toward innovation not infrequently erases the distinction between business-like strivings this side of the mores and sharp practices beyond the mores. As Veblen observed,

"It is not easy in any given case - indeed it is at times impossible until the courts have spoken - to say whether it is an instance of praiseworthy salesmanship or a penitentiary offense".

... But whatever the differential rates of deviant behaviour in the several social strata, and we know from many sources that the official crime statistics uniformly showing higher rates in the lower strata are far from complete and reliable, it appears from our analysis that the greatest pressures toward deviation are exerted upon the lower strata.

Cases in point permit us to detect the sociological mechanisms involved in producing these pressures.

Several researchers have shown that specialised areas of vice and crime constitute a "normal" response to a situation where the cultural emphasis upon pecuniary success has been absorbed, but where there is little access to conventional and legitimate means for becoming successful.

The occupational opportunities of people in these areas are largely confined to manual labour and the lesser white-collar jobs. Given the American stigmatisation of manual labour which has been found to hold rather uniformly in all social classes, and the absence of realistic opportunities fro advancement beyond this level, the result is a marked tendency towards deviant behaviour.

The status of unskilled labour and the consequent low income cannot readily compete in terms of established standards of worth with the promises of power and high income from organised vice, rackets and crime.

page 149 [1968: p.203]


The ritualistic type of adaptation... involves the abandoning or scaling down of the lofty cultural goals of great pecuniary success and rapid social mobility to the point where one's aspirations can be satisfied. But though one rejects the cultural obligation to attempt "to get ahead in the world", though one draws in one's horizons, one continues to abide almost compulsively by institutional norms.

page 153 [1968: p.207]


Just as conformity remains the most frequent [adaptation], the rejection of cultural goals and institutional means is probably the least common. People who adapt (or maladapt) in this fashion are, strictly speaking, in the society but not of it...

In this category fall some of the adaptive activities of psychotics, autists, pariahs, outcasts, vagrants, vagabonds, tramps, chronic drunkards and drug addicts.

They have relinquished culturally prescribed goals and their behaviour does not accord with institutional norms. This is not to say that in some cases the source the source of their mode of adaptation is not the very social structure which they have in effect repudiated nor that their very existence within an area does not constitute a problem for members of society...

page 155 [1968: p.115]


This adaptation leads men outside the environing social structure to envisage and work to bring into being a new, that is to say, a greatly modified social structure. It presupposes alienation from reigning goals and standards...

page 157 [1968: p.211]

The strain towards anomie

The social structure we have examined produces a strain toward anomie and deviant behaviour.

The pressure of such a social order is upon outdoing one's competitors. So long as the sentiments supporting this competitive system are distributed throughout the entire range of activities and are not confined to the final result of "success", the choice of means will remain largely within the ambit of social control.

When, however, the cultural emphasis shifts from the satisfaction deriving from competition itself to almost exclusive concern with the outcome, the resultant stress makes for the breakdown of the regulatory structure.

With this attenuation of institutional controls, there occurs an approximation to the situation erroneously held by the utilitarian philosophers to be typical of society, a situation in which calculations of personal advantage and fear of punishment are the only regulating agencies.

This strain toward anomie does not operate evenly throughout society...

For purposes of simplifying the problem, monetary success was taken as the major cultural goal, although there are, of course, alternative goals in the repository of common values. The realms of intellectual and artistic achievement, for example, provide alternative career patterns which may not entail large pecuniary rewards. To the extent that the cultural structure attaches prestige to theses alternatives and the social structure permits access to them, the system is somewhat stabilised. Potential deviants may still conform in terms of theses auxiliary sets of values.

page 310 [1968: p.364]

Provisional List of Group Properties

13. Types and degrees of social cohesion: Since at least the work of Durkheim, the degree of social cohesion has been recognised as a group- property which affects a wide variety of behaviour and role-performance.

16. Character of the social relations obtaining in the group: This property has traditionally been adopted as the major one distinguishing various types of groups, as can be seen from such established classifications as primary and secondary group, in-group and out-group, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, formal and informal group, etc.

My referencing suggestion for this page is that you reference the book from which the extract comes, and then state that the extract is on this web page (leaving me to take responsibility for any errors of transcription).

If you are using this page as a guide to the book itself (clever you!),
just reference the book

A bibliography entry:

Merton R.K. 1957 (Second edition) Social Theory and Social Structure Extracts at <//studymore.org.uk/xMer.htm>

Would have intext references to

(Merton R.K. 1957 p. -)

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American culture

individual adaptations to American culture


conformist behaviour

culture and social structure operate at cross-purposes.

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Durkheim: Merton claims functional orientation of





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middle range theories






structural terms

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