What members of the interprofessional health care team provide palliative hospice care and what are the roles they play?

The hospice care team is a group of specially trained healthcare professionals who ensure that a hospice patient’s last few months, weeks or days are lived in comfort and dignity. The members of this interdisciplinary team include a physician, nurse, hospice aide, social worker, chaplain, volunteer and bereavement specialist.

The Hospice Physician

Every patient in hospice is under the care of a hospice physician who closely monitors the progression of the patient’s illness, prescribes appropriate medications and coordinates care with other members of the team. Hospice physicians invite a patient’s preferred physician to stay as involved as they wish in the care plan.

The Hospice Nurse

Hospice nurses are skilled in assessing and managing a patient’s pain and symptoms. They are trained caregivers who provide hands-on patient care. Skilled listeners, hospice nurses comfort the family while also teaching them how to take the best care of their loved one.

The Hospice Aide

Hospice aides are certified nursing assistants who provide personal care to the patient, such as bathing, dressing or mouth care. They are available to ease the burden on family caregivers by participating in activities such as light housekeeping.

The Hospice Social Worker

Hospice social workers provide emotional and psychosocial support to the patient and family. They coordinate the logistics of the patient’s care, working with insurance companies or the Veterans Administration and helping with finances, funeral planning or other tasks. Social workers are always available to lend a friendly and listening ear.

The Hospice Chaplain

Regardless of a person’s beliefs or religious traditions, hospice chaplains are available to address the spiritual issues that often arise as a patient nears death. The hospice chaplain is there for the patient and the family, honoring and supporting the cultural traditions and values they hold dear. When requested, the hospice chaplain works with the patient’s specified clergy.

The Hospice Volunteer

Hospice volunteers are specially trained in hospice and end-of-life issues to provide compassionate companionship for patients and families or to facilitate their care. Volunteers are an important part of hospice; their duties can range from visiting patients to crafting patient items to documenting patients’ life stories to helping in the office.

The Bereavement Specialist

The bereavement specialist addresses both anticipatory grief and loss after death. Hospice families receive bereavement support up to 13 months after a death, including consistent contact, support groups, grief education and one-on-one visits. Hospice is always available to those who’ve experienced the death of a loved one.

Regular Visits and 24-hour Telephone Support

Hospice team members make sure that patients under their care are comfortable, free from pain and able to maintain the highest possible quality of life. They visit the patient wherever the patient calls home—a private residence, assisted living community or nursing home.

Hospice team members visit on average 5-6 times a week. Collectively, they provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to the patient—monitoring pain, managing symptoms, addressing nutritional needs, watching for emotional issues, and offering support. Team members also teach the family caregiver how to provide the best personal care to the patient.

For after-hours needs, VITAS provides 24-hour telephone access to hospice clinicians who can answer questions, support caregivers over the phone or dispatch a team member to the bedside, if needed.

Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on August 22, 2021

Every person and every illness is unique. After you've asked your primary care doctor for a referral, you'll meet with your palliative care team to discuss your goals and desires during your illness.

Once the members of your palliative care team understand your needs, they will work with your primary care doctor and other experts to create an individualized palliative care plan. The goals are:

  • Relieve pain and other symptoms
  • Address your emotional and spiritual concerns, and those of your caregivers
  • Coordinate your care
  • Improve your quality of life during your illness

For example, a palliative care doctor may prescribe medications and other therapies to treat pain, constipation, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. A social worker may coordinate your care and serve as an advocate on behalf of you and your family. A chaplain may offer spiritual support and help you to explore your beliefs and values.

The palliative care team can also help your family by offering medical information, emotional support, and home care assistance.

In general, the interdisciplinary palliative care team includes a doctor, a nurse, and a social worker. But other experts often fill out the team, according to a patient's needs. These include chaplains, counselors, pharmacists, dietitians, rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, music and art therapists, and home health aides.

There's no single model for a palliative care team. Hospitals have their own types of palliative care programs. Often, large hospitals have more extensive palliative care services, but smaller hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices also offer palliative care.

Your palliative care team can provide the following services:

  • Expert treatment of pain and other symptoms
  • Open discussion about treatment choices for your illness (including difficult and complex choices) and management of your symptoms
  • Coordination of your care with all of your health care providers
  • Help with navigating the health care system
  • Help with making a smooth transition from the hospital to home care or a nursing home
  • Emotional, spiritual, and practical support for you and your family

Here are questions to ask your palliative care team, according to the Center to Advance Palliative Care:

  • What can I expect from palliative care?
  • Where will I receive my care (for example, in the hospital, home, nursing home, or hospice?)
  • Who will be part of my palliative care team?
  • What are your recommendations for my care?
  • What will you do if I experience severe pain or uncomfortable symptoms?
  • How will you communicate with my other doctors?
  • What decisions will my family or I need to make?
  • Will you be able to help explain the issues involved in making these decisions?
  • Will you communicate candidly about my illness with me and my family?
  • What support will you provide to my family or caregivers?
  • Will you still be involved in my care when I'm discharged from the hospital?
  • Can you explain the difference between hospice and palliative care?
  • Will you still be available to me throughout my care, including hospice, if needed?
  • What resources do you recommend for me to learn more about palliative care?

Challenge QuestionWhat members of the interprofessional health care team provide palliative/hospice care, andwhat roles do they play?

The team usually consists of:

  • Clergy or other counselors;
  • Home health aides;
  • Hospice physician (or medical director);
  • Nurses;
  • Social workers;
  • Trained volunteers;
  • Speech, physical, and occupational therapists, if needed;
  • The person’s personal physician may also be included.

Which healthcare team members are involved in hospice care quizlet?

Who is part of the primary hospice team:

  • Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Bereavement Coordinator.
  • Hospice Pharmacist.
  • Primary physician.
  • Primary nurse.
  • Primary spiritual leader.
  • Hospice Volunteer.
  • Hospice Aide.

Which staff member is part of a core interdisciplinary hospice team?

Indeed, hospice is made up of an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals led by a registered nurse (RN). At the heart of every hospice team, there should be four main components: medical doctors, nurses, social workers, and chaplains, says MedicineNet.

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Which team member of the hospice interdisciplinary team helps the clients and their families handle grief issues?

The Bereavement Coordinator helps grieving family members and is also a source of support in the months after the death.

Can a hospice patient have a feeding tube?

As one approaches end of life, ANH can contribute to discomfort, aspiration and development of pressure ulcers without the benefit of prolonged survival. Placing a feeding tube: Generally, feeding tubes are not placed in patients once they are enrolled in hospice care.

Is hospice a form of palliative care?

At this time, the individual may decide to stop treatment and begin hospice care, also known as end-of-life care. Like palliative care, hospice is focused on a person’s overall comfort, including their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In fact, hospice is considered a form of palliative care.

Which team members are members of a primary hospice team select all that apply?

A typical hospice team consists of:

  • Home health aide(s)
  • Nurse(s)
  • Hospice physician (or medical director)
  • Personal physician may also be included.
  • Social worker(s)
  • Trained volunteer(s)
  • Clergy or other counselor(s)
  • Speech, physical, and occupational therapist(s) (if needed)

What does palliative care focus on?

Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing patients relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness, no matter the diagnosis or stage of disease. Palliative care teams aim to improve the quality of life for both patients and their families.

Which person assumes responsibility for the hospice program?

A primary caregiver is one who assumes responsibility for health maintenance and therapy.

Why does the hospice team stay in touch as long as it does after the death?

Does hospice help with grief after the death of a loved one? Once a patient on hospice care dies, we stay in touch with the patient’s family for 13 months following the death. Because that year will include many “firsts,” on-going support is vital to help survivors on their path to healing.

Which is a requirement for admission to a hospice care facility?

Patients are eligible for hospice care when a physician makes a clinical determination that life expectancy is six months or less if the terminal illness runs its normal course.

What members of the interprofessional health care team provide palliative hospice care and what roles do they play?

Hospice and palliative care teams are comprised of physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, volunteers, and can also include home health aides, bereavement counsellors, dieticians, and pharmacists, among others (Wittenberg-Lyles et al., 2007).

What does a social worker for Hospice do?

Hospice social workers help clients and their families navigate planning for end-of-life care; understand their treatment plan and be vocal about their needs; manage the stresses of debilitating physical illnesses, including emotional, familial and financial; overcome crisis situations; and connect to other support

How should a nurse behave in the presence of a client who is dying?

How should a nurse behave in the presence of a client who is dying? Communicate as though the client can still hear and understand everything being said. Why is it important to close the eyes and mouth of the deceased person within 2 hours after death?

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What is the role of social workers in palliative care?

Palliative/hospice social workers‘ core responsibilities include conducting psychosocial assessments, coordinating care, providing counseling and psychotherapy, intervening in client crisis situations, and educating patients and families about their treatment plan and the available resources and support systems.

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