What is the opposite of the seven deadly sins

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The seven contrary virtues found their way from books such as the Psychomachia by the poet Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, they are virtues to ward off the Seven Sins.

The Seven Contrary Virtues - List

The Psychomachia (War of the Soul) was written in the fifth century and it tells popular stories of the virtues and how they overcame the Seven Deadly Sins, we can use them to stop sins from creeping into our lives also.The Seven Contrary Virtues or Seven Capital Virtues as they are sometimes called are different to the Seven Heavenly Virtues or Seven Virtues by reason of their source, more details on the Seven Heavenly Virtues can be found by searching below.By praying that you obtain these contrary virtues you may prevent some of the Seven Deadly sins from destroying your life and the lives of others.Which of the seven contrary virtues list below do you possess or wish to cultivate?

The Seven Contrary Virtues
01. Temperance (Sobriety or Abstinence).

Be measured and know when to stop, all things in moderation. Avoid gluttony.

02. Charity (Generosity, Love, Liberality)

Give yourself, give your free time, donate. Avoid greed.

03. Chastity (Purity, Modesty)

Be in control of yourself, treat your body as a temple. Avoid lust.From the text: Next on the grassy plains to join in the conflict comes virgin Chastity, resplendent in shining armour.Lust, the Sodomite, girt with her native torches, attacks her, thrusting at her face the sulphurous pine, aiming at the modest eyes.But the maiden, unafraid, smites with a rock the right hand of the fiery Fury, averting there by from her modest face the blazing weapons and torches of the fierce she-wolf.With her sword she pierces the throat of the disarmed harlot, who vomits forth hot vapours clotted with black blood, and, as she expires, pollutes the surrounding atmosphere with her foul breath. "She is hit,” exclaims the victorious queen.Having spoken these words and rejoicing in the death of conquered Lust, Chastity dipped her crimson wet sword in the waters of the Jordan, for the blood which had flowed dripping red from the wound still clung to it, defiling its lustre.So, the wise victor purifies her conquering steel, washing it in the river, purging it of the stain made by the blood from the enemy’s throat; but no longer content to sheath the freshly cleansed blade lest rust with its harsh texture dull the bright surface, she dedicates it at the altar of the divine fountain in a Catholic (Universal) temple to shine with eternal splendour.

04. Patience (Longanimity, Meekness)

Keep calm, control any resentment. Avoid anger and wrath.From the text: Meanwhile, modest Patience, standing motionless in the midst of the battle and tumultuous uproar,was watching with serious expression and attentive eyes the wounds and the bodies transfixed by the cruel weapons, remaining all the while tranquil. Off in the distance. Wrath, swelling with anger and foaming at the mouth, rolling her eyes suffused with blood and gall, hurls words and weapons at her for taking no part in the war.

Impatient of delay she attacks her with pike and assails her with words, tossing the shaggy plumes on her helmeted head . Come, indolent spectator of this conflict of ours, and let this deadly weapon pierce thy peaceful heart; yet do not moan, as it is shameful for thee to utter a cry. With these abusive words she sends a whistling spear quivering through the gentle breezes; well-aimed, it strikes, hitting with a direct blow but repulsed by the impregnable resistance of the cuirass,it rebounded. Patience had providently thrown over her shoulders her armour of triple thickness, her breastplate with steely scales bound strongly together on all sides with cords twisted tight. Thus protected, Patience remains quiet, bravely withstanding every shower of weapons. Unperturbed bythe javelin of the monster fuming with rage, she calmly waited for Wrath to consume herself from within.

05. Humility (Lowliness)

Love others as yourself, be humble and modest. Avoid pride.
From the text: Humility, demure and self-composed, viewing the mangled pride of the dying monster, calmly walked towards her, a kindly look moderating the joy of her uplifted face. As she stood there hesitating, Hope, her faithful companion, ran, offering to her the sword of vengeance and rousing her desire for glory. Humility, dragging out her blood-stained enemy by the hair,turns her face upward in her left hand and, bending the neck, cuts off Pride’s head as she cries out for mercy. She lifts it aloft, holding it by the dripping locks while Hope with pious words rebukes the now dead Pride. ”Cease to speak boastfully; God humbles the haughty. The mighty ones fall, the vain glorious are crushed, the proud are humbled. Learn to renounce pride, those of ye who are arrogant and thus avoid the pitfall at thy feet.”

06. Kindness (Gratitude, Brotherly Love )

Give, love, to yourself and others. Avoid envy.

07. Diligence

Do not give up, keep calm, and carry on, develop your talents and gifts even where it involves giving up some of your comfort. Avoid sloth and laziness.

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 ,May 18, 2021, 10:53 p.m. htae

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