What is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle whose base measures 70

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Let x = vertex angle Since all angles in a triangle add to 180 degrees, we know that 70+70+x = 180 140+x = 180 x = 180-140 x = 40 So the vertex angle is 40 degrees.

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What is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle whose base measures 70


Step-by-step explanation:

A TRIANGLE is a polygon having 3 sides and 3 angles.  

A REGULAR POLYGON is a polygon which all sides and all interior angles are equal.  


1. Right Triangle

- has a 90 deg angle

2. Equilateral Triangle

- has 3 congruent sides and 3 congruent angles of which are 60 deg each.

3. Isosceles Triangle

- has 2 equal sides and angles.

4. Scalene Triangle

-All sides and angles are different from one another

5. Acute Triangle

-has one of its angles lesser than 90 deg.

6. Obtuse Triangle

-has one of its angles greater than 90 deg.

Recall that the SUM OF INTERIOR ANGLES of a triangle is equal to 180 deg.  

In the above problem, it is stated that the triangle is isosceles. Therefore, its 2 sides and angles are equal, or its base angles are equal.  

We assume A as the measure of each base angle, giving us 70 deg, A, and A as the angles. Adding all the angles and equating them to 180 deg, would give us

70 deg + A + A = 180 deg


70 deg + 2A = 180 deg

2A = 180  - 70

2A = 110

A = 55 deg

Therefore, each base angle measures 55 degrees.

Refer to the provided illustration for better understanding.

For more related problems, see links below.




What is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle whose base measures 70