What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon with 16 sides

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon with n sides is $ (n-2)\cdot180^{\circ} $

Shape Formula Sum Interior Angles
$$ \red 3 $$ sided polygon
$$ (\red 3-2) \cdot180 $$ $$ 180^{\circ} $$
$$ \red 4 $$ sided polygon
$$ (\red 4-2) \cdot 180 $$ $$ 360^{\circ} $$
$$ \red 6 $$ sided polygon
$$ (\red 6-2) \cdot 180 $$ $$ 720^{\circ} $$

What is the total number degrees of all interior angles of a triangle?


You can also use Interior Angle Theorem:$$ (\red 3 -2) \cdot 180^{\circ} = (1) \cdot 180^{\circ}= 180 ^{\circ} $$

What is the total number of degrees of all interior angles of the polygon ?

What is the sum measure of the interior angles of the polygon (a pentagon) ?

What is sum of the measures of the interior angles of the polygon (a hexagon) ?

A regular polygon is simply a polygon whose sides all have the same length and angles all have the same measure. You have probably heard of the equilateral triangle, which are the two most well-known and most frequently studied types of regular polygons.

Regular Hexagon

You might already know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle measures $$ 180^{\circ}$$ and that in the special case of an equilateral triangle, each angle measures exactly $$ 60^{\circ}$$.

$ \text{Using our new formula} \\ \text {any angle}^{\circ} = \frac{ (\red n -2) \cdot 180^{\circ} }{\red n} \\ \text{ For a triangle , (} \red 3 \text{ sides)} \\ \frac{ (\red 3 -2) \cdot 180^{\circ} }{\red 3} \\ \frac{ (1) \cdot 180^{\circ} }{\red 3} \\ \frac{180^{\circ}} {\red 3} = \fbox{60} $

So, our new formula for finding the measure of an angle in a regular polygon is consistent with the rules for angles of triangles that we have known from past lessons.

Example 2

To find the measure of an interior angle of a regular octagon, which has 8 sides, apply the formula above as follows: $ \text{Using our new formula} \\ \text {any angle}^{\circ} = \frac{ (\red n -2) \cdot 180^{\circ} }{\red n} \\ \frac{(\red8-2) \cdot 180}{ \red 8} = 135^{\circ} $

What is the measure of 1 interior angle of a pentagon?

This question cannot be answered because the shape is not a regular polygon. You can only use the formula to find a single interior angle if the polygon is regular!

Consider, for instance, the irregular pentagon below.

You can tell, just by looking at the picture, that $$ \angle A    and    \angle B $$ are not congruent.

The moral of this story- While you can use our formula to find the sum of the interior angles of any polygon (regular or not), you can not use this page's formula for a single angle measure--except when the polygon is regular.

What is the measure of 1 exterior angle of a pentagon?

This question cannot be answered because the shape is not a regular polygon. Although you know that sum of the exterior angles is 360, you can only use formula to find a single exterior angle if the polygon is regular!

Consider, for instance, the pentagon pictured below. Even though we know that all the exterior angles add up to 360 °, we can see, by just looking, that each $$ \angle A \text{ and } and \angle B $$ are not congruent..

Determine Number of Sides from Angles

It's possible to figure out how many sides a polygon has based on how many degrees are in its exterior or interior angles.

If each exterior angle measures 80°, how many sides does this polygon have?

There is no solution to this question.

When you use formula to find a single exterior angle to solve for the number of sides , you get a decimal (4.5), which is impossible. Think about it: How could a polygon have 4.5 sides? A quadrilateral has 4 sides. A pentagon has 5 sides.

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