What is the importance of a health assessment?

Health assessment is a major part of the health care system and it plays a crucial role in determining what is wrong with patients through knowledge and evidence based care. This essay will include a definition of the term health assessment including its major components which consist of health interview and physical examination, the purpose of conducting a health assessment from a nursing perspective and conducting a health assessment in different environments with patients from different age groups which include a child in a well-baby clinic and an elderly person in an aged care home. The term Health Assessment refers to an organized technique of collecting and analysing data for the purpose of planning patient-centred care plans (Wilson & Giddens, 2017). In this assessment objective and subjective data are collected about a person’s health state (Forbes & Watt, 2015). The nurse is responsible for collecting the health data from the patient and must compare these findings with the ideal state of health, the nurse must take into consideration the patient’s age, gender, culture, ethnicity and physical, psychological and socioeconomic status. Data about the patient’s health problems, deficits, strengths and weaknesses are acknowledged (Wilson & Giddens, 2017).

The main components of the health assessment include the health history or health interview and the physical examination (Wilson & Giddens, 2017). The health interview is the first part of the health assessment, this

Why do you come to see your GP? There are probably lots of different reasons. Maybe you’ve got a short-term illness, perhaps you’ve received a serious diagnosis, or maybe you need a mole check or a repeat prescription.

The point is there’s usually something immediate that brings you in. A health assessment is a little bit different though. It draws on your GP’s broad knowledge of many different health conditions and our strong belief that prevention is better than treatment.

What is a health assessment?

A health assessment is a longer, more comprehensive appointment with your GP and Practice Nurse. As for the purpose of a health assessment, it’s really a chance to step back and look at the big picture of your health, usually because you’ve hit a certain age or are at higher risk of some medical conditions.  

A health assessment is an important opportunity to steer your health in a better direction. It helps to identify risks and take steps to reduce them. Sometimes it enables us to detect a medical condition in its early stages and gives us a chance to intervene to slow its progression or reduce its impact.

Who is eligible for a health assessment?

You may be eligible for a health assessment if you:

  • Are aged 45-49 years and at risk of developing a chronic disease

  • Are aged 40-49 years and at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes

  • Are aged 75 years or older

  • Are living in a residential aged care facility

  • Have an intellectual disability

  • Are a refugee or humanitarian entrant

  • Are from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background and are aged 15 or over.  

What happens at a health assessment?

It varies a bit but usually includes a longer appointment during which your GP and Practice Nurse will:

  • Ask you questions about your health and family history

  • Order any necessary blood tests, scans or other tests

  • Make an overall assessment of your health status

  • Answer any questions you may have

  • Recommend appropriate ways to improve your health, which could include:

○      Lifestyle advice on topics like diet, weight, alcohol, smoking and physical activity

○      Starting medication to improve your blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol

○      Referral to other healthcare professionals who can offer particular types of help

  • Keeping a record of your discussion and offering you a written summary if you’d like one.

It sounds like a lot but it’s actually a great opportunity to focus on your health and wellbeing and the steps you can take to improve your quality of life.

What happens after a health assessment?

If the health assessment has identified ways to improve your health, then we’ll usually meet with you again after a little while to see what changes you’ve made and to discuss any more support you might need.  

You may have started a new exercise program, begun some medication, seen a medical specialist, or cut back on alcohol or cigarettes.  

After a little while, it may be time to repeat any medical tests that we did in your health assessment to see if your results have shifted. It can be really encouraging to see that your efforts to improve your health are paying off.

Book your health assessment at Peregian Family Medical Centre

If you’d like to take steps to improve your health and you’re eligible, then please call us to book a health assessment.


All information is general in nature. Patients should consider their own personal circumstances and seek a second opinion.

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Page 2

Frequency of Using Different Health Assessment Skills

Frequency of Using Skills Based on SystemsThe Min. and Max. Possible ScoreMean ± SDPercent of Score
History taking 0 - 2420.37 ± 4.6184.87 ± 19.21
Skin assessment 0 - 1610.55 ± 4.7965.93 ± 29.99
Head and neck 0 - 5615.65 ± 13.8230.10 ± 26.57
Ear, nose and eyes 0 - 10821.60 ± 22.6320.00 ± 20.96
Respiratory system 0 - 329.28 ± 9.6229.02 ± 30.06
Cardiovascular system 0 - 6827.18 ± 16.9839.97 ± 24.97
Gastrointestinal system 0 - 4813.11 ± 13.5727.31 ± 28.27
Musculoskeletal system 0 - 4010.02 ± 10.7525.06 ± 26.88
Neurological system 0 - 489.48 ± 11.2819.76 ± 23.51
Urogenital system 0 - 406.55 ± 9.7716.37 ± 24.44
The total score 0 - 480139.68 ± 91.2029.10 ± 19.00

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