What is the command to get arrows in Minecraft?

How to make arrow in Minecraft from flint, stick and feather?

It only takes you 1 minute.

1. Open crafting table

Set up Minecraft crafting table and right-click on it.

2. Place ingredients

Place ingredients (Flint, Stick, Feather) according to the picture above.

3. Ready!

Minecraft arrow is ready. Right-click on the slot on the right.

To make arrows, open the crafting table GUI consisting the 3x3 grid. Place a stick in the center of the grid, then place a flint directly above, and a feather directly below. Now that the arrows have been made, simply click the arrows and drag it into your inventory.

Arrows in Minecraft were added in the 0.15.0 update and primarily act as ammunition for bows, crossbows and dispensers. They can be modified to apply effects on players and mobs via the use of lingering potions to create “tipped arrows”. Arrows are also a critical tool for fighting the ender dragon.

You’re also able to obtain arrows from killing skeletons, but this guide primarily explains how to make them yourself!

First, you will need a crafting table. If you're at all unsure as to how to make one, check out this guide.

These will be the materials you will need to combine in a crafting table:

Step-by-Step Guide(with Pictures):

Here is the step-by-step pictorial guide you need to follow to make an arrow in minecraft:

Step 1.) You will need to break a tree and obtain wood, which you will then craft into sticks.

Step 2.) You will need to find gravel to dig up, which when broken has a chance of giving you flint.

This metallic looking block is what gravel is.

Once the gravel is broken, you have a chance of getting a flint which looks like this.

Step 3.) You will need to obtain a feather. To do so, you need to slay a chicken.

Chickens drop Raw Chicken and a Feather upon death.

Step 4.) Finally, you will have to combine all of these items in a crafting table to make an arrow.

Step 5.) Once your arrow is created, simply drag it out of the crafting table menu and into your own inventory.

  1. Arrow of Fire Resistance
  2. Arrow of Harming
  3. Arrow of Healing
  4. Arrow of Invisibility
  5. Arrow of Leaping
  6. Arrow of Luck
  7. Arrow of Night Vision
  8. Arrow of Poison
  9. Arrow of Regeneration
  10. Arrow of Slowness
  11. Arrow of Strength
  12. Arrow of Swiftness
  13. Arrow of Water Breathing
  14. Arrow of Weakness
  15. Arrow of Slow Falling
  16. Arrow of the Turtle Master
  17. Arrow of Decay
  18. Spectral Arrow

Tipped Arrows can be crafted easily via surrounding the appropriate lingering potion with arrows in a regular crafting table menu.

For example, to craft an arrow of Poison, simply surround a lingering poison potion with arrows as such:

To make any other tipped arrow variant, simply switch the lingering potion type!

Q. Which weapons shoot arrows?

Both bows and crossbows are weapons that are able to take arrows as ammunition. Alternatively, arrows can be shot directly from dispensers; this is commonly seen in automated trap designs.

Q. How much damage do arrows do in Minecraft?

The damage the arrows do depends on how long you charge the bow for. For example, if you charge a bow for 0.1 seconds it will deal half a heart of damage, if you charge the bow for 0.2 - 0.9 seconds it will deal 3 hearts of damage and if you charge the bow for 1+ seconds it will deal between 4 and 5 hearts of damage; this is due to the additional chance of a critical hit.

Arrows in Minecraft are needed for using a bow, crossbow or dispenser. They are also very vital to core gameplay mechanics due the fact you will need a bow of some sort with arrows to beat the ender dragon. Additionally, you’re able to make arrows into tipped arrows which allow application of different potion effects, thus providing a significant boost in both power and utility.

In Minecraft, players who need a little extra ability from their loosed arrows can try tipped arrows, which can apply a miniaturized version of a potion's effect when it hits a mob or player.

Gaining significantly more distance than a thrown splash potion, tipped arrows don't have the full potency of a potion but can deal significant effects in combat situations. Effects like poison, invisibility, healing, and slowness can be applied to entities like mobs or players, meaning tipped arrows can also be used to support allies in battle just as much as they can be used to harm or hinder opponents.

Minecraft: Types of tipped arrows and how to craft them

An Arrow of Harming, which deals the Instant Damage effect akin to a Potion of Harming (Image via Mojang).

There are currently 17 standard tipped arrow types in Minecraft, out of which one is exclusive to the Java Edition and another one is exclusive to the Bedrock Edition without the use of console commands or Creative Mode's inventory. The arrows are:

  • Arrow of Regeneration
  • Arrow of Swiftness
  • Arrow of Fire Resistance
  • Arrow of Healing
  • Arrow of Night Vision
  • Arrow of Strength
  • Arrow of Poison
  • Arrow of Leaping
  • Arrow of Invisibility
  • Arrow of Slowness
  • Arrow of Harming
  • Arrow of Weakness
  • Arrow of Water Breathing
  • Arrow of the Turtle Master
  • Arrow of Slow Falling
  • Arrow of Luck (Minecraft: Java Edition exclusive)
  • Arrow of Decay (Minecraft: Bedrock Edition exclusive, can be acquired in Creative Mode or via console commands, however)

There are additionally two tipped arrows in Minecraft that deal no specific effects. They are called the Tipped Arrow and the Tipped Arrow of Splashing. The former arrow is crafted from Lingering Water Bottles as well as Awkward, Thick, and Mundane Lingering potions. The latter is crafted by using a standard water bottle instead of a bottle with any effects. Both arrows, when fired, act essentially as normal arrows.

There is also an "Uncraftable Tipped Arrow" that can be obtained in Minecraft: Java Edition by performing the following commands:

  • /give @s minecraft:tipped_arrow{Potion:"minecraft:empty"} - Creates a tipped arrow with the effect "empty."
  • /give @s minecraft:tipped_arrow - Creates a tipped arrow with no effect.

To craft most variants of tipped arrows, all that Minecraft players need to do is open their crafting grid and place one arrow on every outside square of the grid while placing a matching Lingering Potion in the center. This will create the corresponding tipped arrow. Keep in mind that custom potions created through console commands cannot be used to form tipped arrows in the vanilla version of the game.

In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, tipped arrows can also be acquired by using arrows on a cauldron that contains an appropriate potion. Depending on the cauldron's fullness, a minimum of 16 tipped arrows can be created up to a maximum of 64 arrows. This works out much more economically than simply using potions themselves considering a potion can only craft approximately 21 tipped arrows per potion as opposed to the large amounts that are possible from a cauldron.

As a very important note for those using a bow enchanted with Infinity, the enchantment will only pertain to standard arrows, and tipped arrows will still be consumed when fired by that specific bow.

For detailed guides, walkthroughs, tips & more, check out SK Minecraft Wiki

Edited by Siddharth Satish

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