What is the best way to avoid accidental ingestion of chemicals?

More than 90 percent of the time, poisonings happen in people’s homes.1 The majority of these poisonings occur in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.2 That is why it is important to follow simple steps to prevent a poisoning from happening at home.

Teach your family to never touch or put anything in their mouths unless they know what it is. Below are additional tips on how to keep poisonous items safe in your home. 


  • Keep all medicines, and potentially poisonous substances, in locked cabinets or out of the reach of children.
  • Keep medicines in their original containers, properly labeled, and store them appropriately.
  • Never share prescription medicines. If you are taking more than one drug at a time, check with your health care provider, pharmacist, or call the toll-free Poison Help line (1-800-222-1222), which connects you to your local poison center, to find out more about possible drug interactions.

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home. The best places for a CO detector are near bedrooms and close to furnaces.

Household products

  • Household cleaners and disinfectants can make you sick when not used properly. Always follow the instructions on the product label to ensure safe and effective use.
  • Bleach is especially toxic and should not be mixed with anything other than water.
  • Keep all household cleaners and potentially poisonous substances in locked cabinets or out of the reach of children.
  • Keep products in their original containers. 
  • Do not use food containers (such as cups or bottles) to store household cleaners and other chemicals or products.
  • Keep all laundry products locked up, high, and out of the reach of children.
  • Do not use bleach on food products.
  • Avoid using household cleaners and disinfectants on hands or skin improperly.


  • Keep all chemicals and potentially poisonous substances in locked cabinets or out of the reach of children.
  • Keep antifreeze and all chemicals and household products in their original containers.
  • Never mix household or chemical products together. Doing so can create a dangerous gas.

Back to school and art supplies

  • Some art products are mixtures of chemicals. They can be dangerous if not used correctly. Make sure children use art products safely by reading and following directions.
  • Do not eat or drink while using art products.
  • Wash skin after contact with art products. 
  • Clean equipment. Wipe tables, desks, and counters.
  • Keep art products in their original containers.


  • Wash fruits and vegetables with running water.
  • Do not wash meat, poultry or eggs.
  • Never use commercial cleaning products on food or food packaging.
  • Wash your hands and work surfaces before, during, and after preparing food.
  • Wash hands and counters before preparing all food.
  • Store food at the proper temperatures. Refrigerated foods should not be left out at temperatures above 40 degrees F (5 degrees C).
  • Use clean utensils for cooking and serving.

Animals and insects

  • Know what poisonous snakes live in your area and wear proper attire (boots, etc.) when hiking outdoors.
  • Check the label on any insect repellent. Be aware that most contain DEET, which can be poisonous in large quantities.

Plants, mushrooms and berries

  • Be sure that everyone in your family can identify poisonous mushrooms and plants.
  • Call your local poison center to learn about common poisonous plants in your area.

1 Bronstein AC, Spyker DA Cantilena LR, Green JL, Rumack BH, Giffin SL. 2008 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 26th Annual Report. 2009. Clinical Toxicology (2009) 47, 911–1084.

2 Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC)

Remember, if you suspect that you or someone you know has been poisoned, immediately call the toll-free Poison Help line (1-800-222-1222), which connects you to your local poison center.

Reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD

  • Listen


Lots of things around the house can be poisonous if used in the wrong way or found by kids. By knowing the risks you can help keep kids safe.


  • Store all medicines — prescription and nonprescription — in a cabinet using a safety latch. Kids can climb up using the toilet and countertops to get to items placed up high, so locking the cabinet is key.
  • Make sure purses and bags — yours and guests' — that could contain medicines are kept out of the reach of kids at all times.
  • Always keep medicines in their original containers.
  • Be aware of all medicines in your home and how many pills are left in the containers.
  • If your kids spend a lot of time at a relative's, know what medicines are there and help to get them out of your child's reach.
  • Don't assume your child can't open a medicine package or container. Child-resistant packaging does not mean childproof packaging.
  • Never prepare or give medicine to a child in the dark. You could give the wrong dosage or even the wrong medicine.
  • Never tell a child that medicine tastes like candy.
  • If your older child or teen manages their own medicines, make sure they know and follow the family rules on safely storing the medicine. And always supervise them and make sure they're taking the proper doses.

Cleaning Products and Other Household Chemicals

  • Store household cleaning products and aerosol sprays in a high cabinet far from reach.
  • Use safety latches for all cabinets containing cleaning or other chemicals.
  • Keep cleaning products in their original bottles. Don't put cleaning products in old soda bottles or containers that were used for food.
  • When you're cleaning or using household chemicals, keep a close watch on the bottles or buckets if kids are around.
  • Never put roach powders or rat poison on the floors of your home. Do not use insect sprays on furniture or mattresses.
  • Keep laundry and dishwasher supplies out of sight and in a locked cabinet.
  • Laundry and dishwasher pods are more dangerous than other detergent types. If you have children under 6 years old, consider using liquid or powder instead.
  • Keep car supplies (antifreeze, windshield washer fluid) and gardening products (fertilizer, bug repellent) out of reach in a securely locked area (in your garage, if you have one). Make sure they're stored according to package instructions.


  • Don't leave alcoholic drinks where kids can reach them. Take special care during parties and keep an eye on guests' drinks too. Clean up promptly after the party so kids don't find drinks left behind.
  • Keep bottles of alcohol in a locked cabinet far from kids' reach.
  • Some products around the house have alcohol and need to be kept away from kids:
    • mouthwash
    • food extracts, such as vanilla and almond
    • hand sanitizer
    • perfume and cologne

Lead Paint

  • To avoid lead paint, only use cribs, bassinets, highchairs, painted toys, or toy chests made after 1978.
  • If you have an older home, have the paint tested for lead. For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at (800) 424-LEAD (5323).
  • Keep up on toys recalled for using lead paint. You can sign up to get emails about recalls on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) website.

Other Items

  • Keep cosmetics and toiletries away from children. Be especially careful with perfume, hair dye, hairspray, nail polish, shoe polish, and nail polish remover.
  • Know the names of the plants in your house and yard. Put plants out of reach when possible. Remind kids not to eat plants they find inside or outside and keep an eye on them.
  • Keep kids away from seasonal plants too. Some holiday houseplants (like lilies, poinsettia, holly, and mistletoe) are toxic.
  • Throw away used button batteries (like those in watches) safely, and store any unused ones far from kids' reach.

Be Prepared

If you're expecting a baby or already have a child, it's a good idea to:

  • Childproof your home. Get down on your hands and knees in every room of your home for a kid's-eye view. Remove or lock away items that could be dangerous.
  • Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the age-appropriate Heimlich maneuver so you are ready in case of emergency.
  • Keep these numbers near the phone (for yourself and caregivers):
    • poison-control center number: 1-800-222-1222
    • your child's doctor's number
    • parents' work and cellphone numbers
    • neighbor's or nearby relative's number (if you need someone to watch other kids in an emergency)

Even with these precautions in place, kids still can get hurt and accidents do happen. But being prepared will help you to act quickly and confidently in the event of an emergency.

Reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD

Date reviewed: January 2020


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