What is the best canned dog food

We compared dozens of dog food brands to find the best canned dog food to suit all your pet’s needs. Our list includes wet dog foods with the highest-quality nutritional profile, as well as ingredients that every dog will enjoy.

Keep scrolling to discover your pet’s next favorite brand!

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Pedigree Choice Cuts in Gravy


  • Proteins & Fats: 8% protein, 3% fat
  • Calories per can: 326 calories per 13.2oz can
  • Flavor: Chicken and Beef
  • Quantity: 13.2oz

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  • + Made with real meat
  • + Provides complete nutrition
  • + Oils and minerals for coat and skin
  • + Packed with essential fatty acids
  • + Rich in protein

  • Some dogs dislike the gravy
  • Artificial coloring
  • Meat byproducts

Merrick Grain-Free Smothered Comfort


  • Proteins & Fats: 8% protein, 5% fat
  • Calories per can: 350 calories per 12.7oz can
  • Flavor: Chicken
  • Quantity: 12.7oz

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Merrick’s grain-free canned food is one of the favorites of both pet parents and dogs. It’s suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs, as it contains the perfect balance of real meat, vegetables, fruits, and gravy.

Merrick canned dog food reviews, including ours, love that there are no additives, preservatives, or other harmful ingredients. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples mixed with southern fixings make for excellent comfort food for your pup. And according to many wet dog food reviews, it’s also great for mixing with dry food.

  • + USDA-inspected meat
  • + No additives or preservatives
  • + Suitable for sensitive stomachs
  • + For all breeds
  • + Great for grain allergies

  • Not the most affordable option
  • May have large meat and bone chunks too big for small breeds

Purina Beneful Chopped Blends


  • Proteins & Fats: 12% protein, 2% fat
  • Calories per tub: 302 calories per tub
  • Flavor: Wide Variety
  • Quantity: 10oz

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  • + Made with real beef
  • + Finely chopped meat
  • + 23 minerals and vitamins
  • + Tender and easy-to-chew bites
  • + Resealable tub

  • Meat byproducts
  • Some chunks may be too big for small breeds

Ollie Dog Food


  • Proteins & Fats: 11% protein, 7% fat
  • Calories per kg: 1390 calories per kg
  • Flavor: Beef, Chicken, Turkey, or Lamb
  • Quantity: Depends on dog size and breed

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Ollie isn’t your typical canned food. In fact, it’s a food subscription service! Yet, we just had to include it in our best wet dog food for dogs list as it offers the best customizable menus for dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds. Since not many pet food companies make foods specifically for smaller breeds, this is the best choice for your small or toy-sized pooch as per the many Ollie dog food reviews we’ve found.

All in all, a personalized diet can help reduce allergies, provide your pet with more energy, and improve their overall health and wellbeing. Not to mention that they will also have a healthier coat and skin. It’s also the best canned dog food for sensitive stomachs, as you can create a menu that will cater to your dog’s specific needs, allergies, and food sensitivities.

Ollie meals contain minimal processed foods and are packed with protein and tons of veggies, without any fillers or artificial colors and flavors — an overall best dog wet food for any pup.

  • + No secret ingredients
  • + Healthy and tasty meal
  • + Pre-portioned and freshly cooked
  • + Customized for your dog’s needs
  • + Convenient delivery

  • Less affordable in the long run
  • Fresh food spoils faster than canned

Purina Beyond Wild Prey-Inspired


  • Proteins & Fats: 9% protein, 7% fat
  • Calories per can: 431 calories per 13oz can
  • Flavor: Turkey, Liver & Duck
  • Quantity: 13oz

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  • + The prime ingredient is turkey
  • + Free from any soy, corn, or wheat
  • + No poultry by-products
  • + No additives or preservatives
  • + Ingredient traceability

  • Some dogs dislike the taste
  • Not suitable for dogs allergic to chicken

The Farmer’s Dog


  • Proteins & Fats: 11% protein, 8% fat
  • Calories per lb: 360 calories per 1/2lbs
  • Flavor: Beef
  • Quantity: Depends on dog size and breed

The Farmer’s Dog Back To List

Yet another excellent subscription service that offers the best quality wet dog food. The Farmer’s Dog brings customized nutrition to a whole new level. Combining USDA-inspected meat and human-grade ingredients, the service allows you to create personalized meal plans according to your dog’s dietary needs, health issues, food allergies, weight, size, breed, and more.

This top canned dog food is also rich in veggies, vitamins, and minerals that will boost your dog’s health and wellness. On top of that, board-certified veterinary nutritionists develop all recipes, so you can be sure that your dog will get what’s best for them. Best canned dog food reviews say that even the pickiest eaters love the meals.

  • + Convenient fresh food delivery
  • + Unprocessed meals
  • + Customized diet plans
  • + Human-grade ingredients
  • + Vet-approved

  • Limited protein options
  • Fresh food goes bad faster

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Wolf Creek Stew


  • Proteins & Fats: 8.5% protein, 3% fat
  • Calories per can: 325 calories per 12.5oz can
  • Flavor: Beef
  • Quantity: 12.5oz

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Another wilderness-inspired formula, Blue Buffalo, is a protein-dense and nutrient-packed hearty stew. As Blue Buffalo wet dog food reviews claim, beef proteins enhance muscle development and provide an energy boost to dogs of all ages and sizes.

Moreover, chicken liver provides iron, vitamins, and a natural flavor, whereas dried eggs boost the immune system. You can serve it as is, for a meat-rich, high-protein diet, or mix it in with kibble for some variety. This top–rated wet dog food has no artificial flavors or preservatives, only the finest natural ingredients, making it the best organic dog food out there.

  • + Wholesome ingredients
  • + Hearty beef stew
  • + No poultry by-products or grain
  • + No corn, soy, or wheat
  • + Free from additives

  • Can cause gas for some dogs
  • Some batches have too much gravy

Natural Balance Vegetarian Formula


  • Proteins & Fats: 5% protein, 3% fat
  • Calories per can: 400 calories per 13oz can
  • Flavor: Vegetable
  • Quantity: 12oz

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  • + Suitable for all food allergies
  • + No soy, animal, or dairy products
  • + Excellent for sensitive stomachs
  • + Same nutrients as meat-based foods

  • Some dogs don’t like the taste
  • The texture in some batches is too sticky

Americans spend over $30 billion on pet food each year to provide only the very best for their dog. Yet, finding the ideal meal for your pet in a sea of brands can be a real nightmare. That is why we tried and tested the best brands on the market today and separated the wheat from the chaff (so to speak).

We ranked the foods for:

  • Ingredients — the healthiest wet dog food should contain lots of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, fruits, and veggies.
  • AAFCO guidelines — the Association of American Feed Control Officials has strict guidelines for dog food quality. Each company on our list adheres to or exceeds these guidelines.
  • Taste and smell — besides being healthy and nutritious, high–quality can dog food should also have a pleasant smell (and taste) so dogs find it yummy.
  • Origin — top-quality, best dog foods come from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Western Europe.
  • Reviews — we took into account other users’ opinions, thoughts, and reviews. Only the brands with the most positive reviews made it to our testing round and beyond.
  • Cost per feed — bigger meals or lower prices don’t always imply a better deal. We included the most economical options and the foods that justify their price with exceptional quality (and value).

Over 50% of pet owners prefer organic and natural food for their pets, but how to choose? Follow our guide, and you’ll find the tastiest and healthiest food around.

Which Is Better Dry or Canned Dog Food?

Both types have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. For instance, dry dog food is better for dental health. It’s also easier to store, is more affordable, and has a longer shelf life. The main advantage of wet dog food is that it’s more hydrating. It’s also softer and chewier, so senior dogs and dogs with dental issues find it more palatable.

Better yet, it has fewer calories and carbs, making it an okay choice when you’re trying to limit your pet’s food intake and avoid obesity. Nevertheless, it’s a lot more expensive than kibble, yet dogs love it.


We recommend giving your dog different wet food textures to keep their mealtime exciting and allow them to try other things. The most common textures include:

  • Pâté
  • Stew
  • Ground
  • Minced
  • Chunks or bits

Bits and chunks usually come in broth, gravy, or jelly. Along with stews, they have the highest moisture content.

What to Look For

Just because it’s canned food doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for your dog. Pay close attention to:

  • Protein — this should be the number one ingredient. Moreover, it should always name a specific animal (chicken, beef, lamb, etc.).
  • Whole and unprocessed grains — these should always be your choice unless your dog is sensitive to them. In that case, opt for grain-free foods.
  • Vegetables and fruits — again, these should be present in the best wet dog foods. Nevertheless, they shouldn’t be the first three ingredients on the list.
  • Additional ingredients like DHA — these help puppies develop healthy eyes and brains, while glucosamine keeps senior dogs’ joints healthy. Choose the food that best suits your dog’s age and needs.
  • Complete and balanced foods that have passed the AAFCO feeding trial — Also, look for a guaranteed analysis of ingredients.

Ingredients to Avoid

Try avoiding the following ingredients to keep your dog in the best shape and health:

  • Fillers are more likely to appear in kibble, but keep an eye on them in wet foods too.
  • Additives like preservatives, artificial flavoring, and colors are mostly unnecessary in dog food. Of course, natural preservatives are acceptable as they have vitamins and plant extracts in them.
  • Byproducts shouldn’t be high on the ingredients list of top-rated canned dog food either. All types of foods can contain byproducts — meat, veggie, and grains, so be careful about that too.
  • Food binders like wheat gluten, guar, and carrageenan hold the meat together to resemble natural chunks but should be at the bottom of the ingredients list.
  • Sugar and sweeteners are part of low-quality foods. They add taste to food but are incredibly unhealthy.

Think About Your Dog’s Breed and Size

To give your pet the best meal ever, take into consideration their size and breed. Nowadays, you can get your hands on the best wet dog food for small dogs, medium, and even large ones. There are also breed-specific foods that cater to different needs.

What wet dog food is the best quality?

All the foods on our list are top quality. However, the best one for your particular doggo will depend on their age, size, breed, and nutritional needs. Go through our reviews, and you’ll surely find the best one for your pet.

What wet dog food do vets recommend?

Each vet may have their favorite brand, yet they’ll always consider your dog’s overall health and dietary needs before recommending one. The Farmer’s Dog is vet-formulated, so it may be the right solution for you.

What is the best canned dog food?

You can pick any one of the foods above since all of them are truly outstanding. We’ve tested and reviewed foods suitable for dogs’ sensitivities, allergies, and dietary needs, so you’ll most certainly find one that’s suitable for your pet.

Is wet dog food good for dogs?

Yes, indeed, it is. It provides much-needed nutrients, hydrates them, and is easy on their teeth and gums.

Should I mix wet and dry dog food?

You can mix the foods to add some variety and entice your pet’s appetite. However, pay attention to the calories and consult your vet before mixing the foods.

Giving your pet the best canned dog food will make them both happy and healthy in the long run. Despite being more expensive than kibble, canned dog food is packed with nutrients and is rich in moisture. It will support your pet’s wellness and overall health and enrich their diet.

At any rate, our guide and reviews will make it easier for you to find the most irresistible food for your furry friend.

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