What is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly efficiently and accurately?

Improving coordination is a subject that gets less coverage in fitness circles than others. There are acres of pages on losing weight or strength training, but coordination is less talked about.

But when you think about it, good coordination is at the heart of so much of what we do. Whether it is driving, rushing for the train, or navigating your way around a busy street.

Good coordination can enhance your ability in sport. It can help prevent all kinds of injuries and help you stay more effective as you age.

So whilst the usual metrics of cardiovascular fitness and strength and flexibility all matter, it pays to focus some attention on how you coordinate movement.

Improving coordination

Improving Coordination – Is it actually possible?

Many people think that levels of coordination are pre-determined. Either they have rhythm or they are clumsy. This is often reinforced by the feedback we get from peers or parents in our early years. But the truth is, coordination is a learnable skill. And it is one that is worth pursuing. In fact, playing video games on sites like 카지노 사이트 can actually improve one’s hand-eye coordination. You can also visit a perfect venue similar to Toronto arcade bar if you’re looking to enjoy games ranging from classic to modern console games.

So let us address what coordination actually is. It is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. And improving coordination can benefit you in ways that go beyond the purely physical.

Coordination exercises utilise an area of the brain known as the cerebellum. It is linked with the ability to think and also how fast you can process information. It seems that exercises that require coordination can help to make you smarter and give you better self-control.

Different ways in which to improve coordination

There are some obvious choices for improving coordination. Especially with the popularity of ‘Strictly’, dancing would be high up on that list.

Dancing of all varieties will improve coordination. It has additional benefits for your social and psychological well-being too.

Other clear-cut favourites would include swimming and of course racquet sports.

But there are three options that may be less obvious, Tai Chi, Pilates and yoga.

Each of these last three get to the heart of what is involved in learning to coordinate movement.

The process of learning better coordination

Regardless of the type of activity you choose, there are some key pointers that will help you develop your coordination skills.

The foundation for good coordination is good balance. Dance instructors, tennis coaches and karate instructors alike will all teach the fundamentals of stance. If you don’t start off in a balanced position you will struggle to coordinate movement.

Another key ingredient is self-awareness. When you are learning a new physical skill the instructor will encourage you to rehearse the activity at a much slower rate. It allows you to be more cognizant of what your body is actually doing.

Next, you need to think about sequencing. You need to understand how one part of the movement chain will affect subsequent movement.

And finally, visualisation is a critical part of the mix. You have to be able to picture yourself performing a task before you truly have the ability to perform it.

Improving coordination can broaden other transferable skills. Think about an activity that can be both fun and also bolster your movement skills such as playing with your kids, if you have any, in one of those best outdoor playhouses. You won’t regret it.

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Home > Fitness Training > Facts > Fitness Components > Balance and Coordination

What is Balance and Coordination?

Sports Definition: balance is the ability to stay upright or stay in control of body movement, and coordination is the ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently.

There are two types of balance: static and dynamic. Static balance is maintaining equilibrium when stationary, while dynamic balance is maintaining equilibrium when moving. We use our eyes, ears and 'body sense' to help retain our balance.

Coordination is a complex skill that requires not only good balance, but good levels of other fitness components such strength and agility. Balance and coordination can be improved through practice and training within specific sports.

Balance and Coordination is one of the main fitness components, a factor for success in many sports. In certain sports, such as gymnastics and surfing, balance is one of the most important physical attributes. Good coordination is also vital for sports involving hitting objects. In many other sports, including team sports, good balance and coordination is an important part of skill development and the overall fitness profile. A vote of the top sports requiring coordination has hitting sports such as baseball, tennis and squash ranked highest. See also another list ranking sports in which balance is important.

balance and coordination is a key component of fencing

Balance and Coordination and Fitness Information

  • About Pilates
  • Top Balance Sports

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