What is roman numeral xlii

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 2

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 3

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 4

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 5

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 6

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 7

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 8

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 9

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 10

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 11

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 12

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 13

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 14

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 15

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 16

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 17

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 18

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 19

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 20

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 21

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 22

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 23

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 24

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 25

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

Page 26

(*) These numbers were written with an overline (a bar above) or between two vertical lines. Instead, we prefer to write these larger numerals between brackets, ie: "(" and ")", because:

  • 1) when compared to the overline - it is easier for the computer users to add brackets around a letter than to add the overline to it and
  • 2) when compared to the vertical lines - it avoids any possible confusion between the vertical line "|" and the Roman numeral "I" (1).

(*) An overline (a bar over the symbol), two vertical lines or two brackets around the symbol indicate "1,000 times". See below...

Logic of the numerals written between brackets, ie: (L) = 50,000; the rule is that the initial numeral, in our case, L, was multiplied by 1,000: L = 50 => (L) = 50 × 1,000 = 50,000. Simple.

(*) At the beginning Romans did not use numbers larger than 3,999; as a result they had no symbols in their system for these larger numbers, they were added on later and for them various different notations were used, not necessarily the ones we've just seen above.

Thus, initially, the largest number that could be written using Roman numerals was:

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