What is my noble house game of thrones quiz

Winter is coming! Well, it’s basically here. More accurately, Season 7 of Game of Thrones is almost here. Finally, the long wait is almost over and we’re getting hyped for our return to Westeros.

Stark. Lannister. Targaryen. These are the Houses that will decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. But which House do you belong to? Are you a member of the proud but bloodied House Stark? Or are you one of the wealthy and manipulative Lannisters? Let’s find out!

Here’s a helpful personality quiz to help you find out which Game of Thrones house you belong to…

Which House did you get? Was it the one you expected? Or was there a surprise?

Share your results with @getfandom!

Mike Delaney

Cavalier One

Mike Delaney is a Community Partnership Specialist and specialises in all forms of entertainment. Star Wars fan and general pop culture addict. Knows more about fictional universes than the real one.

When in a social situation where you hardly know anybody, what do you do?

Begin talking to and meeting new people right away; it's easy for me to be friendly and fun around potential new friends

Find somebody that you already know and talk to them. I usually don't like smalltalk or pretending to be interested in it

Keep to myself mostly, unless approached. I don't like talking to people I don't know very well

Play with my phone or sit without much contact with others. I hate these kinds of situations, it makes me feel uncomfortable and bored

Shake hands and try to learn names, then strike up a real conversation with somebody I liked the most

Make a strong first impression and make sure everyone knows who I am, my name, and leave a lasting impression

While hanging out with friends, they start talking about politics. What do you do?

Join the discussion and state your opinion strongly. I have very strong political opinions and I want everyone to hear them

Start arguing right away; my opinion is the only one that matters here. Everybody else can learn something from me

Stay out of the conversation. I hate talking about politics and getting into never ending arguments

I honestly know little to nothing about politics, so I either block out the conversation or try to switch topics so my friends don't start arguing

Listen and can't help but judge some of my friends for their stupid political opinions

I love hearing other political opinions different than mine, so I can upstage them with my knowledge of political science and social issues

When do you thrive the most?

When out with my friends, enjoying the night and reminisicing about when we were younger

At work- I'm good at what I do and make a lot of money doing it

When there's drama in my friend group- it makes things a lot more interesting

Doing sports or working out- it makes me feel amazing and I want my body to look great

Being by myself- I love doing whatever I want without criticism, or feeling obligated to make plans and go out

When I get to make the plans for the night- I'm a natural leader and my friends always end up having more fun when I'm in charge

Somebody you don't like has been talking shit about you behind your back. How do you react?

Plan a series of revenge plots (key their car, slash their tires, vandalize their house, etc.) to make them pay for what they said about me. People need to learn their lessons the hard way

I don't care what other people think about me. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for someone I'm not

The next time you see them in public, start a fight. No one gets away with disrespecting me

Own it. I take pride in people shit taking me, because they obviously have something to be jealous of

Seek them out and confront them about what they said in a calm way. I don't want to argue, but I hate the feeling of having rumors started about me

Start talking shit about that person too. What goes around, comes around

How would you describe you attitude in 1 word?

Not sure, it always changes

How important is money in your life?

I try not to obsess over it. There are more important things to me than money

I don't care about money. But I want the power and influence associated with it

Very. I love the finer things in life

Pretty important. I wish I was making more

They're okay. We get along for the most part

If you aren't family, then I probably don't really care about you, even if I pretend to

I'm not close with them at all

I love my family. I would do anything for them

Someone is threatening a person you care about. What do you do?

Make sure that my loved one is safe, but I don't want to get involved and risk my own safety

It's not my problem- they should be the ones trying to talk it out

Get to them before they get to my loved one. Nobody hurts my loved ones. Period.

Seek the person out and threaten them right back. I want to see the fear in their eyes and they'll know I'm serious

What do you usually do in your spare time?

Spend all my free time with my significant other

Study, practice, or learn a new hobby

Go for a walk or a hike in nature, think about life

Stay at home and be lazy/sleep

I'm always doing so much, I hardly have any free time

Do something illegal or dangerous to get your blood rushing

Go out drinking or party with your crew

Do you worry about the future?

The world is fucked up. Trust no one and always think way ahead

Only a little bit. I'm on a good path, but I know that there may be obstacles on the way

Not at all. I'm in control of my own destiny

I think about the future more than I should- things can change in the blink of an eye. I've got to be cautious and expect the worst

I often worry about the future. Bad things can come out of nowhere, when you least expect it. At least I'll be ready to deal with it

Which of these pets are you most likely to own?

A cat. You don't have to pay much attention to them, but are fun to play with

A bird. I like to hear their songs and admire their beautiful colors

A snake or bearded dragon. They're so cool, even though some people are freaked out by them

A dog. They're full of life and are called man's best friend for a reason

A chinchilla or any kind of small, fluffy animal. They're so cute and cuddly

Fish or turtles. Very low maintenance and mesmerizing to watch them swim

Do you trust people easily?

Trust no one. People will turn on you the first chance they get

Yes. I believe in the good in people

I give everyone a chance, but am cautious to fully trust somebody

Not until I've known them for a long time

Which setting do you enjoy the most?

An old European city with lots of history

A field full of colors and life

Somewhere secluded in the mountains

In a group, what role do you play?

I try to be the leader, but usually I'm overshadowed

A follower. I don't like the pressure or the spotlight

The quiet one. But I can lowkey be funny too

The crazy, unpredictable one. Always down for anything

The independent one. I do whatever I want even if everybody else isn't down for it

You got into a fight with your friend. What was the reason?

They were being annoying, so I told them to shut up. What an overreaction

I honestly don't even know. My friends love to start drama for no reason. I probably didn't even do anything wrong

They made fun of my appearance and/or personality. I'm proud of who I am and act, so of course I took it personally

They insulted someone I'm friends with, and I stood up for them

We were talking about politics/social issues and it got too heated

We were just talking and all of the sudden they started to argue. I guess it was something I said?

They accused me of stealing money or one of their belongings. They didn't believe me

I insulted someone they were friends with. They took it too seriously, I was joking

How would you deal with the aftermath of the fight?

Wait for my apology. I did nothing wrong and I'll stand by that

Ignore them for a while until they get over it

Try to talk it out but end up making the situation worse

Have a serious talk and make up. I don't want to lose my friends over something stupid

Apologize, even if I don't think I did anything wrong. Be the bigger person

I don't really care. I'm a good friend and it's their loss if they don't want to be friends anymore

Cut them off entirely. Fuck drama.

Say you just started at a new job. A co-worker who's been there longer has the opportunity for a big promotion. You know of one time they called in one day sick, but they were really skipping to spend time with their significant other. Do you tell your boss and risk their promotion?

Definitely. I want to get on the boss's good side and maybe snag the promotion. Liars have to learn their lesson

No, that's a lazy person's way of getting money and power they don't deserve. If I want to move up, I'll do it on my own instead

Absolutely not. Who am I to judge? Maybe they really needed the day off/ are having relationship issues, etc.

I'll let them slide with playing hooky, but I'm not afraid to hold it over their head if need be. It's good leverage

Maybe. I'll talk to my co-worker and drop hints that I might. Maybe I can get something out of it without necessarily ruining their opportunity

No, I want to get on my co-workers' good side ASAP. They can help me rise up the ranks through a friendship

Do you like helping others?

Yes, it makes me feel good about myself

Only if I know them personally

It honestly makes me look like a better person, so I guess I like to help others

Yes, it makes me happy to see others happy

I have far better things to do with my time

No, the strong shall inherit the weak. That's just life

Everyone needs help once in a while. I'll do as much as I can to help them get on their feet

Only if I get something out of it in return-- either money or favors

What kind of mind do you have?

In Game of Thrones, what are your favorite scenes?

The death of an unliked character

Dramatic dialogue between characters

The Wall/ White Walker scenes

If your life had a motto, what would it be?

I'm a nightmare in disguise

I'm stronger than you think

No one else can compare to me

Never abandon your dreams

In a world of greed and selfishness, you are a special kind of person. You often put the needs of others before yours, especially your friends and family. You are genuine and interesting, make friends easily, and are open to new experiences and places. Although people take advantage of your trusting nature, you are strong and capable. The future is always on your mind when you make decisions, but you sometimes get too anxious about the future. Positive Traits (+)Loyalty Commitment Friendship CaringIntelligenceGenuineness Strong willedNegative Traits (-)Too trustingAnxiousProne to sadnessVengeful Sometimes clueless

You are a very uniquely complex individual. Despite what most people think, you don't crave power; you crave the things associated with it (respect, influence, friends, etc.) You're clever and think with your head, not your heart. Although you easily take control over situations involving others, you sometimes feel like you barely have control over your own life. You have few close friends, but they have a very dear place in your heart, so much that you're not afraid to hurt others if they hurt them. Many people put their trust in you, and you might take advantage of that someday.Positive traitsIntelligenceProtectiveGood speakerTalentedDeterminedNegative traitsSchemingHatefulInsensitiveBitter

Passive agressive

Oh, how incredibly popular and well known you are-- when you walk into a room, everyone either knows your name, or will learn it. You have very close friends whom admire you deeply. You are charismatic and have a vast array of skills and talents, but by far is your ability to take control of a social situation and make it into something that you thrive in. However, when things don't go exactly your way, you freak out and tend to overreact. You have a need to be liked, and if you aren't, it upsets you deeply. You have a generally good reputation, besides the few people whom severely dislike you as a person.Positive traitsCharmingWell likedAcceptingInfluentialSense of humorBoldUnconventionalNegative traitsArroganceParanoidPridePower hungrySuppressed angerStubborn


When it comes to being the person everyone wants, or wants to be, you ARE that person. You are alluring and graceful in your words and actions, and people are naturally attracted to you. You are well versed in worldly issues although at times you are a little self centered. You aren't afraid to lead or speak your mind, but you are afraid of getting hurt because of it. For that reason, you are always cautious in whom you trust and are smart about your actions. But you are almost universally loved by all who meet you, especially your friends and family. Your manipulative nature sometimes gets in the way of your piousness.Positive traitsCharmingHumorousCleverCautiousGood speakerEmotionalConnecting with peopleProtectiveNegative traitsSarcasticSometimes arrogantManipulativeSchemingPetty

Passive agressive

You are an enigma of a human being. No one is ever sure what you're thinking or who you really are. Then again, neither do you. You embrace the mystery of your personality and indulge the beautiful things in life; alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. You aren't afraid to try new things or talk to new people, in fact, you love it. But when it comes to your reputation, you do everything to make sure it's in perfect condition. Your arrogance sometimes puts you in difficult situations, ones that you can usually get your way out of. When it comes to your friends in family, you aren't ashamed to hold grudges and exact revenge.Positive traitsIntelligentOpen mindedDaring/ adventurousUniqueTalkativeInterestingStrong moral compassNegative traitsVengefulArrogantNo common senseToo Idealistic

Shuts away others

Wild at heart and soul, you demand your independence and believe you deserve to be respected. Your opinions are brash and strong, not unlike your general demeanor of outward confidence. You have a charm about you that captures the hearts of many, yet your bad side is not one that anybody would want to be on. Your friends mean the world to you, but with that being said, you tend to keep your enemies closer.Positive traitsPassionateFierceStanding by your beliefsDefending what you care aboutDevoted friendRespectedNegative traitsHot-headedSarcasticQuick to actOblivious


It's hard to find someone else that is just as intensely passionate about the things you prize. Although a little obsessive at times, and maybe a bit delusional, you channel your intensity towards bettering yourself constantly.You have clear goals in your life and you're willing to do almost anything to get them. You're a hard worker and you're damn good at what you do. You recognize that you may come off a little strong, so you try hard to fit into a crowd that you aren't a part of.One thing is, though, that you're incredibly stubborn and are an extremely sore loser. You tend not to have many close friends. Positive traitsPerfectionistRebelliousLogicalAdaptableStrong beliefsHard workingMulti facetedHard exterior, Soft interiorNegative traitsObsessiveImpulsiveArrogant


You have a dark mind, but are very very intelligent. The creativity you possess isn't appreciated as much as it should be; you find solutions to near impossible situations and express them creatively and effectively. You may be always trying to prove your self worth, especially when with your friends and trying to assume a group leader position. You are often overshadowed, despite your intelligence and innovative thinking. You have a twisted mind that you try hard not to show to others, unless there's a reason. Then no holds are barred. You play the part of the interesting, charismatic sweet talker to get the things that you want.Positive traitsIntelligentCreativeGood speakerSelf-awareConfidentNegative traitsHot temperDarkSelf-centeredManipulativeEnvious


An in-depth, accurate, and thought out personality quiz to find out which House you would most likely be in the Westeros world. Based on a deep evaluation of Game of Thrones family personality traits.

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