What is an example of a perforated state?

The shape of a state is determined by the political boundaries and geography that determine its territory, and that shape impacts the politics and economies of the state.[1] The six categories of state shapes are: compact; elongated or attenuated; fragmented; prorupted or protruded; perforated; and compound or complex.[2][3][4]

In a compact state, the distance from the center of the state to any boundary does not vary significantly. According to Derwent Whittlesey, a Harvard professor (1939), the ideal state should be compact ("chunky") rather than elongated.[5] Poland is an example of a compact state.[1] A compact state has a minimum frontier to defend, and generally roads and railways are relatively simple to provide.[6]

An elongated or attenuated state is much longer in one direction than the other.[2] Norway and Chile are examples of elongated states.[1] Defense and transportation can be more difficult in an elongated state.[6]

A fragmented state has several noncontiguous pieces of territory. Archipelagos such as Philippines, Indonesia, and Fiji are examples of fragmented states.[1]

A prorupted or protruded has an extension that protrudes from the main territory.[3] Thailand is an example of a prorupted state.[1]

A perforated completely surrounds another state (country). South Africa is an example of a perforated state because it surrounds Lesotho.[3]

Compound or complex refers to states that have characteristics of multiple categories. For example, the Contiguous United States is compact, but the United States of America which includes Alaska and Hawaii is fragmented.[2]

What is an example of a perforated state?
What is an example of a perforated state?

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What name is given to a state that is completely surrounded by another state?

Possible Answers:


An enclave is the name given to a state that is completely surrounded by another state. Famous examples of enclaves include Lesotho (which is completely surrounded by South Africa) and San Marino and Vatican City (which are completely surrounded by Italy).

Which of the following is an example of a landlocked state?

Possible Answers:


A “landlocked state” is a state that is completely surrounded on all sides by other countries that has no direct access to the ocean. Of these countries, only Bolivia is landlocked state. Its access to the Pacific Ocean is blocked by the territory of Chile and Peru, something that has been the source of frequent war. Russia and Germany were two famous examples of landlocked states, but they both were able to expand to gain access to the ocean at some point in their history.

Which of these is an example of a perforated state?

Possible Answers:


Italy is the classic example of a perforated state because it completely surrounds two other countries, San Marino and Vatican City. The name given to the region that is surrounded by the perforated state is an “enclave.” So San Marino and Vatican City are both enclaves within the perforated state of Italy.

Which of these is not an example of a physical boundary used to separate states?

Possible Answers:

All of the other answers are examples of physical boundaries

Correct answer:

Lines of longitude


A physical boundary is something tangible and concrete that is often used as the political barrier between two states. Mountain ranges and rivers are common examples of these throughout the world. A line of longitude, however, is a human construction, not a physical boundary. When a line of longitude or latitude is used to represent the political barrier between two states, this is known as a "geometric boundary."

Which of these is an example of an enclave?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:

Vatican City


Vatican City is an example of an enclave because it is an independent state that is completely surrounded by the borders of another state, in this case, Italy. Switzerland, although landlocked, is bordered by many countries and is thus not technically an “enclave.”

Which of these is an example of a fragmented state?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:

The Philippines


The Philippines is considered a fragmented state because its territory is physically divided, by the ocean, into several distinct regions that make it harder for a centralized government to wield control. Although the territories of the United Kingdom and the United States are not wholly contiguous they are not usually considered to be fragmented states because the vast majority of their significant territory is contiguous.

Which of these is an example of a compact state?

Possible Answers:


A compact state is a state that is reasonably small and centralized; it usually somewhat resembles a square. Compact states are usually easier for a centralized government to manage because every outlying region in the country is roughly equidistant from the center. Poland is the classic example of a compact state. The opposite of a compact state is an elongated state.

Which of these terms is used to describe the internationally legal addition of new territory to an existing state?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:



The term “annexation” is used to describe the internationally legal addition of new territory into an existing state. When we use the phrase “internationally legal” this is of course a dubious distinction, but essentially a nation can “annex” more territory in certain situations without it being considered an act of war. The United States, during its history of westward expansion, consistently annexed new territory, primarily because the Native Americans were not considered legitimate claimants to the land by the international community.

Which of these statements best describes a unitary state?

Possible Answers:

A state that is divided into several regions that are subject to one federal government, but also have delegated powers of their own.

None of these answers describes a unitary state.

A state where laws are administered uniformly, without regional authorities diluting the power.

A state in which the population is almost exclusively drawn from one religious, ethnic, or cultural group.

A state where the highest law of the country is the divine law of God.

Correct answer:

A state where laws are administered uniformly, without regional authorities diluting the power.


A unitary state, as opposed to a federal state like the United States, is a state where laws are administered uniformly by one central government. There are no regional authorities, like the various states in the United States, who compete for power and dilute the authority of the central government.

What name is given to the system of government where power is shared between a centralized government and various regional authorities?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:



Federalism is a system of government where power is shared (in various arrangements) between a centralized government and various regional authorities. The United States is a federal country because power is shared between the national government and the governments of the various states.

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What is an example of a perforated state?

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What is an example of a perforated state?

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What is an example of a perforated state?

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What is an example of a perforated state?