What is a privacy notice disclosure?

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principle (APP) 5 requires the Australian National University (ANU) to take reasonable steps to notify individuals of certain matters when collecting personal information.

It is important to include a privacy notice to ensure individuals can provide informed consent for the collection, storage, use and/or disclosure of their personal information.

A privacy notice should inform individuals about how their personal information will be handled, including:

  • the purpose for which the University is collecting their personal information
  • whether the University will pass their information on to third parties
  • that further information can be found in University privacy policy.

What should a privacy notice include?

The content of a privacy notice is set out in APP 5.

The privacy notice should address each of the following points:

  • who is collecting the information (must identify ANU, and if applicable the Centre/School/College/Division)
  • why the personal information is being collected
  • what the personal information will be used for (this must include all uses of the personal information)
  • who the personal information will be accessed by
  • who the personal information will be disclosed to e.g. vendors, Government (if applicable)
  • how the individual can opt out/withdraw consent in future
  • the consequences if personal information is not collected
  • a contact for further information
  • a link to the ANU Privacy Policy.

When should a privacy notice be used?

Privacy notices should be included whenever personal information (including sensitive information) is collected by ANU. This includes collection via online, in person (electronic or hardcopy) and for recorded events.

The notice must be provided to the individual before, or at the time, that the personal information is collected.

It is also proper practice to include a privacy notice on communications that are managed on a consent basis, with details about how recipients may opt out.

Further guidance

If you require further advice on privacy notices, please contact the Senior Privacy Officer at  or 02 6125 4679.

Example privacy notices have been provided for common activities that collect personal information.

Example privacy notices

Email/distribution list sign-up

Privacy Collection Notice: The information on this form is being collected by the <<Centre/School/College/Division>>, Australian National University (ANU).

The information is being collected, with your consent, to provide you with regular updates on <<distribution list name>>.

The information will be used by authorised staff for the purpose for which it was collected, and any other purpose which you have expressly consented to.

You can opt out of this mailing list at any time by contacting <<contact email>>.

If you do not provide all the information that is requested on this form, it may not be possible for us to add your details to the distribution list.

The ANU is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the information will be protected against unauthorised access and use.

All information collected by the University is governed by the ANU Privacy Policy.

For further information about how the University deals with personal information, please refer to the ANU Privacy Policy or contact the ANU Privacy Officer at .

You may access or request correction of any personal information you have provided to ANU by contacting .

Email/distribution list communications

Privacy Notice: You have received this email from the <<Centre/School/College/Division>>, Australian National University (ANU), because you are a subscribed to the <<distribution list name>>.

To unsubscribe please <<opt-out instructions>>.

The ANU is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the information will be protected against unauthorised access and use.

All information collected by the University is governed by the ANU Privacy Policy.

For further information about how the University deals with personal information, please refer to the ANU Privacy Policy or contact the ANU Privacy Officer at .

You may access or request correction of any personal information you have provided to ANU by contacting .

Event registration

Privacy Collection Notice: The information on this form is being collected by the <<Centre/School/College/Division>>, Australian National University (ANU). This event is <<co-hosted/sponsored etc>> by <<organisation or group>> and a copy of your registration details will be provided to them for <<event planning/marketing etc>>.

The information is being collected, with your consent, in order to complete your registration for the <<event name>> event.

The information will be used by authorised staff for the purpose for which it was collected, and any other purpose which you have expressly consented to.

You can withdraw your registration any time by contacting <<contact email>>.

If you do not provide all the information that is requested on this form, it may not be possible for us to ensure appropriate arrangements for the event.

The ANU is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the information will be protected against unauthorised access and use.

All information collected by the University is governed by the ANU Privacy Policy.

For further information about how the University deals with personal information, please refer to the ANU Privacy Policy or contact the ANU Privacy Officer at .

You may access or request correction of any personal information you have provided to ANU by contacting .

Public event introduction

This <<e.g. public lecture/event/symposium>> will be recorded.

The recording will be made publicly available <<location e.g. on the ANU website>> after the event.

Participants will be able to ask questions/make comments via <<e.g. chat or other functions if event is conducted online>>.

If you do not wish your question or comment to be in the recording please contact <<contact point>> after the event. Alternatively please ask your question/make your comment to the presenter after the event through <<email address>>.

Privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share any personal information of your or any of your affiliate’s officers, shareholders, directors, employees or personnel where such individuals are either identified or reasonably identifiable in that information (personal information). This Privacy Notice is intended to help you understand our processing of such personal information (which includes collection, use, sharing, storage and other operations we perform in relation to such personal information).

This Privacy Notice should be read together with our privacy policy and our agreement with you, including the Merchant Business Solution Card Acceptance by Business Terms and Conditions (PDF 406KB). These documents contain further detail and further uses and disclosures of personal information, including in respect of use of information for certain analytics activities.

It’s important to highlight that where our agreement with you refers to use or disclosure of information more broadly, such as information about (or relating to) you, your history or conduct of the facilities, this information may include personal information and the terms of the agreement will apply in respect of such personal information.

In addition to these uses, the personal information we collect from you during the application process, or the life of the facility, will be used to process your application, provide you with your product or service, and manage your product or service. We may also use your information to comply with legislative or regulatory requirements in any jurisdiction, prevent fraud, crime or other activity that may cause harm in relation to our products or services and help us run our business. 

If you do not provide all the information we request, we may need to reject your application or we may no longer be able to provide a product or service to you.

We may disclose your personal information to other members of the Westpac Group, anyone we engage to do something on our behalf and other organisations that assist us with our business. Again, this is in addition to disclosures contemplated by our privacy policy and our agreement with you. 

We may also disclose your personal information to an entity which is located outside Australia. Details of the countries where the overseas recipients are likely to be located are in our privacy policy, which is available at westpac.com.au or by calling 132 032 8am – 8pm Sydney time. 

As a provider of financial services, we have obligations to disclose some personal information to government agencies and regulators in Australia, and in some cases offshore. We're not able to ensure that foreign government agencies or regulators will comply with Australian privacy laws, although they may have their own privacy laws. By using our products or services, you consent to these disclosures.

We're required or authorised to collect personal information from you by certain laws. Details of these laws are in our privacy policy. We'll keep the personal information for the duration of Westpac’s relationship with you or your entity, and as required or permitted by all relevant legislation or our agreement with you.

Our privacy policy is available at westpac.com.au or by calling 132 032 8am – 8pm Sydney time. It covers:

  • how you can access the personal information we hold about you and ask for it to be corrected;
  • how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or a registered privacy code and how we will deal with your complaint;
  • how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in more detail.

We'll update our privacy policy from time to time.

Credit information

We may:

  • obtain information about your commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness from a business which provides information about commercial credit worthiness;
  • exchange personal information and credit information about you with other credit providers to assess your application and creditworthiness and to notify them of any defaults by you;
  • disclose credit information and other personal information about you to a guarantor or to a proposed guarantor (for the purpose of them considering whether to offer to act as guarantor);
  • give or obtain a banker's opinion about you.

To ensure we're meeting our requirements and to allow for the most up-to-date information to be considered as part of the application process, we may do any or all of these things on one or more occasions.

The privacy page of our website westpac.com.au includes a "Statement of Notifiable Matters". These are matters you should be aware of in relation to the use and disclosure of your credit information. This statement includes:

  • details of the credit reporting bodies to which we're likely to disclose your credit information, the types of credit information we may give them and how this information will be used;
  • your rights over your credit information, including how you can access and correct your information and make complaints;
  • your rights to direct a credit reporting body to limit the use of your information for direct marketing purposes and what protections are available if you believe you're a victim of fraud;
  • information about our Credit Reporting Policy.

You can call us on 132 032 8am – 8pm Sydney time or visit us in branch for a hard copy of the Statement of Notifiable Matters.

For our customers located in the European Union 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the collection, use, disclosure or other processing of personal data under European Union (EU) law. Our collection, use, disclosure and other processing of personal information may also be regulated by the GDPR. 

Please refer to our EU Data Protection Policy on our website at westpac.com.au/privacy for information about how we manage personal data under the GDPR. The EU Data Protection Policy also forms part of this Privacy Notice.

Other acknowledgements and consents

If your application was provided to us by a broker, agent, or other introducer (Introducer), you and the Applicant consent to us disclosing personal information and/or financial information to the Introducer during the period in which we provide the Applicant with a Merchant Facility, including to obtain information about the Merchant Facility, the status of any application, the status of any payments, or other matters related to the Merchant Facility including for the payment of any commission (if applicable). You also acknowledge the Introducer has informed you and the Applicant of any commission payable to the Introducer by Westpac.


We have a general duty of confidentiality towards our customers, except in the following circumstances: 

  • where disclosure is compelled by law; 
  • where there is a duty to the public to disclose; 
  • where our interests require disclosure; or 
  • where disclosure is made with your express or implied consent.


"We", "our", "us" means Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141. "Westpac Group" means Westpac Banking Corporation and its related bodies corporate.

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