What is 3 2 as a whole number?

This calculator performs basic and advanced operations with mixed numbers, fractions, integers, decimals. Mixed numbers are also called mixed fractions. A mixed number is a whole number and a proper fraction combined, i.e. one and three-quarters. The calculator evaluates the expression or solves the equation with step-by-step calculation progress information. Solve problems with two or more mixed numbers fractions in one expression.

Spelled result in words is three and two thirds (or eleven thirds).

Calculation steps

  1. Conversion a mixed number 3 2/3 to a improper fraction: 3 2/3 = 3 2/3 = 3 · 3 + 2/3 = 9 + 2/3 = 11/3To find a new numerator:

    a) Multiply the whole number 3 by the denominator 3. Whole number 3 equally 3 * 3/3 = 9/3

    b) Add the answer from previous step 9 to the numerator 2. New numerator is 9 + 2 =

    11 c) Write a previous answer (new numerator 11) over the denominator 3.

    Three and two thirds is eleven thirds

A mixed number is an integer and fraction acb whose value equals the sum of that integer and fraction. For example, we write two and four-fifths as 254. Its value is: 254=2+54=510+54=514. The mixed number is the exception - the missing operand between a whole number and a fraction is not multiplication but an addition: 254=2 54. A negative mixed number - the minus sign also applies to the fractional 254=(254)=(2+54)=514. A mixed number is sometimes called a mixed fraction. Usually, a mixed number contains a natural number and a proper fraction, and its value is an improper fraction, that is, one where the numerator is greater than the denominator. We can imagine mixed numbers in the example of cakes. We have three cakes, and we have divided each into five parts. We thus obtained 3 * 5 = 15 pieces of cake. One-piece when we eat, there are 14 pieces left, which is 254 of cake. When we eat two pieces, 253 of cake remains.

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