What if my cat eats a succulent?

While succulents may be one of the quickest and easiest ways to spruce up a room, pet parents should first pause to consider: Are succulents poisonous to cats? Whether you’ve planted them in your outdoor garden or potted them indoors, find out which succulents are poisonous for your furry friends and which are safe.

What are succulents?

Succulent plants have parts that are thickened or fleshy in order to store water. Succulents are also commonly considered “ornamental plants,” having grown in popularity in recent decades due to their unique appearance. The plants are also popular for their hardiness, as they require little maintenance to survive indoors.

Are succulents poisonous to cats? Avoid these 5 succulents if you have cats or dogs

Aloe Vera

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Aloe Vera (right)

While the sap of this common household plant is used for sunburns and other medicinal purposes, it’s also quite toxic to cats and dogs. If ingested, your pet may display signs of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. 

Crassula (Jade) 

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Jade plant © sannse / CC-BY-SA-3.0

The miniature tree appearance of the Jade plant may look tempting to your cat. However, if your pet ingests the thick, woody stems or plump, oval leaves, they will likely experience symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, incoordination, and low heart rate.


What if my cat eats a succulent?
Pencil Cactus

The sap of Euphorbia plants—such as Pencil Cactus or Crown of Thorns—can also be highly irritating for our pets (and us!). If Euphorbia sap comes in contact with the skin, it can cause a rash; if ingested, it can result in mouth irritation, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. 


What if my cat eats a succulent?
Kalanchoe blossoms © Wildfeuer / CC-BY-SA-3.0

This tropical flowering succulent is toxic to cats and dogs. Kalanchoe is often known as Devil’s Backbone, Mother-In-Law Plant, and Mother of Millions. Your pet will likely experience vomiting and diarrhea after ingesting Kalanchoe, but abnormal heart rhythms may also occur.

Sansevieria (Snake Plant)

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Snake Plant © Mokkie / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Also known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue and Good Luck Plant (hardly!), Snake Plant can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea when ingested by cats or dogs. You’ll recognize Snake Plant by its stiff, vertical leaves.

What to do if you think your pet was poisoned

Pets exhibiting severe symptoms of any kind should be taken immediately to an emergency vet clinic or animal hospital. If your pet is experiencing mild symptoms, supervise them for at least the next 24 hours. Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) if their symptoms don’t clear up within a short time.

5 succulents safe for cats and dogs

There are a number of succulents safe for cats and dogs, including but not limited to the following:


What if my cat eats a succulent?
Variety of Echeveria

Echeveria is a family of rose-shaped succulents that come in a wide range of beautiful colors and shades. Some common Echeveria varieties include Blue Atoll, Princess Lace, Tippy, Ebony, Wax Agave, Prolific, Mexican Hens, and Moonglow.

Haworthia (Zebra Plant)

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Zebra Plant © Andrew Butko / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Haworthia, also known as Zebra Plant, is often described as a miniature aloe plant. Unlike Aloe Vera, Haworthia is not toxic to cats or dogs. These succulents may also have fat, juicy leaves and translucent flesh. 

Opuntia (Prickly Pear)

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Opuntia © Chrizz / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Commonly known as Prickly Pear, Opuntia is a genus in the cactus family. These flat-jointed cacti may have edible pads, flowers, and fruit. Common varieties include Santa Rita, Silver Dollar, Eastern, Beavertail, and Bunny Ears.

Sedums (Stonecrops)

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Burro’s Tail © David Stang / CC-BY-SA-4.0

Sedums, also known as Stonecrops, is a large genus of flowering plants. Sedums can be hardy or tender. Some common Sedum varieties include Burro’s Tail, Ghost Plant or Mother of Pearl, and Hardy Baby Tears.

Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks)

What if my cat eats a succulent?
Hens and Chicks © Ron Clausen / CC-BY-SA-4.0

Commonly called Hens and Chicks or Houseleeks, Sempervivum are succulent perennials that form mats composed of tufted leaves in rosettes. Sempervivum are ideal if you want colorful and cold-hardy succulents.

Why do cats eat plants?

Cats eat plants for the same reasons they sometimes eat grass

  • Plants contain vitamins and trace nutrients that may be missing from your cat’s diet.
  • Plants can act as a laxative or way to induce vomiting if your cat is having digestive issues.
  • Your cat may be anxious, stressed, or simply bored—and munching on plants is a great distraction.

How to keep cats out of succulents

Cats are experts at seeking out exactly what we don’t want them to find. That’s why it’s best to keep poisonous succulents out of the house altogether. Place safe succulents out of reach if possible, because your cat may decide to munch on those well! You can also spray your succulents with a safe concoction of ingredients that act as a cat deterrent: try a mix of vinegar, lemon (or other citrus juice), and water.

Don’t overlook these other poisonous houseplants

As with succulents, there are many houseplants considered safe for cats. However, some common plants are extremely toxic—even deadly. Be sure that you don’t keep any of the following plants in the house with your feline:

  • Lilies – Lilium genus (Easter lilies, tiger lilies, and Asiatic lilies) and Hemerocallis genus (daylilies)
  • Foxglove
  • Philodendron
  • Azalea and Rhododendron
  • Cyclamen
  • Oleander
  • Sago Palm
  • Castor Bean
  • Yew

Are succulents poisonous to cats? It turns out that you can’t be too careful when it comes to plants and your pets. Always be sure to learn the species of the succulent before you place it in an area your pet can reach—and select succulents safe for cats and dogs!

Are succulents toxic for cats?

Certain succulents are toxic for cats and dogs, including Aloe Vera, Crassula (Jade), Euphorbia (such as Pencil Cactus or Crown of Thorns), Kalanchoe, and Sansevieria (Snake Plant).

What indoor succulents are safe for cats?

Indoor succulents that are safe for cats and dogs include but are not limited to Echeveria, Haworthia (Zebra Plant), Opuntia (Prickly Pear), Sedums (Stonecrops), and Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks).

How do I keep my cat out of my succulents?

Keep poisonous succulents out of the house and place safe succulents out of reach, if possible. You can also spray your succulents with a mix of vinegar, lemon, and water as a deterrent.


What if my cat eats a succulent?


What if my cat eats a succulent?


If you love both succulents and pets, you probably at one point worry if those two can coexist happily in your house. Will your cats or dogs attack your succulents, and if so, what are the chances of your plants being poisonous to your pets? This article will provide a list of some toxic and non-toxic succulents for pets. See more about the collection of pet friendly succulent plants.

Best Non-Toxic Succulents for Pets

Below are some of the most common succulents that are non-toxic to pets:

Sempervivum (Hens and chicks)   

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Jade Plant (Crassula Argentea)

Jade plants, also known as Crassula ovata, are very popular succulent houseplants. They have a miniature tree-like appearance and glossy oval-shaped leaves, which look super appealing—and your pets might think so too. But you should keep your dogs or cats away from jade plants because they can cause symptoms of toxicity such as vomiting, lethargy, incoordination and a low heart rate.

Aloe (Aloe vera)

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

Aloe is a common houseplant known for its multiple health benefits. However, it is toxic to cats and dogs if ingested due to a substance called aloin that pulls extra water into the pet’s colon. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, change in urine color or tremors. 

Fiddle Leaf (Philodendron bipennifolium)

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Fiddle Leaf Philodendron

The Fiddle Leaf Philodendron, also known as Panda Plant, is a popular low-maintenance houseplant. All parts of this plant contain insoluble calcium oxalates crystal, an irritant to the tissues. Signs of toxicity include mouth irritation, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake Plant is an easy-care houseplant that can adapt to a wide variety of growing conditions. But the plant contains saponins, which can cause mild toxicity, with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for your pets if ingested.

Kalanchoe species

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Kalanchoe Species

The Kalanchoe genus includes tropical, succulent flowering plants that bloom even in the coldest months of winter. They are easy to care for and very drought tolerant. But Kalanchoe plants contain cardiac glycosides which can cause lethargy, increased salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Kalanchoe can be a dangerous toxin if a large amount is ingested, causing irregular heartbeats, elevated heart rate, labored breathing, severe weakness and collapse, or even death.

Euphorbia Succulents

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Euphorbia Cactus contain white latex sap in their leaves and stems

Euphorbias succulents, like Enopla CactusMonstrose Cactus, and Corn Cob Cactus are highly adapted to growing indoors and are valued for their beautiful flowers. However, despite these wonderful features of these succulents, it is known to be highly toxic to both humans and animals, as they contain white latex sap in their leaves and stems that can cause skin and eye irritation when touched. It can also lead to mouth and stomach irritability, which sometimes lead to vomiting when accidentally ingested.

Senecio Succulents

What if my cat eats a succulent?

Keep Senecio Succulents out of reach of your pets

Another toxic succulent to pets is the Senecio species. Although most of the succulents that belong to this family are popular due to their unique appearances, they are considered poisonous, especially to our furry friends. Ingesting parts of these plants can lead to an upset stomach, predominantly vomiting, and as well as lethargy. The good news is, Senecios like String of Pearls, and String of Hearts are great as hanging plants, making it easier for you to keep them out of reach of your dogs or cats.

What to Do If Your Pet Eats a Succulent

If your pet eats a succulent, you need to immediately identify the plant and call your local veterinarian when there is a chance that the plant is poisonous. However, if your vet is not familiar with houseplants or succulents, you might want to contact a poison control center. These two poison control centers for animals below are available 24/7 and they both charge a small fee for a consultation.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center - (888) 426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline - (855) 764-7661

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Succulents

Make sure your succulents are out of reach of your pets. Refrain from buying plants that are potentially toxic to them. If you still decide to purchase those plants, you need to keep them in an inaccessible area. If your pets accidentally chew on your succulent, call your vet or an animal poison control center to determine if any treatment is needed.

This video will also help you determine what succulents are safe for cats and dogs

Learn How To Keep Your Pets Away From Your Succulents!

What if my cat eats a succulent?

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