What does the PS4 controller orange light signal?

In recent years, the evolution of console controllers demonstrates the importance they have for the video game player. Efficient, simple, reliable and robust are the watchwords for controller manufacturers who operate in an increasingly competitive environment. The PS4 controller proudly displays all of its characteristics.

And for even greater simplicity for the user, the light bar displays color codes corresponding to a state of use. Blue, orange, white, red, pink and green are all colors transmitting information to the controller. In this article, we will take a look at the color orange by discovering why is the PS4 controller flashing orange? And what to do when the controller flashes orange and is not functioning properly?

Why is your PS4 controller flashing orange?

Contrary to what you might think at first glance, just because your PS4 controller is flashing orange does not mean that the controller is having a problem. Indeed, Sony has designed its controllers so that they send a light signal corresponding to usage information. Thereby, the light bar of the PS4 controller starts flashing orange to indicate that it is charging.

It is therefore quite normal for your controller to flash orange (or yellow). Then if you notice that other malfunctions appear, it is on these symptoms that you will need to pay attention because they are the real clues to the problem your DualShock 4 controller is having.

The most common dysfunctions that can appear are:

  • a timing problem.
  • a battery or charging problem. This is especially when the PS4 controller starts flashing orange and then stops even though it has not finished charging.
  • a power problem.
  • an internal component problem causing the end of life of your PS4 controller.

What to do when the PS4 controller flashes orange?

If your PS4 controller flashes orange works perfectly well, no manipulation on your part are not required since this is not a sign of a malfunction.

If your DualShock 4 controller flashes orange then turns off without having finished charging or you notice other dysfunctions, then follow our troubleshooting steps below.

Battery or power problem

If your PS4 controller flashes orange at the start of charging then stops or it has operating bugs, she may meet a battery or power supply fault.

Also learn: What should I do when my PS4 controller stops charging?

First, try to recharge the battery of your PS4 controller as much as possible. If it was completely discharged, it will take about 2 hours. If the controller continues to malfunction, the problem may be:

1 / of a problem in the power supply circuit. In this case, the light bar may flash orange but will stop before it has completed its full charge. The fault may come from USB cable which is faulty. To verify this, plug in your controller with another compatible USB cable. If the controller charges normally, the old cable will no longer work and you will need to replace it. The fault can also come from the loading port or otherwise called a connector. In this case, you can have it replaced by a professional.

2 / of a tired or defective battery. In this case, the battery may charge and flash orange, but once unplugged it will not work for long or at all. You can then replace the defective battery with a new battery.

Synchronization problem

When your PS4 controller flashes orange but it is not working properly, there may be a timing issue or a minor bug. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out a resetting and resynchronizing the DualShock controller. To do this :

  • Turn off the PS4 and unplug it.
  • Switch off and unplug the controller.
  • Press the reset button for 5 seconds on the back of the controller using a small pointed tip.
  • Reconnect your PS4 and connect the controller to the console using a USB cable.
  • Press the PS button.

If your controller is functioning optimally again, the procedure will work. In the opposite case, the bluetooth circuit is probably faulty or the controller is at the end of its life. It will then be necessary to replace the Bluetooth circuit or the controller depending on the source of the problem.

Internal component problem

If your PS4 controller refuses to work after the operations seen previously, it is very likely that your controller is dead. Indeed, after several months of use, it happens that a electronic internal component fails and causes operating bugs on your controller.

In this case, it will be necessary to call a professional to find the origin of the failure and replace the defective component. However, the price can sometimes be more substantial than buying a controller.

Who to contact when my PS4 controller is faulty?

When your PS4 controller stops working and you can't fix it on your own, all that's left is call a professional or to buy a new controller. If you decide to opt for the repair attempt, you have the choice of contacting different professionals:

  • Contact PlayStation Support " repair and replacement". However, be aware that the service is relatively long and that the costs incurred will most certainly be billed to you if your controller is no longer under warranty.
  • Contact your PlayStation or controller retailer for repair and replacement terms from their after-sales service.
  • Contact an independent repair service specializing in electronic devices. However, the cost can be higher than buying back a controller.

In all cases, do not forget to request a quote from the department contacted. If your PS4 controller is under warranty, contact the dealer or PlayStation support directly.

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