What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for CEO Hospital Jobs?

Chief executive officers make $207,620 per year on average, or $99.82 per hour, in the United States. Chief executive officers on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $122,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $353,000.

Location impacts how much a chief executive officer can expect to make. Chief executive officers make the most in New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Connecticut, and Minnesota.

Compare salaries for individual cities or states with the national average.

Page 2

Duff, Mike "Solid Waste: Deposit Laws Don't Solve the

Problem", C8450–5.104 Duffy, Gordon D. "Air Conditioning, Heating, and

Refrigeration News: 1989 Statistical

Panorama", C1800–1 Duffy, Maureen N. "Survey of Corporate Contributions, 1989

Edition (An Analysis of Data for the

Calendar Year 1987)”, R4105–8
Duggan, Patrice
"What Are They Waiting For?”,

C3950–1.123 Dukes, Jeffery

"En Route to 1992”, C1050–2.112 Dumaine, Brian

"Fortune 500/CNN Moneyline CEO Poll:

CEOs Gird for Global Battle",

C8900–1.112 “How Managers Can Succeed Through

Speed”, C8900–1.108 Dumping

Industrial belt import duties, for 8 countries

of origin found in violation of anti-dumping laws, 1989 article,

C1850–4.103 Dumps

see Landfills Duncan, James H., Jr.

“American Radio", C3165-1 Durgin, Hillary

"Coming On Strong", C2710–2.125 "Tactical Asset Allocation Use Slows”,

C2710-2.125 Durrance, Joan C. "Reference Success: Does the 55 Percent

Rule Tell the Whole Story?",

C1852-1.105 Durst, Ron “Estimates of Farm Tax Progressivity After

Tax Reform", U1380–4.1 DWI

see Driving while intoxicated Dwyer, James H. “Acculturation and Low Birthweight among Latinos in the Hispanic HANES”,

A2623-1.111 Dyer, Lee W. "Fueling Foodservice Growth into the '90s”,

C5225-1.107 Dyes

see Chemicals and chemical industry Dynamite

see Explosives

South Carolina deaths, by detailed cause, age, sex, and race, 1987, annual rpt,

S7175-2 Tennessee births, deaths by cause, marriages

and divorces, and abortions, by race and

location, 1986, annual rpt, S7520–2.2 see also under By Disease in the “Index by

Categories" Earls, Felton "Comprehensive Health Care for High-Risk Adolescents: An Evaluation Study”,

A2623–1.110 Earnings, general Agricultural scientists with PhDs, including

employment and salary patterns, by

subfield, 1970s-85, R6000–33 Black Americans socioeconomic status, with

comparisons to whites and data by region, various years 1970-88, annual

compilation, A8510-1.1 Black population demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics, with
comparisons to whites, for 48 metro areas,

1979-80, R5685-14
Business admin masters degree (MBA)

recipient starting salaries, for grads of top
10 business schools, 1988, article,

C8900–1.113 Business grad school characteristics,

including enrollment, tuition, and grad starting salaries, 20 leading instns, 1989

article, C5800–7.152 Business grad school characteristics,

including 1988 grads and starting salaries, 20 leading instns, 1988 article,

Business owner compensation, for

construction vs 5 other industry sectors, by revenue size, 1988, article,

C5800-2.133 Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic

background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250–4 Chemist employment and salaries, by degree level and industry, 1989, annual feature,

A1250–1.134 Chemist salaries and employment, by

employee characteristics, degree level, and industry, Mar 1989 and trends, annual

article, A1250–1.128 Chemistry and chemical engineering grad

starting salaries, employment status, demographic characteristics, and advanced study plans, 1987/88, annual rpt,

Cities rated as best for business by Fortune

magazine, socioeconomic profiles of top 31 metro areas, 1989 article,

C8900-1.125 College grad average and inflation-adjusted

salary offers, discontinued quinquennial

rpt, A3940–4 College grad hiring plans and starting

salaries, by type of employer, field of study, and degree level, 1988/89, annual

survey, U3130-1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, by region,

interim rpt series, A3940-1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, series, A3940–2

College grad starting salaries, for business,

engineering, computer science, and liberal arts grads, 1984 and 1989, article,

C8900–1.115 College grads in business and industry,

hiring plans, salaries, and selected personnel practices, 1989, annual survey

rpt, U3730-1 Competitiveness indicators related to

standard of living, trade, productivity, and investment, US vs other major industrial

countries, 1970-87, annual rpt, A4475-1 Computer/info systems salaries for 49

positions, by industry sector and metro area, 1989 survey, annual article,

C1850–5.123 Consumer goods industries production,

operating, and marketing data, by product class, with purchaser characteristics, fact

file rpt series, C3400_1 Consumer market indicators, including

population characteristics, employment, and personal finances, 1988 annual fact

file rpt, C3400–1.118 Corporate boards of directors, compensation

practices and amounts, by industry group,

1987-88, annual rpt, R4105–7 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, for retail, insurance, industrial, and financial sectors, 1987, annual survey series, B5000–3,

B5000-7 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, 1988 survey,

annual rpt, B4490-2.26 Corporate boards of directors organization

and compensation, by company size and industry, 1988 survey, biennial rpt,

B9550-5 Corporate chief executive characteristics,

compensation, stock holdings, and
company finances, for officers of top 1,000 firms, 1989 annual feature,

C5800–7.150 Corporate chief executive compensation and

company performance, for leading firm in 4 industries in US, Japan, and Europe,

1987, article, C8900-1.101 Corporate chief executive compensation

compared to company performance, for 161 executives, 1988, article,

Corporate chief executive compensation, for
US and 10 other countries, 1989 article,

C4160-1.102 Corporate chief executive compensation in 800 firms, 1988, annual article,

C3950–1.114 Corporate chief executive views on

compensation practices, Apr-May 1989

survey, article, C8900–1.115 Corporate chief financial and executive

officer compensation, for 54 major industrial and financial firms, 1989 article,

C2710-2.112 Corporate chief marketing officer

demographic and professional characteristics, attitudes, and compensation, 1988 survey rpt,

B4490-2.25 Corporate community relations personnel

and salaries, by mgmt position, sex, and minority status, 1988 survey, annual rpt, U0465-1

Ear diseases and infections
Hospital mortality rates, by diagnostic

related group (DRG), patient age group, and census region, 1987, annual rpt,

Hospital patient discharges and length of

stay, by diagnosis, type of operation, patient age, and census region, 1987,

annual rpt series, R3850-1
Hospital readmission rates, by diagnostic

related group (DRG), patient age group, and census region, 1987, annual rpt,

State and local: Oklahoma vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S6445-1

Corporate employees frequently transferred, salary ranges, 1988, annual survey,

B0600_1 Corporate executive compensation for top

executives in 354 companies, by industry group, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

Corporate executive compensation, with

comparison to company sales, for 50 leading firms, 1988, annual article,

C7000–3.109 Corporate vice-president professional and

personal characteristics, and business attitudes, 1979 and 1985 surveys,

Cyclical trends for recession/recovery

periods as measured by approx 65 economic indicators, quarterly rpt,

U1245–2 Economic indicators trends and forecast,

including components of GNP, bimonthly

rpt recurring table, B5350–3 Economic outlook for selected indicators,

recent trends and 2-year forecast,

bimonthly rpt, A3840–6 Engineer (civil) salaries and benefits, by

professional grade, employment category, and region, 1987, biennial survey,

A2940-1 Engineer (professional) compensation, by

work and employee characteristics, and region and metro area, 1988, annual rpt,

A8460_1 Engineer compensation, by field, industry, and metro area, 1988, annual article,

C5800–28.102 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, and years since college degree, 1988,

annual survey rpt, A0685-5 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, degree level, and years since college degree, 1988, annual survey rpt,

A0685-3 Executive compensation, by industry div

and major manufacturing group, top 5

positions, 1987, annual rpt, R4105-19 Executive compensation for 25 positions, by

company revenue size and selected

industry, 1988-89, article, C4160–1.108 Executive salaries and bonus levels, by type

of position, and corporate industry group, size, and region, 1987-88, annual rpt,

B9550-1 Executive salaries in private sector vs Govt, for 10 former OMB officials, 1988 article,

C3950–1.102 Executives economic expectations for coming year, 1987-89 surveys, annual rpt,

B2800-1 Forecasts of economic indicators for approx

18 months, monthly rpt, U1880–3 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related

indicators, quarterly rpt, U1880–1 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components, employment, and financial sector activity, monthly rpt,

B4950-1 Geoscientific starting salaries, by type of

employer and degree level, 1989 annual

rpt, A1785-1 Great Lakes region labor earnings analysis,

for Indiana and 5 other States, by industry sector, 1969-87, article, U2160-1.101

Hispanic purchasing power, 1982-91, article,

C2950–3.101 Humanities doctorates demographic

characteristics, labor force status, and salaries, by degree field, 1987 biennial rpt,

R6000-6 Indicators of income and natl financial

situation, compilation of data and analysis,

1800s-1988, R2110-1.101 Industrial distribution executives job and

dept characteristics, compensation, and industry outlook, 1988 annual survey

article, C2150-1.101 Industrial site selection info including

economic and labor force data, for States, Puerto Rico, and Canadian Provinces,

1989 annual rpt, C8400–2 Librarians (special) salaries by location,

work setting, and personal characteristics, US and Canada, 1988 and trends,

triennial survey, A8965-1 Librarians (special) salaries by US census

div and in Canada, Apr 1989, annual

article, A8965–2 Manufacturing business climate factors,

rankings of States and 8 regions, 1988,

annual rpt, B4000–1 Manufacturing production worker earnings

and hours, for selected Western States and cities, quarterly rpt recurring feature,

S4895-2.101 Manufacturing wages, by State, 1989 annual

article, C2150-1.106 Markets with daily newspapers,

demographic and economic info by geographic area, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C3250–1 Mathematics dept doctoral degree recipient

characteristics, including salaries, US and Canada, 1987/88-1988/89 and trends,

annual survey, A2085–1.1 Office info processing personnel salaries,

bonuses, and hours, 39 positions, by region and industry, 1988 annual survey,

Outlook for manpower and earnings in

1989, views of business analysts, annual

survey rpt, R4105–29.81 Pacific Northwest US earnings by source, industry, and State, 1987, annual feature,

U9120–1.101 Pacific Northwest US economic indicators for 3 States, 1960s-88, annual feature,

U9120–1.103 Pacific Northwest US employment, earnings,

and hours, by industry and State, 1988

and trends, annual feature, U9120-1.102 Pay (average annual) by State and selected metro area, 1986-87, article,

S0465-1.104 Pay (average annual) in approx 20 metro

areas, DC, and total and metro US,

1986-87, annual article, S1527-3.103 Physics and astronomy grads employment

status, by sex, age, subfield, citizenship, degree, and employer type, with salary

info, 1986/87, annual rpt, A1960–1 Physics bachelor degree recipients starting

salaries, by sex and type of employer,

1988, annual survey, A1960–3 Physics grad student characteristics,

including post-degree starting salaries by type of employer, 1987, annual survey, A1960-4

Plant closings in 3 manufacturing industries,

correlations with wages, fuel costs, taxes, unions, imports, and output demand,

1970s-82, R9260-8 Prisoner wages received in industry and

nonindustry work programs, by State and for Federal system, 1988, annual rpt,

R4300-1.1 Production worker earnings, for steel, auto,

coal, and oil industries, Dec 1982 and Oct

1988, article, C5800–7.116 Projected economic growth indicators, by

sector, 1950-2010, B6788-1.1 Projections and trends for output,

employment, labor productivity, and earnings, by economic sector and

industry, 1949-2010, B6788–1.3 Projections and trends for population,

employment, and income, by geographic

area, 1970-2010, annual rpt, B6788–3.2 Public health school 1986 grad salaries, by

area of specialization, 1987 survey,

quinquennial rpt, A3372–5 Public opinion on actual and appropriate

earnings of selected occupations, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.3 Purchasing mgmt salaries by position and sex, 1988 survey, annual article,

C4670–1.101 R&D professional salary increases, and

median salaries by discipline, 1989 and

trends, annual article, C1850–6.104 R&D professionals salaries and employment

characteristics, 1989 and trends, annual

article, C1850–6.106 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.6,

Retail chain chief executive compensation,

with comparison to company profits, for

50 chains, 1988, article, C5150_4.110 Retail specialty store manager salary,

turnover rate, and years in position, by region, 1989 survey article,

Salaries for teachers compared to other

occupations and college grads in selected

fields, 1960s-89, annual rpt, A1600–1 Salaries in private vs public sectors, for 6 professional occupations, 1988, article,

C5800–7.110 Salary increases for nonexempt, exempt, and

executive employees of utilities vs all

industries, 1989-90, article, C6985-6.108 Sales and marketing executive

compensation, by industry and company, with sales and profit data, 1988 annual

article, C1200-1.101 Sales industry costs, including compensation,

training, and travel and related expenses, with data for US and Canadian metro areas, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

C1200-1.106 Sales personnel productivity, with

comparison to compensation increases, by

industry, 1977-87, article, C1200-1.103 Sales worker salaries in selected retail outlet types, by region, 1989 article,

C8130–1.111 Service industries economic devs, with

analysis of conditions and outlook, and comparisons to other industries, quarterly

rpt, A3892-1 Service sector economic activity indicators,

with leading and coincident indexes and components, monthly rpt, U1245-3

Small company chief executive

compensation and stock holdings, medians
for leading growth companies by industry,

1988 article, C3950–1.103 Small company chief executive officer

compensation and stock holdings, for 200 firms with high 5-year returns on equity,

1988 annual article, C3950–1.101
Small company chief executive salaries, for

top 100 firms with sales under $25 million, 1989 annual survey,

C4687-1.107 Small/medium sized company executive

compensation, by industry and sales size,

1989 annual survey, C4687-1.111 State economic dev condition indicators,

including economic performance, business vitality, growth capacity, and govt policy

by State, 1988 annual rpt, R4225–1.1 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Urban economic and demographic trends,

with data on population, poverty, income, employment, and govt conditions, including detail by locality, 1950s-80s,

R6000-35 Wage rates for eating/drinking places and 11 other types of businesses, 1989 feature,

C5150–5.118 Women engineer salaries, by race-ethnicity

and experience, 1986, A2700–1.106 Women's status indicators, including data on

employment, income, and households, with comparisons to men, 1988/89 annual

rpt, R9420-1 Women's vs men's median earnings trends,

1960-87, article, R8750-1.104 Youth socioeconomic profile, for

non-college-bound population, including income indicators, 1986 and trends,

State and local: Alabama economic trends and outlook,

1978-95, annual rpt, U5680–3 Alabama foreign investment by investing

country, and employment and wages at foreign-owned plants by industry group,

1989 article, U5680–1.104 Alaska employment, hours, and earnings, by area and/or industry, monthly rpt,

S0320_1 Alaska resident vs nonresident workers and

earnings, by industry and local area,

1986-87, article, S0320-1.107 Alaska wage trends for selected industries,

1985-87, U5780–1.20 Alaska wages by industry div and State census area, 1980-88, annual article,

S0320–1.110 Arizona economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, and business activity, by industry and locality,

1981-89, semiannual rpt, U5850–1.1 Arizona employment and unemployment, by

county and industry, with production worker hours and earnings, monthly rpt,

S0465-1 Arizona labor force planning rpt, including

data on welfare recipients and other population groups most likely to need employment services, 1989/90 annual rpt,

S0465-5.2 Arizona, Maricopa and Pima County hourly

wages, by industry div and detailed occupation, Aug 1988, article, S0465–1.105

Arkansas socioeconomic data, by MSA
and/or county, 1989 annual rpt,

U5935-1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.15,

U5935–2.20 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation,

1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840–3 California economic indicators, bimonthly

rpt, S0840-1 California employment statistics, by

demographic characteristics, industry,

MSA, and county, monthly rpt, S0830–1 California individual taxable income

reported by source, deductions by type, and tax returns, by income class and

county, 1986, annual rpt, S0855–1.1 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.3, S0840–2.5,

S0840–2.8 Colorado employment, unemployment,

hours, and earnings, with job service

activities, monthly rpt, S1040_4 Connecticut employment, hours, and

earnings, by MSA and industry, and selected economic indicators, monthly rpt,

S1235-1 DC annual pay, by industry div, 1986-87,

annual article, S1527–3.101 DC employment, earnings, and hours, by

industry, with unemployment insurance

data, monthly rpt, S1527–3 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.3 Delaware data book, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1375–4 Delaware employment, earnings, hours, and

unemployment insurance, by locality and/or major industry group, quarterly

rpt, S1405-2 Florida employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, monthly rpt, S1765–3 Florida female and total employment and

wage rates, with comparison to total US,

1987, recurring rpt, S1765–2 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.5, U6660–1.6 Georgia business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6730-2 Georgia employment, earnings, and hours,

by major industry group and MSA,

monthly rpt, S1905-1 Georgia socioeconomic data, 1988 annual

rpt, S1920–3.3 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.3,

U6730–1.6 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090-1.11, S2090-1.12,

S2090–1.22 Idaho and US economic trends and

forecasts, quarterly rpt, S2245–2 Idaho earnings by industry, occupation, and county, 1985-87, annual planning rpt,

S2230-3.2 Illinois business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6910–1 Illinois, Chicago market area pocket guide,

general data, 1989 annual rpt, C2130–1.1 Illinois manufacturing production workers

hours of labor and earnings, bimonthly rpt, S2405-2

Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.4,

U2160–3.11, U2160–3.12 Kansas business activity indicators, quarterly

rpt, U7095-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.6 Kentucky business activity indicators, with comparisons to US, quarterly rpt,

U7138-1 Kentucky economic statistics, general data,

1989 annual rpt, S3104-1.1, S3104-1.3 Kentucky economic trends including

income, earnings, and employment,

1980-88, annual rpt, U7138-2 Kentucky labor force planning rpt, including

population and labor force characteristics, and employment by occupation and

industry, 1989 annual rpt, S3140–3 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.1,

U7138-3.2 Louisiana employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry and labor market area,

monthly rpt, S3320–2 Louisiana production workers average hours

and earnings, by industry, monthly 1988,

annual planning rpt, S3320–1.1 Maine employment, unemployment, and

earnings, by industry group, MSA, and

labor area, monthly rpt, S3465-2 Maryland labor force, employment, earnings,

and hours, with data by industry and

location, monthly rpt, S3605–2 Massachusetts employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and local area, with unemployment insurance claims, monthly

rpt, S3808-1 Michigan employment, hours, and earnings,

with detail by industry and local area,

monthly rpt, S3980–2 Minnesota dislocated workers, with

dislocation impact on earnings, 1989

survey, article, S4205–1.103 Minnesota economic profile, general data, 1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.1,

S4265-1.2, S4265-1.4, S4265-1.8 Minnesota employment, hours, earnings, and

characteristics of insured unemployed, by industry group and locality, quarterly rpt

and monthly supplements, S4205-1 Mississippi income by source, county, and

MSA, and wages by industry group,

1983-89, annual planning rpt, S4345-1.4 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.4, U3255-4.5 Missouri employment, earnings, and hours,

by industry, and employment security program statistics, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S4530–2.6 Missouri employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry and MSA, with unemployment insurance claims and

benefits, monthly rpt, S4530–3 Missouri vocational rehabilitant earnings at referral and completion, FY88, annual rpt,

S4505-1.1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668-1 Montana employment and unemployment,

earnings, and hours, by location and/or industry, quarterly rpt, S4710-1

Montana production workers, hours, and

earnings, and covered wages, by industry, monthly 1987-88, annual planning rpt,

S4710-3 Nebraska earnings by industry div, monthly rpt quarterly table, U7860–1.101, U7860–1.104, 07860–1.107,

U7860–1.110 Nebraska manufacturing and service

employment hours and earnings, by selected industry group and locality,

quarterly rpt, S4895–2 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data, 1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.3,

S4855-1.6 Nebraska wage rates as percent of US, by

industry div, 1969, 1979, and 1988,

article, U7860_1.106 Nevada business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U7920–1 Nevada employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry, and unemployment by

county, quarterly rpt, S5040-1 Nevada labor force, earnings, and

employment, by industry, with detail by
county and for Las Vegas and Reno,

1980-89, annual rpt, S5040_4 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.5, S5065–1.6 Nevada women accountant income levels,

and reasons for changing jobs, with comparison to total US, 1989 article,

U7920–1.102 New Hampshire employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and area, monthly

rpt, S5205-1 New Jersey economic indicators, including

employment, building permits, and retail

trade, monthly rpt, S5425-1 New Jersey higher education bachelor

degrees awarded and starting salaries of college grads, by field of study, 1989

annual article, S5425-1.106 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362–1.2 New Mexico business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U7980–1 New Mexico employment, hours, and

earnings, by labor market area and

industry, monthly rpt, S5624-2 New York State business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, S5735-2 New York State employment, earnings, and

hours, by county, selected metro area, and

industry group, monthly rpt, S5775-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.3,

U5100–1.6 North Carolina economic and demographic

trends and projections, with selected US comparisons, 1970-2000, recurring rpt,

S5930-8 North Carolina employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry group, with job

placements, monthly rpt, S5925-5 North Dakota employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry div and/or location,

monthly rpt, S6140-4 North Dakota labor force planning rpt,

including population, employment, and earnings, by industry, occupation, and/or

county, 1989 annual rpt, S6140–2 North Dakota statistical abstract, general data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.4, U8070-1.5, U8070–1.12

Ohio employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, with job service and unemployment insurance activities, by

MSA, monthly rpt, S6270–1 Oklahoma business activity indicators,

monthly rpt quarterly data, U8130–1 Oklahoma employment, earnings, and hours, by industry or area, monthly rpt,

S6430–2 Oregon economic indicators, by county,

1980-87, recurring rpt, S6585–2 Oregon employment, population, and other

economic devs, with data by detailed industry and occupation, 1989 biennial

rpt, S6615-9 Oregon employment service applicants and recipients, and salaries, monthly rpt,

S6615-8 Oregon labor force and employment statistics, by industry, monthly rpt,

S6615-2 Oregon statistical profile, economic data,

1987 and trends, recurring rpt, S6585-1 Pennsylvania business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U4110_1 Pennsylvania employment, hours, and earnings, by industry, monthly rpt,

S6845-1 Pennsylvania vocational education grad

salaries, by field and sex, 1986/87, annual

rpt, S6790–5.3, S6790–5.5 Pennsylvania wage and earnings data, by

county and MSA, 1987-88, annual

planning rpt, S6845-3.2 Rhode Island employment, hours, and earnings, by industry, monthly rpt,

S6980–1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975-1.1 South Carolina economic activity indicators,

including employment by industry div, by

county, 1989 annual rpt, S7145-1.2 South Carolina employment, earnings, and

hours, by industry group and locality,

monthly rpt, S7155–2 South Carolina labor force planning rpt,

including population, employment, income, and job service activities, 1988

annual rpt, S7155-3 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.7 South Dakota business activity review,

including selected data by city and

industry, quarterly rpt, U8595–1
South Dakota employment, earnings, and

hours for selected industries and areas, with characteristics of unemployed and job service activities, monthly rpt,

S7355-1 Tennessee employment and wages, by county, 1987, annual planning rpt,

S7495-4 Tennessee employment, hours, and earnings, by industry group and MSA, monthly rpt,

$7495-2 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.3,

U8710–2.4, U8710-2.11 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.2,

C1035-1.6 Texas employment, hours, and earnings, by

MSA and industry group, and unemployment insurance, monthly rpt, S7675-3

Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790–1.3 Texas weekly wages by industry group,

1985-87, annual planning rpt, S7675–2 Utah and US employment and wages, by

industry div and SIC 2-digit group, 1987,

annual article, S7820–3.105 Utah business activity indicators, by county,

1985-88, annual feature, U8960-2.104 Utah business firms, wages, and

employment, by firm size, SIC 2-digit industry, and county, 1st qtr 1988, annual

rpt, S7820-1 Utah employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, and job service activities,

monthly rpt, $7820–3 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.1, R9380–1.8 Utah population and labor force

characteristics, with focus on women,

1950s-87, recurring rpt, S7820-4 Vermont wages, with detail by industry,

1977-88, annual planning rpt, S8025-2.1 Virginia economic indicators, including new

business incorporations and employment

data, quarterly rpt, S8205-4 Virginia labor force, hours, and earnings, by

industry group, MSA, and other local

area, monthly rpt, S8205-6 Washington State employment, earnings,

and hours, by labor market area and

industry group, monthly rpt, S8340–3 Washington State labor force and population

characteristics, with earnings and income

data, 1988 annual rpt, S8340_4.1 West Virginia employment, unemployment,

hours, and earnings, with job service

activities, quarterly rpt, 58545-4 West Virginia production worker hours and

earnings, by industry group, FY87-88,

annual planning rpt, 58545–2 West Virginia statistical handbook, general

data, 1988 annual rpt, R9385–1.1 Wisconsin economic indicators, including

employment and earnings by industry

group, monthly rpt, 58750–1 Wisconsin socioeconomic profile, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, 58690–1 Wyoming annual pay by industry div,

1986-87, article, S8895-1.101 Wyoming annual pay, 1982-88, article,

S8895-1.107 Wyoming labor force planning rpt, including

population, employment, and income and inflation measures, FY89 annual rpt,

S8895-2 Wyoming mining industry employment, and

production workers hours and earnings,

monthly rpt, S8895–1 Wyoming prisoner incentive pay, and work release program wages, FY88, annual rpt,

S8880-1 see also Agricultural wages see also Earnings, specific industry see also Economic indicators see also Educational employees pay see also Employee benefits see also Employee bonuses and work

incentives see also Escalator clauses see also Farm income see also Federal pay see also Foreign labor conditions

Earnings, specific industry

see also Government pay
see also Military pay
see also Minimum wage
see also Payroll
see also Personal and household income
see also Professionals' fees
see also State and local employees pay
see also Tips and tipping
see also under By Income in the “Index by

Categories" Earnings, specific industry Advertising agency personnel compensation,

by position and billing size group, Jan

1989, annual survey article, C2710–1.133 Aerospace industry production worker hours and earnings, 1973-87, annual rpt,

A0250-2.5 Airline pilot wages, characteristics, and supply-demand outlook, 1989 article,

C5800–4.111 Association executives compensation, by

position, assn type, and census div, with personnel practices and benefit provisions,

1988, annual rpt, A2900–3 Auto aftermarket employee hiring and

training practices, and wages, 1988-89

surveys, article, C2150–10.111 Auto aftermarket retail manager

compensation and benefits, with comparisons to other specialty stores,

1989 survey article, C2150-10.105 Auto and truck dealer financial and

operating data, including sales and employment by State, 1970s-88, annual

rpt, A7330-1 Auto dealer service dept operations and

profit outlook, and manager characteristics, 1989 survey and trends,

annual article, C2700-1.139 Auto executive compensation at General

Motors and Ford, and executive salary increases compared to autoworkers, 1989

article, C2700-1.124 Auto fleet manager salaries, by fleet size and type, and job title, 1989 article,

C1575-2.106 Auto parts wholesale executive compensation, 1988, annual rpt,

Baking wholesale industry finances and

operations, with data for top 25 companies, 1988 annual feature,

Bank compensation of top 2 executives in

80 leading instns, 1986-87, annual

compilation, 00175-4.1 Bank employees salaries, by detailed

position, instn asset size, and census div,

Jan 1989, annual rpt, A3425_4
Bank executive compensation, with 35
highest-paid executives, 1987-88, article,

Bank salaries for computer professionals, by

region and job function, 1988 survey,

annual rpt, 00175–3
Bank salaries for private banking dept personnel, by region, 1989 article,

00175-1.159 Banking industry mgmt salaries, by position,

1989 article, 00175–1.126
Baseball player salaries, 1985 and 1989, and

contracted salaries for 4 leading players,

1989-91, article, C5800–7.119 Book publishing salaries by detailed position, and benefits, 1989 annual survey, C1852-2.120

Brewers production worker employment,

hours, and earnings, compared with all food and manufacturing, 1969-87, annual

rpt, A3455–1.3 Car wash operations, including starting

wages, 1989 article, C4680_1.107 Chambers of commerce income, salaries and

benefits, membership, staff, and

operations, 1989 annual rpt, A3840–3 Chemical and related industries production,

finances, operating ratios, employment, and trade, by country, company, and chemical, 1970s-88, annual feature,

A1250–1.126 Chemical industry contribution to personal

earnings, by region and State, 1988,

article, A1250–1.142 Child day care educational staff salaries, by position and education, 1989 article,

R4800–2.132 Clothing (men's) production, marketing, and

operating data, by product class, 1988

biennial fact file rpt, C3400–1.122 Clothing (men's and boys wear) production,

trade, and operating data, by garment type and price range, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A3880–1 Clothing (women's and children's)

production, imports, retail sales, and industry employment and earnings, by

type of garment, recurring rpt, A5900–1 Clothing (women's dresses) production,

operating, and marketing data, by product class, 1988 biennial fact file rpt,

C3400–1.115 Clothing (women's lingerie) industry

production, marketing, and operating data, by product class, 1989 biennial fact file

rpt, C3400–1.119 Clothing industry economic profile, with related indicators, 1950s-88, annual rpt,

A0600-1 Clothing industry employment and earnings

of plant workers and supervisors, by region, 1989 and trends, annual rpt,

Clothing stores for men, composite financial

and operating data, by sales class, city size, and region, 1988, annual rpt,

A6375-1 Coal industry personnel earnings and

employment history, US and Canada, by position, 1989 survey, article,

C5226–1.106 Coal industry production, employment, and

other operating data, by district and State,

1983-88, annual rpt, A7400–5.2 Communications trade assn president salaries, for 6 assns, 1989 feature,

Computer systems analyst and programmer

demand outlook, and earnings in 10

MSAs, 1989 article, C1850–5.112 Construction industry executive

compensation, for 164 officers at 34 companies, with comparisons to sales and profits, 1987, annual article,

C5800–2.108 Construction industry wage rates, selected cities, weekly rpt quarterly feature,

C5800-2.107, C5800–2.146 Construction labor wages for 4-18 specialties, approx 20 cities, weekly rpt, C5800–2

Construction mgmt firm total and foreign

contract values for top 100 firms, and employee compensation by position, 1988,

article, C5800–2.132 Construction nonunion wages and benefit

levels, by craft and region, 1988, quarterly

feature, C5800–2.134 Container (fiber box) shipments by end-use

industry and region, with industry operating data, 1940s-88, annual rpt,

A4875-1 Convenience store chain top executive salaries at 8 companies, 1988, annual rpt,

C8115-1.1 Dentists in private practice, income by

practice type, age, hours worked, and

census div, 1987, annual rpt, A1475-9 Dentists in private practice, operating

characteristics, finances, and staff, 1987,

annual series, A1475-11 Electronics industrial site selection,

economic factors by State, 1988, annual

feature, C1850–2.102 Electronics industry compensation of top

100 executives, 1988, annual article,

C1850–2.122 Electronics industry employment, earnings,

and hours, by industry segment, 1984-88,

annual rpt, A4725-1.4 Electronics production worker wage rates,

for skilled vs unskilled workers, 1988

article, C1850–2.101
Entertainment industry income, for top 40 professionals, 1988-89, annual feature,

C3950–1.123 Equipment (farm, industrial, and outdoor

power) mechanic wage rates, 1988, annual

rpt, A8633-1 Food marketing mgmt personnel

compensation, by position, by company sales size and region, year ended Mar

1989, annual survey, A4950-6 Food service industry employment

conditions, including wages, employee characteristics, and mgmt views, 1989

articles, C5150–5.118 Food service industry managerial salaries

and hourly wages, by position, 1988 or

1989, articles, C5150–5.107
Food service wages and employment, for 15 positions, 1988 survey, article,

A8200-1.103 Food/beverage manufacturers mgmt salaries

by selected company and employee characteristics, 1988 survey, annual

article, C2150-6.102 Foundry (nonferrous) earnings of salaried

and hourly personnel, by position, 1989,

article, C7000–2.105 Foundry metalcasting product shipments,

employees, and equipment orders, and mgmt and technology devs, monthly rpt,

C7000-2 Franchise licensing company executive compensation, by position, 1988, article,

C5150–5.141 Frozen dessert industry employment, wages,

and capital expenditures, 1950s-88, annual

rpt, A5825-1.1 Homebuilder executive salary and bonus, by position, 1988, annual article,

C1850–8.106 Hospice personnel compensation, by

position, budget size, Medicare certification status, and region, Jan 1989, annual rpt, A7976-1

Page 3

Hospital (teaching) house staff stipends and

benefits, by region, affiliation, and bed size, with stipends in 23 metro areas,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A3273–3 Hospital chief executive views on compensation, 1989 survey article,

Hospital executive and manager salaries,

bonuses, and perquisites, by position, 1989

survey, annual article, A1865-1.121 Hospital executive compensation in single

facilities and multifacility systems, by position, 1985 and 1989, annual article,

Hospital industry operating profitability

indicators, by region and facility characteristics, 1984-87, annual rpt,

Hospital info system officer salaries, by

budget size and bed-size group, 1989

article, A1865–1.120 Hospital physician manager salaries, by

region, 1989, article, A1865–1.109 Hospital recruiting of nurses and allied

health personnel, with budget, vacancies, turnover, and compensation, 1989 and

trends, annual survey rpt, A6500–1 Interior design industry financial and

employment data, top 100 firms handling hotel and restaurant projects, 1989, annual

article, C1850–7.104 Interior design industry financial and

employment data, top 100 firms, 1989

annual article, C1850–7.102 Interior design industry financial and

employment data, 2nd 100 largest firms,

1989 annual article, C1850–7.103 Iron and steel industry financial and

operating data, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, A2000-2.1 Jewelry industry statistics on sales,

marketing, trade, and employment, with consumer characteristics, 1989 annual

almanac, C2150–7.109 Jewelry store employee compensation, by position, 1988 annual survey article,

C2150–7.101 Lawyer earnings, for top 63 trial and top 71

corporate lawyers, 1987 and/or 1988,

article, C3950–1.124 Magazine (business) editorial personnel income, by sex, 1986-88 survey, article,

C4325-1.102 Magazine circulation director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1988 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.102 Magazine compensation of ad sales

directors, managers, and other personnel, by region, sex, age, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey, annual

article, C4325-1.112 Magazine compensation of editorial mgmt,

editors, and art directors, by region, sex, and type of publication, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.108 Magazine production director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325–1.110 Magazine senior sales personnel salaries,

1984 and 1989, article, C4325-1.106 Mass transit industry statistics on

operations, passengers, and finances, 1988/89 annual fact book, C1575-3.105

Mass transit system energy use by source,

employee compensation, and labor costs,

1960s-88, recurring rpt, A2650–1.1 Meat supply-demand, livestock inventory

and prices, and packing industry finances and operations, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, A2100–1.1 Medical group mgmt compensation, by

demographic and practice characteristics,

1988, annual rpt, A6365–3 Medical group nonphysician employee

salaries, by position and practice characteristics, 1988, biennial rpt,

A6365-4 Medical group physician salaries, by

specialty, and demographic and practice characteristics, 1986, biennial rpt,

A6365-1 Mental health community agency

compensation of clinical and mgmt staff, by position, region, and urban-rural

location, 1989 biennial rpt, A7515–1 Mining and allied industries, worker

earnings in Canada, US, Australia, and

South Africa, monthly rpt, B6800–1 Motion picture earnings received by actors,

producers, and/or directors of 3 major releases in summer 1989, article,

C5800–7.137 Motor vehicle industry operating data, by

State and industry segment, 1950s-89,

annual rpt, A6475-1.3 Newspaper executive compensation, by

circulation size, for 5 positions, 1988-89,

annual survey article, A2350–2.107 Nonprofit independent organizations

employment, finances, and operations, 1970s-86, biennial rpt interim update,

A5435-1.1 Nursing home industry financial and

operating data, by facility type, size, region, and urban-rural status, 1988

survey, annual rpt, B5050–14 Oil and gas industry employment and

earnings, by industry segment, 1950s-87,

annual compilation, C6985-9.5 Oil and gas industry employment and

earnings, 1989 and trends, periodic basic

data book, A2575-14.3 Oil industry pay increases, and executive

compensation package compared to general industries, 1989 article,

C6985-1.110 Oil/gas industry hourly wages vs all manufacturing, 1969-88, annual rpt,

Osteopathy student earnings expectations,

for freshmen and seniors, 1988, annual

survey rpt, A0620_2 Packaging industry personnel income, by

selected characteristics, and views on industry issues, 1988 survey, annual

article, C1850-1.101 Paint industry finances, employment,

companies, and foreign trade, 1960s-87,

recurring rpt, B8060-1.1 Paper and paperboard industry financial and

operating data, by product, region, and State, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

A2500–1 Physical therapist personal and professional

characteristics, 1987 and trends, recurring

rpt, A2608-1 Physician manager compensation and

characteristics, including contract terms, with data by region, 1987, annual rpt, A0550-1

Physician practice economic aspects,

detailed data by specialty, 1978-87, annual

compilation, A2200-5 Physics professional society members

employment, salaries, and selected demographic characteristics, 1986 survey,

recurring rpt, A1960–5 Plastics industry operating and financial data, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

A8920–1.1 Plastics processing industry employment and

compensation practices, by region, 1988,

annual survey, A8920–2
Plastics processing industry salaries for

managers, supervisors, salespersons, and engineers, by region, 1988, biennial rpt,

Printing industry salaries for 21 positions, by

census div and company size, and
compensation of executives at 10 major firms, 1988, annual feature,

C1850–10.101 Public relations compensation, by employee

and company characteristics, Mar 1989

survey, annual article, A8770–1.106 Pulp and paper industry operations, US and

Canada, with financial performance by company, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

C3975–5.1, C3975–5.2 Pulp and paper industry salaries and

benefits, by employee and job characteristics, 1989 survey, annual

article, C3975-2.111 Pulp, paper, and paperboard industry

production, trade, and operating data, by

product class, monthly rpt, A2500–2 Railroad employment and earnings, by

occupation, company, and region, 1988,

annual rpt, A3275-7 Railroad employment and earnings, by occupational class, 1920s-86, annual rpt,

A3275-5.4 Railroad employment by occupation and

company, and productivity measures,

1978-87, annual rpt, A3275-8.2 Restaurant (hotel) wait staff earnings in 9

major cities, 1988, C5150–5.141
Restaurant/food service mgmt

compensation, characteristics, and views, including data by position, 1989 survey,

annual article, C1850–3.112
Savings instn executive compensation, for 10
highest-paid officers, 1988, article,

Securities retail registered representative

production and earnings, for large vs small

firms, 1985-88, article, A8825-1.101 Shoe industry production and operating

data, including trade by country, retail sales, and consumer expenditures,

quarterly rpt, A4957-2 Shoe industry production, employment,

trade, marketing, and related data, by SIC 2- to 5-digit code or product type, 1988

annual rpt, A4957-1 Shoe industry production, marketing, and

operating data, by product class, 1988

annual fact file rpt, C3400–1.117 Sporting/athletic equipment and clothing

production, operating, and marketing data, by product type, 1988 biennial fact file

rpt, C3400–1.114
Supermarket hourly wage rates, for

independent and chain stores by region, 1988 and trends, annual rpt, C5225-1.105

Economic and econometric models

Telecommunications equipment and service

industry finances and operations, foreign trade, and market trends and outlook,

1984-90, annual rpt, A8640–3 Telephone interconnect industry finances

and operations, including executive salaries, and manufacturer market shares,

1986-90, annual rpt, A8640_4 Temporary employment service industry

finances and operations, with data by location and leading firm, 1980s and

trends, B5450-8
Textbook (college) sales workers, with

turnover and compensation data, 1984-87,

annual rpt, A3274-2 Textile industry economic performance

indicators and outlook, with industry trends and devs, monthly rpt, C5226–3,

C5800-13 Theater (nonprofit professional) artistic and

managing director salaries, by budget size,

1988, article, C9380–1.123 Transportation employee compensation and

earnings trends, by mode, 1988 annual

rpt, B8990–2 Transportation employee compensation and

earnings trends, by mode, 1989 annual

rpt, R4815-1 Trucking industry equipment, employment,

finances, and operations, 1978-87 and

trends, annual rpt, A3075-3 TV station personnel and compensation, by position, and benefits, 1989, biennial rpt,

A6635-9 Veterinarian income and fringe benefits, by type of employment, 1987, article,

A3100–2.112 Veterinarian income and hours, by type of

employment and/or years since graduation, 1987, biennial survey article,

A3100-2.107 Veterinarian income by selected personal

and practice characteristics, 1988 and

trends, annual survey, C9480–1.107 Veterinarian income by type of employment, 1987, biennial survey article,

A3100-2.106 Veterinarian money vs real income, by type of employment, 1980-88, biennial article,

Veterinary practice income, by service

category, for 6 practice types, 1987,

article, A3100–2.110 Veterinary school grad employment, starting

salaries, benefits, and personal characteristics, by sex, 1988, annual

survey article, A3100-2.104 Veterinary school grad starting salaries and

educational debt, by type of employment,

1988, annual survey article, A3100–2.102 Veterinary school grad starting salaries, by type of employment, 1980-88, article,

State and local: Arizona and US copper industry

employment data, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S0497-1 Arizona vocational nursing program grads

and average earnings, by instn, 1983-85,

article, S0465-1.102 Michigan prison work program participation

by instn, and prisoner earnings, 1988,

annual rpt, S3960–1 Nevada computer/info systems salaries, by

position, with comparison to US and selected metro areas, 1988 survey, article, U7920–1.102

North Carolina public utility financial,

operating, and regulatory data, by utility type and company, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6020-1 West Virginia coal mining hours and earnings, and production, quarterly rpt,

S8545-4 Wyoming miners hours and earnings,

quarterly business activity rpt, U9350–2
see also Agricultural labor
see also Agricultural wages
see also Educational employees pay
see also Federal pay
see also Government pay
see also Payroll
see also State and local employees pay
see also under By Industry in the “Index by

Categories" Earth sciences Global climate research funding from Fed

Govt, 1989-90, article, A1250–1.115
see also Geography
see also Geology

see also Hydrology Earthquake insurance

see Property and casualty insurance Earthquakes Deaths in major disasters, with location and date, by category, 1865-1987, annual rpt,

A8375-2.1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

Property damage from 10 most costly earthquakes, 1933-87, annual rpt,

State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.5 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.8 East Pakistan

see Bangladesh East-West trade Chemical trade between US and China,

Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe, 1988,

article, A1250–1.129 China business review, including trade with

US and other countries, and economic

activity, bimonthly rpt, A9315-1 China-US trade value for 9 home

improvement product categories, 1987-88,

article, C5150–6.114 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.20 Soviet Union foreign trade and aid to Latin

American countries and other world areas,

1960s-86, U6250–1.27 Soviet Union foreign trade with approx 20

non-Communist countries, monthly rpt

recurring feature, U2030-1
see also Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Chemical and related industries production,

finances, operating ratios, employment, and trade, by country, company, and chemical, 1970s-88, annual feature,

A1250–1.126 Chemical industry worldwide production

and trade, selected data by country and world area, 1984-89, annual feature,

A1250–1.106 Energy production and consumption in

USSR and other Eastern European countries, 1988-89 biennial rpt, R9455–1.2

Foreign trade between Soviet Union and 6

East European countries, monthly rpt

recurring feature, U2030–1 Motor vehicle world production, sales, trade,

and registrations, by country, world area, manufacturer, and make, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6475-2.1 Nuclear reactor construction and operating

status and capacity, by unit and country,

1988, annual rpt, B6800–2.2
Public opinion on political outlook for Eastern Europe, June 1989 Gallup Poll,

see also Albania
see also Czechoslovakia
see also East-West trade
see also Germany, East
see also Hungary
see also Poland
see also Soviet Union
see also Warsaw Pact

see also Yugoslavia Eavesdropping

see Electronic surveillance Ebasco Business Consulting Co. Electric and total utilities securities offerings

by type, purpose, and sales method, monthly rpt recurring article, C5800–28.101, C5800–28.105,

C5800–28.108, C5800–28.111 Echeverri, Lina "Recent Real Estate Developments”,

U6730–2.101, U6730–2.103 Ecology

see Conservation of natural resources see Environmental pollution and control

see Environmental sciences

see Marine pollution
see State funding for natural resources and

see Wildlife and wildlife conservation Economic and econometric models Business economists GNP and CPI forecasts, by theory used, 1988-89,

A6650–5.101 Forecast economic growth indicators to

2010, annual series, B6788-1 Forecasting accuracy of various econometric

models, selected economic indicators,

monthly rpt, B4950-1 Forecasts of GNP, prices, and

unemployment rate, 50 economists,

1988-89, annual feature, C5800–7.107 Forecasts of 3 econometric models for

selected indicators through 1990, annual

article, C4670–1.108 Forecasts of 3 econometric models for

selected indicators, 1989-90, annual

feature, C4670–1.102 GNP and unemployment, 1-year forecasts of 7-8 major authorities, by qtr, monthly rpt,

R4105-3 Japan economic forecasts, govt vs 40 private

organizations, FY89 and trends, annual

article, R5650-2.122 Japan economic forecasts of 8 private organizations, FY89, annual article,

R5650–2.152 Natural gas production, imports,

consumption, and prices, outlook under 4 economic scenarios, 1985-2010, article,

C6985-1.115 Regional economic and demographic

projections to 2010, by geographic area, annual series, B6788-3

State and local: Alabama economic trends and outlook,

1978-95, annual rpt, U5680_3 see also Input-output analysis Economic assistance

see Economic policy see Federal aid programs see Federal aid to rural areas see Federal aid to States see International assistance see Military assistance see Public welfare programs see Revenue sharing see State funding for economic development see State funding for local areas

see Subsidies Economic censuses

see also Census of Agriculture

see also Census of Manufactures Economic concentration and diversification Airline operations at 60 hub and nonhub

airports, analysis of post-deregulation fare trends, pricing factors, and industry

concentration, 1980-88, A0325–7 Bank deposits and assets of 10-300 largest instns, 1965-88, annual feature,

Bank deposits of 10-300 largest instns,

1975-89, annual feature, C017 -1.163 Beverage industry sales, production,

consumption, and trade, by company, brand, and product type, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, C3245–1.1 Broadcast stations owned by publishers and

other companies, and cable TV stations owned by broadcasters, by company, 1989

annual directory, C1750–2 Chemical business splitting off from parent

firms, with sales, profits, and assets, 1988,

article, A1250–1.127 Coal industry production and companies, by production level, 1984 and 1988, article,

C5226-1.107 Conglomerates financial performance and

growth rankings of 17 top US firms, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105 Construction contract values, revenues, and

mgmt contracts, concentration among top 400 contractors, 1988, annual rpt,

C5800–2.129 Consumer goods industries production,

operating, and marketing data, by product class, with purchaser characteristics, fact

file rpt series, C3400–1 Corporate mergers, acquisitions, and other

agreements involving US companies, by SIC code, bimonthly rpt quarterly feature,

C6050-1 Discount store industry concentration, by company size, 1988, annual feature,

C8130-1.107 Drugstore chain companies and outlets, by size group, 1978 and 1988, annual feature,

C5150-2.113 Electric utility diversification, views of

utility executives and State commissioners, 1989 survey article,

Food service industry sales and

establishments, for top 400 chains and other organizations, 1988, annual feature,

Gasoline sales and oil production

concentration among top companies, 1970s-87, article, C4680-1.102

Home improvement industry sales and

operations, for top home centers and related firms, 1988 and trends, annual

feature, C5150–6.111
Hospital venturing into selected types of

diversified services or programs, 1989

article, A1865–1.114
Industry rankings by sales, profits, and

concentration index, for airlines vs 70

other industries, 1988, A0325-7 Insurance (property/casualty) premiums

written distribution among top firms and

rest of industry, 1984-88, C1050–1.108 Japan manufacturing concentration

indicators, with detail by industry,

1975-84, article, R5650_2.138 Latin America agricultural landholdings and

area, by size and country, decennially

1950-70, annual rpt, U6250–1.2 Livestock slaughtering shares accounted for

by top 4-12 aggregate firms, 1974-88,

annual rpt, A2100–1.1 Oil supply-demand, marketing, prices,

finances, and employment, detailed data
for US and Canada, by product, company, and location, 1989 annual fact book,

C4680-1.108 Paint industry finances, employment,

companies, and foreign trade, 1960s-87,

recurring rpt, B8060-1.1 Pharmaceutical industry financial and operating data, 1988 annual rpt,

A8675-2.2 Pulp and paper industry production,

capacity, consumption, trade, and
sales/earnings data, including profiles for selected companies and sectors, monthly

rpt, C3975-2 Restaurant sales and establishments, for top

100 chains vs total industry, 1986 or

1987, article, C1200–5.102 Retail conglomerates, department and

apparel stores operated and sales, 1987,

annual fact file rpt, C3400–1.116 Savings instn deposits, for top 300 vs all

federally-insured instns, 1979-88, annual

feature, 00175-1.139 Soft drink industry economic concentration indicators, 1987, annual article,

Uranium production shares for top 3-12

producers worldwide, 1980 and 1989,

article, B6790–1.102 Veterinary practice concentration indicators,

by practice type and community size,

1988, article, A3100_2.111 State and local: Hawaii land acreage owned by 6 largest landowners, 1985-87, annual rpt,

S2090–1.6 see also Antitrust law see also Business acquisitions and mergers see also Competition see also Corporate rankings see also Divestiture see also Holding companies see also Joint ventures see also Monopolies and cartels see also Ownership of enterprise

see also Product rankings Economic crises and depressions

see Business cycles

Economic development
Industrial site selection info for States and

Canadian Provinces, including financial assistance programs available to industries,

1989 annual rpt, C8400–2 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

Manufacturing new jobs impact on typical

local community, 1970-80, C2425–3.101
Real estate (commercial) and business

location conditions, executive views and ratings of 31 metro areas, May-June 1988

survey, annual rpt, B2800–1 State economic dev condition indicators,

including economic performance, business vitality, growth capacity, and govt policy,

by State, 1988 annual rpt, R4225-1
State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.3 Kansas economic dev activities of 30

communities, with budgets, strategies, and

incentives, 1989 article, U7095–1.104 Maryland local govt financial condition,

including revenues by source, expenditures by function, and debt

obligations, FY88, annual rpt, S3618–1.1 Michigan, Oakland County economic

revitalization devs, including characteristics of local firms, and employment by industry, 1986 survey,

U7475-12 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.6 New Hampshire Business Dev Corp financial condition, 1988, annual rpt,

S5185-1 Ohio, Northeast area Economic

Development Organization priorities and activities, 1987-88 survey, article,

see also Business cycles
see also Community development
see also Developing countries
see also Economic indicators
see also State funding for economic

see also Urban renewal Economic indicators

Advertising personnel opinions on outlook

for the economy, and impact on
advertising budgets and staff, 1989 annual

survey article, C2950_3.103 Asia-US relations, data on foreign trade,

investments, and economic conditions in Taiwan compared to Japan and South

Korea, 1987 rpt, R5400–3 Australia population, inflation, employment,

and related economic indicators, 1989

annual feature, C9380-1.123 Budget of US economic assumptions of Reagan Admin, 1987-93, annual rpt,

C2500-2 Business activity indicators, by major

industry group, annual series, C5805-1 Business and economic trends, production

and price indicators, and industrial mgmt activities and devs, semimonthly rpt,

C7000-3 Business economists assessments of current

conditions at their companies, with

industry detail, quarterly rpt, A6650_4 Business economists forecasts of general economic conditions, quarterly rpt, A6650-5

Business executives expectations for coming

qtr, attitudes on 6 key indicators,

quarterly rpt, C3150_4 Business Week economic, business, and

investment devs, with related statistical

indicators, weekly rpt, C5800–7 China detailed economic indicators

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955–1 China production, and foreign investment and trade, 1988 and trends,

A9315-1.104 Clothing industry economic profile, with related indicators, 1950s-88, annual rpt,

A0600_1 Colombia economic and agriculture devs,

with impact of increased coffee export

prices, 1960s-83, R5620–1.13
Commodity yearbook for 1989: detailed

supply-demand data, and selected
indicators for futures market investors,

C2400–1 Commodity yearbook update: detailed

supply-demand data, and selected
indicators for futures market investors,

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 rpts, C2400–2 Construction and other related economic

indicator trends, biweekly rpt recurring

feature, C5150–6 Consumer attitudes on economic conditions

and personal financial situation, Univ of

Michigan monthly survey, U7475-2 Consumer expectations of economic

conditions and change in income, and intended durable goods purchases by type, Conference Board monthly survey,

Corporate chief executive outlook for the

economy, and views on govt economic strategy, Aug 1989 survey, article,

C8900–1.123 Corporate financial executives economic

forecast and expected sources of financing, Feb 1989 semiannual survey,

Cyclical trends for recession/recovery

periods as measured by approx 65 economic indicators, quarterly rpt,

Developing countries foreign debt situation,

including related indicators, for 15

countries, 1988 article, B6200-2.102 Economic indicators trends and forecast,

including components of GNP, Manufacturers Hanover bimonthly rpt

recurring table, B5350–3 Economic outlook and performance, major

natl indicator 1-year trends and forecasts, Nov 1988-Jan 1989, Irving Trust monthly

rpt, B4750-2 Economic performance composite index trends from 1970, Forbes biweekly rpt,

C3950-1 Economic performance indicators, forecasts,

and indexes, by economic sector, monthly

rpt, R4105-3 Forecast economic growth indicators to

2010, annual series, B6788-1 Forecast GNP and related indicators, through 1990, recurring article,

U7475–3.102, U7475-3.103
Forecasts and trends for retail sales and

other general economic indicators, 1987-90, article, C5150–3.111

Forecasts and trends for selected economic

indicators, with detail for 22 selected

States, 1980s-90s, annual rpt, B3520–1 Forecasts and trends for selected economic

indicators, 1988-FY93, Conf Board annual

compilation, R4105–29.82 Forecasts and trends for selected indicators,

1987-90, article, A8955–1.102 Forecasts of economic indicators by 16 economists, 1989, recurring article,

C2710-2.104 Forecasts of economic indicators by 16 economists, 1989-90, recurring article,

Forecasts of economic indicators for approx

18 months, Georgia State Univ monthly

rpt, U1880–3 Forecasts of GNP and CPI to 1999, economist consensus, article,

C8950–2.101 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related indicators, Georgia State Univ quarterly

rpt, U1880–1 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components, employment, and financial sector activity, monthly rpt,

B4950-1 Forecasts of selected economic indicators,

recent trends and 2-year outlook, US Chamber of Commerce bimonthly rpt,

Forecasts of 3 econometric models for

selected indicators through 1990, annual

article, C4670–1.108 Forecasts of 3 econometric models for

selected indicators, 1989-90, annual

feature, C4670–1.102 Forecasts of 4 economic indicators by 5

economists, 2nd half 1989-1st half 1990,

annual article, C2950–3.110 Foreign economic indexes, and leading and

coincident indicators for US and other industrial countries, monthly rpt,

U1245-1 Foreign economic indexes, composites of

leading indicators for US and selected other countries, quarterly and monthly

rpts, R4105-6 Futures trading activity on Chicago Board of

Trade, with info on economic indicator trends, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

B2120-1 Hard goods manufacturers and

representatives forecasts for selected indicators in 1989, annual survey rpt,

Industrial economic health indicators, for

selected sectors, semimonthly rpt quarterly article, C1850–5.104,

C1850–5.110, C1850–5.114 Investment trends related to economic growth in US vs other countries, 1987 rpt,

R4105-63 Japan economic issues and devs, relations

with US, and trade, balance of payments, and economic indicators, weekly rpt,

R5650-2 Japan GNP and other indicators, with govt

vs private forecasts, FY89 and trends,

annual article, R5650–2.122 Metals (nonferrous) industry operating data,

with related economic statistics, 1984-88, annual rpt, A1025-1.6

Midwest (upper) bankers opinions on

outlook for credit and business conditions, with focus on farm sector, fall 1989

survey, semiannual rpt, B6785-1 Money and securities market activity, and

related indicators, Manufacturers Hanover

biweekly rpt, B5350–2 Motor vehicle sales and general economic

indicators, forecasts by auto industry analysts, 1989, annual article,

C2700–1.110 Oil and gas industry operations and finance,

with selected economic indicators, 1980s and trends, periodic basic data book,

Outlook for housing starts and 3 other

indicators, 1987-90, article, C4300-1.107 Outlook for new presidential admin, and indicator trends, 1980s-93, article,

Outlook for US economy, 5-qtr forecasts

and trends, Univ of Michigan quarterly

rpt, U7475-3 Pacific Northwest US economic indicator

trends and forecast, for 3 States, quarterly

rpt, U9120-1 Pacific Northwest US economic indicators

for 3 States, 1960s-88, annual feature,

U9120–1.103 Productivity and related indicators, trend

analysis for US and other industrial

countries, 1970s-87, annual rpt, R2800–2 Public opinion on future economic outlook,

June 1989 survey, C5800–7.133 Public opinion on quality of life, and social

and economic problems and outlook, Aug

1989 survey, C5800–7.146 Public opinion on stock market drops and economic outlook, 1986-89 surveys,

C5800–7.152 Purchasing managers report on business

conditions, monthly rpt, A6910-1 Real estate business and general economic

activity outlook, monthly rpt, A7000–1 Recreational vehicle shipments compared to

general economic indicators, semimonthly rpt quarterly article, C8950–2.102,

C8950–2.105, C8950–2.107,

C8950–2.109 Regional economic and demographic

projections to 2010, by geographic area,

annual series, 36788-3 Securities industry composite financial data

and market activity by exchange, with related economic data, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, A8825-5 Service industries economic devs, with

analysis of conditions and outlook, and comparisons to other industries, quarterly

rpt, A3892-1 Service sector economic activity indicators,

with leading and coincident indexes and

components, monthly rpt, U1245-3 Small business economic growth activity ratings, by State, 1989 annual feature,

C4687-1.112 Small business economic growth activity

ratings, for 50 top and selected other metro areas, 1989 annual article,

C4687-1.105 Soviet Union economic devs, including

industrial production by commodity, livestock, exchange rates, and foreign trade by country, monthly rpt, U2030–1

Spain economic indicators, including price

indexes, employment and wages, interest rates, and govt finances, 1987-88, article,

A8955-1.102 State economic dev condition indicators,

including economic performance, business vitality, growth capacity, and govt policy,

by State, 1988 annual rpt, R4225-1 Summary of economic indicators for US,

EC, and Japan, 1988-89, 04160–1.106 Textile industry economic performance

indicators and outlook, with industry trends and devs, monthly rpt, C5226–3,

C5800–13 Trade deficit outlook and related indicators,

with selected comparisons to other

countries, 1970s-92, article, B6200-2.105 Trends in selected economic indicators and

Federal budget, 1920s-86, C2500-4.12 Trends in 10 indicators, monthly or

quarterly 1960s-88, annual rpt, A7485-2 Truck tonnage summary, and related indicators, monthly press release,

A3075-1 TV news coverage of economic indicators,

including impact of elections and economic conditions, 1973-84, article,

A0610-1.102 Uranium marketing activity, and selected

economic indicators for major producing

countries, monthly rpt, B6800–1 World economic growth, inflation, and

current account outlook, for industrial and other countries, 1988-90, annual rpt,

C2140-1.3 World economic trends and outlook, 1989

annual feature, C8900–1.119 World economic trends, quarterly rpt,

State and local: Alabama business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U5680-1 Alabama economic trends and outlook,

1978-95, annual rpt, U5680–3 Arizona business activity indicators,

including housing market, population, CPI, and industrial purchasing, monthly

rpt, U0280-1 Arizona economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, and business activity, by industry and locality,

1981-89, semiannual rpt, U5850–1 Arkansas business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U5930–1 Arkansas economic outlook and selected

State and natl economic issues, views of experts, 1988-89, annual survey,

U5930-1.101 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation,

1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840–3 California economic indicators, bimonthly

rpt, S0840-1 California economic outlook, selected

employment, income, and commercial indicators, 1988-90, annual article,

S0840-1.102, S0840-1.104 Connecticut employment, hours, and

earnings, by MSA and industry, and selected economic indicators, monthly rpt,

S1235-1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660_1.24

Georgia business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6730_2 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, 06750–1 Hawaii counties socioeconomic, industrial,

and fiscal conditions, 1988-89 annual rpt

series, B3500-2 Hawaii economic conditions, including

employment, population, tourism, construction, and defense activities,

quarterly rpt, S2090–2 Hawaii economic indicators, bimonthly rpt,

B3500–1 Idaho and US economic trends and

forecasts, quarterly rpt, S2245–2 Illinois business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6910–1 Illinois economic and business activity

indicators, including data by MSA and

industry, bimonthly rpt, S2405–2 Indiana business conditions analysis for

selected local areas, periodic rpt semiannual feature, U2160–1.102,

U2160–1.104 Kansas business activity indicators, quarterly

rpt, U7095-1 Kentucky business activity indicators, with comparisons to US, quarterly rpt,

U7138-1 Kentucky economic trends including

income, earnings, and employment,

1980-88, annual rpt, U7138-2 Michigan socioeconomic summary

indicators, 1970s-87, annual rpt, S3985–2 Nebraska business and economic activity

indicators, monthly rpt, U7860–1 Nevada business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U7920–1 New Jersey and US economic trends and outlook, 1987-89, annual article,

S5425-1.102 New Jersey economic indicator historical trends, monthly 1969-87, annual rpt,

S5425-2 New Jersey economic indicators, including

employment, building permits, and retail

trade, monthly rpt, S5425-1 New Mexico business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U7980–1 New York State business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, 95735-2 New York State business and economic

indicators, by MSA, county, and industry,

1980-87, annual rpt, S5735–3 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.3 North Carolina economic and demographic

trends and projections, with selected US comparisons, 1970-2000, recurring rpt,

S5930-8 Oklahoma business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U8130-1 Oregon economic and employment

indicators, 1979-88, article, S6615-2.102 Oregon economic indicators, by county,

1980-87, recurring rpt, S6585-2 Pennsylvania business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U4110-1 South Dakota business activity review,

including selected data by city and

industry, quarterly rpt, U8595-1 Tennessee business activity indicators,

quarterly journal, U8710-1 Tennessee economic indicator trends and

forecasts, and business executives views on selected issues, 1989 annual articles, U8710-1.101

Utah economic and business activity review

and indicators, monthly rpt, U8960–2 Virginia business activity indicators, for 17

cities, monthly rpt, U1120–1 Virginia economic indicators, including new

business incorporations and employment

data, quarterly rpt, S820544 Wisconsin economic indicators, including

employment and earnings by industry

group, monthly rpt, 58750-1 Wisconsin socioeconomic profile, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, S8690–1 Wyoming business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, U9350-2 Wyoming counties socioeconomic and

demographic profiles, 1988 and trends,

annual planning rpt, S8895–2.3
see also Business and industry
see also Business assets and liabilities,

see also Business cycles
see also Business income and expenses,

see also Business inventories
see also Business outlook surveys
see also Capital investments
see also Consumer Price Index
see also Credit
see also Diffusion indexes
see also Earnings, general
see also Employment and unemployment,

see also Flow of funds accounts
see also Foreign trade
see also Government spending
see also Gross National Product
see also Gross State Product
see also Housing construction
see also Housing costs and financing
see also Housing sales
see also Industrial capacity and utilization
see also Industrial production
see also Industrial production indexes
see also Inflation
see also Interest rates
see also Job vacancy
see also Labor productivity
see also Labor turnover
see also Money supply
see also National income and produ

see also Personal and household income
see also Personal consumption
see also Prices

see also Producer Price Index Economic policy Business economists views of US economic

policy, quarterly rpt, A6650-6 Competitiveness of US, role of education,

R&D, and other factors as seen by business, academic, and State govt leaders,

1987 survey, R4105-65 Consumer attitudes on economic conditions

and personal financial situation, monthly

survey, 07475-2
Corporate chief executive outlook for the

economy, and views on govt economic strategy, Aug 1989 survey, article,

C8900–1.123 Corporate US chief executive views on

China and Soviet business markets outlook, with impact of recent political unrest, May-June 1989 survey, article, C8900–1.117

Page 4

Educational employees pay

Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.10 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.7 New Hampshire births to women with less than 12 years of education, by county and

1987, annual rpt, S5215-1.1 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615–1 New Jersey public school enrollment, grads,

facilities, and student and staff characteristics, by county, 1988/89,

annual rpt, S5385-1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.7 New Mexico elementary/secondary school

statistics, including students, staff, and grads, by race-ethnicity, by school district,

1984/85-1987/88, annual rpt, S5575–2 New York State business and economic

indicators, by MSA, county, and industry,

1980-87, annual rpt, S5735–3 New York State maternity data, child

mortality by selected cause, and education indicators, 1985 or 1985/86, recurring rpt,

S5718-2.2 New York State public and nonpublic high

school grads, and percent entering higher

education, 1960s-87, annual rpt, S5745-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.4 North Carolina public school enrollment,

grads, staff, and finances, including data by race, sex, and local district, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S5915–1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.15 Ohio public school grads, and student

performance on college entrance exams, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S6265-2.1 Oklahoma high school grads, by county and sex, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S6423-1.2 Oregon high school grads, 1987/88-1996/97, biennial rpt,

56615-9.1 Oregon mothers with less than 12 years of education, by county, 1987, annual rpt,

S6615–5.2 Oregon private and parochial school

enrollment and grads, by school and/or grade and county, 1988/89, annual rpt,

56590_1.21 Oregon public and private high school grads,

1964/65-1992/93, annual rpt, S6590-1.5 Oregon public high school grads, by instn

and county, 1988, annual rpt, S6590-1.4 Pennsylvania public and nonpublic high

school grads, by county, race-ethnicity, and sex, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6790–5.12 Rhode Island grads of public, nonpublic, and

State-operated instns, by sex and district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S6970–1.2 South Carolina educational characteristics

and socioeconomic indicators, by school district and county, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7145-1 South Carolina public and private schools,

enrollment, and grads, by county, 1986/7 and trends, annual planning rpt, S7155–3.3

South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.4 South Dakota high school grads, and college attendance status, 1970-88, annual rpt,

S7375-1 South Dakota public high school grads, by

sex and postgraduation status, 1988,

annual rpt, S7315-1.1 Tennessee public school enrollment,

attendance, and grads, by sex, county, city, and school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, $7490–2.2 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.16 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.8 Utah high school grads, by sex,

race-ethnicity, and district, 1987/88

annual rpt, S7815–1.2 Utah population and labor force

characteristics, with focus on women,

1950s-87, recurring rpt, S7820_4 Vermont high school grads, 1970-2004, and

grads compared to population by State,

1987, annual rpt, 58061-1.2 Virginia public school enrollment, grads,

finances, staff, and salaries, by county and municipality, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S8190-2 Washington State educational attainment of

total and female population age 25/over, by race-ethnicity, 1980, annual rpt,

S8340–4.2 West Virginia public and private schools,

enrollment, grads, and staff, by county,

1987/88, annual rpt, 58540–2.2 Wisconsin black population characteristics,

with comparisons to total population,

1980 and trends, U9190–1.7 Wisconsin public high school grads, by school district, fall 1988, annual rpt,

S8795-2 Wisconsin socioeconomic profile, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, S8690-1 Wyoming public high school grads, by sex

and district, 1988, annual rpt, $8890–1.3
see also Degrees, higher education
see also High school equivalency tests
see also Literacy and illiteracy
see also National Assessment of Educational

see also School dropouts
see also under By Educational Attainment in

the “Index by Categories” Educational broadcasting News program broadcasting in schools,

public support and views on inclusion of advertising, June 1989 survey, article,

C2710–1.143 Station ownership and operations, markets,

cable TV, and related industry info,
detailed data for broadcasting industry,

1989 annual directory, C1750–2 Stations on the air and authorized, by type,

weekly rpt, C1750–1
State and local: Indiana Dept of Financial Instns TV

programs produced for consumer

awareness, FY84-88, annual rpt, S2625-1 Maryland instructional TV services and broadcast hours, 1988/89 annual rpt, S3610-1

Educational employees pay Business school faculty and admin salaries,

by rank or position, and instn control,

1988/89, annual rpt, A0605-1 Catholic secondary school operations and

finances, including enrollment by race-ethnicity and family income,

1985/86-1987/88, biennial rpt, A7375-5 Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic

background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250_4 Chemistry and chemical engineering grad

starting salaries, employment status, demographic characteristics, and advanced study plans, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A1250–2 Contributions to educational instns, by instn,

type of donor, and use of funds, 1987/88

and trends, annual survey, A4325–2 Dental school revenues by source and

expenditures by function, by enrollment

size, FY88, annual rpt, A1475–4.6 Elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, finances, and school districts, by State and region,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A7640_1 Elementary and secondary school teacher

salaries, by State, 1982 and 1988, annual

feature, R4800–2.123 Elementary/secondary and special education

teacher salaries, by degree level and region, 1986/87-1988/89, annual rpt,

Elementary/secondary public school quality

and student-teacher relations, views of students and teachers, by demographic characteristics, 1988, annual survey,

Elementary/secondary teacher salary trends,

with data by State and comparisons to other occupations, 1970s-89, annual rpt,

Elementary/secondary teacher

supply-demand, including job seeker characteristics and data by State, 1987/88

and trends, R6350_4 Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends,

recurring rpt, R3810-1 Engineering grad student teaching and

research assistant stipends, by dept,
biennially 1983/84-1987/88, article,

A2700-1.104 Engineers salaries in education, by academic

rank, instn type, and years since college degree, 1988, biennial survey rpt,

A0685-4 Higher education administrative salaries, by

position and instn type, 1988/89, annual

feature, C2175-1.110, C2175–1.112 Higher education administrative salaries, for

168 positions, by instn type and budget

size, 1988/89, annual rpt, A3900–1 Higher education administrative salaries in

doctorate-granting public universities, approx 80 positions by region, 1988/89,

annual survey, U5960–1 Higher education chief executive officer

compensation, benefits, and employment conditions and policies, 1988, biennial survey rpt, A3900-6

Page 5

Catholic schools, enrollment, and teachers

by sex, by region, State, and diocese, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt,

A7375-1 Catholic secondary school operations and

finances, including enrollment by race-ethnicity and family income,

1985/86-1987/88, biennial rpt, A7375-5 Chemistry grad student enrollment by degree level, fall 1984-87, annual articles,

A1250–1.126 Children enrolled in school by level, and by

age, sex, and race-ethnicity, 1986 and trends, biennial fact file rpt,

C3400–1.121 Church membership, finances, and Sunday

or Sabbath school enrollment, by denomination, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C0105–1.1 Consumer market indicators, including

population characteristics, employment, and personal finances, 1988 annual fact

file rpt, C3400–1.118 Dental advanced education programs,

enrollment, grads, and finances, by instn and State, 1988/89 annual rpt,

A1475-10 Dental auxiliary education enrollment,

grads, and tuition, by instn, 1988/89

annual rpt, A1475–5 Dental school admission policies, applicants,

enrollment, and tuition and fees, by instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A1475–4.1 Dental school applications, enrollment,

grads, and tuition/fees, by instn, 1970s-88,

annual rpt, A1475–4.2 Dental school enrollment and level of prior

education for 1st-year students, by instn,

1988/89 annual rpt, A1475–3.1 Developing countries family planning

programs, and population socioeconomic profile, by country, 1988 recurring rpt,

U1246-1.1 Elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, finances, and school districts, by State and region,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A7640-1 Elementary/secondary education data,

including enrollment, school-age population, indicators of area wealth, and State policies, by State, 1988 annual rpt,

A4355-1 Elementary/secondary public school systems

and enrollment, by form of organization,

1981-82, A8012-5.1
Elementary/secondary school enrollment,
top 25 counties, 1986/87, article,

Elementary/secondary schools, teachers,

enrollment, and grads, for 55 largest

school districts, 1987/88, R4800-2.131 Elementary/secondary standardized test use,

and enrollment, by State and selected

district, 1986/87, R6375-1 Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends,

recurring rpt, R3810-1 Engineering and engineering technology

enrollment, by instn, curriculum, State, and student characteristics, fall 1988 and

trends, annual article, A2700-1.107 Engineering and engineering technology enrollment, by instn, errata, A2700-1.101

Engineering college research programs,

enrollment, faculty, and degree requirements and awards, by instn,

1987/88, annual rpt, A2700-1.103 Engineering program enrollment, by State,

instn, and field, with detail for women, minorities, and foreign students, fall 1988,

annual rpt, A0685–2 Enrollment at higher education instns and

private elementary and secondary schools, and financial support from contributions, by instn, 1987/88, annual survey,

A4325–2 Foreign students enrolled in US higher

education instns, by instn, State, country of origin, and demographic characteristics,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, R5580–1 Higher education applications, acceptances,

and freshmen enrolled, by instn type,

1987, article, R4800–2.107 Higher Education Chronicle, with data and

articles on enrollment, finances, and faculty employment and salary, weekly

rpt, C2175-1 Higher education enrollment and

employment of minorities, with data by sex and race-ethnicity, 1970s-86, annual

rpt, A1410-10 Higher education enrollment, and physical

plant facilities, by instn, 1987/88,

recurring rpt, A3360–2 Higher education enrollment, by level, sex, age, instn control, and State, fall 1987,

Higher education enrollment by

race-ethnicity, with detail for black

colleges, 1976-87, article, A8510–1.1 Higher education enrollment, for 107 instns, US and Canada, fall 1986, annual rpt,

A3365-1 Higher education fact book, including

enrollment, finances, faculty, students, and

degrees, 1989/90 biennial rpt, A1410-2 Higher education financial, operating, and

enrollment ratios, for public and private instns by budget size, FY83-86, recurring

rpt, B5005-1 Higher education instn policies and

practices, including changes in faculty and enrollment, and administrator views, 1989

annual survey, A1410-1.33 Higher education instn relations with city

govts, including student enrollment and impact on community, by city size, 1988

survey, A8012-1.9 Higher education instns by type and enrollment size, fall 1987, recurring table,

C2175-1.131 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Higher edu tion total and graduate full

and part-time enrollment, for 100 instns, US and Canada, 1987/88 recurring rpt,

A2070-1 Higher education undergrad enrollment in

fall 1986 vs student aid awards in

1988/89, by State, annual rpt, A7140-1 Higher education, 2-year college enrollment,

degrees, faculty and staff, and tuition/fees, by instn and State, 1988 annual directory, A0640-1

education, 2-year colleges, students, staff, finances, and degrees, with selected comparisons to 4-year schools, 19408-88, annual rpt, A0640–2

Indian elementary/secondary students, by type of school, 1989 article,

Journalism/mass communication enrollment

and grads by level, by instn, sex, minority group, and field, 1988 and trends, annual

article, A3225-1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.8 Law school enrollment by minority status,

degrees conferred, staff, and library holdings, by instn, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, A0970–1 Lawyers and law school enrollment, by minority group, 1980 or 1985/86,

Library/info science school enrollment, staff

and student characteristics, finances, and curricula, by school and degree program,

1987/88, annual rpt, A3235-1 Mathematics undergrad and grad enrollment trends, fall 1988, annual survey,

A2085-1.2 Medical school minority applicants,

enrollment, and grads, by ethnic group, sex, and instn, 1985/86-1987/88, biennial

грt, A3273-9 Medical school programs, fees, applicants,

admissions, and enrollment, with data by
age, sex, minority group, and instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A3273–10 Medical school total and women students

and grads, selected years
1949/50-1987/88, annual fact book,

A1275-1.1 Military impact on college enrollment,

including data on recruit characteristics, education, and use of veterans benefits,

1970s-93, A1410-13 Natl Merit Scholars freshman enrollment in

top 52 higher education instns, 1988,

annual feature, C2175-1.111 Nursing programs (State-approved) for

practical/vocational nurses, including admissions, enrollment, and grads, by instn, State, and territory, 1987, annual

directory, A8010-5
Nursing programs (State-approved) for

registered nurses, including admissions, enrollment, and grads, by instn, State, and territory, 1987, annual directory,

A8010-4 Nursing school enrollment and grads, by

degree level, instn type, and region,

1984/85-1988/89, annual rpt, A0615-4 Optometry school faculty, enrollment and

degrees, policies and programs, and finances, by instn, 1988/89, annual

survey, A3370-2 Osteopathy college enrollment, student and

faculty characteristics, and finances, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

A0620-1 Pharmacy school enrollment, by student

characteristics, degree level, program, and instn, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt,

A0630_3 Physics and astronomy enrollment and

degrees, annual survey of US college

depts, series, A1960–2 Political science higher education dept

characteristics, including faculty, salaries, enrollment, and finances, 1987/88, annual rpt, A2617-1

Private elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, with detail for minorities, 1987/88-1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, A6835–2 Psychology grad depts, faculty

characteristics and salaries, enrollment, and student aid, US and Canada, 1987/88

annual rpt, A2620_3 Public health school applicant, student, and

grad characteristics, by instn, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, A3372-3 Refugee enrollment in elementary/secondary

schools, top 14 States and all others, Mar

1988, R9372-2.111 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.3 School districts with most efficient

student/administrator ratios, and
enrollment, for 11 districts, 1988, article,

A8680–1.101 Science and engineering grad students by

field, US and foreign, 1987 and trends,

annual feature, A1250–1.134 Socioeconomic and fiscal indicators related

to public education, State rankings, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

Southern States elementary/secondary

school enrollment, and high school grads, by State, 1970s-2000, biennial fact book,

A8945–1.1 Southern States higher education

enrollment, by type of instn, with detail
for minorities, by State, 1970s-88, biennial

fact book, A8945–1.2 Southern States higher education enrollment

rates, by State, 1980-86, A8945-17
Southern US higher education instn

enrollment, for 50 instns, fall 1987, annual

rpt, U2755-1 Special education programs and policies of

33 public school systems, including enrollment, staff, expenditures, and

facilities, 1984/85-1986/87, A4425–2 State education system devs, with summary

data on elementary/secondary and higher education, and population profiles, series,

R5500–2 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Teacher education program enrollment, by field and race-ethnicity, fall 1987, article,

R4800_2.101 Textbook and educational material sales

compared to school enrollment, by State,

1986-87 and trends, annual rpt, A3274–2 Venezuela higher education degrees,

enrollment, and study abroad, by field,

1900s-86, U6250–1.29 Veterinary school enrollment by sex,

program, instn, and place of residence, US and Canada, 1988/89, annual article,

A3100-2.109 Vietnam war draft impact on higher

education enrollment, degrees, and medical school applications, 1950s-86,

article, A3273-8.110 Western States grad and professional student

exchange program enrollment, support fees, and tuition waivers, by program and instn, 14 States, 1988/89, annual rpt,

A9385-1 Women's college enrollment, and financial

support from alumnae and other
contributions, 1976/77, 1981/82, and 1986/87, A9410-5

Women's status indicators, including data on

population characteristics, employment, and income, 1980s and trends, annual rpt,

R9420–1.2 World military vs social expenditures in 142

countries, with socioeconomic profile data,

1989 annual rpt, R9447–1 World primary and secondary enrollment

rates, by sex and country, 1960s-86,

biennial rpt, R9455-1.5 Youth age 14-24, by selected socioeconomic

characteristics, 1989 article, B6045–1.104 State and local: Alabama elementary and secondary school

enrollment, and pupil transportation, by

district, 1986/87, annual rpt, S0124-1.1 Alaska educational enrollment at

elementary/secondary level, and by higher education instn, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

S0275-1 Alaska public school enrollment, finances,

and staff, by school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S0295–1 Arizona elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, by school district and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0470_1 Arizona school enrollment status of persons

age 16-21, by county, 1980, annual

planning rpt, S0465–5.2 Arkansas public school enrollment, grads,

staff, and finances, by county and school,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S0660_1 Arkansas socioeconomic data, by MSA and/or county, 1989 annual rpt,

U5935-1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.7 California elementary and secondary school

enrollment, by grade and county, 1986

and trends, annual rpt, S0825-6.1 California postsecondary education

enrollment and degrees, by sex, race-ethnicity, and instn, 1986/87, annual

series, S0827-2
California socioeconomic and govtl data for

municipalities, counties, and school

districts, 1989 annual rpt, C4712–3 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.6 Colorado public school enrollment and

dropouts, by local area, 1987-88, annual

planning rpt, S1040_3.1 Colorado public school enrollment and

grads, by student characteristics, county, and district, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S1000–2.2 Connecticut school district profiles,

community and educational data by district and city, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1185–2 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989 annual rpt, S1535–3.1, S1535–3.5,

S1535–3.6 Delaware data book, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1375-4 Delaware postsecondary education finances,

enrollment, and degrees conferred, by

instn, FY90 annual rpt, S1425-1 Delaware school enrollment, grads, staff,

finances, and facilities, by county, school district, and/or instn, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1430-1 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,


Florida higher education enrollment, degree

programs, staff, and finances, by State-supported instn, with student and staff characteristics, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1725-1 Florida public school enrollment and

finances, by school district, 1986/87,

annual rpt, S1725–3 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.4 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750–1
Georgia elementary/secondary school

students and finances, by system, 1987/88

and trends, article, U6730–2.104 Georgia prisoner education program

enrollment, FY87, annual rpt, S1872–1 Georgia socioeconomic data, 1988 annual

rpt, S1920–3.1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.2 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.3 Idaho elementary/secondary enrollment and

attendance, by school district, FY88,

annual rpt, S2225-2 Idaho public and nonpublic school

enrollment by grade, by school district
and/or county, Sept 1988, annual rpt,

S2225-1 Idaho public school personnel characteristics

and salaries by occupation, and teachers and enrollment by school district,

1988/89, annual rpt, S2225–3 Idaho school enrollment and high school

dropouts, by county, 1983-90, annual

planning rpt, S2230—3.2 Illinois elementary and secondary school

enrollment by level, and high school dropouts and grads, by county and

district, 1986/87, annual rpt, S2440-1.1 Illinois higher education enrollment and

degrees, by level, instn, field of instruction, and student characteristics,

fall 1988, annual rpt, S2475–1.1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160-3.2,

U2160–3.10 Kansas school enrollment, grads, staff, and

finances, by county, school district,
and/or school, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S2945-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.4 Kentucky labor force planning rpt, including

population and labor force characteristics, and employment by occupation and

industry, 1989 annual rpt, S3140_3 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138–3.2 Louisiana elementary/secondary school

operations, including enrollment, staff, finances, and detail by school district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S3280–1 Maryland elementary and secondary education data, by county, series,

S3610–2 Maryland elementary and secondary

education statistical summary, with data by county, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S3610-1 Massachusetts higher education enrollment,

degrees by level, and student characteristics, by instn, 1987, annual rpt, S3855-1

Massachusetts public and non-public

elementary/secondary school enrollment,

by city, 1988 annual rpt, C4712-2 Michigan school district financial and enrollment rankings, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S3965-3 Minnesota postsecondary education

finances, and enrollment by student characteristics, by type of school system,

1970s-89, biennial rpt, S4195–2.2 Minnesota public school enrollment, staff,

and finances, by district and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4165-1 Mississippi higher education enrollment and

degrees, by level and field, and finances, by State-supported instn, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S4360-1 Mississippi public school enrollment, staff

and salaries, and finances, by district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S4340-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.3 Missouri higher education enrollment,

degrees conferred, and appropriations, by instn, and coordinating board activities,

1988 annual rpt, S4520-1 Missouri school finances, enrollment, grads,

and staff, by county and school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4505-1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668-1 Montana public school enrollment by grade,

and grads, by school, county, and sex,

1988, annual rpt, S4740-1 Nebraska elementary and secondary schools,

enrollment by grade, grads, and staff, by school district and county, 1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, S4865–1 Nebraska postsecondary education

enrollment, by instn, student level, sex, and race-ethnicity, 1984-88, annual rpt,

S4933-1.1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.10 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.7 Nevada student enrollment by school

district, FY88, annual rpt, $5095–1 New Hampshire elementary and secondary

education statistics, with selected data by school district, annual rpt series,

S5200-1 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New Jersey public school enrollment, grads,

facilities, and school districts, by county,

1988/89, annual rpt, S5385–1.1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.7 New Mexico elementary/secondary school

statistics, including students, staff, and grads, by race-ethnicity, by school district,

1984/85-1987/88, annual rpt, S5575–2 New Mexico school district detailed

financial data, staff salaries, and enrollment summary, FY88-89 and trends,

annual rpt, S5575-3 New York State children's status indicators,

including population characteristics, families, day care, health, education, and

crime, 1980s and trends, S5718-1 New York State maternity data, child

mortality by selected cause, and education indicators, 1985 or 1985/86, recurring rpt, $5718-2.2

New York State public school enrollment

and finances, by county and district, with summary data for colleges and private schools, 1986/87 and trends, annual rpt,

S5745-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.4 North Carolina higher education enrollment,

degrees, libraries, staff, and student characteristics, finances, and housing, by instn, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt,

U8013-1 North Carolina public school enrollment,

grads, staff, and finances, including data by race, sex, and local district, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S5915-1 North Dakota elementary and secondary

enrollment, by county, 1980/81-1988/89,

annual planning rpt, S6140–2 North Dakota elementary and secondary

schools, enrollment, and staff, by school type and location, 1988/89 annual

directory, S6180-2 North Dakota higher education enrollment,

by level, instn, county, and selected student characteristics, fall 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S6110–1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.15 Ohio public school enrollment, finances,

special programs, and staff, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S6265-2 Ohio special education expenditures,

services, and enrollment, by school district and county, 1986/87 and trends, annual

rpt, S6265-1 Oklahoma public school finances, including

property valuations, and enrollment, by county and district, 1988/89 and trends,

annual rpt, S6423–1.2 Oregon elementary and secondary education

enrollment and finances, including data by school district and county, annual rpt

series, 36590–1 Pennsylvania educational statistics by level and/or type of education, series,

S6790–5 Pennsylvania public and nonpublic school

enrollment, 1972/73-1987/88, annual

planning rpt, S6845–3.3 Rhode Island public school enrollment by

type of instn, grade, sex, race-ethnicity, and district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S6970-1.1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975-1 South Carolina educational characteristics

and socioeconomic indicators, by school district and county, 1987/88, annual rpt,

South Carolina educational enrollment by

level, with detail for higher education instns, 1988 annual planning rpt,

S7155-3.3 South Carolina higher education enrollment,

degrees, staff, and finances, by instn, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S7185–2 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.4 South Dakota higher education finances,

staff, enrollment, degrees, and facilities, by

public instn, FY89 annual rpt, S7375-1 South Dakota school enrollment, finances,

grads, and staff, by district, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S7315-1

South Dakota socioeconomic data for

counties and municipalities, 1960s-87,

recurring rpt, U8595-4 Tennessee higher education resident and

nonresident enrollment, by age, sex, race, and instn, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7525-1.1 Tennessee public school enrollment, staff,

finances, and operations, by county, city, and school district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

$7490-2 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710-2.16 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.8 Texas correctional instn educational

programs, enrollment, and degrees

received, FY87-88, annual rpt, 57660–1 Texas elementary and secondary education

enrollment by grade level, by district and

county, Oct 1988, annual rpt, S7670–1.2 Texas elementary and secondary education

enrollment by race-ethnicity, by school, district, and county, 1988/89, annual rpt,

S7670-1.1 Texas higher education enrollment, faculty,

curricula, and finances, by instn, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S7657-1 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.7 Utah higher education degrees, enrollment,

staff, and finances, by public instn, with selected comparisons to instns in other

States, 1989/90 annual rpt, 97895-2 Utah public schools, enrollment, attendance,

personnel, and finances, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, 97815-1 Utah women's share of college enrollment by level, by age, 1980, recurring rpt,

S7820–4 Vermont elementary and secondary

enrollment, by grade, sex, and school,

1988/89, annual rpt, S8020-1 Vermont higher education enrollment,

including students from abroad and selected neighboring States, by instn, fall

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S8061-1.2 Virginia higher education enrollment,

operations, finances, and faculty, by instn, 1986-87 and trends, biennial rpt,

S8230-1 Virginia public school enrollment, grads,

finances, staff, and salaries, by county and municipality, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S8190-2 Washington State enrollment in public and

private elementary/secondary schools, by race-ethnicity, county, district, and school,

1988/89, annual rpt, S8405-1 Washington State school enrollment, by

race-ethnicity and locality, 1980/81 and

1987/88, annual rpt, S8340-4.2 West Virginia higher education enrollment,

degrees, and programs, by instn, 1987-88

and trends, annual rpt, S8620–4.1 West Virginia public and private schools,

enrollment, grads, and staff, by county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S8540-2.2 West Virginia statistical handbook, general

data, 1988 annual rpt, R9385–1.4 Wisconsin elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, costs, and State aid, by school district, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt, S8795–2

Wyoming public school staff by position and

sex, and enrollment by grade and school, by county and district, 1988, annual rpt,

see also Educational retention rates

see also School dropouts Educational exchanges Higher education intl studies and foreign

language programs, including funding and study abroad, by instn type, 1987,

A1410-1.32 Higher education study abroad program

participation of US students, by host country or region, field, sex, and home

instn, 1985/86, R5580–3 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.11 Western States grad and professional student

exchange program enrollment, support fees, and tuition waivers, by program and instn, 14 States, 1988/89, annual rpt,

State and local: Florida university student exchange program

participation, by instn, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S1725-1 Minnesota postsecondary interstate tuition

reciprocity, by State and instn,
1977/78-1987/88, biennial rpt,

S4195-2.2 Educational facilities Catholic educational instns and enrollment,

by census div, State, and diocese, 1989

annual almanac, C6885-1 Community and junior college financial and

operating data, including building replacement value, by enrollment size,

FY88, annual rpt, A6705–1 Community and junior college financial and

operating data, including building replacement value, by State and region,

FY88, annual rpt, A6705–3 Construction contract value, by construction

type and region, including floor area and number of residential units, 1988-89, annual article, C5800–15.101,

C5800–15.102, C5800–15.103
Construction contract value for educational
buildings, top 20 States, 1988, article,

C5800–2.102 Construction contracts bidding value, and

planned new construction, by type of

project, weekly rpt, C5800–2
Construction expenditures by school districts

for new buildings, additions, and modernization, 1987-90, article,

R4800–2.114 Dental school revenues by source and

expenditures by function, by enrollment

size, FY88, annual rpt, A1475-4.6 Elementary/secondary education data,

including enrollment, school-age population, indicators of area wealth, and State policies, by State, 1988 annual rpt,

Elementary/secondary schools, teachers,

enrollment, and grads, for 55 largest

school districts, 1987/88, R4800–2.131
Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends, recurring rpt, R3810-1

Financial support of educational instns from

contributions, by instn, type of donor, and use of funds, 1987/88 and trends, annual

survey, A4325-2 Food service sales, purchases, and

establishments, by market segment,
1987-88, with sales projection for 1993,

annual feature, C1200–5.117 Higher education fact book, with finances,

and instn, staff, and student characteristics, 1988/89 biennial rpt,

A1410–2.3 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Higher education physical plant operations,

costs, employment, salaries, and energy use, by instn, 1987/88, recurring rpt,

A3360–2 Industrial site selection info including

economic and labor force data, for States, Puerto Rico, and Canadian Provinces,

1989 annual rpt, C8400_2 Intermediate level schools by grade

organization, 1970/71 and 1986/87,

article, R4800_2.120 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.8 Pharmacy college degree requirements and

facilities, 1988/89, annual rpt, A0630_7 Private elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, with detail for minorities, 1987/88-1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, A6835-2 R&D facility renovation/repair, planned and

needed space and funding, by discipline,

1988/89, article, A2700-1.104 Southern States postsecondary instns, by State, 1986, biennial fact book,

A8945–1.2 Special education programs and policies of

33 public school systems, including enrollment, staff, expenditures, and

facilities, 1984/85-1986/87, A4425–2 Vending machine sales and operations, by

product and location type, 1986-88,

annual rpt, C9470-1.1 State and local: Alaska educational summary, 1988 annual

rpt, S0275-1 Alaska public school enrollment, finances,

and staff, by school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S0295-1 Arizona elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, by school district and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0470_1 Arkansas property assessments and school

facilities, damaged buildings and insurance coverage, and finances, 1986/87-1987/88,

annual rpt, S0660-1 California property tax exemptions, by type

and county, FY89, annual rpt, S0835–1.2 California school districts by type, and

public and private schools, by county,

1940s-1988/89, annual rpt, S0825-6.1 Colorado public schools, by district and

county, fall 1988, annual rpt, S1000–2.2 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.6 Delaware school enrollment, grads, staff,

finances, and facilities, by county, school district, and/or instn, 1987/88, annual rpt, S1430-1

Florida higher education enrollment, degree

programs, staff, and finances, by State-supported instn, with student and staff characteristics, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1725-1 Florida public school revenues by source,

and expenditures by object and program,

1986/87, annual rpt, S1725–3.2 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.3
Idaho elementary/secondary schools by

type, and district finances, FY87-88,

annual rpt, S2225–2 Illinois crimes and arrests by offense, and

stolen property value, by detailed property type and place of occurrence, 1988,

annual rpt, S2536–1.1 Illinois public school districts, attendance

centers, and buildings under construction, by county, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S2440-1.1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.2 Kansas school facilities in use and

abandoned, and cost of vandalism,

1987/88, annual rpt, S2945-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.4 Louisiana school district profiles, including

enrollment, grads, staff, and finances,

1987/88, annual rpt, S3280–1.2 Maine school construction financed since

1951, annual rpt, S3450–2 Maryland elementary and secondary education data, by county, series,

S3610_2 Maryland elementary and secondary

education statistical summary, with data by county, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S3610-1 Minnesota public school enrollment, staff,

and finances, by district and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4165-1 Mississippi public elementary and secondary

schools, by level and enrollment size, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S4340-1.1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.3
Nebraska elementary/secondary schools, by

education level and class of school

district, 1988/89, annual rpt, S4865-1 New Hampshire school building aid, by school district, 1989/90, annual table,

S5200-1.16 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New Jersey public school enrollment, grads,

facilities, and school districts, by county,

1988/89, annual rpt, S5385–1.1 New Mexico school district detailed

financial data, staff salaries, and enrollment summary, FY88-89 and trends,

annual rpt, S5575–3 New York State public and nonpublic schools, 1986/87 and trends, annual rpt,

S5745-1 North Carolina educational expenditures, by

program, object, and source of funds,

1987/88, annual rpt, S5915-1.1 North Dakota elementary and secondary

schools, enrollment, and staff, by school type and location, 1988/89 annual directory, S6180–2

North Dakota statistical abstract, general data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.10,

U8070-1.15 Ohio public school data, including finances,

schools and school districts, and special programs, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S6265–2.2 Oklahoma school districts, and schools by

type, by county, 1986/87-1987/88, annual

rpt, S6423–1.2 Oregon elementary and secondary public schools, by county, Oct 1988, annual rpt,

S6590–1.12 Oregon elementary and secondary schools

and student/teacher ratios, by school type and size, Oct 1988, annual rpt,

S6590-1.17 Oregon one-teacher school enrollment, by

instn, 1988/89, annual rpt, S6590-1.13 Oregon public school revenues by source

and fund, and expenditures by fund, function, and object, 1988/89, annual rpt,

S6590–1.18 Pennsylvania higher education physical plant

assets and indebtedness, by instn type,

FY88, annual rpt, S6790–5.11 Pennsylvania public and nonpublic schools

in operation, 1979/80-1988/89, annual

rpt, S6790–5.8 Pennsylvania public school buildings, with

physical characteristics, pupils housed, and openings and closings, 1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, S6790–5.9 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975-1 South Carolina public and private schools,

enrollment, and grads, by county, 1986/7 and trends, annual planning rpt,

S7155-3.3 South Carolina school student membership

per physical plant, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S7145-1.5 South Dakota higher education finances,

staff, enrollment, degrees, and facilities, by

public instn, FY89 annual rpt, S7375-1 South Dakota school enrollment, finances,

grads, and staff, by district, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S7315-1 Tennessee public school enrollment, staff,

finances, and operations, by county, city, and school district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7490-2 Texas higher education physical plant

investment and educational facilities, by

instn, FY88 annual rpt, $7657-1.2 Utah public schools, enrollment, attendance,

personnel, and finances, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S7815-1 Vermont higher education and other capital

construction project funding, 1977-88,

annual rpt, S8061-1.3 Virginia educational expenditures for capital

equipment, by county and municipality,

1986/87, annual rpt, S8190–2 Virginia higher education enrollment,

operations, finances, and faculty, by instn, 1986-87 and trends, biennial rpt,

S8230-1 West Virginia public and private school

enrollment, staff characteristics, facilities, and finance, by county, 1986/87, annual

rpt, S8540-1 West Virginia public and private school

enrollment, staff characteristics, facilities, and finance, by county, 1987/88, annual rpt, S8540-2

Wisconsin elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, costs, and State aid, by school district, 1988/89 and trends,

annual rpt, S8795–2 Wyoming public schools and classrooms by

type, by county and district, 1987/88

annual rpt series, 38890–1
see also Libraries
see also Student housing
see also under By Individual Company or

Institution in the “Index by Categories" Educational finance Catholic secondary school operations and

finances, including enrollment by race-ethnicity and family income,

1985/86-1987/88, biennial rpt, A7375–5 Charitable contributions, by type of donor and recipient, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

A0700–1 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by enrollment size, FY88, annual rpt,

A6705-1 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by State and region, FY88, annual rpt,

Competitiveness indicators for US vs other

major industrial countries, including public expenditures on education, 1970-87,

annual rpt, A4475-1 Construction expenditures by school districts

for new buildings, additions, and modernization, 1987-90, article,

R4800–2.114 Contributions to educational instns, by instn,

type of donor, and use of funds, 1987/88

and trends, annual survey, A4325-2 Corporate charitable contributions, by donor

characteristics and detailed type of recipient, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

R4105-8 Corporate charitable contributions to higher

education, by industry, with comparisons to profits and total gifts, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A4325-1 Corporate contributions to higher education

1977-87, and to all education by program

1987, annual article, C2175–1.113 Elementary and secondary education

expenditures, and Federal funding, by State, 1982 and 1987, annual feature,

R4800–2.123 Elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, finances, and school districts, by State and region,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A7640-1 Elementary/secondary teacher involvement

in public school admin decisionmaking, by

State, 1987, R3810–2
Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends,

recurring rpt, R3810-1 Engineering college research programs,

enrollment, faculty, and degree requirements and awards, by instn,

1987/88, annual rpt, A2700-1.103 Expenditures for employee training by

corporations and govt vs spending on

education, 1989 article, C4215-1.106 Expenditures per pupil, with comparison to

teacher salaries, by State, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt, A1600–1

Higher Education Chronicle, with data and

articles on enrollment, finances, and faculty employment and salary, weekly

rpt, C2175-1 Higher education endowment funds of 315

instns, market values, June 1987-88,

annual feature, C2175-1.110 Higher education fact book, with finances,

and instn, staff, and student characteristics, 1988/89 biennial rpt,

Higher education financial, operating, and

enrollment ratios, for public and private instns by budget size, FY83-86, recurring

rpt, B5005-1 Higher education freshmen attitudes and

characteristics, degree and career plans, and financial aid sources, by sex and instn

type, fall 1988, annual survey, U6215–1 Higher education funding for laboratory

construction and repair, by source,

1986/87, article, A1250–1.102 Higher education instn employee retirement

and insurance benefits, prevalence and expenditures, by type of instn and region,

1987, biennial survey, A9025–3 Higher education instn financial condition changes, 1989 annual survey,

A1410_1.33 Higher education instn investment pool and

endowment fund performance, composition, and characteristics, by instn,

FY88, annual survey rpt, A6705–2 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Higher education intl studies and foreign

language programs, including funding and study abroad, by instn type, 1987,

A1410-1.32 Higher education physical plant operations,

costs, employment, salaries, and energy use, by instn, 1987/88, recurring rpt,

Higher education voluntary support, by type

of instn and donor, and top recipient instns, 1987/88 and trends, annual

feature, C2175--1.120 Higher education, 2-year colleges, students,

staff, finances, and degrees, with selected comparisons to 4-year schools, 1940s-88,

annual rpt, A0640–2 Income (personal) vs educational

expenditures, by State, 1986/87, annual

rpt, R9380–1.7 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

Library (research) holdings, expenditures by

type, and staff, for 119 academic and nonacademic instns, US and Canada,

FY88, annual rpt, A3365-1
Library (research) holdings, staff, and

expenditures, for instns in US and Canada, 1987/88, annual feature,

C2175-1.113 Library and book trade reference info,

including public and academic library funding, construction, and operations, by State and instn, 1988, annual compilation,

C1650-3 Library building referenda election results,

by instn and location, with factors affecting outcome, July 1987-June 1988, article, C1852-1.109

Page 6

Library (research) holdings, expenditures by

type, and staff, for 119 academic and nonacademic instns, US and Canada,

FY88, annual rpt, A3365-1
Library holdings, expenditures by type, and

staff, for 100 instns, US and Canada,

1987/88, recurring rpt, A2070–1 Library materials prices, and acquisition

expenditures by library type and State,

1989 annual compilation, C1650–3.4
State and local: Alabama public school revenues by source

and expenditures by object, by district,

1986/87, annual rpt, S0124-1.2 California school categorical grant program

finances and participants, 1986/87 and

trends, annual rpt, S0825-6.3
Delaware school district expenditures for

operations, materials, and health and food

services, 1987/88, annual rpt, S1430–1.4 Florida public school enrollment and

finances, by school district, 1986/87,

annual rpt, S1725–3 Kansas school district revenues by source

and expenditures by object, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S2945-1 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3610–2.14 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3610-2.6, S3610_2.9 Maryland elementary and secondary

education statistical summary, with data by county, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S3610_1 New Mexico school district detailed

financial data, staff salaries, and enrollment summary, FY88-89 and trends,

annual rpt, S5575–3 Oklahoma school revenues and

expenditures, by program, county, and

district, FY88, annual rpt, S6423–1.1 Oregon public school revenues by source

and fund, and expenditures by fund, function, and object, 1988/89, annual rpt,

S6590-1.18 South Dakota public school expenditures by function and object, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7315-1.1 Utah public school revenues by source and

expenditures by object, by State fund and school district, FY88, annual rpt,

S7815–1.2 West Virginia elementary and secondary

school finances, including expenditures by object, by county, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S8540-1.3 West Virginia school facilities, construction,

and student capacity, with facility and equipment value, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S8540_2.2 Wyoming public school revenues by source,

expenditures by program and object, and bonded debt, by district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S8890–1.3
see also Textbooks Educational reform Presidents of school boards, characteristics,

and attitudes on selected education issues,

Nov 1988-Feb 1989 survey, R6350–5 Educational research Education profession issues, trends, and

research results, monthly rpt, A8680–1

Education Week, issues and devs in

elementary/secondary school programs, enrollment, finances, and staff, and selected higher education issues, weekly

rpt, R4800-2
Higher education appropriations for FY90

compared to spending in FY89, by program, recurring feature, C2175-1.130,

C2175–1.137 Higher education research and policy

review, series, A1410-1
Library/info science school income by

source, and expenditures by object, by instn, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

see also National Assessment of Educational

Progress Educational Research Service Inc. Principal and assistant principal salaries in

elementary and secondary schools, by enrollment size and expenditure level,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A7085–2 Educational retention rates Dental school enrollment and yearly

attrition rates, 1973/74-1986/87, annual

rpt, A1475-4.2 State education system devs, with summary

data on elementary/secondary and higher education, and population profiles, series,

R5500-2 World 1st-grade enrollment shares

completing primary school, by country,

1980-86, biennial rpt, R9455–1.5
State and local: Delaware public school retention rates by grade and district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1430–1.2 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360–1 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750–1 Kentucky public high school grads and 9th

grade enrollment 4 years earlier, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3110-1 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3610–2.3 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.3 Missouri high school grads and retention from 9th grade, 1973-88, annual rpt,

S4505-1.1 Nebraska high school grads compared to 9th

and 12th grade enrollments,

1974/75-1991/92, annual rpt, S4865-1 New York State public and nonpublic high

school grads, and percent entering higher

education, 1960s-87, annual rpt, S5745-1 North Carolina high school retention and

dropout rates, by local district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S5915-1.1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.15 South Carolina educational enrollment, by

school type or level, program, race, and

location, 1987/88, annual rpt, S7145–1.3 Tennessee public school enrollment,

attendance, and grads, by sex, county, city, and school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S7490-2.2 Virginia public high school grads and 9th

grade enrollment 4 years earlier, by county and municipality,

1984/85-1986/87, annual rpt, S8190–2

West Virginia public school promotions,

retentions, and withdrawals, by county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S8540–2.2
see also School dropouts Educational technology Computer-student ratios in elementary and secondary schools, 1988, article,

C1850–5.111 Computer use trends in

elementary/secondary schools,

1984/85-1992/93, article, C5800–7.136 Elementary/secondary teacher views on

classroom computer use and benefit, 1989

survey, article, R4800–2.129 Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends,

recurring rpt, R3810_1 Microcomputers per student, by State, 1986,

biennial rpt, S4265-1.5 School district technology use plans, 1988

survey, article, R4800–2.129
State and local: Maryland public school instructional technology use, 1988/89 annual rpt,

see also Educational broadcasting Educational television

see Educational broadcasting Educational tests American College Test (ACT) scores, and

percent of high school grads taking test,

by State, 1987, biennial rpt, S4265–1.5 Athlete scores on college entrance exams,

with comparisons to other students, 1988

survey, A7440-3.1 California Achievement Test score gains,

1985 vs 1977, article, R4800–2.103 College athletes use of time, and related

academic performance indicators, with comparison to other students, 1988

articles, C2175-1.104 Dental students admission test scores and

pre-dental grade averages, by instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A1475-4.1 Elementary/secondary standardized test use,

and enrollment, by State and selected

district, 1986/87, R6375-1 Engineering fundamentals (FE) exam

requirements of engineering colleges, and student participation, 1987, article,

A2700-1.104 Higher education instn policies and

practices, including assessment of student learning, 1989 annual survey,

A1410-1.33 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Law School Admission Tests administered,

1963/64-1988/89, annual rpt, A0970–1 Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

scores, by race-ethnicity and area of assessment, 1983-84, biennial rpt,

A3273-9 Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

scores of osteopathy college freshmen,

1987/88, annual rpt, A0620-1 Medical school programs, fees, applicants,

admissions, and enrollment, with data by age, sex, minority group, and instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A3273–10 Midwestern States high school graduation

rate and American College Test (ACT) scores, for 7 States, 1986 or 1987, article, U7860-1.104

Page 7

Index by Subjects and Names

North Dakota State constitutional

amendments and referenda votes, by issue and election, 1889-1988, recurring rpt,

U8080_2 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.16 Ohio election results and voter registration,

by local area, 1987-88 and trends, biennial

rpt, S6380–1 Oklahoma election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district,

1988, biennial rpt, S6425-1 Oregon election results and voter

registration and turnout, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S6665-1 Rhode Island election results, by locality, for

primary and general elections, 1988,

biennial rpt, S6977–1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975–1.1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.5 South Dakota election results, and voter

registration by party, by county, 1988

general election, biennial rpt, S7390–1 Tennessee election results, by district and/or

county, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S7580-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.14 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.2,

C1035-1.3 Texas election results and voter registration,

by district and/or county, 1988 general

election, biennial rpt series, 37750_1 Utah election results and voter registration

and turnout, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S7875-1 Virginia election results by jurisdiction, and

voter registration and turnout, 1988

elections, annual rpt, S8195-1 Washington State election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, annual rpt,

S8425-1 West Virginia election results and voter

registration, by county and party, 1988

and trends, biennial rpt, S8630-1 Wyoming election results by county and

precinct, 1988, annual rpt and govtl

directory, S9000–1 see also Campaign funds see also Electoral districts and precincts see also Officials see also Political action committees see also Political broadcasting see also Political conventions see also Referenda

see also Voter registration Electoral districts and precincts

State and local: Alaska election results, and voter

registration and turnout, by district and precinct, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S0337-1 Alaska population and components of

change, by demographic characteristics and locality, 1940s-87, annual rpt,

S0320_4 Arizona election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt, S0520-1

Arkansas election results, by district and/or

county, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S0775-1 California election and referenda detailed

results, by jurisdiction, 1988 and trends,

biennial rpt, S0934-1 Colorado election results and voter

registration, by political party, and county and/or district, 1988, biennial rpt,

S1090–1 Connecticut election results and voter

registration and turnout, by location, 1988

general election, biennial rpt, S1265-1 DC election results and turnout, and voter

registration, by ward and precinct, 1988,

biennial series, S1525-1 Delaware election results, by county and/or

district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S1365-1 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360_1 Florida election results, by county and/or

district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S1800-1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.8 Hawaii election results, and voter

registration by sex, by district and

precinct, 1988, biennial series, 32077-1 Idaho election results and voter registration,

by county and/or district and precinct, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S2305-1 Illinois election results, and voter

registration trends, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S2445-1 Indiana election results, by county and

district, with voter registration, 1988 primary and general elections, biennial

rpt, S2702-1 Iowa election results, by county and/or

district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, $2865-1 Kansas election results, by county and

district, 1988 primary and general

elections, biennial rpt, S3030–1 Kentucky election results, by county, district, and circuit, 1988, annual rpt,

S3213-1 Louisiana election results, and voter

registration by race and party, by parish,

1987-88, biennial rpt, S3370–1 Louisiana presidential election results, and

voter registration by race and party, by parish, 1988 general election, quadrennial

rpt, S3370-3 Maine election results, and voter registration

by party, by district and/or county and municipality, 1988 general election,

biennial rpt, S3490-1 Maryland election results and voter

registration, by county, district, and party, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S3615-1 Massachusetts election results and voter

registration, by local area, 1988 and

trends, biennial rpt, S3920-1 Michigan election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S4020-1 Minnesota election results and voter

registration, by locality, 1988 primary and general elections, biennial rpt, S4255-1

Mississippi election results by office, district,

and county, 1986-88 primary, general, and special elections, quadrennial rpt,

S4425-1.1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.13
Missouri election results, by district and/or

county, with directory of govt officials, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S4580-1 Montana election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S4760–1 Nebraska election results, and voter

registration by party, by county and/or district, 1988 general and primary

elections, biennial rpt, S4955-1 New Hampshire election results, by county

and locality, 1988, biennial rpt, S5255-1 New Jersey election results and voter

registration, by location, 1988 general

election, annual rpt, S5440-1, S5440_2 New Mexico election results, and voter

registration by party, by location, 1988 primary and general elections, biennial

rpt, S5655-1 New York State general election results by

county and district, Nov 1988, biennial

rpt, S5750-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.5 North Carolina election results, by county

and/or district, 1988 general election,

biennial rpt, S5920–1 North Dakota election results, by location,

1988 general election, biennial rpt,

$6205-1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.16 Ohio election results and voter registration,

by local area, 1987-88 and trends, biennial

rpt, S6380-1 Oklahoma election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, and number of precincts by county, 1988

biennial rpt, S6425-1 Oregon election results and voter

registration and turnout, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S6665-1 Rhode Island election results, by locality, for

primary and general elections, 1988,

biennial rpt, S6977-1 South Dakota election results, and voter

registration by party, by county, 1988

general election, biennial rpt, S7390–1 Tennessee election results, by district and/or

county, 1988 general election, biennial

rpt, S7580-1 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035-1.3 Utah election results and voter registration

and turnout, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S7875-1 Virginia election results by jurisdiction, and

voter registration and turnout, 1988

elections, annual rpt, S8195-1 Washington State election results and voter

registration, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, annual rpt,

S8425-1 West Virginia election results and voter

registration, by county and party, 1988 and trends, biennial rpt, S8630-1

Wyoming election results by county and

precinct, 1988, annual rpt and govtl

directory, S9000_1
see also Wards, city Electric appliances

see Household appliances and equipment Electric power Apartment building (conventionally

financed) detailed income and expense
ratios for US and Canada, by building type, metro area, and US region, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A5600–1 Apartment building (federally subsidized)

detailed income and expense ratios, by building and subsidy type, building age, metro area, and region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600-5 Business, regulatory, and technological devs

concerning electric utilities, with industry financial statements, bimonthly rpt,

Capital appropriations and expenditures for

electric/gas utilities, Oct 1988-June 1989

monthly rpt, R4105–3 Capital appropriations and expenditures of

electric and gas companies, 2nd qtr 1988,

quarterly rpt, R4105-11 Capital spending by electric utilities, by

function and region, 1989-93, annual

article, C6985-6.102 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955-1
Coal imports for electric utilities, by country of origin and utility, 1970s-87, annual rpt,

Condominium, cooperative, and planned

unit dev detailed expenses, for US and
Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600_3 Consumption (Btu) of fossil energy

resources and electricity from hydro and nuclear power, 1960s-87, annual rpt,

A1775-3.6 Consumption of oil by consuming sector,

1986-87, annual rpt, R9375-9 Consumption shares by end use, with

efficiency gains from new technology,

1989 article, C3950–1.110 Finances, sales, capacity, and capital

projects of electric utilities, by sector and region, 1989 annual rpt, C5800–28.106

Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with comparisons by industry group, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105
Financial performance rankings of top 100
electric utilities, 1987-88, annual article,

C6985-6.106 France electric power production and fuel expenditures, 1987-88, annual rpt,

B6800–2.2 Generation from coal and nuclear fuels, and

coal spot purchases by approx 20 utilities,

monthly rpt, C5226-1 Generation of total, coal, and hydroelectric

power, by census div and selected State,

1986-87, annual rpt, S6140–2 Heating equipment and appliance shipments,

by type of energy consumed, quarterly

rpt, A1775-1 Higher education physical plant operations,

costs, employment, salaries, and energy use, by instn, 1987/88, recurring rpt, A3360-2

Home heating prices and conversions to

natural gas, by fuel type, utility, State, and census div, 1986-87, annual rpt,

A1775-4 Income and operating data by type of company, and publicly owned utilities

irectory, US and outlying areas, 1989 annual directory, A2625–1.102 Iron and steel industry consumption of electric power, 1984-88, annual rpt,

A2000–2.3 Italy electric power authority operations,

including plant capacity, production, and trade with neighboring countries, 1988

article, C5800–8.102 Japan energy supply-demand, by fuel source,

1980-89, annual article, R5650–2.165 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.17 Mass transit system energy use by source,

employee compensation, and labor costs,

1960s-88, recurring rpt, A2650–1.1 Natural gas consumption for electric power

generation, with industry sales and revenues, by State and census div,

1960s-87, annual rpt, A1775–3.4 Natural gas demand by sector, winter

1985/86-1988/89, annual article,

C6985-1.101 Natural gas sales and prices, by consuming

sector, monthly rpt, A1775–2 Office building detailed income and expense

data, and energy use, US and Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and
receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

Operating data for top 100 electric utilities,

including generating capacity and efficiency, and fuel consumption, 1988,

annual article, C6985–6.108 Pacific Northwest US, Bonneville Power

Admin electricity sales and prices,

1960s-88, annual feature, U9120–1.103 Private vs public utility sales to customers,

revenues, and expenses, 1946-87, annual

article, A2625-1.104 Production and fuel consumption, and

efficiency rates, by fuel type and census div, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

A7400–5.3 Projected electric utility sales by sector,

revenues, generating capacity, and capital expenditures, 1978-2005, annual rpt,

C5800–28.112 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775–1.12 Regulatory agency activities, scope of

jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected industry data, 1987,

annual rpt, A7015-1 Renewable energy-based generating capacity,

by type and selected State, 1980s-95,

article, C5800–28.111 Residential customers for electric utility

industry, by State and census div, 1988,

annual rpt, C6740–1.103 Securities offerings by electric and total

utilities, by type, purpose, and sales method, monthly rpt recurring article, C5800–28.101, C5800–28.105, C5800–28.108, C5800–28.111

Sourcebook of oil and gas industry, with

supply-demand comparisons to other energy types, 1980s and trends, annual

compilation, C6985-9.5 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712–1 Statistical yearbook of electric utility

financial and operating data, by State and census div, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 updates, C2400–2
Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook for

1989, C2400_1 Supply-demand assessment, by region, US

and Canada, 1988-89 and 1998, annual

rpt, A8630_3 Supply-demand by energy source and

consuming sector, 1947-2000, periodic

basic data book, A2575–14.1 Supply-demand for non-oil energy sources,

1970s-93, annual rpt, C6985–5.3 Supply-demand trends and forecasts,

including data by region, facility, and type of generating unit, 1987 annual rpt,

A4700–2 Utility (publicly owned) trends and devs,

bimonthly rpt, A2625-1 Utility industry devs, and production by

region, monthly rpt, C5800–28 Utility mgmt, technology, regulatory, and

operating devs, monthly rpt, C6985-6 World energy supply-demand, by fuel

source, by region or country, 1988-89

biennial rpt, R9455-1.7 State and local: Alabama business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U5680–1 Alaska public utilities financial and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1987 and trends, with FY88

regulatory info, annual rpt, S0280_4 Arizona business activity indicators,

including housing market, population, CPI, and industrial purchasing, monthly

rpt, U0280–1 Arkansas public utility financial, operating,

and regulatory data, by utility type and

company, 1987-88, annual rpt, S0757–1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.12 California economic indicators, bimonthly

rpt, S0840-1 California electrical energy resources surcharge revenue, FY75-88, annual rpt,

S0835-1.6 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.10 Colorado property assessed valuation, by

property type and county, and for regulated industries by company, 1987-88,

annual rpt, S1055–3 Florida public utility regulatory and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S1790–1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.15 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.8

Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.17 Hawaii economic indicators, bimonthly rpt,

B3500-1 Idaho public utilities regulatory data, and commission finances, FY88, annual rpt,

S2290–1 Illinois, Chicago market area pocket guide,

general data, 1989 annual rpt, C2130–1.1 Illinois electric utility sales and operating

revenues, energy sold, and customers served, by class of service and company,

1987-88, annual rpt, S2410-1.2 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.7 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138–3.1 Louisiana energy indicators, quarterly rpt,

U2730-1 Minnesota public utility financial and

operating data, by utility type and/or

company, 1987, biennial rpt, S4235-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.14 Montana electric power generated and license taxes paid, FY84-88, biennial rpt,

S4750_1.1 Nebraska electrical transmission line

construction regulatory activities,

FY87-88, biennial rpt, S4940–1 Nebraska electricity generation, by fuel

source, 1987-88, article, U7860-1.107 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855–1.14 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.11 New Jersey economic indicators, including

employment, building permits, and retail

trade, monthly rpt, S5425-1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.5 New Mexico public utilities operating,

financial, and regulatory data, by utility

type, FY89 annual rpt, S5645-1 New York State electric power production,

quarterly business activity rpt, 95735–2 New York State public utilities financial and

operating data, by utility type and

company, 1983-87, annual rpt, S5795–1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.7 North Carolina public utility financial,

operating, and regulatory data, by utility type and company, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6020-1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.9 Ohio natural gas and electricity

supply-demand by utility and consuming sector, 1988-89 and trends, annual rpt,

S6355-1 Oklahoma business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U8130–1 Oregon public utilities financial and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6655-2 Pennsylvania business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U4110-1 South Carolina public service commission

regulatory activities, with financial and operating data for individual utilities and

railroads, FY88 annual rpt, S7235-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.5

South Dakota public utilities commission

regulatory and financial info, with consumer complaints by company, FY88,

annual rpt, S7300-1 Tennessee public utility and transportation

commission regulatory activities, with industry financial and operating data,

1987-88 annual rpt, S7565–1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.10 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.9 Texas electric utility financial and operating

data, 9 largest investor-owned utilities,

1984-88, annual rpt, S7740_1 Utah economic and business activity review

and indicators, monthly rpt, U8960–2 Utah manufacturing electric power demand,

forecasts by industry using 2 models,

1986-2010, article, U8960_2.103
Virginia business activity indicators, for 17

cities, monthly rpt, U1120–1 Virginia electric power sales, quarterly rpt,

S8205-4 Washington State public service and utility

companies property value, by company

and county, 1988, annual rpt, 58415-1.4 West Virginia commercial/industrial electric

power sold, quarterly rpt, 58545_4 Wisconsin natural gas and electric power

sales, monthly rpt, S8750-1 Wyoming business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, U9350–2 Wyoming electric power consumption, by generating facility, 1987, annual rpt,

see also Electric power and heat

see also Electric power plants and equipment
see also Electric power prices
see also Electrical machinery and equipment
see also Hydroelectric power
see also Nuclear power
see also Rural cooperatives

see also Rural electrification Electric power and heat cogeneration Capacity (cogeneration), and planned

additions, by fuel source and/or US and Canadian region, 1989-98, annual rpt,

Capacity additions for cogeneration, by fuel

type and generation method, 1980-87,

article, C6985-6.106 Installed generating capacity by type of

producer, including cogenerators, 1979

and 1985-87, article, A4700–4.104 Italy cogeneration by industrial sector, and capacity and units by type, 1987, article,

C5800-8.102 Electric power conservation

see Energy conservation Electric power generation and capacity

see Electric power plants and equipment Electric power plants and equipment Air pollution indicators related to global

warming, including emissions by source, and State control programs, by State,

1989 rpt, R8930–1.7
Coal deliveries and prices for individual

electric power plants, by utility, State, and

census div, monthly rpt, A7400-9 Combustion-turbine electric plant performance indicators, 1977-88, article, C6985-6.105

Construction and internal funding use by investor-owned electric utilities, 1983-92,

Construction cost indexes for steam,

nuclear, and hydroelectric plants, by region, weekly rpt quarterly feature,

C5800–2.107, C5800-2.134 Construction expenditures of electric utility

industry, with detail by type of plant,

1982-91, article, A4700-4.104 Construction of electric power plants in

1988, by type, utility, and region, and forecast capacity 1988-97, annual rpt,

C5800–28.103 Construction planned and contracted, by type of plant, weekly rpt monthly table,

C5800–2 Cuba electricity generating capacity, by fuel source, 1980s-2000, annual rpt,

U6250–1.17 Finances, sales, capacity, and capital

spending of electric utilities, by sector and

region, 1989 annual rpt, C5800–28.106 Generating trends, including capacity and

generation, by fuel type, 1950-87, annual

rpt, A9335–1.1 Germany (West) nuclear reactor capacity

and electricity generated, by unit, 1987,

article, B6800–1.101 Independent power producer capacity

coming on line, and percent committed,

1989-95, article, C5800–28.104 Installed capacity and kWh generated, by

type of company and for individual locally owned utilities, 1989 annual directory,

A2625-1.102 Installed generating capacity, by fuel source

and region, US and Canada, 1989 and

1998, annual rpt, A8630–3 Installed generating capacity by type of

producer, including cogenerators, 1979

and 1985-87, article, A4700–4.104 Italy electric power authority operations,

including capacity by plant type, 1963 and

1987, article, C5800–8.102 Northwestern US and Canada planned

power projects, with capacity and status,

1989 article, C5800_28.107 Nuclear foreign reactor construction and

operating status and capacity, by unit and country, Aug 1989, recurring article,

B6800_1.110 Nuclear foreign reactor construction and

operating status and capacity, by unit and country, 1986-88, recurring article,

B6800-1.103 Nuclear generating capacity of US, Europe,

Far East, and other areas, 1988 and 2000,

article, B6800-1.111 Nuclear power generation trends and devs,

with related data on individual reactor capacity and completion status, quarterly

rpt, B6790–1 Nuclear power plant performance indicators,

1987-88, article, C6985-6.103 Nuclear power plants, capacity, and

electricity generation, US and foreign,

1988 annual rpt, A9335-1 Nuclear reactor construction and operating

status and capacity, by unit and country,

1988, annual rpt, B6800–2.2 Nuclear reactor construction status and

capacity, by unit, July 1989, annual article, B6800-1.109

Electrical machinery and equipment

Nuclear reactors in operation, electricity

supplied, and nuclear share of electric power, by country, 1987-88, article,

B6800–1.108 Nuclear reactors operating, load factors, and

electricity generated, for 15 countries,

1988, article, C5800–28.109
Operating data for top 100 electric utilities,

including generating capacity and efficiency, and fuel consumption, 1988,

annual article, C6985-6.108 Production costs by plant type, with costs

and capacity of 10 low- and high-cost plants, 1987 and trends, article,

C6985–6.105 Projected electric utility sales by sector,

revenues, generating capacity, and capital expenditures, 1978-2005, annual rpt,

C5800–28.112 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775–1.12 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Statistical yearbook of electric utility

financial and operating data, by State and census div, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

A4700–1 Steam-powered plants, capacity, generation,

and fuel use and costs, by fuel type, utility, and location, 1987, annual rpt,

A7400_7 Steam-powered plants electricity generated

and fuel use by type, by utility and State,

monthly rpt, A7400–8 Supply-demand by region, and scheduled

expansions by facility, including by type of generating unit, 1987 annual rpt,

A4700-2 Waste-to-energy plants, by type of owner and operator, 1988/89, article,

State and local: Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.12 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.7 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.15 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.8 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.17 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.7 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.14 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.14 New Jersey electric generating installed

capacity compared to neighboring States,

1975 and 1985, recurring rpt, S5362–1.5 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.7 North Carolina electric power generation

and capacity, by utility and type of plant,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S6020-1 Oregon electric power generation and

capacity, by utility and type of plant,

1988, annual rpt, S6655–2 South Carolina public service commission

regulatory activities, with financial and
operating data for individual utilities and railroads, FY88 annual rpt, S7235-1

Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710-2.10 Texas electric utility financial and operating

data, 9 largest investor-owned utilities,

1984-88, annual rpt, S7740-1 Electric power prices Average bills, 1979-88, annual rpt,

C5800–28.106 Commercial/industrial electricity prices, by

State, 1986, biennial rpt, S4265-1.6 Competitive (“innovative") rate use by electric utilities, 1981-88, article,

Convenience store hq cities electricity costs,

12 cities, 1982-88, annual rpt, C8115-1.1 Home heating prices and conversions to

natural gas, by fuel type, utility, State, and census div, 1986-87, annual rpt,

A1775-4 Pacific Northwest US, Bonneville Power

Admin electricity sales and prices,

1960s-88, annual feature, U9120–1.103 Plant closings in 3 manufacturing industries,

correlations with wages, fuel costs, taxes, unions, imports, and output demand,

1970s-82, R9260–8 Private vs public utility sales to customers,

revenues, and expenses, 1946-87, annual

article, A2625-1.104 Projected average residential bills,

1978-2000, annual rpt, C5800–28.112 Rate actions and value, by status, 1984-1st

half 1988, article, A4700-4.102 Regulatory agency activities, scope of

jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected industry data, 1987,

annual rpt, A7015-1 Residential electric bills, for 10 companies

with highest and lowest rates, monthly rpt

recurring article, C6985-6.102 Residential electric bills, for 10 States, selected years 1970-87, annual rpt,

Residential electric costs by region, and for

utilities with highest and lowest rates,

1988, article, C6985-6.108 Residential monthly bills, for electric power

and other energy, and telephone, in

approx 250 cities, quarterly rpt, A1225-1 Statistical yearbook of electric utility

financial and operating data, by State and census div, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

Utility costs for fossil fuel deliveries by type,

and retail electricity prices by sector,

1973-87, annual rpt, C6985–3.4 World residential prices by country, and US

prices by consuming sector, 1987 and

trends, annual compilation, C6985-9.3 State and local: Alaska price and income trends, with data

by locality and comparisons to other

areas, 1980s, U5780–1.20 Alaska public utilities financial and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1987 and trends, with FY88

regulatory info, annual rpt, S0280-4 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840-2.10 Delaware data book, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1375–4 Florida public utility regulatory and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1988 and trends, annual rpt, S1790–1

Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.15,

U6660-1.24 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.17 Idaho average residential electric and gas

bill, by utility, FY88 and trends, annual

rpt, S2290–1 Louisiana electricity prices, by consuming

sector and utility, quarterly rpt, U2730_1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.14 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.11 New Mexico public utilities operating,

financial, and regulatory data, by utility

type, FY89 annual rpt, S5645-1 New York State electric power customers,

revenues, kWh sales, and average bill, by customer class, 1983-87, annual rpt,

S5795-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.7 North Carolina public utility financial,

operating, and regulatory data, by utility type and company, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6020-1 South Carolina public service commission

regulatory activities, with financial and
operating data for individual utilities and

railroads, FY88 annual rpt, S7235-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.5 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.10 Texas electric utility financial and operating

data, 9 largest investor-owned utilities,

1984-88, annual rpt, $7740-1 Electric utilities

see Electric power
see Electric power plants and equipment see Electric power prices see Nuclear power

see Public utilities

see Rural cooperatives

see Rural electrification Electrical machinery and equipment Aluminum shipments by end-use market and product type, 1978-88, annual rpt,

A0400-2.1 Distributors carrying 16 types of electrical

equipment, with sales indicators, 1989

article, C1850–4.108 Earnings of production workers in

electric/electronic equipment industry,

monthly rpt, B6800-1 Electric utility customers and finances

related to hwy and street lighting, by State and census div, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A4700–1 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, and years since college degree, 1988,

annual survey rpt, A0685-5 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, degree level, and years since college degree, 1988, annual survey rpt,

A0685-3 Executive compensation and components,

by industry div and major manufacturing

group, 1987, annual rpt, R4105-19 Executive salaries and bonus levels, by type

of position, and corporate industry group, size, and region, 1987-88, annual rpt, B9550-1

Finances, employment, and firms, for

electrical contractors, 1982 and 1987,

article, C5800–2.112 Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with comparisons by industry group, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105 Heavy electric power generating equipment

manufactured, ordered by utilities, and exported, by type of equipment, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A4700–2.2 Japan electrical machinery sales and

overseas procurement, for 3 major manufacturers, FY87-89, article,

Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and
receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

C7800–1 Plastics industry production and sales by

resin type, consumption by end-use market, and operating characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, A8920–1 Power supplies for electronics equipment,

consumption and sales, with top 10 manufacturers, 1989 annual article,

C1850–2.110 Productivity trends by economic sector and

industry, including total factor, labor, and capital indexes, 1948-87, annual rpt,

R2800–1 Sales and marketing of electrical equipment, special articles and features, monthly rpt,

Sales for top 62 electrical equipment

manufacturers and 43 parent companies,

1988, article, C5800–17.105 Sales of residential lighting fixtures and

wiring devices, by product type, 1988,

annual feature, C5150-6.110 Shipment value of lighting fixtures and wiring equipment, 1985-89, article,

C5150–6.108 Shipments of communications and industrial

electronic products, by type, including computers, 1979-88, annual rpt,

A4725-1.2 Transformer failures by cause, 1979 surv

article, C5800–28.108 Transmission circuit-miles 10-year forecasts

in 1986-89, article, C5800–28.112 Transmission line mileage for investor- and community-owned utilities, 1987, article,

A2625-1.103 Wholesalers market conditions, by geographic area, 1985-89, annual article,

State and local: Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.12 Massachusetts manufacturing employment,

by SIC 2- and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, 1986, triennial rpt,

S3808-2.6 Texas employment in mining, construction,

finance, and service industries, by SIC 2and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, 2nd qtr 1987, triennial survey

rpt, S7673–1.20 see also Batteries see also Electronics industry and products see also Household appliances and


see also under By Industry in the "Index by

Categories" Electromagnetic radiation

see Radiation Electronic data processing

see Computer industry and products see Computer sciences

see Computer use

see Electronic mail systems

see Information storage and retrieval systems Electronic funds transfer Consumer attitudes on banking industry

services, including direct deposit, 1988

survey, annual rpt, 00175–2 Convenience stores offering special services,

including use of debit cards, 1986-88,

annual survey rpt, A6735–2 Convenience stores offering special services,

including use of debit cards, 1987-88,

annual survey rpt, A6735-1 Corporate use and interest in automated

links with financial instns, Jan-Feb 1989

survey, annual rpt, 20175-5
Europe market value for electronic mail and

funds transfer systems, videotex, and networks, 1988 and 1993, article,

C1850-5.110 Transaction activity in electronic banking,

discontinued annual rpt, A3425–3
Transaction volume for Fed Wire and

CHIPS major networks, and fees,

1980-89, article, C0175-1.122 Transaction volume in automated

clearinghouse network, top 100 banks,

1988, annual article, 00175-1.128 see also Automated tellers Electronic games Amusement equipment in use, and revenue,

by type of equipment including video games and pinball machines, 1980 and

1986-88, annual rpt, C9470–1.2 Convenience stores offering special services,

including video games, 1981-88, annual

survey rpt, A6735-2 Convenience stores offering special services,

including video games, 1987-88, annual

survey rpt, A6735-1 Foreign trade in electronics, by product

category, detailed type, and country,

monthly rpt, A4725-3 Toy and game shipments and value, by type,

1987-88, annual rpt, A9095-1
State and local: Montana govt investigations of video gaming operations, FY87-88, biennial rpt,

S4750-1.2 Electronic mail systems

Customers, messages, and revenues, for 9

leading vs all other companies, 1987-88,

article, C1850–5.107
Europe market value for electronic mail and

funds transfer systems, videotex, and networks, 1988 and 1993, article,

Facsimile equipment market shares for top

11 vs all other manufacturers, 1988,

article, C6740_1.104 Facsimile equipment market shares, for top

5 manufacturers, 1982, 1986, and 1988,

article, C8900-1.125 Facsimile machine (lower-priced) unit sales,

1987-88 and 1992, article, C5150–3.104 Facsimile machine sales distribution by type of retail outlet, 1989 article, C8130-1.104

Facsimile machine sales, 1987-89, article,

C2000–1.105 Facsimile machine shipments and revenues,

1985-95, article, C4725–3.117
Mailboxes and messages per month, for 8

leading electronic mail services, and facsimile terminal sales and imports, 1988

annual rpt, A8640–3
Mailboxes in top 5 public networks and 2 corporate systems, 1989 article,

C5800–7.125 Retailer use of electronic 3rd party mailbox services, by type of outlet, 1989 article,

C8130-1.104 Shipments of communications and industrial

electronic products, by type, including computers, 1979-88, annual rpt,

A4725-1.2 Voice mail system use by large and small companies, 1988 and 1992, article,

State and local: Hawaii, Oahu resident use of facsimile machines, Mar 1988, annual rpt,

S2090–1.17 Electronic surveillance Canada public and officials opinions on

wiretapping by Security Intelligence Service, 1987 surveys, article,

A0610-1.103 Wiretapping approval by general public,

1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.1 see also Radar Electronics industry and products Appliance life expectancy, sales volume, and

manufacturers market share, by product

type, 1989 annual article, C2000-1.107 Auto electronic options prevalence, for 16

parts, 1988-94, article, C2700-1.145 Brand name shopping practices of

consumers purchasing electronics equipment, Dec 1988 survey, article,

C5150-8.104 Brazil electronic equipment market value,

1981 and 1986, annual rpt, U6250–1.4 Broadcasting and related electronic

communications companies revenues and
earnings, top 100 companies, 1986-87,

annual rpt, C1750-2.1 Broadcasting and related electronic

communications companies revenues and earnings, top 100 companies, 1988, annual

articles, C1750-1.121 Business activity indicators and market devs,

monthly rpt, C7000-9, C9488-1
Canada-US electronics bilateral trade, and

tariffs scheduled for removal under Free Trade Agreement, 1988 article,

Capital expenditures of top 100 electronics

firms, with revenues and detail by industry segment, FY88, annual article,

Compensation of top 100 executives in

electronics companies, 1988, annual

article, C1850–2.122 Connector/interconnection device market in

US and abroad, with foreign sales and top manufacturers, 1988, annual article,

C1850–2.114 Consumer electronics and home appliance

marketing trends and devs, including sales to retailers and shipments, monthly rpt, C6740-1

Page 8

Elementary and secondary education

Consumer electronics distributor sales

volume, by product type, 1987-94, annual

article, C2000-1.103 Consumer electronics sales, trade, and

industry devs, by product type, 1970s-89,

annual rpt, A4725_4 Consumer electronics sales, with market

share for US producers, for 8 products
invented in US, 1987 and trends, article,

C5800–7.131 Consumer electronics sales, 1986-88,

Consumer electronics stores and sales, top 18 chains, 1989 annual article,

Consumer electronics/appliance chain sales
per foot, for 8 companies, FY87, article,

Corporate performance ratings by executives

for 305 leading companies in 32 industries, 1988 survey, annual article,

C8900–1.107 Department and specialty store

merchandising and operating ratios, by merchandise type and sales size group,

1987, annual rpt, A8300–1 Discount chain consumer natl brand

preferences, by product category and

chain, 1989 survey, C5150–3.121 Discount chain sales and merchandising,

including data by dept, leading chain, and location, 1988 and trends, annual feature,

C8130-1.107 Discount chain sales by major dept and product type, 1988, annual feature,

Discount chains top-selling natl brands, and

market penetration, by product category, chain, and region, 1989 survey, annual

article, C5150–3.120
Discount store sales and productivity data
for 12 depts, 1989 annual feature,

Discount stores, sales, and earnings, for top

chains, with detail by specialty, 1989

annual feature, C5150-3.115 Distributors shipment value, 1986-90, and

sales for top 12 firms, 1988, annual

article, C1850–2.124 Drugstore general merchandise sales

promotion activity, including investment plans, by product category, 1989 survey,

annual feature, C5150–2.117 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, and years since college degree, 1988,

annual survey rpt, A0685-5 Engineers salaries by industry group, census

div, degree level, and years since college degree, 1988, annual survey rpt,

Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with comparisons by industry group, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105 Financial performance of leading defense

electronics companies, FY88 and trends,

annual feature, C5800_4.117 Financial performance of 100 fastest

growing electronics firms, FY88, annual

feature, C1850–2.112 Financial performance of 100 most

profitable electronics firms, FY88, annual

article, C1850–2.115
Financial performance ranking of top 200

electronics companies, 1988 and trends, annual feature, C1850–2.118

Foreign electronics corporation US and total

sales, and profits, for top 40 firms,

1986-87, article, C1850–2.103 Foreign trade in electronics, by product

category, detailed type, and country,

monthly rpt, A4725-3 Graphics (color) producing equipment

placements, by application, 1988 and

1991, article, C1200-1.105 Income taxes (domestic and foreign) paid by

20 leading electronics companies, 1988,

annual article, C1850–2.124 India electronics industry production,

foreign trade with US, and joint ventures,

1989 article, C1850–2.104 Japan auto electronic parts market, by product type, 1985 and 1990, article,

C2150-3.108 Japan subsidiaries of US-owned electronics

companies, financial performance of top companies, FY88, annual article,

C1850–2.112 Market devs in electronics industry,

including employment, factory sales, prices, and foreign trade trends, monthly

rpt, A4725-2 Market trends and outlook, including

product sales and shipments, employment, and leading manufacturers, biweekly rpt,

C1850–2 Musical instrument and accessory sales and trade, by type, 1940s-88, annual rpt,

A2275-1 Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and
receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

C7800–1 Paper industry sectors potentially affected

by electronic competition, and electronics-related specialty paper

production, 1988 annual rpt, C3975–5.4 Plant closings and worker dislocation,

analysis of causes and regional patterns in 3 industries, and factors affecting

reemployment, 1970s-80s, R9260–8 Printed circuit board production value, for

top 10 independent manufacturers,

1988-89, annual article, C1850–2.121 Production and operating data, including

factory sales and shipments, and trade, by product category, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

R&D expenditures of top 100 electronics

firms, with comparison to revenues and detail by industry segment, FY88, annual

article, C1850-2.119 Sales in US and 5 foreign countries, by

detailed product category, 1987-89,

annual feature, C9488–1.103 Shipment and new order values, and

inventory-shipment ratios, for electronics equipment by type, 1984-90, annual

feature, C1850–2.104 Shipment volume and value, for consumer

electronics by detailed product type,

1984-88, annual rpt, C6740–1.102 Shipments of household equipment, by product type, 1979-88, annual feature,

C2000-1.106 Venture capital funding activity, by region

and industry sector, 1988 and trends, annual article, C1850–2.118

State and local: California aerospace and electronics employment, by industry segment, 1988,

S0840–1.103 Massachusetts manufacturing employment,

by SIC 2- and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, 1986, triennial rpt,

S3808–2.6 Virginia electronic circuit board industry

interest in surface mount technology, by State region, 1989 survey article,

see also Audiovisual equipment
see also Automated tellers
see also Compact disc players
see also Computer industry and products
see also Electronic funds transfer
see also Electronic games
see also Electronic surveillance
see also Home video and audio equipment
see also Lasers
see also Radio
see also Semiconductors
see also Television
see also Video recordings and equipment
see also under By Industry in the “Index by

Categories" Elementary and secondary education Education Week, issues and devs in

elementary/secondary school programs, enrollment, finances, and staff, and selected higher education issues, weekly

rpt, R4800–2 Federal court decisions affecting education,

1940s-80s, article, R4800–2.104 Financial support of educational instns from

contributions, by instn, type of donor, and use of funds, 1987/88 and trends, annual

survey, A4325-2 Food service (institutional) financial and

operating data, for leading firms by market segment, 1989 annual articles,

C1850–3.117 Food service industry sales and

establishments by market segment, for leading chains, 1988, annual feature,

C1850–3.111 Food service industry sales and

establishments, by market segment,

1986-89, annual feature, C1850–3.104 Food service industry sales, purchases, and

establishments, by market segment,

1986-87, annual article, A8200-1.108 Food service industry sales trends and

forecast, by market segment, 1986-89,

annual feature, A8200-1.102 High school academic performance of higher

education freshmen, fall 1988, annual

survey, U6215-1 High school and student participation in

sports, by State, sex, and sport, 1987/88,

annual rpt, A7830–1
High school sports all-time records for boys

and girls events, with school and student participation, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A7830–2 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.8 Liability insurance lack or lawsuit threats

causing school program cutbacks, by

program, 1989 article, R4800–2.128 Parental right to choose a child's public

school, views of school officials and parents, 1987-88 surveys, article, R4800-2.115

Presidents of school boards, characteristics,

and attitudes on selected education issues,

Nov 1988-Feb 1989 survey, R6350–5 Public and teacher evaluations of schools,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.3 Public confidence in selected societal instns, 1988-89 Gallup Polls and trends, C4040-1.108, R8780–1.101,

R8780–1.109 Public opinion on school problems, quality,

and proper functions, by respondent characteristics, 1988 annual Gallup Poll,

C4040-1.105 Public opinion on school problems, quality,

and proper functions, by respondent characteristics, 1989 annual Gallup Poll,

A8680-1.102 Public school quality and student-teacher

relations, views of teachers and students, by demographic characteristics, 1988,

annual survey, B6045–2 Religious congregation characteristics,

including membership, philanthropic activities, staff, and finances, 1987/88

survey, recurring rpt, A5435-4 Sex education in schools, including

instruction on AIDS and other topics, and teacher views, with data by State, 1988

surveys, articles, A5160-1.104 State education system devs, with summary

data on elementary/secondary and higher education, and population profiles, series,

R5500–2 State elementary/secondary education data,

including enrollment, school-age population, indicators of area wealth, and policies, by State, 1988 annual rpt,

A4355-1 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Teacher attitudes toward public schools and

various education-related issues, 1984 and 1989 surveys, recurring feature,

A8680–1.101 Teacher involvement in public school admin

decisionmaking, by State, 1987, R3810–2 Teaching conditions, including salaries,

students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends, recurring rpt,

State and local: Alabama elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, pupil transportation, and finances, by district, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S0124-1 Alaska public and private schools, staff, and enrollment summary, 1988 annual rpt,

S0275-1 Alaska public school enrollment, finances,

and staff, by school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S0295-1 Arizona elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, by school district and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0470-1 Arkansas public school enrollment, grads,

staff, and finances, by county and school,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S0660_1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935--2.7 California school financial data, with

enrollment and attendance, by county and school district, 1986/87 and trends, annual rpt, S0825-6

California socioeconomic and govtl data for

municipalities, counties, and school

districts, 1989 annual rpt, C4712–3 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.6 Colorado public school enrollment, finances,

and student and staff characteristics, by

locality, 1988 annual rpt series, S1000–2 Connecticut school district profiles,

community and educational data by district and city, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1185-2 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.6 Delaware school enrollment, grads, staff,

finances, and facilities, by county, school district, and/or instn, 1987/88, annual rpt,

$1430–1 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360–1 Florida public school enrollment and

finances, by school district, 1986/87,

annual rpt, S1725-3 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.4 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750–1 Georgia elementary/secondary scho

students and finances, by system, 1987/88

and trends, article, U6730–2.104 Georgia socioeconomic data, 1988 annual

rpt, S1920-3.2 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730-1.2 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.3 Idaho school district revenues by source,

and expenditures by object, by district and

fund, FY88, annual rpt, S2225–2 Illinois elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, by county and district, 1986/87 and trends, annual

rpt, S2440-1 Kansas school enrollment, grads, staff, and

finances, by county, school district, and/or school, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S2945-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.4 Kentucky public schools, quality indicators

by school district, 1987/88 and trends,

annual rpt, S3110–1 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.1,

Louisiana elementary/secondary school

operations, including enrollment, staff, finances, and detail by school district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S3280–1 Maryland elementary and secondary education data, by county, series,

S3610-2 Maryland elementary and secondary

education statistical summary, with data by county, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S3610-1 Massachusetts municipal and county profiles, general data, 1988 annual rpt,

C4712-2 Michigan school district financial and enrollment rankings, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S3965-3 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.5

Minnesota public school enrollment, staff,

and finances, by district and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4165-1 Mississippi official and statistical register, general data, 1989 quadrennial rpt,

S4425-1 Mississippi public school enrollment, staff

and salaries, and finances, by district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S4340–1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.3 Missouri school finances, enrollment, grads,

and staff, by county and school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4505-1 Nebraska elementary and secondary schools,

enrollment by grade, grads, and staff, by school district and county, 1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, S4865-1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.10 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065-1.7 New Hampshire elementary and secondary

education statistics, with selected data by school district, annual rpt series,

S5200-1 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New Jersey public school enrollment, grads,

facilities, and student and staff characteristics, by county, 1988/89,

annual rpt, S5385-1
New Mexico elementary/secondary school

statistics, including students, staff, and grads, by race-ethnicity, by school district,

1984/85-1987/88, annual rpt, $5575-2 New Mexico school district detailed

financial data, staff salaries, and enrollment summary, FY88-89 and trends,

annual rpt, $5575-3 New York State children's status indicators,

including population characteristics, families, day care, health, education, and

crime, 1980s and trends, S5718-1 New York State public school enrollment

and finances, by county and district, with summary data for colleges and private schools, 1986/87 and trends, annual rpt,

S5745-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.4 North Carolina public school enrollment,

grads, staff, and finances, including data by race, sex, and local district, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S5915-1 North Dakota elementary and secondary

schools, enrollment, and staff, by school type and location, 1988/89 annual

directory, S6180–2 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.15 Ohio public school enrollment, finances,

special programs, and staff, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S6265-2 Oklahoma public school finances, personnel,

enrollment, and facilities, by county and district, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S6423-1 Oregon elementary and secondary education

enrollment and finances, including data by school district and county, annual rpt

series, S6590-1 Pennsylvania public and nonpublic school

enrollment, by grade, race-ethnicity, and/or county, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt, S6790–5.8

Rhode Island educational enrollment, grads,

personnel, and finances, by district and community, 1987/88, annual rpt,

$6970-1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975–1.1 South Carolina educational characteristics

and socioeconomic indicators, by school district and county, 1987/88, annual rpt,

$7145-1 South Carolina public and private schools,

enrollment, and grads, by county, 1986/7 and trends, annual planning rpt,

57155–3.3 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.4 South Dakota school enrollment, finances,

grads, and staff, by district, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S7315-1 Tennessee public school enrollment, staff,

finances, and operations, by county, city, and school district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

$7490-2 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.16 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.8 Texas elementary and secondary education

data, by school district and county, annual

rpt series, S7670–1 Utah public schools, enrollment, attendance,

personnel, and finances, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S7815-1 Virginia public school enrollment, grads,

finances, staff, and salaries, by county and municipality, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S8190-2 West Virginia public and private school

enrollment, staff characteristics, facilities, and finance, by county, 1986/87, annual

rpt, S8540-1 West Virginia public and private school

enrollment, staff characteristics, facilities, and finance, by county, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S8540-2 West Virginia statistical handbook, general

data, 1988 annual rpt, R9385-1.4 Wisconsin elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, costs, and State aid, by school district, 1988/89 and trends,

annual rpt, S8795-2 Wisconsin juvenile correctional instn inmate

releases and participation in educational, work, and treatment programs, by demographic characteristics and instn,

1987, annual rpt, S8715–2.4 Wyoming public school enrollment, staff,

and finances, by county and district,

1987/88, annual rpt series, 38890–1 see also Compensatory education see also Curricula see also Discrimination in education See also Educational attainment see also Educational broadcasting see also Educational employees pay see also Educational enrollment see also Educational exchanges

see also Federal aid to education
see also Head Start Project
see also National Assessment of Educational

see also Parochial schools
see also Preschool education
see also Private schools
see also Remedial education
see also School administration and staff
see also School districts
see also School lunch and breakfast programs
see also Special education
see also Student discipline
see also Students
see also Teacher education
see also Teachers

see also Truancy from school Elevation

see Topography Elevators Apartment building (conventionally

financed) detailed income and expense
ratios for US and Canada, by building type, metro area, and US region, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A5600-1 Apartment building (federally subsidized)

detailed income and expense ratios, by building and subsidy type, building age, metro area, and region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600-5 Condominium, cooperative, and planned

unit dev detailed expenses, for US and Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600-3 Office building detailed income and expense

data, and energy use, US and Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987 and ds, annual rpt,

State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.21
see also Grain storage and facilities Elkhart, Ind.

Business conditions analysis for selected

Indiana local areas, periodic rpt semiannual feature, U2160–1.102,

U2160–1.104 Elko County, Nev. Casino finances and employment, by

location and gaming revenue range, FY88,

annual rpt, S5062-1 Casino financial summary, by location,

FY87, annual rpt, B5050-6 Ellinger, Paul N. "Interest Rate Risk Exposure of Agricultural

Banks: A Gap Analysis", U1380_4.1 Ellis, Phillip A.

“Future Exploration and Production

Restructuring Calls for Global Strategy”,

C6985–1.102 Ellis, Richard A. "Engineering and Engineering Technology

Degrees, 1988”, A2700-1.105 "Engineering and Engineering Technology

Enrollments, 1988”, 42700-1.107 Ellis, Susanne D.

"Employment Survey, 1987”, A1960–1 “Physics and Astronomy Enrollments and

Degrees", A1960_2 “1986/87 Graduate Student Survey”,

A19604 “1987/88 Survey of Physics and Astronomy

Bachelor's Degree Recipients”, A1960–3

Elmer, Vickie

“Regional Markets", C8950–2.109 Embargo

see International sanctions Embassies

see Diplomatic and consular service Ember, Lois R. "Review To Call for Revamp of Superfund's

Implementation", A1250-1.124 “Survey Finds High Indoor Levels of Volatile Organic Chemicals”,

A1250-1.105 Embezzlement

State and local:

Alabama juvenile and adult arrests, by type

of offense, 1988, annual rpt, s0119-1.1 Arizona arrests by offense, offender

characteristics, and county, 1988, annual

rpt, S0505-2.2 Arkansas crimes and arrests, by offense,

victim and offender characteristics, and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S0652-1 Colorado crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with offender characteristics, and assaults on police, 1988, annual rpt,

S1068-1 Connecticut arrests, by offense, offender

characteristics, and local agency, 1988,

annual rpt, S1256-1.2 Delaware arrests by offender characteristics and detailed offense, 1987, annual rpt,

$1375-5.2 Florida crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by victim and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

$1770-1 Hawaii crimes and arrests, by offense,

county, and offender characteristics, 1988,

annual rpt, S2035-1 Idaho crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S2275-2. Illinois crimes and arrests by detailed

offense, with detail by location and

agency, 1988, annual rpt, S2536-1.2 lowa crimes and arrests, by offense,

location, and reporting agency, 1987,

annual rpt, S2850–1.3 Kansas crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location, agency, and victim-offender characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S2925-1.1 Kentucky arrests by county and offense, and

law enforcement employment, 1988,

annual rpt, S3150_1.2 Maine arrests of adults and juveniles, by offense, age, and sex, 1988, annual rpt,

$3475-1.2 Maryland crimes and arrests, by offense and locality, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S3665-1 Michigan crimes and arrests, by detailed

offense and location, with offender characteristics, 1988 annual rpt,

S3997-1.2 Minnesota crimes and arrests, by offense,

location, and offender characteristics,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S4230-1 Missouri crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with victim and offender characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S4560-2

see also Educational facilities see also Educational finance see also Educational materials see also Educational reform see also Educational research see also Educational technology see also Educational tests

Montana crimes and clearances, by offense and jurisdiction, 1988, annual rpt,

S4705-1 New Hampshire arrests, by offense and

offender age, sex, and race-ethnicity,

1988, annual rpt, S5250–2.2 New Jersey arrests by offense, age,

race-ethnicity, sex, and county, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S5430–1.2 New York State crimes and arrests by

offense and demographic characteristics, and court activity and corrections, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S5760–3 North Carolina arrests by detailed offense,

offender characteristics, and county,

1987-88, annual rpt, S5955–1.2 Oklahoma crimes and arrests, by offense,

with victim and offender characteristics,

1986-88, annual rpt, S6465-1.1 Oregon crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by county, local agency, and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S6603-3 Pennsylvania crimes and arrests, by offense,

local agency, and county, 1988, annual

rpt, S6860_1 South Carolina crimes and arrests, by

detailed offense, offender characteristics, and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S7205-1.2 Texas juvenile and adult arrests, by age, sex,

and offense, 1988, annual rpt, S7735–2.2 Utah crimes and arrests, by offense, county,

and local agency, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S7890–3 Vermont crimes by offense and location,

with victim-offender characteristics,

1986-88, annual rpt, 58095–2 Virginia arrests, by offense and offender age, sex, and race-ethnicity, 1988, annual rpt,

S8295–2.2 Washington State crimes and arrests, by

offense, with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S8440_1 Wisconsin crimes and arrests, by offense,

offender characteristics, county, and local agency, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8771-1 Wyoming adult and juvenile arrests, by

offense, county, and local jurisdiction,

1988, annual rpt, 58867-3.2 Emergency medical service Battered women identification in a hospital

emergency dept, impact of standardized

protocol, 1989 article, A2623–1,103 Hospital costs and utilization for emergency

services, by bed-size group, semimonthly

rpt quarterly feature, A1865–1.118 Hospital emergency dept visit frequency by

consumer income and age, 1989 survey

article, A1865-1.118 Hospital facility survey, with services,

utilization, personnel, and finances, by hospital type, size, and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A1865–4 Hospital heliports by State and selected

territory, 1987, annual rpt, A0250–2.3 Local govt methods for delivery of public safety services, by city and county, 1988,

A5800–4.10 Medicaid patient hospital emergency room

use, impact of access to alternative sources of primary care, 1982-85 studies, article, A2623-1.109

Public use of urgent care centers, by age and income, 1989 survey article,

State public health agency expenditures for

emergency medical services, by funding

source, FY87, annual rpt, R8835–3
State and local: Alabama public health dept activities and

programs, including finances, facilities, immunization, and communicable disease,

1988 annual rpt, S0175–3 Arizona health care providers, facilities, and

services, by county and community, 1987,

recurring rpt, U5880–1
California, Los Angeles emergency patients

unable to pay for care, with resulting
costs, by hospital type, Mar-Apr 1987,

article, A2623–1.106
DC ambulance trips by city ward of

emergency and hospital destination,

FY85-88, annual rpt, S1535–3.8
DC drug abuse reported by hospital

emergency rooms, by substance, 1984-87,

annual rpt, S1535-3.5 Florida health manpower by occupation and

health care facilities by type, by district

and county, 1987, annual rpt, S1745-5 Hawaii ambulances and emergency

responses, by island, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S2065–1.8 Hawaii, Honolulu beach attendance and emergency assistance, 1987-88, annual rpt,

S2090-1.7 Idaho emergency equipment responding to

traffic accidents, and ambulance response

time, 1988, annual rpt, S2315-1 Kentucky Medicaid recipients and

payments, by program, county, and type

of medical service, monthly rpt, S3140–5 Maryland medical assistance payments and

recipients, by program, type of service, location, demographic characteristics, and

facility, FY88, annual rpt, S3635–3 Texas health care data, including facilities

by type and local area, 1980s, U8850–3.3 Emergency shelters Catholic charity social service agency

activities, clients, finances, and personnel,

1987, annual rpt, A3810-1
Catholic shelters for homeless, abused, and

other persons in need, 1989 annual

almanac, C6885-1
Demand for emergency shelter in 27 cities,

1987/88, recurring rpt, A9330–9 Homeless shelter beds, and increase in

demand, for selected major cities,

1986-87, recurring rpt, R9700–1.3
Local govt methods for delivery of cultural,

recreational, and health services, by city

and county, 1988, A5800–4.12
State and local: Alabama public welfare and social service

cases, recipients, and payments by program and county, monthly rpt,

S0150-1 California public welfare cases, recipients,

and expenditures, by program and county,

monthly rpt, S0935-2 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.5 Kentucky homeless population

characteristics, and emergency food and

shelter services, 1988 rpt, S3162-1 Mississippi emergency shelters for children

and adults, FY88 annual rpt, S4410–1

Texas homeless population characteristics

and health care needs, by State region,

1988, S7695-2 Wyoming welfare and social service

recipients and expenditures, by program

and county, FY88, annual rpt, 58920–1 see also Homeless population Emergency vehicles see Traffic accidents and safety (for accident

data) Emigration

see Immigration and emigration

see Refugees Eminent domain

see Land ownership and rights Emissions

see Air pollution

see Motor vehicle exhaust Emmanuel, Christy B. “Limiting Exposure to Fraudulent Financial

Reporting”, A6400—2.109 Emond, Mark “Foreign Producers Target Downstream

Operations: What It Means to Oil

Industry", C4680–1.101 Gasoline Trends: Reformulation Challenges

Alternative Fuels”, C4680–1.112 Emphysema

see Respiratory diseases Employee benefits Advertising agency executive compensation,

including bonuses and perquisites, by billing size group, Jan 1989, annual survey

article, C2710-1.133
Asset rankings of top 1,000 employee

benefit funds, with profiles of top 200 and selected fund investment data, 1988,

annual feature, C2710–2.106 Association executives compensation, by

position, assn type, and census div, with personnel practices and benefit provisions,

1988, annual rpt, A2900–3 Auto aftermarket retail manager

compensation and benefits, with comparisons to other specialty stores,

1989 survey article, C2150-10.105 Auto corporate fleet policies on personal use

of company vehicles, by industry, US and Canada, 1989 survey, annual article,

A6755-1.103 Auto corporate fleet policies on personal use

of company vehicles, by industry, 1989

survey, annual article, C1575-2.110 Book publishing industry financial and

operating data, by publisher type and size, and subject category, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A3274-2 Book publishing salaries by detailed position, and benefits, 1989 annual survey,

C1852-2.120 Catholic secondary school teacher benefits,

by presence of bargaining representation,

1988 biennial rpt, A7375-5 Chambers of commerce income, salaries and

benefits, membership, staff, and

operations, 1989 annual rpt, A3840-3 Child care and work schedule benefits,

number of employers offering selected

types, 1987, recurring rpt, S7820_4 Child care-related benefits offered by small

businesses, 1988, C4687-1.105 Child day care issues, including parental

employment, care arrangements and costs, and govt assistance, public opinion by respondent characteristics, 1988/89 survey, B6240_4

Construction nonunion wages and benefit

levels, by craft and region, 1988, quarterly

feature, C5800–2.134 Convenience store employee characteristics,

and benefits by position, 1988, annual

survey rpt, A6735-1 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, for retail, insurance, industrial, and financial sectors, 1987, annual survey series, B5000–3,

B5000–7 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, 1988 survey,

annual rpt, B4490–2.26 Corporate boards of directors receiving

expenses and benefits by type, by company size and industry, 1988 survey,

biennial rpt, B9550-5 Corporate chief marketing officer

demographic and professional characteristics, attitudes, and compensation, 1988 survey rpt,

B4490-2.25 Corporate employee benefit plan compliance

with IRS Section 89 requirements, 1988

survey, C4687-1.106 Corporate employee transfers, and relocation

policies, assistance, and costs, 1988,

annual survey, B0600–1 Corporate new hire benefits for dual-career

couples and relocation, 1988/89, annual

survey, U3130-1 Corporate nontraditional employee benefits offered, 1988 annual survey rpt,

U3730-1 Dentists in private practice, with benefits

offered employees, 1987, annual survey

rpt, A1475-11.4 Department and specialty store financial and

operating ratios, by store sales size, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A8300–2 Engineer (civil) salaries and benefits, by

professional grade, employment category, and region, 1987, biennial survey,

A2940-1 Executive views on benefits considered

important when making career decisions,

1988 survey, C4687-1.104 Flexible employee benefit plans offered by

major employers, pre-1980 and 1981-89,

article, C2710-2.125 Food marketing mgmt personnel

compensation, by position, by company sales size and region, year ended Mar

1989, annual survey, A4950-6 Hard goods manufacturers and

representatives views on importance of selected labor issues, and unpaid medical and family leave policies, 1989 annual

Hospice personnel compensation, by

position, budget size, Medicare certification status, and region, Jan 1989,

annual rpt, A7976-1
Hospital (teaching) house staff benefits, by

region, affiliation, and bed size, 1988/89,

annual rpt, A3273-3
Hospital executive and manager salaries,

bonuses, and perquisites, by position, 1989

survey, annual article, A1865–1.121
Hospital facility survey, with services,

utilization, personnel, and finances, by
hospital type, size, and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A1865-4
Hospital industry operating profitability

indicators, by region and facility characteristics, 1984-87, annual rpt,

Hospital recruiting of nurses and allied

health personnel, with budget, vacancies, turnover, and compensation, 1989 and

trends, annual survey rpt, A6500–1 Investment and admin of pensions and

employee benefit plans, articles, monthly

rpt, C2425-1 Jewelry industry statistics on sales,

marketing, trade, and employment, with consumer characteristics, 1989 annual

almanac, C2150–7.109 Jewelry store employee compensation, by position, 1988 annual survey article,

Library/info science school faculty benefits

as percent of salary, by school,

1983/84-1987/88, annual rpt, A3235–1.1 Lodging industry financial and operating

data, by region, and establishment type

and size, 1987, annual rpt, B7100–2 Mass transit system energy use by source,

employee compensation, and labor costs,

1960s-88, recurring rpt, A2650–1.1 Meat packing industry financial and

operating ratios, by company type and

sales volume, 1987, annual rpt, A2100–2 Medical group financial and operating data,

including physician productivity, by practice characteristics, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6365-2 Medical group mgmt compensation, by

demographic and practice characteristi

1988, annual rpt, A6365-3 Mental health community agency

compensation of clinical and mgmt staff, by position, region, and urban-rural

location, 1989 biennial rpt, A7515-1
Municipal employee union/assn issues and

activities, by city size, census div, and form of govt, summer 1988 survey,

A5800–2.96 Municipal police, fire, and sanitation dept

employment, compensation, and expenditures, by census div and city size,

1988, annual rpt, A5800–2.93 Municipal police, fire, and sanitation dept

employment, compensation, and expenditures, by city, census div, and city

size, 1988, annual rpt, A5800–1.2 Office building detailed income and expense

data, and energy use, US and Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

A5600-2 Office employee benefits offered, by region,

type of employer, and employment size, 1988, annual rpt, A0175-5

Opinions of employees on most important

benefits, and directors views on future areas of growth, 1988 survey article,

Payments and employer cost/payroll ratios

for employee benefits, by industry and
detailed type of benefit, 1987, annual rpt,

A3840-1 Physician manager compensation and

benefits, by type of employer, 1986,

annual rpt, A0550-1 Plumbing, heating, and cooling equipment

wholesalers financial performance, by sales size and region, 1989, annual rpt,

A3025-1 Political science higher education dept

characteristics, including faculty, salaries, enrollment, and finances, 1987/88, annual

rpt, A2617-1
Private elementary and secondary school

housing assistance for staff, by position,

1989/90, annual rpt, A6835-1 Psychology grad dept chair and admin

salaries and benefits, for US and Canada,

1988/89, annual rpt, A2620-1 Pulp and paper industry salaries and

benefits, by employee and job characteristics, 1989 survey, annual

article, C3975–2.111 Railroad (Class I) financial condition,

operations, and employment, by company

and district, 1988, annual rpt, A3275-7 Railroad employment by occupation and

company, and productivity measures,

1978-87, annual rpt, A3275–8.2 Restaurant industry financial and operating

data, by type of establishment, urban-rural location, region, and sales size, 1988,

annual rpt, A8200–3 Restaurant/food service mgmt

compensation, characteristics, and views, including data by position, 1989 survey,

annual article, C1850–3.112 Senate staff, salaries, and benefits, by

position and length of service, 1988,

recurring rpt, R4140_3 Small/medium sized company executive

compensation, by industry and sales size,

1989 annual survey, C4687-1.111 State govt personnel office functions, staff,

and budget, and employee benefit program characteristics, by State, FY86,

A4375-11 Tax-deferred salary reduction 401(k) plan

investment options and mgmt firms used,

1988, article, C2710-2.121 Tax-deferred salary reduction 401(k) plan

investments preferred by employees, 1989

article, C8900-1.126 Telephone company free or reduced rate

service for employees, by State, 1987,

annual rpt, A7015-1 Telephone industry union contract

settlements, with selected benefits, by

company, 1989 feature, C4725-3.118 Temporary employment service industry

finances and operations, with data by location and leading firm, 1980s and

trends, B5450-8 TV station personnel and compensation, by position, and benefits, 1989, biennial rpt,

A6635-9 Veterinarian income and fringe benefits, by type of employment, 1987, article, A3100-2.112

survey rpt, A1800-1 Higher education chief executive officer

compensation, benefits, and employment conditions and policies, 1988, biennial

survey rpt, A3900-6 Higher education chief executive officer

salaries, benefits, and compensation policies, 1988/89, biennial feature,

C2175-1.115 Higher education faculty compensation and

employment, detailed data by rank, sex,

and instn, 1988/89, annual rpt, A0800-1 Higher education instn employee retirement

and insurance benefits, prevalence and expenditures, by type of instn and region, 1987, biennial survey, A9025–3

Page 9

Veterinary school grad employment, starting

salaries, benefits, and personal characteristics, by sex, 1988, annual

survey article, A3100-2.104
State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.2
Delaware school district expenditures for

operations, materials, and health and food

services, 1987/88, annual rpt, S1430–1.4 Indiana library employee vacation and other leave, by instn, 1988, annual rpt,

S2655-1 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3610-2.6 Oregon public school revenues by source

and fund, and expenditures by fund, function, and object, 1988/89, annual rpt,

S6590-1.18 Pennsylvania higher education faculty

employment, compensation, and tenure status, by sex and type of instn, 1988/89

and trends, annual rpt, S6790–5.10 Pennsylvania library personnel salaries,

benefits, and selected characteristics,

FY88, annual rpt, S6790–2 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 Tennessee public school finances, by county,

city, and school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, $7490–2.4 Virginia court caseloads, processing, and

dispositions, by type of court and case, with judicial dept personnel and finances, by location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8300_1 Washington State employee fringe benefit

costs summary, by firm size, May 1986,

annual rpt, 58340_4.1 Washington State public libraries, finances,

holdings, circulation, staff, and population served, by library system, 1988, annual

rpt, S8375-1
see also Disability benefits and insurance
see also Employee bonuses and work

see also Employee stock ownership plans
see also Health insurance
see also Health maintenance organizations
see also Pensions and pension funds
see also Railroad Retirement System
see also State retirement systems

see also Vacations and holidays Employee bonuses and work incentives Absenteeism control measures used by

employers, including incentives, 1989

feature, C1850–3.116, C4687-1.107 Advertising agency executive compensation,

including bonuses and perquisites, by billing size group, Jan 1989, annual survey

article, C2710–1.133 Association executives compensation, by

position, assn type, and census div, with personnel practices and benefit provisions,

1988, annual rpt, A2900_3 Auto aftermarket retail manager

compensation and benefits, with comparisons to other specialty stores,

1989 survey article, C2150-10.105
Auto parts/supplies aftermarket retailer

participation in employee sales contests
for racing promotions, 1985-89, annual
article, C3240-1.107

Bank salaries and bonus/incentive awards,

by position and instn asset size, Jan 1989,

annual rpt, A3425_4 Chemical industry use of incentives, with

comparison to other industry and detail
for 4 companies, 1989 article,

A1250–1.122 Coal industry personnel earnings and

employment history, US and Canada, by position, 1989 survey, article,

C5226–1.106 College grad new hire bonuses, employer

use, 1988 annual survey rpt, U3730-1 Corporate chief marketing officer

demographic and professional characteristics, attitudes, and compensation, 1988 survey rpt,

B4490-2.25 Corporate executive incentive compensation,

by position, 1988, biennial rpt, B2535-1 Drugstore cosmetician use, and employment

incentives, 1989 articles, C5150–2.122 Electric utility use of short-term incentive

compensation plans for executives, by

revenue size, 1987, article, C6985–6.102 Executive compensation and components,

by industry div and major manufacturing

group, 1987, annual rpt, R4105-19 Executive compensation for top executives

in 354 companies, by industry group, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

C5800-7.124 Executive compensation "golden parachute”

coverage prevalence among industrial companies, 1981-88, article,

C4160-1.106 Executive salaries and bonus levels, by type

of position, and corporate industry group, size, and region, 1987-88, annual rpt,

B9550_1 Food marketing mgmt personnel

compensation, by position, by company sales size and region, year ended Mar

1989, annual survey, A4950–6 Foundry (nonferrous) earnings of salaried

and hourly personnel, by position, 1989,

article, C7000-2.105 Franchise licensing company executive compensation, by position, 1988, article,

C5150–5.141 Higher education chief executive officer

compensation, benefits, and employment conditions and policies, 1988, biennial

survey rpt, A3900-6 Homebuilder executive salary and bonus by

position, and long-term income plans,

1988, annual article, C1850–8.106 Hospital executive and manager salaries,

bonuses, and perquisites, by position, 1989

survey, annual article, A1865–1.121 Incentive expenditures for salespeople and

dealers, and business gifts, 1987-88,

annual article, C2950–3.109 Incentive programs for consumers,

employees, and dealers, with expenditures by industry and incentive type, 1987-88,

annual feature, C1200_4.102 Incentive programs for consumers,

salespeople, and dealers, issues and devs,

monthly rpt, C1200-4 Incentive programs for dealers, uses and

costs, 1989 and trends, annual survey

article, C1200-4.103 Incentive programs for non-sales employees,

with objectives and types of awards used, 1989 survey article, C1200-4.105

Incentive travel programs for sales

personnel, mgmt, costs, and destinations,

1989 survey, annual article, C1200_4.108 Jewelry store employee compensation, by position, 1988 annual survey article,

C2150–7.101 Magazine circulation director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1988 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.102 Magazine compensation of ad sales

directors, managers, and other personnel, by region, sex, age, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey, annual

article, C4325-1.112 Magazine compensation of editorial mgmt,

editors, and art directors, by region, sex, and type of publication, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.108 Magazine production director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.110 Medical group mgmt compensation, by

demographic and practice characteristics,

1988, annual rpt, A6365–3 Mental health community agency

compensation of clinical and mgmt staff, by position, region, and urban-rural

location, 1989 biennial rpt, A7515-1 Office info processing personnel salaries,

bonuses, and hours, 39 positions, by region and industry, 1988 annual survey,

A3354-1 Physician manager compensation and

characteristics, including contract terms, with data by region, 1987, annual rpt,

A0550–1 Plastics processing industry employment and

compensation practices, by region, 1988,

annual survey, A8920–2 Plastics processing industry sales

representative compensation and allowance policies, 1988 survey, biennial

rpt, A8920–3 Public relations compensation, by employee

and company characteristics, Mar 1989

survey, annual article, A8770-1.106 Purchasing mgmt salaries and incentives, by position, 1988 survey, annual article,

Restaurant/food service mgmt

compensation, characteristics, and views, including data by position, 1989 survey,

annual article, C1850–3.112
Salary budget increases and structure, by

industry and region, and for Canada, 1988-89 and trends, annual survey rpt,

A1295-1 Sales industry costs, including compensation,

training, and travel and related expenses,
with data for US and Canadian metro areas, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

Sales worker incentive expenditures, for top

10 industries, 1988, article, C1200-1.108 Savings instn use of incentive plans for top

executives, 1986-88, article, 00175-1.150 Small company chief executive officer

compensation and stock holdings, for 200 firms with high 5-year returns on equity,

1988 annual article, C3950–1.101 Small/medium sized company executive

compensation, by industry and sales size, 1989 annual survey, C4687-1.111

TV station personnel and compensation, by position, and benefits, 1989, biennial rpt,

State and local: Utah teaching career incentive program

finances, 1987/88, annual rpt, $7815–1.1 Wisconsin State appropriations for teacher

incentives, by school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S8795–2 see also Employee stock ownership plans Employee development Auto aftermarket employee hiring and

training practices, and wages, 1988-89

surveys, article, C2150-10.111 Bank marketing expenditures and activities,

by asset size, service and expenditure type, and market size, 1988, annual rpt,

A3435-1 Computer-aided software engineering

(CASE) use and training time requirement by instruction method, 1989 article,

C1850–5.118 Computer operations of State govts,

including salaries by position, and training methods and costs, 1988, annual rpt,

A6520-1 Computer use in corporate depts other than

data processing, including equipment, budget, staff, and training, by company characteristics, 1988 survey rpt,

A2075-15 Correctional instn admin, inmates, facilities,

costs, parole and probation, and staffing, for local, State, and Federal systems, 1989

annual rpt, R4300–1 Elementary/secondary teacher involvement

in public school admin decisionmaking, by

State, 1987, R3810-2
Expenditures for employee training by

corporations and govt vs spending on

education, 1989 article, C4215-1.106 Food marketer employee training operations,

by position, and company sales and employment size group, 1987, annual rpt,

A4950-5 Hotel/restaurant employee remedial skills program use, summer 1989 survey, article,

C1850–3.117 Manufacturing employee education or

training problems in small firms, 1989

survey article, C7000-3.111 Quality mgmt training program use by

corporations, and consideration in performance appraisals, 1989 survey,

R4105–29.84 Retention rate of employees by time elapsed

since training, 1989 article, C1850-4.105 Sales industry costs, including compensation,

training, and travel and related expenses,
with data for US and Canadian metro areas, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

C1200-1.106 South Central region library employee

continuing education policies, 1989

article, C1852-1.110 Supermarket fish/seafood dept employee

Maryland correctional instn staff training

programs and participation, FY88 annual

rpt, S3665-5 Utah teacher training participation, and

principals academy activities, 1987/88

annual rpt, S7815-1 Wyoming penitentiary security and

nonsecurity staff training, FY88, annual

rpt, 58880-1 Employee-management relations in government see Labor-management relations in

government Employee stock ownership plans Chemical industry employee stock

ownership plans, including number of
shares and debt, for 5 companies, 1989

article, A1250-1.139
Corporate employee ownership, and

employment, for top 10 ESOP-owned

firms, 1988 article, C8900-1.103 Corporate employee ownership shares, and

ESOP characteristics, for 69 companies forming ESOPs Jan 1988-June 1989,

article, C2710-2.123
Corporate employee ownership shares under
ESOPs for 8 major firms, 1989 article,

Corporate employee stock ownership plans

(ESOPs), value and employment for 9 large firms, and total employees involved,

1989 article, C5800–7.117 Corporate employee stock ownership plans

(ESOPs), value for 9 large firms, 1989

article, C5800–7.126
Corporate financing of ESOPs, for top 25

firms, 1989, article, C2710–2.119 Corporate restricted stock plans for

executives, impact on financial

performance, 1989 article, C8900–1.121 Market value of shares owned in top 11 ESOPs formed in 1989, article,

Securities private placements related to

ESOPs, for top 15 underwriters, 1st half

1989, article, C2710–2.123 Employment and unemployment, general Agricultural scientists with PhDs, including

employment and salary patterns, by

subfield, 1970s-85, R6000–33 Black Americans socioeconomic status, with

comparisons to whites and data by region, various years 1970-88, annual

compilation, A8510-1.1 Black employment by wage level, marital

status, and sex, and unemployment rates by selected labor force characteristics,

1989 article, R5685-4.102 Black employment opportunities and

minority contract practices, 50 organizations rated as best employers,

1989 article, C4215-1.103 Black males with full-time jobs, 5 metro areas with highest and lowest rates, 1980,

C4215-1.102 Black-owned business employment, sales,

and other characteristics, in cities with black vs non-black mayors, 1982, article,

R5685-4.103 Black-owned enterprises financial and

operating data, for top 100 firms and auto
dealerships and for all financial instns,
1988 and trends, annual rpt, C4215-1.107

Black population demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics, with comparisons to whites, for 48 metro areas,

1979-80, R5685-14 Black vs white poverty rates, by work experience of householder, 1987, article,

Business executives expectations for coming

qtr, attitudes on 6 key indicators,

quarterly rpt, C3150_4 Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic

background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250_4 Chemist salaries and employment, by

employee characteristics, degree level, and industry, Mar 1989 and trends, annual

article, A1250–1.128 Chemistry and chemical engineering grad

starting salaries, employment status, demographic characteristics, and advanced study plans, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A1250-2 Child day care issues, including parental

employment, care arrangements and costs, and govt assistance, public opinion by respondent characteristics, 1988/89

survey, B6240-4 Civilian labor force, and employment in

selected industries, by region and State,

1950s-87, biennial rpt, A1410–2.1 College grad hiring plans and starting

salaries, by type of employer, field of study, and degree level, 1988/89, annual

survey, U3130–1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, by region,

interim rpt series, A3940-1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, series,

A3940_2 College grads in business and industry,

hiring plans, salaries, and selected personnel practices, 1989, annual survey

rpt, U3730-1 Competitiveness indicators related to

standard of living, trade, productivity, and investment, US vs other major industrial

countries, 1970-87, annual rpt, A4475-1 Competitiveness of US related to

technology, with data on foreign trade, employment, R&D, and education, 1988

rpt, R6000-34 Computer use in corporate depts other than

data processing, including equipment, budget, staff, and training, by company characteristics, 1988 survey rpt,

A2075-15 Consumer attitudes on economic conditions

and personal financial situation, monthly

survey, U7475-2 Consumer goods industries production,

operating, and marketing data, by product class, with purchaser characteristics, fact

file rpt series, C3400-1 Consumer market indicators, including

population characteristics, employment, and personal finances, 1988 annual fact

file rpt, C3400-1.118 Corporate employee ownership, and

employment, for top 10 firms owned by employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 1988 article, C8900-1.103

training, 1987, article, C8450-5.103 Training time for new employees, by method and company size, 1982,

C4687-1.110 State and local: Georgia corrections staff training programs,

FY83-87, annual rpt, S1872-1 Hawaii tax dept training programs, FY88,

annual rpt, S2120-1

Corporate employee stock ownership plans

(ESOPs), value and employment for 9 large firms, and total employees involved,

1989 article, C5800–7.117 Cyclical trends for recession/recovery

periods as measured by approx 65 economic indicators, quarterly rpt,

U1245-2 Defense-related and high-technology

employment, by industry group, with analysis by selected State, 1989 article,

R5650–2.113 Dinners involving food prepared in

restaurants and other establishments, consumer decisionmaking patterns by selected characteristics, 1988 survey,

A8200-8.11 Doctoral degree recipients, postdoctoral

study and/or employment plans, 1986/87

and trends, annual rpt, R6000_7 Economic conditions and change in

employment expected by consumers, Conference Board monthly survey,

R4105-4 Economic indicator trends and forecasts,

with detail for 22 selected States,

1980s-90s, annual rpt, B3520_1 Economic indicators trends and forecast,

including components of GNP, bimonthly

rpt recurring table, B5350–3 Economic outlook and performance, major

natl indicator 1-year trends and forecasts, Nov 1988-Jan 1989, monthly rpt,

Economic outlook for selected indicators,

recent trends and 2-year forecast,

bimonthly rpt, A3840-6 Economic outlook for US, 5-qtr forecasts

and trends, quarterly rpt, U7475–3 Employment in electrical equipment

industries and selected industry divs, by geographic area, 1988, annual article,

C5800–17.101 Engineers and engineering students from

foreign countries, presence in US industry and education, 1980s and trends,

R6000-32 Engineers and other scientists with

doctorates, employment by field and sex,

1987, article, A2700-1.106 Executives economic expectations for

coming year, May-June 1987 survey,

annual rpt, B2800–1 Export-related employment, for US and 10

leading States, 1986, article, S5425-1.105 Export-related manufacturing shipments and

employment, by State and industry, with State intl promotion budgets, 1986 or

1988, article, R5650–2.158 Forbes 500 top companies in sales, profits,

assets, market value, and productivity, with stock and employment data, 1988,

annual rpt, C3950–1.112
Forecasts for real estate industry and US

economy, and housing starts and sales

trends by region, monthly rpt, A7000-1 Forecasts for unemployment rate, 50 economists, 1988-89, annual feature,

C5800–7.107 Forecasts of economic indicators for approx

18 months, monthly rpt, U1880–3 Forecasts of GNP and unemployment by

7-8 forecasting authorities, by qtr for
coming year, monthly rpt, R4105-3

Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related

indicators, quarterly rpt, U1880-1 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components, employment, and financial sector activity, monthly rpt,

B4950_1 Foreign affiliates in US, employment by

industry div, 1987, article, B6200-2.104 Foreign investment in US, including data on impact on employment, 1988 article,

Foreign investments in US, by industry, and

foreign affiliate employment in top 10 States, 1986 or 1987, article,

R4105-68.111 Foreign investments in US, by industry and

major investor, and foreign affiliate
employment in top 10 States, 1985 or

1986, article, R4105-68.108
Fortune magazine ranking of top 50-100

companies in 8 nonindustrial sectors, with financial and employment data, 1988,

annual feature, C8900–1.115 Fortune 500 largest industrial corporations

employment, by company and industry,

1988, annual feature, C8900–1.112 Geoscientific employment and hiring plans,

by en oyer type, occupation, and activity, 1988 or 1989, annual rpt,

High-technology recruitment index for

scientists/engineers, recurring press

release, B2975–1 Hispanic population demographic

characteristics, including employment, 1989 and trends, recurring rpt,

B8545-1.1 Humanities doctorates demographic

characteristics, labor force status, and salaries, by degree field, 1987 biennial rpt,

R6000-6 Industrial R&D managers outlook on

expenditures, effort, personnel, and other mgmt issues, 1989, annual survey rpt,

A5510-1 Industrial site selection info including

economic and labor force data, for States, Puerto Rico, and Canadian Provinces,

1989 annual rpt, C8400–2 Japan manufacturing affiliates in US, with

employment and operating info, by

company, 1987, annual rpt, R5650_4 Jewish population marital, educational, and

occupational status in selected cities, with data by sex and age, 1970s-88, article,

A2050-1.1 Jobs in central cities by employee education

level, for 4 major cities, 1959, 1970, and

1985, A8012-1.8 Labor force shares by age group, and for

women, minorities, and food service

workers, 1986 and 2000, C5150–5.110 Labor force trends and characteristics,

1900-87, with projections to 2000,

recurring rpt, R9700–1.3 Labor market behavior, natl longitudinal

surveys, data users handbook and bibl,

1988, recurring rpt, U3780–2 Leveraged buyout transactions, with impact

on company sales, profit, interest expense, and employment, for 5 transactions, 1989

article, C8900-1.105 Manufacturing and total employment, by

State and census div, 1976, 1988-89, and 2000, article, C7000–3.114

Manufacturing employment and

unionization, by State, 1984-88, annual

rpt, B4000–1 Markets with daily newspapers,

demographic and economic info by geographic area, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C3250–1 Mathematics dept faculty, salaries,

enrollment, and degree recipient characteristics, US and Canada,

1987/88-1988/89 and trends, annual

survey, A2085-1 Metro and regional employment trends,

total and manufacturing, by region and for

approx 50 MSAs, quarterly rpt, B5190–1 Newspaper readership, for daily and Sunday

publications, by reader characteristics,

1988, annual rpt, A8600-5 Nonagricultural employment change for

metro areas with significant growth and decline rates, 1984-89, article,

A6450–2.106 Pacific Northwest US economic indicators

for 3 States, 1960s-88, annual feature,

U9120-1.103 Pacific Northwest US employment, earnings,

and hours, by industry and State, 1988

and trends, annual feature, U9120–1.102 Physics and astronomy bachelor degree

recipients postgraduation plans and demographic characteristics, 1987/88 and

trends, annual survey, A1960–3 Physics and astronomy grad student

characteristics, and post-degree employment by type of employer,

1986/87, annual survey, A1960_4 Physics and astronomy grads employment

status, by sex, age, subfield, citizenship, degree, and employer type, with salary

info, 1986/87, annual rpt, A1960–1 Physics professional society members

employment, salaries, and selected demographic characteristics, 1986 survey,

recurring rpt, A1960–5 Plains region and component States

economic growth indicators, 1960s-87,

article, U7860-1.109 Plant closings and worker dislocation,

analysis of causes and regional patterns in 3 industries, and factors affecting

reemployment, 1970s-80s, R9260-8 Privately held corporation sales and

employment, for 400 largest firms, 1988

annual article, C3950–1,103 Projected economic growth indicators, by

sector, 1950-2010, B6788-1.1
Projected job growth for top 10 towns,

1988-98, C4300-1.110
Projections and trends for output,

employment, labor productivity, and earnings, by economic sector and

industry, 1949-2010, B6788-1.3
Projections and trends for population,

employment, and income, by geographic area, 1970-2010, annual rpt, B6788-3.1,

B6788-3.2 Public opinion on expected unemployment

rate for mid-1989, Sept/Oct 1988 Gallup

Poll and trends, C4040-1.107
Public opinion on jobs, public service

activities, family life, and values, views of employed adults by selected characteristics, Oct 1988 survey, B8160–1

Public opinion on most important natl problem, 1988-89 Gallup Polls,

C4040-1.106, C4040-1.113 Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.2,

U6395-1.3 Purchasing managers report on business

conditions, monthly rpt, A6910-1 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data, 1988 compilation, C6775-1.6,

C6775-1.8, 06775-1.10 Scientist and engineer employment, US and foreign, 1989 annual feature,

A1250–1.134 Service industries economic devs, with

analysis of conditions and outlook, and comparisons to other industries, quarterly

rpt, A3892–1 Small business economic growth activity ratings, by State, 1989 annual feature,

C4687-1.112 Small business economic growth activity

ratings, for 50 top and selected other metro areas, 1989 annual article,

C4687-1.105 Small business impact on employment,

1969-86, article, C4687-1.103 Small business views on current and

expected economic conditions, survey

findings, quarterly rpt, A7813-1 Small companies with sales under $25

million, financial and operating data for
top 100 public firms, 1984-88, annual

survey, C4687-1.107
Small privately held companies sales,

employment, and other data for 500 fastest growing firms, 1983-87, annual

survey, C4687-1.102 State economic dev condition indicators,

including economic performance, business vitality, growth capacity, and govt policy,

by State, 1988 annual rpt, R4225–1.1 State education system devs, with summary

data on elementary/secondary and higher education, and population profiles, series,

R5500–2 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Travel economic impact of foreign visitors

to US, by State and census div, with data by industry sector, 1985/86, recurring rpt,

R9375-11 Travel impact on State economies, with detail by industry sector, 1987, annual rpt,

R9375–7 Trends in selected economic indicators and

Federal budget, 1920s-86, C2500-4.12 Unemployment and rates, and

unemployment insurance coverage, by

State, 1986, R3834-1.1 Unemployment rate in DC and selected

other central cities and MSAs, monthly

rpt, S1527-3 Unemployment rate in 27 cities, Oct 1988,

recurring rpt, A9330-9 Unemployment rates, by sex and State,

1988, S0320_1.106
Unemployment rates, with detail for youth
age 16-24, by State, 1959-87, annual rpt,

R3840–2.2 Urban economic and demographic trends,

with data on population, poverty, income, employment, and govt conditions, including detail by locality, 1950s-80s, R6000-35

State and local: Alabama business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U5680–1 Alabama economic trends and outlook,

1978-95, annual rpt, U5680–3 Alabama foreign investment by investing

country, and employment and wages at foreign-owned plants by industry group,

1989 article, U5680-1.104 Alaska, Anchorage household

characteristics, including financial status, employment, mobility, and home ownership, June 1987 and Oct 1988

surveys, U5780-1.19 Alaska employment, hours, and earnings, by area and/or industry, monthly rpt,

SO320-1 Alaska employment outlook by industry,

1987-90, annual feature, S0320–1.105 Alaska, Prince William Sound employment

and fishing industry indicators, 1980-88,

article, S0320-1.107 Alaska resident vs nonresident workers and

earnings, by industry and local area,

1986-87, article, S0320-1.107 Arizona economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, and business activity, by industry and locality,

1981-89, semiannual rpt, U5850–1 Arizona economic trends and forecast,

Maricopa County and Statewide, monthly rpt quarterly article, 00280–1.103, U0280–1.106, 00280–1.109,

U0280–1.112 Arizona employment and unemployment, by

county and industry, with production worker hours and earnings, monthly rpt,

S0465–1 Arizona employment growth, by industry,

1970s-87, article, U0280–1.110 Arizona labor force planning rpt, including

economically disadvantaged and population characteristics, by service delivery area, 1989/90 annual rpt,

Arizona outlook for unemployment,

1988-89, annual article, U0280-1.106 Arizona retail establishments, sales,

employment, and payroll, by location and kind of business, 1987, article,

U0280–1.109 Arizona service industry establishments,

receipts, payroll, and employment, by kind of business, 1987, article,

U0280_-1.111 Arizona wholesale establishments, sales,

employment, and payroll, by county and wholesaler type, 1987, article,

U0280–1.110 Arkansas business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U5930–1 Arkansas labor force, employment, and

unemployment, by MSA, county, and

labor area, 1980-88, annual rpt, S0720-1 Arkansas socioeconomic data, by MSA

and/or county, 1989 annual rpt,

U5935-1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.8, U5935–2.9, U5935–2.15, U5935–2.17,

U5935–2.19, U5935–2.20 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation, 1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840–3

California economic indicators, bimonthly

rpt, S0840–1 California employment statistics, by

demographic characteristics, industry,

MSA, and county, monthly rpt, S0830-1 California felon characteristics, including

employment status prior to

Dec 1982 and 1987, annual rpt, S0820-1 California labor force planning rpt, including

population characteristics, and employment by industry and occupation,

1989 annual rpt, S0830-2 California socioeconomic and govtl data for

municipalities, counties, and school

districts, 1989 annual rpt, C4712–3 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.3, S0840–2.5,

S0840–2.7, S0840–2.8, S0840-2.11 Colorado employment, unemployment,

hours, and earnings, with job service

activities, monthly rpt, S1040_4 Colorado labor force planning rpt, including

population, employment by industry, and job service activities, FY90 annual rpt,

S1040-3 Connecticut employment, hours, and

earnings, by MSA and industry, and selected economic indicators, monthly rpt,

S1235-1 Connecticut population, employment, and

unemployment, by demographic characteristics, 1988, annual feature,

S1235-1.102 DC employment, earnings, and hours, by

industry, with unemployment insurance

data, monthly rpt, S1527–3 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.3 Delaware data book, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1375–4 Delaware employment, earnings, hours, and

unemployment insurance, by locality
and/or major industry group, quarterly

rpt, S1405-2 Delaware employment projections, by county, 1985-2010, recurring rpt,

S1375–3 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360–1 Florida employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, monthly rpt, S1765–3 Florida female and total labor force and

employment status, by race-ethnicity, occupation, and industry div, with comparisons to total US, 1980-87,

recurring rpt, S1765-2 Florida foreign investors and employment, by country, 1989 article (in Spanish),

A8955-1.102 Florida prisoner employment status at arrest

and after release, by sex and race, FY88

annual rpt, $1720-1 Florida statistical abstract, general data, 1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.6, U6660-1.10, U6660-1.11, U6660–1.12, U6660-1.13, U6660-1.14, U6660-1.15, U6660–1.16, U6660–1.17, U6660–1.18, U6660–1.19, U6660–1.20, 06660-1.22,

U6660–1.24 Georgia affiliates of foreign companies, with

employment, by industry and foreign country, 1976-88, article, U6730–2.103 eorgia and Atlanta MSA forecast employment by industry group and income by source, quarterly rpt, U1880-2

Georgia business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6730–2 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750_1 Georgia employment, earnings, and hours,

by major industry group and MSA,

monthly rpt, S1905–1 Georgia high-technology firms and employment, biennially 1982-88, article,

C9488-1.103 Georgia regional employment and unemployment trends, 1980s, article, U6730-2.101, 06730–2.102,

U6730-2.103 Georgia socioeconomic data, 1988 annual

rpt, S1920–3.1, S1920–3.2, S1920–3.3 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730-1.3, U6730–1.5, U6730–1.6, U6730–1.7,

U6730–1.10, U6730–1.13 Hawaii counties socioeconomic, industrial,

and fiscal conditions, 1988-89 annual rpt

series, B3500_2 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, $2090–1.7, 52090-1.11, S2090-1.12, S2090-1.15, S2090-1.16, S2090–1.20, S2090-1.21, S2090-1.22,

S2090-1.23, S2090–1.24 Hawaii economic conditions, including

employment, population, tourism, construction, and defense activities,

quarterly rpt, S2090–2 Hawaii economic indicators, bimonthly rpt,

Hawaii population, jobs, income, and

visitors, by county, quinquennially

1985-2010, recurring rpt, S2090-4 Idaho and US economic trends and

forecasts, quarterly rpt, S2245-2 Idaho employment by industry, by county

and labor market area, monthly 1986-87,

annual rpt, $2230-2 Idaho labor force by employment status, by

county and labor market area, monthly

1985-88, annual rpt, S2230_1 Idaho labor force planning rpt, including

population, income, and characteristics of unemployment insurance claimants and job service applicants, FY90 annual rpt,

S2230-3 Illinois business activity indicators,

bimonthly rpt, U6910–1 Illinois, Chicago market area pocket guide,

general data, 1989 annual rpt, C2130-1.1 Illinois economic and business activity

indicators, including data by MSA and

industry, bimonthly rpt, S2405-2 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2
Indiana business conditions analysis for

selected local areas, per rpt semiannual feature, U2160_1.102,

U2160-1.104 Indiana labor force and unemployment, with

comparisons to total US, 1978-87, annual

rpt, S2570-1.1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data, 1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.4,

U2160-3.8, U2160-3.12, U2160_3.14 lowa labor force planning rpt, including

population, employment, and characteristics of job service applicants,

1989 annual rpt, S2784-2 Kansas business activity indicators, quarterly

Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.6,

U7095-2.13 Kentucky business activity indicators, with comparisons to US, quarterly rpt,

U7138-1 Kentucky economic statistics, general data,

1989 annual rpt, S3104-1 Kentucky economic trends including

income, earnings, and employment,

1980-88, annual rpt, U7138–2 Kentucky homeless population

characteristics, and emergency food and

shelter services, 1988 rpt, S3162-1 Kentucky labor force planning rpt, including

population and labor force characteristics, and employment by occupation and

industry, 1989 annual rpt, S3140-3 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138–3.1,

U7138-3.2 Louisiana employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry and labor market area,

monthly rpt, S3320–2 Louisiana labor force planning rpt, including

population, employment by industry and occupation, and characteristics of

unemployed, 1989 annual rpt, S3320-1 Maine employment, by SIC 2-digit industry and detailed occupation, triennial series,

S3465-1 Maine employment, unemployment, and

earnings, by industry group, MSA, and

labor area, monthly rpt, S3465–2 Maryland labor force, employment, earnings,

and hours, with data by industry and

location, monthly rpt, S3605–2 Maryland labor force planning rpt, including

employment, unemployment insurance, and job training and service activities,

discontinued annual rpt, S3616–2 Massachusetts employment, by SIC 2- and

3-digit industry and detailed occupation,

series, S3808-2 Massachusetts employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and local area, with unemployment insurance claims, monthly

rpt, S3808-1 Massachusetts municipal and county profiles, general data, 1988 annual rpt,

C4712-2 Michigan employment, hours, and earnings,

with detail by industry and local area,

monthly rpt, S3980-2 Michigan labor force planning rpt, including

employment by industry, and characteristics of Job Training Partnership Act eligible population, FY89 annual rpt,

S3980-1 Michigan, Oakland County economic

revitalization devs, including characteristics of local firms, and employment by industry, 1986 survey,

U7475-12 Minnesota economic profile, general data, 1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.2,

S4265-1.4, S4265-1.8, S4265-1.10 Minnesota employment by industry div,

1986-87, annual rpt, S4190–2.3 Minnesota employment, hours, earnings, and

characteristics of insured unemployed, by industry group and locality, quarterly rpt

and monthly supplements, S4205-1 Mississippi labor force planning rpt,

including population, employment, and characteristics of unemployed and disadvantaged, 1988 annual rpt, S4345-1

Mississippi statistical abstract, general data, 1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.4,

U3255-4.5, U3255-4.6 Missouri employment, earnings, and hours,

by industry, and employment security program statistics, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S4530–2.6 Missouri employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry and MSA, with unemployment insurance claims and

benefits, monthly rpt, S4530–3 Missouri manufacturing new jobs, 1978-87, and top 10 employers, 1987, annual rpt,

S4475-1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668-1 Montana employment and unemployment,

earnings, and hours, by location and/or

industry, quarterly rpt, S4710–1 Montana labor force planning rpt, including

population, and employment and job openings by industry and occupation,

1989-90 annual rpt, S4710–3 Nebraska business and economic activity

indicators, monthly rpt, U7860–1 Nebraska employment and unemployment,

by industry group and locality, and unemployment insurance claims, quarterly

rpt, S4895-2 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data, 1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.3,

S4855-1.6 Nevada business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U7920-1 Nevada employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry, and unemployment by

county, quarterly rpt, S5040_1 Nevada labor force, earnings, and

employment, by industry, with detail by county and for Las Vegas and Reno,

1980-89, annual rpt, S5040_4 Nevada retail establishments, sales, payroll,

and employment, by type of business, city, and county, 1982 and/or 1987,

article, 95040-1.104 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.6 New Hampshire employment, by SIC 2- and

3-digit industry and detailed occupation,

series, S5205-2 New Hampshire employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and area, monthly

rpt, S5205-1 New Jersey economic indicators, including

employment, building permits, and retail

trade, monthly rpt, S5425-1 New Jersey labor force, by age, sex, and

race, 1980 and quinquennially 1990-2010,

recurring rpt, S5425-5 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.2, S5362-1.3, $5362-1.4, S5362–1.5,

S5362-1.6 New Mexico business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U7980–1 New Mexico employment, hours, and

earnings, by labor market area and

industry, monthly rpt, S5624-2 New Mexico labor force planning rpt,

including population, employment by industry and occupation, and job applicants and openings, 1980-88, annual

rpt, S5624-1 New York State business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, S5735-2

Page 10

Florida motion picture productions, with

employment, 1988, article, C9380-1.115 Georgia health facility employment, for 3

types of facilities, by occupation, 1986

and 1995, article, U6730–2.101 Kentucky mining dept programs and

activities, with data on industry operations, fatalities, and personnel, by county, mine, and company, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S3175-1 Louisiana energy indicators, quarterly rpt,

U2730–1 Nevada casino finances and employment, by

location and gaming revenue range, FY88,

annual rpt, S5062-1 Nevada gold mining and milling operations,

with employment, by operator, 1989

feature, C5226–2.102 New Jersey casino revenues and operations

for 12 facilities, with State regulatory activities, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S5360-1 North Carolina bank employment and assets, by instn, Dec 1988, annual rpt,

S5895-1 North Carolina public utility financial,

operating, and regulatory data, by utility type and company, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6020-1 Pennsylvania nursery and landscaping

industry establishments, finances, and operating data, 1987, annual rpt,

S6760-1 Tennessee industrial loan/thrift company

employment, 1987, annual rpt, S7507-1 Utah high-technology company employment

and sales in 1987, and start-up
characteristics, for 10 companies founded

1979-85, article, U8960–2.106
see also Agricultural labor
see also Federal employees
see also Government employees
see also Health occupations
see also Payroll
see also State and local employees
see also under By Industry in the “Index by

see also under By Occupation in the “Index

by Categories” Employment services Catholic charity social service agency

activities, clients, finances, and personnel,

1987, annual rpt, A3810-1 Corporate executive placement company

revenues, consultants, and searches
conducted, 10 leading firms, 1988, article,

C5800–7.112 Dislocated worker projects under Job

Training Partnership Act, participant characteristics, services, and outcomes, 9

case studies, 1984, R9260_7
Executive placement company fee income in

and outside US, and offices, for top 4

firms, 1989 article, C3950–1.117 Executive placement company revenues,

offices, and consultants, for 10 leading

firms, 1989 article, C8900–1.124 Temporary employment service industry

finances and operations, with data by location and leading firm, 1980s and

trends, B5450-8
State and local: Alabama State job service applications and

nonfarm placements, monthly business activity rpt, U5680-1

California statistical abstract, general data, Rhode Island labor force planning rpt, 1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.3

including population, employment by Colorado employment, unemployment,

industry, job openings, and characteristics hours, and earnings, with job service

of insured unemployed, 1989 annual rpt, activities, monthly rpt, S1040_4

S6980-3 Colorado job service activities, with

South Carolina labor force planning rpt, characteristics of participants, FY90

detailed data on employment, hours, annual planning rpt, S1040–3.2

wages, turnover, and characteristics of job Florida employment service activities,

service applicants, 1988 annual rpt, monthly rpt, S1765-3

S7155-3.2 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

South Dakota job service applicants, 1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.13

placements, and openings, monthly rpt, Idaho job service applicant characteristics,

$7355-1 1988, annual planning rpt, S2230—3.2 Iowa labor force planning rpt, including

Tennessee employment service applicant

characteristics, FY88, annual planning rpt, population, employment, and

S7495-4 characteristics of job service applicants, 1989 annual rpt, S2784-2

Utah employment, hours, and earnings, by Louisiana job service openings and

industry, and job service activities, applicants, and characteristics of Job

monthly rpt, S7820–3 Training Partnership Act target population

Vermont labor force by employment status, and insured unemployed, 1989 annual

and job service openings and applicant planning rpt, S3320–1.2

characteristics, 1989 annual planning rpt, Maine employment services program

S8025-2.2 participation of welfare recipients, FY88, Virginia employment services program annual rpt, S3450–2

caseload of social services dept, by county Minnesota job service openings and

and city, quarterly rpt, S8293–2 applicants, by occupation, quarterly rpt West Virginia employment, unemployment, and monthly supplements, S4205-1

hours, and earnings, with job service Minnesota work readiness program

activities, quarterly rpt, S8545_4 registrants and payments, CY88,

West Virginia labor force planning rpt, semiannual rpt, S4202-1

including population, employment, and job Mississippi job service applicants and

service activities, with data by county and placement activity, 1987, annual planning

service delivery area, FY90 annual rpt, rpt, S4345-1.3

S8545-2 Missouri employment, earnings, and hours,

Wyoming employment by industry group by industry, and employment security

and county, with unemployment insurance program statistics, FY88 and trends,

and job service activities, monthly rpt, annual rpt, S4530–2.6

S8895-1 Missouri, St Louis job service openings received and filled, by occupation,

Encephalitis monthly rpt, S4530–3

see Infective and parasitic diseases New Hampshire job service activities,

Endangered species including applicant characteristics and job

Animal species threatened, by major taxa, openings, monthly rpt, $5205-1

for 146 countries, 1980s, biennial rpt, New Mexico job service applicants and

R9455-1.6 openings, by leading occupation, July-Dec Environmental quality indicators, including 1988, annual planning rpt, S5624-1

water and air pollution, hazardous waste, New York State AFDC and home relief

and wildlife habitats, 1980s and trends, recipients participating in employment

recurring rpt, R9700–1.4 service programs, by program, 1987,

Marine mammal populations before and annual rpt, S5800–2.1

after commercial exploitation, for North Carolina employment, hours, and

cetacean, pinniped, and sirenian species, earnings, by industry group, with job

1988-89 biennial rpt, R9455-1.3 placements, monthly rpt, S5925–5

Plant species known and threatened, for 146 North Carolina public welfare programs,

countries, 1988, biennial rpt, R9455-1.6 cases, recipients, staff, and finances, by

Rhino horn retail prices in selected Asian county, FY88, semiannual rpt, S5940–2

markets, 1979-86, biennial rpt, North Dakota job service openings received

R9455-1.2 and filled, by industry and occupation,

State and local: FY87-88, annual planning rpt, S6140–2

Hawaii endangered, threatened, and extinct Ohio job service program applicants,

fauna and flora, Nov 1986, annual rpt, referrals, and openings, by MSA, monthly

S2090-1.5 rpt, S6270-1

Endicott, Frank S. Oregon job service applicant characteristics,

“Northwestern Lindquist-Endicott Report, FY88, biennial rpt, S6615-9.1

1989: A National Survey of 242 Oregon public welfare caseloads, recipients,

Well-Known Business and Industrial and expenditures, by program, city,

Organizations", U3730–1 county, and State region, monthly rpt,

Endicott, R. Craig S6615-8

"American Stores Paces Ad Productivity”, Pennsylvania job applicants and openings,

by sex and/or occupation, FY88, annual

“Y&R Maintains Its Lead", C2710-1.121 planning rpt, S6845-3.3 Rhode Island job service activities, Oct

Endocrine diseases

see Metabolic and endocrine diseases 1988-May 1989, monthly rpt, S6980–1

Page 11

Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.2 Louisiana energy indicators, quarterly rpt,

U2730-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.10 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.6 Nevada oil well footage drilled, by geologic period, cumulative to 1987, article,

C6985-1.117 New Mexico oil and gas well completions,

and total footage drilled, monthly business

activity rpt, U7980–1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.5 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035-1.9 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790–1.4 see also Oil and gas leases Energy exports and imports Canada exports of electricity to US, by

Province, 1987-88, article, C6985–6.105 Electric power and other energy source imports and exports, 1960s-87, annual rpt,

A4700_1 Imports (net) by energy type, and total

exports, 1984-88, annual rpt, A7400–5.1 Italy electric power authority operations,

including trade with neighboring

countries, 1987, article, C5800–8.102 Japan energy supply-demand, by fuel source,

1980-89, annual article, R5650–2.165 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 updates, C2400–2 Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook for

1989, C2400-1 see also Coal exports and imports see also Natural gas exports and imports see also Petroleum exports and imports Energy prices Appalachia prices paid by farmers for fuels,

quarterly 1987, annual rpt, 58510-1 Cost-of-living indexes and retail prices for

selected consumer items in approx 250

cities, quarterly rpt, A1225-1 Electric power (steam) plant operating data,

including oil, gas, and coal use and costs, by plant, utility, and location, 1987,

annual rpt, A7400_7 Fossil fuel prices at steam-electric utility plants, by fuel type, 1974-87, annual rpt,

C6985-5.1 Fossil fuel prices, by type, 1949-87, annual

compilation, C6985-9.3 Higher education physical plant operations,

costs, employment, salaries, and energy use, by instn, 1987/88, recurring rpt,

A3360-2 Home heating prices and conversions to

natural gas, by fuel type, utility, State, and

census div, 1986-87 annual rpt, A1775-4 Industrial commodities price increases for

approx 30 leading items, 2-3 year forecast, monthly rpt quarterly article, C4670–1.102, 04670–1.105, 04670-1.108

Manufacturing business climate factors,

rankings of States and 8 regions, 1988,

annual rpt, B4000–1 Purchasing of industrial commodities, with

managers outlook and data on price and
other marketing trends for leading

commodities, monthly rpt, C4670–1 Railroad (Class I) financial condition,

operations, and employment, by company

and district, 1988, annual rpt, A3275–7
Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 updates, C2400–2
Supply-demand and price data for energy

resources, including by country and
producing State, commodity yearbook for

1989, C2400-1
Uranium marketing, terms of transactions

for major selling-buying countries or areas, and price index and earnings data in allied

industries, monthly rpt, B6800–1 Uranium supply-demand and prices

worldwide, and nuclear power industry devs, with data by country and company,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, B6800–2
State and local: Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.12 Florida public utility regulatory and

operating data, by company and utility type, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S1790–1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660_1.24
Georgia prices paid by farmers for selected

items, 1983-87, annual rpt, S1855-1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.7
Iowa prices paid by farmers for selected items, 1977 and 1987-88, annual rpt,

Michigan prices paid by farmers for selected commodities, 1984-88, annual rpt,

S3950-1 Minnesota gas and electric utilities average

residential bill, and customer energy use

and costs, 1987, biennial rpt, S4235-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.7 North Carolina public utility financial,

operating, and regulatory data, by utility type and company, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6020–1
Virginia prices paid by farmers for selected

fuels, 1984-88, annual rpt, 58160–1 Washington State fuel prices paid by farmers, monthly 1983-87, annual rpt,

see also Coal prices
see also Electric power prices
see also Gasoline
see also Natural gas prices

see also Petroleum prices Energy production costs

Electric power plant production costs by

plant type, with data for 10 low- and high-cost plants, 1987 and trends, article,

C6985-6.105 Electric utility cost of capital with and

without purchased-power commitments to independent power producers, 1989

article, C5800–28.112 Methane coalbed resources by basin, and

recovery costs and production under existing vs advanced technology, 1989 articles, C6985-1.149

Natural gas drilling activity, results, and

costs, inland and offshore, by State,

1960s-87, annual rpt, A1775–3.2 Natural gas pipeline transmission costs by

item, and pipeline mileage, 1985-86,

annual rpt, C6985–3.5 Offshore oil and gas wells, costs, reserves,

and production, by country and world area, 1985-90, annual article,

Oil and gas deep well drilling, success ratios,

and costs, by State and for offshore, 1987-88 and trends, annual article,

C3242-2.101 Oil and gas drilling activity and costs, by

location and type of well, 1986-87, annual

article, C6985-1.102 Oil and gas drilling activity, and refinery

operations including production and construction cost indexes, by country and US State, 1980s and trends, annual

compilation, C6985-9.1 Oil and gas drilling costs, and

exploration/dev expenditures, 1969-88,

annual rpt, A5425-2
Oil and gas industry expenditures for

exploration, dev, and production, 1987

and trends, annual survey rpt, A2575-20 Oil and gas industry exploration, production,

refining, demand, finance, prices, and reserves, by State and country or world area, 1980s and trends, periodic basic data

book, A2575-14.2 Oil and gas well completions, drilling costs

vs revenues, and rig activity, 1970s-93,

annual rpt, C6985-5.2 Oil drilling costs, by State, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A5425-1 Oil finding/dev costs, and production

activity, by country or world area, 1987,

article, C6985–1.137 Oil refinery construction, operating, and

materials costs, Nelson-Farrar Cost Indexes, Aug 1988 and trends, annual

compilation, C6985-4.2 Oil refinery construction, operating, and

materials costs, Nelson-Farrar Cost Indexes, weekly rpt monthly and quarterly

tables, C6985-1 Oil refinery operating cost indexes, 1956-88,

periodic basic data book, A2575-14.4 Oil/gas deep well drilling, success ratios,

and costs, by world area or country,

1986-88, annual article, C3242-2.102 UK offshore oil and gas capital and operating expenditures, 1989-2000, article,

C6985-1.148 Utility cost containment program use and

effectiveness, for electric and gas companies, 1989 survey article,

C5800–28.109 Energy projections Asia-Pacific region oil supply-demand, with

imports from Persian Gulf and other sources, quinquennially 1980-2000, article,

C6985-1.138 Auto corporate fuel economy (CAFE)

ratings as projected by 9 organizations or govt agencies, 1995-2000, article,

C2700-1.126 Auto corporate fuel economy (CAFE)

ratings, impact of selected changes in auto design and efficiency, 1995, article, C2700–1.127

Page 12

Hawaï tax collections and allocations, by

type, for State and counties, FY87-88 and

trends, annual rpt, S2120-1 Idaho tax statistics, including collections,

and data by county and city, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S2295–1 Illinois financial condition, including

revenues by source, and expenditures by object, function, and agency, FY88,

annual rpt, S2415-1 Indiana financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances, by

agency, FY88, annual rpt, S2570–1.2 Kansas financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S2900–1 Louisiana tax revenues by tax type,

including sales and severance taxes by
commodity and/or parish, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3365-1 Maine financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S3450-1 Maryland financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S3685–2 Michigan financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3985–2 Minnesota financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4180–1 Mississippi tax collections by type, and

disbursements, with selected sales and income tax data by locality and industry,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4435-1 Missouri financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by dept, and tax distribution to local areas, FY88,

annual rpt, S4570–1 Missouri school revenues from special sales

and excise taxes, by county and district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S4505-1 Montana revenue collections by tax type,

and taxable establishments, production, and income, FY84-88, biennial rpt,

S4750_1.1 Nebraska financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4825-1 Nebraska revenues from licenses, fees, and miscellaneous taxes, 1987, annual rpt,

S4950_1.3 Nevada liquor, cigarette, and fuel tax

collections, quarterly rpt, U7920–1 New Hampshire financial condition, with

revenues by source, expenditures by function or object, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S5175–1 New Jersey tax revenues by type,

distributions, and property valuations and exemptions, with data by locality, FY88

and trends, annual rpt, S5455–2 New Mexico financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by agency and function, fund balances, and bonded debt, FY88, annual rpt, S5585–1

New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.10 New York State tax collections by type,

FY79-89, annual rpt, S5710-1 North Carolina financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S5897-1 Ohio tax revenues and collections, by tax

type, with distributions and property assessments by county, and corporate taxes by industry, FY87 annual rpt,

S6390–1 Oklahoma tax revenues by source, and

distribution to local govts and State agencies and funds, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6495–1 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 South Carolina county govt finances,

including property value and tax assessments, by county, FY88, annual rpt,

South Carolina tax distributions to cities and counties, by tax type, FY88, annual rpt,

S7255-1.4 South Dakota tax revenues by source, aid

distributed to local areas, and property tax

valuations, FY88 annual rpt, S7380–1.1 Tennessee tax revenues by source and

apportionments to counties, cities, and funds, FY87-88 and trends, biennial rpt,

S7570–1 Texas financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function and
dept, and investments, with data for over 300 individual funds, FY88, annual rpt,

S7655-2 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.4 Utah tax revenues by source, and

distribution to localities and State funds,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S7905–1 Virginia tax revenues by type, including

sales tax data by county and independent city, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S8305-1.2 Washington State revenues by source, and

distributions by tax and locality, FY88

and trends, annual rpt, 58415–1.1 Wyoming financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and trends, annual State auditor's rpt,

see also Fuel tax
see also Sales tax
see also Tolls
see also User fees

see also Windfall profit tax Executions

see Capital punishment Executive agreements Number of treaties and executive

agreements approved by the US,

1789-1986, C2500-4.7 Executive clemency

see Pardons Executive-congressional relations

see Congressional-executive relations

Executive departments

see Federal executive departments Executive impoundment of appropriated funds Budget rescissions and deferrals proposed

and accepted under past 3 presidential

admins, 1975-88, article, R9050–3.101 Executive Office of the President Structure and operations of Fed Govt and

Executive branch, with data on characteristics of each President and

Reagan Admin, 1988 rpt, C2500_4.7 Executive stock options

see Employee stock ownership plans Executives and managers Advertising agency personnel compensation,

by position and billing size group, Jan

1989, annual survey article, C2710–1.133 Aerospace/defense industry executive

educational backgrounds, 1988 survey,

article, C5800_4.104 Association executives compensation, by

position, assn type, and census div, with personnel practices and benefit provisions,

1988, annual rpt, A2900–3 Auto aftermarket retail manager

compensation and benefits, with comparisons to other specialty stores,

1989 survey article, C2150-10.105 Auto dealer service dept operations and

profit outlook, and manager characteristics, 1989 survey and trends,

annual article, C2700-1.139 Auto executive compensation at General

Motors and Ford, and executive salary increases compared to autoworkers, 1989

article, C2700–1.124 Auto fleet manager job responsibilities and

salaries, 1989 article, C1575-2.106 Auto parts wholesale executive compensation, 1988, annual rpt,

C4740–1.1 Bank (master trust/custodial) operating data,

including account supervisors, by US and Canadian instn, 1989 annual directory,

C2710–2.122 Bank commercial loan officer perceptions of supervisor failings, 1989 survey article,

Bank compensation of top 2 executives in

80 leading instns, 1986-87, annual

compilation, 20175-4.1 Bank employees salaries, by detailed

position, instn asset size, and census div,

Jan 1989, annual rpt, A3425-4 Bank executive compensation, with 35

highest-paid executives, 1987-88, article,

C0175-1.129 Banking industry mgmt salaries, by position,

1989 article, C0175-1.126 Banking industry performance and

relationship with business, views of corporate executives, Jan-Feb 1989

survey, annual rpt, 20175-5 Black employment opportunities and

minority contract practices, 50 organizations rated as best employers,

1989 article, C4215-1.103 Business meetings, executive views on

unproductive time spent, by managerial

area, 1989 survey article, C7000–3.112 Chambers of commerce income, salaries and

benefits, membership, staff, and

operations, 1989 annual rpt, A3840–3 Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250-4

Page 13

China corporate manager professional and

personal characteristics, with comparisons to US and Asian managers, 1987 survey,

07455-5 Clothing industry employment and earnings

of plant workers and supervisors, by region, 1989 and trends, annual rpt,

A0600–2 Communication with employees in major

corporations, including goals, media used, and staffing, by industry sector, 1987/88

survey, R4105–70 Compensation (incentive) for corporate executives, by position, 1988, biennial rpt,

Compensation for top executives in 354

companies, by industry group, 1988 and

trends, annual survey, C5800–7.124 Compensation for 25 executive positions, by

company revenue size and selected

industry, 1988-89, article, C4160–1.108 Compensation “golden parachute” coverage

prevalence among top executives of industrial companies, 1981-88, article,

C4160-1.106 Compensation of chief executives in US and

10 other countries, 1989 article,

C4160–1.102 Compensation of chief executives in 800

corporations, with sales and profit data,

1988, annual article, C3950_1.114 Compensation of chief financial and

executive officers at 54 major industrial and financial corporations, 1989 article,

C2710_2.112 Compensation of corporate chief executives

compared to company performance, for 161 executives, 1988, article,

Compensation of top executives, with

comparisons to company sales and to
average worker income, for 50 leading

firms, 1988, annual article, C7000–3.109 Compensation of top 5 executive positions,

by industry div and major manufacturing

group, 1987, annual rpt, R4105-19 Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

implementation and importance, views of manufacturing executives, 1989 survey,

article, C7000_3.115 Construction industry executive

compensation, for 164 officers at 34 companies, with comparisons to sales and profits, 1987, annual article,

Convenience store chain top executive

salaries and stock ownership, for 8

companies, 1988, annual rpt, C8115-1.1 Corporate audit committee organization and

functions, with data by company size and

type, 1987/88 survey, R4105-69 Corporate chief executive characteristics,

compensation, stock holdings, and company finances, for officers of top 1,000 firms, 1989 annual feature,

C5800–7.150 Corporate chief executive characteristics, for CEOs of top 1,000 firms, errata,

C5800–7.105 Corporate chief executive compensation and

company performance, for leading firm in 4 industries in US, Japan, and Europe,

1987, article, C8900-1.101 Corporate chief executive officer views on

business, economy, politics, and mgmt, 1988 survey, annual article, C4160–1.102

Corporate chief executive opinions and

outlook for general economy and conditions in own industry, quarterly

survey, R4105–37 Corporate chief executive outlook for the

economy, and views on govt economic strategy, Aug 1989 survey, article,

Corporate chief executive ratings of top

factors contributing to personal health, fall

1986 survey, article, C7000-3.108 Corporate chief executive traits and skills

seen as important by executives for current and future CEOs, with US vs foreign views, 1989 survey article,

C8900–1.114 Corporate chief executive views on

affirmative action policies, programs, and effectiveness, Feb 1989 survey, article,

C8900–1.110 Corporate chief executive views on

compensation practices, Apr-May 1989

survey, article, C8900–1.115 Corporate chief executive views on Federal

appointments and pay, July 1989 survey,

article, C8900–1.120 Corporate chief executive views on foreign

trade and competition, Mar 1989 survey,

article, C8900–1.112 Corporate chief executive views on 1988

election outcome impact on business, Oct

1988 survey, article, C8900–1.102 Corporate chief executives of top 100

industrial companies, distribution by age and length of service, 1989 article,

C4160–1.107 Corporate chief financial officer

characteristics, for top 200 firms, 1989

feature, C5800–7.150 Corporate community relations personnel

and salaries, by mgmt position, sex, and minority status, 1988 survey, annual rpt,

U0465-1 Corporate employee health benefit cost

containment strategies, executive views,

Jan 1989 survey, article, C8900-1.109 Corporate executive views on business and

economic conditions and outlook, Oct

1988 survey, C5800–7.101 Corporate executive views on Federal deficit

reduction strategies and spending for selected programs, Dec 1988 survey,

article, C8900-1.106 Corporate govt relations programs and

staffing, by company size and selected

industry category, 1988 rpt, R4105-64 Corporate hostile takeovers and business

sector performance, attitudes of general public and executives, Dec 1986/Jan 1987

survey, U8043-1 Corporate monitoring of competitors

activities, executive views on importance, techniques, and use of info, 1988 survey

rpt, R4105-67 Corporate performance ratings by executives

for 305 leading companies in 32 industries, 1988 survey, annual article,

C8900–1.107 Corporate US chief executive views on

China and Soviet business markets outlook, with impact of recent political unrest, May-June 1989 survey, article,

C8900-1.117 Corporate vice-president professional and

personal characteristics, and business attitudes, 1979 and 1985 surveys, B5000–4

Drug abuse in the workplace, executive and

employee views on problems and mgmt policies, 1989 survey article,

U5930–1.104 Electric utility executive compensation

levels, and use of short-term incentive

plans, 1987, article, C6985-6.102 Electronics industry compensation of top

100 executives, 1988, annual article,

C1850–2.122 Employee benefits considered important by

executives when making career decisions,

1988 survey, C4687–1.104 Engineer (professional) compensation, by

work and employee characteristics, and region and metro area, 1988, annual rpt,

Engineers salaries for supervisors and

nonsupervisors, by industry group, census div, and years since college degree, 1988,

annual survey rpt, A0685-5 Engineers salaries for supervisors and

nonsupervisors, by industry group, census div, degree level, and years since college degree, 1988, annual survey rpt,

A0685-3 Financial officers in multinatl corporations,

time allocation by function, 1989 survey

article, C2710-2.112 Food marketer employee training operations,

by position, and company sales and employment size group, 1987, annual rpt,

A4950-5 Food marketing mgmt personnel

compensation, by position, by company sales size and region, year ended Mar

1989, annual survey, A4950–6 Food service industry managerial salaries

and hourly wages, by position, 1988 or

1989, articles, C5150–5.107 Food service manager characteristics, and

views on job changes, by industry segment, 1989 survey article,

C5150–5.118 Food/beverage manufacturers mgmt salaries

by selected company and employee characteristics, 1988 survey, annual

article, C2150-6.102 Franchise licensing company executive compensation, by position, 1988, article,

C5150–5.141 Health insurance coverage of expensive new

treatments, views of public, physicians, nurses, employers, officials, and union

leaders, 1987 survey, B4420–1 Higher education chief executive officer

compensation, benefits, and employment conditions and policies, 1988, biennial

survey rpt, A3900-6 Higher education chief executive officer

salaries, benefits, and compensation policies, 1988/89, biennial feature,

C2175-1.115 Home center industry executive views on

seeking new job, including factors considered important and steps taken,

1989 survey article, C5150-6.119 Homebuilder executive compensation and demand, by position, 1988, annual article,

C1850-8.106 Hospital chief executive and financial officer

satisfaction with materials mgmt functions, 1989 survey, article, A1865-1.117

Hospital chief executive outlook for financial

stability, hiring, and inflation, 1989

survey, article, A1865–1.118
Hospital chief executive use of personal computers, 1989 survey, article,

Hospital chief executive views on budgeting,

including outlook for revenue and expense
items, and control measures, 1989

surveys, article, A1865-1.115
Hospital chief executive views on cardiology

procedures and recruitment of cardiologists, 1989 survey, article,

Hospital chief executive views on compensation, 1989 survey article,

Hospital chief executive views on employee

retention and quality of health care mgmt,

1989 survey, article, A1865–1.112 Hospital chief executive views on factors

important to high-quality care provision,

1989 survey, article, A1865–1.107 Hospital chief executive views on governing

board operations and responsibilities, 1989

survey, article, A1865-1.111 Hospital chief executive views on job-related

stress, with detail by age and instn type,

1989 survey, article, A1865–1.122 Hospital chief executive views on natl health

insurance, mandatory insurance provision by employers, and Medicaid funding,

1989 survey, article, A1865-1.110 Hospital chief executive views on new medical technology, 1989 survey, article,

Hospital chief executive views on response

to financial difficulties, and reserves, 1989

survey, article, A1865-1.116
Hospital chief executive views on service

cutbacks, divestiture, and
merger/acquisition impact, 1989 survey

article, A1865–1.123
Hospital chief executives time spent on

community relations and crisis mgmt,

1988 survey, article, A1865–1.109 Hospital executive and manager salaries,

bonuses, and perquisites, by position, 1989

survey, annual article, A1865–1.121 Hospital executive compensation in single

facilities and multifacility systems, by position, 1985 and 1989, annual article,

Hospital executive views on relations with

physicians and medical staff, by region,

1988-89 surveys, article, A1865–1.108 Hospital info system officer salaries, by

budget size and bed-size group, 1989

article, A1865-1.120 Housing construction company chief

executive characteristics, 1988, annual

feature, C4300-1.105 Industrial distribution executives job and

dept characteristics, compensation, and industry outlook, 1988 annual survey

article, C2150-1.101 Industrial managers experience with moving

to new employers, and reactions to job changing, 1989 survey article,

C7000–3.103 Industrial managers views on company loyalty and reward, 1989 survey article,

C7000–3.108 Infant mortality reduction in developing

countries, views of US community leaders, 1986 survey, R8825-4.2

Insurance administrator mgmt skills seen as

important by industry executives, 1977

and 1987 surveys, article, C1050-2.104 Japan-owned firms in US, American

executive reasons for joining their staff,

1989 survey article, C5800_7.152 Job characteristics and attitudes of corporate

executives, series, B4490_2
Job vacancy index for executives earning

$100,000/more, by industry, job function,

and region, quarterly rpt, B5000-5 Magazine circulation director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1988 survey,

annual article, C4325–1.102 Magazine compensation of ad sales

directors, managers, and other personnel, by region, sex, age, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey, annual

article, C4325–1.112 Magazine compensation of editorial mgmt,

editors, and art directors, by region, sex, and type of publication, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325–1.108 Magazine production director and manager

compensation, by region, sex, and publication characteristics, 1989 survey,

annual article, C4325-1.110 Medical group mgmt compensation, by

demographic and practice characteristics,

1988, annual rpt, A6365–3 Motivational factors for managers

considered important and existing in the

workplace, 1988 survey, C4687–1.108 Newspaper executive compensation, by

circulation size, for 5 positions, 1988-89,

annual survey article, A2350–2.107 Office personnel attitudes on work

environment, job satisfaction, and productivity, by respondent characteristics, 1989 survey and trends,

recurring rpt, B8515-4 Oil industry executive compensation

package compared to general industries,

1989 article, C6985-1.110 Physician manager compensation and

characteristics, including contract terms, with data by region, 1987, annual rpt,

A0550–1 Plastics processing industry employment and

compensation practices, by region, 1988,

annual survey, A8920–2 Printing industry salaries for 21 positions, by

census div and company size, and
compensation of executives at 10 major firms, 1988, annual feature,

C1850–10.101 Public opinion on honesty/ethical standards

of selected occupations, Sept 1988 Gallup

Poll and trends, C4040-1.108
Public opinion on preference for man vs woman as boss, by sex, 1953-87 surveys,

A0610-1.103 Public relations professional views on skills

and knowledge needed and lacking in new managers, 1987/88 survey, article,

A8770-1.102 Purchasing managers report on business

conditions, monthly rpt, A6910–1 Purchasing mgmt salaries by position and sex, 1988 survey, annual article,

C4670-1.101 Railroad employment and earnings, by

occupation, company, and region, 1988, annual rpt, A3275-7

Restaurant/food service manager views on

best company employers, and reasons accepting present position by sex, Apr

1989 survey, article, C1200–5.118
Restaurant/food service mgmt career

outlook and attitudes, 1989 annual survey

article, C1850–3.113
Restaurant/food service mgmt

compensation, characteristics, and views, including data by position, 1989 survey,

annual article, C1850–3.112 Retail chain chief executive compensation,

with comparison to company profits, for

50 chains, 1988, article, C5150_4.110 Retail specialty store manager salary,

turnover rate, and years in position, by region, 1989 survey article,

C2150-10.104 Retirement income and employer benefits,

views of industrial managers, 1989 survey

article, C7000–3.112
Salaries and bonus levels of top executives,

by type of position, and corporate industry group, size, and region, 1987-88,

annual rpt, B9550-1
Salaries in private sector vs Govt, for 10 former OMB officials, 1988 article,

Salary increases for executives and salaried

personnel, results of 9 surveys, 1988-89,

annual rpt, R4105–29.81 Sales and marketing executive

compensation, by industry and company, with sales and profit data, 1988 annual

article, C1200-1.101
Savings instn executive compensation, for 10
highest-paid officers, 1988, article,

Savings instn use of incentive plans for top

executives, 1986-88, article, 00175-1.150 Securities industry financial and

employment data for individual firms, and aggregate market activity by exchange,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, A8825-5 Skills test performance by executives of

leading large vs small corporations, 1989

article, C4687-1.107 Small companies with high 5-year returns on

equity, financial performance data and
chief executive characteristics, for top 200

firms, 1988 annual article, C3950-1.101 Small companies with sales under $25

million, financial and operating data for
top 100 public firms, 1984-88, annual

survey, C4687-1.107 Small company chief executive

compensation and stock holdings, medians
for leading growth companies by industry,

1988 article, C3950-1.103 Small leading corporation executives

entrepreneurial background, including business start-up characteristics, Feb 1989

survey, articles, C4687-1.108
Small/medium sized company executive

compensation, by industry and sales size,

1989 annual survey, C4687-1.111 Telephone interconnect industry finances

and operations, including executive salaries, and manufacturer market shares,

1986-90, annual rpt, A8640_4 Watch company executive characteristics

and views on marketing, 1988 survey

article, C2150–7.102 Women executives by marital status and presence of children, 1989 article, C5800–7.117

see also Optometry

see also Vision Eymonerie, Maryse, Associates Higher education faculty average salaries by

rank, at 1,600 instns arranged by State,

1988/89, annual feature, C2175–1.120 Higher education faculty compensation and

employment, detailed data by rank, sex, and instn, 1988/89, annual rpt, A0800–1

State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.12 Maine employment, by SIC 2-digit industry and detailed occupation, triennial series,

S3465-1 Massachusetts employment, by SIC 2- and

3-digit industry and detailed occupation,

series, S3808–2 New Hampshire employment, by SIC 2- and

3-digit industry and detailed occupation,

series, S5205–2 North Carolina employment in SIC 2-digit

industries, by detailed occupation,

triennial rpt series, S5925–6 Texas employment, by SIC 2- and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, series,

S7675–1 see also Boards of directors see also Business outlook surveys see also Officials see also under By Occupation in the "Index

by Categories" Exercise

see Physical exercise

see Sports and athletics Exhibitions and trade fairs Auto industry convention exhibits and

attendance, 1989 annual rpt, C4740–1.2 Cable TV system mgmt personnel views on trade shows, Mar 1989 survey, article,

Executive views on waiting for sales

representatives at trade show booths, 1989

survey, C4687-1.109 Foreign poultry processors attendance at

fairs outside own country, Mar-May 1988

survey, C9550-14 Jeweler trade show attendance, and

inventory purchasing patterns, 1989

survey article, C2150–7.108 Lawn/garden product retailer day of week

preferences for trade shows, Feb 1989

survey, article, C4725-2.106 Marketing cost effectiveness for trade shows

vs sales calls, and trade show purchase influences, 1987 or 1988, article,

A8770_1.108 Sales industry costs, including compensation,

training, and travel and related expenses, with data for US and Canadian metro areas, 1988 and trends, annual survey,

C1200-1.106 Eximbank

see Export-Import Bank Expense accounts

see Business expense allowances Exploration, natural resources

see Energy exploration and drilling

see Natural resources Explosives

State and local:

Florida fire marshal activities, including

inspection and licensing of explosives and fire equipment dealers, FY88, annual rpt,

51760-1 Kentucky coal mine fatalities by cause, and

blaster licensing, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S3175-1 South Carolina deaths, by detailed cause, age, sex, and race, 1987, annual rpt,

$7175-2 Utah vital statistics, including births and

deaths by cause, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual rpt, S7835-1.2

Virginia deaths by detailed cause, location,

and decedent characteristics, 1987, annual

rpt, S8225-1.1 see also Bombs Export controls

see Tariffs and foreign trade controls Export-Import Bank Credit authorizations and guarantees, total

and for individual commercial aircraft customers, FY87 and trends, annual rpt,

A0250–2.4 Financial trends, including revenues,

expenses, loans at risk, and subsidy costs,

1980-84, R3400-4 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.22 Export promotion

see Foreign trade promotion Exports and imports

see Agricultural exports and imports
see Coal exports and imports
see Energy exports and imports
see Foreign trade
see Motor vehicle exports and imports see Natural gas exports and imports

see Petroleum exports and imports Expositions

see Exhibitions and trade fairs Expropriation of alien property World expropriation acts, and number of

countries expropriating, 1960-85, annual

rpt, U6250–1.23 External debt

see Foreign debts Eye banks

see Organ and blood banks Eye diseases and defects

Age-related macular degeneration

correlation with lens opacity for persons
age 45/over, 1971-74 study, article,

A2623-1.108 Cataract risk from sunlight exposure vs

other factors among patients of an Asheboro, NC ophthalmology practice,

1988 article, A2623-1.101 Drugstore health screening services, with

customer participation, by type of test,

1988, article, C5150-2.108
Hospital mortality rates, by diagnostic

related group (DRG), patient age group, and census region, 1987, annual rpt,

Hospital patient discharges and length of

stay, by diagnosis, type of operation, patient age, and census region, 1987,

annual rpt series, R3850-1
Hospital readmission rates, by diagnostic

related group (DRG), patient age group, and census region, 1987, annual rpt,

State and local: Hawaii school and community health service

caseloads and dispositions, by program,

FY87, annual rpt, S2065-1.4 Oklahoma vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S6445-1 Tennessee births, deaths by cause, marriages

and divorces, and abortions, by race and

location, 1986, annual rpt, S7520–2.2 see also Blind


see Federal Aviation Administration Fabian, Douglas “Asset Allocation Funds: Are They

Overrated?”, C1050-2.103 Fabrics

see Natural fibers see Synthetic fibers and fabrics

see Textile industry and fabrics Facsimile equipment

see Business machines and equipment

see Electronic mail systems Factories

see Industrial plants and equipment

see Materials handling equipment Factory sales

see Wholesale trade Faculty

see Faculty tenure

see Teachers Faculty tenure Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic

background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250_4 Dental school faculty and administrators,

support personnel, and staff characteristics, by instn, 1988/89, annual

rpt, A1475-4.5 Higher education chief executive officer

compensation, benefits, and employment conditions and policies, 1988, biennial

survey rpt, A3900-6 Higher education fact book, with finances,

and instn, staff, and student characteristics, 1988/89 biennial rpt,

A1410–2.3 Higher education faculty by tenure status

and race-ethnicity, 1975, 1983, and 1985,

annual rpt, A1410-10 Higher education faculty compensation and

employment, detailed data by rank, sex,

and instn, 1988/89, annual rpt, A0800–1 Higher education instn policies and

practices, including changes in faculty and enrollment, and administrator views, 1989

annual survey, A1410-1.33 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Humanities doctorates academic

employment by age, sex, and tenure

status, 1987, biennial rpt, R6000-6 Library/info science schools faculty tenure

status, by rank and sex, Jan 1989 and

trends, annual rpt, A3235–1.1 Mathematics dept faculty, salaries,

enrollment, and degree recipient characteristics, US and Canada, 1987/88-1988/89 and trends, annual

survey, A2085-1 Nursing college deans and salaries, by

region, professional characteristics, and type of instn, 1988/89, annual rpt, A0615-2

State, -.120 on and

sex. 0800-1

Physics professional society members

employment, salaries, and selected demographic characteristics, 1986 survey,

recurring rpt, A1960-5 Political science higher education dept

characteristics, including faculty, salaries, enrollment, and finances, 1987/88, annual

rpt, A2617-1 Psychology grad depts, faculty

characteristics and salaries, enrollment, and student aid, US and Canada, 1987/88

annual rpt, A2620_3
State and local: Florida higher education enrollment, degree

programs, staff, and finances, by State-supported instn, with student and staff characteristics, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1725-1 Illinois higher education staff, salaries,

student cost and aid, and finances, by

instn, 1989 annual rpt, S2475–1.2 Pennsylvania higher education faculty

employment, compensation, and tenure status, by sex and type of instn, 1988/89

and trends, annual rpt, S6790–5.10 South Dakota higher education finances,

staff, enrollment, degrees, and facilities, by

public instn, FY89 annual rpt, S7375-1 Texas higher education enrollment and

faculty, by race-ethnic group, sex, and instn, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

$7657-1.1 Virginia higher education enrollment,

operations, finances, and faculty, by instn, 1986-87 and trends, biennial rpt,

S8230-1 West Virginia higher education faculty

characteristics and salary, by instn, 1988,

annual rpt, 88620_4.2 Fahey, Alison “Agencies See Slowing Growth”,

C2710–1.115 “Red Letter Cut From Coupon War”,


Families and households Appliance ownership by households, by appliance type, 1973-88, annual article,

C2000-1.107 Asian Indians in US, demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics, with comparisons to whites and other Asian ancestry groups, 1980 and trends,

R4500–1.55 Black and total families, by type, 1986-2000,

article, A8510-1.1 Black population demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics, with
comparisons to whites, for 48 metro areas,

1979-80, R5685-14 Cable TV network program guide, with data

on affiliates, subscribers, audience ratings, and household penetration, 1989 annual

feature, C4722–2.109 Cable TV theft of service as indicated by

number of households receiving compared to subscribers, 1986-90, article,

C4722-2.115 Cat owners, with use of veterinary care and

expenditures, and total cat population,

1988, article, C9480–1.107 Cat ownership, by selected household

characteristics, and veterinary service use,

1987, survey article, A3100-2.102 Catholic charity social service agency

activities, clients, finances, and personnel,

1987, annual rpt, A3810_1 Characteristics of family households,

including children by age group, 1989

biennial fact file rpt, C3400–1.121 Charitable contributions, volunteer activity,

and views on charity, by respondent characteristics, 1988 survey, biennial rpt,

A5435-3 Children under age 18 and 6, by living

arrangement, by race-ethnicity, Mar 1987,

article, A5160-1.102 China corporate manager professional and

personal characteristics, with comparisons to US and Asian managers, 1987 survey,

U7455-5 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955–1 College freshmen attitudes and

characteristics, degree and career plans, and financial aid sources, by sex and instn

type, fall 1988, annual survey, U6215-1 Consumer buying power, population,

effective buying income, and retail sales, by census div, State, MSA, county, and Area of Dominant Influence, 1987 and

1992, annual survey, C1200–2 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by kind of business, by State, MSA, county, and census div, 1988, annual rpt,

C1200-1.112 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by product line, by State, metro area, county, and census div, 1987 and 1992, annual rpt,

C1200-1.102 Consumer market indicators, including

population characteristics, employment, and personal finances, 1988 annual fact

file rpt, C3400–1.118 Corporate vice-president professional and

personal characteristics, and business attitudes, 1979 and 1985 surveys, B5000-4

Dinners involving food prepared in

restaurants and other establishments, consumer decisionmaking patterns by selected characteristics, 1988 survey,

A8200-8.11 Dog ownership, by selected household

characteristics, and veterinary service use,

1987, survey article, A3100-2.101 Food away from home expenditures, by household characteristics, 1987, article,

A8200-1.111 Food shopping habits, including newspaper

ad and coupon use, by household characteristics, July 1988 survey, recurring

rpt, A8600–8.53 Gardening activities of households, including

expenditures and related retail sales,

1984-88, annual article, C4725-2.103 Germany (West) and US comparative

socioeconomic statistics, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A5135-2.2 Guatemala household characteristics and

health condition, by farm cooperative membership status, 1983 and 1985,

R5620–1.18 Hispanic population, market characteristics,

and demographic profiles, including data by geographic area, 1989 and trends,

recurring rpt, B8545–1 Home buyer (1st-time) characteristics,

including income, by region, and income
requirements and renters who would
qualify for 3 mortgage plans, 1989 article,

C4300–1.109 Home buyer (1st-time and repeat) profile,

and transaction characteristics, including prices and financing, 1976 and 1986-88,

annual survey rpt, B2150–1
Home buyer characteristics for relocated

employees vs other types of buyers, 1988

survey, article, C4300-1.108 Home buyer housing costs and household

characteristics, for purchasers trading up

from a 1st home, 1988, C4300-1.107 Home ownership trends, and number of

families and households, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, A9350–2.3
Homeless population characteristics, and

demand among families for emergency
food, in 27 cities, 1987/88, recurring rpt,

A9330-9 Homeless population characteristics, 1987,

article, R8750-1.104 Horse owners, with use of veterinary care

and expenditures, and total horse

population, 1988, C9480-1.106 Horse population, and number owned by households, 1983 and 1987, survey article,

A3100-2.103 Households and average size, by State, 1980

and 1987, recurring rpt, U8790–1.5 Households and families, with detail by region and State, 1940s-2000, biennial rpt,

A1410-2.1 Households by sex of head and family

composition, 1988, article, R8750_1.101 Households, by State, 1987, annual rpt,

A3350-2 Households by tenure status, region, and age of household head, quarterly rpt,

B5190_1 Households headed by persons under age

25, 1980, 1990, and 2000, C1200-5.105 Insurance coverage against property loss, by

household tenure, 1984 and 1986, annual rpt, A5650-1.1

Failed businesses

see Business failures and closings Pair employment practices

see Discrimination in employment Pair housing

see Discrimination in housing Fairbanks, Alaska Employment, by industry, monthly rpt,

see also under By City in the “Index by

Categories" Fairs

see Exhibitions and trade fairs Faith

see Religion Palco, Richard C. "Potential for Exposure to Tick Bites in

Recreational Parks in a Lyme Disease

Endemic Area", A2623–1.103 Falcoff, Mark "Cuba and the United States: A Durable

Antagonism”, R2110-1.104 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Military forces and losses of UK and

Argentina in 1982 conflict, 1989 annual rpt, U6250–1.11

Index by Subjects and Names

Japan aging population, including living

arrangements and relationships with

family members, 1970s-86, R8750–2.44 Life insurance purchases and ownership, by

consumer and household characteristics, 1987 and trends, biennial fact book,

A1325-1.1 Low-income families and children, health

and welfare indicators, with data by State

and city, 1989 annual rpt, R3840–2 Markets with daily newspapers,

demographic and economic info by geographic area, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C3250–1 Meat expenditures by household

characteristics, by meat type, 1987, annual

rpt, A2100–1.1 Motor vehicle ownership, use, and fuel

consumption patterns, by owner, trip, and vehicle characteristics, 1940s-88, annual

rpt, A6475–1.2 Nepal deforestation impact on farm

household time allocation, agricultural labor and production, food consumption, and child nutrition, 1982/83,

R5620–1.14 Pet ownership, by species, 1987, survey

article, A3100_2.104 Poverty assistance programs and policies,

with eligible population and recipients, by

State, 1988 series, R3834-1 Public opinion on family relationships and activities, May 1989 Gallup Poll,

C4040-1.114 Public opinion on family vs other lifestyles,

ideal family size, and roles of husband and wife, views of men vs women, 1941-86

surveys, A0610-1.103 Public opinion on jobs, public service

ivities, family life, and values, views of employed adults by selected characteristics, Oct 1988 survey,

B8160-1 Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395-1 Recreational vehicle ownership and buying

intentions, by respondent characteristics, 1988 and trends, recurring survey rpt,

U7475-4.21 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.1,

C6775-1.7 Religious congregation characteristics,

including membership, philanthropic activities, staff, and finances, 1987/88

survey, recurring rpt, A5435-4 Socioeconomic profiles of consumers in top

50 MSAs ranked by supermarket sales,

1987, annual rpt, C3400-6 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Telephone service worldwide, including

access lines by type, and intl calling patterns, with comparisons to population, by world area and country, Jan 1987-88,

annual rpt, B0350-1 Travel trips and traveler characteristics,

including mode, purpose, type of lodging, and area of destination and origin,

quarterly rpt, R9375–14 Travel trips and traveler characteristics,

including mode, purpose, type of lodging, and area of destination and origin, 1988, annual rpt, R9375-16

TV and total households, and member

population by age and sex, by market area, county, State, and/or census div,

1988/89, annual rpt, B0525–3 TV daily viewing hours per household, and

per person by age group and sex,

1950s-89, recurring rpt, A9055–7 TV households by census div, State, county,

Nielsen market area, and time zone, Jan

1990, annual rpt, B6670–2 TV households with more than 1 set, video

cassette recorders, and cable, 1979/80, 1983/84, and 1988/89, article,

C2950–3.102 TV ownership by households, with viewing

hours, advertising expenditures, and stations, 1950s-89, recurring rpt,

A9055-4 TV viewing patterns, audience

characteristics, and leading programs, 1988 and trends, annual chartbook,

B6670–1 Urban economic and demographic trends,

with data on population, poverty, income, employment, and govt conditions, including detail by locality, 1950s-80s,

R6000–35 Video cassette recorder (VCR) ownership

and use, with impact on TV viewership, and data by market area, 1970s-98,

recurring rpt, A9055-14 Water utility finances and operations,

including customer characteristics and consumption, for 29 agencies, 1986,

recurring rpt, A3356-1 Women's status indicators, including data on

employment, income, and households, with comparisons to men, 1988/89 annual

rpt, R9420-1 Youth age 14-24, by selected socioeconomic

characteristics, 1989 article, B6045–1.104 Youth socioeconomic profile, for

non-college-bound population, including income indicators, 1986 and trends,

State and local: Alaska, Anchorage household

characteristics, including financial status, employment, mobility, and home ownership, June 1987 and Oct 1988

surveys, U5780–1.19 Arizona, Phoenix area temporary winter

resident households, winter 1988/89,

annual article, U0280–1.107 Arizona, Phoenix home buyer and housing characteristics, 1988 survey, article,

U0280–1.102 Arizona prisoners, distribution by number of dependents, by sex, June 1988, annual rpt,

S0464-2 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935-2.1,

U5935-2.16 California families and households, by

poverty status, income level, and race-ethnicity, 1980, annual planning rpt,

S0830-2 California households and population, by

county, quinquennially 1985-2020,

recurring rpt, S0840–5 California socioeconomic and govtl data for

municipalities, counties, and school

districts, 1989 annual rpt, C4712-3 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535-3.1

Delaware projected households, by county,

1985-2010, recurring rpt, S1375–3 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360-1 Florida households and average size, by county, 1970, 1980, and 1988, annual rpt,

U6660-3.32 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.2 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750-1 Georgia socioeconomic and demographic

indicators, 1980s and trends, U6750–2.4 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730-1.1,

U6730–1.3 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.1, S2090-1.13 Illinois, Chicago market area pocket guide, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C2130-1.1, C2130–1.2 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910_2 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160—3.1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095-2.1 Kentucky economic statistics, general data,

1989 annual rpt, S3104–1.1, S3104-1.3,

S3104-1.4 Kentucky homeless population

characteristics, and emergency food and

shelter services, 1988 rpt, S3162–1 Kentucky labor force planning rpt, including

population and labor force characteristics, and employment by occupation and

industry, 1989 annual rpt, S3140–3 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.2 Massachusetts municipal and county profiles, general data, 1988 annual rpt,

C4712-2 Michigan ADC recipients distribution by

type of housing and size of household,

FY87, 94010-1.109 Michigan labor force planning rpt, with

population and household characteristics,

FY89 annual rpt, S3980–1.1 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265–1.1 Mississippi labor force planning rpt,

including population, employment, and characteristics of unemployed and

disadvantaged, 1988 annual rpt, S4345-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.1 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065-1.1 New Hampshire household population and

persons in families, total and below poverty level, by age group, Mar 1987-88,

article, S5205-1.101 New York City public assistance families

with recent or teenage births, by housing status and mother's age, 1988, article,

A5160-1.106 New York State children's status indicators,

including family composition, income, welfare, and day care, by county, 1985

and trends, recurring rpt, S5718-2.1 New York State children's status indicators,

including population characteristics, families, day care, health, education, and crime, 1980s and trends, S5718-1

Page 14

New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.13 North Dakota population size and

characteristics, series, U3600-3 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.10 Oklahoma households, and number of

Federal exemptions claimed, by county,

1980, annual rpt, S6416–2 South Carolina educational characteristics

and socioeconomic indicators, by school district and county, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7145-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, 57125-1.7
South Dakota socioeconomic data for

counties and municipalities, 1960s-87,

recurring rpt, U8595_4 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790–1.3 Texas health data, including population

characteristics, deaths by leading cause, and insurance coverage, 1980s-2000,

U8850–3.1 Texas homeless population characteristics

and health care needs, by State region,

1988, 97695–2 Utah population and labor force

characteristics, with focus on women,

1950s-87, recurring rpt, S7820_4 Washington State population, by

demographic characteristics, and housing and households, by county and city, 1989

and trends, annual rpt, S8345-4 Wisconsin black population characteristics,

with comparisons to total population,

1980 and trends, U9190_1.7 Wisconsin juvenile correctional instn inmate

living arrangements upon admission and release, 1987, annual rpts, S8715-2.2,

S8715-2.4 Wisconsin juvenile correctional instn inmate

living arrangements upon admission, 1988,

annual rpt, S8715–2.9 see also Adoption see also Aid to Families with Dependent

Children see also Births out of wedlock see also Child support and alimony see also Child welfare see also Children see also Domestic relations courts and cases see also Domestic violence see also Family budgets see also Family planning see also Marriage and divorce see also Men see also Offenses against family see also Personal and household income see also Widows and widowers

see also Women Family budgets Household debt and assets, with data on debt payments, 1970s-87, annual rpt,

Public opinion on jobs, public service

activities, family life, and values, views of employed adults by selected characteristics, Oct 1988 survey,

State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, $2090-1.13, S2090-1.14 New York State, NYC and Buffalo family

budget costs by item, with comparison to total US, 1979, S5718–1.4

see also Financial planning Family courts

see Domestic relations courts and cases Family income

see Personal and household income Family planning Condom education program, impact on

sexually transmitted disease patient attitudes and knowledge, Boston 1986

study, article, A2623-1.106 Condom use and attitudes of women,

Pennsylvania Sept-Oct 1987 survey,

article, A2623–1.106 Contraceptive sales and consumer

expenditures in food stores, by product type, 1986-87, annual feature,

C8450–5.101 Contraceptive sales and consumer

expenditures in food stores, by product type, 1987-88, annual feature,

C3925-1.103 Contraceptive use among women, by

method and marital status, 1982, recurring

rpt, R9700-1.2 Contraceptive use worldwide among married

women, by world region and country,

1989 annual data sheet, R8750–5 Developing countries family planning and

child survival efforts, by country, 1980s

and trends, recurring rpt, U1246–1 Hospital facility survey, with services,

utilization, personnel, and finances, by hospital type, size, and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A1865-4 Islamic countries population and

demographic characteristics, with comparison to non-Islamic areas, by

region, 1988 rpt, R8750–2.42 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.6 Low income women use of clinic vs private

family planning care services, Los Angeles County study, 1984-85, article,

A2623-1.108 Policy and medical aspects of family

planning, with research findings on contraceptive use, abortions, and provider

facilities, bimonthly rpt, A5160-1 Population trends worldwide, US concerns,

and family planning in developing countries, US public opinion, May 1988

survey, A8698-3 Public funding of contraception, sterilization,

and abortion services, by source and State, FY87, recurring article,

A5160-1.101 Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.2 Public opinion on teenage pregnancy, sex

education, and birth control, by respondent characteristics, May 1988

survey, A8698-5 Puerto Rico women's fertility, age at

marriage, and contraceptive use, for Catholics vs non-Catholics, 1982 study,

article, A2623-1.111 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.2 Sex education in schools, including

instruction on AIDS and other topics, and teacher views, with data by State, 1988 surveys, articles, A5160-1.104

State public health agency expenditures by

program area and funding source, by State

and territory, FY87, annual rpt, R8835–1 TV influence on values and behavior,

including youth sexual activity and birth
control, public views, Jan/Feb 1987

survey, A8698-2 TV sexual content of network programs,

including types of topics aired, analysis of

1986/87 season, A8698-4 World contraceptive use, and indexes of nati

efforts to promote family planning, by country, 1988-89 biennial rpt,

R9455–1.1, R9455-1.5 World demographic trends and population-related issues, monthly rpt,

R8750–1 World family planning and fertility trends,

and contraceptives effectiveness, safety, and availability, by method, series,

U2520-1 World use of contraceptives among married

women age 15-44, in 142 countries, 1986,

annual rpt, R9447-1
State and local: Alabama public health dept activities and

programs, including finances, facilities, immunization, and communicable disease,

1988 annual rpt, S0175-3 Hawaii school and community health service

caseloads and dispositions, by program,

FY87, annual rpt, S2065–1.4 Kentucky Medicaid recipients and

payments, by program, county, and type

of medical service, monthly rpt, S3140–5 Michigan medical assistance recipients and

payments, by county and type of service,

monthly rpt, S4010_1 Minnesota abortions, by contraceptive use, age, and marital status, 1987, annual rpt,

S4190-2.1 Nebraska medical assistance recipients and

payments, by type of service and county,

FY88, annual rpt, S4957-1.2 New York State medical assistance

expenditures, by State area and type of care, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S5800–2.2 Texas recipients of maternity, family planning, and child health services, 1985,

U8850–3.4 Texas welfare and social services program

expenditures, funding by source, recipients, and fraud cases, by county and program, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S7695-1 West Virginia welfare and social service

program caseloads and expenditures, by

county, monthly rpt, 58573-1 see also Abortion see also Sex education see also Sexual sterilization

see also Zero population growth Fan, Liang-Shing “Role Kansas in U.S. Exports”,

U7095-1.103 Fannin, Rebecca “Buyer to Seller: Your Move",

C2950_3.110 “Diet Coke: No. 2 by '92?", C2950–3.111 “Pain Game", C2950--3.104 "Reach vs. Environment", C2950_3.108 "Weathering the Cost Crunch",


"Where Are the New Brands?",

C2950–3.109 “1988: The Tie-Breaker", C2950–3.107 Farhoomand, Ali F. “Managing Computer Security",

C1850–5.106 Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute Marketing of parts by suppliers, farm

equipment dealer ratings of 22 factors,

1988 survey article, C3450-1.101 Sales (unit) and inventories of selected farm machinery, monthly rpt bimonthly table,

C3450-1 Sales (unit) of farm equipment by type,

1988-90, annual article, C3450-1.103 Sales (unit) of farm tractors by State and to Fed Govt, 1988, annual feature,

C3450-1.106 Farm costs

see Agricultural finance

see Agricultural production costs Farm Credit Banks

see Farm Credit System Farm Credit System Mortgage loan risk and return analysis using various State groupings, 1989 article,

U1380–4.1 Farm debt

see Agricultural credit

see Agricultural finance Farm energy use

see Agricultural energy use Farm income

Commodity yearbook for 1989: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country

and producing State, C2400–1 Commodity yearbook update: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country and producing State, Dec 1988-Oct 1989

rpts, C2400-2 Dairy farm income tax rates, relation to

farm size and full- vs part-time farming status, 1984 Pennsylvania study, article,

U1380-4.1 Gambia rice production irrigation

technology and commercialization impact on agriculture, income, and nutrition,

1985/86 study, R5620–1.20 Livestock operations and inventories, cash

receipts, and slaughtering plants, by animal species and State, 1989 annual rpt,

A2100-1.1 Pacific Northwest US agricultural summary

for 3 States, by commodity, 1960s-88,

annual compilation, U9120_1.104 Pacific Northwest US economic indicators

for 3 States, 1960s-88, annual feature,

U9120-1.103 Projections and trends in number of operators and income, 1949-2010,

B6788-1.3 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.9 State food safety activities, with data on

agriculture, production, and inspection, by

State, 1989 rpt, R8930-1.5 State rankings by farm income, 1986, annual

rpt, A7640_7 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

Tax rates for self-employment, and net farm

income, 1970-90, article, U1380-4.1

State and local: Alabama agricultural production, marketing,

and income, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

S0090-1 Alaska agricultural production and

marketing, by district and commodity,

1960s-88, annual rpt, U5750–1 Arizona agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county,

1984-88, annual rpt, U5830–1 Arizona economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, and business activity, by industry and locality,

1981-89, semiannual rpt, U5850–1.1 Arkansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, U5920–1 Arkansas business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U5930–1 Arkansas socioeconomic data, by MSA and/or county, 1989 annual rpt,

U5935-1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data, 1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.13,

U5935-2.16 California agricultural statistics, including

production, acreage, finances, and marketing, by commodity, annual rpt

series, S0850–1 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation,

1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840–3.2 California individual taxable income

reported by source, deductions by type, and tax returns, by income class and

county, 1986, annual rpt, S0855–1.1 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.7 Colorado agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S0985-1 Connecticut agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, S1155-1 Delaware agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S1335-1 Florida dairy production, utilization, and

finances, by product and/or county,

1970s-88, annual rpt, S1685-1.5 Florida livestock production, inventory,

marketing, and finances, by species, including apiary data, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S1685-1.3 Florida poultry and egg production,

finances, and inventory, by county, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S1685-1.4 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.9 Georgia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S1855-1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.4 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.19 Idaho agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual rpt, S2205-1

Idaho and US economic trends and

forecasts, quarterly rpt, S2245–2 Illinois economic and business activity

indicators, including data by MSA and

industry, bimonthly rpt, S2405–2 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Indiana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or

county, 1985-89, annual rpt, U4360_1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data, 1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.7,

U2160-3.14 Iowa agricultural production, marketing, and

finances, by commodity and county, and farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S2735–1 Kansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farm acreage and value,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S2915–1 Kansas business activity indicators, quarterly

rpt, U7095-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data, 1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.6,

U7095-2.12 Kentucky agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county; and farms, acreage, and value; 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S3085–1 Kentucky economic statistics, general data,

1989 annual rpt, S3104-1.1 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.1,

07138-3.2 Louisiana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by parish or commodity,

1982-87, annual rpt, U2740–1 Maryland agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity, with farms, acreage, and value, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S3593–1 Michigan agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1984-88, annual

rpt, $3950-1 Minnesota agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S4130–1 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.1,

S4265-1.2 Mississippi agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity
and/or county, 1986-87, annual rpt,

S4310-1 Mississippi income by source, county, and

MSA, and wages by industry group,

1983-89, annual planning rpt, S4345–1.4 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.15 Missouri cash receipts from farm

marketings, and govt payments, 1983-87,

annual rpt, $4480-1 Montana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S4655-1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668-1 Nebraska agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S4835-1

Nebraska farm and nonfarm personal income, monthly rpt quarterly table, U7860–1.101, 07860–1.104,

U7860–1.107, 07860–1.110
Nebraska farmer/rancher/fisherman income

tax returns, and income, by county, 1986,

annual rpt, S4950–1.1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.5 Nevada agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S5010-1 Nevada farm financial performance, with

receipts from agricultural marketing by selected commodity, 1985, article,

U7920–1.101 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, $5065–1.10 New Jersey agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage,

1982-87, annual rpt, S5350–1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, $5362-1.3 New Mexico business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U7980–1 New York State agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S5700–1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.1 North Carolina agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county and commodity, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S5885-1 North Dakota agricultural production and

marketing, by commodity and county, and farm finances, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

U3600-1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.4,

U8070–1.8 Oklahoma agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6405-1 Oregon agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1987-88

and trends, annual rpt, S6575-1 Oregon statistical profile, economic data,

1987 and trends, recurring rpt, S6585-1 Pennsylvania agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S6760-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, $7125-1.1 South Dakota agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and county, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S7280-1 South Dakota business activity review,

including selected data by city and

industry, quarterly rpt, U8595–1 Tennessee farm income by source, 1981-86,

annual rpt, S7460-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710-2.11 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035-1.5 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790-1.1

Utah agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S7800–1 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.1 Vermont agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity, with data on govt inspections and funding, 1985-86

biennial rpt, S7978-1 Virginia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farms, farmland, and value, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8160–1 Washington State agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity
and/or county, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S8328-1 West Virginia agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county or commodity, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S8510–1 Wisconsin economic indicators, including

employment and earnings by industry

group, monthly rpt, 58750-1 Wisconsin socioeconomic profile, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, 58690–1
see also Agricultural production quotas and

price supports
see also Agricultural subsidies

see also Agricultural wages Farm labor

see Agricultural labor
see Agricultural wages
see Farm operators

see Migrant workers Farm machinery

see Agricultural machinery and equipment Farm operators Projections and trends in number of operators and income, 1949-2010,

State and local: Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.6, U6660-1.9 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.19 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138–3.2 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.5 Nevada farms and farmland, marketing, and operators, 1982 and 1987, article,

S5040-1.103 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.10 Oklahoma, Census of Agriculture findings

on land area and farm operator characteristics, 1978, 1982, and 1987,

annual rpt, S6405-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.11 West Virginia fruit growers by county,

orchard size, and types of fruit grown,

1987, annual rpt, 58510–1 Farm population Accidental deaths of farm residents, by type,

and farm population, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A8375-2.4 Hearing loss among high school students

involved in farm work, Wisconsin study, 1985-88, article, A2623-1.107

Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

State and local: Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.11 Utah farm vs total population, decennially

1920-80, annual rpt, S7800–1 Farm prices

see Agricultural prices

see Food prices Farmers Home Administration Loan volume and subsidy costs, by FmHA

program, FY84, R3400-4 Farming

see Agricultural labor
see Farm income
see Farm operators
see Farm population
see Farms and farmland see Rural cooperatives

see Agriculture and terms beginning with

see under By Industry in the “Index by

Categories" see under By Occupation in the “Index by

Categories" Farms and farmland Bangladesh farm and land shares, by farm

size, 1983, R5620–1.17
Commodity yearbook for 1989: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country

and producing State, C2400–1 Commodity yearbook update: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country and producing State, Dec 1988-Oct 1989

rpts, C2400-2 Cotton production, consumption, prices, and

trade, including data by State and region,

1950s-90, annual rpt, A7485-2 Gambia rice production irrigation

technology and commercialization impact on agriculture, income, and nutrition,

1985/86 study, R5620–1.20 Guatemala farm size and farmland use

patterns, 1950s-85, R5620–1.18 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.2, U6250–1.18 Nepal average farm size, by region,

1982/83, R5620-1.14 Number, acreage, and/or value of farms, by State, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8510-1 Number of farms, and livestock and crop

values, by State, MSA, county, city, and Canadian Province, 1989 annual rpt,

C3250-1 Number of farms by income group, 1987

and 1995-2000, article, A6400–2.104 Pacific Northwest US agricultural summary

for 3 States, by commodity, 1960s-88,

annual compilation, U9120-1.104 Public opinion on importance of selected

agriculture and food issues, 1989 survey,

annual rpt, A4965-2 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.9 State food safety activities, with data on

agriculture, production, and inspection, by State, 1989 rpt, R8930-1.5

State growth indicators, and related

environmental programs and policies, by

State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.6 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Value of farm real estate, by State, 1980-89,

annual rpt, S5700–1 Value of farmland per acre, percent change

by region, 1981-89, article, C2710–2.120 Western States farms/ranches and acreage in 12 States, 1984-88, annual rpt,

U5830-1 Wheat price support program, farms participating, 1981-90, annual rpt,

A7310-1 World cropland, irrigation, and holdings by

size, by region and country, 1960s-86,

biennial rpt, R9455-1.6 Zaire agricultural land, labor, and capital

resource allocation and productivity in

small-farm area, 1982-83, R5620–1.19 State and local: Alabama agricultural production, marketing,

and income, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

S0090–1 Alaska farms and farmland, 1960s-88,

annual rpt, U5750–1 Alaska property tax deferment program for

farmland, acreage affected and deferred tax, by municipality, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0285–1.2 Arkansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, U5920–1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.13 California agricultural statistics, including

production, acreage, finances, and marketing, by commodity, annual rpt

series, S0850–1 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.7 Colorado agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S0985-1 Colorado property assessed valuation by

detailed property type, and tax levy and revenue by local district, by county,

1987-88, annual rpt, S1055-3 Connecticut agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, S1155-1 Delaware farms and acreage, 1950-87,

annual rpt, S1335-1 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360–1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.9 Georgia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S1855-1 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750-1 Georgia socioeconomic and demographic

indicators, 1980s and trends, U6750–2.4 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.4 Hawaii agricultural production and

marketing, by commodity and island, 1983-87, annual rpt, S2030-1

Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090–1.19, S2090–1.22,

S2090–1.24 Idaho agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, S2205-1 Illinois crimes and arrests by offense, and

stolen property value, by detailed property type and place of occurrence, 1988,

annual rpt, S2536-1.1 Indiana farms and acreage, with detail by

county, 1984-89, annual rpt, U4360–1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.7 Iowa agricultural production, marketing, and

finances, by commodity and county, and farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S2735–1 Iowa property value of farm items stolen

and recovered, by property type, 1987,

annual rpt, S2850–1 Kansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farm acreage and value,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S2915-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.12 Kentucky agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county; and farms, acreage, and value; 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S3085-1 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.2 Louisiana farms by size, acreage by use, and property value, 1969-82, annual rpt,

U2740-1 Maryland agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity, with farms, acreage, and value, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S3593-1 Michigan agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1984-88, annual

rpt, S3950–1 Minnesota agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S4130–1 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.2 Mississippi farms and acreage, 1986-88,

annual rpt, S4310-1 Missouri agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage, 1984-88,

annual rpt, S4480-1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668–1 Montana farms and acreage, 1900s-88,

annual rpt, S4655-1 Montana property values, by detailed

property class and type, with land acreage by use, by county, 1987-88, biennial rpt,

S4750_1.2 Nebraska agricultural acreage and value, by land use and county, 1987, annual rpt,

S4950-1.4 Nebraska agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S4835-1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.5

Nevada agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S5010-1 Nevada farms and farmland, marketing, and operators, 1982 and 1987, article,

S5040-1.103 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.10 New Jersey agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity
and/or county, and farms and acreage,

1982-87, annual rpt, S5350–1 New Jersey farmland and farms assessed value, by county, 1988, annual rpt,

S5455-2.1 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.3 New York State agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity
and/or county, and farms and acreage,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S5700–1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.1 North Carolina farms and acreage, 1982-88,

annual rpt, S5885-1 North Dakota farms and acreage, 1975-89,

annual rpt, U3600–1 North Dakota farms and credit data,

including foreclosures, by county, 1989

annual planning rpt, S6140–2 North Dakota Red River Valley region

farms and acreage, 1900-82, U3600–3.10 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.8 Oklahoma farms, acreage, value, and rent,

1984-88, annual rpt, S6405-1 Oregon agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1987-88

and trends, annual rpt, 56575-1 Pennsylvania agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S6760–1 South Carolina crop production and value,

by county and commodity, and farms and

acreage, 1987-88, annual rpt, U1075-2 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.1 South Dakota acreage by ownership and

use, and value by county, FY88 annual

rpt, S7380–1.2 South Dakota agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and county, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S7280–1 South Dakota field crop acreage, by crop,

1987-88 and intended 1989, annual table,

U8595–1.103 South Dakota property value and levies, by school district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7315-1 Tennessee agricultural production and

marketing, by commodity and county, with farms, acreage, and farm value, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S7460-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.11 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790-1.1

narketing, ommodity od trends,

Farrell, Paul "Which Way Purchasing in the '90s?",


Fassin, Didier “Immunization Coverage and Social Differentiation in Urban Senegal", A2623-1.106

Fast food restaurants

see Restaurants and drinking places

Fats and oils

see Oils, oilseeds, and fats

Faulkner, Gary "U.S. South Increases Hardwood Chip Exports To Meet Far East Demand”, C3975-2.109


see Food and Drug Administration

Feather, Celeste

“ARL Statistics, 1987-88", A3365-1

Federal advisory bodies see Federal boards, committees, and


Utah agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, $7800–1 Vermont farms and average size, 1975-86,

biennial rpt, S7978-1 Virginia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farms, farmland, and value, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8160-1 Washington State farms, acreage, and value,

with comparisons to other States and US,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S8328-1 Wisconsin socioeconomic profile, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, S8690–1 Wyoming property assessed valuations and

tax levies, by property type, tax purpose, county, city, and company, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, $8990–1
see also Agricultural accidents and safety
see also Agricultural credit
see also Agricultural energy use
see also Agricultural exports and imports
see also Agricultural finance
see also Agricultural labor
see also Agricultural machinery and

see also Agricultural marketing
see also Agricultural prices
see also Agricultural production
see also Agricultural production costs
see also Agricultural production quotas and

price supports see also Agricultural productivity see also Agricultural stocks see also Agricultural subsidies see also Agricultural wages see also Farm income see also Farm operators see also Farm population see also Irrigation see also Pasture and rangeland

see also Soils and soil conservation Farnham, Alan "Fortune 500/CNN Moneyline CEO Poll: Holding Firm on Affirmative Action",

C8900–1.110 "Fortune 500/CNN Moneyline CEO Poll: No More Health Care on the House”,

C8900–1.109 "Fortune 500/CNN Moneyline CEO Poll: Ready To Ride Out China's Turmoil”,

C8900–1.117 "Migratory Habits of the 500",

C8900–1.112 Farnsworth, Christina

What Do They Want?", C1850–8.108 Parrar, Gerald L. “Nelson-Farrar Quarterly Costimating: How

Indexes Have Changed", C6985–1.109 “Nelson-Farrar Quarterly Costimating: How

Indexes Have Risen”, C6985-1.135 “Nelson-Farrar Quarterly Costimating: Interest Reviving in Complexity Factors”,

C6985-1.148 “Nelson-Farrar Quarterly Costimating:

Miscellaneous Equipment Costs Have

Risen", C6985–1.122 Farrell, Kevin “Market Segment Report: Take-Out and

Drive-Thru", C1200-5.116

State and local: Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

see also Agricultural credit
see also Agricultural production quotas and

price supports
see also Agricultural subsidies
see also Community Development Block

see also Disaster relief
see also Federal aid to arts and humanities
see also Federal aid to education
see also Federal aid to higher education
see also Federal aid to highways
see also Federal aid to housing
see also Federal aid to law enforcement
see also Federal aid to libraries
see also Federal aid to local areas
see also Federal aid to medical education
see also Federal aid to medicine
see also Federal aid to rural areas
see also Federal aid to States
see also Federal aid to transportation
see also Federal aid to vocational education
see also Federal funding for energy programs
see also Federal funding for research and

see also Food assistance
see also Government and business
see also Medical assistance
see also Medicare
see also Public welfare programs
see also Revenue sharing
see also Subsidies

see also Tax expenditures Federal aid to arts and humanities Opera productions, performances, income,

expenses, attendance, and subscribers, with selected data by company, 1988

annual rpt, A8658-1 Theater (nonprofit professional) finances and

operations, 1988 and trends, annual

survey, A9065-1
State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.6 Federal aid to business

see Government and business

see Subsidies Federal aid to cities

see Federal aid to local areas Federal aid to education

Appropriations for education, by function

and program, 1989 recurring feature,

R4800–2.108, R4800–2.132 Asbestos abatement in schools, EPA funding

by State and US territory, 1985-89,

article, R4800–2.123 Catholic secondary school operations and

finances, including enrollment by race-ethnicity and family income,

1985/86-1987/88, biennial rpt, A7375-5 Elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, finances, and school districts, by State and region,

1987/88-1988/89, annual rpt, A7640–1
Funding for selected Federal education programs, by State or territory, FY88,

R4800-2.121 Indian education program appropriations, by

program, FY86, article, R4800-2.127 Military dependent education by local govts,

with Federal aid received, by population size, region, and metro status, 1988 survey, A5800-4.7

Federal agencies
see Federal boards, committees, and

see Federal executive departments
see Federal independent agencies
see under By Government Agency in the

"Index by Categories” see under name of specific agency Federal aid programs Budget of US authority for selected

programs affecting urban areas, FY80 and

FY89-90, annual rpt, A9330_4 Child day care issues, including parental

employment, care arrangements and costs, and govt assistance, public opinion by respondent characteristics, 1988/89

survey, B6240_4 Child day care programs, funding, and

regulation, by State, FY81 and FY87-88,

annual rpt, R3840_4 Congressional organization, major legislative

and budget actions, and agency and program appropriations, 100th Congress,

2nd session, 1988, annual rpt, C2500–2 Economic analysis of Federal credit

programs for housing, business, agriculture, and student loans, 1980s and

trends, R3400-4 Expenditures of Fed Govt by function, total

and for tax payment of typical family,

FY89, annual article, R9050-3.104 Expenditures of programs allocating funds on population basis, FY87-88, article,

U2160-1.103 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related

indicators, quarterly rpt, U1880–1 Guaranteed loan and deposit program

obligations, for 10 Federal programs or

agencies, 1990, article, C8900–1.125 Public opinion on Fed Govt spending for

selected functions, and deficit reduction measures, Jan-Feb 1989 Gallup Poll,

C4040-1.112 Refugee assistance budgets by program and type of assistance, FY88-90, article,

R9372-2.104 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac, C4712-1

Page 15

Public opinion on level of Govt spending for

selected purposes, 1988 Gallup Polls and

trends, C4040-1.103 Socioeconomic and fiscal indicators related

to public education, State rankings, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

State and local: Alabama elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, pupil transportation, and finances, by district, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S0124-1 Alaska public school enrollment, finances,

and staff, by school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S0295-1 Arizona elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, by school district and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0470–1 Arkansas public school revenues by source,

expenditures by function and object, and indebtedness, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S0660-1.3 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.7 California school financial data, with

enrollment and attendance, by county and school district, 1986/87 and trends,

annual rpt, S0825-6 Connecticut education dept staff and

expenditures, by div and program,

1987/88, annual rpt, S1185-1 Connecticut school district profiles,

community and educational data by district and city, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1185–2 Delaware public education finances, govt aid

by program and school district, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S1430–1 Florida public school enrollment and

finances, by school district, 1986/87,

annual rpt, S1725-3 Georgia elementary/secondary school

students and finances, by system, 1987/88

and trends, article, U6730–2.104 Idaho school district revenues by source,

and expenditures by object, by district and

fund, FY88, annual rpt, S2225-2 Illinois public school revenues and

expenditures by district, with data on busing, State aid claims, and per capita

costs, 1986/87, annual rpt, S2440-1.3 Kansas school district revenues by source

and expenditures by object, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S2945-1 Kentucky public school revenue shares by

source, by school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S3110-1 Louisiana elementary/secondary school

operations, including enrollment, staff, finances, and detail by school district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S3280–1 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3610–2.14 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3610–2.11, S3610-2.13 Maryland elementary and secondary

education statistical summary, with data by county, 1988/89 and trends, annual

rpt, S3610-1 Michigan school district financial and enrollment rankings, 1987/88, annual rpt, S3965-3

Minnesota public school enrollment, staff,

and finances, by district and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4165-1 Mississippi public school enrollment, staff

and salaries, and finances, by district,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, S4340-1 Missouri school finances, enrollment, grads,

and staff, by county and school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4505-1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.10 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065-1.7 New Hampshire elementary and secondary

school revenues by source and expenditures by function, 1987/88, annual

tables, S5200-1.9 New Mexico school district detailed

financial data, staff salaries, and enrollment summary, FY88-89 and trends,

annual rpt, S5575-3 New York State public and nonpublic education funding, by source, 1988 rpt,

S5718-1 New York State public school enrollment

and finances, by county and district, with summary data for colleges and private schools, 1986/87 and trends, annual rpt,

S5745-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.4 North Carolina public school enrollment,

grads, staff, and finances, including data by race, sex, and local district, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S5915-1 North Dakota public school revenues by

source, expenditures by function, mill levies, and taxable value, by district,

1988/89 annual rpt, S6180_4 Ohio public school enrollment, finances,

special programs, and staff, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S6265–2 Oklahoma public school finances, personnel,

enrollment, and facilities, by county and district, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S6423-1 Oregon public school revenues by source

and fund, and expenditures by fund, function, and object, 1988/89, annual rpt,

S6590-1.18 Oregon public school revenues by source, by

school district and county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S6590–1.25 Oregon public school revenues by source, by

school district and county, 1988/89,

annual rpt, S6590-1.15 Rhode Island education expenditures by

function and source of funds, by school

district, 1987/88, annual rpt, S6970-1.3 South Carolina teachers salary schedules,

educational revenues by source, and expenditures by function, by county or school district, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S7145-1.5 South Dakota school enrollment, finances,

grads, and staff, by district, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, S7315-1 Tennessee public school finances, by county,

city, and school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S7490–2.4 Utah public schools, enrollment, attendance,

personnel, and finances, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S7815-1 Virginia public school enrollment, grads,

finances, staff, and salaries, by county and municipality, 1986/87, annual rpt, S8190-2

West Virginia education funding by

program, source of funds, and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S8540–2.1 Wisconsin elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, costs, and State aid, by school district, 1988/89 and trends,

annual rpt, S8795–2 Wyoming public school revenues by source,

expenditures by program and object, and bonded debt, by district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S8890–1.3 see also Compensatory education see also Federal aid to higher education see also Federal aid to medical education see also Federal aid to vocational education see also Head Start Project see also Pell Grant Program see also School lunch and breakfast programs see also Student aid

see also Veterans education Federal aid to higher education Appropriations for FY90 compared to

spending in FY89, by program, recurring

feature, C2175–1.130, C2175-1.137 Budget of US higher education funding, by

agency and program, weekly rpt recurring

table, C2175–1.106
Chemicals R&D spending in Federal,

industrial, and academic sectors, with data by company and instn, 1970s-89, annual

feature, A1250–1.134 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by enrollment size, FY88, annual rpt,

A6705-1 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by State and region, FY88, annual rpt,

A6705-3 Doctoral degree recipients by race-ethnicity,

sex, citizenship status, source of support, field of study, and instn, 1986/87 and

trends, annual rpt, R6000–7
Grants for student aid and research, by

selected Federal source, by State and

territory, 1988, C2175–1.124 Higher education fact book, with finances,

and instn, staff, and student characteristics, 1988/89 biennial rpt,

Higher education Fed Govt obligations and

aid for R&D, for top 100 instns, FY87,

annual feature, C2175-1.109
Higher education funding and Federal aid

for R&D, for top 100 instns, FY87,

annual feature, C2175-1.102 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132 Higher education R&D funding by source, by State and for US territories, FY87,

C2175-1.103 Library/info science school enrollment, staff

and student characteristics, finances, and curricula, by school and degree program,

1987/88, annual rpt, A3235-1 Southern States higher education financial

and student aid data, by State, 1960s-88,

biennial fact book, A8945-1.4 State and local: Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.7 Florida higher education enrollment, degree

programs, staff, and finances, by State-supported instn, with student and staff characteristics, 1987/88, annual rpt, S1725-1

Federal aid to local areas

Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.3 Illinois higher education staff, salaries,

student cost and aid, and finances, by

instn, 1989 annual rpt, S2475–1.2 Minnesota postsecondary education

finances, and enrollment by student characteristics, by type of school system,

1970s-89, biennial rpt, S4195–2.2 Mississippi higher education enrollment and

degrees, by level and field, and finances, by State-supported instn, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S4360_1 Nebraska postsecondary education revenues

by source and expenditures by category,

by instn, FY84-88, annual rpt, S4933–1.2 South Carolina higher education enrollment,

degrees, staff, and finances, by instn, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S7185–2 South Dakota higher education finances,

staff, enrollment, degrees, and facilities, by

public instn, FY89 annual rpt, S7375-1 Utah higher education degrees, enrollment,

staff, and finances, by public instn, with selected comparisons to instns in other

States, 1989/90 annual rpt, 97895–2 Vermont higher education revenues by

source, expenditures by function, and student fees, by instn, and student aid

trends, 1987 annual rpt, 58061-1.3
see also Federal aid to medical education
see also Pell Grant Program
see also Student aid
see also Veterans education

see also Work-study programs Federal aid to highways

Construction spending plans for hwys and

bridges, and contract values, by State,

1987-89, annual article, C5800–2.107
Cost indexes for construction, equipment,

and labor, by type and location, weekly rpt quarterly feature, C5800–2.107, C5800–2.120, C5800–2.134,

C5800–2.146 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.11
State and local: Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.11 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.13 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.8 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.11 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.6 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 South Carolina hwy and transportation dept

finances, FY87-88, annual rpt, S7190–1
see also Federal aid to transportation
Federal aid to housing
Funding for selected housing and

construction programs, and for 3
housing-related agencies, FY89-90, article,

Home buyer preferences and views, for
unmarried buyers, 1989 survey article,

Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt, A9350-2.5

Loans outstanding, by Federal housing

program, Sept 1984, R3400_4 Low-income housing budget authority, and

housing related tax expenditures,

FY80-89, annual rpt, R3840–2.1
State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.4 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.14
see also Housing (FHA), HUD
see also Mortgages
see also Public housing
see also Rent supplements

see also Veterans housing Federal aid to law enforcement

State and local: Arizona court cases and dispositions, by

type of case and court, with judicial personnel and finances, by county and

city, FY88, annual rpt, S0525-1 Georgia corrections dept operations and

funding, FY87, annual rpt, S1872–1 Federal aid to libraries Budget of US higher education funding, by

agency and program, weekly rpt recurring

table, C2175-1.106
Funding for selected Federal education programs, by State or territory, FY88,

Higher education appropriations for FY90

compared to spending in FY89, by program, recurring feature, C2175–1.130,

C2175-1.137 Library (public) finances, staff, holdings, and

utilization indicators, by US and Canadian

instn, FY88, annual rpt, A2070–5 Library and book trade reference info,

including public and academic library funding, construction, and operations, by State and instn, 1988, annual compilation,

C1650–3 Library construction, costs, and funding

sources, by State, city, instn, and library type, FY88 and trends, annual article,

State and local: Alabama public libraries, finances, holdings,

circulation, staff, and population served,

by library, FY88, annual rpt, S0180-1 Arizona public library holdings, circulation,

finances, and staff, by instn and county,

FY88, annual rpt, S0495-1 Colorado public library finances and operations, by instn, 1987, annual rpt,

S1000–3.5 Delaware public library staff, holdings,

circulation, and funding, by library

system, FY87, annual rpt, S1345–3 Florida public and instn libraries, finances,

holdings, staff, and capacity, by system, location, and instn, FY88, annual rpt,

S1800-2 Idaho academic library holdings, staff, and

expenditures, by instn, July 1988, annual

feature, A5370–1 Indiana public and other library holdings,

circulation, finances, and staff, by instn,

1988 or FY88, annual rpt, S2655-1 Iowa public libraries finances and

operations, by State region, size of population served, and library, FY88,

annual rpt, S2778-1 Louisiana public library finances, holdings,

circulation, and personnel, by library system, 1987, annual rpt, S3275-1

Michigan public libraries and cooperatives

income, operating expenditures, resources, and services, by facility, 1988, annual rpt,

S3982-1 Missouri public, special, and academic

libraries, finances, holdings, circulation, staff, and services, by location, FY88,

annual rpt, S4520–2 Montana public library holdings, staff,

circulation, and finances, by library,

FY88, annual rpt, S4725-1 Nebraska public libraries, finances, holdings,

circulation, staff, and population served,

by instn, FY87, annual rpt, S4910–1
Nevada library and staff directories for

public and academic libraries, with data on holdings, operations, and finances,

FY88, annual rpt, S5095-1 New Mexico public library holdings,

circulation, finances, services, and staff, by library and location, FY88, annual rpt,

S5627-1 New York State public library finances,

staff, holdings, and services, by library

and county, 1987, annual rpt, S5745–2 North Carolina public libraries, finances,

holdings, and personnel, by library system,

FY88, annual rpt, S5910-1 North Dakota public, academic, and other

library finances, holdings, staff, and operations, by instn, FY87, annual rpt,

S6160–1 Oklahoma public and institutional library

holdings, circulation, finances, and staff,

by facility, FY88, annual rpt, S6470-1 Pennsylvania public library personnel,

holdings, circulation, and finances, by county and facility, FY88, annual rpt,

S6790–2 South Carolina public and institutional

libraries, finances, services, holdings, and staff, by library, FY88, annual rpt,

S7210-1 Tennessee public library holdings,

circulation, finances, and staff, by library

and location, FY87, annual rpt, S7580-2 Texas public libraries, holdings, circulation,

staff, and finances, by library and location,

FY87, annual rpt, S7710-1 Virginia public and institutional library

services, holdings, finances, and personnel,

by library, FY88, annual rpt, S8275-1 Washington State public libraries, finances,

holdings, circulation, staff, and population served, by library system, 1988, annual

rpt, S8375-1 Wisconsin public libraries, operations, and

finances, by instn and location, and directories of academic and special

libraries, 1988, annual rpt, S8795-1 Federal aid to local areas City funding by source, with detail for State

aid for education and welfare, by State,

1986, A8012-5.1 City govt policies and conditions, by region

and population size, with views of local
officials, Natl League of Cities surveys,

series, A8012-1 Cutbacks in Federal aid, local govt official

views on countermeasures and preferred tax increases, 1989 survey article,

C2425-3.105 Local govt public works activities, finance

and employment trends, and cost indexes by commodity, monthly rpt, C2425-3

Structure and operations of Federal, State,

and local govts, with data on employment, taxation, and finances, 1988 rpt,

State and local: Arizona outlays of Fed Govt, by purpose and selected county, FY88, article,

U0280–1.109 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.6 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.13 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.11 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.13 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.2 Maryland local govt financial condition,

including revenues by source, expenditures by function, and debt

obligations, FY88, annual rpt, S3618–1.1 Maryland State aid to counties, by source,

FY88, annual rpt, S3685–2
Nevada compensatory payments by Fed

Govt for public land tax immunity, by

county, 1980-87, biennial rpt, S5065–1.8 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.9 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.13 South Carolina county govt finances,

including property value and tax assessments, by county, FY88, annual rpt,

S7127-2 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.2 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.15 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.2 Texas financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function and dept, and investments, with data for over 300 individual funds, FY88, annual rpt,

S7655-2 Utah, Federal payments in lieu of property taxes, by county, 1985-88, annual feature,

U8960-2.104 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.5 see also Community Development Block

Grants see also Federal aid to rural areas

see also Revenue sharing Federal aid to medical education Dental school revenues by source and

expenditures by function, by enrollment

size, FY88, annual rpt, A1475-4.6 Optometry school revenues by source, and

student financial aid, by instn, 1988/89,

annual survey, A3370–2 Osteopathy college enrollment, student and

faculty characteristics, and finances, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

Public health school expenditures for

research and training grants, and student aid, by fund source and instn (unnamed), FY88, annual rpt, A3372-3

Southern States higher education financial

and student aid data, by State, 1960s-88,

biennial fact book, A8945–1.4 Federal aid to medicine Clinics providing abortion counseling, public

opinion on withholding Federal support,

Sept-Oct 1988 Gallup Poll, C4040-1.110 Family planning service expenditures,

1968-87, article, A5160-1.102 Funding from public sources for

contraception, sterilization, and abortion services, by source and State, FY87,

recurring article, A5160–1.101 Funding of govt health care programs by

source, Medicare enrollment, and Medicaid recipients, 1960s-87, biennial

rpt, A5173-2.2 HHS appropriations for FY90 compared to

spending in FY89, by program, recurring

feature, C2175–1.130, C2175–1.137 Public opinion on level of Govt spending for

selected purposes, 1988 Gallup Polls and

trends, C4040-1.103 State public health agency expenditures by

program area and funding source, by State

and territory, FY87, annual rpt, R8835-1 Substance abuse treatment programs,

funding by source, and client
characteristics, for alcohol and drug services, by State, FY88, annual rpt,

Teaching hospital allocations for house staff

stipends and benefits, distribution by funding source, 1987/88, annual rpt,

State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.5
see also Federal aid to medical education
see also Medical assistance

see also Medicare Federal aid to railroads

see also Federal aid to transportation Federal aid to research and development see Federal funding for research and

development Federal aid to rural areas Economic analysis of Federal credit

programs for agriculture, including loan volume and subsidy costs, FY80s and

trends, R3400—4 see also Agricultural production quotas and

price supports see also Agricultural subsidies see also Farm Credit System see also Farmers Home Administration

see also Rural Electrification Administration Federal aid to States Computer systems dev of State govts,

including Federal assistance, 1983-88,

annual rpt, A6520-1 Distribution of Federal grants, by category,

FY80 and FY84, R6000–35.2 Environmental protection and pollution

abatement program efforts and funding, by

State, 1989 annual series, R8930-1 EPA grants for municipal wastewater

treatment facility construction funds, for

12 States, 1988, article, C2425–3.102 Expenditures of State govts by fund source

and function, by State, FY87-89, annual

rpt, A7118-1 Mine abandoned lands reclamation grants,

by State and for 3 Indian tribes, FY88-89, article, C5226–1.103

Mine safety/health program grants, and

number of operations affecting funding criteria, by State, 1988-89, article,

C5226-1.104 Public health agency expenditures by

program area and funding source, by State

and territory, FY87, annual rpt, R8835-1 Public health agency expenditures, by

program area and funding source, FY86,

annual rpt, R8835–2 Public health agency expenditures of Federal

preventive block grant funds, by program

area, FY87, annual rpt, R8835–3 Refugees residing in US 3 years/less, and

proposed allocations for refugee services,

by State, FY89, R9372–2.105 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775–1.4 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712–1 Structure and operations of Federal, State,

and local govts, with data on employment, taxation, and finances, 1988 rpt,

C2500–4.9 Tax burden of States compared to aid received, by State, FY88, annual feature,

R9050-3.105 Tax burdens compared to grants-in-aid to

State/local govts, by State, FY88, annual

rpt, R9050-4 State and local: Alabama financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances, by fund and agency, FY88, annual rpt,

S0129-1 Alabama public health dept receipts from Fed Govt, by program, FY88, annual rpt,

S0175-3 Alaska financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bond obligations, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S0275-1 Arizona outlays of Fed Govt, by purpose and selected county, FY88, article,

U0280-1.109 Arkansas financial condition, including fund

balances, receipts by source, and expenditures by function and locality,

FY87-88, biennial rpt, S0780–1 California financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by agency and function, fund balances, and bonded debt, FY88 and trends, annual

rpt, S0815-1 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.13 Colorado financial condition, including

receipts by source, and expenditures by function, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S0980-1 Connecticut financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and bonded debt, FY88, annual

rpt, S1170-1, S1170-2 DC financial condition, including receipts by

source, expenditures by object or function, and fund balances, FY88, annual rpt,

S1507-1 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535-3.2 Florida financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88, annual rpt, S1717-1, S1717-3

Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.23 Georgia financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S1860–1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.11 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.9 Hawaii financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S2020-1 Hawaii wastewater treatment projects and

Federal grants received, by project, 1987,

annual rpt, S2065–1.7 Idaho and US economic trends and

forecasts, quarterly rpt, S2245–2 Idaho financial condition, including receipts

by source and disbursements by function,
by agency and/or fund, FY88, annual rpt,

S2215-1 Illinois financial condition, including

revenues by source, and expenditures by object, function, and agency, FY88,

annual rpt, S2415-1 Illinois general fund revenues and

expenditures, and State employment and

payroll data, bimonthly rpt, S2405–2 Indiana Fed Govt funding, analysis of

alternative allocation methods, and impact on economy, by funding category, FY87,

article, U2160-1.103 Indiana financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances, by

agency, FY88, annual rpt, S2570–1 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.6 Indiana welfare program participation,

expenditures, and services, by county,

FY89 and trends, annual rpt, S2685-1 Kansas financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S2900–1 Kentucky financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, fund balances, and

bonded debt, FY88, annual rpt, S3120–1 Kentucky homeless population services,

including funding requested and received from selected Federal programs, 1988 rpt,

S3162-1 Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138-3.1 Louisiana financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund statements,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S3285-2 Maine financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S3450–1
Maine State govt activities, and regulatory

and fiscal info, for approx 450 depts and agencies, FY88, annual compilation,

S3450-2 Maryland financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S3685–2 Massachusetts financial condition, including

revenues by source, and expenditures by agency or function, by fund, FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S3777-1

Michigan financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3985–2 Minnesota financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4180-1 Mississippi financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and detail by agency,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4348-2 Mississippi State govt revenues, by source,

FY88, annual rpt, S4435-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.13 Missouri financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by dept, and tax distribution to local areas, FY88,

annual rpt, S4570_1 Missouri financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S4475-1 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668–1 Montana financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88, annual

rpt, S4653-1 Nebraska financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4825-1 Nevada financial condition, including fund

revenues by source, expenditures by function and dept, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S5025-1 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.14 New Hampshire financial condition, with

revenues by source, expenditures by function or object, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S5175-1 New Jersey financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, fund balances, and

bonded debt, FY88, annual rpt, S5455-1 New Mexico expenditures/obligations of

Fed Govt, by county, FY87-88, annual

feature, U7980–1.106 New Mexico financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by agency and function, fund balances, and bonded

debt, FY88, annual rpt, S5585-1 New York State financial condition,

including assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures, by fund, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S5710-1 New York State social service program

statistics, by State area and source of funds, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S5800–2 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.10 North Carolina financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S5897-1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.13 Ohio financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88, annual rpt, S6255-1

Oklahoma financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY87, annual rpt, S6410-1 Oklahoma public welfare program

expenditures, recipients, and services, by program and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6455-1 Oregon financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund statements, FY88,

annual rpt, S6603–2 Pennsylvania financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6810_4 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975–1.1 South Carolina financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, fund balances, and

bonded debt, FY88, annual rpt, $7127-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.2 Tennessee financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S7505-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.15 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035-1.3 Texas financial condition, including revenues

by source, and Federal assistance by

agency, FY88, annual rpt, S7655–3 Texas financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function and dept, and investments, with data for over 300 individual funds, FY88, annual rpt,

S7655-2 Utah financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances, FY88, annual

rpt, S7795-1 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.3, R9380–1.4 Vermont financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S8035-1 Virginia financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, 58170–1 Washington State financial condition,

including revenues by source, expenditures by object and function, fund balances, and bonded debt, FY88, annual

rpt, S8345-3 Washington State revenues by source, and

distributions by tax and locality, FY88

and trends, annual rpt, S8415-1.1 Washington State treasury operations, with

revenues by source, transactions by fund, aid to localities, investments, and bonded

ebt, FY annual rpt, S8455-1 West Virginia statistical handbook, general data, 1988 annual rpt, R9385–1.2, R9385-1.6

Wyoming financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and trends, annual State auditor's rpt,

see also Revenue sharing

see also Supplemental Security Income Federal aid to transportation

Airline (regional) subsidy payments for

essential air service, by carrier and location, 1989 and trends, annual rpt,

A8795-1.2 Airport and Airway Trust Fund financial statement, weekly rpt monthly table,

Expenditures on facilities/services by

transport mode, and on R&D and

planning, 1989 annual rpt, R4815-1 Mass transit system Federal grants, with

detail for 22 cities, FY65-87, annual fact

book, C1575-3.105 Mass transit system finances and operations,

passengers, and employment, by mode, US and Canada, 1960s-88, recurring rpt,

A2650–1 Rural transportation programs, including

providers, funding sources, fleet info, and

ridership, 1987 rpt, A4375–12 see also Airport Improvement Program

see also Federal aid to highways Federal aid to vocational education Funding for selected Federal education programs, by State or territory, FY88,

R4800–2.121 State and local: Alabama elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, pupil transportation, and finances, by district, 1986/87, annual rpt,

S0124-1 Connecticut school district profiles,

community and educational data by district and city, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1185-2 Delaware public school vocational education revenues by source, 1987/88, annual rpt,

S1430-1 Florida public school revenues by source,

and expenditures by object and program,

1986/87, annual rpt, S1725–3.2 Louisiana education dept revenues by source

and expenditures by function, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, S3280–1.1 Maryland elementary and secondary

education data, by county, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S3610–2.11, S3610–2.13 Missouri public school finances, staff,

students, and programs, detailed data,

1987/88, annual rpt, S4505–1.1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.10 Pennsylvania vocational education funding by source, FY79-88, annual rpt,

S6790-5.5 Tennessee public school finances, by county,

city, and school district, 1987/88, annual

rpt, S7490–2.4 West Virginia education funding by

program, source of funds, and county,

1987/88, annual rpt, S8540-2.1 see also Job Training Partnership Act Federal Aviation Administration Airport and Airway Trust Fund financial statement, weekly rpt monthly table, C5800-30

Federal boards, committees, and commissions
Regulatory costs and staff, for approx 50 Federal agencies, FY70s-90, annual rpt,

U9640-1 Structure and operations of Fed Govt and

Executive branch, with data on characteristics of each President and

Reagan Admin, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.7 Utility and transportation regulatory agency

activities, scope of jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected

industry data, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1 see also Federal independent agencies Federal budget

see Budget of the U.S. Federal buildings

see Public buildings Federal contracts

see Government contracts and procurement Federal corporations

see Government corporations and enterprises Federal courts

see Courts see Federal courts of appeals

see Federal district courts

see Supreme Court Federal courts of appeals

Elementary/secondary education cases

decided in Federal courts, 1940s-80s,

article, R4800–2.104 Judicial structure and operations, with data

on Federal judges and nominees, and

court caseloads, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.8 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Bank failures before and after establishment of FDIC, daily rpt recurring feature,

C0175–1.112 Banks requiring FDIC disbursements, by

region, 1975, 1980, and 1985, C6775-1.8 Failing banks receiving FDIC assistance, by instn, daily rpt recurring feature,

C0175-1.112 Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350–2.5 Legal fees paid by FDIC and FSLIC, top 10 law firm recipients, 1988, article,

C0175-1.145 Savings instns by type of insurer, 1987,

annual rpt, A7540_1.1 Federal district courts Judicial structure and operations, with data

on Federal judges and nominees, and

court caseloads, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.8 State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.4 Federal Emergency Management Agency Metals (nonferrous) stockpile goals and

inventory, by metal type, FY88, annual

rpt, A1025-1.6 Federal employees Agency regulatory costs and staff, for

approx 50 Federal agencies, FY70s-90,

annual rpt, U9640–1 Census enumerators for natl population

census, 1790-1970, R8750–2.43 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, by region,

interim rpt series, A3940–1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, series, A3940–2

Correctional instn admin, inmates, facilities,

costs, parole and probation, and staffing, for local, State, and Federal systems, 1989

annual rpt, R4300–1 Correctional instns, inmates, staff, and cost

of care, by instn, US and Canada, with operating summary by State or Province,

1988, annual directory, A1305–3 Employment in govt, by level and State, Oct

1986, annual rpt, R9380–1.2
FTC staffing available for advertising

regulation compared to advertising expenditures, 1960s-89, article,

C4325–1.105 Geoscientific employment and hiring plans,

by employer type, occupation, and activity, 1988 or 1989, annual rpt,

A 1785-1 NASA and DOD employees and contractors, FY60-89, annual rpt,

Parole/probation agencies, budgets, staff by

position and sex, starting salaries, and caseloads, 1989 recurring directory,

A1305-2 Projected economic growth indicators, by

sector, 1950-2010, B6788-1.1 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.4 Socioeconomic structure of US, with data on

income, welfare, education, govt employment, and crime, by demographic

characteristics, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.11 Structure and operations of Fed Govt and

Executive branch, with data on characteristics of each President and

Reagan Admin, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.7 Structure and operations of Federal, State,

and local govts, with data on employment, taxation, and finances, 1988 rpt,

C2500–4.9 Unemployment insurance claims and

benefits for former Federal and military

personnel, monthly rpt, S7495–2 Utility and transportation regulatory agency

activities, scope of jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected

industry data, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1 Women's status indicators, including data on

population characteristics, employment, and income, 1980s and trends, annual rpt,

State and local: Alaska employment, hours, and earnings, by area and/or industry, monthly rpt,

S0320-1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935-2.3 DC employment, earnings, and hours, by

industry, with unemployment insurance

data, monthly rpt, S1527–3 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.23 Georgia employment, earnings, and hours,

by major industry group and MSA,

monthly rpt, S1905-1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.3 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090-1.9, S2090-1.10,

S2090-1.12 Idaho labor force and population

characteristics, and employment by industry and occupation, FY90 annual planning rpt, S2230–3.1

Page 16

Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Kansas business activity indicators, quarterly

rpt, U7095-1 Louisiana labor force, employment, and

unemployment, by industry div and labor

market area, monthly rpt, S3320–2 Maryland labor force, employment, earnings,

and hours, with data by industry and

location, monthly rpt, S3605–2 Massachusetts employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and local area, with unemployment insurance claims, monthly

rpt, S3808-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.13 Missouri employment, hours, and earnings,

by industry and MSA, with unemployment insurance claims and

benefits, monthly rpt, S4530–3 Nebraska employment and unemployment,

by industry group and locality, and unemployment insurance claims, quarterly

rpt, S4895-2 Nevada business and economic activity

indicators, quarterly rpt, U7920–1 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.6 New Hampshire employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry and area, monthly

rpt, S5205-1 New Mexico business activity indicators,

monthly rpt, U7980–1 New Mexico employment, hours, and

earnings, by labor market area and

industry, monthly rpt, S5624–2 New Mexico public school personnel and

salaries, by position, by school district,

1987/88, annual rpt, S5575–3.5 New York State employment, earnings, and

hours, by county, selected metro area, and industry group, monthly rpt, S5775–1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.6 North Carolina employment, hours, and

earnings, by industry group, with job

placements, monthly rpt, S5925-5 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.13 Ohio employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, with job service and unemployment insurance activities, by

MSA, monthly rpt, S6270–1 Oklahoma employment, earnings, and hours, by industry or area, monthly rpt,

S6430-2 Oregon labor force and employment statistics, by industry, monthly rpt,

S6615–2 Pennsylvania employment, hours, and earnings, by industry, monthly rpt,

S6845-1 Pennsylvania labor force planning rpt,

including population characteristics, employment and job openings by industry and occupation, and income trends, FY89

annual rpt, S6845-3 South Carolina employment, earnings, and

hours, by industry group and locality,

monthly rpt, S7155-2
South Dakota employment, earnings, and

hours for selected industries and areas, with characteristics of unemployed and job service activities, monthly rpt, S7355-1

Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.3 Texas military and civilian DOD

employment at major installations, by

county, 1986, recurring rpt, U8790–1.3 Utah business firms, wages, and

employment, by firm SIC 2-digit industry, and county, 1st qtr 1988, annual

rpt, S7820–1 Utah economic and business activity review

and indicators, monthly rpt, U8960–2 Virginia labor force, hours, and earnings, by

industry group, MSA, and other local

area, monthly rpt, S8205-6 Wyoming employment by industry group

and county, with unemployment insurance and job service activities, monthly rpt,

S8895-1 Wyoming employment in Fed Govt by

occupational group and leading occupation, 1986-87, article,

see also Civil service pensions
see also Congressional employees
see also Diplomatic and consular service
see also Federal pay
see also Labor-management relations in

see also Military benefits and pensions
see also Military pay
see also Military personnel

see also Presidential appointments Federal Energy Administration

see Department of Energy Federal executive departments Public confidence in selected societal instns,

1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.2 Regulatory costs and staff, for approx 50 Federal agencies, FY70s-90, annual rpt,

U9640-1 see also Federal boards, committees, and

commissions see also Federal independent agencies see also under By Government Agency in

the "Index by Categories" see also under names of individual

departments or agencies Federal expenditures

see Budget of the U.S.
see Defense expenditures

see Government spending
Federal funding for energy programs
Magnetic-fusion energy research Federal

funding, for 13 research instns, FY88,

article, C2175–1.124 Oil enhanced recovery projects and costs,

with research support from DOE, 1989

article, C3242-2.101 Federal funding for research and development Aerospace industry, civil and military

production, R&D, trade, employment, and finances, with Federal funding data, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A0250-2 Birth control method R&D, public views on govt spending, May 1988 survey,

Budget of US funding for R&D, by agency

and program area, FY88-90, annual

article, A1250–1.113 Budget of US funding requests for aircraft,

missiles, and other weapons dev programs, by service branch, FY89-90, annual

feature, C5800–4.109
Budget of US R&D funding for 8 agencies

in FY89, with Bush Admin request and
congressional appropriation for FY90, recurring article, A1250–1.134

Chemicals R&D spending in Federal,

industrial, and academic sectors, with data by company and instn, 1970s-89, annual

feature, A1250–1.134 Electronics, office equipment, and

communications industries R&D funding,

1986, article, C1850–2.103 Environmental research funding, by agency,

FY90, article, A1250–1.137
Funding and expenditures for R&D, by

source and performing sector, 1960s-90,

annual rpt, R3300–1 Funding and performance of R&D, by

sector, 1989, annual article, C1850–6.102 Funding for defense and civilian R&D, 1980

and 1988, article, A1250–1.101 Global climate research funding from Fed

Govt, 1989-90, article, A1250–1.115
Higher education Fed Govt obligations and

aid for R&D, for top 100 instns, FY87,

annual feature, C2175-1.109
Higher education Fed Govt obligations for

R&D, top US and Southern instns,

1985/86, biennial fact book, A8945–1.4 Higher education funding and Federal aid

for R&D, for top 100 instns, FY87,

annual feature, C2175-1.102 Higher education R&D funding by source,

by State and for US territories, FY87,

C2175-1.103 Higher education R&D program spending, by State and selected agency, FY87,

C2175-1.132 Higher education research grants from 4

Federal agencies, by State and territory,

1988, C2175-1.124 Higher education research projects

earmarked funding, by State and instn,

1980-89, article, C2175-1.112 Library-related research and research library

resources, by instn, 1989 annual

compilation, C1650–3.2 Scientist views on research projects that

should receive Federal funding priority,
and methods for increasing funds, Jan

1989 survey, article, C1850-6.104 Superconductivity and total R&D funding of Fed Govt, FY87-89, article,

C1850–2.105 Superconductivity R&D funding in US and Japan, govt and corporate, 1988, article,

C1850-6.101 Transportation R&D and planning outlays, by Federal agency, 1989 annual rpt,

R4815-1 University-industry interaction programs funded by 4 Federal agencies, 1988 rpt,

State and local: Florida higher education research contract

and grant funds by source and expenditures by discipline, FY88, annual

rpt, S1725-1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.17 see also Defense research see also Federal funding for energy programs

see also Federally Funded R&D Centers Federal German Republic

see Germany, West Federal grants

see terms beginning with Federal aid to

Federal Home Loan Bank Board Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350-2.5 Savings instn membership, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A7540–1.1 Federal home loan banks Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

State and local: Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.14 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350-2.5 Federal Housing Administration

see Housing (FHA), HUD Federal independent agencies Congressional organization, major legislative

and budget actions, and agency and program appropriations, 100th Congress,

2nd session, 1988, annual rpt, C2500–2
Regulatory costs and staff, for approx 50 Federal agencies, FY70s-90, annual rpt,

U9640–1 see also Environmental Protection Agency see also Export-Import Bank see also Federal boards, committees, and

commissions see also Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. see also Federal Emergency Management

Agency see also Federal Home Loan Bank Board see also Federal Reserve System see also Federal Trade Commission see also Government corporations and

enterprises see also National Aeronautics and Space

Administration see also National Foundation on the Arts

and the Humanities see also National Science Foundation see also Panama Canal see also Securities and Exchange

Commission see also Small Business Administration see also Tennessee Valley Authority see also U.S. Postal Service

see also Veterans Administration Federal Intermediate Credit Banks

see Farm Credit System Federal land banks

see Farm Credit System Federal lands

see Government supplies and property see Military bases, posts, and reservations

see Public lands Federal-local relations City govt policies and conditions, by region

and population size, with views of local
officials, Natl League of Cities surveys,

series, A8012-1 City officials views on issues and conditions

affecting local govt, including relations with other govtl bodies, Dec 1988 survey,

annual rpt, A8012–2
see also Federal aid to local areas
see also Intergovernmental relations
see also Revenue sharing

Federal National Mortgage Association Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350–2.5 Loans closed and serviced in mortgage

banking industry, by type of investor,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, A6450_4 Yields and interest rates for selected

securities and loans, and secondary

market activity, monthly rpt, A6450_2 Federal officials

see Federal employees

see Officials Federal pay Budget of US economic assumptions of Reagan Admin, 1987-93, annual rpt,

C2500_2 Chemistry and chemical engineering grad

starting salaries, employment status, demographic characteristics, and advanced study plans, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A1250–2 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, by region,

interim rpt series, A3940–1 College grad job and salary offers, by field

of study, type of employer and occupation, and degree level, series,

Congressional salaries, public awareness of

levels and support for increase, Jan 1989

Gallup Poll and trends, C4040-1.110 Corporate chief executive views on Federal

appointments and pay, July 1989 survey,

article, C8900–1.120 Correctional instn admin, inmates, facilities,

costs, parole and probation, and staffing, for local, State, and Federal systems, 1989

annual rpt, R4300-1 Engineers salaries in Fed Govt, by years

since college degree, 1988, annual survey

rpt, A0685-5 Executive salaries in private sector vs Govt, for 10 former OMB officials, 1988 article,

C3950–1.102 High-level executive, legislative, and judicial

salaries and proposed increases, by

position, Jan 1989, annual rpt, C2500–2 Office info processing personnel salaries,

bonuses, and hours, 39 positions, by region and industry, 1988 annual survey,

Parole/probation agencies, budgets, staff by

position and sex, starting salaries, and caseloads, 1989 recurring directory,

Pay schedule for Federal white collar

workers, and salaries of typical positions,

1989 annual rpt, R9380–1.3
Salaries in private vs public sectors, for 6 professional occupations, 1988, article,

C5800–7.110 Senate staff, salaries, and benefits, by

position and length of service, 1988,

recurring rpt, R4140-3 Travel allowance rates per diem for US

Govt employees, by country or foreign

city, Mar 1989, annual rpt, C2140-1.6 Utility and transportation regulatory agency

activities, scope of jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected industry data, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1

State and local: Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.23 Georgia and Atlanta MSA forecast

employment by industry group and income by source, quarterly rpt,

U1880-2 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090-1.10, S2090–1.12,

S2090-1.14 Idaho advisory vote on US constitutional

amendment limiting congressional pay increases, election results by county, 1988,

biennial rpt, S2305-1 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.14 North Dakota statistical abstract, general

data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.13 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, $7125-1.2 Texas and US DOD payroll, 1985, recurring

rpt, U8790–1.3 see also Civil service pensions see also Military benefits and pensions

see also Military pay Federal Reserve System Money and securities market activity, and

related indicators, biweekly rpt, B5350–2 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. Business economists views on solutions for

FSLIC financial problems, Nov 1988

survey, A6650_6.103 Failed savings and loan assns, and FSLIC

assistance, 1980-88, article, A7000-1.101 Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350–2.5 Legal fees paid by FDIC and FSLIC, top 10 law firm recipients, 1988, article,

C0175-1.145 Savings instns by type of insurer, 1987,

annual rpt, A7540-1.1 Federal-State relations Asbestos containment in schools,

compliance with Federal law by State, 1988, article, R4800–2.106,

State and local: Wyoming mineral royalty revenues refunded

after lawsuit challenging reductions under Gramm-Rudman Act, Oct 1986, annual

rpt, S9010–1.2 see also Federal aid to States see also Intergovernmental relations

see also Revenue sharing Federal stockpiles

see Stockpiling Federal Trade Commission Advertising expenditures vs FTC staffing,

1960s-89, article, C4325–1.105 Federal trust funds

see Government trust funds Federally Funded R&D Centers Chemicals R&D spending in Federal,

industrial, and academic sectors, with data by company and instn, 1970s-89, annual

feature, A1250–1.134 Physics professional society members

employment, salaries, and selected demographic characteristics, 1986 survey, recurring rpt, A1960–5


see Livestock and livestock industry Feeds

see Animal feed Feedstocks, petrochemical

see Petrochemicals Fees

see License taxes and fees see Professionals' fees see Tuition and fees see User fees Feistritzer, C. Emily “Profile of School Board Presidents in the

U.S.”, R6350_5
“Teacher Supply and Demand Surveys,

1988”, R6350-4 Feldman, Joan M. "Coming of Age of International Air

Freight", C7000-4.108 "In Pursuit of a 'Balance of Benefits",

C7000–4.111 "Path to Additional Airport Capacity Has

Many Potholes", C7000–4.101 Fellowships

see Student aid Feltovich, Joan “Teaching Medical Students in Ambulatory

Settings in Departments of Internal

Medicine", A3273–8.102 Fennell, Dean

“Lending to Marinas", A6400-2.102 Fensholt, Carol "Minding the Store & the Marketing

Process", 08450–5.103 Ferguson, Kelly H. “Influx of Entry-Level Engineers Drops Median Income to $52,000",

"More Paper Mills Install SPC/SQC as Quality Requirements Increase”,

C3975-2.108 Ferrara, Cos "How Much Money Store Managers Make”,

C2150-10.105 Ferries Mass transit system finances and operations,

passengers, and employment, by mode, US and Canada, 1960s-88, recurring rpt,

State and local: Alaska hwy and ferry mileage, 1987-88,

annual rpt, S0275-1 Fertility Consumer market indicators, including

population characteristics, employment, and personal finances, 1988 annual fact

file rpt, C3400-1.118 Developing countries family planning

programs, and population socioeconomic profile, by country, 1988 recurring rpt,

U1246–1.1 Insurance coverage of in vitro fertilization,

importance as viewed by public, physicians, and other groups, 1987 survey,

B4420-1 Islamic countries population and

demographic characteristics, with comparison to non-Islamic areas, by

region, 1988 rpt, R8750–2.42 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

Puerto Rico women's fertility, age at

marriage, and contraceptive use, for Catholics vs non-Catholics, 1982 study, article, A2623-1.111

Trends in maternity indicators, including

fertility, births, teenage pregnancy, and abortion, with demographic characteristics, 1800s-86, recurring rpt,

R9700–1.2 Women with fertility problems, by age group and marital status, 1982, article,

A5160-1.101 World demographic trends and population-related issues, monthly rpt,

R8750–1 World family planning and fertility trends,

and contraceptives effectiveness, safety, and availability, by method, series,

U2520-1 World population, health, and agriculture

indicators, with detail by region and country, 1988-89 biennial rpt,

R9455-1.1, R9455-1.5 World population size and characteristics,

GNP, and land area, by world region
and/or country, 1989 annual data sheet,

State and local: Alabama births and rates, by characteristics

of mother, type of attendant, birth weight, and location, 1987, annual rpt,

S0175-2.2 Arizona vital statistics by county, including

births, deaths by cause, and communicable diseases, with demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S0480–1.1 Colorado vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S1010-1 Florida vital statistics, including population,

births, deaths by cause, and marriages and dissolutions, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S1745-3 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.2 Idaho vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S2250–2.2 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160–3.9 Indiana vital statistics, including population,

and births by mother and child characteristics, 1986 and trends, annual

rpt, S2630-3.1 Kansas pregnancy outcome data, including

births, abortions, and fetal and infant death, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S2975–1.2 Kentucky fertility rate, by county, 1987,

annual rpt, S3140-1.1 Kentucky fertility rates, by age and race,

1988 recurring rpt, U7175–3 Maryland vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by age, race, sex, and location, 1986 and

trends, annual rpt, S3635-1 Michigan vital statistics, including births,

deaths, communicable diseases, marriages, and divorces, by locality, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S4000–3 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.1 Minnesota vital statistics, including births

and abortions, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S4190-2.1

Mississippi vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S4350-1 Missouri population and fertility trends,

1911-88, annual rpt, S4518-1.1 New Jersey vital statistics, including births,

deaths, population, communicable diseases, and marriages and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location,

1987, annual rpt, S5405-1 New Mexico vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths, and disease, by location and demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S5605-1 New York State fertility rate, 1967-87,

annual rpt, S5765-1.1 New York State fertility rates, with detail

for NYC, 1970, 1980 and 1985,

S5718-1.1 North Dakota minority groups, demographic

and socioeconomic characteristics, 1970

and 1979-80, U3600–3.6 Ohio vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county,

1987, annual rpt, S6285-1 Oklahoma population projections, by age,

sex, and locality, with data on fertility and migration, 1980s-2010, recurring rpt,

S6416-1 Oregon fertility rates, 1940s-87, annual rpt,

S6615-5.2 Pennsylvania vital statistics, including births

by locality and characteristics of mother and child, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S6820-1.1 Rhode Island fertility rates by age group,

1960-80, annual rpt, S6995-1 Rhode Island health care topics, including

vital statistics, AIDS, personnel, facilities, and costs, 1980s and trends, recurring rpt,

S6995-2 Texas fertility rates, by age and race-ethnicity, 1980, recurring rpt,

S7645-3 Utah vital statistics, including births by

characteristics of mother and child, by location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S7835-1.1 Vermont births, by maternal and infant

characteristics, and county, with fertility and birth rates, 1987, annual rpt,

S8054-1.2 Washington State fertility rate, 1989 and

trends, annual rpt, S8345-4 Wisconsin black population characteristics,

with comparisons to total population,

1980 and trends, U9190–1.7 see also Abortion see also Births see also Family planning see also Population size

see also Zero population growth Fertilizers Bangladesh chemical fertilizer use trends,

1960/61-1983/84, R5620–1.17 Chemical and related industries production,

finances, operating ratios, employment, and trade, by country, company, and chemical, 1970s-88, annual feature,

A1250–1.126 Chemical industry worldwide pro ction

and trade, selected data by country and world area, 1984-89, annual feature, A1250–1.106

Chesapeake Bay nitrogen pollution by

source, including fertilizer application in 6

surrounding States, 1984, R4825–1 China imports of manufactured fertilizer,

1976-87, and use by product type, 1986,

article, A9315–1.106 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt, U6250_1.2, U6250–1.16, U6250–1.18,

U6250–1.19 Lawn and garden product consumer profiles,

for purchasers of barbecue grills, fertilizer, and power tools, 1987, articles,

Northwest US prices paid by farmers for

fertilizer, 1983-87, annual rpt, S8328–1 Potash imports, by State and country of

origin, quarterly rpt, A8720-4 Potash muriates and sulphates, sales and

trade, US and Canada, quarterly press

release, A8720-5 Potash production, inventories, sales, and exports, US and Canada, monthly rpt,

A8720_2 Potash sales and exports, by State, Canadian

Province, and country of destination,

monthly rpt, A8720-1 Prices paid by farmers for selected

production commodities, 1978 and

1987-88, annual rpt, S3085-1 Production, consumption, stocks, trade, and

prices for 96 basic commodities, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook for 1989, C2400–1,

C2400–2 World fertilizer use, by region and country,

1988-89 biennial rpt, R9455-1.3,

State and local: Alaska fertilizer consumption, 1960s-88,

annual rpt, U5750–1 Arizona fertilizer use, by type, 1984-88,

annual rpt, U5830–1 Arkansas fertilizer consumption by type, and

sales by county, various years 1984-88,

annual rpt, U5920–1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.13 Delaware fertilizer consumption, by type,

1985/86-1986/87, annual rpt, S1335-1 Florida statistical abstract, general ta,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.9 Georgia fertilizer consumption, by kind,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S1855–1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.19 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Indiana fertilizer use by crop, and sales,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, U4360–1 lowa fertilizer consumption by type,

1987-88, annual rpt, S2735-1 Kansas fertilizer sales, FY61-89, annual rpt,

S2915-1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.12 Kentucky fertilizer sales and use, by type,

1987-88, annual rpt, S3085-1 Louisiana farm production expenses, by

item, 1982-86, annual rpt, U2740-1 Maryland and US fertilizer consumption, by type, 1985/86-1986/87, annual rpt,

S3593-1 Missouri commercial fertilizer consumption, by product class, 1984-88, annual rpt, S4480-1

Montana fertilizer sales volume by type,

1982-87, annual rpt, S4655-1 Nebraska fertilizer sales and use, by county

and/or type, 1986/87 and trends, annual

rpt, S4835-1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.5 New Jersey fertilizer consumption, 1987,

annual rpt, S5350–1 New York State fertilizer prices and

consumption, by type, 1979-88, annual

rpt, S5700-1 North Carolina fertilizer shipments, by

county, FY87, annual rpt, S5885-1 North Dakota fertilizer consumption and

use, 1983-88, annual rpt, U3600–1 Oklahoma and US consumption of

commercial fertilizers, by type, 1987-88,

annual rpt, S6405-1 Oregon fertilizer consumption by type,

1982-87, annual rpt, S6575-1 South Carolina fertilizer consumption, by county and type, FY88, annual rpt,

U1075-2 South Dakota fertilizer consumption by

type, 1982-88, annual rpt, S7280–1 Tennessee fertilizer consumption, 1946-87,

annual rpt, $7460–1 Virginia fertilizer and liming materials sales,

by county and city, and prices paid, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S8160-1 West Virginia fertilizer sales, by type,

1983-87, annual rpt, S8510_1 Fescue

see Seeds Fetal deaths Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

State and local: Alabama vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S0175-2 Arizona vital statistics by county, including

births, deaths, marriages, and dissolutions, with demographic data, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S0480–1.2 Arkansas vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by age, sex, race, and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S0685-1 California fetal death occurrences vs State death certificate records, 1981-82, article,

A2623-1.111 Colorado vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S1010-1 Connecticut vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and

location, 1987, annual rpt, S1200-1 Florida vital statistics, including population,

births, deaths by cause, and marriages and dissolutions, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S1745-3 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730-1.1 Georgia vital statistics, including population,

births, abortions, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual rpt, S1895-1

Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090_1.2 Hawaii vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and dissolutions, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual

rpt, S2065–1.1 Idaho vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, abortions, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S2250–2 Illinois vital statistics, including population,

births, and deaths by cause, by demographic characteristics and location,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S2470–1 Indiana vital statistics, including marriages,

and deaths by cause, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S2630–3.2 Iowa vital statistics, including population,

births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S2795-1 Kansas pregnancy outcome data, including

births, abortions, and fetal and infant death, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S2975-1.2 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095-2.1 Kentucky vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, and marriages and divorces, by demographic characteristics

and county, 1987, annual rpt, S3140–1 Maryland vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by age, race, sex, and location, 1986 and

trends, annual rpt, S3635-1 Massachusetts vital statistics, including

births, and infant and fetal deaths, 1986

and trends, annual rpt, S3850–1.1 Michigan vital statistics, including births,

deaths, communicable diseases, marriages, and divorces, by locality, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S4000–3 Minnesota vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, by county, city, and

mographic characteristics, 1987, annual rpt, S4190–2 Mississippi vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S4350-1 Missouri vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, age, race, and sex, by county and

city, 1988, annual rpt, S4518–1.3 Montana vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, population, and communicable diseases reported, by county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S4690-1 Nebraska vital statistics, including births,

deaths, marriages, divorces, and population, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S4885-1 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.2 Nevada vital statistics, including births,

abortions, and deaths by cause, by county and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S5075-1

Vermont vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S8054-1 Virginia deaths by detailed cause, location,

and decedent characteristics, 1987, annual

rpt, 58225-1.1 West Virginia vital statistics, including

deaths by county and detailed cause, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S8560–1.3 Wisconsin vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, and marriages and dissolutions, by county and demographic characteristics, 1987, annual

rpt, S8715-4 Wyoming vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S8920–2 see also Abortion

see also Infant mortality FHA

see Housing (FHA), HUD Fiber optics

see Light

see Telecommunication Fibers

see Natural fibers

see Synthetic fibers and fabrics FICA

see Social security tax Fidelity insurance

see Surety bonds

New Hampshire vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S5215-1 New Jersey vital statistics, including births,

deaths, population, communicable diseases, and marriages and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location,

1987, annual rpt, S5405-1 New Mexico vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths, and disease, by location and demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S5605–1 New York State maternity data, child

mortality by selected cause, and education indicators, 1985 or 1985/86, recurring rpt,

S5718–2.2 New York State teenage pregnancies and

outcome, including fetal deaths, by age

group, 1975, 1980, and 1985, S5718–1.2 New York State vital statistics, including

births, deaths by cause, marriages, and dissolutions, by county and city, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S5765-1 North Carolina vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, by county and city, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S5940-1.1 North Dakota births and fetal deaths, by

characteristics of mother and child, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S6105–2.1 Ohio vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county,

1987, annual rpt, S6285-1 Oklahoma vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S6445–1 Oregon vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, communicable diseases, marriages, and divorces, by age, sex, race, and county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S6615-5 Pennsylvania vital statistics, including deaths

by cause, by age, sex, race, and locality,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S6820–1.2 Rhode Island vital statistics, including

deaths by cause, locality, race, age, and

sex, 1987, annual rpt, S6995–1.2 South Carolina deaths, by detailed cause, age, sex, and race, 1987, annual rpt,

S7175-2 South Dakota vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S7345-1 Tennessee vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and

location, 1986, annual rpt, S7520–2 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790–1.5 Texas vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S7685-1 Utah vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, and population, by county and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S7835-1

see Grains and grain products Fielding, Jonathan E. "Frequency of Worksite Health Promotion

Activities”, A2623–1.103 Figlewski, Stephen "How Life Insurers Use Financial Futures

and Options”, C1050–2.105 Figs Production, acreage, and price of figs in

California, with US consumption and imports by country, 1940s-87, annual rpt,

Production, marketing, and income data for

California fruit and nuts, by commodity,

1978-88, annual rpt, S0850–1.4 Fiji Visitor arrivals in Pacific area countries, by

country of origin, with travel mode, visitor sex, expenditures, and accommodations, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, A8670-1 Filipino Americans

see Asian Americans Films

see Motion pictures Finance Corporate debt and financing policies in US

and Europe, by selected industry sector,

1980s-92, R4105–29.85 see also Agricultural credit see also Agricultural finance see also Bankruptcy see also Banks and banking see also Certificates of deposit see also Commercial credit see also Consumer credit see also Corporate bonds see also Credit

see also Educational finance see also Eurocurrency see also Financial institutions see also Financial planning see also Fiscal policy see also Flow of funds accounts see also Foreign exchange see also Government securities see also Gross National Product see also Housing costs and financing see also Individual retirement arrangements see also Inflation see also Input-output analysis see also Insurance and insurance industry see also Interest rates see also International finance see also International reserves see also Investments see also Loans see also Money supply see also Municipal bonds see also National income and product

accounts see also New York Stock Exchange see also Personal and household income see also Prices see also Securities see also State bonds see also Stock exchanges

see also Venture capital Finance companies Auto finance company leasing activity, for 3

companies, 1988, article, C1575-2.103 Auto installment credit outstanding, by type of lending instn, 1978-88, annual rpt,

A7330-1 Auto manufacturer ancillary finance company assets, 1989 article,

C2700–1.134 Auto manufacturer ancillary finance

company income and operations, by company, 1987-88, annual data book,

Financial and operating data for major

finance companies, 1986-87 and trends,

annual compilation, C0175-4.2 Financial condition of top 100 finance

companies, Dec 1987-88 and trends,

annual feature, 00175-1.173 Lending and financial composite ratios of

direct cash and diversified finance companies, Dec 1987-88, annual rpt,

B3700–1 Operating and financial ratios of finance

companies, and loan activity, Dec

1987-88, annual article, A6400–2.109 Operations, lending activity, and credit

outstanding for consumer finance
industry, with consumer income and spending patterns, discontinued annual

rpt, A1615-2
State and local: Alabama financial instns (State-chartered)

financial condition, with deposits and/or assets by instn, FY88, annual rpt,

S0110-1 Arkansas banks and other financial instns

(State-chartered), financial condition by

instn, June 1988, annual rpt, S0632-1 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation,

1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840–3.2 Delaware banks and savings instns financial

condition by instn, and small loan company aggregate loan activity, FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S1445-1

Page 17

Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.15 Indiana industrial loan and investment

companies issuing certificates of investment, aggregate financial data, June

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S2625-1 Iowa small loan con nies composite

financial data, loan and licensing activity, and legal actions, 1987, annual rpt,

S2760–2 Kentucky financial instns (State-chartered)

financial condition, including assets by instn and city, with regulatory info, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S3121-1 Louisiana consumer finance companies, directory by city, 1988 annual rpt,

S3265-1 Maine employment in nonmanufacturing

SIC 2-digit industries, by detailed occupation, 2nd qtr 1987, triennial rpt,

S3465–1.18 Michigan banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, with regulatory info, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S3957-1 Mississippi banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn type, and assets by bank and credit union, Dec

1988, annual rpt, S4325-1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.8 Missouri consumer credit lenders, and

aggregate financial data, 1986-87, biennial

rpt, S4502-1 New Hampshire financial instns

(State-chartered), financial condition by

instn and city, 1988, annual rpt, S5185-1 New Jersey banks and other financial instns,

assets and liabilities by instn, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S5355-1 New Mexico financial instns, financial and

operating data by instn arranged by city, with regulatory activities, 1988, annual

rpt, S5652-1 Oregon financial instns, financial condition by instn, Dec 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6616-1 Rhode Island finance companies

(State-chartered), composite assets and

liabilities, 1987, annual rpt, S6945-1 South Carolina consumer finance company

aggregate finances and loan activity, and

legal actions, 1987, annual rpt, S7165-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.2 Tennessee banks and other financial instns

(State-chartered) financial condition, by

type and instn, 1988 annual rpt, S7507-1 Texas employment in mining, construction,

finance, and service industries, by SIC 2and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, 2nd qtr 1987, triennial survey

rpt, S7675–1.20 Utah banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, $7830-1 Vermont banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, $7995–2 Virginia consumer finance companies

financial condition, by instn, Dec 1988,

annual rpt, S8180-3 Virginia industrial loan assns assets by instn

and composite liabilities, Dec 1987-88, annual rpt, S8180–2

Washington State banks and other financial

instns, financial condition by type of instn, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8325-1 West Virginia industrial loan and small loan

companies financial data, 1986-87, annual

rpt, S8530-1 Wisconsin consumer credit licensing and

regulatory activity, including complaints handled by line of business, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S8685-1 Financial crises and depressions

see Business cycles Financial disclosure Utility and transportation regulatory agency

activities, scope of jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected

industry data, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1 Financial institutions Auto lending and leasing operations of financial instns, 1988, annual rpt,

A4160-2 Automated system market, distribution by type of financial instn, 1988-92, article,

C1850–5.123 Black-owned enterprises financial and

operating data, for top 100 firms and auto
dealerships and for all financial instns,
1988 and trends, annual rpt,

C4215-1.107 Business failures and liabilities, by detailed

industry, cause, length of operation, and location, 1987-88 and trends, annual rpt,

C3150–8 Consumer complaint and inquiry activity of

Better Business Burs, by detailed type of

business, 1988, annual rpt, A4350–1 Consumer credit outstanding by type of

holder, 1970s-88, annual rpt, U4370_7 Consumer satisfaction with banking

institutions by type, 1988 survey, annual

rpt, C0175-2 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, 1987 survey,

annual rpt, B5000–3.3 Corporate boards of directors composition,

compensation, and practices, 1988 survey,

annual rpt, B5000–7.3 Corporate boards of directors organization

and compensation, by company size and industry, 1988 survey, biennial rpt,

B9550-5 Deposits by type of financial instn, Dec

1987-88, annual feature, 00175-1.127 Electronic publishing system spending plans

of financial instns, 1989, C1850–5.113 Executive salaries and bonus levels, by type

of position, and corporate industry group, size, and region, 1987-88, annual rpt,

B9550-1 Federal regulatory agency costs and staff,

for approx 50 agencies, FY70s-90, annual

rpt, U9640-1 Financial and operating data for major banks

and other financial instns, 1987-88 and

trends, annual compilation, 20175-4 Financial data for mutual fund industry, by

type of investor and financial instn intermediary, 1983-88, annual rpt,

Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with comparisons by industry group, 1988 and trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105

Fortune magazine ranking of top 50-100

companies in 8 nonindustrial sectors, with financial and employment data, 1988,

annual feature, C8900–1.115 Fortune magazine ranking of 50 largest

financial transactions, with participants and related info, 1988, annual article,

C8900–1.107 Higher education investment managers and

bank custodians, by instn, FY88, annual

грt, A6705-2 Installment credit outstanding, auto loans,

and consumer savings, by type of instn,

Dec 1987-88, annual rpt, A4575–1 Insurance marketing by financial instns,

consumer views including willingness to make purchases, 1989 survey article,

C1050-2.111 Japan and US financial instn performance,

and Tokyo Intl Financial Futures Exchange trading volume, 1989 article,

R5650–2.155 Japan corporate funds procurement by

source, including loans, securities issuances, and foreign debt, 1985-88,

article, R5650–2.167 Lending activity and financial condition of

savings instns, with comparative data for other financial instns, 1960s-88, annual

грt, A9350-2 Loans closed and serviced in mortgage

banking industry, by type of investor,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, A6450_4 News and financial performance of banks

and related instns, with individual

rankings, daily journal, 20175-1 Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

C7800-1 Productivity trends by economic sector and

industry, including total factor, labor, and capital indexes, 1948-87, annual rpt,

R2800-1 Public confidence in selected societal instns,

1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395-1.2 Senator honoraria from financial industry, top 10 recipients, 1984-87, article,

C0175-1.131 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Trust income and asset rankings of top 100

banks and trust companies, 1987-88,

annual feature, 00175-1.149 TV advertising expenditures of top 15 local

advertisers in 6 service categories,

1987-88, recurring rpt, A9055–12 State and local: Arkansas banks and other financial instns

(State-chartered), financial condition by

instn, June 1988, annual rpt, S0632-1 California banks and trust companies,

financial condition by instn, with regulatory info, Dec 1988, annual rpt,

S0810-1 California economic condition, including

population, employment and earnings, income, business activity, and taxation,

1960s-90, annual rpt, S0840-3.2 Connecticut banks and other financial

instns, financial condition by instn, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S1160–1

Florida banks and other financial instns,

financial and operating data by instn, asset size, and county, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S1717-2 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.17 Georgia banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn type, and assets by instn and city, Dec 1988, annual

rpt, S1865-1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.15 Idaho banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, with summary loan activity, 1988 annual rpt,

S2235-1 Illinois credit union and consumer lender

financial condition and operations, with licensed instns by location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S2457-2 Indiana financial instns (State-chartered)

financial condition, including assets by instn arranged by city, FY88 annual rpt,

$2625-1 lowa corporate income tax returns by

industry div, and financial instn franchise taxes, by income class, 1987-88, annual

rpt, S2860-2 Kentucky financial instns (State-chartered)

financial condition, including assets by instn and city, with regulatory info, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S3121-1 Louisiana financial instns (State-chartered),

financial condition by instn arranged by city, with regulatory info, Dec 1988,

annual rpt, S3265-1 Maine consumer credit protection bur lending instn licensures, FY88, annual rpt,

S3450-2 Maine financial instn assets, deposits, and

loans, by type of instn and county, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S3473–1 Maryland banks and other financial instns

(State-chartered) financial condition, by instn, with regulatory data, FY88 annual

rpt, S3655–2 Michigan banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, with regulatory info, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S3957-1 Mississippi banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn type, and assets by bank and credit union, Dec

1988, annual rpt, S4325-1 Missouri financial instn tax collections, and

disbursements to counties, FY88, annual

rpt, S4570–1.1 Nebraska personal and corporate income tax

returns filed, tax credits and liability, and income, by county and/or income group,

1986, annual rpt, S4950–1.1 New Hampshire employment in selected

2-digit nonmanufacturing industries, by occupation, 2nd qtr 1987, triennial rpt,

S5205–2.18 New Hampshire financial instns

(State-chartered), financial condition by instn and city, 1988, annual rpt, S5185-1 New Jersey banks and other financial instns,

assets and liabilities by instn, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S5355-1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.6 New Mexico economic trends and outlook, by industry div, 1970s-88, annual article, U7980-1.103

New Mexico financial instns, financial and

operating data by instn arranged by city, with regulatory activities, 1988, annual

rpt, S5652-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.2 North Carolina employment in

nonmanufacturing industries, by detailed occupation, May 1987, triennial rpt,

S5925–6.11 Ohio corporate income tax returns filed,

income, and tax liability, by industry div,

1986, annual rpt, S6390–1.2 Oklahoma financial instns (State-chartered)

assets and liabilities, by type of instn, with regulatory data, FY88 annual rpt,

S6415-1 Oregon employment, population, and other

economic devs, with data by detailed industry and occupation, 1989 biennial

rpt, S6615-9 Oregon financial instns, financial condition by instn, Dec 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

56616-1 Rhode Island banks and other financial

instns (State-chartered), assets and liabilities, by instn, 1987, annual rpt,

S6945-1 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975–1.1 South Carolina financial instns

(State-chartered) financial condition, including data by instn, FY88 annual rpt,

S7165-1 Tennessee banks and other financial instns

(State-chartered) financial condition, by

type and instn, 1988 annual rpt, S7507-1 Texas employment in mining, construction,

finance, and service industries, by SIC 2and 3-digit industry and detailed occupation, 2nd qtr 1987, triennial survey

rpt, S7675–1.20 Utah banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S7830-1 Utah business firms, wages, and

employment, by firm size, SIC 2-digit industry, and county, 1st qtr 1988, annual

rpt, S7820-1 Vermont banks and other financial instns,

financial condition by instn, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, $7995–2 Virginia financial instns (State-chartered),

financial condition by instn and instn

type, Dec 1988, annual rpt, S8180-2 Washington State banks and other financial

instns, financial condition by type of instn, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8325-1 Washington State treasury certificates of

deposit outstanding, by financial instn,

June 1988, annual rpt, S8455-1 West Virginia banks and other financial

instns, composite financial condition, and assets and liabilities by instn, 1986-87,

annual rpt, S8530–1 Wisconsin banks and other financial instns

financial condition, by instn and city, with regulatory info, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S8685-1 see also Banks and banking see also Credit unions see also Farm Credit System see also Federal Reserve System

see also Finance companies
see also Investment banking
see also Investment management and

see also Mutual funds
see also Savings institutions
see also Stockbrokers
see also under By Industry in the "Index by

Categories" Financial planning Banking industry performance and

relationship with business, views of corporate executives, Jan-Feb 1989

survey, annual rpt, 20175-5 Consumer attitudes toward buying financial

plans from banks vs other sources, 1988

survey, annual rpt, C0175-2 Consumer views on financial planning

professionals and use of insurance agents,

1989 survey article, C1050-2.110
State and local: North Carolina banks offering selected

revenue producing services, Dec 1988,

annual rpt, S5895-1
see also Investment management and

organizations Financial ratios

see Operating ratios Financial statements

see Business assets and liabilities, general see Business assets and liabilities, specific

industry see Business income and expenses, general see Business income and expenses, specific

see Government assets and liabilities

see Operating ratios Fine arts

see Art

see Arts and the humanities Fines

see Government and business see Judgments, civil procedure

see Sentences, criminal procedure Fingerhut, Lois A. "Mortality Among Children and Youth",

A2623-1.109 Finland Containerboard (kraft linerboard and

corrugating material) exports of major supplying countries, by world area and country of destination, 1987-88 and

trends, annual rpt, A2500-4 Motion picture theaters and screens, and

boxoffice receipts vs video cassette rental

income, 1989 features, C9380–1.148 Motor vehicle world production, sales, trade,

and registrations, by country, world area, manufacturer, and make, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6475-2.1 Newsprint shipments from 3 Scandinavian countries, total and to US, monthly rpt,

A2500-3 Nuclear reactor construction and operating

status and capacity, by unit and country,

1988, annual rpt, B6800-2.2 Paper industry profiles of leading producing countries, 1986-87, annual rpt,

C3975-5.5 TV market devs, including cable and video

cassette recorder penetration, and public broadcasting, 1989 feature, C9380–1.147

Finn, Edwin A. "Giving a Little To Save a Lot”,

C3950–1.108 "Sons of Smoot-Hawley", C3950–1.106 Fiordalisi, Georgina

“Did Kentucky Overpay for Toyota?",

C2700-1.140 Fire departments Employment, compensation, and

expenditures of police, fire, and sanitation depts, by census div and city size, 1988,

annual rpt, A5800–2.93 Employment, compensation, and

expenditures of police, fire, and sanitation depts, by city, census div, and city size,

1988, annual rpt, A5800-1.2 Municipal employee union/assn issues and

activities, by city size, census div, and form of govt, summer 1988 survey,

A5800–2.96 Municipal govt labor-relations policies,

including contract employment, by city,

1988, A5800–4.6 Municipal police and fire dept expenditures, by form of govt, 1983-87, survey rpt,

A5800–2.90 Municipal police and fire personnel salaries,

by position and city, 1986, A5800_4.2
State and local: Alaska fire depts and personnel, 1987-88,

annual rpt, S0275–1 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535–3.8 Florida firefighter and police retirement

fund tax allocations, by city, 1987, annual

rpt, S1760–1 Hawaii fire alarms, total and false, with detail by county, 1986-88, annual rpt,

S2090-1.15 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095–2.9 Maryland local govt financial condition,

including revenues by source, expenditures by function, and debt

obligations, FY88, annual rpt, S3618-1.1 New Jersey municipal and county data book, general data, 1989 annual rpt,

C6615-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.14 South Carolina Insurance Dept county

allocation of insurance and fire dept premium taxes, 1987, annual rpt,

S7195-1 Fire insurance

see Insurance and insurance industry Firearms Accidental deaths and disabling injuries, by

detailed type, victim characteristics, circumstances, and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A8375-2 Children's deaths from injuries, by cause, victim characteristics, and State, 1980-85,

Death rates among population age 19/under,

with detail for total and firearm-related homicides, US and selected other

countries, 1985, article, A2623-1.109 Gun control support among public, 1959-87,

C2500–4.1 Incidence of diseases and accidental deaths,

by State, 1980-86, with progress toward
Surgeon General goals for 1990, R8835-4

Lead poisoning exposure of law enforcement

trainees using indoor firing ranges, Feb-Apr 1987 study, article,

A2623–1.110 Nicaragua deaths due to firearms in a rural

community affected by war, 1976-86,

article, A2623-1.106 Parole/probation agency directory, including

policies concerning employee carrying of firearms, by State, 1989 recurring rpt,

A1305–2 Public opinion on handgun control, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.1 Public opinion on laws concerning licensing

and purchasing of handguns, Sept-Oct

1988 Gallup Poll, C4040-1.109 Public opinion on laws concerning sale of

firearms, including types that should be banned, and gun ownership, Feb-Mar 1989 Gallup Poll and trends,

C4040-1.111 Public opinion on laws restricting sales and

possession of handguns, July 1988 Gallup

Poll and trends, C4040-1.104 Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.2 Purchases of sporting goods by product and

outlet type, census div, and purchaser characteristics, with average prices, 1988

and trends, annual survey, A8485-2 Referenda and voter turnout on Nebraska

and Maryland issues involving right to bear arms and gun control, 1988, biennial

article, R2110–1.102 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.5 TV violence/crime incidence among

network prime-time programs, including weapons involved, and deaths, Mar/Apr

1989 study, C9380–1.139 State and local: Alabama crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S0119-1 Alabama deaths, by cause, county, age, and

race, 1987, annual rpt, 90175-2.3 Arizona crimes and arrests, by offense,

county, and offender characteristics, 1988,

annual rpt, S0505-2 Arkansas crimes and arrests, by offense,

victim and offender characteristics, and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S0652-1 California crimes and arrests, clearances,

and arrest dispositions, with data by offense and offender characteristics, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S0910–1.1 California criminal justice system detailed

data, by offense, county, age, race, and sex, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S0910-2 Colorado crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with offender characteristics, and assaults on police, 1988, annual rpt,

$1068-1 Colorado vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, and communicable disease incidence, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S1010-1.4 Connecticut crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by local agency, and victim-offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt, S1256-1

Delaware crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by location, and victim-offender characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S1375-5 Florida crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by victim and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

S1770-1 Florida vital statistics, including population,

births, deaths by cause, and marriages and dissolutions, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S1745-3 Georgia pistol licenses issued, by county,

1987, annual rpt, S1903–1 Hawaii crimes and arrests, by offense,

county, and offender characteristics, 1988,

annual rpt, S2035-1 Hawaii vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and dissolutions, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual

rpt, S2065–1.1 Idaho crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S2275-2 Idaho vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, abortions, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S2250-2 Illinois crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

S2536-1 Illinois vital statistics, including deaths by cause and location, 1987, annual rpt,

S2470-1.2 Indiana vital statistics, including marriages,

and deaths by cause, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S2630-3.2 Iowa accidental deaths, by type and

industry, 1987, annual rpt, S2795-1.3 Iowa crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location, local agency, and victim and offender characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, $2850–1 Kansas crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location, agency, and victim-offender characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S2925-1 Kentucky crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

S3150-1 Kentucky deaths, by cause, demographic

characteristics, and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S3140-1.2 Maine crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by county, reporting agency, and offender age and sex, 1988, annual rpt,

S3475-1 Maryland crimes and arrests, by offense and locality, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S3665-1 Maryland State referendum on prohibiting

certain handguns, election results by

county, 1988, biennial rpt, S3615-1 Maryland vital statistics, including deaths

and death rates, by race, age, sex, and detailed cause, 1986, annual rpt,

S3635-1.3 Massachusetts deaths by detailed cause, age,

sex, race, and locality, 1986 and trends, annual rpt, S3850–1.2

Fires and fire prevention

Michigan correctional instn incidents,

including discharges of firearms, by instn,

1988, annual rpt, S3960–1 Michigan crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by location and victim-offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S3997-1 Michigan vital statistics, including births,

deaths, communicable diseases, marriages, and divorces, by locality, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S4000–3 Minnesota crimes and arrests involving

weapons violations, and police firearm discharges by circumstance, 1988, annual

rpt, S4230-1 Minnesota vital statistics, including deaths

by cause, 1987, annual rpt, S4190–2.2 Mississippi vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S4350-1 Missouri crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with victim and offender characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S4560-2 Missouri vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, age, race, and sex, by county and

city, 1988, annual rpt, S4518-1.3 Montana crimes and clearances, by offense and jurisdiction, 1988, annual rpt,

S4705-1 Montana vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, sex, age, and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S4690–1.1 Nebraska State constitutional amendment on

right to bear arms, election results by

county, 1988, biennial rpt, S4955-1 Nebraska vital statistics, including deaths by

detailed cause, age, sex, race, and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S4885-1.2 Nevada deaths, by county, cause, and

decedent characteristics, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S5075-1.2 New Hampshire crimes and arrests, by

offense, jurisdiction, and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S5250-2 New Jersey accidental deaths, by type,

setting, and victim age, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S5405–1.8 New Jersey crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S5430-1 New York State crimes and arrests by

offense and demographic characteristics, and court activity and corrections, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S5760—3 New York State handgun licenses issued, by

county, 1980-87, annual rpt, U5100–1.14 North Carolina crimes and arrests, by

offense, with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S5955-1 North Carolina hunting firearm injuries,

relationship of shooter to victim, 1984-85,

article, A2623-1.102 Ohio vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, age, race, and sex, 1987, annual

rpt, S6285-1.2 Oklahoma crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by county, local agency, and offender characteristics, 1986-88, annual rpt, S6465-1

Oklahoma vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S6445-1 Oregon crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by county, local agency, and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S6603-3 Oregon vital statistics, including deaths by

detailed cause, age, race, sex, and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S6615-5.3 Pennsylvania crimes and arrests, by offense,

local agency, and county, 1988, annual

rpt, S6860–1 Pennsylvania vital statistics, including deaths

by cause, by age, sex, race, and locality,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S6820–1.2 Rhode Island Index crimes, by offense and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6990–1 South Carolina crimes and arrests, by

offense, with data by location and victim-offender characteristics, and assaults on officers, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S7205-1 South Carolina deaths, by detailed cause, age, sex, and race, 1987, annual rpt,

S7175-2 South Carolina prison inmates sentenced

under Armed Robbery Act, FY76-88,

annual rpt, S7135-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.8 South Dakota vital statistics, including

deaths by cause, age, sex, race, and county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S7345-1.2 Tennessee vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and

location, 1986, annual rpt, S7520_2 Texas crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S7735-2 Texas vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, $7685-1 Utah crimes and arrests, by offense, county,

and local agency, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S7890–3 Utah vital statistics, including births and

deaths by cause, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual

rpt, S7835–1.2 Vermont crimes by offense, with

victim-offender characteristics, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S8095-2.1 Vermont deaths, by detailed cause and

circumstance, age, sex, and county, 1987,

annual rpt, S8054-1.3 Virginia crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

S8295-2 Virginia deaths by detailed cause, location,

and decedent characteristics, 1987, annual

rpt, S8225-1.1 Washington State crimes and arrests, by

offense, with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual rpt, S8440-1

West Virginia vital statistics, including

deaths by county and detailed cause, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S8560–1.3 Wisconsin crimes and arrests, by offense,

offender characteristics, county, and local agency, 1988 and trends, an rpt,

S8771-1 Wisconsin vital statistics, including births,

and deaths by detailed cause, by demographic characteristics and county,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, 58715–4.2 Wyoming crimes and arrests, by offense,

with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S8867-3 Wyoming vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, demographic characteristics, and county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

see also Military weapons Fires and fire prevention Accidental deaths and disabling injuries, by

detailed type, victim characteristics, circumstances, and location, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A8375–2 Children's deaths from injuries, by cause, victim characteristics, and State, 1980-85,

U2515-1 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry, and commodity, July-Dec 1988 monthly

rpt, U6955-1
Hospital burn patient mortality rates, by

region, 1987, annual rpt, R3850–3
Hospital burn patient readmission rates, by

region, 1987, annual rpt, R3850_4 Local govt methods for delivery of public safety services, by city and county, 1988,

A5800_4.10 Oil industry fires and fire losses, by type of

property, 1987-88, annual rpt, A2575-8 Plastic flame-retardant resin production and

sales/captive use, monthly rpt, A8920-5 Property and human losses from fires, with

selected data by incident, 1870s-1987,

annual rpt, A5650–1.4 Water heater related fires and deaths/injuries, 1980-82, article,

State and cal: Alabama deaths, by cause, county, age, and

race, 1987, annual rpt, S0175-2.3 Alabama Fire Marshal's Office activities,

1987, annual rpt, S0160–1 Arkansas mortality statistics, by cause of

death, age, sex, race, and county, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S0685-1.3 Colorado vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, and communicable disease incidence, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S1010–1.4 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535-3.8 Florida fire marshal activities, including

inspections and licensing, FY88, annual

rpt, S1760–1 Florida vital statistics, including population,

births, deaths by cause, and marriages and dissolutions, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S1745-3 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.15 Hawaii vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and

dissolutions, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual

rpt, S2065–1.1 Idaho fire marshal activity, including

criminal cases investigated, 1987, annual

rpt, $2260_1 Idaho vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, abortions, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S2250–2 Illinois vital statistics, including deaths by cause and location, 1987, annual rpt,

S2470–1.2 Indiana vital statistics, including marriages,

and deaths by cause, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S2630—3.2 lowa accidental deaths, by type and

industry, 1987, annual rpt, S2795–1.3 Kansas deaths, by leading causes, age, race,

sex, and occupation, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S2975-1.3 Kansas fires by circumstances, and

firefighter and citizen injuries and

fatalities, 1987, annual rpt, $2925–1.1 Kansas statistical abstract, general data,

1987/88 annual rpt, U7095-2.9 Kentucky deaths, by cause, demographic

characteristics, and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S3140–1.2 Maryland vital statistics, including deaths

and death rates, by race, age, sex, and detailed cause, 1986, annual rpt,

$3635-1.3 Massachusetts deaths by detailed cause, age,

sex, race, and locality, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S3850-1.2 Michigan correctional instn incidents,

including accidental fires and arson, by

instn, 1988, annual rpt, $3960–1 Michigan vital statistics, including births,

deaths, communicable diseases, marriages, and divorces, by locality, 1986 and trends,

annual rpt, S4000–3 Minnesota vital statistics, including deaths

by cause, 1987, annual rpt, S4190-2.2 Mississippi vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S4350-1 Missouri vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, age, race, and sex, by county and

city, 1988, annual rpt, S4518-1.3 Montana vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, sex, age, and county, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S4690-1.1 Nebraska vital statistics, including deaths by

detailed cause, age, sex, race, and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S4885–1.2 Nevada deaths, by county, cause, and

decedent characteristics, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S5075-1.2 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065-1.9 New Jersey accidental deaths, by type,

setting, and victim age, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S5405-1.8 New York State statistical yearbook, general

Oklahoma vital statistics, including

population, births, deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S6445-1 Oregon vital statistics, including deaths by

detailed cause, age, race, sex, and location, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S6615–5.3 Pennsylvania vital statistics, including deaths

by cause, by age, sex, race, and locality,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S6820–1.2 Rhode Island statistical almanac, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, C7975-1 Rhode Island vital statistics, including

deaths by cause, locality, race, age, and

sex, 1987, annual rpt, S6995–1.2 South Carolina deaths, by detailed cause, age, sex, and race, 1987, annual rpt,

S7175-2 South Dakota vital statistics, including

deaths by cause, age, sex, race, and county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S7345-1.2 Tennessee fire, electrical, and manufactured

housing inspections, fee revenues, and arson investigations, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S7466-1 Tennessee vital statistics, including births,

deaths by cause, marriages, and divorces, by demographic characteristics and

location, 1986, annual rpt, S7520_2 Texas fire marshall activities, including

safety inspections and arson investigations, FY87-88, annual rpt,

S7700-1 Texas vital statistics, including births, deaths

by cause, marriages, and divorces, by location and demographic characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S7685-1 Utah vital statistics, including births and

deaths by cause, by demographic characteristics and location, 1987, annual

rpt, S7835-1.2 Vermont arson and non-arson fire

investigations, and fire-related deaths,

FY82-85, annual rpt, S8095-1 Vermont deaths, by detailed cause and

circumstance, age, sex, and county, 1987,

annual rpt, S8054-1.3 Virginia deaths by detailed cause, location,

and decedent characteristics, 1987, annual

rpt, S8225-1.1 West Virginia fire protection classification

ratings, by town and fire district, 1987,

annual rpt, S8575-1 West Virginia vital statistics, including

deaths by county and detailed cause, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S8560_1.3 Wisconsin traffic accidents involving fires,

1988, annual rpt, S8815-1 Wisconsin vital statistics, including births,

and deaths by detailed cause, by demographic characteristics and county,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S8715–4.2 Wyoming vital statistics, including deaths by

cause, demographic characteristics, and county, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

see also Arson
see also Fire departments
see also Forest fires
see also Smoke and fire detectors
see also State funding for public safety


see Explosives Fiscal policy Govt finances, taxation, and spending

policies, with tax revenue index, periodic

rpt, R9050-3 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250_1.24 State economic dev condition indicators,

including economic performance, business vitality, growth capacity, and govt policy,

by State, 1988 annual rpt, R4225-1 State fiscal and tax policy measures related to economic dev climate, by State, 1984,

R4225-2 see also Budget of the U.S. see also Business cycles see also Credit see also Government assets and liabilities see also Government revenues see also Income taxes see also Inflation see also Prices see also Public debt see also State budgets see also State government revenues see also Subsidies see also Tax incentives and shelters see also Tax reform see also Taxation see also terms beginning with Federal aid see also terms beginning with State funding

for Fish and fishing industry Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850–1 Consumption and consumer expenditures for meat, poultry, and fish, 1989 annual rpt,

A2100–1.1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.18, U6250–1.19 Restaurant (seafood) establishments and

types of seafood served, 1989 recurring

article, C1200-5.118 Restaurant patron fish ordering frequency,

1982 and 1987, C1200–5.104 Sales and consumption of seafood, by product category, 1989 annual feature,

Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1986-87, annual feature, C8450–5.101 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1987-88, annual feature, C3925–1.103 Seafood industry landings by species, and

imports, 1989 annual rpt, C4825-3 State food safety activities, with data on

agriculture, production, and inspection, by

State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.5 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

C4712-1 Supermarket fish/seafood dept sales and

performance indicators, 1987 and trends,

article, C8450–5.103 Supermarket sales by detailed product type,

1988 and trends, annual feature,

C5225-1.108 World fishing harvests, by species group and

country, 1988-89 biennial rpt, R9455-1.7

Page 18

Index by Subjects and Names

State and local: Alaska, Prince William Sound commercial

fishers by local area, and harvest,

1980-89, article, S0320–1.107
Arkansas catfish inventory and sales, for

hatchery and production operations, with number lost by cause, 1987-89, annual rpt,

U5920–1 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.7 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.10 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.5 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.20 Kansas catfish production operations and

sales, 1987-88, annual rpt, S2915-1 Maine fish stocked from hatcheries, 1987,

annual rpt, S3450–2
New Jersey seafood harvest and value, for
top 10 products, 1983-87, annual rpt,

S5350_1 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362-1.3 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.8 North Carolina fish/seafood income from

govt educational program, by county,

1986-87, annual rpt, S5885-1 Oregon commercial fishing landings by

species and county, and oyster harvest,

1970s-87, annual rpt, S6575-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.1 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.1
see also Aquaculture
see also Fishing, sport
see also Marine mammals
see also Shellfish
see also Wildlife and wildlife conservation
see also under By Industry in the "Index by

Categories" Fish, Durland

"Potential for Exposure to Tick Bites in

Recreational Parks in a Lyme Disease

Endemic Area", A2623-1.103 Fisher, Christy

"Cafeteria Lineup”, C2710–1.110 Fisher, Diane “Polluted Coastal Waters: The Role of Acid

Rain", R4825-1 Fisher, William L. “Global Economics Control Gulf Activity

Levels”, C6985-2.103 Fisheries

see Fish and fishing industry Fishing, sport Cancer risk from consumption of sport fish

contaminated with DDT or dieldrin, Great Lakes Basin, 1989 article,

State and local; Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.7 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.16 see also Fish and fishing industry see also Hunting and fishing licenses Fishman, Norman “Structural Composites: A 1995 Outlook”,


Fishman, Sylvia B. “Impact of Feminism on American Jewish

Life", A2050–1.1 Fissionable materials

see Radiation

see Uranium Fiste, William R. “Highway Hunt Bags Lame Trucks”,

A8375-1.103 Fitch, Ed “Marketing to Hispanics: On the Air”,

C2710–1.114 “Perspectivas: Imports Roll over Detroit”,

C2710-1.148 Fixed investment

see Capital investments Fjeldsted, Boyd L. “Forecasting Utah's Industrial Electrical

Energy Requirements”, U8960–2.103 "Personal Income in Utah Counties, 1987”,

U8960–2.105 Flaherty, Mary J.

"An Entrepreneurial Role for the Nurse

Consultant", A8010–3.102 Flanagan, Patrick

"I/S Buildup", 00750_1.104 Flanigan, Ted “Borehole Evaluation and Completion:

Carbonate, Volcanic, Clastic Reservoirs of

Nevada", C6985–1.151 Flax, Arthur "Chrysler: CAFE Hike Possible",

C2700-1.127 “Debate Over CAFE Heats Up”,

C2700-1.126 “Industry Awaits Details of Air Plan",

C2700-1.134 Flax, Ellen “Explosive' Data Confirm Prediction: AIDS Is Spreading Among Teenagers”,

R4800–2.133 "Private Schools' Compliance Low in

Asbestos Tally”, R4800—2.118 Flaxseed

see Oils, oilseeds, and fats Fleets

see Motor vehicle fleets Fletcher, Joseph F. "Mass and Elite Attitudes About

Wiretapping in Canada: Implications for Democratic Theory and Politics”,

A0610-1.103 Fletcher, Kevin G. "World Insurance Forum: Zurich”,

C1050-1.104 Flickinger, Bruce “Public Jewelry Retailers Strong, Suppliers

Mixed in 1988”, C2150–7.110 Flint, Jerry

"Don't Tread on Us-Please",

C3950–1.115 "Make Love, Not War”, C3950–1.123 Flint, Perry

"Canada: Lull Before the Storm?”,

C7000-4.102 "Canada Revisited”, C7000_4.110 “Corporate Discounting", C7000–4.110 "Joy of Leasing", C7000–4.108 “Old Planes, New Money", C7000–4.103 “Packaging Finance Deals Is Big Business”,

"This Plane for Hire?”, C7000–4.101 "To Have and Have Not”, C7000–4.105

Flood control

State and local: South Carolina revenue shared with county

govts, by tax or fund type, FY88, annual

rpt, S7127-2
see also Dams
see also Reservoirs

see also Watershed projects Flood insurance

see Insurance and insurance industry Floods Deaths in major disasters, with location and date, by category, 1865-1987, annual rpt,

A8375-2.1 Property loss insurance payments related to

natural disasters, by location, 1987, annual

rpt, A5650–1.4
see also Flood control

see also Tsunamis Floor coverings

Auto parts/supplies and repair aftermarket

sales performance, by product group, 1988

and trends, annual survey, C3240_1.106 Department and specialty store

merchandising and operating ratios, by merchandise type and sales size group,

1987, annual rpt, A8300–1 see also Carpets and rugs Florida Agricultural statistics, including production,

finances, and shipment data for citrus, dairy, and other sectors, by commodity,

1989 annual rpt series, S1685-1 Banks and other financial instns, financial

and operating data by instn, asset size, and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S1717-2 Building permits value, by county, city, and

type of dwelling, monthly rpt, U6660-5 Citrus fruit production, acreage, shipments,

trade, prices, and related industry data, California-Arizona and selected other areas, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

B8560–1 Consumer buying power, population,

effective buying income, and retail sales, by census div, State, MSA, county, and Area of Dominant Influence, 1987 and

1992, annual survey, C1200–2 Correctional instns, admin, and inmates by

criminal background and demographic characteristics, FY88 annual rpt,

S1720-1 County economic, social, and govtl data,

1989 annual rpt, C6360–1 Court cases and dispositions, by type of

court and case, and location, 1986-87,

biennial rpt, S1805-1 Crimes and arrests, by offense, with victim

and offender characteristics, 1988, annual

rpt, S1770-1 Disease incidence, by communicable disease,

victim age, and county, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S1745–2 Election results, and registered voters by

race and party, by county and/or district, 1988 general election, biennial rpt,

S1800-1 Elementary and secondary school

enrollment and finances, by school

district, 1986/87, annual rpt, S1725-3 Employment, hours, and earnings, by

industry, monthly rpt, S1765-3 Foreign investors and employment, by country, 1989 article (in Spanish), A8955-1.102

Page 19

Food for Peace Program

see Public Law 480 Food ingredients and additives Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850–1 Children's nutritional knowledge, diet and

exercise habits, and health status, with data by sex, region, and urban-rural

residence, 1988/89 survey, B4920–1 Cholesterol elevated levels in blood of

tobacco users, by selected demographic and physical characteristics, 1989 article,

A2623–1.110 Consumer views regarding food safety and

responsibility for protecting food supply,

1989 survey article, A8200-1.110 Drug residue in food animals, incidence by

drug type, source, and animal species,

1983-88, article, A3100-2.110
Executive views on food/beverage industry

ingredient technology and prices, 1989

annual article, C2150-6.107 Milk protein use in foods, and whey sales volume, by product type, 1988, article,

C2150-6.110 Public awareness of cholesterol and fat content of food, 1983-88 surveys, article,

C5800–7.148 State food safety activities, with data on

agriculture, production, and inspection, by

State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.5 Supermarket customer concerns about food

ingredients and safety, 1989 and trends,

annual survey rpt, A4950–3
see also Caffeine Food inspection Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850_1 Livestock slaughter and establishments

under Federal inspection, by State,

1987-89, annual rpt, 42100–1.1 Pesticide residue USDA inspection results, by commodity group, 1987, article,

C2150–6.105 State food safety activities, with data on

agriculture, production, and inspection, by

State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.5
Wheat inspected for export, by port and variety, June 1988-May 1989, annual rpt,

State and local: Alabama public health dept activities and

programs, including inspection findings,

FY88, annual rpt, S0175-3 Connecticut dairy farm and plant inspection

activity, 1983-87, annual rpt, S1155-1 Hawaii environmental quality and public

health control, inspection, licensing, and enforcement activities, 1987, annual rpt,

S2065-1.7 North Carolina livestock slaughtering

establishments under Federal inspection,

Jan 1987-88, annual rpt, S5885-1 Tennessee livestock slaughtering

establishments under Federal inspection, milk fat test results, and State Agriculture Dept inspection activity, 1988 annual rpt,

S7460–1 Vermont agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity, with data on govt inspections and funding, 1985-86 biennial rpt, $7978–1

see also Food and waterborne diseases Food poisoning

see Food and waterborne diseases Food prices Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850-1 Chicken wholesale prices, by cut, 1985-88,

article, A8200-1.104 Consumer and food industry personnel price expectations, 1989 annual rpt,

C5225-1.105 Consumer food price trends, with detail for

food at home by commodity, 1986-89,

article, C4670–1.105 Cost-of-living indexes and retail prices for

selected consumer items in approx 250

cities, quarterly rpt, A1225-1 Drought of 1988 impact on food service

operators costs and prices, May 1989

survey, article, C1850–3.114 Farm-retail price spreads, 1985-88, annual

rpt, S2735-1 Fast food prices, US vs 4 foreign cities,

1988 feature, C1200–5.102 Fast food typical meal prices, in 19 major cities worldwide, 1988, annual rpt,

C2140-1.4 Grocery price indexes in 10 MSAs with highest and lowest prices, 1989 article,

C5225-1.109 Ice cream retail price and worktime required

to purchase half gallon, 1978-88, annual

rpt, A5825-1.1 Indexes of grocery store, restaurant, food, and farm prices, 1984-88, annual feature,

C2150-6.108 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.25 Marketers wholesale and retail financial and

operating data, by sales size class, affiliation, and region, 1987, annual rpt,

Meal daily costs in 6 cities worldwide, 1989

feature, C5150–5.125 Meat wholesale and retail prices, by item,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, A2100–1.1 Supermarket retail price changes by type of item, 1986-87, annual feature,

C8450-5.101 Supermarket retail price changes by type of item, 1987-88, annual feature,

C3925-1.103 Wholesale food prices for selected commodities, 1988-89, article,

A8200-1.103 State and local: Alaska cost-of-living indicators for selected

items and local areas, with comparisons to other US cities, 1989 annual article,

S0320-1.110 Alaska price and income trends, with data

by locality and comparisons to other

areas, 1980s, U5780–1.20 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.14, S2090–1.22 Massachusetts, Boston food and cash

assistance benefits compared to food costs
for AFDC families, 1978, article,

A2623-1.107 Virginia retail food prices, and indexes by

item, for 4 metro areas, monthly 1987-88, annual rpt, 58270_1

see also Agricultural prices

see also Consumer Price Index Food shortage

see Food supply

see Nutrition and malnutrition Food stamp programs

Benefits and recipient shares of population,

for food stamps, by State, 1984,

C2500–4.9 Child and maternal health and welfare

indicators, by State, race, and selected

city, 1989 annual rpt, R3840–2.2 Military commissary food stamp and other

food voucher redemption values, by service branch, FY87-89, article,

C8910–1.106 Payment error rates, and participants as

percent of population, by State, FY89

annual rpt, S2685-1.3 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.7 State poverty assistance programs and

policies, including effectiveness and poverty population, by State, 1988 series,

R3834-1 Statistical profiles of 50 States and DC, general data, 1989 annual almanac,

State and local: Alabama public welfare and social service

cases, recipients, and payments by program and county, monthly rpt,

S0150-1 Arizona public assistance recipients and

payments, by program, county, and

district, monthly rpt, S0465-4 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.6,

U5935-2.8 California public welfare cases, recipients,

and expenditures, by program and county,

monthly rpt, S0935–2 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840-2.5 Colorado welfare and social services cases,

recipients, and payments, by program and

county, FY84-86, annual rpt, S1085-1 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535-3.5 Delaware public assistance recipients, funds

available, and payments, by program, with selected data by county, monthly rpt,

S1385-1 Florida county data book, 1989 annual rpt,

C6360–1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660–1.7 Georgia county guide, general data, 1989

annual rpt, U6750-1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730-1.1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.11 Idaho food stamp case closures, by reason,

quarterly rpt, S2250–1 Illinois statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U6910–2 Indiana statistical abstract, general data,

1989 recurring rpt, U2160_3.13 Indiana welfare program participation,

expenditures, and services, by county,

FY89 and trends, annual rpt, S2685-1 lowa job service applicants receiving food stamps, 1988, annual planning rpt, S2784-2

Kentucky statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, U7138–3.2 Louisiana labor market info, including

population on AFDC and food stamps, by area, 1989 annual planning rpt,

S3320–1.2 Maryland welfare program statistics, and

welfare fraud investigations, by county,

monthly rpt, S3645–2 Michigan public assistance program cases,

recipients, and payments, detailed data by

county, monthly rpt, S4010_1 Minnesota public welfare program recipients

and expenditures, by county, CY88,

semiannual rpt, S4202-1 Mississippi public welfare and social service

cases, recipients, and payments, by program and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S4410–1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.12 Montana economic and social profile, 1989

recurring rpt, S4668-1 Montana welfare and medical assistance

program cases and payments, by county and type of service, monthly rpt,

S4755-1 Nebraska public welfare cases, recipients,

and payments, by program and county,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4957-1 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065–1.15 New Jersey public welfare cases, recipients,

payments, and case processing, by program and county or city, monthly rpt,

S5415-1 New York State food stamp statistics, by State area, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S5800–2.3 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.11 North Carolina public welfare programs,

cases, recipients, staff, and finances, by

county, FY88, semiannual rpt, S5940–2 North Dakota food stamp recipients, by

county, 1st qtr 1982-88, annual planning

rpt, S6140-2 North Dakota statistical abstract, general data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070–1.4,

U8070-1.14 Oklahoma public welfare program

expenditures, recipients, and services, by program and county, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6455-1 Oregon public welfare caseloads, recipients,

and expenditures, by program, city, county, and State region, monthly rpt,

S6615-8 South Carolina public welfare recipients,

payments, and case processing, by county

and program, monthly rpt, S7252–1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, 57125-1.6 South Dakota welfare and social services

recipients and payments, by program, MSA, and county, FY88, annual rpt,

$7385-1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.18 Tennessee welfare and social services

caseloads, recipients, and payments, by county and program, monthly rpt,

S7535-1 Texas welfare and social services program

expenditures, funding by source,

recipients, and fraud cases, by county and program, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S7695-1 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.8 Virginia public welfare cases, recipients, and

expenditures, by program, county, and

city, quarterly rpt, S8293–2 West Virginia welfare and social service

program caseloads and expenditures, by

county, monthly rpt, 58573-1 Wyoming welfare and social service

recipients and expenditures, by program

and county, FY88, annual rpt, 58920–1 Food stocks

see Agricultural stocks

see Food supply Food stores Beverage marketing decisions and space

allocation trends of food stores, 1989

survey article, C3245-2.105 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry, and commodity, July 1988-Mar 1989

monthly rpt, U6955-1 Compensation of food marketing mgmt

personnel by position, by company sales size and region, year ended Mar 1989,

annual survey, A4950-6 Consumer buying power, population,

effective buying income, and retail sales, by census div, State, MSA, county, and Area of Dominant Influence, 1987 and

1992, annual survey, C1200–2 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by kind of business, by State, MSA, county, and census div, 1988, annual rpt,

C1200-1.112 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by product line, by State, metro area, county, and census div, 1987 and 1992, annual rpt,

Consumer preferences for supermarkets vs

convenience stores for purchases in 12 product categories, 1988 survey, article,

C2710–1.129 Dinner take-out/delivery occasions,

distribution by source including supermarket delis and convenience stores,

1988, C1200-5.115 Dinners involving food prepared in

restaurants and other establishments, consumer decisionmaking patterns by selected characteristics, 1988 survey,

A8200-8.11 Discount chain sales and merchandising,

including data by dept, leading chain, and location, 1988 and trends, annual feature,

C8130-1.107 Expansion devs, and equipment and

construction costs, by type of retail chain,

1989 annual articles, C5150-4.108 Financial and operating data for retail and

wholesale marketers, by sales size class, affiliation, and region, 1987, annual rpt,

Financial data and business info for approx

285 retail chains, 1987-88 and trends,

annual rpt, C3400_2 Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with
comparisons by industry group, 1988 and trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105

Hispanic and total consumer food shopping

frequency, in 5 metro markets, 1989

survey article, C5150_4.108 Household food shopping habits, including

newspaper ad and coupon use, by selected characteristics, July 1988 survey, recurring

rpt, A8600–8.53 Market shares and outlets, by company and

store type, for approx 330 metro areas in US and Canada, with industry operating

data, 1989 annual rpt, C3400–6 Markets with daily newspapers,

demographic and economic info by geographic area, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C3250-1 Meat sales and marketing patterns, by sales

size, affiliation, and region, 1989 annual

rpt, A2100–1.1 Mgmt info system operations of food

retailers and wholesalers, including employment and finances, by company

sales size, 1988 annual survey, A4950–7 Military post exchange and commissary

sales, by product category, for military resale agencies, FY87 and trends, annual

rpt, A2072-1 Military post exchange and commissary

sales, by service branch, with merchandising devs and comparisons to civilian retail trade, monthly rpt,

Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

C7800–1 Operating and marketing devs, monthly rpt,

Pharmacies in stores of top supermarket chains, 1989 annual feature,

Pharmacies in stores of top supermarket

chains, 1989 article, C5150–2.118 Sales and establishments, for food service

industry by market segment, 1986-89,

annual feature, C1850–3.104 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1986-87, annual feature, C8450–5.101 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1987-88, annual feature, C3925-1.103 Sales for top 25 food store chains, 1978 and

1987, articles, C5150_4.101 Sales growth for top product types, 1988,

annual article, C2710-1.114 Sales indexes (seasonal) for leading food and

nonfood products in food stores, biweekly
rpt recurring article, C5150-2.107, C5150–2.118, C5150–3.106,

C5150–3.115 Sales, operations, business outlook, and

structure of food store industry, by type

of store, 1989 annual rpt, C5225-1.105 Sales trends for selected nonfood products

in drug and/or food stores, with detail by

market area, 1988-89 articles, C5150-2 Soft drink market shares in food stores, for top 15 brands, 1986-88, article,

C3245-2.106 Supermarket (independent) sales and

operating ratios, by store type, sales class, and region, 1987, annual survey, A4950_4

Index by Subjects and Names

Supermarket bakery dept sales and

performance indicators, 1988, annual

article, C8450–5.107 Supermarket chain stores, including existing

and planned combination stores, for 61

chains, 1988-89, article, C8130-1.111 Supermarket deli dept sales and performance indicators, 1988, annual article,

C8450-5.106 Supermarket executive views on use and

outlook for interactive electronic merchandising systems, June 1988 survey,

article, C5150-2.119 Supermarket industry composite financial

ratios, 1983/84-1987/88, annual rpt,

A4950–1 Supermarket industry devs, including sales

and marketing by product category, and store characteristics, by region, 1988

annual feature, C5225–1.101 Supermarket industry devs, including sales,

coupon use, advertising, and computer-assisted checkouts, 1989 annual

rpt, C5225–1.111 Supermarket industry devs, product sales,

merchandising, and store finances,

monthly rpt, C3925-1, 08450-5 Supermarket outlets and average size, 1981

and 1988, article, C2150–6.107 Supermarket sales by detailed product type,

1988 and trends, annual feature,

C5225–1.108 Supermarket sales of nonfood products, by

detailed product type, 1988, annual

feature, C5225–1.109 Supermarket shoppers practices, attitudes,

and expenditures, by respondent characteristics, 1989 and trends, annual

survey rpt, A4950–3 Supermarket take-out food items carried,

1989 feature, C1850-3.117 Supermarkets opened, remodeled, and

closed, including store size and dev costs, by region and sales size, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A4950-2 TV advertising expenditures of top 15 local

advertisers in 9 retail store categories, 1st

half 1988-89, recurring rpt, A9055-11 UK food store market shares, sales, and

operating margins, for leading chains,

1989 article, C3925-1.102 UK food store sales levels, and market

shares for 7 leading chains, various

periods 1980-88, article, C8450-5.103 State and local: DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, $1535–3.1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, $2090-1.23 Illinois, Chicago market area pocket guide,

general data, 1989 annual rpt, C2130-1.2 Illinois crimes and arrests by offense, and

stolen property value, by detailed property type and place of occurrence, 1988,

annual rpt, S2536-1.1 see also Convenience stores Food supply Developing countries food production index, by country, 1983-85, recurring rpt,

U1246-1.1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.7 Public opinion on importance of selected

agriculture and food issues, 1989 survey, annual rpt, A4965-2

World food and agricultural policies and

issues, with focus on developing countries,

series, R5620-1 State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.19 see also Agricultural production see also Agricultural stocks

see also Nutrition and malnutrition Foot health and diseases

see Podiatry Football Broadcast (TV and radio) coverage and

rights payments to college and professional football teams, 1989, annual

article, C1750–1.130 College football bowl games, payments to participating teams, 1988, annual feature,

C2175-1.104 College football bowl games TV ad costs, for

7 games, 1988, article, C2710-1.104 High school and student participation in

sports, by State, sex, and sport, 1987/88,

annual rpt, A7830–1 High school football player injuries,

1986-88, article, R4800–2.112 High school sports all-time records for boys

and girls events, with school and student participation, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A7830-2 Higher education athlete experiences and

attitudes, with comparison to students in other extracurricular activities, 1988

survey, A7440-3.1 Natl Football League player and team

performance, and public attendance, 1988

and trends, annual factbook, A7860–1 Sales of team-related merchandise, for 5 Natl League teams, Apr 1987-Mar 1988,

C2710-1.144 State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.7 Texas high school football wins and losses,

for schools with best and worst records,

1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.4 Footwear

see Shoes and shoe industry Forage

see Pasture and rangeland Foran, Jeffery A. "Sport Fish Consumption Advisories and

Projected Cancer Risks in the Great

Lakes Basin", A2623-1.105 Ford, Earl “Coronary Arteriography and Coronary

Bypass Survey Among Whites and Other
Racial Groups Relative to Hospital-Based
Incidence Rates for Coronary Artery Disease: Findings from NHDS”,

A2623-1.106 Forde, John P. "11 Big US Banking Companies Increased

LBO Loans in 1st Half", 00175-1.164 Forecasts

see Business outlook surveys
see Energy projections
see Population projections

see Projections and forecasts Foreclosures Consumer credit market conditions,

including home equity and mortgage lending data, 1970s-88, annual rpt, U4370–7.2

Delinquency and foreclosure rates, and

residential loans serviced, by type, State, and census div and region, quarterly rpt,

A6450-1 Home equity lending activity and practices

of financial instns, by region, asset size, and instn type, 1987-88, annual rpt,

A4160-3 Mortgage foreclosures of savings instns, with

rates compared to all lenders, 1965 and

1970-88, annual rpt, A9350–2.2 Savings instn mortgage funding activity and

failure rates, by loan type, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, A7540_1.2
State and local: Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.21 Hawaii tax dept mortgage foreclosure cases

closed, FY88, annual rpt, S2120-1 North Dakota farm title transfers from forced sales, 1930-86, recurring rpt,

U8070-1.8 North Dakota farms and credit data, including foreclosures, by county,

1989 annual planning rpt, S6140–2 Foreign affairs

see Foreign relations Foreign agriculture China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry, and commodity, July 1988-Mar 1989

monthly rpt, U6955–1 China, Guangdong Province output indicators, by local area, 1989 article,

A9315--1.106 China production, and foreign investment and trade, 1988 and trends,

A9315-1.104 Citrus fruit production and exports, by

country and type of fruit, 1987/88 and

trends, annual rpt, B8560–1 Citrus fruit production in selected countries,

by type of fruit, 1983/84-1987/88, annual

rpt, S1685-1.1 Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange trading

activity, with related industry data including imports by country and port,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, B2275–1
Commodity yearbook for 1989: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country

and producing State, C2400–1 Commodity yearbook update: agricultural

production, acreage, stocks, marketing, and operating data, including by country,

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 rpts, C2400–2 Cotton acreage and production in importing

and exporting countries,

1976/77-1988/89, annual rpt, A7485-2 Cotton and wool production by world region

and country, and consumption and trade,

1950s-88, annual article, C8850-1.102 Forest (managed) and tree plantation

average growth rates in selected world

areas, 1989 article, C3975–1.104 Japan beef and orange production, and agricultural imports, 1988 article,

R5650-2.101 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt, U6250-1.2, U6250–1.12, U6250-1.18,

U6250_1.26 Poultry industry operations in South and

Central American regions, 1987 survey, recurring rpt, C9550-12

Poultry processing operations in Europe,

Middle East/Africa, and Asia/Pacific, including production and equipment,

Mar-May 1988 survey, C9550–14 Soviet Union agricultural production,

income, and household expenditure

indicators, 1989 article, U2030–1.103 Soviet Union livestock inventories, monthly

rpt recurring table, U2030–1 Soybean production and marketing data,

including utilization, prices, and trade, with comparison to other oilseeds,

1920s-89, annual rpt, B8480–1
Wheat supply-demand summary for leading

producing and importing countries, 1989/90 and trends, annual rpt,

A7310–1 World food and agricultural policies and

issues, with focus on developing countries,

series, R5620-1 World population, health, and agriculture

indicators, with detail by region and country, 1988-89 biennial rpt,

R9455-1.1, R9455-1.6
see also Agricultural exports and imports Foreign area studies

see Area studies Foreign assistance

see International assistance Foreign budgets Developing countries family planning,

health, and total budgets, with data on spending by family planning program, by country, 1980s and trends, recurring rpt,

U1246-1.1 Japan economic profile, including govt

finances, industrial production, foreign trade and investments, and comparisons to US, 1984-88, annual feature,

R5650–2.164 Japan govt budget proposed outlay changes,

by item, FY89-90, article, R5650–2.145 Japan govt budget requests, by function and

ministry, FY89-90, article, R5650–2.159 Japan govt budget structure and outlook,

including outlays by function and revenues by source, FY88-89, articles,

R5650–2.117 Japan govt financial condition, including

account budgets, expenditures, and revenues, FY88-89 and trends, annual

article, R5650-2.136 Japan govt outlays, receipts, and balances, with comparison to US, 1970-86,

R5400-3.2 Japan military aircraft production and costs

in Defense Agency budget, by model,

FY90, article, C5800_4.128 Japan superconductivity research budget, by

program, FY89, article, R5650-2.109 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.7, U6250-1.24 Mexico govt income from oil, and allocation by function, 1980-81, annual rpt,

U6250–1.17 Military vs social expenditures in 142

countries, with socioeconomic profile data,

1989 annual rpt, R9447-1
NATO member expenditure levels for

defense and economic assistance, by member country with comparison to Japan, 1986, article, R5650-2.152, R5650_2.163

Nicaragua govt budget, and admin and

public credit expenditures,

1875/76-1914/15, U6250–1.32 Pacific area tourism budgets, by country and

function, 1987, annual rpt, A8670–1 Soviet Union budget expenditures, by

category, 1989-90, article, U2030–1.105 Spain economic indicators, including price

indexes, employment and wages, interest rates, and govt finances, 1987-88, article,

Tax revenues by source, distribution and

ratio to GDP, for 15 OECD countries,

1984, recurring rpt, R3400—3.3
Tourism dev expenditures and receipts, for US and foreign govts, 1985-86, annual rpt,

R9375-9 Venezuela govt spending trends by function,

1900-80, U6250–1.29 Foreign competition Airline scheduled service to/from US, US vs

foreign carrier shares, by country, 1989

article, C5800–4.114 Auto parts from foreign manufacturers as

percent of components in typical vehicle sold in US, 1980 and 1989,

C2150-10.102 Competitiveness of US related to

technology, with data on foreign trade, employment, R&D, and education, 1988

rpt, R6000–34 Consumer electronics sales, with market

share for US producers, for 8 products invented in US, 1987 and trends, article,

C5800–7.131 Corporate chief executive officer views on

business, economy, politics, and mgmt,

1988 survey, annual article, C4160–1.102 Corporate chief executive views on foreign

competitive position of US, Mar 1989

survey, article, C8900-1.112 Corporate hostile takeovers and business

sector performance, attitudes of general public and executives, Dec 1986/Jan 1987

survey, U8043-1 Corporate marketing directors views on

trend in foreign competition and major competing country, 1988 survey rpt,

B4490-2.25 DOD prime contract awards to foreign

sources, FY84-87, article, C1850-2.105 Electronics manufacturing mgmt views on

production techniques and labor issues,

Oct 1988 survey, article, C1850–2.101 Hard goods industry foreign competition,

and manufacturers views on trade issues, by product line, 1989 annual survey rpt,

A1800–1 Indicators of US competitiveness related to

standard of living, trade, productivity, and investment, 1970-87, annual rpt,

A4475-1 Indicators of US competitiveness related to

standard of living, trade, productivity, and investment, 1972-88, annual rpt,

A4475-2 Japan trade with US, and product quality, views of US public, July 1989 survey,

Lawn/garden manufacturer rankings of 10

foreign countries by level of export

competition, 1989, C4725–2.104 Opinions of business, academic, and State

govt leaders on US competitiveness and related factors, 1987 survey, R4105-65

Plant closings in 3 manufacturing industries,

correlations with wages, fuel costs, taxes, unions, imports, and output demand,

1970s-82, R9260-8 Product liability impact on manufacturing

firm operations, competitiveness, and costs, executive views by company size,

1987 survey, R4105-66
Public opinion in US on fairness of 7 major trading partners, Jan 1989 survey, article,

C4725–3.115 Public opinion on quality of life, and social

and economic problems and outlook, Aug

1989 survey, C5800–7.146
Semiconductor sales in US for foreign vs US

manufacturers, with leading companies worldwide, 1987-88, article,

C1850–2.119 Steel service center foreign steel

competition, monthly survey, A8990–2 Textile industry imports and assembly

abroad program impact on fabric consumption, 1989 biennial fact file rpt,

see also Dumping
see also Foreign trade

see also Tariffs and foreign trade controls Foreign corporations Acquisitions of US firms, participants and

prices paid in 30 major transactions,

1981-89, article, C8900–1.108 Advertising agency income, billings by

media, employees, and offices, for leading US and/or foreign agencies, 1987-88 and

trends, annual rpt, C2710–1.123 Airline industry devs including passenger

and cargo traffic activity and fuel costs, with worldwide passenger traffic, by

carrier, monthly rpt, C7000-4 Airline market activity, including traffic,

financial performance, employment, and fleet composition, by US and foreign carrier, 1987-88, annual feature,

Auto advertising budgets for 11 Japanese

and Korean manufacturers, including cost

per vehicle, 1989 article, C2150-3.107 Auto news and devs, with production and

sales data and market analysis, US and foreign, by manufacturer and

make/model, weekly rpt, C2700–1 Automated teller machines and cardholders,

for top 10 foreign financial instns, 1987,

article, C0175-1.109
Bank (commercial) merger/acquisition

advisory activity, for top 10 instns worldwide, 1st half 1989, article,

Bank (commercial) merger/acquisition

advisory activity, for top 17 instns worldwide, Ist 9 months 1989, article,

Bank assets and income, for top 5 instns

worldwide, 1989 article, C3950–1.123 Bank assets and operations for largest US

and foreign instns, with rankings by country and State, Dec 1987-88, annual

feature, C0175-1.156 Bank assets, deposits, and other financial

data, for largest US and foreign instns, Dec 1982-87, annual compilation,

C0175–4.1 Bank assets, performance, and market value,

top 50 instns worldwide, 1989 annual feature, C5800–7.133

Bank deposits of 500-1,000 largest US and

foreign instns, with rankings by country and State, Dec 1987-88, annual feature,

Banks (commercial), top 100 outside US,

and 50 largest worldwide, with financial and employment data, 1988, annual

feature, C8900–1.119 Banks (foreign with US offices) finances of

major instns, by location and country of parent instn, June 1987-88, annual

compilation, 20175-1.124 Banks in US with foreign correspondents,

top instns ranked by deposits due, June

1987-88, annual feature, 00175-1.105 Canada cable TV systems, subscribers, plant

kilometers, income, assets, and profits,

1984-87, article, C4722–2.117
Capital spending plans of US manufacturing

firms for affiliates abroad, by industry group and world region, with sales and profit expectations, 1987-89, annual

survey, C5805-5
Cash/marketable securities value, for 26 US

and foreign companies with over $1

billion, FY88, article, C8900–1.102 Chemical and related industries production,

finances, operating ratios, employment, and trade, by country, company, and chemical, 1970s-88, annual feature,

Chemical industry sales for top 5 European,

Japanese, and US companies, 1987,

article, A1250–1.123 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955–1 Computer/info systems top 100 companies

worldwide, including financial and employment data, 1988, annual rpt,

C1850-5.117 Construction design firms foreign billings,

specialties, and work locations, for top 200 intl firms, 1988, annual article,

C5800–2.140 Construction intl companies foreign and

total contract values, profits, and work
locations, for top 250 firms, 1988, annual

feature, C5800-2.136 Corporate mergers, acquisitions, and

divestitures, by price, payment method, and characteristics of participants, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, B4050-1 Europe computer/info system supplier

revenues and employees, top 25 companies, 1988, annual article,

C1850–5.118 Executive compensation and company

performance, for leading firm in 4 industries in US, Japan, and Europe,

1987, article, C8900-1.101 Financial data for 500 largest foreign companies, 1989 annual feature,

Fortune magazine rankings of top 500

industrial companies outside US and 100 largest worldwide, with financial and employment data, 1988, annual features,

Germany (West) company ownership in US

affiliates, with US employment, for 11

firms, 1989 annual rpt, A5135-2.2 Home improvement industry sales and

operations, for top home centers and related firms, 1988 and trends, annual feature, C5150-6.111

Insurance, foreign surplus lines companies

trust funds on deposit in US, by company,

Dec 1987, annual rpt, S7466-1 Investment bank underwriting activity and

market shares, for top 15 firms worldwide,

1st half 1988-89, article, C2710–2.118 Israel bank assets, book value, and equity

and voting rights of controlling
organization, for 5 major instns, 1989

article, C3950–1.111 Japan and US financial instn performance,

and Tokyo Intl Financial Futures Exchange trading volume, 1989 article,

Japan brokerage firm revenues, expenditures,

and profits, for top 4 companies compared
to aggregate top 18 US firms, 1988 article,

Japan computer/info systems revenues and

employees, top 10 companies, 1988,

annual article, C1850–5.122 Japan corrugated board producers,

employment, and production, 1986 and

trends, article, C3245–3.101 Japan defense contract values, for top 10

contractors, FY88, article, C8900–1.112 Japan electronic printed wiring board sales, for top 10 manufacturers, 1987-88, article,

C1850-2.103 Japan electronics financial and operating data, with detail for 5 firms, FY88, article,

C1850-2.109 Japan electronics industry non-Japanese

workforce shares, for top 11 firms, 1989

article, C1850–2.118 Japan entertainment company revenues by

source, for 3 firms, FY89, article,

C9380–1.144 Japan farm tractor unit sales and market

shares, for top 5 vs all other manufacturers, 1988, article,

C3450-1.109 Japan subsidiaries of US-owned electronics

companies, financial performance of top companies, FY88, annual article,

Korea (South) semiconductor manufacturer

capital expenditures, for 4 firms, 1988,

article, C1850_2.113 Latin America corporate finances,

employment, and affiliation of leading firms, by country, 1986, annual rpt,

U6250-1.23 Malaysia insurance industry financial and operating data, 1982-86, article,

Market value of top 1,000 firms worldwide,

with related financial data, by company and country, 1989 annual feature,

C5800–7.136 Mergers and acquisitions through foreign

investment in US and US investment abroad, by SIC code, bimonthly rpt

quarterly feature, C6050-1 NASDAQ over-the-counter securities

trading volume and prices for leading foreign issues, and financial profile of typical foreign issuer, 1989 annual rpt,

Oil and gas industry financial and operating

data, rankings for top 400 US and top 100 non-US companies, 1987-88, annual

article, C6985–1.147 Oil and gas intl supply-demand, exploration,

refining, reserves, and industry finances, basic data by country and company, 1989 annual rpt, C6985-3

Oil exploration/production expenditures of

118 US and foreign companies, 1988-89,

annual article, C6985-1.112 Paint production, and business acquisitions,

for leading firms worldwide, 1988

recurring rpt, B8060–1.1 Pulp and paper industry operations and

finances, US and Canada, with detail by company and product grade, and world production and trade summary, 1950s-87,

annual rpt, C3975-5 Shipyard merchant ship orders, by vessel

type and/or country, 1968, 1978, and

1989, annual rpt, A8900–9.1 Switzerland insurance companies and

premiums, by type of company, 1987,

recurring article, C1050-1.104 Taiwan business firms, employment, assets,

and sales, with detail by industry, 1981

and trends, R5400-3.4 Telephone company stock prices and

performance, for 8 major foreign

companies, 1989 article, C3950–1.122 Textile man-made fiber producing

companies, products, and ownership of foreign affiliates, 1989 annual directory,

C3460-1.105 UK corporate stock prices with large

discounts from book value, for 15 firms,

July 1989, article, C5800–7.138
UK corporation acquisitions, participants

and prices for top 10 transactions, bimonthly rpt quarterly feature, C6050-1.102, C6050-1.103,

C6050-1.105, C6050-1.106
UK food store market shares, sales, and

operating margins, for leading chains,

1989 article, C3925-1.102 UK retail and food store sales indicators,

with leading chains, various periods

1980-88, article, C8450–5.103 State and local: California foreign bank offices, with financial

condition, by instn and country of origin,

Dec 1988, annual rpt, S0810–1 Florida branches of foreign banks, assets by

instn and composite financial condition,

1987-88, annual rpt, S1717-2 Florida foreign bank offices and assets, by country, Dec 1986-87, annual rpt,

U6660-1.17 Georgia intl bank agencies and assets in

State, 1988, annual rpt, S1865-1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.15, S2090-1.24 Illinois insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S2485-1 Maryland insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S3655-1 Michigan insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1987, with regulatory info,

annual rpt, S3983-1 New York State foreign banking corporation

assets and liabilities, for State chartered agencies and branches, 1984-86, annual

rpt, U5100-1.2 New York State insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1985, annual rpt, S5770-2

Page 20

Ohio insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S6310_1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.20 Washington State banks and other financial

instns, financial condition by type of instn, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

see also Foreign competition
see also Foreign investments

see also Multinational corporations Foreign countries AIDS transmission, victims, and preventive

measures, public opinion in 35 countries, Aug 1987-Apr 1988 Gallup Poll,

C4040-1.102 Aircraft (turbine-powered) in service and on

order, by manufacturer and model, for over 800 airlines worldwide, Mar 1989,

annual rpt, B3370–1 Catholic population, clergy, instns,

missionaries, and religious order membership, US and worldwide, 1989

annual almanac, C6885-1 Catholic religious and lay missionaries, by

sponsoring group and country or area of service, with mission directories, 1989 and

trends, annual rpt, A9300–1 Energy exploration, rotary drilling rigs in

operation, by world area and country,

monthly rpt, B4675-1 Financial markets worldwide, devs including

exchange, interest, and discount rates, and

bond yields, periodic rpt, B6200-2 Hard goods US manufacturer use of foreign

materials, components, and production facilities, by product line, 1989 annual

survey rpt, A1800–1 Military vs social expenditures in 142

countries, with socioeconomic profile data,

1989 annual rpt, R9447-1 Motor vehicle world production, sales, trade,

and registrations, by country, world area, manufacturer, and make, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6475–2 Oil and gas drilling rigs in operation and

average production, approx 70 countries,

weekly rpt monthly tables, C6985-1 Oil and gas intl supply-demand, exploration,

refining, reserves, and industry finances, basic data by country and company, 1989

annual rpt, C6985-3
Public opinion in US on 10 foreign countries, 1989 Gallup Poll and trends,

C4040-1.112 Refugee movement, resettlement, and intl aid devs, by country, 1988 annual rpt,

R9372-1 Telephone service worldwide, including

access lines by type, and intl calling patterns, with comparisons to population, by world area and country, Jan 1987-88,

annual rpt, B0350–1 Travel and tourism trends in US and

worldwide, with traveler and trip characteristics, and data by local area,

1989 annual rpt, C2140-1
see also Africa
see also Asia see also Balance of payments

see also Caribbean area

see also Central America

see also Centrally planned economies see also Developing countries see also Eastern Europe see also Europe see also Foreign agriculture see also Foreign budgets see also Foreign competition see also Foreign corporations see also Foreign debts see also Foreign economic relations see also Foreign exchange see also Foreign investments see also Foreign labor conditions see also Foreign languages see also Foreign legislative bodies see also Foreign medical graduates see also Foreign opinion of U.S. see also Foreign relations see also Foreign students see also Foreign trade see also Foreign trade promotion see also International assistance see also International cooperation in

environmental sciences see also International cooperation in science

and technology see also International finance see also International military forces see also International sanctions see also Middle East see also North America see also Oceania see also South America see also Southeast Asia see also Treaties and conventions see also under By Foreign Country or World

Area in the "Index by Categories" see also under names of individual countries Foreign debts Argentina loan exposure of top 10 US

banks, 1989 article, 00175-1.146 Business economists in US views on

developing countries debt status, Nov

1987-Sept 1988 surveys, A6650–6.102 China banking and finance indicators, monthly rpt quarterly tables, U6955-1.101, U6955-1.102,

U6955–1.104, 06955-1.108 China foreign debt and debt ratios, with

comparison to selected other world areas,

1987, article, A9315–1.104 Developing countries foreign debt situation,

including related indicators, for 15

countries, 1988 article, B6200-2.102 Developing countries loan exposure of 12 US banks, June 1987-Sept 1988, article,

Developing countries loan reserve boost

costs, earnings, and stock prices, for 7 major US banks, 1989 article,

C5800–7.146 Developing countries loans, and loan-loss

reserves as affected by Federal Reserve
changes, for 8 major US banks, 1989

article, C5800–7.148
Developing countries loans and loan-loss

reserves, for 7 major US banks, June

1989, article, C3950–1.123 Developing countries loans, and reserves as

percent of loans, for 7 major US banks,

1989 article, C8900–1.125
Developing countries loans as percent of

equity, for 9 major US banks, 2nd qtr 1987 and 4th qtr 1988, article, C8900-1.112

Intl monetary and economic system devs

and policy analyses, series, R5025-1 Japan corporate funds procurement by

source, including loans, securities issuances, and foreign debt, 1985-88,

article, R5650–2.167 Korea (South) external and short-term debt,

1965-84, R5400-3.3 Latin America debt situation, public opinion

in US on methods for handling, 1989

survey, annual rpt, A4965–2
Latin America foreign debt position and

GDP trends, for 6 countries, 1982-88,

article, C8900–1.112 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.22, U6250–1.24 Mexico financial indicators, including public

and foreign debt, bank deposits, and intl

reserves, 1980s and trends, U6250–1.30 Mexico loans of US banks, and loan-loss

reserve levels, for 10 leading instns, 1988,

article, C3950–1.108 World external debt indicators, by country,

1975-86, biennial rpt, R9455-1.5 see also Balance of payments

see also Public debt Foreign economic relations Budget deficit reduction in US, projected

economic impacts in US and Japan and

on world trade, 1988-92, R5025-6 Germany (West) and US commercial and

economic trends and policies, with comparative statistics, 1989 annual

compilation, A5135–2 Japan economic issues and devs, relations

with US, and trade, balance of payments, and economic indicators, weekly rpt,

R5650-2 Public opinion in 5 foreign countries

participating in economic summits on US economic influence and policies, 1988 and

trends, survey article, R2110-1.103 Public opinion on US foreign policy issues,

including economic and military involvement, views of public vs natl leaders, 1986 survey, quadrennial rpt,

A3860-1 Spain business activities and trade relations

with US, quarterly rpt, A8955-1
see also Agricultural exports and imports
see also Arms trade
see also Balance of payments
see also Dumping
see also East-West trade
see also Eurocurrency
see also Foreign corporations
see also Foreign debts
see also Foreign exchange
see also Foreign investments
see also Foreign trade
see also Foreign trade promotion
see also International assistance
see also International finance
see also Military assistance
see also Multinational corporations
see also Tariffs and foreign trade controls
see also Trade agreements

see also Treaties and conventions Foreign exchange Asia-US relations, data on foreign trade,

investments, and economic conditions in Taiwan compared to Japan and South Korea, 1987 rpt, R5400-3

Business Week economic indicators,

including exchange rates for selected

currencies, weekly rpt, C5800–7 China banking and finance indicators, monthly rpt quarterly tables, U6955–1.101, 06955-1.102,

U6955–1.104, 06955–1.108
China economic indicators for 20 coastal

cities and special enterprise zones, monthly rpt quarterly tables, U6955–1.101, U6955–1.102,

Commodity yearbook for 1989: detailed

supply-demand data, and selected
indicators for futures market investors,

C2400-1 Commodity yearbook update: detailed

supply-demand data, and selected
indicators for futures market investors,

Dec 1988-Oct 1989 rpts, C2400–2 Corporate chief executive opinions on

impact of exchange rate fluctuations on company financial condition, 1st half

1988-89, article, R4105-37.104
Dollar exchange rate trends, for 12 foreign countries, 1985-86, annual article,

R4105-68.102 Dollar exchange rates by country, Dec

1987-88, annual feature, 00175-1.155,

Dollar exchange rates for approx 40

countries, monthly rpt, A7400–3 Dollar value drop impact on export

company business, views of economists,

Mar 1989 survey, A6650_4.101 Dollar value rebound, business economists views on reasons, Sept 1988 survey,

Forecast exchange rate changes for gold and

4 currencies through Sept 1989, survey of corporate financial executives, semiannual

rpt, R4105-9 Forecasts of Federal Reserve trade-weighted index for the dollar, monthly rpt,

U1880-3 Futures and options contract open interest

(outstanding commitments), on foreign exchanges, by commodity and exchange,

monthly rpt, A5040–6 Futures and options trading volume by

commodity and exchange, 1984-88,

annual summary rpt, A5040-1 Futures and options trading volume on

foreign exchanges, by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040-5 Futures contract open interest (outstanding

commitments), by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040_4 Futures trading volume by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040-2 Germany (West) and US comparative

socioeconomic statistics, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A5135-2.2 Gold coins issued, face value, gold content,

and physical characteristics, by mint, for 49 issuing countries, 1988, annual rpt,

A5145-1 Japan and US balance of trade as affected by changes in exchange rates, 1988-92,

R5025-6 Japan economic profile, including govt

finances, industrial production, foreign trade and investments, and comparisons to US, 1984-88, annual feature, R5650-2.164

Japan foreign exchange reserves, 1982-89,

article, R5650–2.161 Japan-US exchange rate, weekly rpt quarterly table, R5650–2.109, R5650–2.125, R5650–2.139,

R5650–2.154 Japan yen exchange rates with US dollar, monthly 1983-88, annual article,

R5650–2.112 Japan yen value appreciation, impact on domestic industries, 1981-89, article,

R5650-2.115 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.24 Money and securities market activity, and

related indicators, biweekly rpt, B5350–2 Options trading volume by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040-3 Reserves distribution by currency, 1975,

1980, and 1987, article, R4105-68.112 Silver coins issued, face value, silver

content, and physical characteristics, by
mint for 81 countries, 1988, annual rpt,

A8902-2 Soviet ruble-US dollar exchange rates,

1965-85, U6250–1.27 Soviet Union foreign exchange rates with selected currencies, monthly rpt,

U2030-1 Trade-weighted dollar exchange rate indexes

based on total, nonagricultural, and
agricultural exports, 1973/74-1985/86,

article, U6910-1.103 World financial market devs including

exchange, interest, and discount rates, and bond yields, by country, periodic rpt,

State and local: Illinois Currency Exchange Div activity,

including licensed exchanges by county,

1988 annual rpt, S2457-2 Maryland foreign exchange licensed agents,

1986-87, annual rpt, S3655-2 see also Balance of payments

see also Eurocurrency Foreign investments Asia-US relations, data on foreign trade,

investments, and economic conditions in Taiwan compared to Japan and South

Korea, 1987 rpt, R5400-3 Assets (non-US) invested in US cash and

selected countries or areas, biweekly rpt

recurring article, C2710-2.107 Assets of foreign instns managed by US

firms, by asset type and source, and for
top 47 managers, Mar 1989, article,

C2710-2.119 Australia natl telecommunication carrier joint venture investments, 1989 article,

C1850-2.111 Auto manufacturer foreign ownership and joint ventures, for 3 major US companies,

1989 article, C3950-1.123
Bank (master trust/custodial) assets and

operating data for top instns in US and Canada, 1989 annual directory,

C2710-2.122 Bank and insurance company pooled special

equity and intl funds, investment performance and rankings by rate of return, biweekly rpt quarterly feature, C2710-2.103, C2710-2.109, C2710--2.113, C2710-2.115, C2710-2.121, C2710-2.122

Bank business loans by US subsidiaries of

foreign instns, with related financial data,

1986-87, annual compilation, C0175–4.1
Bank deposits, percent foreign held, top 200 instns, 1988, annual feature,

C5800–7.119 Business economists in US views on reasons

for increased direct foreign investment,

May 1988 survey, A6650–6.101 Business firms with foreign owners, by State,

1982, annual almanac, C4712–1 Cable TV foreign holdings of US cable and

telephone companies, by firm, 1988

article, C1750-1.104
Capital spending plans of US manufacturing

firms for affiliates abroad, by industry group and world region, with sales and profit expectations, 1987-89, annual

survey, C5805-5 Chemical and related industries production,

finances, operating ratios, employment, and trade, by country, company, and chemical, 1970s-88, annual feature,

Chemical industry capital spending, US and

worldwide, for 12 largest US and 3 largest West German companies, 1984-89, annual

article, A1250-1.107 China business review, including trade with

US and other countries, and economic

activity, bimonthly rpt, A9315-1
China economic indicators for 20 coastal

cities and special enterprise zones, monthly rpt quarterly tables, U6955-1.101, U6955-1.102,

U6955-1.107 China offshore oil foreign investments, and

production outlook, various periods

1979-95, article, C6985-1.120 Construction contract values, total and

foreign, with rankings of top 400 contractors, 1988, annual rpt,

C5800-2.129 Construction mgmt firm total and foreign

contract values for top 100 firms, and employee compensation by position, 1988,

article, C5800–2.132 Corporate chief executive views on foreign

ownership of US firms, Mar 1989 survey,

article, C8900–1.112 Corporate mergers, acquisitions, and

divestitures, by price, payment method, and characteristics of participants, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, B4050–1 Corporate mergers, acquisitions, and other

agreements involving US companies, by SIC code, bimonthly rpt quarterly feature,

C6050-1 Debt of US Govt, and interest, including

amount held by foreigners, FY40s-90,

article, R9050–3.106 Direct foreign investment in US, and US

investment abroad, selected trends including data by county, 1982-87,

R4105–5.99 Direct foreign investment in US, by industry and country, 1986-87, article,

R4105-68.111 Direct foreign investment in US, by industry and major investor, 1986, article,

Direct foreign investment in US, by industry

div and country, with detail for service industries, 1987 and trends, article, A3892-1.102

Direct foreign investment in US, by

investing world area or country, 1980-85,

article, A6450_2.105 Direct foreign investment in US, by leading

country of origin and industry, 1989

article, C7000–3.114 Direct foreign investment in US, including

data on govt incentives and Japanese auto manufacturing facilities, 1988 article,

U1085-1.101 Direct foreign investment situation in US,

including data by industry and investing

country, 1980s, article, B6200-2.104 EC bilateral foreign trade and investments with US and Japan, 1987, article,

C5800–7.105 Economic indicator trends and forecasts,

with detail for 22 selected States,

1980s-90s, annual rpt, B3520-1 Employee benefit plan asset rankings of top

1,000 funds, with profiles of top 200, and selected fund investment data, 1988,

annual feature, C2710-2.106 Financial data for 100 largest foreign investments in US, 1988, annual feature,

C3950–1.118 Food processing industry foreign investment,

with foreign vs domestic plants of 36 major US companies, 1989 article,

C2150-6.103 Germany (West) and US comparative

socioeconomic statistics, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A5135-2.2 Higher education instn investment pool and

endowment fund performance, composition, and characteristics, by instn,

FY88, annual survey rpt, A6705–2 Investment in US, and US investment

abroad, with data for leading countries,

1988, annual feature, C8900–1.119 Investment mgmt firms, assets and operating

data for 983 instns, Jan 1989, annual

feature, C2710–2.114 Investment mgmt firms in intl investing,

tax-exempt assets and operating data for top 50 firms, 1989, annual feature,

C2710-2.117 Investment mgmt firms managing

tax-exempt global and intl accounts, assets for top 50 firms, Mar 1989, article,

C2710-2.120 Japan direct foreign investment and aid, distribution by world area, 1988, article,

C8900-1.114 Japan economic profile, including govt

finances, industrial production, foreign trade and investments, and comparisons to US, 1984-88, annual feature,

R5650_2.164 Japan foreign direct investments by industry

and investing country/world area, FY87-Mar 1989, annual article,

R5650_2.144 Japan foreign investment, by country and industry, Mar 1989 and trends, article,

R5650-2.151 Japan foreign investment trends, by country

and industry, FY84-Mar 1989, annual

article, R5650–2.141 Japan high-technology investment and

ownership of US firms, for 6 investing

companies, 1989 article, C5800–7.133 Japan investment in US real estate, with 4 leading cities of investment, 1988, article, C4300-1.107

Japan investment in 6 Southeast Asian

countries, FY83-88, article, R5650–2.111 Japan investment in 7 US investment banks,

1989 article, C5800_7.109 Japan manufacturing affiliates in US, with

employment and operating info, by

company, 1987, annual rpt, R5650-4 Japan net capital flow, including purchases

and sales of foreign stocks and bonds, weekly rpt quarterly article, R5650–2.104, R5650–2.120,

R5650–2.137, R5650_2.152 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250_1.23 Lodging chain foreign properties and rooms

owned, for 38 leading chains and their

subsidiaries, 1988, annual rpt, C7000-5 Mexico foreign-owned assembly plants

producing goods for export to US, with employment, earnings, and strikes, by

city, 1989 annual rpt, U6250–1.16 Mexico investment of 6 major multinati

corporations, 1989 article, C5800–7.142 Mutual fund investment performance, by

fund, June 1989 and trends, annual

compilation, C3950–1.121 Mutual fund investment return, and share

price and value, for 9 US funds investing in developing countries, 1988, article,

Mutual fund investment return, for 4 US

funds investing in European stock,

1987-89, article, C5800–7.128 New York Stock Exchange foreign securities

listings and value by type, by world region, 1988, annual fact book,

B6625-1.1 Oil industry capital spending in US and

Canada, by function, 1987-89, annual

articles, C6985-1.116 Oil industry foreign investment, by sector,

1981-88, annual fact book, C4680-1.108 OPEC member country foreign investments

in refining/marketing operations, 1988

article, C4680–1.101 Pension fund overseas investments, for top

10 public plans, June 1989, article,

C2710-2.126 Performance of investments in Europe

Australia Far East (EAFE) intl fund, for top 5 EAFE countries, 1st qtr 1989,

article, C2710-2.115 Pharmaceutical industry domestic and

foreign sales, R&D expenditures, and employment, by product class, 1987-89

and trends, annual rpt, A8675–1 Pharmaceutical industry financial and

operating data, including R&D expenditures abroad, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A8675–2.3 Political data compilation, including detailed

info on foreign affairs and military

strength, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.10 Productivity and related indicators, trend

analysis for US and other industrial

countries, 1970s-87, annual rpt, R2800-2 Pulp and paper industry operations and

finances, US and Canada, with detail by company and product grade, and world production and trade summary, 1950s-87,

annual rpt, C3975-5 R&D spending abroad by US chemical and other companies, 1977-87, annual feature, A1250–1.134

Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.8
Retail foreign operations of 10 leading US

firms, with sales and countries of

investment, 1989 article, C8130–1.111 Retail trade foreign investment in US, with

detail by investing country or region,

1980-87, article, C8130–1.110 Returns on equity market investments in US

and 17-19 foreign countries, 1960-88,

article, C2425-1.104 Securities industry composite financial data

and market activity by exchange, with related economic data, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, A8825-5 Securities investment return and market

capitalization, for 7 countries, 1988,

article, C2710–2.112 Securities market participation by foreign

and US investors, by world area and

country, quarterly rpt, A8825–2 South Africa investors, number of US and

non-US firms, 1988, C4215-1.104
State and local: Alabama foreign investment by investing

country, and employment and wages at foreign-owned plants by industry group,

1989 article, U5680–1.104 Arizona farmland holdings of foreign

owners, with use, by country and/or

county, Dec 1988, annual rpt, U5830-1 DC statistical profile, general data, 1989

annual rpt, S1535-3.3 Florida foreign investors and employment, by country, 1989 article (in Spanish),

A8955-1.102 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.9 Georgia affiliates of foreign companies, with

employment, assets, and investment, by industry and foreign country, 1976-88,

article, U6730–2.103 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.24 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.10 Missouri farmland holdings of foreign owners, by county, Dec 1988, annual rpt,

S4480–1 Nebraska foreign investors, 1989 article,

U7860-1.105 Oklahoma and US farmland holdings of

foreign owners, by country, Dec 1988,

annual rpt, S6405-1 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.3
see also Balance of payments
see also Expropriation of alien property
see also Foreign corporations
see also Multinational corporations Foreign labor conditions

Asia average monthly earnings, for 9

countries, 1988, article, C5800–7.133 Asia equipment operator wages in 8

countries, 1989 article, C1850-2.106 Asia industrial wages, for 4 countries with

large US manufacturing investment, 1984

and 1988, article, C5800–7.126 Australia population, inflation, employment,

and related economic indicators, 1989

annual feature, C9380–1.123
Banks ommercial), top 100 outside US,

and 50 largest worldwide, with financial and employment data, 1988, annual feature, C8900–1.119

Canada, Ottawa electronics industry

employment, with growth by sector, 1985

and 1990, article, C9488–1.101 China corporate manager professional and

personal characteristics, with comparisons to US and Asian managers, 1987 survey,

U7455-5 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955–1 Coal industry supply-demand, employment,

and trade, by country, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, A7400–2.2 Colombia economic and agriculture devs,

with impact of increased coffee export

prices, 1960s-83, R5620–1.13 Competitiveness indicators related to

standard of living, trade, productivity, and investment, US vs other major industrial

countries, 1970-87, annual rpt, A4475-1 Construction design firms planning to

increase and reduce domestic and foreign staff during 1989, by country, annual

article, C5800–2.140
Corporate employment, for 500 largest companies, 1989 annual feature,

C3950–1.118 EC steel production, subsidies, and capacity

and employment trends, by country,

1970s-88, article, C7000-8.102 Economic indexes for US and other

industrial countries, and leading and coincident indicators, monthly rpt,

Europe computer/info system supplier

revenues and employees, top 25 companies, 1988, annual article,

Europe labor force age 20-24, with detail for 4 countries, 1988-2020, article,

Fortune magazine rankings of top 500

industrial companies outside US and 100 largest worldwide, with financial and employment data, 1988, annual features,

C8900–1.119 Germany (West) and US comparative

socioeconomic statistics, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A5135-2.2 Japan aging population characteristics,

including life expectancy, health care, employment, and social issues, 1980s and

trends, R8750-2.44 Japan computer programmer and software

engineer supply-demand, quinquennially

1985-2000, article, C1850–5.114 Japan computer/info systems revenues and

employees, top 10 companies, 1988,

annual article, C1850–5.122 Japan corrugated board producers,

employment, and production, 1986 and

trends, article, C3245-3.101 Japan electronics financial and operating data, with detail for 5 firms, FY88, article,

Japan electronics industry non-Japanese

workforce shares, for top 11 firms, 1989

article, C1850-2.118 Japan hours of labor, and female labor force

participation rates by age group, 1970-87,

article, R5650–2.107 Japan labor force by employment status, and

employment and wages by industry, 1984-88, annual compilation, R5650-2.164

Japan labor force characteristics, including

hours, earnings, and reasons for leaving work, for men vs women, 1980 and

1987-88, article, R5650–2.135 Japan labor productivity growth analysis,

with data on wages and investments, and comparisons to other countries, 1989

article, R5650–2.160 Japan manufacturing labor productivity and wage rate trends, 1975-88, article,

R5650–2.128 Japan retail and wholesale trade employment, 1988 and trends, article,

R3650_2.124, R5650_2.129 Japan wage increases for labor union

members, and average wages and worker age, by industry, 1988-89, article,

R5650–2.134 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250–1.12, U6250–1.13, U6250_1.23 Mexico foreign-owned assembly plants

producing goods for export to US, with employment, earnings, and strikes, by

city, 1989 annual rpt, U6250–1.16 Motor vehicle/equipment production worker

compensation in US and 13 other

countries, 1988, annual rpt, A6475-1.3 Nepal urbanization trends, including

migration, rural vs urban population characteristics, and data by locality,

1951-81, R4500–1.54 New Zealand population, inflation,

employment, and related economic indicators, 1989 annual feature,

Paper production worker hourly

compensation, for US and 11 foreign countries, 1980 and 1985-87, article,

A2500-2.103 Productivity and related indicators, trend

analysis for US and other industrial

countries, 1970s-87, annual rpt, R2800–2 Shoe industry production workers

compensation, US vs 7-10 other countries,

1970s-87, annual rpt, A4957-1 South Africa economic indicators, with CPI,

WPI, mining/quarrying employment and earnings, and gold milled ore working

costs, monthly rpt, B6800–1 South Africa employment by industry sector

and unionization, with detail for blacks,

1986, article, A2623-1.104 Southeast Asia labor force and

manufacturing wages, for 6 countries,

1989 article, C7000–3.115 Soviet Union cooperatives by type, and

employment, by republic, Jan 1989,

article, U2030-1.101 Spain economic indicators, including price

indexes, employment and wages, interest rates, and govt finances, 1987-88, article,

A8955-1.102 Taiwan business firms and employment, with detail by industry, 1981 and trends,

R5400-3.4 Textile wages and productivity index for US

and 5 other major exporting nations,

1987, biennial fact file rpt, C3400–1.120 Thailand labor migration to other countries,

including destinations, socioeconomic characteristics, earnings, and economic

impact, 1980s, R4500-1.56 Venezuela foreign vs domestic employment

in science, technology, and agriculture, biennially 1966-74, U6250_1.29

Wages (hourly) in selected major industrial countries, selected years 1970-88, article,

B6200-2.104 World labor force growth rates, by country,

1960-90, biennial rpt, R9455-1.5 Foreign languages Asian Indians in US, demographic and

socioeconomic characteristics, with comparisons to whites and other Asian ancestry groups, 1980 and trends,

R4500–1.55 Book translations by source language, and

translation publishing by country,

1980-82, annual article, C1852–2.114 Book translations into English from 16 foreign languages, 1984-88, annual feature, C1650–3.4, C1852-2.109,

C1852–2.120 Canada French language magazine

circulation and advertising rates, by publication, 1984-88, annual rpt,

Elementary/secondary teaching conditions,

including salaries, students, and teacher views on education issues and job conditions, by State, 1987/88 and trends,

recurring rpt, R3810-1 Higher education freshmen completing

recommended years of high school study by subject area, by sex and instn type, fall

1988, annual survey, U6215-1 Higher education intl studies and foreign

language programs, including funding and study abroad, by instn type, 1987,

A1410-1.32 Newspaper reader characteristics, including

foreign language paper readership and home language use, Oct 1987 survey,

Spanish-language TV program ratings, for
top 10 programs, 1988, article,

State and local: Connecticut school district profiles,

including students from non-English-speaking homes, 1987/88,

annual rpt, S1185–2 Florida newspaper circulation of daily,

weekly, and special interest newspapers,

1987, annual rpt, U6660-1.14
see also Bilingual education Foreign legislative bodies Japan Diet membership, by political party,

June 1989, article, R5650–2.144
Japan Diet membership by political party,

with election results for upper house,

1989, article, R5650-2.153 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.9 Foreign loans

see Export-Import Bank
see International assistance

see Military assistance Foreign medical graduates Dental school admission qualifications, by

instn, US and Canada, 1988/89, annual

rpt, A1475-3.1 Family practice residencies filled by US and foreign grads, 1980-88, article,

Hospital recruiting of foreign nurses, with

source countries, by region, 1989 and trends, annual survey rpt, A6500–1

Physician participation rates in Medicare

program, by selected characteristics,

1985-88, article, A2200–5.1 Physician supply and demand outlook of

American Medical Assn and HHS, including foreign medical grads,

1980s-2020, article, A3273-8.106 Public health school 1986 grad

characteristics and employment, with data by instn and location, 1987 survey and

trends, quinquennial rpt, A3372-5 Resident matching program participants, by specialty, 1989, annual article,

A3273-8.108 Surgeons in residence and practice, women

and/or foreign medical grads by specialty or type of activity, 1950s-87, annual fact

book, A1275–1.1 Foreign military sales

see Arms trade see Military assistance Foreign opinion of U.S. Economic summit participant opinions on

US interests, policies, and foreign trade, 1988 and trends, survey article,

R2110-1.103 Europe public opinion on US military

presence and nuclear defense issues, in UK, West Germany, and France, 1951-89

surveys, R2110-1.104 Foreign relations

Cuba relations with US, public support for

re-establishment, 1977 and 1988 surveys,

R2110-1.103 Political data compilation, including detailed

info on foreign affairs and military

strength, 1988 rpt, C2500–4.10 Public approval of Reagan Admin policies

and performance, with comparison to George Bush, 1988 Gallup Polls and

trends, C4040-1.103 Public opinion in US on selected foreign policy issues, 1988 survey, annual rpt,

A4965-1 Public opinion in US on selected foreign policy issues, 1989 survey, annual rpt,

A4965-2 Public opinion of Bush Admin ability to

handle selected problems, 1988-89 Gallup

Polls, C4040-1.110, C4040-1.111 Public opinion on importance to US of

recent events in China and Eastern Europe, June 1989 Gallup Poll,

C4040-1.113 Public opinion on most important natl problem, 1988-89 Gallup Polls,

C4040-1.106, C4040-1.113 Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395-1.1,

U6395–1.3 Public opinion on US foreign policy

priorities, goals, foreign relations, and economic and military involvement, views of public vs natl leaders, 1986 survey,

quadrennial rpt, A3860–1
Soviet-US relations, public views in US and
outlook for 2010 under

hypothetical scenarios, Jan 1988 survey, R8825-5

see also Arms trade

see also Cultural activities see also Diplomatic and consular service

see also East-West trade

see also Educational exchanges

see also Executive agreements
see also Food assistance
see also Foreign countries
see also Foreign debts
see also Foreign economic relations
see also Foreign opinion of U.S.
see also Foreign students
see also Foreign trade
see also Foreign trade promotion
see also International assistance
see also International cooperation in

environmental sciences see also International cooperation in science

and technology see also International sanctions see also Military assistance see also Military intervention see also Treaties and conventions

see also War Foreign Service

see Diplomatic and consular service Foreign students Chemistry and chemical engineering grad

starting salaries, employment status, demographic characteristics, and advanced study plans, 1987/88, annual rpt,

A1250-2 Dental school admission policies, applicants,

enrollment, and tuition and fees, by instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A1475–4.1 Doctoral degree recipients by race-ethnicity,

sex, citizenship status, source of support, field of study, and instn, 1986/87 and

trends, annual rpt, R6000–7 Doctoral degrees conferred and recipient

characteristics, by field, 1987, annual

article, C2175-1.114 Engineering and engineering technology

degrees awarded, by level, curriculum, State, instn, and minority status, 1987/88,

annual article, A2700-1.105 Engineering and engineering technology

enrollment, by instn, curriculum, State, and student characteristics, fall 1988 and

trends, annual article, A2700-1.107 Engineering degrees awarded, by State,

instn, and field, with detail for women, minorities, and foreign students, 1987/88,

annual rpt, A0685-1 Engineering program enrollment, by State,

instn, and field, with detail for women, minorities, and foreign students, fall 1988,

annual rpt, A0685–2 Engineers and engineering students from

foreign countries, presence in US industry and education, 1980s and trends,

R6000–32 Enrollment in US higher education instns,

by instn, State, country of origin, and selected demographic characteristics,

1987/88 and trends, annual rpt, R5580–1 Higher education enrollment of nonresident

aliens, by sex and instn type, biennially

1976-86, annual rpt, A1410-10 Higher education fact book, including

enrollment, finances, faculty, students, and

degrees, 1989/90 biennial rpt, A1410–2 Higher education freshmen attitudes and

characteristics, degree and career plans, and financial aid sources, by sex and instn

type, fall 1988, annual survey, U6215-1 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132

Library/info science school foreign students,

by sex, degree program, and country of

origin, fall 1988, annual rpt, A3235–1.2 Mathematics dept faculty and doctoral

degree recipient characteristics, including salaries, US and Canada,

1987/88-1988/89 and trends, annual

survey, A2085-1.1 Medical school programs, fees, applicants,

admissions, and enrollment, with data by age, sex, minority group, and instn,

1988/89, annual rpt, A3273-10 Optometry school faculty, enrollment and

degrees, policies and programs, and finances, by instn, 1988/89, annual

survey, A3370–2 Pharmacy degrees conferred, by degree

level, sex, race-ethnicity, instn, State, and census div, 1987/88 and trends, annual

rpt, A0630-2 Pharmacy school enrollment, by student

characteristics, degree level, program, and instn, 1988/89 and trends, annual rpt,

A0630-3 Physics and astronomy bachelor degree

recipients postgraduation plans and demographic characteristics, 1987/88 and

trends, annual survey, A1960–3 Physics and astronomy enrollment and

degrees awarded, by type of instn and census div, 1977/78-1988/89, annual rpt,

A1960–2.5 Physics and astronomy grad student characteristics, 1986/87, annual survey,

A1960–4 Physics and astronomy grads employment

status, by sex, age, subfield, citizenship, degree, and employer type, with salary

info, 1986/87, annual rpt, A1960–1 Private elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, with detail for minorities, 1987/88-1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, A6835–2 Public health school applicant, student, and

grad characteristics, by instn, 1987/88

and trends, annual rpt, A3372–3 Science and engineering foreign grad students, by field, 1982-87, annual feature,

A1250–1.134 Venezuela higher education degrees,

enrollment, and study abroad, by field,

1900s-86, U6250–1.29 Veterinary school enrollment by student

State or country of residence, by instn,

1988/89, annual article, A3100–2.109
State and local: California postsecondary education

enrollment and degrees, by sex, race-ethnicity, and instn, 1986/87, annual

series, S0827-2 Florida foreign students enrolled in

State-supported universities, by field, instn, and country, fall 1987, annual rpt,

S1725-1 Illinois higher education enrollment and

degrees, by level, instn, field instruction, and student characteristics,

fall 1988, annual rpt, S2475-1.1 Massachusetts higher education enrollment,

degrees by level, and student characteristics, by instn, 1987, annual rpt,

S3855-1 Minnesota postsecondary education

finances, and enrollment by student characteristics, by type of school system, 1970s-89, biennial rpt, S4195-2.2

Page 21

Wine market statistics, including sales,

production, trade, and consumer characteristics, with data by company, brand, and geographic area, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C4775–2
Wine sales and market shares for top 31

wineries, and imports, 1986-88, annual

article, C2710–1.146 Wood chemicals production, consumption,

and trade, US and foreign, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C6585-1 World economic trends, quarterly rpt,

R4105-68 World wildlife trade in live primates and

parrots, cat and reptile skins, and raw
ivory, for 146 countries, 1985, biennial

rpt, R9455-1.6
State and local: Alabama, Port of Mobile waterborne shipments, monthly business activity rpt,

U5680_1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.20 California exports, with major trading

partners and products traded, 1987,

annual rpt, S0840–3.1 California ports trade, by trading partner,

1988, article, S0840–1.106 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.10 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.13 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.8 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090-1.13, S2090-1.18,

S2090-1.24 Illinois manufacturing exports, by major

industry group, bimonthly rpt, S2405–2 Kansas export-related manufacturing firms, by industry group, 1988/89, article,

U7095–1.103 Kansas manufactured goods exports, and

export-related employment, by industry div and product, 1989 articles,

U7095–1.101 Kentucky economic statistics, general data,

1989 annual rpt, S3104–1.1 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.10 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.6 Nebraska and US exports, with related

employment and business firms, by industry and commodity, 1989 article,

U7860-1.105 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855–1.6 New Jersey statistical profile, general data,

1988 recurring rpt, S5362–1.4 New York State business activity indicators,

quarterly rpt, S5735–2 New York State statistical yearbook, general data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.3,

U5100-1.15 Oregon foreign trade through

Columbia-Snake River customs district, by product and country of origin, 1987,

biennial rpt, S6615-9.1 Oregon statistical profile, economic data,

1987 and trends, recurring rpt, S6585-1 Pennsylvania and US export-related

employment and shipments, shares for 7 industry groups, 1986 and/or 2nd qtr 1989, article, U4110–1.109

South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125-1.10 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.4 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.7 Texas fact book, general data, 1989

recurring rpt, U8790–1.4 Utah and US employment related to

manufactured exports, by selected

industry div, 1986, S7820–3.106 Virginia economic indicators, including new

business incorporations and employment

data, quarterly rpt, S8205-4 Washington State export shares of

manufacturing shipments, by selected industry group, 1986, article,

S8340_3.101 Washington State intl trade, by major trading partner, 1978-87, annual rpt,

see also Agricultural exports and imports
see also Arms trade
see also Balance of payments
see also Coal exports and imports
see also Dumping
see also East-West trade
see also Economic indicators
see also Energy exports and imports
see also Export-Import Bank
see also Foreign competition
see also Foreign exchange
see also Foreign investments
see also Foreign trade promotion
see also International assistance
see also Military assistance
see also Motor vehicle exports and imports
see also Multinational corporations
see also Natural gas exports and imports
see also Petroleum exports and imports
see also Tariffs and foreign trade controls

see also Trade agreements Foreign trade promotion China business review, including trade with

US and other countries, and economic

activity, bimonthly rpt, A9315-1 Directory of US foreign trade zones, 1989

annual rpt, C8400–2 State intl promotion budgets and overseas offices, by State, 1988, article,

State and local: Hawaii foreign trade zone operations and merchandise value, FY68-88, annual rpt,

see also Exhibitions and trade fairs Forensic sciences Chemist and chemical engineer salaries,

employment status, demographic and professional characteristics, and academic

background, 1989, annual rpt, A1250_4
State and local: Maine State police crime laboratory

activities, 1987, annual rpt, S3450–2 Minnesota forensic science laboratory cases by type or offense, 1988, annual rpt,

S4230–1.3 New Mexico court revenue by source,

including crime laboratory fees, by

jurisdiction, FY88, annual rpt, S5623–1 Wyoming fingerprint cards submitted by

local law enforcement agencies and correctional instns, 1988, annual rpt, S8867-3.2

Forest fires Deaths in major disasters, with location and date, by category, 1865-1987, annual rpt,

A8375-2.1 Management of forests, State programs and

policies, spending, fires, and reforestation,

by State, 1989 rpt, R8930_1.2 World forest fires, losses, and prevention

expenditures, by country, 1975-84,

biennial rpt, R9455–1.6 Yellowstone Natl Park fires economic

impact on Wyoming, including sales tax, lodging operations, and visitors, 1986-88,

article, U9350_2.102 State and local: Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.5 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090–1.20 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255–4.10 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100–1.8 South Carolina statistical abstract, general

data, 1989 annual rpt, S7125–1.1 Forests and forestry Asia commercial forest area in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, 1989 article,

C3975-2.109 Business failures and liabilities, by detailed

industry, cause, length of operation, and location, 1987-88 and trends, annual rpt,

C3150–8 Commercial forestland ownership, and

timber harvested, by region, 1989 annual

rpt, A2500-1.3 Forest industries mgmt, technical devs,

manufactures, and sales/earnings data, articles and special features, monthly rpt,

C3975-1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.2, U6250-1.18 Management of forests, State programs and

policies, spending, fires, and reforestation,

by State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.2 Nepal deforestation impact on farm

household time allocation, agricultural labor and production, food consumption, and child nutrition, 1982/83,

R5620–1.14 Public opinion on tropical rain forest loss,

May 1989 Gallup Poll, C4040-1.113 Reforestation mgmt programs, and forest

acreage, by State, 1989 rpt, R8930–1.7 Southern hardwood forest growth and harvest, 1988, 2000, and 2020, article,

C3975-2.109 Timberland investments, trends in performance, 1978-88, article,

C2710-2.112 Timberland investor revenues, stock

dividend, assets, and investment prices,
for 12 leading companies, 1988, article,

C3950–1.116 Timberland public and private ownership,

with holdings of major companies, 1988

annual rpt, C3975-5.1 World forest and rangeland areas, with data

on condition and mgmt, by region and country, 1988-89 biennial rpt, R9455-1.2, R9455–1.6

Page 22

Fraternal benefit societies

For Aging 129

Change in 3800-4114

nd und

C7000-2 ilization, Dries

, by --91, ampa

Nuclear reactor construction and operating

status and capacity, by unit and country,

1988, annual rpt, B6800–2.2 Paper industry profiles of leading producing countries, 1986-87, annual rpt,

C3975-5.5 Public opinion on NATO and US vs Soviet

Union, 1953-87 surveys, R2110–1.104 Silver market activity worldwide and in US,

including consumption by end use, stocks, trade, and prices, by country, 1984-88,

annual rpt, B4300–1 TV market devs, including cable and home

video penetration, and network program sales and advertising revenues, 1989

features, C9380–1.122 TV market devs, including cable and video

cassette recorder penetration, network
ratings, and top US shows, 1989 features,

see also Paris, France
see also under By Foreign Country or World

Area in the “Index by Categories" Francese, Peter "Symphony of Demographic Change”,

C2710-1.102 Franchi, Madeline "Industry Performance Update: Health Care

and Financial Services”, C1850–5.123 “IS Operations: The Economy's Impact on

Your Department”, C1850–5.112 "Sector Performance Update: Food,

Petroleum, Chemicals, and

Pharmaceuticals”, C1850–5.110 "Sector Performance Update: Spotlight on

Industry”, C1850–5.104 "Supplier Performance Update: Flatter Sales

in '89”, C1850–5.114
"Where the Smart IS Investors Are Putting

Their Money”, C1850–5.122 Franchise tax

see License taxes and fees Pranchises Asia auto sales and dealerships in US,

aggregate for 10 manufacturers, 1988 and

1992, article, C2700–1.128 Auto and truck dealer financial and

operating data, including sales and employment by State, 1970s-88, annual

rpt, A7330-1 Auto dealer domestic and import auto

outlets, by make, Jan 1988-89 and trends,

annual data book, C2700-1.131 Auto dealer financial and operating data, including sales, 1987-88, article,

C2700-1.113 Auto dealership franchises parts and service

sales, and selected operating data, 1989

annual rpt, C4740–1.1 Auto dealerships, including domestic and

import outlets, and franchises by make, 1989 and trends, annual article,

C2700–1.118 Auto franchise net profits as percent of

sales, by manufacturer or make, 1987-88,

article, C2700–1.122 Black-owned franchises distributed by

industry group, with comparisons to all

franchises, 1986, C4215–1.108 Black-owned franchises, with type of

business and start-up costs, top 50

companies, errata, C4215-1.102
Black-owned franchises, with type of

business and start-up costs, top 50
companies, 1989 annual article, C4215-1.108

Consumer complaint and inquiry activity of

Better Business Burs concerning franchise/business opportunity companies,

1988, annual rpt, A4350–1 Dentists in private practice, with office

characteristics and location, 1987, annual

survey rpt, A1475-11.1
Executive compensation, for franchise

licensing company executives by position,

1988, article, C5150–5.141 Food service industry sales and

establishments, for top 400 chains and other organizations, 1988, annual feature,

Local govt methods for delivery of cultural,

recreational, and health services, by city

and county, 1988, A5800–4.12
Local govt methods for delivery of public

administrative/mgmt services, by city and

county, 1988, A5800–4.11
Local govt methods for delivery of public safety services, by city and county, 1988,

Local govt methods for delivery of public services, by city and county, 1988,

Local govt methods for delivery of public

services, by city and county, 1988,

recurring rpt, A5800-4.5 Local govt services privatization, including

use of contracts, franchises, subsidies, and volunteers, 1982 and 1988 surveys,

Lodging chain properties by ownership

status, for leading facilities and chains,

1988, annual rpt, C7000-5 Lodging industry business trends, with

occupancy rates and finances, by affiliation, location, size, and type,

monthly survey, B5050_4 Lodging industry financial and operating

data, by region, establishment characteristics, and type of location, 1988,

annual rpt, B5050–2 Lodging industry franchise fees, by region,

1987, annual rpt, B7100-2 Motorcycle retail outlets, franchised and nonfranchised, by State, 1989 annual rpt,

A6485-1.1 Restaurant franchises and sales, by type of

food served and company, 1989 annual

feature, C1200-5.108 Temporary employment service industry

finances and operations, with data by location and leading firm, 1980s and

trends, B5450-8 UK auto dealer financial ratios, including sales per employee, 1986/87, article,

C2700-1.113 Francis, Bob

“Muddy Waters”, C1850–5.119 “Not Just the MacMaverick Anymore?",

C1850–5.116 Frank, Betsy

“As Saatchi Sees It", C2950–3.110 Fraternal benefit societies

Life insurance operating summary for

fraternal benefit societies and savings banks, 1982-87, biennial fact book,

State and local: Alabama insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987, annual rpt, S0160-1

Alaska insurance industry underwriting and

investment data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S0280–3 California insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S0900–1 Florida insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987, annual rpt, S1760–1 Florida statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U6660-1.17 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.9 Idaho insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1987, with FY88 regulatory

data, annual rpt, S2260–1 Illinois insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S2485-1 Iowa insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1988, with FY88 regulatory

info, annual rpt, S2760–1 Kansas insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1988,

annual rpt, S2990–1 Maryland insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S3655-1 Michigan insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1987, with regulatory info,

annual rpt, S3983-1 Minnesota insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of

coverage, 1988, annual rpt, S4140_4 Nebraska insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, with regulatory info, 1988,

annual rpt, S4890–1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855-1.7 New York State insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1985, annual rpt,

S5770-2 Ohio insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, with regulatory info, 1987,

annual rpt, S6310_1 Pennsylvania insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987, with FY88

regulatory info, annual rpt, S6835-1 Rhode Island insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987, with FY88

regulatory info, annual rpt, S6945–2 South Dakota insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1987-88, annual rpt,

S7300–2 Tennessee insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, with regulatory info, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S7466-1 Texas insurance board regulatory activities,

with industry financial and underwriting data by line of coverage, FY88 annual rpt, S7700-1

Utah insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987, with regulatory info,

annual rpt, S7845-1 Vermont insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and type of insurance, 1987, with FY88 regulatory

data, annual rpt, S7995–1 Virginia insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of

coverage, 1988, annual rpt, S8180-1 Washington State insurance industry

financial and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, 1987,

annual rpt, S8365-1 West Virginia insurance industry financial

and underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, with regulatory info,

1987, annual rpt, S8575–1 Wisconsin insurance industry financial and

underwriting data, by company and line of coverage, with regulatory info, 1988,

annual rpt, 58755-1 Fratianni, Michele "International Economy", U2160–1.102,

U2160–1.104 Fraud

Insurance premiums written for fidelity

bonds, 1978-87, annual rpt, A5650–1.2 State and local: Alabama juvenile and adult arrests, by type

of offense, 1988, annual rpt, s0119-1.1 Arizona arrests by offense, offender

characteristics, and county, 1988, annual

rpt, S0505–2.2 Arkansas crimes and arrests, by offense,

victim and offender characteristics, and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S0652-1 California crimes and arrests, clearances,

and arrest dispositions, with data by offense and offender characteristics, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, 80910–1.1 California Insurance Dept fraudulent claims

enforcement activity, including claim value by insurance type, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, S0900–1 Colorado crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with offender characteristics, and assaults on police, 1988, annual rpt,

S1068-1 Connecticut arrests, by offense, offender

characteristics, and local agency, 1988,

annual rpt, S1256-1.2 Delaware arrests by offender characteristics and detailed offense, 1987, annual rpt,

S1375-5.2 Florida crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by victim and offender characteristics, 1988, annual rpt,

S1770-1 Hawaii crimes and arrests, by offense,

county, and offender characteristics, 1988,

annual rpt, S2035-1 Idaho crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S2275-2 Illinois crimes and arrests by detailed

offense, with detail by location and

agency, 1988, annual rpt, S2536–1.2 Indiana welfare recipient fraud cases, and actions taken, FY89, annual rpt, S2685-1.2

lowa crimes and arrests, by offense,

location, and reporting agency, 1987,

annual rpt, S2850–1.3 Kansas crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by location, agency, and victim-offender characteristics, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S2925–1.1 Kentucky arrests by county and offense, and

law enforcement employment, 1988,

annual rpt, S3150–1.2 Maine arrests of adults and juveniles, by offense, age, and sex, 1988, annual rpt,

S3475-1.2 Maryland crimes and arrests, by offense and locality, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S3665-1 Maryland medical assistance fraud

investigations and recoveries, FY88,

annual rpt, S3635–3 Maryland welfare program statistics, and

welfare fraud investigations, by county,

monthly rpt, S3645–2 Michigan crimes and arrests, by detailed

offense and location, with offender characteristics, 1988 annual rpt,

S3997-1.2 Minnesota crimes and arrests, by offense,

location, and offender characteristics,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S4230-1 Mississippi AFDC fraud cases, investigation, and prosecution, 1987, annual rpt,

S4410-1 Missouri crimes and arrests, by offense and

location, with victim and offender characteristics, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S4560-2 Montana crimes and clearances, by offense and jurisdiction, 1988, annual rpt,

S4705-1 Montana welfare and medical assistance

fraud investigations and recoveries,

FY87-88, biennial rpt, S4750–1.2 New Hampshire arrests, by offense and

offender age, sex, and race-ethnicity,

1988, annual rpt, S5250–2.2 New Jersey arrests by offense, age,

race-ethnicity, sex, and county, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S5430–1.2 New York State crimes and arrests by

offense and demographic characteristics, and court activity and corrections, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S5760–3 North Carolina arrests by detailed offense,

offender characteristics, and county,

1987-88, annual rpt, S5955–1.2 Oklahoma crimes and arrests, by offense,

with victim and offender characteristics,

1986-88, annual rpt, S6465–1.1 Oregon crimes and arrests, by offense, with

data by county, local agency, and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S6603-3 Pennsylvania crimes and arrests, by offense,

local agency, and county, 1988, annual

rpt, S6860–1 South Carolina AFDC and food stamp fraud

case detection and prosecution activity, by

county, monthly rpt, S7252–1 South Carolina crimes and arrests, by

detailed offense, offender characteristics, and location, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S7205–1.2 Texas juvenile and adult arrests, by age, sex,

and offense, 1988, annual rpt, S7735-2.2

Texas welfare and social services program

expenditures, funding by source, recipients, and fraud cases, by county and program, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S7695-1 Utah crimes and arrests, by offense, county,

and local agency, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S7890–3 Vermont crimes by offense and location,

with victim-offender characteristics,

1986-88, annual rpt, S8095–2 Virginia arrests, by offense and offender age, sex, and race-ethnicity, 1988, annual rpt,

S8295-2.2 Virginia food stamp overissuance claims

collections, and ADC fraud referrals to courts and dispositions, by type, quarterly

rpt, S8293–2 Washington State crimes and arrests, by

offense, with data by location and offender characteristics, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S8440-1 West Virginia court caseloads and

dispositions, by type of court and case, judicial circuit, and county, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S8537-1 West Virginia welfare recipient fraud case

investigations and actions taken, by State

region, monthly rpt, S8573-1 Wisconsin crimes and arrests, by offense,

offender characteristics, county, and local agency, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8771-1 Wyoming adult and juvenile arrests, by

offense, county, and local jurisdiction,

1988, annual rpt, S8867–3.2
see also Counterfeiting and forgery

see also Embezzlement Frazier, Rosyland

“Better or Worse Off? Anchorage

Households in 1988", U5780–1.19 Frederick, James “Discount Stores, Combos Squeezing Chain

Drug Units", C5150–2.118 Freedland, Marjorie

"Job Satisfaction", C1200-5.118 Freedman, Audrey "Human Resources Outlook, 1989”,

R4105–29.81 Freedman, David S. “Relation of Body Fat Distribution, as

Assesed by 6 Girth Measurements, to Diabetes Mellitus in Women",

A2623-1.108 Freedom of information Utility and transportation regulatory

agencies operating under freedom of info

statutes, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1 Freedom of the press Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395-1.3 see also Censorship Freedonia Group Inc. Copper product supply, by type, 1988, 1993,

and 2000, article, C7000–8.105 Paperboard/corrugated box sales, by region,

1987, 1992, and 2000, article, C1850-1.101

“Upjohn Takes a Shine to Balding Women",

C2710-1.118 Freeman, Linda K.

“Equipment Buyers' Survey”, C2150-6.105 "Valves: The Workhorse of the Industry”,

C2150-6.106 Freeman, Michael

"How Local Governments Are Providing for

Our Safety”, A5800_4.10 “Public Works-Service Delivery

Approaches in Use Today”, A5800_4.9 Freeways

see Highways, streets, and roads Freight

Brokers (freight) has, number in top 10

State locations, 1989 article,

C2150_4.104 China detailed economic indicators,

including data by region, city, industry,

and commodity, monthly rpt, U6955–1 Coal rail freight index, monthly rpt,

C5226-1 Coal shipments, by transport mode, district,

and consuming sector, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A7400–5.3 Department and specialty store financial and

operating ratios, by store sales size, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A8300–2 Financial and operating performance of

individual motor carriers, 1987-88, annual

article, C2150-1.105 Futures trading in ocean freight index on

foreign exchanges, monthly rpt, A5040–5 Grain shipments handled by Minneapolis area elevators, by mode, 1988, annual rpt,

B6110-1.2 Industrial distributors views on inbound freight mgmt, 1989 survey article,

C2150-1.102 Industrial managers ratings of freight carrier performance in 1989, article,

C4670–1.104 Intercity freight distribution and revenues, by mode, 1978-87, annual rpt,

A3275-8.1 Intercity freight ton-miles, by mode,

1950s-87, annual rpt, A6475-1.2 Interstate migration patterns indicated by

household goods shipments, by State,

1988, annual press release, B9300_1 Iron ore shipments in US and Canada, with detail by Great Lakes port, monthly rpt,

A2010-2 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250_1.3 Lumber industry distribution channels,

principal market areas, and transport modes, selected Western States, 1988,

annual rpt, A9395–1 Modal shares of freight, 1987 and 1996,

article, C2150-4.103 Oil and refined products domestic transport, by mode, 1972-86, annual rpt,

C6985-5.2 Oil transported in US, by mode, 1972-86,

periodic basic data book, A2575–14.5 Paint shipments by distance shipped and mode of transportation, 1977,

recurring rpt, B8060-1.1 Rail carloadings of paper and forest

products, US and Canada, and US freight price trends, 1970s-87, annual rpt, C3975–5.1, C3975-5.2

Railroad (Class I) financial condition,

operations, and employment, by company

and district, 1988, annual rpt, A3275-7 Railroad financial and operating trends,

including data by company, 1978-87,

annual rpt, A3275-8 Railroad freight car loadings by commodity, and ton-miles, weekly press release,

A3275–2 Railroad freight car loadings by commodity,

piggyback carloadings, and revenue

ton-miles, monthly rpt, C8400–1 Railroad freight tonnage and revenue

ton-miles, including piggyback carloadings, 1920s-87, annual rpt,

A3275-5.2 Rate increases, monthly rpt quarterly article,

C4670–1.104, 04670–1.108,

C4670–1.110 Ratings by shippers on quality of individual

freight carriers, by mode, 1989 survey,

annual article, C2150-1.105 Regulatory agency activities, scope of

jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected industry data, 1987,

annual rpt, A7015-1 Taiwan economic indicators, monthly rpt,

U1245-1 Trends in transportation operations and finances, by mode, 1988 annual rpt,

B8990–2 Trends in transportation operations and finances, by mode, 1989 annual rpt,

Truck fleet financial and operating data for

top 200 freight carriers, 1988 and trends,

annual feature, C2150–4.104 Truck tonnage summary, and related indicators, monthly press release,

A3075-1 Trucking industry equipment, employment,

finances, and operations, 1978-87 and

trends, annual rpt, A3075-3 Trucking industry financial and operating

data, by size class, region, and commodity, Class I and II carriers,

1986-87, annual rpt, A3075–4 Trucks (heavy) capacity, load, and hauling factors, 1968, 1987, and 1996, article,

State and local: Arkansas River freight traffic, quarterly

business activity rpt, U5930–1 Georgia statistical abstract, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, U6730–1.8 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual

rpt, S2090-1.18, S2090–1.24 Minnesota economic profile, general data,

1988/89 biennial rpt, S4265-1.7 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.6 Montana wheat shipments out of State, by region and mode, 1986-87, annual rpt,

S4655-1 Nebraska railroad revenue freight by

commodity, and earnings, by railroad,

1986-87, biennial rpt, S4940–1 Nebraska statistical handbook, general data,

1988-89 biennial rpt, S4855–1.8 Nevada statistical abstract, general data,

1988 biennial rpt, S5065-1.13 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.15 North Carolina railroad revenue freight

tonnage, by commodity, Dec 1987, annual rpt, S6020-1

North Dakota grain shipments from

commercial storage, by county, transport mode, and destination, FY88, annual rpt,

U3600–1 North Dakota statistical abstract, general data, 1988 recurring rpt, U8070-1.6,

U8070_1.8 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.9 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.7
see also Air cargo
see also Coal exports and imports
see also Containerization
see also Energy exports and imports
see also Foreign trade
see also Hazardous substances transport

see also Industrial distribution Freight cars

see Railroad equipment and vehicles French Antilles

see Caribbean area French, Harry “Economic Forecast for Arkansas Through

1989", U5930–1.101 French Polynesia

see Oceania French West Indies

see Caribbean area Fretwell, Gordon “ARL Annual Salary Survey, 1988”,

A3365-2 Frey, Roger K. “Financial Analysis of a Group of Petroleum

Companies, 1987", B1900–3 Frick, Michael C. “Seating Position in Cars and Fatality Risk”,

A2623–1.101 Fridson, Martin S. “Do Leveraged Buyouts Pose Major Credit

Risks?", C6050-1.105 Fried, Neal “Alaska's Income Picture Brightened in

1987 & 1988”, S0320–1.110 “Portrait: Alaska's Working Youth",

S0320-1.103 "Prince William Sound: Five Economies in

Turm(oil)”, S0320–1.107 “Trends 50–1988: Alaska's 50 Largest

Private Employers", S0320–1.108 "Turbulent Times in Alaska's Financial

Industry", S0320-1.101 "Winter Tourism in Alaska-Not an

Anomaly”, S0320–1.102 Friedman, Glenn M. "Television Viewing and Obesity in Adult

Males", A2623-1.106 Friedman, Wayne “Although It Supposedly Doesn't Exist, Cable Upfront Ad Season Is Doing Well”,

C4722–2.119 "C-Band Direct's Long Winter Is at an

End”, C4722-2.108 “Can a Rising Tide in Affiliate Fees Lift All

Cable Boats?”, C4722–2.120 “Dollars and Sense of PPV Special Events",

C4722–2.102 “Exploding the Perception that Cable Is

Stealing Baseball”, C4722–2.114 “In Search of the Right Avails",

C4722–2.110 "Is It Time To Move Beyond Pay

Discounting Tactics?", C4722–2.119 "Networks Turn to Cable-Bashing”,


“Rating Cable By People Meters”,

C4722-2.101 "Unsure Reality of Ratings and Value”,

C4722-2.107 Friel, Thomas P.

“Looking Out Five Years”, C2000-1.103 Fringe benefits

see Employee benefits Frost and Sullivan Inc. Analytical instrument sales, by type, 1989,

article, C1850–6.103 Auto (import) aftermarket sales outlook, by type of service outlet, 1993, article,

C2700–1.135 Auto aftermarket consumer expenditures, by product category, 1988, article,

Banking industry expenditures for

communications equipment by type, 1989

and 1993, article, 00175-1.160
Beverage market value, for selected low- and non-alcohol product types, 1988, article,

Financial instn market for automated systems, by instn type, 1988-92, article,

C1850–5.123 Hair care ethnic product sales, by product

category, 1988, article, C8130–1.105 Health and beauty aid ethnic product sales, by product category, 1988, article,

C8450–5.104 Industrial motion control product sources used by purchasers, 1989 article,

C1850–4.106 Materials handling equipment automated

system market, distribution by system

type, 1989 article, C7000–2.103 Mining/tunneling equipment expenditures, by country or world area, 1988, article,

C5226-2.105 Skin care product market, by product type,

1988, article, C8130–1.110 Frozen foods Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850-1 Citrus juice frozen concentrate consumption

per capita, by type of fruit, 1978-87,

annual rpt, B8560-1
Dessert (frozen) market shares, for ice

cream, yogurt, and other products, 1989

feature, C5150–5.121
Distribution center operations for food marketers, by size class, 1987, annual rpt,

A4950–5 Exports of farm products, by detailed

commodity and country of destination, US and California, 1987, annual rpt,

S0850-1.1, S0850–1.2 Military commissary (Navy) frozen food shares of grocery sales, FY86-88, article,

C8910-1.103 Military commissary sales, by service

branch, region, product type, and individual store, FY88 and trends, annual

rpt, A2072-2.102 Military commissary sales of frozen diet

dinners, distribution for top 5 vs all other

brands, 1988, article, A2072-2.102 Orange juice frozen concentrate futures trading, monthly rpt, A5040–2,

A5040-4 Orange juice frozen concentrate futures

trading, 1984-88, annual rpt, A5040–1

Orange juice frozen concentrate options

trading volume, monthly rpt, A5040–3 Product packaging views and attitudes of

consumers, including views on labeling and recycling, 1986-89 surveys, annual

article, C1850-1.108 Production of ice cream and frozen desserts

by State, region, and country, with related industry operating info, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, A5825-1 Retail prices for selected consumer items in

approx 250 cities, quarterly rpt, A1225-1 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1986-87, annual feature, C8450-5.101 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1987-88, annual feature, C3925–1.103 Sales of frozen foods, by product category,

1987-88, annual feature, C2150-6.108 Sandwich (frozen microwaveable) sales, year

ended Oct 1987-88, article, C2150-6.103 Supermarket industry devs, including sales

and marketing by product category, and store characteristics, by region, 1988

annual feature, C5225-1.101 Supermarket product use and outlook, by

product type and user characteristics,

1989 annual survey, C8450–5.106 Supermarket sales by detailed product type,

1988 and trends, annual feature,

see also Ice cream Fruit and fruit products Aseptic container vs canned/bottled fruit

beverage gallonage, 1983-88, annual

article, C3245–2.106 Beverage (fruit juice/drink) consumption,

and sales for top manufacturers and

brands, 1980-88, article, C3245–2.106 Beverage (juice/drink) consumption, with detail by flavor, 1970-87, article,

C5150–3.109 Beverage consumption and sales, by type,

leading company, and brand, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C4775-1.4 Beverage consumption, sales, and advertising

expenditures, by type, leading company, and brand, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

C4775-2.2 Beverage industry sales and operating data,

by company, brand, and product type,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, C3245-1 Canned and frozen food production and

industry data, including prices, regulation, and trade, 1988 and trends, annual

almanac, C4850–1 Exports of farm products, by detailed

commodity and country of destination, US and California, 1987, annual rpt,

S0850–1.1, S0850-1.2 Juice vending machine sales, 1986-88,

annual rpt, C9470–1.1 Latin America statistical abstract, general data by country, 1989 annual rpt,

U6250-1.18, U6250–1.19 Production and consumption per capita of selected fresh fruits, 1978-87, annual rpt,

B8560-1 Production, consumption, stocks, trade, and

prices for 96 basic commodities, including by country and producing State, commodity yearbook for 1989, C2400-1, C2400-2

Retail prices for selected consumer items in

approx 250 cities, quarterly rpt, A1225-1 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1986-87, annual feature, C8450–5.101 Sales, consumer expenditures, and price

changes for food store products by type,

1987-88, annual feature, C3925-1.103 Supermarket produce dept sales and

performance indicators, 1987 and trends,

article, C8450–5.102 Supermarket product use and outlook, by

product type and user characteristics,

1989 annual survey, C8450–5.106 Supermarket sales by detailed product type,

1988 and trends, annual feature,

C5225–1.108 State and local: Alabama agricultural production, marketing,

and income, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-88, annual rpt,

S0090-1 Arizona agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county,

1984-88, annual rpt, U5830–1 Arkansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, U5920–1 Arkansas statistical abstract, general data,

1989 biennial rpt, U5935–2.13 California berry and melon production and

marketing, 1987-88 and trends, annual

rpt, S0850-1.7 California fruit and nut production,

marketing, and income, by commodity,

1978-88, annual rpt, S0850–1.4 California statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, S0840–2.7 Colorado agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S0985-1 Connecticut agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity, and farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, S1155-1 Delaware agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S1335-1 Florida vegetable, melon, and strawberry

production, acreage, yield, shipments, and exports, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

S1685-1.2 Georgia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S1855-1 Hawaii agricultural production and

marketing, by commod and island,

1983-87, annual rpt, S2030-1 Hawaii data book, general data, 1988 annual rpt, S2090-1.13, S2090–1.19,

S2090–1.22 Hawaii, Honolulu County pineapple sales,

1984-1st 3 months 1989, annual rpt,

B3500-2.3 Hawaii, Maui County pineapple sales,

1984-87, annual rpt, B3500–2.4 Hawaii pineapple export value, quinquennially 1985-2010, recurring rpt,

S2090-4 Hawaii pineapple shipments and industry

employment, bimonthly rpt, B3500–1

Idaho agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1970s-87, annual

rpt, S2205-1 Indiana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or

county, 1985-89, annual rpt, U4360-1 lowa and US apple production, 1978 and

1983-88, annual rpt, S2735-1 Kansas agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farm acreage and value,

1988 and trends, annual rpt, S2915-1 Kentucky agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and county; and farms, acreage, and value; 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, S3085-1 Louisiana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by parish or commodity,

1982-87, annual rpt, U2740-1 Maryland agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity, with farms, acreage, and value, 1987 and

trends, annual rpt, S3593–1 Michigan agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1984-88, annual

rpt, S3950–1 Minnesota agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county or commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S4130–1 Mississippi agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and/or county, 1986-87, annual rpt,

S4310_1 Mississippi statistical abstract, general data,

1988 annual rpt, U3255-4.15 Missouri agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage, 1984-88,

annual rpt, S4480–1 Montana agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and commodity,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, S4655-1 New Jersey agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and/or county, and farms and acreage,

1982-87, annual rpt, S5350_1 New York State fruit production, marketing,

and operating data, including apple processing plants, 1979-88, annual rpt,

S5700-1 New York State statistical yearbook, general

data, 1987-88 annual rpt, U5100-1.1 North Carolina agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county and commodity, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S5885-1 Oklahoma agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and county, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S6405-1 Oregon agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity and/or county, with farms and acreage, 1987-88

and trends, annual rpt, S6575-1 Pennsylvania agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1988

and trends, annual rpt, S6760-1 South Carolina crop production and value,

by county and commodity, and farms and acreage, 1987-88, annual rpt, U1075-2

Tennessee agricultural production and

marketing, by commodity and county, with farms, acreage, and farm value, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S7460–1 Texas almanac and industrial guide, general

data, 1990-91 biennial rpt, C1035–1.5 Utah agricultural production, finances, and

marketing, by county and commodity, with farms and acreage, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, S7800_1 Vermont agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by commodity, with data on govt inspections and funding, 1985-86

biennial rpt, $7978–1 Virginia agricultural production, marketing,

and finances, by county and/or commodity, and farms, farmland, and value, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8160-1 Washington State agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by commodity and/or county, 1987 and trends, annual

rpt, S8328-1 West Virginia agricultural production,

marketing, and finances, by county or commodity, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

see also Citrus fruits
see also Figs

see also Nuts Frumkin, Paul “Market Segment Report: Chicken",

C1200–5.114 “Market Segment Report: Pizza”,

C1200–5.101 Fry, Ray M.

“Services and Resources for Young Adults

in Public Libraries: Report of the NCES

Survey", C1650–3.4 Frydenlund, Marvin M. “Lightning: Nature's Versatile Destroyer",

C1050-1.109 Frydman, Ken “Changing Times Breed Broadening

Menus", C5150–5.113 “Unsung Heroes of the Culinary Olympics",

C5150–5.104 FTC

see Federal Trade Commission Fuchsberg, Gilbert “Universities Said To Go Too Fast in Quest

of Profit from Research”, C2175-1.117 Fuel

see Agricultural energy use see Aviation fuels see Biomass energy see Coal and coal mining see Coal exports and imports see Coal prices see Coal reserves see Coal stocks see Diesel fuel see Energy conservation see Energy exploration and drilling see Energy exports and imports see Energy prices see Energy projections see Energy reserves see Energy resources see Energy stocks and inventories see Fuel oil see Fuel tax see Gasoline see Housing energy use

see Industrial and commercial energy use see Kerosene see Liquefied petroleum gas

see Low-income energy assistance

see Motor fuels see Natural gas and gas industry see Natural gas exports and imports see Natural gas liquids see Natural gas prices

see Natural gas reserves

see Offshore oil and gas
see Oil shale
see Petroleum and petroleum industry
see Petroleum exports and imports
see Petroleum prices
see Petroleum reserves
see Petroleum stocks see Transportation energy use

see Wood fuel Fuel oil Apartment building (conventionally

financed) detailed income and expense
ratios for US and Canada, by building type, metro area, and US region, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, A5600–1 Apartment building (federally subsidized)

detailed income and expense ratios, by building and subsidy type, building age, metro area, and region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600-5 Condominium, cooperative, and planned

unit dev detailed expenses, for US and Canada, by building characteristics, metro area, and US region, 1987, annual rpt,

A5600-3 Consumption of refined oil products, by type and State, 1988, annual rpt,

A5425–1.2 Deliveries of distillate and residual fuel oil, by sector, 1987-88, annual article,

Demand and prices for petroleum products,

1987-89, annual article, C4680–1.102 Demand, stocks, price, and trade of oil and refined products, 1979-89, annual feature,

C6985-1.113 Electric utility financial and operating data,

by State and census div, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A4700–1 Futures and options contract open interest

(outstanding commitments), on foreign exchanges, by commodity and exchange,

monthly rpt, A5040-6 Futures and options trading volume by

commodity and exchange, 1984-88,

annual summary rpt, A5040–1 Futures and options trading volume on

foreign exchanges, by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040-5 Futures contract open interest (outstanding

commitments), by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040_4 Futures trading volume by commodity and

exchange, monthly rpt, A5040-2 Heating equipment and appliance shipments,

by type of energy consumed, quarterly

грt, A1775-1 Home heating prices and conversions to

natural gas, by fuel type, utility, State, and census div, 1986-87, annual rpt,

A1775-4 Imports of crude oil and refined products,

by importing company, port, and country of origin, monthly rpt, A2575-12

Page 23

Furniture and furnishings

Ohio fuel tax collections, FY83-87, and distributions by county, 1986, annual rpt,

S6390–1.4 Oklahoma tax revenues by source, and

distribution to local govts and State agencies and funds, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S6495-1 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 South Carolina county govt finances,

including property value and tax assessments, by county, FY88, annual rpt,

S7127-2 South Carolina hwy and transportation dept

finances, FY87-88, annual rpt, S7190–1 South Carolina tax returns and collections,

and tax revenue allocations to localities, by kind of business and tax, FY88, annual

rpt, S7255-1 South Dakota tax revenues by source, aid

distributed to local areas, and property tax

valuations, FY88 annual rpt, S7380–1.1 Tennessee statistical abstract, general data,

1989 annual rpt, U8710–2.9 Tennessee tax revenues by source and

apportionments to counties, cities, and funds, FY87-88 and trends, biennial rpt,

S7570–1 Texas financial condition, including revenues

by source, expenditures by function and
dept, and investments, with data for over 300 individual funds, FY88, annual rpt,

S7655–2 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.4 Utah tax revenues by source, and

distribution to localities and State funds,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, $7905–1 Washington State revenues by source, and

distributions by tax and locality, FY88

and trends, annual rpt, S8415-1.1 Wyoming financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88 and trends, annual State auditor's rpt,

S8875-1 Wyoming State treasurer financial

transactions, including fund balances, and disbursements by function and local area,

FY88, annual rpt, S9010-1
see also Severance taxes Fugitives from justice Correctional instn admin, with inmate

characteristics and movements, by State
and for Federal system, 1989 annual rpt,

R4300-1.1 Prison inmate escapees, by State and Canadian Province, June 1988, annual rpt,

State and local: Alabama prison escapes by facility type and

month, and recaptures, FY88 and trends,

annual rpt, S0115-1 California correctional instn escapes, by sex,

1960-87, annual rpt, S0820-1 California correctional instn inmates, by

offense, demographic characteristics, and instn, Dec 1988, semiannual rpt,

S0820–2 California criminal justice system detailed

data, by offense, county, age, race, and sex, 1987 and trends, annual rpt, S0910–2.2

Florida correctional instns escapes and

captures, FY87-88, annual rpt, S1720-1 Georgia correctional instns, admin, and inmate characteristics, FY88, annual rpt,

S1872-1 lowa correctional instn escapes and returns,

by instn, monthly rpt, S2770–1 Kansas correctional instn inmates, by

offense, demographic characteristics, and instn, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S2940-1 Maryland correctional instn admin,

including inmates by criminal background and demographic characteristics, by instn,

FY88, annual rpt, S3665–5 Michigan inmate escapes from correctional

instns and community programs, 1988,

annual rpt, S3960–1 Nebraska corrections admin by instn, with

inmates by criminal background and demographic characteristics, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S4850–1 Nevada correctional instn admin, including

capacity, and inmate demographic characteristics, 1988 and trends, annual

rpt, S5110-1 North Carolina prison escapes and captures, by crime category and instn, quarterly rpt,

S5900–1 North Dakota local correctional instns,

characteristics of inmates by instn, 1987

and trends, annual rpt, S6060_2 Pennsylvania local prison/jail escapes, by

county, 1983-87, annual rpt, S6782-2 Pennsylvania State prison escapes, by instn,

1980-87, annual rpt, S6782-1 Tennessee correctional instn finances,

inmate population, and prison incidents,

FY88, annual rpt, $7480-1 West Virginia corrections admin by instn,

with inmate demographic characteristics and criminal background, FY88, annual

rpt, S8535-1 Wisconsin correctional instns inmates,

admissions, transfers, releases, deaths, and absences, by instn and sex, 1988 annual

rpt, S8715-2.6 Wisconsin correctional instns inmates,

admissions, transfers, releases, deaths, and absences, by instn and sex, 1989 annual

rpt, S8715–2.8 Fund raising

see Campaign funds see Gifts and private contributions

see Nonprofit organizations and foundations Funerals

see Cemeteries and funerals Fungicides

see Pesticides Furmanec, Victor

“Population Estimates for New Jersey

Counties and Municipalities July 1,

1987”, S5425-1.101 Furnaces

see Plumbing and heating Furniture and furnishings

Art auction price indexes, for 13 categories

of paintings, ceramics, silver, and furniture, Nov 1988-Mar 1989, biweekly

rpt, C3950-1 Carrier revenues and tonnage hauled, by

type of service, for 21 household goods carriers, 1987 and trends, article, C2150-1.103

Casual furniture shipment value, 1982-87,

article, C4725–2.101 Children's clothing, toys, and other product

production, marketing, and operating data, by product class, 1989 biennial fact file

rpt, C3400–1.121 Consumer buying power, population,

effective buying income, and retail sales, by census div, State, MSA, county, and Area of Dominant Influence, 1987 and

1992, annual survey, C1200–2 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by kind of business, by State, MSA, county, and census div, 1988, annual rpt,

C1200–1.112 Consumer buying power survey of

population, income, and sales by product line, by State, metro area, county, and census div, 1987 and 1992, annual rpt,

C1200-1.102 Corporate performance ratings by executives

for 305 leading companies in 32 industries, 1988 survey, annual article,

C8900-1.107 Cotton and other fiber consumption in

textile production, by detailed end use,

1986-88, annual rpt, A7485–1 Department and specialty store

merchandising and operating ratios, by merchandise type and sales size group,

1987, annual rpt, A8300–1 Electronic equipment furniture shipment

volume and value, by type, 1984-88,

annual rpt, C6740-1.102 Financial performance and growth rankings

for approx 1,000 top corporations, with comparisons by industry group, 1988 and

trends, annual rpt, C3950–1.105 Interstate migration patterns indicated by

household goods shipments, by State,

1988, annual press release, B9300-1 Markets with daily newspapers,

demographic and economic info by geographic area, US and Canada, 1989

annual rpt, C3250-1 Medical group financial and operating data,

including physician productivity, by practice characteristics, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6365–2 Operating and financial composite ratios for

corporations, with establishments and
receipts, for approx 200 SIC 2- to 4-digit industries, by asset size, FY86, annual rpt,

C7800-1 Plastics industry production and sales by

resin type, consumption by end-use market, and operating characteristics,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, A8920–1 Productivity trends by economic sector and

industry, including total factor, labor, and capital indexes, 1948-87, annual rpt,

R2800-1 Ready-to-assemble (RTA) furniture

merchandising in discount stores, and consumer retail outlet preferences, 1988

article, C8130–1.101 Sales of home furnishings, 1986-88,

C5150_4.107 Textile fiber end-use survey, consumption

and trade, by type of fiber and product,

1984-88, annual survey, C3460–1.108 TV advertising expenditures of top 15 local

advertisers in 9 retail store categories, 1st half 1988-89, recurring rpt, A9055-11

Page 24

Gifts and private contributions

Louisiana tax revenues by tax type,

including sales and severance taxes by commodity and/or parish, FY88 and

trends, annual rpt, S3365-1 North Carolina financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S5897-1 Oregon financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund statements, FY88,

annual rpt, S6603-2 Rhode Island financial condition, including

receipts by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S6930–1 Virginia tax revenues by type, including

sales tax data by county and independent city, FY88 and trends, annual rpt,

S8305–1.2 Washington State revenues by source, and

distributions by tax and locality, FY88

and trends, annual rpt, S8415-1.1 Gifts and private contributions Black college contributions from individuals,

top 5 all-time gifts, 1989 article,

Business gift-giving practices, with

expenditures of top 10 industries, 1989

survey, annual article, C1200-4.106 Catholic charity social service agency

activities, clients, finances, and personnel,

1987, annual rpt, A3810-1 Charitable contributions, by type of donor and recipient, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

A0700–1 Charitable contributions, volunteer activity,

and views on charity, by respondent characteristics, 1988 survey, biennial rpt,

A5435–3 Churches, membership, clergy, and

contributions, by denomination, US and Canada, 1987-88 and trends, annual rpt,

C0105-1 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by enrollment size, FY88, annual rpt,

A6705-1 Community and junior college revenues by

source and expenditures by function, by State and region, FY88, annual rpt,

A6705-3 Corporate charitable contributions, by donor

characteristics and detailed type of recipient, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

R4105-8 Corporate charitable contributions to higher

education, by industry, with comparisons to profits and total gifts, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A4325-1 Corporate contributions to higher education

1977-87, and to all education by program

1987, annual article, C2175-1.113 Dental school revenues by source and

expenditures by function, by enrollment

size, FY88, annual rpt, A1475-4.6 Educational instns financial support from

contributions, by instn, type of donor, and use of funds, 1987/88 and trends, annual

survey, A4325-2
Electronics equipment/cash contributions to

higher education, for 9 manufacturers,

1987, article, C1850–2.107 Health care organization charitable

contributions, public practices and reasons
for giving, 1989 survey article,

Higher education contributions by

corporations, for 4-year public and private

instns, 1956/57-1987/88, C2175-1.123 Higher education endowment funds of 315

instns, market values, June 1987-88,

annual feature, C2175-1.110 Higher education fact book, with finances,

and instn, staff, and student characteristics, 1988/89 biennial rpt,

A1410–2.3 Higher education instns, faculty, students,

degrees, and finances, detailed data by

State, 1989 almanac, C2175-1.132
Higher education voluntary support, by type

of instn and donor, and top recipient instns, 1987/88 and trends, annual

feature, C2175-1.120 Honoraria received by Senate and House

members, and amount kept and given to

charity, 1987, annual rpt, C2500–2
Hospitals (teaching) allocations for house

staff stipends and benefits, distribution by funding source, 1987/88, annual rpt,

Incentive programs for consumers,

employees, and dealers, with expenditures by industry and incentive type, 1987-88,

annual feature, C1200–4.102 Library construction, costs, and funding

sources, by State, city, instn, and library type, FY88 and trends, annual article,

C1852-1.101 Library revenues from user fees, fines,

foundations, contributions, and other non-tax sources, by region and population

size, 1987 survey, A2070–6 Municipal fundraising activities and

practices, with largest gifts received, by

city, 1987 survey, A5800–4.3 Nonprofit independent organizations

finances, employment, and operations, 1970s-86, biennial rpt interim update,

A5435-1 Oil and gas research grant awards of

American Chemical Society-Petroleum

Research Fund, 1989, A1250–1.134 Opera productions, performances, income,

expenses, attendance, and subscribers, with selected data by company, 1988

annual rpt, A8658–1 Private elementary and secondary school

enrollment, staff, and finances, with detail
for minorities, 1987/88-1988/89 and

trends, annual rpt, A6835–2
Public opinion on jobs, public service

activities, family life, and values, views of employed adults by selected characteristics, Oct 1988 survey,

B8160-1 Public opinion on pollution, and steps taken

to improve environment, May 1989

Gallup Poll, C4040-1.113 Public response to selected types of charitable appeals, by race, 1985, article,

R5685-4.102 Religious congregation characteristics,

including membership, philanthropic activities, staff, and finances, 1987/88

survey, recurring rpt, A5435-4 Religious contribution practices, 1972-89

surveys, annual rpt, U6395–1.2 Southern States higher education finances,

including State funding levels, by State, 1988 rpt, A8945-17

Theater (nonprofit professional) finances and

operations, 1988 and trends, annual

survey, A9065-1 TV evangelist contribution practices of public, 1987 and 1989 surveys,

Voluntary health agency revenues, and

expenditures by function, for 34 major organizations, FY87, annual rpt,

A7973-1 Women's college financial support from

alumnae and other contributions, with
comparison to coed instns, 1976/77,

1981/82, and 1986/87, A9410-5 State and local: Alabama public school revenues by source

and expenditures by object, by district,

1986/87, annual rpt, S0124–1.2 California individual taxable income

reported by source, deductions by type, and tax returns, by income class and

county, 1986, annual rpt, S0855-1.1 Colorado income tax return checkoff

contributions, for wildlife, Olympic committee, and domestic abuse, FY78-87,

annual rpt, S1075-1.2 Colorado public library finances and operations, by instn, 1987, annual rpt,

S1000–3.5 Georgia financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S1860-1 Hawaii financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and agency, and fund balances,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S2020-1 Hawaii United Way revenues and expenses, by island, 1985-87, annual rpt,

S2090–1.11 Kansas financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, and fund balances,

FY88, annual rpt, S2900–1 Kentucky financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function and object, fund balances, and

bonded debt, FY88, annual rpt, S3120–1 Louisiana income tax return contributions to

12 charitable organizations, Sept 1988,

annual rpt, S3365-1 Louisiana public library finances, holdings,

circulation, and personnel, by library

system, 1987, annual rpt, S3275-1 Maryland financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S3685–2 Minnesota financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, fund balances, and bonded debt,

FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S4180– Montana financial condition, including

revenues by source, expenditures by function, and fund balances, FY88, annual

rpt, S4653-1 Nebraska postsecondary education revenues

by source and expenditures by category,

by instn, FY84-88, annual rpt, S4933–1.2 Nevada financial condition, including fund

revenues by source, expenditures by function and dept, and bonded debt,

FY88, annual rpt, S5025-1 New Hampshire financial condition, with

revenues by source, expenditures by function or object, and fund balances, FY88 and trends, annual rpt, S5175-1

Page 25

Connecticut securities broker-dealers,

investment agents, and enforcement activities, 1987 and trends, annual rpt,

S1160–1 Delaware court investigation activities of presentence offices, FY88, annual rpt,

S1360–1 Idaho regulated carrier investigations,

FY86-88, annual rpt, S2290–1 Indiana child protective service program

case investigations and findings, FY88-89,

annual rpt, S2685–1.6 Maine State govt activities, and regulatory

and fiscal info, for approx 450 depts and agencies, FY88, annual compilation,

S3450-2 Maryland medical assistance fraud

investigations and recoveries, FY88,

annual rpt, S3635–3 Maryland welfare program statistics, and

welfare fraud investigations, by county,

monthly rpt, S3645–2 Massachusetts probate and family court

investigations, by court location, 1986-88,

annual rpt, S3807-1.2 Michigan State corrections dept special investigations, by type, 1988, annual rpt,

S3960–1 Montana welfare fraud, video gaming, and

liquor investigations and disposition,

FY87-88, biennial rpt, S4750–1.2 Tennessee govt regulatory and arson investigation activity, 1987, annual rpt,

$7466-1 Texas fire marshall activities, including arson investigations, FY87-88, annual rpt,

S7700-1 Texas licensing and regulation of child care

facilities, administrators, and social workers, including complaint investigations, FY88, annual rpt,

S7695-1 Vermont public safety dept activities,

including traffic and crime enforcement, employment, and finances, FY85 and

trends, annual rpt, S8095-1 Virginia labor-industry dept activities in

labor law and occupational health and safety, 1988 and trends, annual rpt,

S8270-1 see also Congressional investigations Government lands

see Government supplies and property

see Public lands Government loans and grants

see terms beginning with Federal aid to

see terms beginning with State funding for Government National Mortgage Association Futures trading in GNMA mortgages, by

exchange, 1984-88, annual rpt, A5040-1 Housing and loan activity of Fed Govt, with

financial and operating data for selected agencies, 1960s-88, annual rpt,

A9350–2.5 Loans closed and serviced in mortgage

banking industry, by type of investor,

1987 and trends, annual rpt, A6450_4 Yields and interest rates for selected

securities and loans, and secondary

market activity, monthly rpt, A6450–2 Government ownership Public opinion on social, political, and

economic issues, detailed data, 1972-89 surveys, annual rpt, U6395-1.1

see also Government assets and liabilities
see also Government corporations and

see also Government supplies and property
see also Military bases, posts, and

see also Military supplies and property
see also Public buildings
see also Public lands

see also Surplus government property Government pay Nicaragua govt official salaries, by position,

1875/76-1914/15, U6250–1.32
Projections and trends for output,

employment, labor productivity, and earnings, by economic sector and

industry, 1949-2010, B6788–1.3
see also Civil ervice pensions
see also Federal pay
see also Military benefits and pensions
see also Military pay

see also State and local employees pay Government price control

see Price regulation Government publications

see Government documents Government regulation

see Administrative law and procedure
see Antitrust law
see Government and business see Interstate commerce see Licenses and permits

see Price regulation Government reorganization Local govt services provided, discontinued, and privatized, 1982 and 1988 surveys,

A5800–1.1 Military base closings and realignments,

with personnel transfers and 20-year cost savings, by installation and State, 1988,

annual rpt, C2500–2 Referenda and voter turnout on various

social and govtl issues, by State, 1988,

biennial article, R2110-1.102 Government revenues Airport and Airway Trust Fund financial statement, weekly rpt monthly table,

City govt revenue sources, with detail for

higher education-related income, by city

size, 1988 survey, A8012-1.9 Economic outlook for selected indicators,

recent trends and 2-year forecast,

Nov/Dec 1988 bimonthly rpt, A3840–6 Federal revenue possible through

implementation of value-added tax (VAT) and other options, 1989 rpt,

R4105–29.86 Finances of govts by level, including

revenues by source and expenditures by function, FY87 and trends, annual rpt,

R9380–1.2 Fiscal conditions in States and selected

major cities, 1960s-80s, R6000–35 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related

indicators, quarterly rpt, U1880–1 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components, employment, and financial sector activity, monthly rpt,

B4950-1 Govt finances, taxation, and spending

policies, with tax revenue index, periodic rpt, R9050-3

Projected economic growth indicators, by

sector, 1950-2010, B6788–1.1 Regional statistical sourcebook, general data,

1988 compilation, C6775-1.4 Retiree health plan pre-funding proposal

impact on Federal revenues, FY89-93,

article, C2710–2.117 Socioeconomic and fiscal indicators related

to public education, State rankings, 1987/88 and trends, annual rpt,

A7640–7 Travel impact on State economies, with detail by industry sector, 1987, annual rpt,

Trends in revenues and spending for Federal

and State/local govts, various years

1929-FY85, recurring rpt, R3400—3.3 Utility and transportation regulatory agency

activities, scope of jurisdiction, finances, and employees, by agency, with selected

industry data, 1987, annual rpt, A7015-1 State and local: Alabama State/local expenditures by

function, and revenues by source, 1986,

article, U5680-1.102 Massachusetts municipal and county profiles, general data, 1988 annual rpt,

C4712-2 Utah govt statistical review, fiscal and socioeconomic data, 1989 annual rpt,

R9380–1.6 see also Budget of the U.S. see also Estate tax see also Excise tax see also Federal aid to States see also Foreign budgets see also Gift tax see also Government assets and liabilities see also Income taxes see also License taxes and fees see also Local government see also Mineral leases see also Oil and gas leases see also Property tax see also Revenue sharing see also Sales tax see also Severance taxes see also Social security tax see also State and local taxes see also State budgets see also State government revenues see also Tariffs and foreign trade controls see also Tax delinquency and evasion see also Tax expenditures see also Taxation see also Tolls see also Unemployment insurance tax see also User fees see also Windfall profit tax

see also Withholding tax Government securities Chicago Board of Trade futures and options

trading in financial instruments and agricultural commodities, 1988 and trends,

annual rpt, B2120-1
Cyclical trends for recession/recovery

periods as measured by approx 65 economic indicators, quarterly rpt,

Economic outlook for US, 5-qtr forecasts

and trends, quarterly rpt, U7475–3 Federal debt outstanding, for 7 agencies issuing govt securities, 1988 article, C5800–7.107

Page 26

Greece Entertainment industry devs, including film

attendance, TVs in use, radio audience, and video cassette rental, 1989 features,

C9380–1.125 Motor vehicle world production, sales, trade,

and registrations, by country, world area, manufacturer, and make, 1987 and trends,

annual rpt, A6475-2.1 Olympic games permanent site in Greece,

public support in US and 8 other countries, 1984 and 1988 surveys,

C4040-1.105 Greek, Bruce F. "Aromatics Price Increases Forecast To

Ease", A1250–1.111
“Demand for Architectural Products Helps

Boost PVC Capacity”, A1250–1.104 “Higher Costs Spur New Detergent

Formulations", A1250–1.109 "Process Catalysts Enjoy Surging Market”,

A1250–1.124 “Rubber Chemicals Face More Demanding

Market”, A1250–1.119 Green, Donald P. "Self-Interest and Public Opinion Toward

Smoking Restrictions and Cigarette

Taxes”, A0610–1.102 Green, John C. "Missing Link: Political Activists and

Support for School Prayer",

A0610_1.102 Green, Peter "Spain Unleashes Ads in Cannes 'Lion'

Hunt”, C2710-1.135 Green, R. Jeffery “Fiscal Policy”, U2160–1.102,

U2160-1.104 Green, Roy E. “Debt Financing at the Municipal Level: Decision Making During the 1980s”,

A5800-1.1 Greenberg, Keith E. "Cable in Israel Emerges with a Decided

American Slant", C4722–2.121 Greenberg, Raymond S. "Breast Cancer Incidence in Young Women by Estrogen Receptor Status and Race“,

Greenberg, Stanley B.
"What's Left for Liberalism?”,

R2110-1.103 Greene, Michael J.

“Coordinating Rural Transit: Stretching

State Resources for Better Service”,

A4375-12 Greene, Tony "Analog Simulation Sector Will Treble in

Four Years”, C1850-2.114
"Connector Makers Dig in for Slower

Growth”, C1850–2.114 "Do or Die' Time Confronts

Schlumberger”, C1850–2.119 “EDA: Marketing Moves into the Driver's

Seat", C1850-2.116 “Software that Links Design to Test: A Step

Closer?”, C1850-2.103 Greenstein, Robert “Holes in the Safety Nets: Poverty Programs and Policies in the States",

R3834-1 Greenwich Associates Banking service needs of corporations,

financial executive outlook, 1989 survey article, 00175–1.168

Investment banking fees paid by

corporations, by selected company type, year ended Aug 1989, article,

C2710-2.125 Pension fund lending of securities, trend in

use by fund type and asset size, biennially

1984-88, article, C2710–2.118 Pension fund use of selected types of

fixed-income bond investments, by fund

type, 1989 article, C2710–2.120 Small business borrowing, investments, and cash balance, by sales size, 1987,

C4687-1.101 Stock brokerage firm commissions, controlling party, 1987-88, article,

C2710-2.110 Greeting Card Association Sales distribution of greeting cards by retail outlet type, 1975 and 1988, article,

C5150-2.118 Greeting cards

see Paper and paper products Gregorio, David I.

“Screening Prospective Blood Donors for

AIDS Risk Factors: Will Sufficient

Donors Be Found?”, A2623-1.101 Griffin, George

"Targeting the OPE Market”, C4725-2.102 Grimes, Charles N. "Soviet Economic Relations with Latin

America: Trade and Economic Assistance

Since 1964", U6250_1.27 Grindley, Kit “Cutting Through the CASE Hype",

C1850–5.112 Grisley, William “Dairy Farm Size and Federal Income Tax

Progressivity”, U1380-4.1 Grocery stores

see Food stores Gromer, Donald E.

“Crime in South Dakota, 1987”, S7285-1 Gronvall, John A.

"VA's Affiliation with Academic Medicine:

An Emergency Post-War Strategy Becomes a Permanent Partnership”,

A3273-8.103 Gross margins

see Operating ratios Gross National Product Advertising expenditures, TV and total, and

comparisons to GNP, 1960-95, recurring

rpt, A9055-2 Aerospace industry sales compared to GNP,

FY54-89, annual rpt, A0250-2.1 Asia-US relations, data on foreign trade,

investments, and economic conditions in Taiwan compared to Japan and South

Korea, 1987 rpt, R5400-3 Business and economic trends, production

and price indicators, and industrial mgmt activities and devs, semimonthly rpt,

Caribbean area GNP per capita, for 3

richest and 3 poorest nations, 1986,

article, C4215-1.101 Corporate financial executives economic

forecast and expected sources of financing, Feb 1989 semiannual survey,

Cyclical trends for recession/recovery

periods as measured by approx 65 economic indicators, quarterly rpt, U1245-2

Developing countries family planning

programs, and population socioeconomic profile, by country, 1988 recurring rpt,

Developing countries GNP per capita, for 41 least developed nations, 1987, article,

R8750-1.106 Economic growth and investment trends in

US vs other countries, with data on GDP

and savings, 1987 rpt, R4105-63 Economic indicators trends and forecast,

including components of GNP, bimonthly

rpt recurring table, B5350–3 Economic outlook and performance, major

natl indicator 1-year trends and forecasts, Nov 1988-Jan 1989, monthly rpt,

Economic outlook for GNP, 2-year forecast

by qtr, monthly rpt, A2500–3 Economic outlook for selected indicators,

recent trends and 2-year forecast,

bimonthly rpt, A3840–6 Economic outlook for US, 5-qtr forecasts

and trends, quarterly rpt, U7475–3 Energy and oil consumption compared to GNP, 1920s-88, annual rpt, C6985-4.1,

C6985-5.1 Energy and oil consumption compared to GNP, 1929-87, annual compilation,

C6985-9.5 Energy and oil consumption compared to GNP, 1929-89, annual article,

C6985–1.139 Energy consumption vs GNP, 1970-89,

annual feature, C6985-1.113
Forecast changes and performance for GNP, by component, 1987-89, article,

U2160-1.102 Forecast economic indicators worldwide,

including data for selected countries,

1984-86, annual article, R4105-68.101 Forecast economic indicators worldwide,

including data for selected countries,

1985-87, annual article, R4105-68.105 Forecasts and trends for selected economic

indicators, including GNP comparisons to 6 foreign countries, 1988-94, annual rpt,

Forecasts for real estate industry and US

economy, and housing starts and sales

trends by region, monthly rpt, A7000–1 Forecasts of economic indicators for approx

18 months, monthly rpt, U1880–3 Forecasts of GNP and unemployment by

7-8 forecasting authorities, by qtr for

coming year, monthly rpt, R4105-3 Forecasts of GNP, 50 economists, 1988-89,

annual feature, C5800–7.107 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components and related

indicators, quarterly rpt, U1880-1 Forecasts of natl income and product

account components, employment, and financial sector activity, monthly rpt,

Foreign economic indexes, and leading and

coincident indicators for US and other industrial countries, monthly rpt,

U1245-1 Germany (West) and US comparative

socioeconomic statistics, 1960s-88, annual

rpt, A5135–2.2 Germany (West) GNP outlook with and

without Eastern European immigration, 1995, article, C5800–7.151

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