What are the three civil society?

Definitions of “Civil Society”:

“the associational life operating in the space between the state and market, including individual participation, and the activities of non-governmental, voluntary and community organisations”

(GREEN PAPER on the role of Civil Society in Drugs Policy in the European Union 2005, Council’s Horizontal Drugs Group 2005)

“Civil society is an arena of voluntary collective actions around shared interests, purposes and values distinct from families, state and profit seeking institutions. The term civil society includes the full range of formal and informal organizations that are outside the state and the market – including social movements, volunteer involving organizations, mass-based membership organizations, faith-based groups, NGOs, and community-based organizations, as well as communities and citizens acting individually and collectively.”

(Voice and Accountability for Human Development: A UNDP Global Strategy to Strengthen Civil Society and Civic Engagement, UNDP 2009)

“the wide array of non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations that have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, based on ethical, cultural, political, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) therefore refer to a wide of array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations.”

(Defining Civil Society, World Bank, web.worldbank.org)

Dimensions of “Civil Society”

  • Impact should be assessed if your objective is to consider whether CSOs have effected change
  • Capacity should be included to understand CSO networks, or to reveal the level of resources with which a CSO is functioning
  • Engagement should be evaluated to determine how well CSOs reach out to their beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
  • Governance is relevant to show CSO accountability practices and the ways in which CSOs meet the standards they hold up for others
  • Environment will give the relevant information to determine the context in which civil society is operating, especially in situations in which it faces contravening forces

(A Users’ Guide for Civil Society Assessments, UNDP 2010)

Definitions of “Drug Policy”

“A system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action and funding priorities concerning (illicit) psychoactive drugs and promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives”

(EMCDDA, adaptation of Kilpatrick, Definitions of Public Policy and the Law)

What are the three civil society?

The Regenboog Group (RG) is the main applicant of the project.

RG is an Amsterdam-based NGO committed to people with social problems, such as homelessness, drug and alcohol use and psychiatric disorders. RG is the host of Correlation – European Network Social Inclusion & Health.

What are the three civil society?

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research of the Hamburg University (ZIS)

has a sound record of successfully implemented projects on national, European and international level.
The ZIS conducts practice-oriented research in the field of drug policy, drug treatment, harm reduction, monitoring and health promotion for a variety of vulnerable groups such as prisoners, sex workers, women, ageing drug users. It also organises conferences, capacity building seminars and provides education to health professionals.

What are the three civil society?

Apdes (Portugal), Ana Liffey (Ireland), Droghe Forum (Italy), Lila (Italy), Initiative of Health (Bulgaria)

are all leading CSOs in their country, working with marginalized groups and people and engaging in political dialogue.

  • Ana Liffey also provides the chair of the civil society working group in the current CSF on Drugs.
  • Lila provided the co-chair of the Civil society Forum on HIV/AIDS.


is a research institute in Slovenia, engaged in national and European projects, also chairing the working group on quality standards at the Civil society Forum on Drugs.

What are the three civil society?

A number of relevant European Networks support the activities:

  • European Civil Society Forum on Drugs
  • European Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS
  • International Drug Policy Consortium
  • Harm Reduction International (European Harm Reduction Network),
  • European Network of People Who Use Drugs
  • European AIDS Treatment Group

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civil society, dense network of groups, communities, networks, and ties that stand between the individual and the modern state.

This modern definition of civil society has become a familiar component of the main strands of contemporary liberal and democratic theorizing. In addition to its descriptive properties, the terminology of civil society carries a litany of ethical and political aspirations and implications. For some of its advocates, the achievement of an independent civil society is a necessary precondition for a healthy democracy, and its relative absence or decline is often cited as both a cause and an effect of various contemporary sociopolitical maladies.

The meaning and implications of the concept of civil society have been widely debated. As an analytical framework for interpreting the social world, the idea that civil society should be understood as, by definition, separated from and opposed to the operations of the state and official public institutions has various disadvantages, not the least of which is that it inhibits appreciation of the complex interrelationships between state and society. Equally, the notion that the hugely diverse group life of Western capitalist societies promotes social values that are separable from, and possibly opposed to, the market is hard to defend. The forms of combination and association that typify civil societies in the West are typically affected and shaped by the ideas, traditions, and values that also obtain in the economic sphere.

Historians of the idea of civil society suggest that these contemporary reservations have their roots in the complex and multifaceted intellectual genealogy of this term and the different modes of thinking that underpin its usage in modern Western thought. Both of the conceptions outlined at the start of this entry stem from a way of thinking about Western modernity that emerged in European thought in the 18th and 19th centuries—specifically, the idea that modern societies can be analyzed in terms of the development of three separate and rival orders: the political, the economic, and the social. Civil society is still invoked by many of its advocates as a synonym for the values of authenticity and belonging, neither of which, it is assumed, can be achieved in politics or economic life.

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More generally, the entry of civil society into the language of modern European thought was bound up with the development and spread of liberal doctrines about society and politics. Since the 18th century it appeared in the context of the broadly individualistic, autonomous, and rationalistic understanding of the human personality that liberal thinkers tended to promote. For many liberals, it followed that social order and political obligation can be understood through the analogy of a social contract between ruler and ruled, that the rule of law is a precondition for the liberty of the citizen, and that the achievement of a commercial order requires and bolsters an improvement in the overall character of the interrelationships of citizens. This broad understanding of civil society as both a precondition for and marker of the distinctive trajectory of Western liberal democracy remains the predominant interpretation of it. That is not to suggest that this view is shared or admired by all. Critics observe the differentials of power and resource that characterize relationships within civil society, the apparent inability of liberal thinking to address the fundamental character of some of these inequities, and the skill and willingness of some states to orchestrate and occasionally manipulate civil society organizations for their own ends.

This skepticism about liberal ideas of civil society reflects, and has sustained, diverse conceptions of its meaning and potential; a host of more conservative, as well as more radical, ambitions have also been attached to this term. Indeed, the term civil society has carried a number of different associations in the history of political thought, and its original meaning in Western thinking was rather different from its current protean status. For the Roman author Cicero, societas civilis (itself a translation of Aristotle’s koinonia politike) signaled a political community of a certain scale (usually including more than one city in its compass) that was governed by the rule of law and typified by a degree of urbanity. This kind of community was understood in contrast to noncivilized or barbarian peoples. This conceptual usage was transformed by different European thinkers throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, with the result that civil society came to acquire a rather different set of connotations. Here are identified three of the prevalent modes of thinking concerning this term that became established during this period, though this list is far from exhaustive.

A strand of thinking developed in the Enlightenment era in the writings of English figures like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke that presented the social and moral sources of the legitimacy of the state in relation to the idea of civil society. Though internally diverse, this tradition shared an aversion to the idea, widely held in ancient Greek thought, that societies could be characterized according to the character of their political constitution and institutions. Society, however conceived, was prior to and formative of the establishment of political authority.

A different mode of thinking about civil society, which found its most coherent expression in 19th-century German thought, separated civil society from state in both ethical and analytical terms and regarded the two as separable and perhaps as opposites.

What are the three civil society?
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What are the three civil society?

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Standing between and partially overlapping with these perspectives, there developed a different, long-lasting conception in the thinking of some of the major theorists of the Scottish political economy tradition of the 18th century, including Adam Smith and Francis Hutcheson. In their view, civil society should be conceived as emerging from the intertwined development of an independent commercial order, within which complex chains of interdependence between predominantly self-seeking individuals proliferated, and the development of an independent public sphere, where the common interests of society as a whole could be pursued. The development of the notion of a public that is in possession of its own “opinion” in relation to matters of common concern became an increasingly prevalent way of thinking about civil society, particularly in connection with the emergence of forums and spaces where the free exchange of opinions was observable—newspapers, coffeehouses, political assemblies.