What are the advantages of infrared telescope?

Updated April 24, 2017

By Paul Ogilvie

Infrared telescopes use fundamentally the same components and follow the same principles as visible light telescopes; namely, some combination of lenses and mirrors gathers and focuses radiation onto a detector or detectors, the data from which are translated by computer into useful information. The detectors are usually a collection of specialized solid-state digital devices: the most commonly used material for these is the superconductor alloy HgCdTe (mercury cadmium telluride). To avoid contamination from surrounding heat sources, the detectors must be cooled by a cryogen such as liquid nitrogen or helium to temperatures approaching absolute zero; the Spitzer Space Telescope, which at its launch in 2003 was the largest ever space-based infrared telescope, is cooled to -273 C and follows an innovative Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit whereby it avoids the reflected and indigenous heat of the Earth.

Water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere absorbs most infrared radiation from space, so ground-based infrared telescopes must be sited at high altitude and in a dry environment to be effective; the Observatories at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, are at an altitude of 4205 m. Atmospheric effects are reduced by mounting telescopes on high-flying aircraft, a technique used successfully on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO), which operated from 1974 to 1995. The effects of atmospheric water vapor are, of course, eliminated altogether in space-based telescopes; as with optical telescopes, space is the ideal location from which to make infrared astronomical observations. The first orbital infrared telescope, the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS), launched in 1983, increased the known astronomical catalog by about 70 percent.

Infrared telescopes can detects objects too cool---and therefore too faint---to be observed in visible light, such as planets, some nebulae and brown dwarf stars. Also, infrared radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light, which means it can pass through astronomical gas and dust without being scattered. Thus, objects and areas obscured from view in the visible spectrum, including the center of the Milky Way, can be observed in the infrared.

The ongoing expansion of the universe results in the redshift phenomenon, which causes radiation from a stellar object to have progressively longer wavelengths the farther from Earth the object is. Thus, by the time it reaches Earth, much of the visible light from distant objects has shifted into the infrared and can be detected by infrared telescopes. When coming from very distant sources, this radiation has taken so long to reach Earth that it was first emitted in the early universe and so provides insight into this vital period of astronomical history.

The center of the Milky Way, viewed in infrared. It allows astronomers to see deep into the crowded center of our galaxy, normally obscured by dust. (Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Susan Stolovy (SSC/Caltech) et al.)

When astronomers study stars and galaxies in visible light, they’re plagued by the dust that fills galaxies and sometimes blocks objects from view. Look at a photograph of the Milky Way on a dark night and you'll notice clouds obscuring much of the galaxy — those are dust clouds. This is an especially big problem for researchers who want to study the center of the Milky Way or other galaxies, which are often shrouded in thick clouds of dust.

But visible light is just part of the broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, mostly invisible to human eyes, that astronomers can capture with telescopes. Some wavelengths of infrared light can pass through dust, so looking at the infrared light coming from the center of the galaxy gives astronomers a window into this hidden world.

Infrared light can also be key for studying objects like planets and asteroids that aren't hot enough to shine in visible light but glow in infrared. As an infrared space telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope played a key role in broadening astronomers’ views of the universe — a role from which it is stepping down as NASA plans to retire the telescope Jan. 30.

Spitzer's position in space lets it avoid interference from Earth’s atmosphere that plagues telescopes on the ground. And, crucially, its ability to see in infrared allowed Spitzer to study objects that are hidden to telescopes that see in visible light and gain new views that complement astronomers’ work in other wavelengths.

Peering Through Dusty Space

Where visible light gets blocked by dust, some wavelengths of infrared shine through. When astronomers point infrared telescopes toward the center of the Milky Way, they can see stars that speed around the supermassive black hole in the galaxy’s center, for instance. And when Spitzer turned its gaze toward the centers of distant galaxies, it was able to spot infrared light from material falling into these supermassive black holes.

“The optical image doesn’t show you anything. But in the infrared, we can pick up the emission of material falling into the supermassive black hole,” said Varoujan Gorjian, a Spitzer Research Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, during a panel discussion about Spitzer that was broadcast on Jan. 23.

Revealing New Sights

Watching the skies in infrared also lets astronomers study objects that aren’t hot enough to emit in more energetic wavelengths like visible or ultraviolet light. Planets, for example, aren’t hot enough to emit visible light but can glow in infrared. Studying the infrared light from planets in our solar system has revealed new features that weren’t otherwise visible, like a batch of cyclones at Jupiter’s south pole, or a massive, invisible ring around Saturn.

Astronomers have taken advantage of infrared to look at planets in other solar systems, too. An exoplanet may be an invisible speck next to the glare of its star in visible light, but in infrared, it stands a chance of being spotted. So far, astronomers have managed to take images of a handful of exoplanets in infrared light. 

Spitzer took this one step further. In 2007, researchers used Spitzer to study the infrared light from HD 189733b, an exoplanet about 60 light-years away. They were able to capture variations of the planet’s infrared brightness, and thus temperature, across the surface of the planet, making the first “weather map” on an exoplanet

And there are so many more celestial objects that astronomers can study with infrared observatories like Spitzer. 

“It opens up a whole cornucopia of data on objects like stellar nurseries, star-formation areas, galaxies, dying galaxies, evolving stars — a whole host of objects,” said Suzanne Dodd, the former Spitzer Project Manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, at the panel.

infrared telescope instrument designed to detect and resolve infrared radiation from sources outside Earth’s atmosphere such as nebulae young stars and gas and dust in other galaxies.

What are infrared telescopes primarily used for?

An infrared telescope is a telescope that uses infrared light to detect celestial bodies. Infrared light is one of several types of radiation present in the electromagnetic spectrum. All celestial objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit some form of electromagnetic radiation.

What are infrared useful for?

One of the most common uses of infrared radiation is in heat-sensitive thermal imaging cameras. These can be used to study human and animal body heat patterns but more often they are used as night-vision cameras. These have uses in warfare as security cameras and in nocturnal animal research.

What does Infrared Astronomy allow you to do?

Infrared astronomy is a sub-discipline of astronomy which specializes in the observation and analysis of astronomical objects using infrared (IR) radiation.

Do infrared telescopes need to be in space?

It is also suited to finding the universe’s most distant objects those whose light has been stretched to infrared wavelengths by the expansion of the universe. Earth’s atmosphere blocks most infrared light so space telescopes are essential.

What are the advantages of infrared telescope?

Infrared telescopes detect light that has a longer wavelength than the human eye can see. The main advantage of this is that we can use it to see stuff that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

How are infrared waves used to study space?


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Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes.

How are infrared waves used in technology?

Thermal or infrared detection systems utilize sensors to pick up radiation in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. An infrared camera detects the thermal energy or heat emitted by the scene being observed and converts it into an electronic signal. This signal is then processed to produce an image.

What devices use infrared technology?

IR wireless technology is used in intrusion detectors home-entertainment control units robot control systems medium-range line-of-sight laser communications cordless microphones headsets modems and printers and other peripherals. Unlike radio-frequency (RF) wireless links IR wireless cannot passthrough walls.

Can infrared waves be harmful?

Exposure to intense electromagnetic radiation including infrared radiation can damage the lens and cornea of the eye. This is one reason why staring at the sun is harmful (and unintelligent). People who work near intense radiation must wear goggles.

Do plants give off infrared waves?

In addition the components in plants reflect transmit and absorb different portions of the near-infrared radiation that we cannot see. … A plant with more chlorophyll will reflect more near-infrared energy than an unhealthy plant.

Which animal can detect infrared waves?

In fact goldfish are the only members of the animal kingdom that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light.

What are the limitations of infrared telescopes?

Disadvantages: Earth’s atmosphere contains water vapor that absorbs most of the IR which makes it necessary for the ground based IR telescopes to be kept at very high altitudes which is a cumbersome process. Even at that altitude atmospheric effects aren’t eliminated completely.

What type of telescope is most commonly used by astronomers?

Reflecting: world’s largest telescope the Hubble Space Telescope Most commonly used by professional astronomers today.

What is the most important instrument used by astronomers?

telescope device used to form magnified images of distant objects. The telescope is undoubtedly the most important investigative tool in astronomy.

What are the cons of infrared?

Disadvantages of Infrared sensor :

  • Infrared frequencies are influenced by hard articles (for example dividers entryways) smoke dust haze daylight and so on Thus it doesn’t work through dividers or entryways.
  • Infrared waves at high force can harm eyes.

Do not contend with the effects of Earth’s atmosphere which include scattered light and atmospheric absorption both of which reduce the flux measured from a NEO on the ground and atmospheric emission which can blind a telescope to a NEO in the infrared.

Why is infrared astronomy useful in studying star formation?

Infrared astronomy is a natural tool to use in studying star formation because infrared light penetrates the surrounding dust and be— cause protostars are expected to emit infrared light. … Because of these facts infrared observations have been the primary means used to search for stars in the process of formation.

Why are infrared telescopes used for observing stars near the center of our galaxy?

Infrared light opens up new vistas to astronomers revealing previously invisible features of planets and galaxies. The center of the Milky Way viewed in infrared. It allows astronomers to see deep into the crowded center of our galaxy normally obscured by dust.

Why is infrared spectroscopy best for planetary research?

Field STScI The benefit of making infrared observations is that it is at infrared wavelengths that molecules in the atmospheres of exoplanets have the largest number of spectral features. … This allows astronomers to search for these molecular features or absorption lines in the spectrum.

Why is infrared used for night vision?

Night vision goggles use thermal imaging technology to capture that infrared light. This way you can see an image of what’s going on in the dark. It’s based on the amount of heat being made by objects. Thermal imaging works well when trying to see people in the dark.

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What is infrared devices for computers?

A common example of an infrared (Ir) device is a TV remote. However infrared is also used with computers and devices like a cordless keyboard cordless mouse and infrared touch screen. … Most computer wireless devices (e.g. wireless keyboard and mice) used with computers today are using Bluetooth and not infrared.

Can infrared blind you?

All infrared visible or ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation can cause injury to the eye in sufficient concentrations but this is very rare. The infrared light needs to be extremely intense to cause harm. … In extreme cases if the eyes absorb too much infrared light they can be irreversibly damaged.

Is infrared safe for humans?

Infrared light is delivered to the site of injury or inflammation at certain wavelengths promoting cell repair. The key characteristic of infrared light is its ability to penetrate even the deep layers of the skin providing better pain relief. Also infrared light is safe natural non-invasive and painless.

Is infrared good for arthritis?

Red light and infrared therapy can be used to very effectively: Reduce pain in the muscles and joints and increase blood circulation. Stimulate regeneration of skin and blood cells in areas exposed to the red rays.

Do Humans give off infrared waves?

Yes all objects including human bodies emit electromagnetic radiation. … Most of the radiation emitted by human body is in the infrared region mainly at the wavelength of 12 micron. The wavelength of infrared radiation is between 0.75 to 1000 micron (1 micron = 10-6 metres).

Does infrared affect flowering?

NASA indicates far infrared light plays an important role in plant growing and blooming. … Note that your plants only grow well under appropriate amount of infrared light. Otherwise too much infrared light will interrupt normal blooming cycle and even kill them because of extra radiation namely heat.

What will happen if infrared light is used for photosynthesis?

IR light stimulates growth bloom and photosynthesis. When you effectively use IR light for plants you will see major benefits that would not otherwise be possible.

Do Mosquitoes see in infrared?

Infrared light has longer wavelengths and lower energy than visible light and cannot be seen with the human eye. Mosquitoes vampire bats bed bugs and some snake and beetle species however can use portions of the infrared spectrum for vision. Sometimes humans can “see” infrared energy in the form of heat.

Do snakes see infrared?

The pit organ is part of the snake’s somatosensory system — which detects touch temperature and pain — and does not receive signals from the eyes confirming that snakes ‘see‘ infrared by detecting heat not photons of light.

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Can dogs sense infrared?

“Dogs are able to sense the thermal radiation coming from warm bodies or weak thermal radiation and they can also direct their behavior according to this signal ” said Anna Balint lead author of the study. …

Why might we use an infrared telescope instead of an optical telescope to study an object?

It is better to observe these phenomena from space. Infrared telescopes follow the same design as optical reflecting telescopes but use an infrared light detector at the focus. … Because radio waves have a much longer wavelength than optical light the large dishes do not have to be mirror-smooth.

How do IR telescopes work?

Infrared telescopes use fundamentally the same components and follow the same principles as visible light telescopes namely some combination of lenses and mirrors gathers and focuses radiation onto a detector or detectors the data from which are translated by computer into useful information.

What can radio telescopes do that optical telescopes Cannot?

Just as optical telescopes collect visible light bring it to a focus amplify it and make it available for analysis by various instruments so do radio telescopes collect weak radio light waves bring it to a focus amplify it and make it available for analysis.

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