What are downers used for

Perhaps the most basic means of categorizing illicit substances falls into two large groups: Uppers and downers. Uppers, downers, and the substances which fall into these categories have different physical and mental effects, but there are some commonalities. Both uppers and downers interact with the central nervous system, either exciting or suppressing it to achieve the desired effects. Drugs in both categories impair one’s judgement and ability to self-govern appropriately. Additionally, while the cause may be different, both uppers and downers are highly addictive.

Uppers are a category of drug known for their mentally and physically stimulating effects. They provide temporary boosts in alertness, energy, and mood. Unfortunately, once the drug’s effects have worn off, one is left feeling exhausted and depressed. One may also experience feelings of disconnection and apathy.

This crash after such an exhilarating high causes some to continuously use uppers as a means of maintaining the feeling; unfortunately this can lead to physical dependency and addiction.

That’s because of how uppers work: by flooding the central nervous system with biochemicals such as dopamine and noradrenaline in extremely high levels, these drugs can inadvertently cause the body to produce less of these components naturally. This slowdown in natural production of important neurotransmitters causes those feelings of apathy, depression, and disconnection; it also lends to the need to continue using stimulant drugs in order to feel “normal.”

Commonly abused uppers are:

  • Cocaine
  • Adderall
  • Ritalin
  • Methamphetamine
  • Caffeine
  • Nicotine

While it may seem counter-intuitive, stopping use of stimulant “upper” drugs is actually the best way to regain a sense of normalcy. By allowing your body the chance to recuperate and re-establish a normal rhythm in the biochemical processes associated with dopamine and noradrenaline, you can alleviate the feelings of depression and apathy without the damaging effects of these drugs.

If you are prescribed stimulant drugs and experience negative side effects while using the medication properly, talk to your doctor before discontinuing use. A lower dosage or alternative medication may be available.

Downers, which are so-called because of their suppressant nature, can actually be further divided into two more categories: opiates and sedative-hypnotics. While they share a common factor in that they affect natural bodily functions, these two sub-categories are quite different.

Opiates include drugs like heroin, morphine, Fentanyl, and other powerful pain medications. They induce feelings of pleasure and relaxation in a similar manner to uppers — by controlling dopamine production — and their side effects are also similar: with prolonged use, people with opiate abuse problems have experienced feelings of unshakable apathy and depression.

Due to their incredibly addictive nature and high risk of overdose, opiate pain medications are closely monitored and usually reserved for patients with severe pain, such as late-stage cancer patients, people with pain disorders, and those who have recently undergone surgery.

Unfortunately, opiate pain medications are widely abused, especially by teens and young adults who gain access to the drugs via family medicine cabinets or the street market. This type of downer is responsible for a large portion of the yearly overdose deaths across the United States.

Sedative-hypnotic downers are a class of drug used to induce sleep. This can include drugs used to treat insomnia as well as those used for sedation during medical procedures. A few common sedative-hypnotic downers are:

  • Barbiturates
  • Valium
  • Quaaludes
  • Phenobarbital
  • Rohypnol
  • Xanax

As the name suggests, sedative-hypnotics induce feelings of drowsiness, euphoric “floating” sensations, and inhibits movement and speech. Muscle relaxants and alcohol are also categorized as downers.

By suppressing the function of certain organs and bodily processes including breathing and the circulatory system, misuse and abuse of sedative-hypnotic downers can be extremely dangerous, or lethal. Typically use of these drugs is prescribed for specific medical conditions and closely monitored by a doctor, but just as with opiates, they can find themselves in the wrong hands. Additionally, sedative-hypnotics are highly addictive and withdrawal process can be dangerously taxing on the body; medical supervision in a detox facility is advised.

School Counselor Talking To Depressed Female Pupil

Driven by a naive misconception that a drug is safe if it comes with a prescription (even if it is not for them), children, teens, and young adults are most susceptible to the ill effects of misusing both uppers and downers. They don’t realize that these substances affect everyone different, and that their still developing bodies may not be able to handle an adult dosage of powerful pain medications or sedatives.

Accidental overdoses are a serious threat to our youth, which is why it is important to keep medications stored away properly and routinely check for shortages. Educating our children so they understand the dangers of “pill popping” is also an extremely important step to preventing tragedy.

Yet another risk associated with the use of uppers and downers is the gateway phenomenon. While we often associate it with marijuana, abuse of pain medication and alcohol are the two leading causes of further experimentation and harder substances. What begins with sneaking a few pills from your medicine cabinet can rapidly lead to abuse of heroin or cocaine. While it is true that not everyone becomes addicted, our children’s lives are not worth the risks.

“Uppers” and “downers” are casual terms that refer to how a specific substance acts on the central nervous system (CNS). Uppers are stimulants, and downers are depressants. Uppers commonly include cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine. Downers include sedatives such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates.

In addition to sedatives, other substances have depressant effects, such as alcohol, muscle relaxers, sleep aids, and opioids. People report using downers to reduce the undesirable effects of stimulant drugs, and a person might take an upper to overcome sedation. Initially, it appears that this could be a reasonable way to relieve the adverse effects of these substances, but, unfortunately, it increases the risk of dire health complications.

What Are Uppers?

Uppers or stimulants act on the CNS to increase blood pressure and heart rate. They also boost the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemical messengers that induce feelings of well-being and reward. Uppers can also increase alertness and focus, extend wakefulness, and reduce appetite.

In addition to illicit drugs such as cocaine and meth, prescription stimulants commonly abused include Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta—three medications primarily used to treat ADHD. MDMA (Molly, Ecstasy) is also a stimulant, but it is often placed in its own category due to the hallucinations and altered sensory perceptions it is known to induce.

Other side effects of uppers include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia

  • Headache
  • Muscle tension
  • Jaw clenching

  • Tremors
  • Chest pains
  • Heart palpitations

Combining two stimulants can also be dangerous, as the effects of all the drugs in a person’s system are compounded. A life-threatening overdose could occur that may include aggression, hypertension, dehydration, hyperthermia, heart failure, and seizure activity. Overdose can occur even in first-time users, depending on the amount of drug used in one sitting.

What Are Downers?

As the name implies, downers induce the opposite effect of uppers. Downers reduce heart rate and lower blood pressure, as well as impair alertness and focus. Examples of prescription downers include Ambien, Lunesta, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium, and Xanax, among others.

Other side effects of downers include the following:

  • Sedation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Drowsiness

  • Dizziness
  • Trembling
  • Lowered inhibitions

  • Impaired coordination
  • Impaired memory
  • Lethargy

Different kinds of downers can impact different processes in the body. As such, they are typically classified into three subgroups: alcohol, opiates/opioids, and sedatives/hypnotics.

Depressants that are prescribed for anxiety or sleep disorders are often referred to as sedatives or tranquilizers. Opioids come in both prescription and illicit forms (e.g., oxycodone and heroin, respectively). Opioids are technically categorized as painkillers but also have depressant properties. Furthermore, alcohol is legal to consume in the U.S. for those over 21 years of age and readily available at many stores.

CNS Depression

An overdose of depressants can transpire when a person ingests excessive amounts of drugs or alcohol, and it can trigger potentially lethal CNS depression. Symptoms of a depressant overdose may include the following:

  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired cognition
  • Blurred vision

  • Impaired motor skills
  • Slow or stopped breathing
  • Respiratory arrest

Alcohol, antidepressants, hypnotic sedatives, sleep aids, painkillers, and other depressant substances can cause CNS depression, especially when multiple types of substances are used in combination.

Risks of Combining Stimulants and Depressants

As noted, many people will use a depressant to come down from a stimulant high or vice versa. They may also be seeking a particular type of high such as that induced by a speedball (cocaine and heroin).

Mixing cocaine, amphetamine, or methamphetamine with opioids such as heroin is extremely risky. Indeed, this speedball combination was reported as the cause of death for actors John Belushi, River Phoenix, and Chris Farley, among others.

But, dangerous drug interactions can also happen accidentally for those who take other medications for pain, depression, ADHD, or anxiety. An adverse interaction is especially likely if a person consumes alcohol while using these drugs. Sometimes people use uppers and downers together oblivious to the dangers of mixing them.

In addition to potentially deadly overdoses, upper-downer cocktails have been associated with many other health risks, such as the following:

1) The combined effects is a minimization of the symptoms of either substance, thus creating the illusion that the person is not as intoxicated as they actually are. Stimulant effects may motivate the user to continue partying longer and also underestimate their level of intoxication. Uppers can conceal warning signs that profound CNS depression is occurring while downers might mask a dangerously accelerated heartbeat.

As a result, a person may end up using more of a stimulant substance than intended, especially if it is combined with alcohol. The body’s default reaction to excessive alcohol intake is to induce unconsciousness. Because stimulants prevent this from happening, a person can drink more alcohol without passing out. If other depressants are added, the person faces the risk of slipping into a coma or dying of an overdose.

2) Combining alcohol and cocaine is especially dangerous. Alcohol alters the way in which the body breaks down cocaine, resulting in a chemical called cocaethylene. Cocaethylene is more poisonous than either cocaine or alcohol alone, and it also stays in the body longer. As a result, the heart and liver are subjected to prolonged stress, and sudden death can occur even several hours after using cocaine with alcohol.

3) Stimulants cause dehydration, and this dehydration can be made worse by consuming alcohol. When a person is not properly hydrated, he or she may experience dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, and disorientation. If the dehydration persists, vital organs can be damaged, and death can occur. Dehydration may be further amplified by the physical exhaustion and strain on multiple bodily systems that results from using substances with conflicting effects.

4) The push-pull effects of using opioids and stimulants together can result in an irregular heart rate, heart failure, and death.

These are just a few of the complications that could result from combining uppers and downers. Every person is unique, and some may encounter different side effects than others.

Getting Help for Addiction

A significant risk of using uppers and downers together is that a person may become addicted to multiple drugs concurrently. A person with an addiction to a substance may resort to the abuse of another in a misguided attempt to control the symptoms of the original addiction. However, this never works, and instead can drive a person into a self-perpetuating cycle of substance abuse, making each addiction worse than it would be on its own.

If an addiction to one or more substances occurs, professional treatment offers the most efficient path to recovery. Do not try to stop using any of these drugs abruptly or “cold turkey.” Depending on the substances of abuse, you could experience significant pain and discomfort, and, in some cases, withdrawal can even be life-threatening.

Importantly, rehab centers such as Recovery By The Sea can provide medical and emotional support during detox and will ensure that patients are as safe and comfortable as possible. If you have questions about rehab and treatment, our admissions coordinators are available 24/7 to provide answers and offer guidance.

Please do not continue to make the dangerous decision to continue using uppers and downers—the risks far outweigh any perceived benefits. If you or someone you love are struggling to overcome an addiction, we can help. Call us today and start your journey to a new life without drugs or alcohol!

READ THIS NEXT: Signs of Overdose and What to Do

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