Started a run by reaching 200 m in 30 s. she then ran 300 m in 30 s. what was her acceleration?



A student is running in a track meet started a run by reaching 200m in 30 seconds.She then ran 300m in 30 seconds what was her acceleration? (using GRESA method).


Distance travelled is equal to 500 meters. Total time is equal to 60 seconds. We need to solve first the final velocity.

Solving for final velocity:

Vf = 500 m / 60 s

    = 8.33 m/s

Given Data:

t ( time ) = 60 s

Vi ( initial velocity ) = 0 m/s (from start)

Vf ( final velocity ) = 8.33 m/s

a ( acceleration ) = ? unknown


We can use the formula (a = Vf - Vi / t) in order to solve for acceleration

a = Vf - Vi / t

  = 8.33 m/s - 0 m/s / 60 s

  = 8.33 m/s / 60 s

  = 0.14 m/s²


The acceleration is equal to  0.14 m/s²

Kindly visit the link below:

  • where did you get the 8,33m/s?

  • ayan na din po ba yung mismong sagot?

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