Watch udemy, inc. curso completo en design thinking

Tanto si te apuntas sólo como junto a tu equipo de trabajo, aprender este enfoque sistemático te ayudará en el desarrollo de nuevos productos y servicios. Está probado que cuando se aplica Design Thinking en las empresas, la tasa de éxito de la innovación mejora sustancialmente.

Design Thinking puede definirse como un proceso para la generación de soluciones creativas a diferentes tipos de problemas. Esto va desde la invención de productos, mejora de procesos o generación de nuevos tipos de servicios. Su nombre se debe a que para resolver problemas, se toma el modo de pensar de los diseñadores. Este se caracteriza por ser innovador, integrativo y orientado al usuario.

En esta oportunidad te comento 3 elementos que considero claves del Design Thinking:

  • Orientado a la innovación: Design Thinking combina el pensamiento divergente (generador de ideas) con el convergente (aplicación de las ideas a resultados). Es decir, que combina técnicas de generación de ideas, como el Brainstorming, con otras que facilitan la definición del problema, su contexto y público objetivo.
  • Promueve el trabajo en equipo: Design Thinking es un proceso naturalmente social. Aprovecha la sinergia de equipos heterogéneos, nutriéndose de diferentes puntos de vista para entender el contexto y el problema con una visión 360°.
  • Derriba barreras mentales: Design Thinking nos ayuda a vencer las barreras de nuestra mente, para ayudarnos a tener más apertura y abrirnos a las experiencias de los otros. El punto clave es la empatía, que se puede definir como la capacidad de ponernos en el lugar del otro. Mientras más abiertos y receptivos somos, más fácil es entender el problema de los usuarios y encontrar soluciones a los mismos.

Autor: Ing. Ezequiel Kahan – Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción sin el expreso consentimiento del autor.

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Advance your career and build your confidence with a 3-6 month action-oriented learning experience made up of cohort and self-paced courses.

Collaborate with a global community in our 5-week online courses and apply new skills to your day-to-day work to increase your impact.

Learn anytime, anywhere. Boost your skills with flexible, short-form online courses designed to fit your life. Access 90 days from purchase.

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”

—Tim Brown, Chair of IDEO

There are two distinct ways to learn at IDEO U—cohort courses and self-paced. Each has a different structure and schedule:

Cohort courses

Cohort courses run on a set calendar, with fixed start and end dates. Course learning is self-paced within those dates and requires approximately 4-5 hours per week over 5 weeks. Courses consist of videos, activities, assignments, access to course teaching teams, and feedback from a global community of learners.

Cohort courses also provide optional 1-hour video Community Conversations, held weekly by the teaching team. They occur during set times, which are released during the first week of the course, and set to accommodate as many time zones as possible.

Self-paced courses

Self-paced courses take between 1-8 hours to complete. We provide 90 days of access from the date of purchase, so you may spread your learning over multiple weeks, or refer back to it multiple times during your access period. Courses consist of a series of videos, activities, and small assignments.

Certificate programs are comprised of multiple courses and typically take 3-6 months to complete. Once you complete all required courses, you will be awarded a certificate of completion. There is no deadline for the completion of the programs and you do not have to purchase all required courses at the same time to be eligible for a certificate.

Explore different ways to deepen your learning and broaden your professional impact through our certificate programs here.

While you can enroll in multiple courses concurrently, we strongly advise that you do so only if you are able to commit to a minimum of 5 hrs/week for each course (i.e. 10 hrs/week for 2 courses) to ensure the most valuable learning experience. If that does not feel feasible, we recommend taking the courses separately and exploring future dates on our course calendar.

Please make sure to select your desired cohort date for each course from the dropdown menu during checkout.

All of our courses are fully online and self-paced, so you can take them from any time zone, anywhere in the world.

During 5-week cohort courses, your course teaching team will host scheduled virtual community conversations which are optional. Timing will be announced during the first week of the course and is set to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to make it, as these are purely optional.

Great question! We offer an array of courses covering different topics and choosing one really comes down to what you want to learn at this point. 

That said, the best place for most people to begin at IDEO U is our Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate program. This program includes 2 cohort courses that will enable you to gain a foundational and practical understanding of essential design thinking skills and empower you to create innovative solutions that are human-centered.

You can also take a quick quiz to find the course that best meets your specific needs.

Absolutely! We have had many teams go through our courses together with great success. For those taking our courses as a team, we provide a couple of additional benefits:

1. A Team Learning Guide, developed to provide your team with resources to facilitate offline discussion to complement the in-course experience.

2. A Manage Learners function, which provides visibility into your team's progress within the course.

3. The ability to create a private Learning Circle, which is a closed space for discussion on the learning platform specifically for your team.

For more information, visit our Team Learning page.

We offer a discount when you enroll at the same time in both courses that make up our Foundations in Design Thinking certificate program. You can also enter your email address at the bottom of this page in order to receive updates on future offers or possible discounts. 

Additionally, we have a scholarship application you can fill out here. Please keep in mind we review these monthly, so plan accordingly if you are looking to join a course soon.

You can purchase your course on our website using a credit card, PayPal, or Shop Pay. 

We also offer installment plans which you can select at checkout if you use the Shop Pay method of payment. Available for U.S. learners at the moment.