The set of coordinating colors applied to the backgrounds

After Previous An animation command that begins the animation sequence for the selected PowerPoint slide element immediately after the completion of the previous animation or slide transition.
Animation Any type of motion or movement that occurs as the presentation moves from slide to slide. 2. A special visual effect or sound effect added to text or an object.
Animation Painter A feature that copies animation settings from one object to another.
Background style A slide background fill variation that combines theme colors in different intensities or patterns.
Body Font A font that is applied to all slide text except titles.
Category Label A chart element that identifies a category of data.
Cell The intersection of a column and a row.
Cell Reference The identification of a specific cell by its intersecting column letter and row number.
Chart A graphic representation of numeric data.
Column Chart A type of chart used to compare data.
Data Marker A column, bar, area, dot, pie slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point; related data points form a data series.
Data Point A value that originates in a worksheet cell and that is represented in a chart by a data marker.
Data Series Related data points represented by data markers; each group has a unique color or pattern represented in the chart legend.
Emphasis Effect An animation effect that, for example, makes an object shrink or grow in size, change color, or spin on its center.
Entrance Effect An animation effect that occurs when the text or object is introduced into the slide during a slide show.
Exit Effect An animation effect that occures when the text or object leaves the slide or disappears during a slide show.
Headings Font The font that is applied to slide titles.
Legend A chart element that identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to the categories in the chart.
Line Chart A chart type that is useful to display trends over time; time displays along the bottom axis and the data pont values are connected with a line.
On Click An animation command that begins the animation sequence for the selected PowerPoint slide element when the mouse button is clicked or the spacebar is pressed.
Table A format for information that organizes and presents text and data in columns and rows.
Table Style Formatting applied to an entire table so that it is consistent with the presentation theme.
Theme Colors A set of coordinating colors that are applied to the backgrounds, objects, and text in a presentation.
Theme Font A theme that determines the font applied to two types of slide text- headings and body.
Timing Options Animation options that control when animated items display in the animation sequence.
Trim The action of deleting parts of a video to make it shorter.
With Previous An animation command that begins the animation sequence on a PowerPoint slide at the same time as the previous animation or slide transition.
Chart Elements the various components of a chart, including the chart tytle, axis tytles, data series, legend, chart area, and plot area
Chart Elements Button a button that displays options for adding, removing, or changing chart elements
Chart Filters Button a button that displays options for changing the data displayed in a chart
Chart Style a set of predefined formats applied to a chart, including colors, backrounds, and effects
Chart Styles Button a button that displays options for setting the style and color scheme for a chart

  • School Post University
  • Course Title CIS 112
  • Pages 3
  • Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful

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1)Mach the correct definitionsA slide background fill variation that combines theme colors in different intensities(background style)A theme that determines the font applies to two type of slide text – headings and body(theme font)Of the two types fonts in the theme font, the type that is applied to all slide text excepttitles (body font)Of the two types of fonts in the theme font, the type that is applied to all slides titles(headings font)A visual or sound effect added to an object or text on a slide (animation)Animation that brings a slide element onto the screen (entrance effect)Animation that emphasizes an object or text that is already displayed (emphasis effect)Animation that moves an object off the screen (exit effect)A format for information that organizes and presents text and data in columns and rows(table)The intersection of a column and row (cell)Formatting applies to an entire table so that it is consistent with the presentation theme(table style)

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What is a specific design with coordinating colors?

Theme. A specific design with coordinating colors, fonts, and special effects such as shadows and reflections.

Is chart element that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the categories in the chart?


Are animations that bring a slide element onto the screen?

Entrance effect Animation that brings a slide element onto the screen.

What chart element identifies which data point or data series is represented by each color in the chart?

Legend. The legend identifies which data series each color on the chart represents. In this example, the legend identifies the different salespeople in the chart.


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