Population per square mile lambeth

Area selected: Lambeth

Age structure Population Average age Life expectancy

Population Density


Gender ratio

1.01 male to female

english main language


Major religion

53% Christian

Demographics of Lambeth

The population of Lambeth is 321,813 according to mid-2020 population figures published by the ONS. Lambeth's population growth rate between mid-2019 and mid-2020 was -1.3% per year. Lambeth covers an area of 27 square kilometres (10 square miles) and has a population density of 12,003 people per square kilometre (km2), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2020.

According to the latest 2011 census, the population in Lambeth is predominantly white (57%), with non-white minorities representing the remaining 43% of the population.

The median average age in Lambeth in 2019 was 33.3, with over 18s representing 82.7% of the population. The sex ratio was 101.0 males to every 100 females. Compare average age by area.

The largest religious group in Lambeth is Christians who account for 53% of the population.

English is spoken as the main language by 79.7% of people in Lambeth, and spoken either well or very well by 17% of the remaining population. 3.2% reported having poor English language skills, and the remaining 0.5% spoke no English at all.

Population of Lambeth

Main page: Lambeth Population

The population of Lambeth is 321,813 according to mid-2020 population figures published by the ONS. In the year between mid-2019 and mid-2020, the population in Lambeth grew by an estimated -4,221 people, and in the ten years before mid-2020, the population grew by 17,332.

Lambeth's population growth rate between mid-2019 and mid-2020 was -1.3%, which is 1.9% lower than the average population growth rate in Lambeth for the ten years before mid-2020 (0.6%).

Lambeth covers an area of 27 square kilometres (10 square miles) and has a population density of 12,003 people per square kilometre (km2), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2020. That figure has increased by 646 people per km2 over the past decade.

Population Population Density Population Growth

Demographics by Age and Gender

According to mid-year population estimates published by the ONS in 2019, males account for 50.3% of Lambeth's 321,813 population, while females made up 49.7% of the total.

The sex ratio (the number of males for each female in a population) was 101.019 males to every 100 females in 2011. In England as a whole, the gender ratio was 98 males to every 100 females in 2011.

Age statistics collected by the ONS show the adult population of Lambeth, that is how many people there are over the age of 18, is 266,091.

Lambeth's age structure shows the working-age population to be 238,041 which is 74.0% of the population. People under the age of 16 represent 17.3% of the population, and over 65s represent 8.7% of the population. The percentage of the population that is of working-age has decreased over the last 10 years from 74.4% to 70.4%.

Lambeth age pyramid

Lambeth's age pyramid shows how the population is distributed by age and gender.

The median average age of someone in Lambeth was 33.3 years in 2019. Split by gender, the average female age is 32.9 years, and the average male is 33.6 years.

Of the Lambeth population over the age of 90, girls outnumber boys by 1.8 to 1.

Life expectancy in Lambeth

The life expectancy of someone born today in Lambeth is 80 years. Split by gender, a girl born today in Lambeth has a life expectancy of 83 years, and a boy has a life expectancy of 78 years. Compare life expectancy by area.

As a comparison, in England as a whole, current life expectancy at birth is 81 years, for females that rises to 83 years and for males it falls to 79 years.

The life expectancy for someone born in Lambeth has risen by 4 years over the past decade, from a life expectancy of 77 years to a life expectancy of 80 years. In England as a whole, life expectancies have risen by 3 years.

Ethnicity in Lambeth

According to the latest 2011 census, the population in Lambeth is predominantly white (57.1%), with non-white minorities representing the remaining 42.9% of the population.

Black people were the largest minority group in Lambeth accounting for 25.9% of the population.

In England more broadly the portion of the population that is white is 85.4%. 7.8% are Asian and 3.5% are Black.

Population by race in Lambeth, 2011 census

  • White - 172,830 people or 57.1%
  • Black - 78,542 people or 25.9%
  • Mixed - 23,160 people or 7.6%
  • Asian - 20,938 people or 6.9%
  • Other - 7,421 people or 2.5%

Personal wellbeing in Lambeth

Estimates of personal wellbeing in the UK are published by the ONS annually, with scores for anxiety, happiness, life satisfaction, and feeling that life is worthwhile. Overall scores are based on surveying a representative sample of the population and are scored out of 10 (.e.g for happiness 0 is 'not at all happy' and 10 is 'completely happy').

Levels of reported Anxiety in Lambeth were 3.4 in 2012 and 3.4 in 2021. In the rest of England levels of Anxiety are currently 3.1.

Reported levels of Happiness in 2021 were 7.3, and 7.2 in 2012. In England, the average happiness indicator is currently 7.5. Of the 363 areas in England, Lambeth is the 279 th happiest area in England.

Life satisfaction scores for 2021 are 7.4 and were 7.1 in 2012. For the feeling that things done in life are worthwhile the 2021 level is 7.6 and was 7.4 in 2012.

Anxiety Happiness Life satisfaction Life worthwhile

Religion in Lambeth

According to the latest 2011 census, the most populous religious group within Lambeth is Christians, accounting for 53.1% of the population.

Lambeth has a Muslim population of 21,500 which is 6.7% of the population.

Compared to England as a whole, in England circa 59% of the population is Christian, 5% is Muslim, 2% is Hindu, and Buddhists, Sikhs and Jews each is around 1%. The remainder is split between people with no religion and those who decided not to identify a religion.

Religious groups in Lambeth, 2011 census

  • Christian - 160,840 people or 53.1%
  • Buddhist - 2,961 people or 1.0%
  • Hindu - 3,117 people or 1.0%
  • Jewish - 1,133 people or 0.4%
  • Muslim - 21,486 people or 7.1%
  • Sikh - 440 people or 0.1%
  • Other - 112,913 people or 37.3%

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Areas near Lambeth

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. Data sources: ONS Local statistics

What is the population of Lambeth 2021?

In Lambeth, the population size has increased by 4.8%, from around 303,100 in 2011 to 317,600 in 2021. This is lower than the overall increase for England (6.6%), where the population grew by nearly 3.5 million to 56,489,800.

What percentage of Lambeth is black?

Lambeth's largest non-white ethnic group is black African (11.5%), followed by black Caribbean (9.8%).

Is Lambeth a rich borough?

It includes the popular cultural hub of the South Bank, the bustling street markets of Brixton, the open spaces of Clapham and Streatham Commons and the exciting regeneration of Vauxhall. The borough is rich in history and is very well connected, close to central London and the City.

What is Lambeth famous for?

Although famous for its waterfront developments, which are directly across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament and the City of Westminster, Lambeth is largely residential. The borough's centre of government is two miles south, in Brixton, where there is a sizable Afro-Caribbean community.