O que é Administrador no PC?

Página 21: O que são contas de usuário no Windows 10?


O que são contas de usuário no Windows 10?

As contas de usuário permitem que uma pessoa tenha acesso ao computador e aos seus programas. Para entrar é necessário introduzir um nome para a conta e uma senha. 

As contas de usuário são criados pelo administrador do computador, que será responsável em permitir acesso para outras pessoas. 

Se você tiver várias contas, poderá proteger suas informações pessoais ou acompanhar o que os outros estão fazendo no computador através de uma ferramenta chamada controle parental.

Tipos de conta de usuário 

Uma das vantagens do Windows 10 é que você pode dar acesso a outras pessoas criando contas individuais. Com essas contas eles poderão instalar ou desinstalar programas, alterar senhas, criar contas de usuário ou somente ter acesso a determinados programas, tudo conforme a conta que você criar. Veja quais tipos de contas estão disponíveis:

Administrador: Os administradores têm a liberdade de instalar ou desinstalar softwares no seu computador, criar contas de usuário, alterar senhas, fazer alterações para os outros usuários e para o acesso geral do computador. 

Usuário Padrão: Esse tipo de conta permite acesso a maioria dos programas, mas sem a possibilidade de fazer alterações. Também não é permitido fazer configurações que afetam outros usuários do computador.

Agora você já sabe o que é um usuário e quem pode criar contas no computador. Nas próximas páginas vamos lhe mostrar como criar essas contas.


Que a Microsoft mudou muitos recursos no seu sistema operacional Windows 10, não é novidade para ninguém, correto? Mas algumas funcionalidades ainda permanecem parecidas. Um bom exemplo disso está em alterar contas para acessar o sistema.

Essa função geralmente tem como intuito criar perfis para várias pessoas que utilizam uma mesma máquina, deixando tudo separado por gerenciador. Existem dois tipos de contas que podem ser criadas no Windows:

  • Administrador: uma conta que tem acesso a todos os tipo de ferramentas do sistema, ou seja, não tem limitações
  • Básica: Contas geradas pelo administrador dá máquina, geralmente para pessoas que não vão ou não precisam utilizar funções mais avançadas. Nesse tipo de conta é possível travar funções de acordo com o que administrador achar que precisa.

E, como sabemos bem, o administrador pode tirar e dar privilègios para contas básicas, até alterar contas, variando entre básica e administrador. Ao iniciar um computador pela primeira vez, por padrão, a primeira conta sempre vai ser administrador. A partir dela é possível criar os outro perfis, veja abaixo o caminho:

  • Configurações (Settings)
  • Contas (Accounts)
  • Família e outros usuários
  • Determinar, através do pop-up, antes da finalização, se a conta será básica ou administrador.

DICA: É de extrema importância analisar muito bem os perfis que serão criados como administradores na máquina em questão — visto que esse tipo de perfil não tem restrição quanto a instalação de softwares, acesso às configurações e outras funções que podem ser extremamente prejudiciais.


Este texto faz parte do programa TecMundo Experts, pelo qual leitores com alguma especialidade em tecnologia podem encaminhar seus conteúdos para o TecMundo. As matérias publicadas aqui são enviadas de modo voluntário e sem vínculo empregatício.


This article provides information on how to enable and setup Administrator and User accounts on Windows 8 and 8.1.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is an Administrator Account?
  2. Enabling the built in, hidden Administrator Account
  3. Setting up a New Administrator Account
  4. Setting up a New Standard Account

What is an Administrator Account?

An Administrator account is a User account that will enable you to make changes that will affect other Users.

Administrators can change the systems security settings, install new software and hardware and access all the files on the system.

Administrators can also make changes to other User accounts.


Note: It is advised that each account on the computer be setup as a Standard User, which has limited permissions, so that it is harder for malware to infect the computer.

You should then create a separate account that will be for the Administrator of the computer. This account, though, would only be used to administer the computer as necessary and would not be used as a day-to-day account. Using this security plan significantly reduces the chance of your computer becoming infected.

Windows 8 allows multiple users to share the same computer using different accounts. Each User can have their own location to store personal information such as documents, pictures, videos, saved games, and other files. Multiple accounts also plays a strong role in Windows Security.

Windows 8 introduced the ability to create and login as a Local account or as a Microsoft account.

Local Account is an account that is local to your computer and is not integrated into any of Microsoft's online services.


Note: This account is the same as was used in previous versions of Windows.


Microsoft Account used to be known as your Windows Live ID, its an online account that you register with Microsoft and it allows you to integrate all of Microsoft's online services into Windows 8.


Note: These services include the Windows Store, SkyDrive, Calendar, Hotmail, and the ability to synch your account settings and preferences to other Windows 8 systems you may use.


Ultimately, there is no wrong choice when selecting the type of account to use as you have the ability to switch between a Microsoft account and a local account at any time.

If your issue is repeated prompts by the system for permission to carry out system tasks, then you may want to check out the article below and see if this resolves your issue instead.

  • How to configure UAC (User Account Control) settings for Windows 8 and 8.1

Otherwise please continue with the guide below.

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Enabling the built in, hidden Administrator Account

Note: You must be signed in as an Administrator in order to be able to carry out the steps in any of the guides below.

Metro Store apps will not run while signed in to the built-in Administrator account.

A local account such as the built-in cannot be switched to a Microsoft account.

The built-in account's C:\Users\Administrator folder will not be created until the first time that it is logged into.

If you enable the built-in Administrator account, then create a secure password for it to help prevent unauthorized access of it.

It is not recommended to leave the built-in Administrator account always enabled or that it be used for everyday purposes. The built-in Administrator account should only be used as needed.


Account TypeDescription
Standard User This account type is an un-elevated restricted User account. It helps protect your computer by preventing a User from making changes that affect everyone who uses the computer. Such as deleting files that are required for the computer to work. It is recommended to create a standard account for each User instead of an Administrator account for the User. When you are logged on to Windows with a standard account, you can do almost anything that you can do with an administrator account, but if a standard User wanted to do something that requires elevated rights that affects other Users of the computer, such as installing software or changing security settings, Windows will give that User a UAC prompt to enter the password of an administrator account before allowing the action.
Administrator User This account type is an un-elevated administrator account that is created by default during the installation of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. It can also be already setup for you on a OEM (ex: Dell) computer. An Administrator account has complete access to the computer and you can make any desired changes. To help make the computer more secure, this administrator account type will be prompted by UAC by default to give confirmation before allowed to make any changes that require elevated administrator rights. Such as those that affect the system, other users, or when running anything elevated. (Run as Administrator) As running elevated will allow it to have access to the entire computer.
Built-in Administrator This final account type is the hidden elevated local Administrator account and it has full unrestricted access rights and permissions on the computer. By default, this elevated "Administrator" account is not prompted by UAC by default to provide confirmation before allowed to make any changes that require elevated administrator permissions since it is an elevated account.

  • Method I
  • Method II

Method I

  1. Open an elevated command prompt and then proceed to either step 2 or 3 depending on what you need to achieve.

    • The easiest way to get to this is by either moving the cursor to the bottom left hand side of the screen and right clicking on the start button displayed or by pressing the win+x keys together and then choosing Command Prompt from the menu that appears.

  2. To Enable the Built-in Administrator Account in Windows 8 type net user administrator /active:yes in the elevated command prompt and press Enter. Jump to step 4 when complete.


Note: If you have renamed the built-in "Administrator" account's name at any point, then you will need to substitute "administrator" in the command with the new name instead.


Select Administrator: Command Prompt

Microsoft Windows [Version 0.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


net user administrator /active:yes
The command completed successfully.


  1. To Disable the Built-in Administrator Account in Windows 8 type net user administrator /active:no in the elevated command prompt and press Enter. Proceed to step 4.


Select Administrator: Command Prompt

Microsoft Windows [Version 0.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


net user administrator /active:no
The command completed successfully.


  1. Close the elevated command prompt.

  2. The built-in Administrator will now be available to select to log into.

Method II

Note: This option is only works in the Windows 8 Pro and Windows 8 Enterprise versions of the operating system.

  1. Press the Win+R keys together to open the Run dialog box, type lusrmgr.msc and click on OK.

  2. In the left pane, click on the Users folder, then in the middle pane, double click on Administrator.

  1. Proceed to step 4 or 5 depending on what you need to achieve.

  2. Uncheck the Account is disabled box, then click on OK, to enable the built-in account and go to step 6.

  1. Check the Account is disabled box, the click on OK, to disable the built-in account and go to step 6.

  1. Close the Local Users and Groups window.

  2. The built-in Administrator will now be available to select to log into.

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Setting up a new Administrator Account

  1. Open Control Panel from the Start menu

    • The easiest way to get to this is by either moving the cursor to the bottom left hand side of the screen and right clicking on the start button displayed or by pressing the win+x keys together and then choosing Control Panel from the menu that appears.

  2. Click on the User Account icon.

  1. Click Manage another account.


Note: If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type in the password or provide confirmation.


  1. Click Create a new account.

  1. Type the name you want to give the User account and choose Administrator.

  2. Click Create Account.

  3. Your new account has now been created.

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Setting up a new Standard Account

  1. To create a new user account type Add User at the windows start screen. When the search results appear click on the Settings category.

  1. Click on the option Give other users access to this computer, which opens the User Settings screen.

  1. Scroll down and click on the Add User option. A screen prompts you to enter the User's email address.

  1. The Add a user screen prompts you by default to enter an email so that you create a Microsoft account.

    1. If you wish to create a Microsoft account then enter your email address and click on the Next button. If the email address is not an existing Microsoft account you will be prompted to register one. When the registration process is completed, Microsoft will send an email to that email address. This email contains a link that you need to click on in order to verify that you want this Microsoft account used on this computer.

    2. If you do not wish to use a Microsoft account then you should click on the Sign in without a Microsoft account option instead. You will be brought to a screen where Windows will ask again if you are sure you wish to make a Local account. Click on the Local account button and this will bring you to a new screen where you need to put in the information you wish to use for the Local account. At this screen you need to fill in the desired user name, password, and a hint that will be used to help you remember your password. When you are done filling in the information, please click on the Next button.

  2. Your account should now be created and you will see an Add User confirmation screen.

  1. If the new account belongs to a child and you wish to enable Family Safety, then place a check mark in the checkbox and click on the Finish button.

  2. Your new account has now been created.

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Como saber quem é o administrador do meu PC?

Selecionar Iniciar e Painel de Controle. Na janela Painel de Controle, selecione Contas de Usuário e Proteção para a Família > Gerenciar Contas de Usuários. Na janela Contas de Usuário, selecione Propriedades e a guia Associação a um Grupo. Verifique se o Administrador está selecionado.

Para que serve a conta administrador?

Contas de administrador fornecem mais controle sobre um computador e só devem ser usadas quando necessário. As contas Convidado destinam-se principalmente às pessoas que precisam usar temporariamente um computador.

O que é usuário administrador?

Usuário administrador A conta de administrador, como você já deve imaginar, pode realizar alterações que afetem outros usuários — o que inclui a exclusão de contas, edição de credenciais e outras modificações. O acesso é amplo a ponto de o usuário poder afetar o funcionamento do próprio computador.

Como tirar administrador de PC?

Use um dos seguintes métodos para desabilitar a conta de administrador interna:.
Executar o comando sysprep /generalize. Quando você executar o comando sysprep/generalize , na próxima vez que o computador for iniciado, a conta de Administrador interna será desabilitada..
Usar o comando net user..


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