Men commit significantly more crime than women. this is referred to as ______.

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Women are less likely to be victimized by which of the following?

Which of the following is not a reason that women victims do not officially report their victimizations.

Perpetrators often receive harsh sentences.

Men commit significantly more crimes than women. This is referred to as

Which of the following describes the common foundation found among women offenders?

Both a and b; They offend due to economic need, They offend due to consequences of addiction

Which of the following is true regarding convicted women offenders

Women offenders are being sentenced to prison more often

Which of the following is said to be one of the greatest contributions of feminist criminology?

The relationship between victimization and offending

______ involve asking participants about their experiences of crime as victims and offenders.

The greatest achievement of the National Crime Victimization Survey was its attempt to

Fill the gap between reported and unreported crime

Victimization studies comprise data from ________ and assist with the "dark figure of crime".

Both a and b; Self report and NCVS

What percentage of police agencies in the US report to NIBRS?

All of the following are included in the five basic principles of feminist methodology except

Following the traditional relationship between researcher and subject

Feminist methodologies can be employed to study which of the following

Females who commit crime face unique experiences that are different from males who offend

There is no single method of research that is identified as the feminist method.

UCR and NIBRS official data sources fail to identify female serious and violent victimizations

According to West & Zimmerman, Goffman refers to conventionalized portrayals of cultural correlates of sex as ______, and sees such as _____ performances.

gender displays; optional

The concept of "doing gender" is best characterized by the following:

Gender is not a category, but an ongoing action

According to the lecture on feminist criminology, gender socialization as control is embodied in all of the following except:

Discourages power differentials between men and women

Feminist methodology influences all of the following except

The selection of the researcher

In the lecture(s), we learn that ______ are expressions of certain beliefs about sexual differences; they are organizations of perception rather than transparent description or reflection of nature

In this course, we recognize that almost all of what we know about women and crime (and the world in general) has been developed through a ______ lens.

In the course overview, we learn that the rate of female homicide victims per 100,000 female residents in the US is about ______ times greater than in Great Britain.

In the course overview, we learned that the rate of growth of women in prison is about ____ of that for men.

Women are more likely to be in prison for _____ offenses, while men are more likely to be in prison for _____ offenses.

Drug and property; violent

"The study of gender and crime, with a special focus on women's experiences." This definition best describes

In the reading "Oppression", several scenarios are listed, including docility/aggression; sex/no sex; work/don't work; have children/not... etc. These conditions are referred to by Frye as ________.

Both double binds and expressions of oppression

Frye uses the ____ analogy to refer to a network of forces and barriers-- often invisible and acknowledged-- that exposes one to penalty, loss, or contempt.

In the video "power and control", the police officer(s) shown are often frustrated with

From the Defending Our Lives material, we learn that over ____ of the women killed in the US are killed by male intimate partners or ex-partners.

As demonstrated in the documentary Defending Our Lives, according to the Center for Disease Control, a woman is in ___ times more danger of violent attack in her home than on the streets.

Domestic violence is the second leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the US, just behind automobile accidents.

Generally, women are treated more leniently than men in courts, leading to the "chivalry hypothesis"

In Kansas (and other states) the following exception(s) to spousal rape exist, making it more difficult to charge and convict a person of spousal rape.

All of the above exceptions to spousal rape exist in Kansas

Thinking back to the Women & Prison video, as well as much of the introductory material, one particular term seems to capture a host of characteristics associated with women in prison: a punitive system; lack of rehabilitative services; cutbacks on programs and training; isolation; violation of basic human rights, including the right to freedom from physical and sexual abuse and the right to health care (among other). The umbrella term that captures much of this experience is referred to as ______

The pains of imprisonment

Victim blaming has occurred where society has lessened the responsibility of crime between the victim and the offender in which of these incidents?

Which of the following refers to the practice whereby victims of crime feel traumatized by the official response to their victimization by the criminal justice system?

The feminist pathways perspective suggests

A cycle of victimization and offending

Research among female offenders indicates that a history of abuse leads to a propensity to engage in which of the following types of delinquency?

The Kobe Bryant rape case led to decreased reporting of sexual assault.

Under the pathways perspective, criminal offending may be a survival technique.

________ theories of criminality explore the large-scale social explanations for crime.

________ theories of criminality focus on individual differences between law-abiding and law-violating behaviors.

Traditional criminological theories focused exclusively on

Girls are more likely to experience strain as a result of

Feminist criminology began as a reaction to which of the following?

Male chauvinism in the discipline

Which of the following is a challenge faced by feminist criminology?

Traditional gender-neutral perspectives were in fact not gender-neutral.

As younger women and men professionals enter the court system, gender bias is becoming much more rare.

Issues for women in prison such as distance from family, child care, jobs, housing, financial stability, reentry..etc. are sometimes referred to as a _____ sentence.

Though there exist important distinctions between male and female inmates, the same basic care and programming is shown to be similarly effective (or ineffective) for both men and women.

According to Hardesty, _____ is a crucial step toward social and legal change.

Naming women’s experiences

The term that specifically addresses an attack "on a woman's body and volition that seeks to block her from leaving, retaliate for her departure, or forcibly end the separation" is best referred to as _____

According to Hardesty, _____ is a significant risk factor of intimate partner femicide.

Research demonstrates that a climate of fear during custody proceedings leads to:

Over and over, one particular concept emerges through theories and research as THE primary motive for intimate partner violence and assault -- _____.

_____ is the social structure that encourages and legitimizes male domination and female submission and oppression.

Hardesty refers to the power and control model that includes four domains of separation-related abuse. They include all of the below EXCEPT:

The more encompassing mindset of entitlement to or ownership of female partners is referred to as male ______.

According to Dobash, as cited in Hardesty, several contexts must be considered when understanding violence against women:

Individual, interpersonal institutional, and ideological

In the video featuring the Yvette Cade case, warning signs of physical abuse include all of the following EXCEPT:

Overwhelmingly, men who abuse partners come from disadvantaged communities and situations.

Pregnancy is one period of life in which women seldom experience physical abuse (though verbal abuse may be prolific).

Rape is one of the most under-reported crimes in the country. Estimates suggest that only _____ of all rapes are ever reported to the police.

The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment illustrated that when an arrest was made in a misdemeanor domestic violence incident, recidivism rates were __________ compared to cases in which police simply "counseled" the aggressor.

Someone who batters their partner emotionally may:

The _______________________ phase of the cycle of violence is where a batterer increases control over a victim and the victim tries to keep her partner calm.

Victims engage in __________to cope with their stalking victimization.

The "rule of thumb" referred to which of the following?

Husbands could not beat their wives with instruments larger than their thumbs

Intimate partner abuse is considered as which of the following in most jurisdictions?

Which of the following is an unique factor related to same-sex intimate partner abuse?

It takes a woman on average ________ attempts before being successful at leaving her abuser.

In which of the following cities was domestic violence decriminalized?

In the large majority of victimization cases regarding intimate partner violence, men are the abusers and women are the victims.

Seeking counsel from religious authorities often leads victims to report their victimization to the police.

Asking the question, "why does she stay?," is a way to blame the victim.

Historically, rape was viewed as a __________ crime.

It is estimated that _________ of women experience sexual assault during their military service.

In 2005 there were how many substantiated cases of child rape in the U.S.?

Limit cross-examination to only the incident in question

The "victim was asking for it" is an example of a

Which of the following impacts one's ability to legally consent to sexual activity

Which of the following is a reason why rape victims do not officially report their victimizations?

The Just World Hypothesis contends that bad things happen to bad people

Women of color are victimized at a disproportionate rate.

Which of the following is a common reason for an honor killing?

In which city are women being violently murdered for violating the machista culture?

Forced labor generates more than _________ annually.

Which of the following is a type of human trafficking?

Which of the following is not one of the 7 high-scoring nations on the 3P Anti-Trafficking Policy Index?

Female genital mutilation involves the removal of external sexual organs with anesthesia.

Babrakzai spoke of one particular offense that could get a woman beaten in Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban -- _____.

Babrakzai told of Zakia, who was grateful that at least she was "free" from the Taliban; she could now work as a _____, which gave her a source of income.

Babrakzai spoke of the ____ illiteracy rate in her home province, explaining it was still higher for women.

In their home land, Babrakzai and Iqbal would not have been able to go to school beyond the age of ____

Iqbal, in her presentation to the class, chose to speak of one particular important issue for women in the Middle East -- _____

Iqbal, in her class presentation, spoke of the desperate situation of many women in the Middle East, some of which lead to an increasingly popular method for committing suicide among Afghan women -- _______.

Kristen Kendrick, in her presentation to the class, presented findings of her research regarding women's responses to ______.

Kristen Kendrick, in her class presentation, reported that young women on campus tended to talk about _____ but not _____.

Stranger rape; acquaintance rape

In the article, "Native Americans Struggle...", it is reported that the rate of sexual violence in rural villages is as much as ___ times the national rate.

In "Native Americans Struggle...", it is reported that the Justice Department did not prosecute ___ of the rape cases on Indian reservations in 2011.

One of the main ideas expressed in the film "When the Bough Breaks" is that incarceration is inherited.

____ of all female inmates are incarcerated for non-violent offenses, and ____ are mothers of vulnerable children.

Children of incarcerated mothers are ____ times more likely than their peers to end up in prison.

According to the Bad Girls lecture, our knowledge base is biased with both ____ ethnocentrism and ____ ethnocentrism.

In Kansas, ____ youth come to juvenile correctional facilities at a higher rate per 1,000 than ____ youth.

After a sentencing matrix for juveniles was enacted in Kansas, what group exhibited the greatest percentage change in admissions to juvenile facilities?

Both rural and urban females decreased about the same

Which of the following statements best characterize a finding of my research on Bad Girls?

Rural girls are especially subject to labeling

"Melissa," in the lecture Bad Girls, can best be characterized as symbolizing

The lecture Tenuous Borders refers to

A major conclusion of the lecture Tenuous Borders is that girls' survival strategies are often criminalized.

Miller, in Up It Up, supports the notion of the "new violent female offender."

Miller, among others, refers to ____ as a resource for accomplishing masculinity.

Miller claims that while important differences exist between men's and women's INCIDENCE of crime, gender does not present a salient aspect of women's experiences in the urban street milieu.

Miller's work finds that while _____ for robbery is similar between men and women robbers, the _____ differs dramatically.

Motivation; accomplishment

Net-widening refers to which of the following?

Expanding the reach of the juvenile justice system to offenses and populations previously out of reach

Which of the following has led to formal processing of girls for school-based violence?

Over ____% of youth in custody meet the criteria for at least one mental health diagnosis.

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act called for

The decriminalization of status offenses

Research has found that girls are ______ times more likely to be abused than their male counterparts.

In the last few decades, the female incarceration rate has grown ____%.

Johnson (2004) found that nearly ____ of all female property offenders indicated that they committed their property crime out of economic survival

The death rate for prostitutes is ___ times higher than the overall population.

Which of the following was the identified as the greatest immediate need for women in their transition from the streets

The majority of addicted women have trauma histories.

The presence of domestic violence is not related to economic pressures felt by women.

In the video Restorative Justice, we learn that traditional responses of the Criminal Justice System are aimed toward _____, while programs such as restorative justice focus on _____ and _____.

Punishment; obligation and repair

About _____ inmates are released every year in the U.S.

About ______ U.S. citizens have some contact with the Criminal Justice System at any given time.

In the Oprah interviews, Women Who Kill, Barbara Sheehan shot her husband 11 times, claiming self-defense. Barbara cites the first and most consistent marker of abuse as _____.

Barbara Sheehan's husband, who had a career as a ______, also had a secret _____ life.

In the Oprah video, Women Who Kill, Stacey Lannert describes killing her father. She killed him because ______; the result was ______.

He had sexually assaulted her; murder I conviction, LWOP

In Oprah's interview with Stacey Lannert, Oprah points out that sexual abuse of women -- most often committed by people they love -- involves _____.

In the Dr. Phil video on Family Crisis, we observe situations that demonstrate

According to the lecture on Women & the Law, the gender neutrality approach treats every case and every defendant/offender the same.

The gender neutrality approach provides the most fair basis for treating women as both offenders and victims.

A controversial legal theory that directs employers to pay women the same as men for jobs of "comparable worth" has been described as "staggeringly pernicious" (destructive) by _____

Chief Justice John Roberts

In the Dr. Phil video on Family Crisis, experts say that attorneys often advise women NOT to speak of domestic violence because it can cause them to lose custody.

Today, the "new" Congress is ____ male, ____ White, and ____ Christian.

In 2015 -- a record year -- the 114th Congress holds more than 100 women: ____ in the Senate; ___ in the House. Women also hold ___ positions as committee chairpersons.

Lives of girls in gangs are filled with which of the following?

In 2010, females represented ______% of the arrests for sex offenses that year.

Mothers who kill their children often suffer from

Which of the following is at greatest risk for arrest and imprisonment

There is a rise in the use of which of the following among women?

Which of the following is a criticism of gender-neutral sentencing?

Mandatory arrest policies for which of the following led to an increase in arrests for girls?

Skin-tone does not impact sentencing decisions.

The Adoption and Safe Families Act allows for the termination of parental rights after ____ months.

Which of the following is true regarding assessment tools currently in use?

Which of the following is true regarding the Welfare Reform Act and women convicted of a felony drug offense?

What is a gendered crime?

Gender based crimes are those crimes committed against persons, whether male or female, because of their sex and/or socially constructed gender roles. Gender-based crimes are not always manifested as a form of sexual violence.

Which of the following is said to be one of the greatest contributions of feminist criminology?

The Intersection of Victimization and Offending One of the greatest contributions of feminist criminology is the acknowledgment of the relationship between victimiza- tion and offending. Research has consistently illustrated that a history of victimization of women is a common factor for many women offenders.

When it comes to homicide which gender pattern is most common quizlet?

Males are more likely to be repeat offenders, to have longer criminal careers and to commit more serious crimes. For example, men are about 15 times more likely to be convicted of homicide.

Which Victimologist was known for being the first to identify categories of individuals who were prone to becoming crime victims?

In fact, Benjamin Mendelsohn first used it in 1947 to describe the scientific study of crime victims. Victimology is often considered a subfield of criminology, and the two fields do share much in common.


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